About The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
h- ~r THE MEBCER CLUSTER THE MERCER CLUSTER Published weekly by the students of the fourteen schools and colleges in the Mercer University System. George M- Sparks, Managing Editor ’ The Mercer Staff: Lucien W. Hardy... Editor-in-chief James M. Teresi.. .Associate Editor Robt" M. Gamble, Randolph L. Car ter, Ernest C. Hulsey, Peter Zack rates, One Year. .$1.00 Advertising rates on request. SUCCESS. & rs 1 m The group of colleges and ' secon dary eehools which compose the Mer cer University System, numbering in all, have undertaken the of a weekly newspaper, le is The Mercer Cluster., of the journal was taken book of hymns issued by ercer nearly a hundred years some of which-he wrote, .called "Mercer's Cluster.” This book was widely need by Baptist churches in the South for many years. Dr.' Sofas W. Weaver,^H of Msseer, says of the_pep£r: "Each institution will have its staff of con- Mktfoisf the' School of Journalism « MoreansUhiversity will give direc- Hae snd fciiitsnrr the managing fcMr. George M. Sparks, an of Mercer University, an newspaper man who be- eensa off his love for the iasEMtoa is |h% to this paper a eerviee wfcieh pliMee all the friends at Christian education under obli- gstiae tehfaa.” >' The senspeim is nomewhat of an inevstfaNi in csllsgs and school iMs." We hope it wffl be a success ■m its jsssibiWisa are nighty. It is as important that practical jonrnal- ims fee taught in tits colleges ss it * 4s that gssmstry, chiemisry and Latin ho laeiaded in tike studisa. How ed to sead to a newspaper a espy of their'8—day-asranoae «« write'an aeesptsbls •Tend” to their discourse? m in gaaernl. lisndeysd teach tike lives at men as the ef a eea de s ship. The ST tent in the pnhMwtircn of a ’ MM ie hoflt upon a realizationof thia fact Othsr schools will watch to sea if aaeaaaa or failure be a uni tor attempting to ttaeif to. the of ffcjf: Telegraph. SHORTER NEWS STUDENTS PRAISE MERCER CLUSTER Ifaar many doctors. in' can follow oat [that term implies and we are glad The editor of the “Mercer ’Clus ter” has asked that Shorter send «ome news notes for the next issue of the paper regarding the “under taking for the next issue-” As we have not seen an issue of the paper and do not know just what mission it is to perform, in the college worlds we are in doubt just what to say or how to say it. ’ . We will say, however., that we ap preciate the-courtesy extended Shor ter by the Editor of the Cluster, to have the college represented in its col umns and that we will do our best to send a short, snappy, news letter every week, mailing it so that/it will reach the Editor promptly aiid reg ularly. ‘ Shorter is glad that such a paper is to be published at Mercer; we sup pose from its name, that it is to.be published in'the interest of all our Baptist institutions and that through its influence, it hope^ to unite-the colleges and secondary schools in .one~common interest, that of spread ing Christian education throughout our state and section. • Shorter is not a member of the Mercer System, -because-'of the pro steins of its charter and the Will of its founder, Cpl. Alfred Shorter, it .cannot make over, its property to the Holding Commission of the Conven tion, but. it is a BAPTIST institu tion and stands for the best princi ples of the. great church of which it is a part. Under the~*charier of the college, every one of its trus tees must be a Baptist in good stand ing in his church; it needs no .hold ing commission for the protection of its property, for under its charter, it is not allowed to go in debt or to place a mortgage' or lein of any kind against its property. It is ab solutely impossible to alienate Shor ter-from the Baptists of the state by any process whatsoever. While there fore, we are not a member of the 1 Mercer system, we desire the closest fellowship with the. schools and col leges whose charters do not prohibit the makihg over of their property to the Holding Commission. We- are jin fullest sympathy with every ob