Newspaper Page Text
iwlj Hl(|)U?tf4
* VMMIV*. ua. ■
JOHN II. MARTI*, ■ . . EdTut.
dw*0 al'MimPTlOA BKl'kfVkto UXLtoai
run rn* IX AitVAACK.
Mb. Ohahle, U. Uabxham in tbs Agent
for the E>Atmn-iin for Itoeoogee Bud
KubwU cooatioo. He is authorized to
Aoliolt adtertliing end subscriptions, end
to receipt for tbe seme. We ootmnend
him as a gentleman in every way worthy
of confidence.
Tint Democrats of Sumter county here
Doniinsted T. M. Furlew and W. it. Stew
art for Representatives. Delegates to the
Congressional Convention in favor of
Oen. Cook were chosen.
The Galveston \me asserts that though
there are three limes as many whites as
blacks in Texas, and therefore the white
men have no reason to fear that they will
ever be in a minority Texas does not
enoonrage the immigration of negroes
from other States. It says that there are
more of them in Texas now than can be
induoed to work, and that tbe counties iu
the S ate which have the moot of them
are decidedly the worst off.
Babtow county gavo General Young a
rousing vote tor a renomination tor Con
gress. After about a thousand votes had
been polled, all for Young, the county was
declared to be unanimously for him. But
tbe result of the bsl otinga in the District
Convention is still considered very doubt
ful. According to the oount of politicians,
the delegations are nearly equally divided
between Young, Trammell and Waddell,
with a few scattering for Prlutupaad
Bora political parties in New York srern
to be in a quandary about their nomiua.
tions for Governor. It is not denied ihst
Governor Dix has mads an exoeptionaMy
good officer, but he baa not lioen tUdioal
enough for many of tbe Republicans, nor
yet conservative enough for tbe Demo
crats. It is said that Judge Robertson
has now the best prospect of securing
the Radical nomination for Governor,
but as it is some time yet before tho nom
ination will be m>do, perhaps tbe politi
cal results iu other Stales may influ
ence the Republicans to run
the man least objectionable to
their opponents, even though he may not
be as good a party man an they desire
The Democrats would no donbt run Hon.
8. E. Church if be was not now in an im
portant position, which they might lose
by ruunlug him for Goveruor. He is a
Judge of the Supreme Court, and Gov.
Dix would have the temporary appoint
ment if be should resign. Under these
oircumataucer, Samuel J. Tilden, of New
York city, in strongly supported for the
Democratic nominaiion. It is said that
the Liberal Republicans will probably ruu
Henry B Belden. We caunot sec sny
evideuee of the oorrectuess of tho World's
bar position with Georgia in the
front rank of thp Southern States
that hsve extrioated themselves from the
meshes of Radicalism thrown around
tbem hi tbs pawtess%f “twconslrucficn.”
She ha% it is Woe, a Radical Governor
yet, bnt*lf he eats hltiaoif Up ia defiance
of the authority of the people end the
conetitntionel powers of the Legislature,
the fete of Holden will be his. Hba is
even ahead of Georgia, as yet, in her near
approach to nuan<mity in tbe pofitiaa!
'character of her Congressmen elect, bnt
we trnat that Georgia will he even with her
inthle respeet befoin the aaxt CoigMst
meets! v -a ■ .j otrivt I v
With two able and true Democratic
Senators in Congress, seven out of eight
Repreaentativis to the seme body Demo
cratic, a Legislature Democratic in both
branches by more than two.'htftis majori
ties, and a Judiciary in aooord with the
penple and their rights, North Carolina
is now in s position to make steady pro-
grass In the toad to recuperation and re-
‘ prosperity.
While we are opposed bitterly to f^Au#ff iff Stott Sn^ffOlffa CMTt ffr
Hon. Riaherd Basteed has replied to
the Montgomery Advertiser; On the sab.
jeot of his oonduct in the ladiea' oar last
w« k. He raakea s labored attempt to
throw the blame npon the whites in tbs
car, Mt Waldo pot set list Bis owa state
ment helps his case much. He says that
tha nSgfST ordered ont of tfe car was his
own servant Bat If b« bad no right to
remain in the oar after the conductor had
ordered him out, the fact that he was the
sertout of Jufgs But toed could not
have given him the right. Judge
Busteed says that one of the whits
men bad struck the negro. This is not
donied by Iks first report, which
add that tho wlptq man struck him with
Ilia fist for insolent language. Busteed
says that Ac then instautly grappled with
the gentleman; tHflt the latter turned
up< n hut, unit h« (Bnsteed) then drew
bis pistol. He doee not aey that the gen-
ileuisu who eonftunted him, or sny other
white men in the car, drew u pie tel ox eay
other weapon. On the Contrary, he says
that nearly all the persons in tbe oar were
white Repu'diosns. The other accounts
»»y that these white Republicans
condemned the oonduct of Rns.
