Newspaper Page Text
_ : .— t~~ —~~
The Court Crowded to Full
7. - • 1 . •' v %
Philippine case
Erorloily Looking, Into
He Hotel Case
is mn sum
Some Old Time American His
tory is Being DiscuasJ'd gIM
By Griggs
, ;.f‘ Mr the ocladifl n K
V- -*w oaaee In-olvlrgfiDhe
*'orto Hico and the Phil Sips
* rrt
Attorney General Griggs. who heg-jfc
tte government’s prc-aentauon jest.®
dy, had four hours remaining and tklUij
indications were that he would o— , ®
.sump %1 . ..Jy, leav
.Arles Aldrich on
■ -o by CI I *
gfi CSV:- to bo presented
wj' general tiaV...tu/u' till
■ -.'SBci.vtw yestertuy. uue f,j
lne*e, to • bleb epcc'il attention was j
*’•? v-’: > the distlnotlntt between or-j
gaplzed territo!and unorganized
territories Under this govern’nent.
Mr. Grip*! look territory after Urri
tory, sbowiog io each case that it came
under the operation of the laws of ihe
l nited States by act of congress spe
clfically extending its laws to the terri
tory, and cot cx-proprlo vigors. He
said that while Ri:ode Island and
South Carolioa stood outside of the
Union they were treated as foreign
when they ultimately as
sented to the Union oongre-s passed a
Hw extending the’ revenue laws to
In the case of Lonlsana the attor
ney genera! pointed out that ail the
declarations of Jt ITerton were te the
effect that to come under the operation
of the laws of the United States those
laws most explicit'y be extended to
the new acquisitions.
J. fferron ee'ecttd certain acts to be
immediately ex nded and ethers to be
extended from time *,o tuy. The at
torney in
the acqnill 1 1 o orlda to the faot
that three American statesmen, Mon
roe, Adams and Jackson, each ot whom
was elected president of the United
B'atos, united in declaring officially
that the constitution did not apply ot
its own force to a territory newly ac
quired by this nation by virtue of the
jtfl oi acquisition, but that such exten
sion must te accomplished by the na
tlon of congress.
Other People's Money Toniglit
A Pretty Wedding at the First Metho
dist Church.
The First Methodist ohurch was
crowded yesterday afterno id, with the
friends of Miss Ruth TurjjK, one of
Brunswick's sweetest anti.
girls, to witness her marriage., \ M r.
Harris Louis Rock hill of Macon
Mrs. Price as organist, alter af \
iude from “Trovatare," sent lorth 1
beautiful Lohengrin wedding march, ti|j
'he bride entered the church with ber>
maul of honor, Mies Rosa is C. Turner,
her sister. T’heTialferSr 'He sSrar ILL.
Stephens, A. O. To#ntnd. Edwin
0 *rt and W - C. MrOcinald met the
bridal pkrty and escorted thfuitothe
chanci 1 where the bridegroom, his best
man, (bis brother T. Rock
hill) wailed.
The wrdding service rs ioopre-sive*
ly performed by tbe rjptor, the Rev.
iMr. Game. ~ .jßfc _
steel The hr.t was a Spaoiah turlnn
of gray velvet, .etwi the bridal boqtfet
was of bride's Ybe-msOji of hoa
f'fßW scarcely than ijk*~
I briee be, s’eJf, and her waa-afio
l Of the Same sF\,tdej>f gray cloth triuirn-‘
ed with white saiijl; a large picture*
hat and a showerf Di epiet cf. pink car
nations completed/her costume,
The amy bte rneo were ***
tired In the regul&Ubn afiernoootoil*
ette for oat a, an (A Their buttooieres
were bride roses for tbe groom and ii.'f
best mn, pink caroatlone for the
Mr. and Mrs. Bockhill left immedi
ately after tbe ceremony for a tup
through Florida, the going-away gown
being of castor ladies cloth, with a dear
little toque to match,
Mr. Rockhill Is the traveling repre
sentative of the Willingham Company,
of Macon, and if gifts are a criterion of
esteem, he Is dearly loved by fala
friends, some of the choicest silver, cut.
glass and brie a brae coining from his
home to bis bride.
Miss Turner’s friends in Brunswick
love her dearly, and that she has many,
was sites ed by tbo magn fleent gifs
cnt to her. Specially not'ceable were;
A large mapolica urn, a bmutiful three
branch candelabra of silver, a three
piece mantel et of French Kilt; a com
plete silver table set; a cut gltu and
•liver vase nearly two feet high, be
side* picture*, chair*, table linen of the
mot exquisite sort and truly, other
thingii too numerous to mention.
Mr. and Mrs. Roekhill will beat
borne after December 25 h, at 263 Sec.
ood street, Macon, and if good wishes
and hearty prayers for their welfare
count, they will surely “live happy ev
er after.”