ject of our great Convention 1 . We •re BAPTIST in' everything that * to contribute to every object fos tered by our Convention. We thank Mr. Editor, for inviting us to letter in your columns every and if there is any way Nine Rahs for the- Mercer Clus ter. Come on boys and girls of the Baptist schools of the Mercer Sys tem and let us make the Mercer Clus ter the BIGGESTand BEST school paper in thpAJnited States. We can? YES., The Norman Institute students greeted the idea with a cheer when the President, Col. L. H. Browning, can.e from the conference in Macon and announced in chapel that all the Baptist schools of the Mercer System would publish a combined paper. The school showed appreciation by the whole student body subscribing at chapel immediately, electing 1 a staff of editors, * „ # - 1 The school is proud of the name, “Mercer Cluster” for when we hear it called, it makes one tEink^bf-'Sll^he /prep schools under the Mercer Sys tem and when reading it are brought in closer touch with others and learn more about the big educational sys tem.. Well,, it is a great idea and a bright"future before us, so let us strive to Teach the. goal. - J. E. NEWTON, Business Manager Norman Institute. HEARN NOTES Mr. Batts, B.Y.P.U. worker, hat ° nl y two opponents and won one de- been conducting a training class. The class has been a great success and the school is to soon organize a suc cessful class The Sunbeam band was organized Sunday Sjpt. 26, 'twenty three chil dren were present. ' ■ Mr. Trostle a Presbyterian evange list, is conducting, a camp meeting here. : | Miss Jessie Hughes, former Hearn girl spent several days here last wees as guest of Miss Marie Seweli. Sewell. James Sewell member of the class of 1917, recently left Gave Spring to spend several months with his brother in Texas. ' . - John Ray Ellis a popular member if the Cave Spring younger set has left to work in Birmingham. Misses Essie Durrence, Lola Dai Kicklighter at$d Dale Dubberly spent Sunday Oct. 2nd with Miss Audrey Terry. Burton Finch recently made a bus- which we can aid the paper, "help j * ness tr *P to Dallas Ga. pnttey at the Mercer Syn- Mercer or Bessie Tift or any other Miss Willie Ruth Mckenzie has re- of our Baptist’ enterprises, just let sumed her studies at Br.enau. us know and all that we have will be used in the effort. *•** ‘ -■ " A color rioil erteeon, gold, With varied shades between, By aatam’a magic changed in hae Sommer’s robes of green. rad e-top the hedge her shining crown, As towering in regal state She Miles with never frown. i - ► A fleecy doodship rides the ses Of sir beneath the btne Expanse of doer etheral sky A<g!aam with azure hue. ho earth her cloak oC^oesy green Andgraathas changed to brown— sober habit die will wear snowflakes simmer down. The birds fly sooth where sonny Igvite their presence when Th* aectUand swept by storm and winter claims again. & Onr eyas bahdd a wondrous change By astsmn’s magic wrought The heart life’s mystic secret learns by mother nature taught. £ We see the flush of life recode As death draws on apace And know the flesh shall follow suit spirit seeks its place. i this realm of endless change Wo ride abreast the tide .and -a better equipment are indica- ' ' - e'er abide. Our opening has been all that our most enthusiastic friends would wish 1 splendid class of girls; not a sin- conditioned Sophmore, Junior or Senior ud very few Freshmen with .fewer tHn IS units, make-thf finest, student body that the college" fis ever known. Next year we expect to require FIFTEEN units for any stu dent to enter Shorter. • ••• Manget Davis is attending Georgia Tech. ’ / Messrs Mike McGimis and William Culherhson recently left nor Dahlon- ega,.where they, are students of the North Georgia. Agricultural College James Davis former student at Hearn, is attending Richmond Acad emy at Augusta. Mllllirmy mill jnii little son Hugh of Glenville, Ga^Ksited his daughter, Dale a few days agp. young woman who may attend the Here were 62 students.who were college by reason of' this scholarship, * allowed