Newspaper Page Text
The Appointment of Hon. Jacob L. Beach Gives to the State of Georgia a Faithful and Efficient Public Servant.
The Popular South Georgian Ap
pointed On the Prison
Mr. Beach Was Not a Candidate, But Was
Named Anyhow—Editor Glessner
Gets the Clerkship.
Atlanta, Deo. 21.—The first peniten
tiary commission and board of par
dons of Georgia was named by Gov
ernor Atkinson today. It is composed
>of the following members :
J. 8. Turner.
Jacob L. Beach.
Clement A. Evaus.
The governor also signed the new
•convict bill, and, by this act, the
moasure becomes a law.
The new commissioners held a meet
ing immediately after their appoint
ment this morning. They made the
following elections:
Douglass Glessner. of Griffin, secre
tary of the commission.
Jake Moore, of Rome, inspector of
the penitentiary .
The appointment of Messrs. Turner
and Beach was not a surprise, but that
of General Evans was. Judge Tur
ner’s appointment was conceded from
the first, and that of Jake Beach was
believed to be certain, although Mr.
Beaoh came out in an interview this
morning to the effeot that he did nut
ioare to be considered as a candidate.
The governor, however, wanted Beach
>on tha board, and he got the place,
iregardless of his own protest.
General Evans had not been prom
inently mentioned for an appoint
ment, His ohoice was the subject of
much pnblio approbaTion today.
The people of Brunswick read in
yesterday’s Constitution an interview
with Hon. Jacob L. Beach, in which
be disclaimed that be was a can
didate. From this they judged that
he would not be appointed. The news
conveyed by Thk Times this morning
will be a pleasant surprise to Mr.
Beach’s many friends. That he will
fill the place most acceptably is by all
admitted. It was stated last night
that Mr. Beach, for certain reasons
would not aocept the place, but the
fact that he participated in the meet
ing of the board, proves the statement
erroneous. Mr. Beach will probably
remove to Atlanta, resigning his pres
ent position as dark of the superior
court, will necessitate another election
here within the next thirty days. It
is believed that Deputy Clerk Jobn'C.
Lehman will be a candidate for the
place, and, it is rumored tbat Mr. 11.
F. dußignon will tppose him. Mr.
Beach will return to Brunswick
Thursday, and will receive the con
gratulations of his friends.
Fora Xmas present a bisket of
Huyler’s is the proper thing. W. J.
Butts, the druggist.
Pretty gold and silver watches and
diamond jewelry, in large assortment,
at Ivennou Mott’s, the jeweler.
Actor Buried.
London, Dec. 21, —The funeral of
William Terries, the actor who was
stabbed to death Thursday outside the
Adelpbi theatre by a "super” named
Prince, took place today at Bromp'on
cemetery. There was an immense
crowd of people present.
Salon Palmer’s perfumes and
sachets. W. J. Butts, the druggist.
A piece of cut glass will make a
good present. Ken non Mott, the
jeweler, lias a large stock on hand.
A Polish Farmer With a Roll of Confederate
Chicago, Dec 21. —John Moozsrzuv,
a Polish farmer, was arrestr# by the
stockyard’s police will) J2lO iD confed
erate money in his possession. H*
had attempted to pass the money on
Frank Bugeaschky, a barkeeper.
Moczerzuv oould not speak English
aud evidently was much surprised at
the treatment he received at the bands
of the police. He could not tell wham
he got the money, and did not appear
to know that It was not good. The police
believe the man received the money
from persons who have been putting
it into circulation in the district.
Tobacco pouches, match safes, cigar
and cigarette cases in endless variety,
very cheap, at Isidor Mayer’s.
Will Work for Him.
Blakely, Ga , Deo. 21.—Judge H. C.
Sheffield came over from Arlington
last night, and this morning resen
tenced C. C. Luby, the wife mur
derer, to be hanged on January 28tb,
1898. Luby’sease was reviewed re
cently by the supreme court and the
decision of the lower court was af
firmed. An effort will be made to
have the pardon board commute his
sentence to life imprisonment.
Sterling silver novelties, of all
kinds, at Sennon Mott’s, the jeweler.
Ladies—lf you are in a worry what
to buy your husband, father or brother
for a Christmas present go to Isidor
Mayer’s, and you cau be easily sat
War With Moonshiners.
Woodstock, Ga., Dec. 21.—The rev
enue officers have been tearing up
many blockade st ills in this county
for the last few days, and yet it is esti
mated that there are more than fifty
now running in tins oounty. The
officers are expecting trouble, as they
have received some threatening let
ters from moonshiners. A battle be
tween the officers and the moonshiners
was narrowly averted last night.
