Newspaper Page Text
The Brunswick Times.
Established !■
The Brunswick Call.
Established 18W.
The Brunswick Times-CalU
unnm h. leavy Editor
MLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager
1 in nsticthorji* Block, XU * Street
omcE J utiTrhm<>nm mo si.
| MaaaaaßaßaanaßaaaMaMaalaaMa iauMaiMM | M , a<aM
Subscribers are requested to notify the office
wnan they fall to got any Issue of the
CaU. Attention to tbls matter will be appre
etsted by the publishers.
The Tlmes-Call will 'be Delivered by
carrier or mail, per year. $8.00; per week 18
aanta. Correspondence on live subjects
■elicited. Beal name of writer ebenld ac
company sarns Subscriptions payable in
advance. Failure to receive paper should be
reported to ih# busineee office. -Address all
esatmanications to
Brunswick, ua.
Hereafter all legal advertise
ments must be paid for after the
first Insertion. The management
has been pat to a great deal of
trouble and delay In collecting In
the past, and in future must take
advantage of the Georgia law on
this subject.' Oot, 10,1900,
Looking at all limes, and always
lending Its aid to such public move
ments aa will beet advance the ma
terial welfare of the city of Brunswick
and. best subserve Its citizenry, both
eolleetlve and lndlyldual, the Tntas-
Cai.l must reserve the right to speak
against any and all enterprises that
may bo froughe with danger to the
municipality and still may not be ap
parent to those in administrative au-
thorny In the city government
Tho subject of franobUm anil thu
granting of thorn in onu of i hi many n
tricaiH problem? growing cities ujUhC
contend with, sad B now hue
one of the cased on bind.
At its mi sting last Thursday n'ght,
on first resiling, o:ty coumil granted a
Street railway francuLo to Mike Brown
of Barnwell, B. F. 1), McEowen of
NewYoti., aod V~. \V- 1 assailulgnn o f
Charlesioß C., whlqh, to our inlnd,
is eutirely two sweeping In its gen amt
Avvngeih.r things tlie ore Invitee
graninw the franchise tu qutaltoo pro
That the mayox an 1 eonnoil ot Brunswick,
Aoth gin' ami g.m. in to Mtko Brown, of
-Barnwell, 9. C., 1 l>, vluKewen of Now York,
N. T.,T. tV.,!uc ot Oharlo'ton. 8. C.,
and iht ir **'< till suit their assign*, aud like-
Tas any corporal ion which they niiij horo
attei organise; the full power, casern nt, right
and .minority, to build, construct, conip, main
tain sud operato a strict rap way over, upc u
and through any and allot the streets, alleys,
sidewalks or greens,except Hanover Square of
She city of Brunswick; to be i.,wratcd crpro
jielKid by elcolriclly or othei motive power, or
power* as they may deeir. from Uuie to time!
•noept uo steam engines shall be o,>ei.,ted ot
•he strccis, aidi walks alleys or greens as
aforesaid, and t that end *e ▼ ~re an I ho,’,
*sed to and u • ih.,r utk. and all uce
•ssary sw'lihse, and crest glace, plant *od
maintain all necessary p ,cs an! wlr*., act
•othnr materials or appliances nscdtul in tht
operation of the nr, by electric It) or other'
aoti e •ov ra* ar iroae 1 o' nor upon sbo/,,'
or beneath the sui t w >f ,h- u, t ei an ii
open all of the atrcois aUvs,. sidewalks avt
green, af ncsanl of the city of ti ,msw t, x„
power and autkoti.j here, a v y [
be license or franchise and to contain and en
dure tor the tall end and term ot fifty (60)
years from this date.
The Timrs-Caix Is excepting to the
terms of this franchise for two reasons.
First, we do not think the present
administration should grant a right id
any public carrier, conveyance or
transportation company to cover *
period of fifty years. 8.-unewi<c*>id:i\
is—or at least we are lndafsd®gFfh*-
hope that she is—ln only the pmnltiv.
stages, pressing a growth to grea l
commercial Importance and increa ea
population accordingly.
This being true why should the ques
tion of local transit be limited to on
company for a period of a half century?
Again, one administration should not
burden its predecessors In office with a
contract of such longevity, more es
pecially with a subject of sunb great
local Importance..
