Newspaper Page Text
75 (t
Published by
Permar Publications
January 7, 2019
Established in 1972
Vol 47 Issue 1
Georgia Power donates for CPR
With help from Georgia Power almost 100 coaches teaching in the Glynn County School System
are or will be CPR / AED certified. “It’s important as athletic trainers for us to make sure our
local coaches have this American Red Cross Certification,” said Chantal Pierre who is an Athletic
Trainer and employed by Southeast Georgia Health System (SGHS). Chantal is one of several
athletic trainers employed by SGHS who work with the school system’s athletes and coaches
and give the CPR / AED training. “As trainers there is always one of us at each home game or
practice,” she said. School System Athletic Director Steve Waters said, “Every certified teacher
who coaches in Glynn county will be certified.” The $3,500 donation presented last Friday by
Georgia Power Area Manager Paulo Albuquerque will pay for the certification cards. Albuquerque
said, “Georgia Power wanted to partner with the school system. When we asked Dr. (Virgil) Cole for
suggestions, he decided that these CPR / AED certifications were a great idea.” Taking part in the
check presentation on Friday were: (left to right) Adam Norman, LAT, ATC, Shonta Houston, LAT,
ATC, Paulo Albuquerque, Rebecca Joiner, LAT, ATC, Marissa Turturro, LAT, ATC, Steve Waters,
Paul Trumbull, PT, Director of Rehab and Sports Medicine Services for SGHS, and Chantal Pierre,
LAT, ATC, with Elvis the CPR dummy. Islander Staff Photo - Permar
BOE swears in two returning members, one new
member; elects chair and vice chair
County okays
Guale Preserve
By Pamela Permar
In December 2018 the
Glynn County Community De
velopment Department gave
administrative approval to an
Application for Subdivision
Review submitted by the St.
Simons Land Trust (SSLT) for
their new park at Musgrove.
The SSLT staff submitted
a 2-page application with six
construction site plan maps in
August 2018 for the new park
to be named “Guale Preserve”
(formerly known as Musgrove
Phases I, II and III).
The permit application,
signed by SSLT staff member
Sue Tuttle on August 28,2018,
indicated the application was
for “Construction Plans” for
“Infrastructure Only.” The ap
plication was assigned a Con
struction Plan permit track
ing number of CP3880.
According to Community
Development Director Pamela
Thompson in an email com
munication received October
9, 2018, the SSLT application
for the new park construction
did not require full site plan
approval by the County “ac
cording to our codes.”
This designation meant it
was not published for public
viewing nor forwarded by staff
to the Islands Planning Com
mission for review.
Thompson added that other
discussed park improvements
were not on the submitted
plans and that “The County’s
role is to review what has been
submitted for consideration.”
The SSLT had previously
announced plans for a boat
launch and other built ameni
ties including a dock and pier.
However, in December
the SSLT stated it planned
“phased public access” to the
Musgrove tract. It was un
clear if inclusion of a full plan
with those amenities would
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Guale Preserve
Last Thursday (January
3) the Glynn County Board of
Education swore in new mem
ber Eaddy Sams (District 2)
and two re-elected members,
Mike Hulsey (At Large Post 1)
and Dr. Hank Yeargan (Dis
trict 4).
Jerry Mancil was unani
mously re-elected board chair
and Marcus Edgy was unani
mously re-elected vice chair.
During their first work ses
sion of the new year, board
By Pamela Permar Shierling
members heard a facilities
update as well as updates on
student attendance and disci
pline, a FY 2020 budget up
date, reviewed the system’s
strategic waiver contract up
dates, and reviewed a resolu
tion in support of changing
Georgia law to include a felony
sentencing option for student
who is convicted of making a
terroristic threat.
• A1 Boudreau, Director
of Facilities for the school
system, told the board that the
concept to secure the Glynn
Academy campus presented
at the December 4 (2018) fa
cilities meeting would cost an
estimated $1.5 million to $1.7
On Dec. 4 architect John
Tuten proposed a structure
attached to the campus side of
the Historic Glynn Academy
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City conference
center suffers
By Matthew J. Permar
The week before Christmas
Brunswick’s Oglethorpe con
ference center suffered two
major setbacks at the hands
of local officials - although
Brunswick Mayor Cornell
Harvey says the project will
move forward.
City Commission
On Wednesday, December
19, during their regular meet
ing, in what was essentially a
three-part motion, the Bruns
wick City Commission voted
3-1-1 to reject a motion to
borrow $5 million for the con
ference center’s construction
from Sterling National Bank
of Charlotte, North Carolina.
The city’s Urban Redevel
opment Agency (URA) and fi
nancial consultant, Davenport
& Co. LLC, had recommended
that the city borrow the mon
ey by way of a bond resolution.
In the same motion, they
also rejected a contract with
the Jacksonville-based con
struction company Elkins
Construction, LLC to build
the conference center.
In addition, the motion also
rejected an Intergovernmen
tal Agreement (IGA) with the
URA stating the URA was not
liable for the repayment of the
$5 million in bonds. The re
payment was the duty of the
City of Brunswick.
The motion, made by Com
missioner Vincent Williams,
was to approve all three
items: the bond resolution, the
construction contract and the
Mayor Harvey instructed
the City Clerk Naomi Atkin
son to call for a voice vote in
stead of a showing of hands.
Asked to vote on the motion
to approve, Commissioners
Williams, Julie Martin and
Johnny Cason said “No.”
Mayor Harvey said, “Yes.”
Commissioner Felicia
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Conference Center
Slirfin* County-Wide News - Read County-Wide
Page 3 - WGIG now broadcasting n . ...»
\ k a I r& a Page 11 - Jekyll Island Arts Association opens
„ „ n .. u u umi exhibit at Goodyear Cottage
Page 9 - City approves brunch bill Page , 2 . B * ck Ta|k