For the best nickel cigar in town
without any exceptions go to Isidor
Fire in Camilla.
Camilla, Ga., Dec, 21.—The residence
of Mr. J. G. Tharpe, which is about
two miles from here, was destroyed
by fire last night. The cause of the
fire is presumed to have been a defect
ive flue m the k.tehen. This [destruc
tion means a loss of about $1,500 to
the owner, part of which is covered
by insurance.
Xmas packages Huyler’s candies.
W. J. Butts, the druggist.
Iron to Japan.
Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 21 —After a
number of trials of Alabama pig iron
by Japanese iron dealers a consign
raent of 5,000 tons of the Alabama pro
duct has been shipped to Kobe and
Yokohama from Penstfffbla. The Ala
bama iron is $1 a ton cheaper at the
furnaces than English iron ie, and the
freight charges from England are
practically the same as,. from the
southern ports.
Full line of Salon Palmer's and
Lazett’s perfumes for W.
J. Butts, the druggist.
Gave Himself Up-
Norcross, Ga., Dec. 21.—Aiex Donal
son, who shot and killed his father-in
law, Ad Brooks, near Norcross, last
September, and escaped, returned and
demanded a preliminary hearing be
fore Justice Haynie today, claiming
self-defense. Donalaon was sent to
Iluyler’s candies in fancy packages
for the holidays. W. J. Butts, the
Store Burglarized .
Conyers, Ga., Deo. 21. —The store of
theAlmand Hardware company was
burglarized last night. A number of
pistole, razors and a small amount of
change was taken.
A sterling silver bracelet for baby or
a gold ring is just.the thing fora
Christina* present. Call and see Hum
at Kennoh Mott’s,the jeweler.
Daughter of Ex-Secretary Herbert
Jumps From a
The Young Lady Was a Member of the Cleve
land Family Cirele—She Had
Fallen From Her Horse.
Washington, Doc. 21. —Miss Leila
Herbert, daughter of ex-Secretary of
the Navy Herbert, dipd at the family
residenoe here today . She was a pret
ty woman of the blonde type and a
great favorite in society during the
Cleveland administration. She was
one of the cabinet, circle, presiding
over the home of her father, who is a
The cause of Miss Ilerbet’s death
was a fall from the third-story win
dow of her residence on New Hamp
shire avenue this morning. The fall
is believed to have been accidental,
while some claim that she threw her
self out with suicidal intent. The fall
completely severed her spinal column
and she died in a few minutes.
This afternoon the following au
thorized statement was made by a
gentleman familiar with all the facts
of the suicide : Miss Herbert, at time
of the occurrence, was suffering from
acute melancholia . It developed sev
eral weeks ago as a final result of in
juries received by being thrown from
her horse last spring. No suicidal
tendency developed, however, until
yesterday, when, for the first time,
Miss Herbert made an attempt to get
out of the window, but wa6 restrained
by her nurse. This lead to addition
al caution and two nurses alternated
in constant watchfulness of the pa
tient. She was at all times rational,
quiet, gentle and it was supposed the
disease would yield to treatment. The
nureeon duty this morning noticed s
small spot of blood on the bad cover
ing. She inquired what it meant, but
the invalid endeavored to pass it by
On making an investigation, how
ever, the nurse found that the bed
clothes were saturated with blood ar and
that Miss Herbert had severed an ar-
tery on her wrist. Feeling that the
emergency was great, the nurse
hastened to the door and called an
alarm . In this momentary withdrawal
from the bedside Miss Herbert leaped
out and sprang from the window. The
plunge was headforemost, so ihs
alighted on her head on the asphalt
Fine mixed candy for Christmas
trade at 10 cents per pound. All kinds
of nuts, raisins, figs, prunes, etc., at
lowest prices. A. C. Jeffers, 208 Monk
Cruiser Follows.
London, Dtc. 21.—A special dispatch
from Brest says the French cruiser
Jean Bart has been ordered to proceed
immediately to China. The Jean Bart
is rated as a second olaos cruiser. She
mounts four 6.2 inch quick fire guns,
six 5 5 guns. 14 2.5 inch guns, and has
nine guns of smaller calibre. The
crew numbers 332 men.
The finest imported and domestic
cigars cheaper than anywhere by the
bjx at Isidor Mayer’s.
Safe in Nicaragua-
New York, Dec. 21 .-A dispatch
from Greytown, Nicaragua, announ
ces the safe arrival at that port of the
United States gunboat Newport, with
the members of the Nioaraguan canal
commission on board. All the mem
bers of the party are well and reported
the voyage pleasant aud enjoyable.