Secondly, By the terms of the pro
posed franchise, the applicants conld
operate an old style horse-car line and
not violate their contract, since in the
following sentence It provides that the
railway Is to be “operated by electricity
or OTnsjt motive TOWER, as they may
desire from time to time, except that no
steam engines shall be operated on the
Thus It can he readily seen these gen
tlemen can control the exclusive rights
ail of the streets, so far as electric ral 1-
ways ate concerned, and, as a matter of
fact, not use a volt of electricity.
The Times-Call cheerfully and cor
dially welcomes all new industries to the
city, but U feels that Its first duty is t£>
the city and her interests, hence these
ex presslons.
United States Particl
pste in Mexican Conference.
New York, Nav. 12.—A special lo
The Herald from Washington says :
“SAbretary Hay, on behalf of tbs
United States, has formally accepted
t. a invitation of the Mexioao govern
ment to participate in the pan-Amrri
ox conference to beheld in the City
of Mexico next yaar.
“Chili la undarstood to be satisfisd
with the program setting forth that
tbe subject* to be disouased by the
conference will not be extended at the
anggritlnn of auy power, and her
ft-rmal acceptance of tbe invitation
will p-obibly he made soon.
“Fernando E. Guachslla, minister of
I Honvla, e\s that the object of hie
mission Is not to obtain the interven
tion of the United States In thaTaena-
Arloo controversy with Chill. The
Bolivian government, he eaye, has
pitinsnruMy established a legation
here, and his mission ic to proraota the
trloriliy relations existing between the
governments.” -
Kussian Troopers Have a Warm Ftgh'
With Large Number.
Be-lln, Nov. 18 - A despatch from
Couit Von Waldersee at Pekin, saya
the itu.iß.dua had a successful engage
1 meat with ►!* thousand Boxers in
North Sbnn-hM-' wan. Russlana bad
fout killed eud *lx v uo woomled.
An antiseptic at er shaving. Xllark,
tbe bai nor.
Violet and Lilac Cream after sbav
te rij soutfc.og. Oaa unly be had at
j OlsrVe barb- * at op.
' For c ,til wood, ouk or pine,
’Knit- No. 21-3. Bi iod-
Oi’ti. & JOQf'S
They are doomed to so much suffering.
But are they doomed? Is not the Buf
fering the result of conditions which un
der skillful treatment might be entirely
cured? Thousands of women who had
been great sufferer*, have learned that
suffering was unnecessary after using
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
heals disease* of the delicate womanly
organs and banishes the headache, back
ache and other aches which are the con
sequence of these diseases.
" Favorite Prescription ” is absolutely a
temperance medicine lb the strictest
meaning of the term. It contains no
alcohol and is free from opium, cocaine
and all other narcotic*.
•/ "vwe ytu far advict February <th, 1606,"
wnlas Mra. Lome Halstod, of CUramore, Cntt
oka* Bat.. Ind. Ty. ”J waa racking with pain
from tba back of my head aew to my heels.
Wad hemorrhage for weeks at a that, and waa
dhable to ait up for ten minutes at a time. You
answered my letter, advised me to use your
valuable meaiduea, eta.. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, ‘Golden Medical Discovery,' and
Tleaaent Pellets.' also gave advice about in-
Mstiona, baths and diet. To my surprise, in
fcur mouths from the time I began your treat-
Ktnt I waa a well woman and have not had the
ckacbe eiuce. and now I put in sixteen houn
a day at bard work."
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. AU correspond
ence private. Address Dr. 1L V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
GKOfttil*—Glynn County,
To whom it may concern: If. J. Rend laM
In proper form applied to me tot pernusodS
letter* or administration on the aitaSn #
George McArthur, late of atit't county, tbls ia •
cits all ami singular, thwSiredito* sail nut j
kin of Users* Me Arthur to I>* and appear at
ray offie* within the tiine allowed by law M
abow cause, if auy they can, why i ermnasß
administration should net bo granted to H i
Bead ou George MoAMbur-* estate. Witatji
my hand official day 'of o*l
tober, UH. DABT,^
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, adminMSrrtrtaef
lieorge W. Calvin estate, represent* So At
eeurt in her petition, duly filed and entered m
record, that ehe baa fully administered Georg*
W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefor*, o sit*
all persons concerned, kindred and rrediSues,
to show cause, if any they can. why aaid ad
ministratrix should not he di.charged {rest
administration, and receive letters of dianats
aion on the first Monday in December, I#oo.
HORACE DART. Ordinaer.
GEORGIA—GIynn Conoly.