to return to Shorter thisTltavery best advantages. • ••• t wise man and the fools money i fall because they had-not worked off all conditions; that VJejt us but 93 students about the Freshman class; of these 93 girls, forty are taking dif ferential and integral calculus as an elective; five are taking a still more advanced course in mathematics, the theory of equations, determinants and symetric functions. It has been supposed that girls are not fond of mathematics; we think that Shorter is proving) an exception .to the rule. -X - -**♦* On Thursday evening.Viast, every gill in the college went to hear Tom Dixon's new play, ‘.‘Robert E. Lee.” uft. Van Hoose counted, it as one of our Lyeetnn numbers, believing that every girl should have an opportun ity of seeing this period of southern- history when presented by a south ern writer.' It was a great occasion and enjoyed. There are rumors throughout the college that the Mercer Glee Club will visit Shorter soon. We are wondering if this, is true. A cordial welcome awaits them. \ ***» The W. M. ff. of the Serepta Asso ciation has. just decided to estab lish a Teh Thousand. Dollar scholar ship at Shorter and Dr. Van Hoose went to Athens last Wednesday to meet a committee from the Unoin who were empowered to close the matter and estsblfch the scholarship. Thy have.'cash in hand nearly $9000 far the scholarship and gxpect to add to tfeat sum until it reaches $10,000. The interest on this sum is to. fec used in defraying the expenses at some young lady from the Serepta tyho shall-be selected by the Execu tive Committee of the W. M. U. Shorter appreciate this thoughtful ness of the .women of the Associa tion and pledges itself to give the V You may loolc for a weekly letter from Shorter, Mr. Editor, and we hope that the Cluster may become one of the greatest factors for good in our educational and. religious nfp, that our denomination has. “Shorter Corr^-pondent.” L. G .1. NOTES Locust Grove already - has an en viable record, but if a more conL4-eonJtributor to London Punch plete faculty, a large student body, and a beter equipment are indica tions, 1920-21 will’ break all records. Bugle calls for revaille discover students pouring out of halls, build ings, tents, both on the off the cam pus, like rati., if ’.the windy little bugle eprps could wake up more they would do it, for their practice is lusty and full (if pep. Residents of Lo cust Grove are assured of plenty of poise. ' ; • «**» ■* Every crack and crevice around Locust- Grove is filled with students but the annex to the boys’ dormitory is nearing completion, so -these crowded conditions will soon be re lieved. ’ /Quite a number of students - re ceived B. Y. P. U. diplomas on Wed nesday morning. The school is grate ful to Field Worker Lewis Batts for' the excellent training course in -the Manual which he conducted here last week. t Much interest is being shown in B. Y. P. U. work at L..G. I. No school in Georgia offers wider op portunities or furnishes more whole some environment for training in Christian character. Although the local team has met cisive victory, there is every reason to believe that L. G. I. has one of the. best prep elevens in the state. At this writing local fans are anx iously awaiting results of the game with G. Mi A., which will no doubt be one of the hardest battles of the season. The student body is behind its team with the sort of spirit that maker for good athletics. L. G. I. believes in well developed, all-round men, and is offering every encouragement to clean athletics. Look out for the record this year. The first number of the Lyceum course Kirill be presented at the Au ditorium Saturday evening, October 9. This is an annual feature of the school work, and always contributes wonderfully to the enjoyment and culture of the student body. " •••• Among the faculty announcement* oii Thursday *n»orning was one of special interest to all those who en joy exercising their vocal organs. Miss Smith, of the Piano and Voice Department, requested all who could carry