-f*' 1 * %•-.?",
'■ '' / '' " ■I.
ffflji TiIISRND
Kidnappers Demand This Large
Sum For the Boy’s
Omaha. Deo, is. —E&tfkftLCpdaby
Jr., lit tee it yeas 'I age, iJH the
millionaire pork packer, has fpfon kid
napped, and the kUimpprm demand
ktwenty-ftve tbotf**! rs for his
V\LfEMrrN; k>. f
( % ■•'i.ihoot Soe
\\ Pride? : ;opjpy
tin Fridav noon the QA||M
School Hglro one o r it'Jp|
daily Interesting Vr’Nnreot lug
uieots toVb’ch the 4'' - to
inyitc l, .. \ Ik
Thteorog*-*“ rucilk~l
Wt. the Stock! grade will . log tNkun?
iaa song, and Mies Wrench
McKinnon tiTdTTi 'bv JlLse Mary
HI*HU n ay.' tramiagaaisL.vt ti.e culm
riferi for *.song autj drill*,' , , *
adduion to' Uiu|the. a
debate bet reon yupiijkfjidhi the vTiib and
irnL FiiurUl grodti.
'•'leant don*, o Jur luunidM
pJeeerioi yy
Tp J'hlrd grade will pliio-thc
fUi mat’ve aud the F<aaf^HHK'S&L
expense the c' so 1 1 the ttg*uVe?j9Hgi
Before this year tbe Grarntnar vehoiil
eociety mot on alternate Fridays, fliltr
' t|
nwinjTUTbi ract'that of aach a
large number ot pp!h o.mX a map
number could iep ihe Vhie
> xercieee, tins yea. it and ttiaT
each grade it
own so that a large eunfter eo'utd re
ceive some training io this Important
matter. Then it proposed to have *
general meeting once in ,|jjof or eight
weeks. ?, •
The officers of the different societies
are; First grade, Jordan Traylor,
president, Colon Bylsman, vice presi
dent; 2nd grade, Eari Moore, president,
Ruth Norris, vice pres! deny. Dorothy
Burford, secretary; ::! glide, Bam
Brown, president; Kennetii Ammons,
vice president; May Scrlyen, secre
tary; Louise Baker, assistant secre
tary; 4tb grade, Oren Henderson,fpreei
deut; Mary Spears, vice president, Lil
ly Uornto, secretary.
Oolumbue, 0., Deo. J9.—Peter Sells,
(be well known circus man of the Bells
Show, was today granted a divorce
from his wife on the ground of gross
neglect ot duty. The matter of ali
mony will be settled by agreement
among the parties.
!■ i
■ n ui
■- ■ ... ?yv.
The Baltin Haaert For Tio
i Hays
• -V:
Six Hundred or More Lost Their
Lives and Many Were t' „
Washington. Deo. 19. —A dispatob
from the charge de affairs, Beauprle,
at Bogata, informed the State Hepart
' gi Vt; .v. ■>.;'■ V ; -ikN ;; .
ment that a great battle was fought at
Glrardai.'s Point, Magdalena river,
ColumbiA, which lasted two days, and
rr •> ' ’T'-.. / •.>:
resulted In a deoisive viotcry far the
[ governmeet force, tt. is reported that-
Mr'unfrtj aaa.^isßj;
iWndrsdT wounded. Other Victories
of uttaoat inipor
f Mo
-1 ’lStiSfr ■•' . •.
w • ' |f,' 4
SIfVNTi r.V i<) Wl'l) L
j * '' •>
be Siery Liufffbf^
MtJiam. N#*t Slontli:
dispatch appeared in
vtogdai 4,'. lunta J'burnal r
“Shrmincbam, Ala , Deo. 17.—The
et.gsgetneol §s annouuoed of Miss
AMary- Ge'Tij* Ltnn, of this oity, and
K ifi, TVi 1: ifm Gordon Brantley, of
f fa , cinigteseirisn from the
ifdietrict. Ttis msrriaepfwiil
|ta. 8 place (jui'-lly in this ry
Rlu at tbe home of :uirit,
■r.a, Jol'-.i C.
■ Mr. fha- tley it tvwGower with one
obi id.
Mjss Rtno Is the granddaughter H
life late. Edward Lind, a pioneer
ten of Birnuingnarn, and the fuunder
and first preewieot of the First Nation
al bank, the leading banking instUt
rion of the citv. Her fa.'ber'waTthe
Use Edward W, Linj,' w f,o wg , f ur
\ - "
YFars cashier of the bank which hie
father founded. Miss Linn was reared
in Birmingham, and received a finished
education. While not a beautiful wo.
sun, she (s grmetal In figure and oar
risge, anal charming la nsnnsr. She
is a great favorite in Birmiogt|Ml^so
ciety. Miss Linn has tanght in the
public schools of Birmingham several'
years. Mr. Brantley met her daring
bis visits to Birmingham in the inter
est of the proposed Brunswick and
Birmingham railroad. Immediately
after bis marriage, Mr. Brantley and
bis bride will go to Washington.