toed and his negro—not that
of tha oouductor and tha gentleman
npon whom Busteed drew tbe pistol,
Busteed admits that when the negro was
persuaded to leave the oar he followed
him into the forward one—ha says to as
certain whether his servant was badly
hull. He further admits that ho was im
mediately followed, on his return into tho
white car, by a crowd of negroes—some
twenty he *syi — and doss not de
ny the statement that they came
armed aud threatening; hut he
►ays that Ac induced them to return
to their own car. Utrein ia the
only substantial disagreement wbioh
we And hstveea bis st.Muont and that
of tho other party. They ssy that the
other white llepub ioans persuaded the
evidence of the oorrectuess of tho World', * rnled Ue « r '^* *® M,l “- Ho declares hi«
prognostication that the Radicals would “'““‘‘f ‘ 1 *PP«»>the law-meaning,
run ex-Oovamor Fenton, Liberal. uo doubt, tho Ku Klux law.
—Here wo ftud, •ccorriiug to hi* own id-
Tha Savannah Adverllaar hcpahll- mtaaion, that a tec
Wa learn that this old and well-known
Georgia jouruvl will be re-lssued on or
about the BJih inst., under the au-pices
of a strong combination. Col. Albert
Lamar will have-editorial eontrol of the
paper, and although temporary embarraas-
m nts have existed, the future of the
Advertiser-Republican is now more prom
ising than ever. Persons who hsvs paid
In advance will be tally protected by the
new management, who propose to carry
oat all old subscriptions,
We mske the followiug extract from s
letter received by s gentlemen of Girard,
Ale , from s relative of his who has ra-
osntly visited Veneiuela, South America.
It corresponds with other aooouuta from
that oountry, and is no doubt entirely
correct as far as it goos. But none of tbe
disadvantages of the oonutry, ex -ept Ita
unsettled polit eat condition, are uien.
tinned. Among these are the lgnoranoo
of the people end their laok of sdvanoe.
meat; the wildness of the oonutry—roads
bsmg almost nnknown ; and tbe greet
labor and difficulty of clearing lauds, as
welt as getting produce to msiket:
“We.l, I hsve been to Vencxuels, end I
assure you it is the most delightful coun
try on tbe globe. The thermometer in
midsummer never shore eighty, end in
midwinter not below sixty degrees. A
lend of perpetual springtime and flowers.
Cotton grows luxuriantly, and only re
quires to be repl.uteJ once in four yesra.
Corn, from two to three orops anuu illy,
end sugar cane almost perpeiuil, to say
nothing of the coffee, wbioh lasts and
yields always aud requires but little labor.
“No wonder that the natives are indo
lent and ltxy. Nature seems to hsve pro
vided them tho means of living with such
lavish hand that they hsve only to gsther
the fruits and catoh the flahes, aud est
and Bleep. Weie it not for the frequent
revolutions iu that beautiful eouutry, I
should certainly take my family there and
make it my future home."
The telegraphic repo ta of tbe signal
Democratic aucceaa iu the North Carolina
eleotiun are fully confirmed by the mail
accounta. The -Cougressmen eleot are
Messrs. Ashe,Davis, Uobbme,Scalea, Vance.
Waddell and Yeates, Democrats, aud John
Hyrnau, negro Radical. Alt of these
were elected by majorities so decided as
to leave no room for conte-t. Tbe only
State officer elected was a Superintendent
of Publio Instruo.ion—a very important
office—and the majority for Mr. Pool, tbe
Democratic oaudiOate for this position,
is not lees than fifteen thousand. Tbe
Legislature ia overwhelmingly Democrat
ic—tha majorities beingfnlly two-tbirds in
tha tienate and greatly mors than two-
thirds in the House. Import at as tbeaa
results are, those of the judicial elections
are probably even more so to the people
of North Carolina, for nothing own be
more important than tho proper adminis
tration of justice and tha impartail axe-
oution of law. This has been secured by
tha election of able and conservative
Jadgaa for long terms.