the “tiniest little tube” to re main after chapel. Quite a number responded and plans were farmed for organizing a Glep'Club. They will probably be heard far and wide during the year. They are anxious for the opportunity of prov ing themselves. WOMEN A woman is queer, there’s no doubt about that. She hates to be thin, and she hates to be fat One minute it’s laughter, the next it’s a cry, You can’t understand her, however you try. But there’s one thing about her which everyone jpiowa— A woman’s not dresaed till she pow ders her* nose. —Student Life. RIES A ARMSTRONG JEWELERS Reliable Goods Oaly 315 Third St., Macon, Ga. * t NEW YORK CAFE 314 SECOND STREET A trood Place To Eat SOCIETY BRAND AND STYLEPLUS CLOTHES NETTLETON AND FLORSHEIM SHOES R. S. THORPE & SONS Style Headquarters for College Men CROFUT-KNAPP, DOBBS AND-MALLORY HATS METRIC SHIRTS 552J^CHERRY STREET if ' - V'- AN ENGLISH JOKE: r?‘ i jMcArthur, author of “The Affable Stranger," which will soon I be published by Houghton'Hifflin Oo.’J is only the third American who could j honestly be described as a “regular His two predecessors in this honor were Artemus Ward and Judge Halibur- ton, author of the “Sam Slick Pa- pert.” All of which goes to prove the injustice of the indignant Lon doner’s retort- to some “spoofing” about, his ' nation's sense 6f humor, “I’ll have you know, sir, that an English joke is not a thing to be laughed at.” $200 A WORD. Conan Doyle’s doUar-a-word fate which he is reported to -have re ceived for some of his stories, looks small in comparison with the price paid for the motion-picture rights to "Uncle Sam of Freedom - , Ridge,” published recently by Doubleday, Page & Co. The Henry Levey Pro duction Company has bought the scenario of Margaret Prescott Mon tague’s story, which was 30 warmly praised by the President, paying something more than $200 a word (or Mrs. J. D,. Arp with her sister vis ited her son John, at Hearn Sunday. BEST PLAH LUNCH IN TOWN 50C 11:30 to 2 #0 HOTEL LAMER SPECIAL CHICKEN AND TURKEY DINNER Every Sunday— $1.25 MUSIC EVERY SUNDAY HOTEL LANIER ALWAYS AT MOST ' . ^ REASONABLE PRICES" Complete Stock of everything to Sait the taste of Men and Boys. v 518 Cherry St. -/ ‘It’* high in Style if it Cane from the Star’ --- \ Pay cash and save.25 percent. SANDEFUR-HARWELL CLOTHING CO. “Where a dollar does its duty” 456 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. - STRIPLING’S BARBER SHOP 308 Cherry Street OPEN ALL NIGHT EIGHT BARBERS Union Shop Pressing While You Wait Bath Anytime Now i$ the Time to Purchase Your Fall Outfit OUR 52nd ANNIVERSARY SALE BAT ITS FULL HEIGHT. Hart Schaffner & Max Three Piece Suite Reduced GUARANTEED TO BE ALL WOOL $38 $40—S4S SUITS NOW $50—$SS—$S0 SUITS \ NOW $65—$70—$75 NOW $46.00 $90—$85 SUITS NOW $56.00 NOW 20 Per Cent Discount ON ALL * J. A. M. and WACHTEL SPECIAL HIGH SHOES Quality and price cannot be equalled—the same kind of shoes that you have always bought from us Johastoe A Morphy Shoe*. $18.50 Shoes Now .. $14.80 $20.00 Shoes Now ..$18.00 $22.00 Shoes Now i .$17.60 $23.00‘ Shoes Now . ,$18.40 House Slippers $2.25 Slippers Now . .$1.80 $2.60 Slippers Now . . $2.00 $2.75 Slippers Now .^$2.20. $3.00 Slippers Now . ‘-.ttMi $3.50 Slippers Now^$2.80 Wachtel Special Shoes $ 9.00 Shoes Now . .$ 7.20 $12.00 Shoes Now $12.50 Shoes Ww - $13.0.0 Shoes $13.50 Shoes Nl $14.50 Shoes Nbw $15.00 Shoes Now $16.00 Shoea^Nbw $16.50 Shoes Now $18.00 Shoes Now . .$ 9.60 . .$10.00 . .$10.40 . $10.80 . $11.60 . $12.00 . $12.30 .$13.20 $14.40 Men’s Soft Hats Reduced 25 v tZ ■ ALL NEW FALL STYLES $20.00 $18.00 $15.00 $12.00 $10.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.50,. $ 8.00 $ 7.50 $ 6.00 INCLUDED Soft Hats .. Soft Hats .... Soft Hats . . Soft Hats ...... Soft Hats ..... Soft Hats . .Soft Hats .... Soft Hats ..... Soft Hats .. 7. So'ft Hats .“... 41M0 S13J0 $11^5 $ 9.00 $ 7ja $ 6.7S $ MO $ OJOO . $ 540 $4J0 Chas. Wachtel MACON’S MODEL CLOTHING STORE 515-517'Cherry Street—Next to Hotel Dempsey The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothez ;