Newspaper Page Text
" ; WORK
aw pioiPTii niaro at
athkn*, oeokoia-.
Manufacture* Iren an«l Bra*
_ _ j/ Cnatlnr*. Mill and Gin Gearing
and Macbiaerj-, Sbafting. Pulley*.
‘‘bTw Hangers, Ac., Circular haw Mill*,
Hand and Power Pre****, Caaa I
We »<ll iiublu-r
Belting. Packing of all kind*, In-|
aplratora. Injector*. Valve* Piplag. Fitting*. Steam ata Waler Goagea, Ac j
We are now making Portable Btraam Eugioea. which we aell with an j
almolate guarantee aa to quality and workmanship, and at price* that defj
competition. Wealeoeell Alia* and Ama* Kagieee, Turbine Waler
Wheel*. MUI Hloaea, Hol Ung Cloth, aad avarything neeited about a mill
oc gin.
Cail and *ee •• or write to a* before buy lag.
lie at
a j njutTssi a <ov
t <** gaaraalwed with ovary pair.
s c«a »• aw •* ♦•w-se-a* 1 ' • ■ ** *
i inr always oh hand a own avrrtY or
and specialties in electric ooors.
w ra «tmrMa mr
mght.ii icA/r power
MfilMl «W
a«« la lhw Ctempete aad beet tart far Qmktag Stores and Raages
*•*»*»»»* c- ft n. ammbv. t«»*i «*»*«•*.
Douse and Sign Painters
and Dealers in Wall Paper, Paints, Oil*. Varn Uh
ea. Bruahea,Ete
■a n. "MmutcMM mast, mi bm ftßitwa fijiiti *M<
* ___________________
ft* <IM Itatab*. fttokßskart IMB j
Batov to WtWtoft «MtA rtWkXkt I
eatA m v* *•* rutw> v»u
ftmite *N*WM>* «H1 to tow-M Vert j
• Uftwkys
I * V M MW W| K V
Cu.\S *"* ******
aXta tore te Sea* etow
a_ • «m« me ra pra* «w* serai • I,
*■•< swa awe ******
C. A. SNOW dt CO.
®lje 21tl)cns tttaMg Cljrmrick
W. D Grtffecn
iMhvMDOhmM* a**.
H „ w y
OwaMMMt taMi «*««•• <•!••<'»
«* at«ar«*»
inT ir • •*«*%«»»
a«i << «m
Haaai.d Place- I. ead Areeed the
Pit, <;*«<. Naara aa4 «*»• r 4 iq
DMreerat *raaala**SS.
I DM yoo ever are s gteat t
If you bare not, coartdar yourarlf f«-
■ tonale. We bare been i»ki of save**!
j I aunts around Athens, ata the heir of the
I narrator’* often “.total on end*" as they
! toki Item. A rt middle SC,
Uaoav.naliua with • CuaoaiCL* re-
■ l»<rter tbe <ghet day. sard :
, I "I hare seen the time when I w<h>l<!
I land* at • rtrwt ebvy, but that time has
i passed. There is • bourn in Athens that
» certainly hauated. Tne gtrai t* Inrmi-
Me— bui H to eartai. ly there, a'l tbe same.
’I I herd in 'be bouse about one year. I
beard arrange aotera, but attributed them
’ I to rat*, and uccur ltnely gra two large cats
ata taraad them lo>m» In tte bower. Not
• rat did 1 reef s« those eats Caleb, sta if
they er.r got <ms I don't know it. 1 then
I purrbawd • rat-trap, bst sever caught any
I that way. 1 <xr«ltaed lo »<t *p owe eight
> I < waJcb far lbs ghost, bat Could not find
him. 1 heard exceedingly r range tH<tos*
oe Ute eccwem, like chain* rattling,
■hums brat>ug. rte. I hrg«a !»• search
more ehm-iy, but crmld *sd mAh inf. I
Anally went into tb* attle of lbs boom,
•ad then I beard my rwuns e Hed. !>»d it
W«n, I-b.add say It did. I
»V«d r.ry q>f i, lab-rung lo ami if 1
sould bear il 1 did. Tbe voice
rd««i u.y uam. r.ry plain. I managed lo
»•*, 'whet to wuial F tmt m> tar »w r
esse, ta alwel «*• WSek I * V*J fh«m
that bou«a, aad sixe bar* sever beard a
ghoal, but will always briwve la them."