North laroiiua has tho*
mtaaion, that i I'cdersl Jadga was tho
first man, and the only white man, to
draw s pistol in s quarrel originating in
the refusal of a passenger to take the osr
sssigued to him by the conductor of the
trsiu. The inquiry is suggested, does
Judge Buatseil always earry a pistol in his
tiooktt whan h* travels in a railroad car ?
Were the negroes who followed him into
tho osr armed only for the occasion, or
did it just happen that they and Bustsed
had so many pistols, while the whiles had
or showed none ? The eircumstanoes look
very muoh like a premeditated row, and
wo believe that even Pie whits Republi-
cans present will admit that they regarded
It as such a demonstration.
Busteed—iu New York ibey used to call
him “Diok”—is a remarkable fellow. He
was cover distinguished for plnek or hon
esty, even wheu he ran with “Cap liyn-
ders" and the b'hoys In Gotham, with
patches on the sole of his pants, neoeasi-
lated by his habit of sittiug on A e-plugs
during the freezing time. Diok is now a
judge, aud ho raakos aa good a Judge as
hia old frioud Billy Wilsou did a soldier.
Dick has to answer charges of impeach
ment, and at tha same time to
run fur Congress ; and he imagines
that tbe only way he can avoid
tho one and gain the other, Is by mak
ing himaolf a martyr under tbe ghostly
shadow of the Civil Rights bill. Hia re-
oeut exploit ie aa diagu-tiug aa it is futile,
for every good man, black and white,
must de-piac him for his attempt to win
approbation by takiug eolored men into a
car, from wbioh, by their own choice aa
well as by tbs rules ol tha company, they
were excluded.
Just here we are reminded of the fact,
that at this time the “nigger,” as fhe
black man is inelegantly failed by those
who speak of him iu the South, ia made
'he aulijeot of many of our news items.
And we cannot help thinking that while
he is tho tool of the Republicans
he ia made at tho same lime the soaps
goat of the Demoorata. By-the-way, v>
should say Radicals andCoppcrheads, tho
first term is popular South, the latter up
North. Now, we claim no sympathy with
either of those parties, and If Heaven an-
snored our prayers, the obituary of both
would boou bo written; bnt wa
think it strange that tbe “nigger" should
show such an annual predilection for
crime just before each election. Onr
fricud Barr, iu Washington, gives us an
abuudauceof ••uigger" items at this time,
aud we are fairly startled at the murders,
rapes, robberies and general rascality of the
black mm. We oaaaothalp thinking that
the “nigger" is lied about half the time,
or that he is not so much to blame aa the
telegraph and his foes give him credit
for. We know for ourselves that he ia
ignorant, but it is not his fault. Wa
know ba will lie, bnt so will men with
more intelligence. We know some of
them wilt steal, but aome white man bays
this failing. We understand there i« but
little virtue among them, but tha whites
make but little effort to elevate them. Car-
pet-bagger, scalawag and Boutharn Demo
crat—all alike—have made the poor igao.
rant ox slave their tool, and wo marvel
that they hava remained aa good aa they
the ao-oalled Civil Rights bill, wo are
strongly in favor of protecting, elevating,
educating and aiding the “nigger.” We
cmaot forget—nor should one ftontbern
man with a spark of tamnory—that there
was never a more faithful not of people
to their masters than were tbe blacks
during the war. Some may say it
was fear that made them so.
Bnt there are eoldiers, like Judge
Crawford, in this city who will
deny tbe charge and say that in their ex
perience it was fidelity. The Southern
people should feal grateful to this race,
and the majority of them do It ia only
the blatant demagogues who are daily
crying out against the “nigger.” We
should try to elevate this people. Even
now without them the South would be
the most destitute oount ty in the world.
They have gone over to men who, in
many eases, roko them tools, sod we
feel confident that even now their old mas
ters and friends can win them for tbe
common good, by pointing out a natty of
interest, and showing the black men that
tha sueeem of depends largely
on their hone.ty and their integrity.
Who ever hoard tall of Tap Walls? Not
one in tan of our readers. Bnt we will
tell them that Tap is a spinner in the
Mnscogee mills, and one of those brave
fellows who always feel plncky when they
have a pistol in their belt, and who
make it a point, like tbe oowardly
creatures that they are, never to
move without one. Last Saturday
night Tap got booxy. Man who carry
pisto'a are apt to indulge in the ardent.
He went to Marshall. He felt safe in go
ing into Alabama «hen be was armed.
Over there he mot a man named Bob
Shavers—a good, steady'man—but Tap
felt that Shavers had insultsd him.
