Newspaper Page Text
•And the Weak are Restored to Full Yijjor
and Strength at the Hands of the Great- '
Mt Healer of Modern Times.
m. m .. Hare too any vain or ache or weakness?
Aro TOU Does your blood show that it contains im-
Sirk? purities? Are you nervous? Do you lack
i snap and activity of mind and body? Are
I "ZSSzZ you easily tired? Have you
_ I lost ambition? Is there any
mi unnatural drain upon the
■ system? Is every organ per*
■ ■! H forming its proper f un c-
S u? l Otlief- Words:
I OSS! :'*; e \u a Perfectly
k : 1/ s.roiu;. Active, \ igor-
I J S. us - l*alU.y,'Happy
■ fcdf&T LL-v y Man or Woman?
I , It not, you should not de
■ ’ lay one day before you con
f su!t a specialist. one to
" . iNw whom tho human body is an
AWC “l*en book and w ho under
stands every phase of woak
“t? 8 a ” d disease and to
y ’ whom ihe proper treatment
toe adding of a colnmn r n Fortrrcr2oyears,DH.J.NEWTON
Tne MtOIRg HATH AW A V has been the leadin'*
Specialist. specialist of thiscountry. Hisprac
tice has been for years larger than
thatof all other specialists combi tied, ills cures-of all
sorts of diseased conditions have been the marvel of
the medical pr< ifession and tho people generally. His
fame has spread into every town and every hamlet
Those afflicted wi thall manner of diseases have sought
his services in order that they might be made whole
consultation and medicine*, who a few month® later
have returned to him in most vigorous health to irive
... n , • him their thanks.
All Diseases Dr. Hathaway treats all diseases,
Cured. tho peculiar to men and those
- . . peculiar to women, as well as
Catarrh, Rhenni attain, Kidney Complaints, Eczema,
and all forma of lingering and chronic disorders
llsslaiuisU V>T - Hathaway's success in the
vanooeeie and treatment of Varicocele and
Stricture. Stricture without the aid of knife
or cautery ie phenomenal. The
patient Is treated by this method at his own home
without pain or loss of time from business. This is
positively the only treatment which cures with out an
operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the particular atten
tion of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to
pages 27*28,29,a0 and 81 of his new book which will be
Vvaiiv flsts sent free on application.
", f, , Every case taken by Dr. Hathaway
Speolalhf te specially treated according to its
A ture,aU under his general personai
■ reaico. supervision, and all remedies used by
him are prepared from the purest and best drugs in
his own laboratories under his personal oversight,
and all from special prescriptions of hlaown.
i A Dr. Hathaway makes no charge for consul-
LOW tatlon or advice, either at his office or by
flFee*. riband when a case is taken the one low
. , fce corere aU cost of medicines and profes
atonal services.
Dr. Hathaway & Cos.,
•5 Bryan Street, n. Savannah, Ga.
Bloodworth &Jones
Hew Livery Stables
New Buggies
Fine Horses
Prompt attention given all
orders. Drayage a spec
Phone 24-3. E St.
Southern Railway Cos.
Oui e of General Agent, Brunswick, (J.
Major Savannah, Washington and New York.
B am # 05 pm
■HCw * ra *®p
For Jacksonville.
Lv Brunswick.... 500 am 825 pm #OS pm
Al Jactponvitle #33 am ;40 pm I#o s>
Foi. Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati
l.v Brunswick (I 40 am 8 05 pm
Ar Macon 115 p m 3 oc sm
Ar Atlanta 3 50 pm 5 20 am
Ar Louisville 7 50 am 7 80 pm
Ar Cincinnati 7 4r, am 7 40 pm
From New York, Washington and Savannah,
Lv New York.... 830 pm 12 15 am
Lv Washington.. 856 pm 11 15 am
Lr Savannah.... 815 pm 620 am 500 om
Ar Brunawlck... 825 pai aOS am 535 pm
From Jacksonville.
I.V Jacksonville 185 pm
Ar Brunswick ... tlipn
From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and
Lv Cincinnati s 30 am * oo pin
Lv Louisville 7 IS am 7 45 pm
Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 05 pm
l.v Macon 1 00 am 2 30 pm
Ar Brunawlck' 7 10 am s 35 pm
Wb*n you want afgood bottle of whis
key, two things should be considered—
quality and price. I carry a full line of
PaulJonea, Fremont and Peerless whis
key, Imported Gin, California .Wines, and
he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars,
Tobacco and Pipes. Call on me when you
need anything in that line.