Be sure and ask for your tickets in
our grand free drawing. Keunoii
Mott, the jeweler.
The American Warship Target For
Hostile Guns at
Now All is Settled—The Offenders Cast Into
Prison—Officers’ Gig Was Fired
On Also.
Constantinople, Deo. 21. —It appears
that when the U. S. 8. Bancroft ar
rived at Smyrna on the night of De
cember 4, she was greeted with blank
cannon shot and rilled bullets from
Fort Yenikale. A boat from the war
ship sent shoreward to ask for ex
planations was fired upon and com
pelled to return. Thereupon the
American admiral lodged a protest
with the United States minister here,
James B. Angel!, and demanded pun
ishment of the guilty parties and an
apology from the Turkish government,
which was given Sunday last. In ad
dition the Turkish officers were dis
missed and sentenced to (wo weeks’
Toe navy deparmient at Washing
ton received news today that the U.
S. S Bancroft had been fired on at
Smyrna,but i h cable message is much
briefer and less newsy than theJAsso
ciated Press dispatch.
If you want the best fruit cake that
you have ever made, buy your citron,
currants and seeded raisins from A.C.
Jeffers, 208 Monk street.
No Case.
London, Dec . 21.—Jimmy Barry, the
Chicago bantamweight champion, and
others, arrested in connection with
the fight at the National Sporting
club December 6 last, which resulted
in the death of Crook, Barry’s antag
onist, are released from custody, the
public prosecutor refusing to take up
the case.
Salon Palmer's sachets and per
fumes. VV. J. Butts, the druggist.
Prinoess Is Dead.
Berlin, Dec. 21. —Prinoess Ilohen
lobe, wife of the imperial chancellor,
is dead. Princess Ilohenlohe, who
was born February 16,1821!, was form
erly Princess Mario von Sayn Witt
genstein Berleburg. She was married
February 16, 1847, to Prince von
Hohenlohe Furst.
You will find a few more
boxes fine Florida oranges
at Busbee’s, 405 Monk St.
Call early and get you a
box for Christmas prices.
Reasonable for such fruit.
Also fine apples and other
things for Christmas and
Christmas holidays.
Bark Lost.
Auckland, N.Dec . 21 —The Brit
ish bark Blairlogie, Capt. Mackey,
from Delegoa bay for Portland, Ore.,
has been lost with her cargo off. the
island ol Ma’aliiva, belonging to the
Tuamatu group. Members of the crew
have reached Papciti.
Gold-headed canes aud umbrellas at
Kennou Mott’s, the jeweier.
Phoonix Club’s Christmas.
The Phoenix Club will celebrate
Christmas with a bottomless bowl of
punch, an all-night lunch and other
things of more or less interest. The
members are anticipating a pleasant
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take I.axative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25 cents. The genuine
has L. B. Q on eaoh tablet.
Huyler’s candy for \inai W.. 1,
Butts, the druggist.
Savannah’s Competition Settled and Rates
Agreed Upon.
The Savannah Press says: “The
towboat war that has been bitterly
waged in Savannah for a year or mors
liao been settled . Whether it is a per
manent settle merit ot the differences
bet teen the conflicting interests or
not remains to be seen. The Propeller
Towboat company and the Bristol
Towboat' company are Ihe concerns
that have bean fighting each other for
some time. Under the agreement now
in force they will each be just as active
for business as ever, but it will not be
taken at suoh ruinous rates as it has
been. The new order of things has
been in vogue for s verul days and it
seems to be working well for both
“The rates agreed upon for outward
tonuage are 15c. per ton for foreign
vessels and 100 per ton for ooaetwiae
vessels. This is an advance over the
cut rate, which was practically any
thing the towboat company catching
the vessel could get, but it is not quite
as high as the old rate, before the op
position company began doing busi
ness. There is no agreement as to the
rate to be oharged incoming vessels.
The captain of the tug sighting the
voseel can make the price for this ser
vice. The agreement provides, how
ever, that the tug first sighting and
speaking a vessel ts not to be interfered
with by tugs of the opposing com
The Brown Drug Cos.
has .just received a ship
ment of Tenney’s peanut
brittle and cocoanut crisp
at 10 cents per package; is
as good as a box of candy
costing one dollar.
Nothing Is Being Done By Thoso Who Want
to Change the Result oftho Election.