So Tap. like a brave fellow, palled
oat his little pistol, placed it to
Bob's breast, pulled the trigger and fired.
Of course, the pistol didn't miss fire ; so
Bob Shavers lies badly wounded in his
bed, and Tap has left with bis pistol.
The orime was committed in Alabama,
and Tap was an idiot to run away | for
even bad he murdered Bob Shavers,
he oould, Uko other murderers, have re
mained with the certainty of beingeleared,
as other murderers have before him. But
Tap has gone and Bob is very siek,
and if Bob ever gets justice after he ia
able to teetify, he must shoot Tap in the
very same way, nnleas, indeed, Appleby
aud Strangs should be defeated in that
Slate of marvellous justice. 0.
The following address to the negroes
was found posted, in roannsoript,. in a
conapiououa place in Girard, yesterday
morning. We copy it verbatim. We
were at first very hopeful that it was only
a hoax (though a reprehensible one)
played off by some thoughtless white per
son to get up a sensation. But we learn
that thoae better acquainted with tbe talk
und oanduot of the negroae than wa are
regard it more seriously. Whatever may
have been the spirit that actuated it, we
hsve thought best to give it publicity, so
as to pat peoplo on their watch and
With the oiroumstanoes of tho first
shooting easo referred to, we are not fa
miliar. We have only beard that Mr.
Forsyth and the negro had a difficulty,
and Mr. F. shot him, inflicting only a
trifling wound. Of coarse, if Mr. F. wee
in the wrong, the negro has his redress in
a oourt of law, and has only to proceed in
the proper manner.
We are better informed as to the charge
against Henry Murray. Henry is one of
the very beet colored men in the county—
honest, intelligent, industriona and thrif
ty. He soon saw that he could make
polking farming unless he pat a
atop to the depredations committed
on his Holds, and on two occasions he had
to shoot freeduieu in hia corn field. The
Bret time he only wounded a negro who
had gathered a bag of oorn. The next
time, without intending so fatal a result,
he shot with a pistol, at long range, at a
negro running through bis field, and killed
him. Bnt ibis oase was fatly investigated
by the grand jury of Russell county, and
that body properly refused to find a true
bill. So he stands fatly acquitted by tAc
lair, and every one who wiebes to main
tain the right of every man to protect
himself from trespass and robbery acqui
esces in the action of the grand Jury,
though many may regret that the shot
proved fatal.
We have only to add that the negroes
will bring trouble npon themselves by
any attempt to carry out the threats of
this placard. The law bos justified Hen
ry Murray, and the friends of law and
order will protect him. Ae to the threats
against “the whites" any demonstration
of the kind intimated would bring down
upon tho heads of tbe perpetrators a ret-
ribntlon so signal aa to put so end forev
er to all undertakings of the kind.
The following ia the posted notice:
Fellow Citizen, of Girard—
We are colored people, and we do not
like it about this Bob Syph shooting a
black man on the tilth inst. and no'hing
done about it, and oan't hear of nothing
to be done with him. There ia Henry
Murray is done the same crime here not
long ago, aud was nothing done about it,
and wo are much interesting about it,
and we want to give Air. Murray a good
understanding that be is not safe of that
as be thiuka, and we are not ready for
him yet, but when we come we wdl come
for himlor his head. He ia not yet clear of
hit ease, and if many more cases like that
happen and not executed, this place wilt
be in trouble. The white folks have been
cutting up their shines long enough, and
we are not a-goug to take it no longer.
I will be damn if I will.
Iff II. I. District Ceiirt.
I F Uaansal will famish Ati-trsetv snd
I will am** stir cares fur a mull c an
paa all a. In toms es at tha fas will nui ax.
< aa-i taa axpaare of a visit tvt a o.pireL
wl I alto pra aat or arena aupilc.tluiia
J a Owa Krasina.
r. Chalybeate Springs
For Sile.
with • air acre ground, on 8om- fflPg
n»* villa rood, within ten min te ’ waU JSftsA.
of the city. Location pleasant. Water
WUi be sold At a bargain. Apply t
On Oglethoroe St., or on ti.e Drew.sea.
jwfii m
White Girl Wanted.
Meriwether County, Ga,
To -ueh a one a good home will be affirda
nod tern ooable wages given.
A ply at
aumw at
Sealed Proposals
r Hull
the 80 h inst., to re all t the Bridge
Gr**« on the Cms-ta road (known an ..
ett’«). The plan and specification* can he
teen at tha Ordinary's office. The Commit,
tlonart reserve the right to reject any or all
bid a.