Monk and Oglethorpe Sts.
fj vl* J after Inverting from s*3
to S9O tor been educated
for position* at B<wr>kßfcee£r. Monographers, Telex*
rapher, and now rectlfe from
pit year. Kentucky! University Diptnu awarded
his graduate*. M
World's r.xposWonlvafiJ refers to thousand
cettful graduates. tbit cheipj-T mnd
most influential CulVthia
out for reference. Read ad vert l. Partic
ulars address ov W. R. Smith. Le*Jnxtli. K y.
Cleanses nd beautifies the halt. 1
Promote a lux uri ant growth. i
Never Falla to Restore Cray j
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Presents PaodnifT and hair falling •
/■Oc. and ■' '♦'at Dm.i.Ks. _j J. Jeffries has announced hi*-
willingness—for the ’steonth lime—to
meet either James J. Corbstt or Robert
Fitzsimmons in the prize ring for any
part or a million dollars—or less. Tt is
broad challenge was carefa'ly held in
check, it mayhtve been noticed, until
the Horton law was out of business,
then it was suddenly flung forth to the
brseze. Before the death of ibis law
Fitzsimmons and Corbett were c imbing
up in the air shouting defiance at the
champion for ail they were worth, but
then the champion cou'dn’t hear them.
Jeffries is a young man who has a
high and reverent idea of the worth of
a dollar, and in justioe to the apparent
1 ct of courage which kept him out of
the ring with these men it may be said
that he acted through the fear of posul
bly losing the champions I ' ip and there
by injuring hi* starring tour as an actor.
It is not that Jeff lee fears punishment
he will staad up to that as long as any
of them. He simply realizts that the
title he holds is dollars and cents, and
with his doi'ars and cents he u prepared
to hang on to U.
It it practically a settled fact that Fiz
will neyor fight him again, He “bluff
ed" Jeffries off the board recently, but
there is a possibiliiy to ago between
Coibett and Jeffries. Twenty thousaud
dollars is the size of the side bet Jef
fiiss wan's, and despite his defeat it
would be an easy matter for Corbeit to
hang up that much. Such a match, it is
believed, could be arranged and carried
to a success at Carson City.
Joe Cans has posted a forfeit to clinch
a match with the light weight cham
pion, Frank Erne Gnus lias been try.
ing for this match a long llm, and the
first thing he knows he will get it.
Whether he will by sorry depends
largely upon the condition of Erne.
Such a fight might be brought off in
Cures Blood and Skin Troubles.
Trial Treatment Free.
la your blood pure? Are you sure of
it? Do cuts or scratohes heal slowly?
Does your skin Itch or barn? Have
you Pimples? Eruptions? Aching;
bones or back? Eczema? Old Sores?
Boila? Scrofula? Rheumatism? Fou
Breatb? Catarrh? Are you pale?
Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm)
will purify your blood, heal every sore,
and give a clear, smooth, healthy
akin. Deep-seated oases, like ulcera,
cancers, eating sores, Painful Swell
ings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured
by Botanic Blood Balm, Cures when
ail else falls. Thoroughly tested for
thirty years. Drug stores $1 per large
bottle. Trial treatment free by writ
ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ola.
Describe trouble. Free medical advice
given. Over 3,000 voluntary testimo
nials of cures by B. B. B.
Hit days followed by cool nights
will breed malaria in tbe body that is
bilious or costive. I’rickly Ash Bit
ters is very valuable at this time for
keeping tbe stomach, liver and bowels
well regulated. W. J. Butts.
$5OO Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any cane
of Liver Complaint., Dyspepsia, flick Ileadaehe,
Indigestion, Constipation or Cowtlvcneas vie
cannot care with Liveratn, the L’p-to-Date
Littfe Liver Pills, when the directions are
strictly complied with. They are purely vege
table and never fail to give satisfaction. 2',c
boxes contain 100 pills. 100 boxen contain 40
pills. 5c boxes contain 15 pills, Beware of>ub
stitutee and imitations. Seat by mail. Stamps
taken. NEKVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin
ton and J tekson Sts , Chicago, ill. For sale by
Brown Drug Cos.. Brunswick, Ca ,
The Two Brunswick Colorored Teams
Play a One to Nothing Game.
