Newspaper Page Text
II 111
Artier Harris Cuihtli
Washington Yesterday.
Over Fifty People Have
Been Injured Including
Several Policemen.
Washington, Aug. 16,—Arthur Har
ris, the negro who shot and killed Offi
cer Thorpe In New York, was captured
here by detectives this morning.
New York, Aug. 16. —The race not
herd, caused by the ki ling of Police
Officer Tharpe by a negro, continued all
night and most of t day.
The mob rule reigned from Twenty
third to Twenty-fifth streets and Sixth
to Tenth avenues. Five hundred po
licemen and ambulances of every hospi
tal of the west side were kept busy.
Over fifty are wounded, including five
policemen, and forty were made prison
The riot started afresh th s morning
in spile of seven hundred policemen,
who received additional regular force.
Several persons wee shot. Mob attack
ed Shanley’s restaurant, in which the
negro fled for safety when he shot Offl
car Thorpe.
Thß Shooting Was Caused by
Pittsburg, Aug. 16.—0n Frankstown
avenue, near Penn,] East End, at the
most crowded part of the thoroughfare,
Mrs. Georgia Collins shot and perhaps
mortally wounded Mrs. Viola Stock
well, of No. 19 Second avenue. She
was hit close to the heart. The shoot
ing followed a brief but angry passage
of words. Mrs. Collins submitted to ar
rest. Jealous rage Is responsible.
America and Spain Have Some More
Madrid, Aug. 16.—Marinis Aguilar
Campo, minister of foreign affairs, and
Bellamy Storer, American minister to
Spain, will have a conference tomorrow
regarding two conventions resulting from
the treaty of peace between the two
Manager Newman, of the Southeastern
Fair association, has purchased the liv
ing picture show sold by Offlc- r Leavy
some days ago and will soon give some
excellent exhibitions at the fair grounds.
London, Aug. 16.-It is reported here
that twenty-five thousand Japanese
troops have been ordered to Korea.
Reports Say They Are Now Safe With the Allied
Army Near Pekin.
Che Foo, Aug. 16 The ministers, their wives and children, and
other foreigners in Pekin are safe with the allied army. Information
to this effect received here comes from a Chinese source, but is believ
ed to be reliable. The allied army, according to this information, reach
ed Pekin Monday, entered the city and saved the foreigners Tuesday.
To Meet the Ministers.
London, Aug. 16.—L0 Feng Fu, Chinese minister here, said today
that Chang would shortly leave Tien Tsin to meet the ministers return
ing from Pekin and treat with them for peace.
Enemy Demoralized.
Simla Aug. 16.—Officers commanding the lines of communication
telegraph the following from Liu King Tas, dated August 14: “Gasc
lee fought the third action successfully; is probably now in Pekin. Our
c asualties slight. Enemy demoralized.”
Left Five Hundred Dead.
Berlin, Aug. 16—A dispatch received here from Tien Tsin, dated
August 14, announces that the allies captured Chang Chia Wan with
only slight loss, while the Chinese left five hundred dead on the field.
The remainder fled, some to Tung Chan and some to Pekin.
I DIM ill
Had An Enjoyable Day at
Pat Golden Did the Best
Shooting and won the
Company’s Medal.
The Brunswick R.flemen nnder
command of Oapt. Frank A. Dunn, re
turned from Wsycross last night
where they went for a day’s shoot.
Pal G)!den distinguished himself as a
marksman and is now wearing the
oouipaoy’s medal for the best shot.
The hoys say the Waycross Rifles
and the citizens generally treated
them royally and they hi pe to some
day return the many acts of kind
M.j it Dart accompanied the Rifle
Tbs following proved to be the five
If HD 111 Dl ID IK
But a Number Are Sick and Will Need
Good Nursing.
Washington, Aeg. 16 —The state department issued a bulletin this morning
stating that a c'pber despatch was received from Consul Goodnow, at Shanghai,
late yesterday afternoon, embodying an undated despatch from Minister Conger,
transmitted from Tien Tain on the 15th inst. The tehgram was very brief and
added very little to what is a'ready known. Minister Conger's despatch stated
that with the exception of a baby of Dr. inglis, only seven Americans were dead.
T 1 s message states that a large number are sick. This last infoamation of course
ca sed general delight among our officials, as they had prepared themselves to
heiir of many American deaths.
The cabinet held a long meeting this morning, but nothing was given out.
With the rescue of the allies comes the beginning of the most delicate part of
the work in solving the Chinese question. This country will in no wise depart
from the course adopted at the beginning.
Washington, Aug. 16. —Cabinet called a meeting Ibis morning to consider Chi
nese question in connection with rescue of envoys.
best shots, and will Represent the Ri
flemon at the big shoot in SavanDib:
Pat Golden, Colson Hoyt, R. J. Mat
thews, J. A. Pierson, E. M, Pierson.
The two next best were R. S. Pyles
and Luther Lamb.
English Troops Not to Disembark
at Shanghai.
London, Aug, 16. —A dispatch from
Shanghai says Admiral Seymour r.ceiv
ed instructions through British Consul
Warren that the troops which he ins
tended landing at Shanghai should in
stead pioceed north. This will te done
Friday unless British foreign office
countermands order.
Census Reports From Two Boroughs
Made Public.
Washington, Aug. 16.—Tee census
bureau this morning announced the
population of two boroughs in Greater
New York, and the figures are es fol
Manhattan borough, 1,850,0911; Bronx
borough, 4)0 .507; total two boroughs
Greater New York, 2,050 600,
The friends of Mr, James Creamer,
tbe able stage manager at the Grand
last season, will be glad to hear tha
be will occupy this position again.
Clin Accepts an Armis
tice Projositm
But the American Govern
ment Promptly Turns
It Down.
i.\Y ashington, August 16 —Japan has
proposed an arin'stlee and China has
accepted. The terms arc that the min
isters and forciiruars be placed under
protection of the alliej at the gates of
Pekin, or that the all es be admitted to
Pekin to receive the foreigners. Japan
iscommunica ing with othdr powers.
Washington, Aug, 16.—The state de
partment received an appeal from Li
Hung Chang to have the allied army
stop at Tung How, where it will be
met by Chinese officials empowered’to
negotiate ap armistice.
The United States government wil 1
reject tbe proposal and stand upon the
proposition heretofore announced that
sufficient force of allies must be per
mitted to go to l’ekin and bring away
the foreigners and native converts be
seiged there.
Tokio, Aug. 16.—Semi-official de
spatch from Tung Clio v, dated August
12th, says the Japanese troops occupied
Tung Chow today, and are now ten
miles from Pekin. Chinese seem to
have retreated towaid Pekin. Last
night quantity of enemy's granary with
great stores of rice was eapiured.
London, Aug. 16. —it is reported that
Japanese troops occupied Fung Hsow
ten miles of Pekin on August 12.
Three Persons Dead and Three Are
Chicago, Aug. 16. Three live3 were
sacrificed early this morning as a result
an explosion of natural iras in Thirty*
fourth street, near State street. Three
other persons art supposed to be in the
The dead—Mildred Levi, an artist;
unknown woman from Boston; Sarah,
colored cook.
Missing—Three children of Mr, and
Mrs. Levi.
Repo ted That a Race War Is On at
That Place
A well founded rumor reached the
city last night to the effect that a race
war was in progress in Liberty county
and that two companies of military had
beeu ordered out. As the telegraph of
fice here closes at 11 o'clock there was
no way of communicating with the
scene of the reported trouble.