By order of the Board of Oomralnslonara.
F M. BROOKS, Ordinary
New Goods!
BAGE, and a fine lot of
of tho following brand*:
Gravely'* Belle of Mississippi,
Royal “A.” Sam TlubeiC* Twist,
llwart Fear, and
IflObM Pranad Twist.
Eureka Durham. Duka'* D rhum, Lone Jack,
Dog Tall, and Zephvr Puff.
ILY GROCERIES oonatantly on hand.
Dell.or tree of drayage In elty and vfolnlty.
aug 1* It G. W. BROWN.
Female College,
Tha Thlrty-Swanth Annual Saision
■•Rina Oot. 8th, 1874.
T HE Fatuity la full, const ting of a Presi
dent and four Professor*, amply au a tod
by levaral Indies or largo experience and well
known ability aa toaehor*. The rates of
tuition have been largely reduced.
For oirculara containing full Imformatlon,
addreaa the Prealdent, or
Prominent Incidents
Thj# Oatabratafi Watering Mae* la
Now Orr.y roe ten Rseamen ov Vistvoa*.
. logs are too well kaown to need coni'
nd-ttion or enimeratiou here. Suffice It to say
that they have been thoroughly overhauled, and
- Price# to suit the Mae*. Liberal Arrange*
it Hade with (halite*.
ana Torpidity 01 u.e Diver, anu renei in a ra< ■
Anxiously sought After. If the Liver Is Regulate 1
in it* action, health is almott Invariably secured
Want of action in tbe Liver osusea ifeadacht,
Constipation, Jaundice, Pain in the Shoulders,
Gough, Chills bittiness, Sour Stomach, Had Taste
In the Mouth, Bilious Attack*, Palpitation of th<
Heart, Depression of Spirits, or the Bines, and
angl 2w
W arm
I 'IIIB FAVOEITK RK80KT to sow otura for
I visiters. The best fare and the finest
Bribing on the continent.
Apply for quarters to
Savannah, Ca.
« |A WILL bo kept open this sumaor In 1
nj well kuown
e of those viilMng Bavs
b ansuranee given that eve-
t * * *
.... - I
traiitH and steamers.
nitty‘27—<14 w4m Proprietors.
History of Columbus
From Hz Firtt Settlement in 1827, to the
Wilson Raid, in I860, compiled by JuUN
H. Martin.
The undersigned proposes to publish ia a
volume of 150 or more pages, a work under
the above title, covering the period from the
selection of the locality for a “ trading town,”
in 1827, to the capture and partial destruction
of the city by the Wilton Raid, in 1805,
The incidents will be derived mainly from it,
newspapers, which will be gleaned for this
purpose with much care. It is believed thut
most of our citizens would liks to have such
incidents in this compact and convenient form,
and will encourage the undertaking to the
extent of the email amount asked for the work
Each chapter will contain ehortbingraphi
cal sketches or notices of the principal citizens
mentioned in if, who have since died. The
volume will also embrace full information
concerning the churches, factories, dx., now
We da not propose ta publish this compila
tion with a view to making money, as the
small price asked for it will show. Rut at
the same time wc do not want to lone money
by its publication, and therefore we wish to
limit the number <rf copies printed to the de-
maml for the work. With this object in view,
we issue this prospectus, inviting those who
desire copies of the volume to send in their
The price will be one dollar per copy for
a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper
like the specimen sheet issued. A small
number of copies will also be issued on a su
perior article of paper for $1 30 per copy.
Payable when the work it delivered, which
will be some time next Fall.
May 12. 1874.
Rankin House,
Colnmbns, Ga.
J. W. RYAN, Prop'r.
Fbank (touim, Glerk.
Ruby Restaurant,
Bar and Billiard 8aloon,
Umdeb thx Rankin Hocax.
mrii .lAwtf J. W. RV AH, Pvwp’r.
Kill the Cotton Worms I
Paris Green and Arsenic.
Safe and Paying Business Already
Established, for Sale.
aud country aerohant* would do
wi ll to call, aa I aa deteralaed to reduce my
I irgo and woll selected stock.
W. W. SHARPE A 00.,
Publishers’ Agents,
N<>. 25 Park Row, New York,
Arc authorised to Contract for Ad-
vertlaf ag la our paper.
myli tf
ever bean discovertd.
and being a simple vi ,
Injury in any quantities that It may be taken.
It sot* mildly, effectually,
igetable compound,
lea that It may bo t
Is' harm lees in every way; It haa been uttd for
forty yean, and hundreds of tho good and great
from all parts of the country will vouch for IU
being the purest and best.
SissHi' urn EMULATOR, w Mrdiciie,
I* harmless,
Is ao dr stio violent medUIn*,
Is snre to cure If taken regularly,
Is no int xicating beverage,
Is a faultless family medicine,
fs the choapest medicine in tbe world,
Is given with sa'ety and the happiest results to
tho most delicate infant.
Does not interfere with business,
Does not disarrange the 'system,
fake* the plaoe of Quinine anu Bitters of overy
Contains the simplest and best remedies.
feb*» deodawly
any disorder affecting the stomach, the live'oi
late theso 1m
oun uivDDriuiJo. *iirj act very mildly, yoi
thoroughly restore the functional action of th<
digestive organs aud the int< stlms aud ronovat-
ths whole system. They produce neither nausea,
griping or weakness, and may bo taken at any
time without change of diet or occupation.
Prlee 25c a box. Bold v v ai) druggists.
possesses qualities that do other dye does. Its
effect is Instantaneous, and so natural that it can*
not be detected by the closest observer. It it
_j»le*s aud oasily apt'
timonc the fashionable h
city iu the United States,
very larte
l)ox. Solo
put up only m IU.VE boxes
Sold by Urax.totx.
Established lE 1M1. This old
TRUM So . ».o ecbuvi 1* suusta la ths prwfrtT
a ly be..lthw town of Winchester, ob »
ua*>«rUtfd Mountain, Tennessee.
its annual s«ssi »ns often asm ha on the Mm?
HON DAY IN ? KPTKMBMK Still under .tit?
»nd only President, t. 0 Grays*. L.L. D. 7,
thoroughness and cheapness or education, hi
• xcoiled by aay echo*! ia tha South, tsatia
-rat-xu. -Ul^x^n^raal.^
AUGUST lotto, 1*74.
Locttioo hraltliy. aoral aad nlM
locking thorough. Iifartpllav otrlol. Xocolli
rull., Rtooublo. Tor further loforno
lion, uddreao Bov. O. L. SMITH,
i* Olfo d, lip.
ftr**®’•■■ffUAtol.MtR kwOM LAffltg,
W Nuhvlll... loon , It npprera. OUnao bin
Huonif tbe ediicmtlonal inalltntlooo oftfco ooontn,
In the r. port of tho Commioolonor of Idawlo
•t u Mhlugion, to Otomdo (fin oa tho lat a
•om tor reboot," la the I nltrt otatoo, and tm
io Uko tut ol Somhova oekooU. lor Catalan.
Jv«* Dr. W. B. WABD, ^
<!» . NortuUU, Vmo.
RUSSELLVILLE, KY. Hatollkjr I Bored ChMffl
EN DOWRRIT »44,1111
Bond for a Catalogue.
Address, • l.HdLIR W4GGBNML,
Chairman of tbe Psoslty.
Ten Yesra* Credit, I a tenet only I per eetL
Send for “The Pioneer,”
a haudfturup Illustrated Paper, coataiulnc ths
llomostiad Law. A NK.H M.’MHKK Juat pab>
lished, infilled five to all parta of the world. . O V. DA YIP,
Land Commission, r V. P K. K..
4w• Omaha, Neb.
200 Pianos &nd Organa,
>'i'W and Necoad-llaadt of First-Claae EakMin
■vltl be eobt ut low priues lor c«*k, or <»u Install*
iiients. or for teut, In city or country, during this
onth, by UOKAi Jfi WATkKS 4 SuN, Mo. 411
io i way, tliHU ever before offered ia Naw Yotk.
BPhCl aLTY—Plunos and Oigans to lot aatU tks
ent money pays tbe price of tbe It strumeut. 1|.
Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the 8klb, 8t. An
(bony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boilf.
Tetter, and Balt Kheuin, Scald Hoad, Ringworm
Rheumatism, Pain and Eulargemcut of the Bout -
Female Weakness, Sterility, lencorrhcea u
•VhitoM, Womb Dirteasi's, Dropsy, White 8wclling-
dyphtlis. Kidney and Llv» r Complaint, Merr.uria
taint, and Piles, all proceod from Impure blood.
is the most powerful Blood further known ti
medical eclouce. (t outers Into the circulatioi
ind eradicates every morbific agent; renovate
tho system; produces a beautiful complexion and
causes the body to gain flesh and increase ii
Keep the Blood Healthy
end all will be well. To do*o, nothin* haa eve'
been offered that cao compare with this vnluabl
vegetable extract. P Jce dj.OO n bottle.^Sold bj ,
I Drug*
fsblft deodawly
Class I umber on hand.