Unqmatie-aab'y the best game of
baseball seen in this city, was out at
the fair grounds yesterday afternoon,
between the Unknowns and Dixies, two
colored clubs ol this city.
There were many white spectators
present and they greatly enjoyed the
The two dubs were playing for a
purse of soGy and it was a bard fought
game, the Unknowns winning by a
score of Ito 0. Another game will be
played this afternoon.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After 30
Tear* of Suffering.
“If suffered tor thirty years with diarrhoea,
aud thought I was past being cured,” says
JohnS.Ualte.way, ot French Camp, Mbs, “I
had spen eo much time and money and suffered
so much that I had given up uli;hope*of recov
ery. I was sofeeble trout the effects of the cMbr
rlioes that I could do no kind ot labor: Add not
even travel, but by accident I was per nlLted to
find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dtarrfctea Ucmedy, and after taking sev
eral bottles I aaa entirely cA rod of that trou
ble. t arn so plussw] with the remit that I am
anxious that It be is roach ol all who suffer as
I have.” For sale by Bishop's drug store.
The funeral of Mr, J. A. Sappoo
enrred at Mt. Pleasant yesterday.
Hew Bright’s Disease Start*.
Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with
urea and uric acid <wh:,b should have been
excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in
nerves and joints, causing Irritation ot the kid
neys, then pains ovui the small of the back,
mark sme approach of Bright’s disease. I>q
not delay in taking Foley’s Kidney Cure, for it
makes the kidneys risht. Take no substitute.
W. J. Bulls.)
Blanchard, lowa, Sept. 4.—'The an
nual meeting of the Veterans’Associa
tion of Northwest Missouri attd South
west lowa, is being held hero today.
The old veterans are out in force, and
a profitable meeting is assured. The
sessions will continue for three day*.
Duriog September, tbe impounding
officer jailed eighty oows and horses.
N# Relief fer Twenty Year*.
”1 had bronchitis for twenty yean,” said Mrs
Sllncrva Smith of Danville, 111., “and at times
have been bedfast. I never go, relief nntil
had taken Foley’a Honey and Tar. It is ]>!ea
ant and gives quick relief, nnd Is a sure cute
for throat and lung diseases.” Take nothing
lse. W . S. Mutts.
It is true tb&t watermelon season is
over, bnt ntw sugar oane is in, and
tbe colored oitizen is still happy.
If you eat without appetite, you
need l’rickly Ash Bitters. It prompt
ly removes impurities tbat clog and
impede tbe action of tbe digestive or
gans, creates good appetite and
tion, strength of body and activity of
brain. W.J. Butts.
1 will bold an examination for appli
cants for teachers license on Saturday,
September 8, at tbe Mansfield street
school, commencing at 8:30 a. m. This
is the last examination this fall.
G. J. Oku, O. S. C.
A full report of the executive com
mittee of the Labor union must
be made Wednesday night at 8 o’clock
at headquarters on Newcastle street. By
order of G. H. Mbriufklo,
2t Chairman.
Chamberlain's Cough Rsmedy a Great
The soothing and healing qualities of this
remedy, its pleasant taste and promat and per
manent curea have made It a great favorite
with pcopleeverywhere. It is especially prized
by mothers of email children for colds, croup
and whooping cough, aa it always affords quick
re!tef,and aait contains uo opium or other
harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to
a baby as to an adult. For sale by Bishop,!
drug store.
Hustling young msn cso make 860
per month and expenses, I’ermanent
position. Experience unnecessary.
Write quiok for particulars, Clark &
Cos., 4th *<&:lLocue|Streets,.Philadel
September is Malaria's
Own Month.
Malaria is bail enough: its children arc
Foyers ' l n y „ —i
“Soldiers comprehend the horrors of a Fever
Stricken Camp milea away from the base of
supplier In such:plaices Johnson’s Chill and
Fever Tonic came in. You needed no Quinine
or Calomel; use Johnson’s Tonic, and you
would pull throughv**—Chas, F. Hodsn. Everett
City, Ga.
Sols Manufacturer, Savannah, Ga.
Pepsol 4b
The new, sparkling,
healthful and refresh
ing drink, just receiv
ed by express. The
most popular and de
lightful, drink of the
Free tickets honored
and more to be given
Gall iiiiil Try It.