OerrssUJ Daily by Capt.. Otto Johainsasn
Port of Brum - iok, D( c. 19, 1900.
S. S. Carib, Ingram, Boston, via
Schr.’ lona, Tupueli, Philadelphia.
London, December 19.—Ambassador
Choate aayi he will resign at ouer.
- - ? .... ,V ' 'jS&it&ii’'’ ' ■ . ' < * w
'~'V’ ■>. n.i. .. ■ ;■■■ •/ .V
,v ... ; •••••
Recontradbed Women Have
a Hard Time
. ... A;i’TTidRAND. ' ■’•
V- y -9~-v '
Two (food Perfortaanoes Were Given
The Mabel Paige and Southern Stook
Company produoed “Jack’s Sweet
bean” at matinee, and “The Pearl of
Savoy,’’ at night, to fair houses.
Mabel Paige, aa Marie, made a
charmingly cute little Savoyard?, and
scored a success in her Bpeoialtiee,
which were encored.
Oiral Humphrey, as Attbur Mar
gan’s de Clvey, was good.
Hubert MoCtiung, as tbe Commander,
' - ,* • -■ i• :V : f ’ •
proved .aoomioal old roue.
S“ was clever.
The balauoe of the cast was good,
aqd helped materially In the good ren
.ditions of tbe plays,
.■ Tbe costumes warn In tbe third act
tUare magmilqent, and the oharacm/s
resplendent in same, and fully
,ANfesiphtlon .
to Vis 1 t j-ekVlVhc*, nd.
DisUogVlefaed Divu.tVmt’Vewspaper
Mer/ 00 Wesley P.igriaikti.:'.
/ •'
BLho’p Hendrik, of t’dß Metbciitst
PSpucopal Cburob, Sautb; Rev. 1J ! . F.
Cook, the beloved Methmiist Uivme
from Savanoah: Rev. ,T. .’I (3-t rtn, of
the Methodist church; H v. \Y. F. llol
lingswortb,of the I’ro-bj ter,p ciiuioh
this city, and Mr. C. W.. lifjaf 'he
well c ndent,
.’•fie party gosH ou a piigr.aMgjUk®
”■ .
the grounds wnioh
otsbop Heudrlx has the original
diary of Wesley, and will note each
soot as the pilgrimage progresses,
some wHeieating contributions to his
toricsl literature will result from this
joarney, as Bishop Hendrix is prepar
tag to publish a series of msgazine ar*
tiolsa oo bis visit to these places.
Yesterday, the Bishop and R=v.
Oaok visited Frederica and other
places on Bt. Simon's Island of must
interest te those studying lbs earlier
days of Methodism in this country.
Two Long Winded Cnees Were On
It was a drag at the Superior court
ypet-rdry. Tpe Harmon case was con
oluded, but the jury istird up and may
remain so all of today.
Mr. Ham, charged with assault and
attempt to murder, was next tried nnd
the jury in that case wont into tb
room just before adjournment,
Beginning today, tbo Elk saloon
will furnish an excellent lunch from 11
to 1 Everything the beat and every
thing flrtt cl
Feminine M In n Teirie
Dragged To Jail and Kept
There Without Food or
New York, Dec. 19 —Pitiable
ies hve reached Holland concerning
the fate of the rccorcentrdoed women
in the British camps in tbe Transvaal.
For instance, Mme. Hardns of Kimber
ly report? at the end ol October:
“Today there arrived eight women
and 2i children from Patchofsetroem,
.They bain terrible ta’c to itll of how
j they were dragged away by Kaffirs and
| thrust kno jail, and, after being kept
| fob somj time without food, were then
taken by tolditr.-t to Kimberly, When
they arrived there their clothes vn re in
rags, having been torn by the Boldins.
Two of them had ten subj'ct- dto In
du- iiittf-b. B.ime ot tlijgw; ru v,Hows,
and two ha ’ ! the army.’
of six poor women tro p
sa ne district in amisernble plight.
“Two of the women who suffered
frern the violence of the soldiers had to
be taken to the hospital for treatment.
A letter relates tow two yonng moths
ors Who were brought into the recoa
centrado camp wore not allowed to
take their Infants, four to six month*
lold, with them,”
At 3 o’olook p. m. Tuesday, Manager
Woiffe reoeived a message from the
management of tba Olympia Opera Go.
stating that, owing to sickneti, they
would have to oanoel their engagement
for oext week. Mr. Wulffa immedi
ately aet the wires to working, and at
5 p. in., by giving a large guarantee,
seoured the Herald Square Opera Cos.,
to fill the place of the Olympia. The
engagement of ihe Herald Square will
brgic with Xmas matinee. This oom
pany ia a good ore, and our theatre
goers should patronizetbe opora house
daring tbuir engagement.
The Excelsior Literary Society, of
the Glynn High School, will give an
entertainment at the sohool building
tomorrow night. Avery good program
ha* been arranged.