Masonio Notice.
LU BIAN LfriUGE No.7, F.mmI
. W 11 bo bald this (Tuea la)) oven
lQir at 7ii 'clock.
By order of W. M.
anglS H ■ Sc ratary.
A R t!
A. M.o i
Notice—Change of Firm.
W l tako this method of informing the trading
public that we have this day associated
with us in business Mr. CHAttLKS II. WATT.
Tho firm namo will not be changed.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 4th, 1874.
In ad iltiou to the above we beg to Inform onr
customers and the public generally that we lotrtnd
to keep every thing in our lino always on hand, in
quant ties to suit auv clast of purchasers, tuukiug
a specialty of PLANTATION HUPPL1K8.
We return our thanks for the liberal patronage ex
tended to us, and guaranteo as good bargains as
any house in the city.
ang5 d«t*w6t WATT A WALK*R.
t'olaabas, Ga. Griffin, Ga.
ro* THX SAL* or
The Champion Self-Acting Engine for cities,
towns, and villages is the most powerful nu-lf-acting
Kugiues in the world. The Stationary for ware*
houses, depute, aaw mills, 4c., superior to all oth
er* Iu existence. The Portable, the last, I ut not
least, should be iu every dwelling, storehouse, gin
house, aud railroad cars.
To Railroad Companies wishiug to supply them*
selves, we are prepared to offer great induct ments.
Persons wishiug any of tiie above articles can be
supplied by addressiug General Agent, Columbus,
or 11 W. Jobnstou, Griffin, Georgia. Je25:tw*w tf
Medical College of Alabauia,
_ Card, Catalogue, Trade-List. Sample, or other
sped ut* ii, also those who visit their customers
and solicit trade by purchases made direct from
•lock, and who travel in any taction, by rail or
itoat. nellittg any clana of goods, are requested to
»end their Uusinos* and Private Address, as be
low, stating class of goods they sell, and by whom
employed; also those who are at present under no
ougag* moot. This matter Is of great Importance
individually to salesmen of .this class, or men so
liciting trade in this manner. It is therefore
lisp'ciHlIy deni red tint this notice may meet tbe
• yoof nil Commercial Traveler* and bal**m*n in
• hi* country and tha
tl.eir attention. Tlioi . r
reqii Ht will ho confldontially treated aud duly
a 'vised of object iu view. Please address, (by
letter only) COOPER ATION,
cure Gej. P. Rowell 4 Co, 41 Park Row,
Jyl2 eodlm Naw York City.
AU goods guaranteed. 45
folly prepared at all hours.
Jal8 deodawly
■ Prescriptions care
106 Broad 8t.
Fresh Drags for Sale.
entire stock at MUCU BELOW COST, to avoid
pens* of ttansportation.
4c., will be sold at a great bargain.
J. I. GRIFFIN, Druggist,
onglf tf KM Br od Hrret.
the middle of Octol
•y course
>ber, at w
which time th Dissect*
MstrlcuUtion fee f 2
Practi al Anatomy io
Graduation fee jo
Th* course closes about the 20th Man h, 1875
For Catalogue or further partku srs, address
augt wtm Dean of the Vacuity.
data, theUeatral Lina of
•at* will laava O du *“ —
DAYS at I oMoak A.
oatvad a tar TAA 4
coal* &« W. JOMNEON, ApLt,
For 8ale.
¥ known property situate oa th* northeast oar-
•er of Oglethorpe and Bridge street*, consisting
of a sis roomed, two-story name baildto*. with
■tore bouse and a aomtwr af other oat-building*,
oa a half acta lot or good lead.
For t rms, apply to Dr. W. T. POOLS, 101 Bread
»tmt, Columbus, or ANDREW WILLI AN*, V> til
PtdNLOa. Jaw wfiu
Cotton Factory.
A. CLEGG & C0„
Columbus, Ca.,
A RK prepared to supply merchants promptly
ami iu a satisfactory manner with the bm
quality of
Cotton Checks,
Ginghams and
oil of Which an io foal oolon, nd of tho totoot
oud tuoat .iijiroTed pattoru-
■ factory corocr of St. Clair oa4 Jackoon
To Rent.
pOR the ensuing year, the dwelling on north
west corner Jackson and 8t. Clair streets, now o>
cnpled by Mrs. Win. 0. Gray.