HUGE Of m.
Next door to Fleming & Waff’s.
Having just returned from
New York ] beg to inform
the public that 1 ijow have in
my stocK all kinds of lace
window curtains, lace bed
spreads, counterpanes, bu
reau scarfs, piano covers,
mantle scarfs, etc., at prices
to suit ihe public.
NOTE—-In a few days 1 will receive a full
line of Millinery Good* and haying secured tho
aervices of a first cluaa milliner from New York
will be prepared to do millinery in the latest
208 Newcastle Street.
Cheap Bates Via Southern Railway.
After Sunday, 2, Southern Rahway will
discontinue selling tickets to Havanuah at rate
of SI.OO for the round trip, that being tho last
Hu lid ay this rate will be used.
MACON, GA.—Excursion. $2.50 for the round
trip. Tickets on wile morning of August 29,
final limit August 31.
CHICAGO, ILL. National Encampment
Grand Army Republic, $24 25 for the round
trip. Tickets on sale August 25 -27, final limit
Wept. 8. By depositing tickets with Joint
agent before Kept. 2. and on payment of fee
of 50 cents, an extension of final limit may bo
obtained until Bept. W.
SAV ANNAH, GA.—Georgia State Guards En
campment for Rifle I'ractiae. For rifle teams
in uniform, five or more on one ticket, one
fare for the ioun<l trip. Tickets on sale Sept.
8, with final limit Sept. 9.
RICHMOND, VA.—One fare for the round
trip, account Annual Convention National
Baptist Association (colored). Tickets on sale
Sept. 10-12, with final limit Sept. 22, inclu
RICHMOND* VA.—Annual Convention Bover
ereign Grand Lodge, Independent Order ’dd
Fellows, One fare for the round trip. Tickets
on sale Bept, 15-17, final limit Kept. 25.
MACON, Ga.—Street and Agricultural Fair.
For Individuals,one fare for the round trip.
For military companies and brass bands in
uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, SB.BO for
the round trip. Tickets on sale Bept. 24-28,
final limit Oct. 21.
LOUIBVILLE, KY.,--Annual convention col
ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip.
Ticket*on saic Bept. 29-30, and Oct. 1, final
limit Oct 9.
ASHEVILLE, N. CL—Annual meeting Missis
sippi Valiep Medical Association. One fare
for ronnd trip. Tickets on sale UcLG-tf, final
limit Oct. 15.
K A NBAS CITY, MO.-Account of Nation Con
vention of tho Christian chnrcli, ticketswill
be sold to Kausas City, Oct. 8-10, with final
limit Oct. 2.3, at rate or one fare for the round
trip, plus $L
pit are you feelinc badly?
c jjre
W- .J Butts, Special Agents.
Pages of talk on our furniture stock would
give but half an idea of the-beauty and econo
my found here • Why not
Visit the Store
and let the goods do their own talking and the
prices their own saying? More than an entire
train load of suits and odd pieces have been place'd
on these floors since last you were here. See about it
No better time than now. Never were the prices
on high grade carpets so low as at present. Never
have the patterns ceen so beautiful, the quality so
excellent or the price so attractive. Buy new car
pets now and make vour home more attractive.
Each new season nuds this department in better
condition to fill your wants. The principal foreign
carpet and rug centres have representation here.
We are quoting
Lower Prices Than Ever.
h 7 mV MILLER & SON.
This is the amount that Charles Broadway
Kouss, of New York City, offered to have his eye
sight restored. Mr. Kouss is paying the penalty
of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of his eyes,
probably neglect to provide himself with suitable
glasses in the beginning. The right glasses would
have prevented the strain of muscles and. nerves
that for want of the aid that they needed have at
last given out. Is this not a wffieuig fa YOU
who need your eyes attended fSPlfiflmination
and consultation FREE ! Call
Jeweler and Graduate Outioian:
*l5 SewcaatleJUlajet, )
Inspector of Watches for Southern Railway. Timelfr'UUro daily from Washington
open Again,
Jno. Veruki
wines, Liquor,
Cigars, Etc.
Is now ready for business, We will sell you goods 10 per
cent leBS tnau original cost.
606 Monk Street.
C o ney & Parker
Coal and Wood, Brick,
lime,'Cement, Plaster, Hair£Shingles~and Laths.
Phone 18 525 Bay St.