To whom it may concern: lllranij. Read
haring in proper form applied to me for par
manent letters of adminiatration on the ss
tale of Lou Stafford, late ot aaid county,
this la to cite all hud singular tbe eretfltofa
and next of kin of I-ou Stafford, to iia and ap
pear at my offlee within the i'me ailowcil hr
law and show cause, if any thy can, why
permanent sd-ninlsf ration Oionfd not M
granted to Hiram J. Bead on Is.u Stafford aa- ’
tale. Wittier* my offloia! signature this l-k
day of November. 1800.
Horace DART, Ordinary.
Georgia—Glynn County.
To whom it may concern: Take notice, that
Chat lei O. Jones baa applied for pern, a cut
administration on the e-ta'.c of 0. P. Japes,
tote of said county, dm eased, and it there lie
any objection to the grant of said- application,
let it be pie-ientcd on tho first Monday in He
ceinho! next, at which tnuo the same will come
on ror hearing in the court of ordinary of said
county at the ostial hoar and p'eer for holding
said c-tin. Given unit, r nit baud .nd ndh-tkl
signaluie this Itlliot September, lfino.
Ordinary Glynn County
Georgia—Giynn County.
Whcrea , John J. Spears, administrator of
P. w. Emory estate, represent* to the court in
hts petition, duly filed -nd entered on or
that he has fuilv adiotnister.-d said I>. B Em
ory estate This is th*i eh-re to rite a I per*- s
concerned- kindred amt creditors, to -how
cause, if am they can. why said administrator
should not be iha (larged ironi his aduib istra
llon, and renal re Inter- of dismission on the
dint Monday In tebroarr. 1001.
Horace DART, Ordtniry.
Mis. Clyde Freeman. Llbel for Divorce. ’t*.
turnsHo to Ivor, oer
vs. Venn. Use, of s ,|., rj„r
-Cou-t of Olv.nn ~.-n
O. J. Irremaa, tyGeor-
To tha e.itd defendant.O. J. F> —aiait
Yon are heivdiv r.qi;-re -- to sanallv by I
attorney, to b- "and appear at tho n, xi' lerm o'
the snoerii yol said t unti. eonvmdug
on the first. sj in lvccmhei, IHO). then and
there to answer t'-e plaintiff, Clyde Frr. man.
npor. theuo-rlte of her petition for divorce filed
against yon: as In default of such appearance
the Court w ill proceed as to Justice shall apper
tain. Witness the lion Joseph W Be net.
Judge Of said Superior Court, Hr* *Sd day a?
August,wou. a. ti,Townsend; ,
lVputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn Oo_ Ga
D. W. KRoDsS.l’lurs. Ally. j
Gents Furnishings
New Goods Arriving Each Week
314 Newcastle St*.
Between C. McOarlrey’s Keaney.
AdvertisemeuM in this column will be Insert
ed st tbe uniform rate of One Cent a Word for
each insertion. No advertisement, however
mall, less than SO cents. Cash in advance.
Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoaloe
habit; myself cuted. will inform you ot
harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary
B. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago.
FOR RENT.—Two atory house, 114
Amherst street,
NOTICE.—This to certify that I
nave appointed Coney & Parker agen'a
for tbe sale of my brick in Brunswiufc.
J. S. Morris.
Colored man, who reads and writes,
to prepare for traveling SSO monthly
and expenses. Send selt-ad tressed
envelope. President Moßrady, 356
Dearborn, Chicago.
FOR BALE.—Ons floe piano—a*
good aa new—cheap for cash. Apply
to L. Goldsmith.
WANTED.—Two young men. Ap
ply between B and 12 o’olock at 1103
London street.
STRAYED.—-A Mexican parrot, hav
ing a green back, yellow head, red and
purple wing feathers. Finder will re
oeive liberal reward by returning same
to Mra. Dr. Hatcher, 300!£ Newcastle
WANTED—Services of intelligent,
reliable, permanent man. Office and
outside work. Eooloee stamp and re
ferences. A. TANARUS, Morris, P. O. Gen.
LADIES!—I make big wage* st
borne, and want all to have the same
opportunity. The work is very pleas
ant. and will ea*sr pay $lB weekly.
ThU ia no deoedtioib. X want no money
and wil! gladly tend full particulars
to all sending stamps. Mr*. H. A.
Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich.
men to sell our line of high grade lu
bricating oil*, geeses, paints and var
mshes. ffaiafy or commission. Ad
dress, Mutual Refining Cos., Cleveland,
Hustling young man nan make S6O
per month and expenees, Permanent
poaition. Experience unnecessary.