Apply to WM. a COART,
augl4 tf at Georgia Home Rank,
N. J. BUSSEY, Agent
Cotton Tie Compnny.
Tha trade aupplUd at lff««4t mar
ket rataa.
Pretty Print*.
To Rent.
E Rone year from th* 1st of October next, the
entire second story of building corner uf
d snd Crswlord Streets, (over City Mills office)
containing three very large rooms aud five bn'
rooms, together with second story of kitebe
containing three rooms, and tho cellar under stoi
No. 172. Price 1600 CO. Apply to
W. R. BROWN, or
W. II. 8AUL8,
tng12 tf at No. 172 Broad street.
For Rent.
rjYHB HOUSE, or a portion of it, corner
of Forsyth and Fraukliu streets, uow occu- JBI
pled by the subscriber. Ptmensiou t\r«t October,
or sooner if di sired.
aug8 tf J. A. TYLER.
For Rent.
present occupied by Dr. E. C.
lortable rooms, out-hounoH, giirden, excellent we
of water. Poffsessiou given 1st October next.
Apply to C. K. JOHNSTON, Esq.
r. 8. Hardaway,
uugi tf Agent.
». or Dabilltatad 7
UBEBA, (he wooderfhi
. shii ij sets so beuilctaffr
as to impart Vigor to ail
appetiser, which stlmulaUs
short tia*,Wuly to 1st tbe sufferer fall t* s
depth of nailery, but it is * vexetabls toits
tc’lng directly on ♦!«* liver and eplei
It r*|Cl*tM( the BomcICp qulste tbs
rv« s, ai d fcivc* C U a beaithy tone to ths wkols
ystem as to soon tjbako the invalid feel like s
ltc operation In not vhlsil, but is
hnt-actensed bj s>vat gentn Uess; tbe patient ex-
jifriencf a no sudden oliauge, no marked results,
but gradually his troubles
“Fold their teat*, hae the Arabs,
Aud silently steal away."
This is no new and untried discovery, but has
een lotig n-ed with wonderful remedial results,
ud is pr<*n< UDcod by the high -st medical sutkorl-
i s> ' the most powerful tonic aa alMWhs
Ai>k your druggist for it.
For sale by WM. F. KIDDER 4 00.,
•VI U New York.
The ait of Courting with
tks Handkerchief, Fan.
. is the gayest thing out,
of 20 p4ge*. The Language
•f Flowers is romethlcg new7 Bend lor one. self
2t c nts. J. BRIDE 4 CO. Box 211, frankiort,
augt 1«
'I hese ire French Flirtation Cards, and tell h*
’•ry nobby l
BRIDE 4 do., Bog 111 Frankfort,
Mai la
New Tori Eiittini Mat &l’i
Astesulic f»3; Kiittiig ImUm.
For Sale or Rent.
r K RESIDENCE second door south of Bt
Paul’s Church, at present occupbd by Mr.
Peyton. With a week's notice, possession will be
given 15th August. Partie# desirous of renting
can secure a h<
October 1st, 1F76. Apply to
JySO dlawtf
from August !6th proximo to
oourts, or different States, for ieMrtlon, 4c.
Vo publicity required. No charge until divorce
granted. Address,
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
dswly 1M Broadway, V. Y.
, cheap Fxuttf
and i»erfo«tln<
have aimed St
assert that
.paenu ty will be aids t#
ho Knitting Machltie with letter eneeese
than a Sewing Machine. Onr Machine Is uo* Ha
de to get out of order. It can be attached te aa
ordinary table and worked by a child. Full In
structions accompany each Machine. FamlH**
may club together and buy one Machine, ae on#
will do the knitting for a doxeu boustho ds.
Reud forClrcnlar* and Price List.
»hecelebrated Bickford Knitting 1
Few Yerk Ksittisg EscMm Ce^
MB Broadway, New York.
Important to Farmers.
1. T, J. BTBVBHa to wall toon to
Tlaatoi. .f-ltocagfaaaa Atobatoa a. oa. «
redAitto.' ajB-toBIOUM 1 -
j.rawr b. kto workrt to bto
ctlo.: aa4,.. to praanto to took* •
ft um., pl.ot.ra uMUag Ola rw«JJ
In bum, aid tutotlM. -wora dot. to t«M* daw."
toll dartf