Nothing has yet been done of a
definite nature by the contestees of the
recent municipal election in the matter
of their contest. The Good Govern
ment club is maintaining a quiescent
slate, and a rumor that was circulated
yesterday to the effect that the con
test had been withdrawn was neither
affirmed nor denied.
The question of whether the ordin
ary or the judge of the superior court
is by the law direoted to hear the
contest has been settltd in favor of
the ordinary, a recant act of the
legis.'a.makes this provision. The
question that is still open is a* to how
long a term the contestees have in
which to prepare for a hearing.
The rumor that the contest has
been dropped is being generally be
lieved. At any rate, the result is a
matter on which there is a general
agreement of opinion.
Atlanta Compliments.
Solicitor O’Neill, of the city court of
Atlanta, says Editor Stein, of the
Looking Glass, is a liar and a sneak.
Editor Stein pleasantly rejoined that
Solicitor O’Neill was a coward and a
poltroon. Attorney Harvey Johnson
here took part in the conversation and
cheerfully remarked that Editor Stein
was a convict, a liar, a murderer and a
forger. The editor replied to this
“soft impeachment’' to the effect that
Johnson was a liar and a coward
Here ensued a lapse in the conversa
tion, which will probably be resumed
after i he participants have had oppor
tunity to look up several new terms
in the dictionary of denunciation.
Prominent Floridians
Mr. Bion H, Barnett, cashier of the
National Bank of Jacksonville, and
Mr. A. K. Merrill, of the Merrill-Ste
vtns Engineering Cos., reached the
city last night, aud are at the Ogle
thorpe. They are here on an import
ant business mission, which will fur
nish interesting news.
If you want the best fruit cake that
you have ever made, buy your citron,
currants and seeded raisins from A. C.
.telfers, 20S Monk street.
i ~
| District Attorney Will Allow
Mrs. Nack to Plead
Martin Thorn Calmly Awaiting Execution.
Manslaughter in the First
New York, Dec. 21.—While District
Attorney Youngs, of Queens* county,
is non-committal upon the matter, it
is understood he has finally allowed
Mrs. Naok to plead guilty to man
slaughter in the first degree.
It is asserted that the prosecuting
officers have gone over carefully the
evidence against the woman.
They have reached the conclusion
that it would be impossible to eonyiot
her, either of murder in the first de
gree or second degree.
In the meantime Martin Thorn is
calmly awaiting the day of execution
at Sing Sing.
Its Christmas Meeting.
The oity council will bold a regular
meeting on next Thursday night. It
will be the last meeting of the body in
thia year, and considerable interest is
manifested in it on account of this
fact. When the council next assem
bles, it will ba for tiie purpose of dis
missing the old oouncil and organiz
ing the new. Messrs. Butts, Downing
and Krause, of the present board of
aldermen, will retire, and Messrs.
Tupper, liriesenick and Douglas will
take their places for two years of ser
vioe. Alderman Abrams, who has
been reelected, will remiin in his ac
customed chair.
Good Fiold for the Police.
The police could find a good field
for their efforts in the neighborhood
of the revival tent in front of The
Times oflioe. Every night, during tha
services, certain parties make it a
practice to fire large cannon oraokers,
which disturb tha worshippers in tlia
tent. Much complaint has been made
on the subject, and the matter should
he investigated and tlie offenders pun
Onyx, silver and gold-plated lamps,
very tine, at Kennon Mott’s, the
jeweler. _
The Arcade Sold
The sale of the Arcade saloon was
consummated yesterday afternoon, and
it is uow in the piasession of Mr. Ju
lius May. Mr. Douglas will consoli
date all his saloon interests at 1 lie pres
ent stand of Cspt. T. Newman, who
has sold out to Mr, Douglass, Mr.
John Davis, the popular manager of
the Arcade, will probably be trans
ferred to the Metropolitan.
Japs On Jags
A crew of Japanese sailors received
their pay at the custom house yester
day. They signed the receipts in
Japanese, and Charlie Deming’s book
looked like a ben had stepped in ink
and walked across the pages. The
Japs then proceeded to have a good
time, and imbibed freely. A number
of them were In the "Acre” last night,
having a great time.
Big Beer Business
Mr. R. V. Douglas, the agent of the
Acme Brewing company, of Macon,
has received and disposed of, during
the present year, sixty-seven car
loads of beer from bis one douse alone.
Mr. Douglas is a valuable agent for
the Acme, and bis business is constant
ly increasing.
Christmas Trade.
Owing to the rush of holiday busi
ness, all the stores will keep open un
til a late hour this week. The stores
which have special holiday stocks have
employed extra clerks.