Write quiek for particular*, Clark A
Cos., 4th A Locus Street*. Philadel
phia, Pa.
tablished mercantile bouse, extending
basiness in this section, want* to ar
range with capable man, of correct
habits, to manage branch. Salary,
SISOO yearly. Extra commissions.
Must furnish SBOO and satisfactory
references, “Opportunity,” Drawer
74. New Haven, Conn. 11-18
Manager.—Onl cstablishsit mavovn-
Hle hou<p wadis horest, capable mtn
o nintgf h snch t*s a y $125 mot.tb,
i-i m c man-i. in. No *-J o trig re
quired, l-U Dill > a", pn> r 1 ttjeyC
ii u not! O suiti t I,n *i e' r
ences *llO ISO! i q and Ext. ri
euc*- ss i- • a* o cm- y jf
qua .fi a.-ati , pg„ , * (_>, liurtti
tiitj." D S*c 74. N • H.sar.Cu o,
FOR -'ALE,—Hi erv islaitd, ii j
nateti on 'Tunic mu, cor.'anting 32‘g'
sO'CA of b gt* Isnfi, nrshls for truck j
log or poultry rsi ink; *ot>t 15 sore-,
co* red; g .(1 fi-tm g ouy ter hos
ar uo i its I I-. Al- .Mn Vcw
cnu.aii.g 50 -c<e--, - , -hi,
ated t.<. <t Ft . . P en - ek .
'l* sor* s ..i * t. • • u w wir
jfotn,-; Ifi ~ 10(t p ■. e, ,i tim.-'
I pruv DG-I SO. 1 . v in-h-rjn-'
form. ’ -ii pplv V. J DnDrflin
ger, 316 Couth stree
Malt rheum, with its bunting, stinging
sei.satton, i* due to poor blood and Is
cured by Honda HafaparUta, the great,
Hood pariiier.
[9OO DropsJ
■* .
AVegelable Preparalionfpr As
similating theFoodandßegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuL
nessandllestConlains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
n*vt afoktj+sAKmrrrcwi
Atmpim Seat' \
Mx.Sama *
fiockmlt* Srnlit ~ I
Aouk ■'iecd a 1
Islskl j
A perfect Remedy forConslipa-
Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
■\ *b r trh % •1 cl
Monday’s steamer will bring
us a line ot Oriental Tapestries,
Screens, Couch Cover, Cur
tafnlj etc, direct from those fa
mous importers of Oriental
goods of
a* a. vantine & CO
- ■■■—■■ ..... w ——.
Also a lot of muslin and
Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass,
Silverware, Rugs, etc-
if I P'K. I g— * - £\ ,■% f ' % ill
Jyyf I *Si4f'’*•■' ■**.'> ’ o>"\ W"l[ Imt I
How a Woman
Suffers. — {V J
- I
I wrj Mwsj* rr&ine Wln of C&./dai. 1% / , fl L -*JI
hu dons me more good then i t re<3- /
cine* I hv ever *eln Sa u.. lit ,'l‘a J I*l V^ll
•end * book about t - male ittaen te the t i Lj ll
ledie* wuoee naiuee i enelree w
It Isn’t neceassrv for * womar tn particulm. *he say*
*be has “letmle tr -übles”, olher women know what that means. It
means days and n glif -Lendleo* .sufiring It means headaches which
no tongue can aesct. r It trim that terrible bearrg nd dragging
down tn the lower abdomen. It nvvns agnrlrtrg baci -cne, and sl.ou Ider
ache, and arm ache, and aches hi the lower limbs It mors nerve* on —the blues— despondency and loss of hope It meins deb'hPltrg
drs.ns that the doctors call leucortlttM. It means martyrdom- - seme
times even death seem* preler-ble And Atilt Wine of Cardui will utterhr
_ _ _ put those .Us* .ir *s and pains to rout
1 cm- tavisear strainistin' * fl thcisandt of cases
1 ror . tn -ses r ,oittnr- sercwi when ncthlrp else on etrth would
) UU~ "uS I '.';tHTSTSi T ® ttte buedmg womar. to tot
) asmcixit~>, chatign.-ga, T.n-L b'ide. to the wife tr>4j-expectant
mother, t > those going thr- Jib
t'oe Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine U a blessing.
Druggists Sell Large Bntt*ea !or SI.OO.
i For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
j Always Bought
! Bears the / t
| Signature /
I * W
\rv Jp* v. jn
fir Use
jvjr for Over
! Thirty Y^ars