Newspaper Page Text
Published by
Permar Publications
December 17, 2018
Established in 1972
Vol 46 Issue 51
City receives
five responses to
loan RFP
Terry Creek
filing updated
in Federal Court
By Pamela Permar
According to City Man
ager Jim Drumm, the City
of Brunswick received five
responses to the Request for
Proposals (RFP) sent out
by the Davenport Financial
Group, Inc. requesting loan
information for the construc
tion of the Oglethorpe Confer
ence Center.
Drumm said that the RFP
responses included 15 year
and 20 year loan terms with
interest rates at or below 4%.
“These are very good rates,”
Drumm said.
He stressed that the City
asked for a loan of up to $5
million. “If we can build the
center for less or if we scale
down the project, the loan
would be for less than $5 mil
lion,” he said.
Drumm said the proposals
would be presented by Daven
port at the Urban Redevelop
ment Agency’s (URA) meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, Dec.
18 at 5:30 p.m.
The financial proposals also
will be considered at the City
Commission meeting Wednes
day, Dec. 19 at 6 p.m.
The financing is for a
20,000 sq. ft. conference cen
ter recommended by the URA.
The City Commission voted
on and authorized the archi
tectural design in Feb. 2018.
Commissioner Johnny Cason
was the lone no vote.
Due to complications in
Georgia law regarding mu
nicipal financing, the Down
town Development Authority
(DDA), the Brunswick Glynn
Above: Last Thursday afternoon
Brunswick Exchange Club
members (left to right) Pat
Thornton, Gary Huff, Barry
Cooper, Dale McNabb, Mark
Bearden, Jim Hodges, Mark
Westberry, Jim Seymour and
Mac Burgees unloaded one of
about four trailer loads of bicycles
the organization will give away to
local school children this week.
Bottom: Mark Westberry (left
to right) Jim Seymour, Dale
McNabb and Mark Bearden
unload another trailer of bikes.
Islander Staff Photos - Permar
The Exchange club of
Brunswick held one of the or
ganization’s favorite meetings
this week when they turned
over some 70 or so bicycles to
officials of the Glynn County
School System that will be giv
en as Christmas gifts to needy
school children.
Turn to Page 6
City responses
The Powell McDonald Bicy
cle Fund was started by Pow
ell McDonald almost 40 years
The Exchange Club took
on this project after McDon
ald started it on his own buy
ing bikes for neighborhood
children who did not have one.
He did this personally and
the need grew each year.
When the need got to be more
than he could handle by him
self he recruited his friend
Jimmy Hancock.
Turn to Page 13
^ f Bicycles
L, hristmas
By Pamela Permar
On December 11 The Unit
ed States, who is the plaintiff
in the Hercules LLC Terry
Creek Superfund site case,
filed an update in U.S. District
Court, Southern District of
Georgia, Brunswick Division,
telling the Court it is review
ing the high volume of com
ments received on the Interim
Record of Decision (IROD) and
consent decree issued for the
cleanup remedy relating to
the Terry Creek Dredge Spoils
and Outfall Ditch known as
At an August 21 Joint City
County Commis
sion meeting,
heard a presen
tation from Scott
Martin of the
Protection Agen
cy (EPA) on the
Terry Creek Su-
perfund Site.
County Com
mission chair Bill
Brunson told Mar
tin, “The County
and City Commis
sions said the fix
isn’t enough. We
don’t just want
to bury this stuff
and leave it in the
ground in Glynn
County. We want
this stuff removed.”
‘We have been dealing with
this for 24 years,” Brunson
continued. “It’s in our town
and our community. We fish
in these waters, we water ski
in these waters and now our
Turn to Page 6
Terry Creek
Brunswick Exchange Club Bike donation program