Wed. tbe repslatma of ths mimraJ
spring is la danger 1
We bsard a gb‘*< sKey wbwh is kmetad
at tbto raaurt. A geati man w.ta.d d.»wa
ibereoM of the* to-aadhto a»<a» 4i«bt
. nigMa, and a«4 only beard, bat Saw •
(bast. W. w.U let h*m Uil tb* s**wy i
'I cam. by McOmiy a sa««p. ami Uma
•urtsd ap tbs radrami embnahaarat, aad
J MB |Y* MCiUFkJ liuU tkwl 1 A
wmUa craab. i Iboagbl a Umb bad talk
«*> fram mm of tbe irvaa, but tuuud that
meh was nut tbs emeu i wswt wws near
'hasp<tag aad tuuii a«aai. wb«a I b*snl
sMMhsr au*a>, aad tMe a gruaa. I pro
«ma led ia lb. dtovcibae of tbe entoe, bat
oedKwaK bear M>>d.lag wbatevrr
i aal *»wa ag*«a. wbau 1 heard a ndna
that wanted me r *1 am base lam bare I
H. to ba here, ban, but was t **<**• U> ma I
•h) a* surtb d«m i»<>e *»•»»« F i wsai >
A<wa the braosb, lb* iliwmbm tn*
wbwhtbaasMHMtrwra* I bagpd aomMbtap
aiovu, bad I eusiu mw * mm* g«l a* bad
try bsnsa, barb* omida’l da to. I wnst
tn Mm sted anted WhM we* Uta SbaUe* .
‘tkxsT ys* mi h I O, baa wd
mb I ix.kMMmF 'What to hr I Ute .
•traynuttemir Dm’t y.w «*» nw Aw<>V
VmtesMM Ibe toteasMM m pm* I kmWj
that be was datertaua. aad bad beea drtal
mg. aad I carried tern bmwa. From I
aapwaue t«s kaeai srnuy ba* g*<*d ewca
toifaa. Psaras UMi I bass beard
MS.ral aavted startea U gtemds at tbe aa
•nd •ertawa, be* Am>*i baton* ibem.’*
a a • • •
A gnatlmaaa fmm «be amatry taa« tn
lbs frwni w«h a «**y <h»i to a »Ude absad
ad aay w» bass evaw beard, total be
*1 bsvs a b-aated spins <m my pton. D-1
I ever bsar pewfcar unAwa ate ml tbs
iHMtated a,.* f N" Tttal s ateal t» tbtaa
aa It I »m«d bear nay htaJ «d a a>4»
I Wuahl be tester aamAnd. Tte phma to
atesai mt ten toned ami •* haul tea*. Il
yam w-a >w«r H, ttea gvuaaaad al ahur,. Yoe
-im-tt-ll • Nita Iteai ad Iba v>teaiteme at
a total •««<•< ten* aad banh. wMb aa
» lasiMiiimai thud. U * «**• starate testa
see* a* asasad a* tMa gnsaad v. r y Mag. I
tetosee ba waaskd tot*. I baas toted a.—
Afwr • .iktag <»vta aad saamteMu* tba
pass* P« absml a ball an tear awa day, I
hmad mysatf a* • «*h thM t wm*M mN
• ata taw. Yaw have ths tetaiag aa ts
you bad tea* ste.hMl by aa atectrta te» -
tery. after way lag sa *• pdas* far same
.sear Bow <h> I are* seat ten «t I aaa*l
to* to. I tees g»Vre ep a* tegw at Mw
mltasi w»*b asusatarv snihaas wte tovs«
M*r Ibte psaos He asys lhel ta tea* SWS.
•r terns ahdy to Siswsvw tib«l ite
taste* as alt. sad say* a to ssly ******
| was aS a« pessi taws te hto baaptetae te
jmy te- _ T B
•ma m aa ms tut taiwava a
* ——
bast V* us be cssMeW teas tesisate *«ws
*. Amuse *«e aa.
! Ytem to *a «etdUM*cs la tte Why aratasi
: g s*a* tte a serai troitas waste tte
I Hmara usd teat *ed issa *** to sasaru>
|asd*eaata a mrtms tad is lasi w« earn
| «w ta »W*i wmrt w tea staryp ssmas-
I raw.
I at wdd to *dd *a Ctew. tonsday after,
fsm tto SMMN ar mi tte* Ids R. *.
j sswta was** ewt Miyutaid team a **w
b«b ta M*. wtakau* tta wmata racy maa.
: aad smaata* al saw ta **sry **-
, Yte uaatta to auty »va tea* Mg*.—
I . tea Ms I tod *ny y stea tomg. aad ••
| anaarartaa as* ***"• MMI m*n. gas «te
I tad aww »atew «m wand ate bad mate
I to •am etotmt l»m tteve to sac* a *hgb
i saa to Atoaaratod • was wtbamm* by
I •rssesl rMtosto wato a g»as* toad nd
I Maeamum*. toftaa* •*- bwmswse. maa
m b«* wywaat tte »«w tew sawtatg *wm
‘a M ewuagtos •*• tow rto* •< -*» «W.
’ aad toe Aar w« to tag* tnimdtagty
a ea *** ra»’ Kara-tototow
tog toe rne.s iwiststew »< to..—
• toMwdap atotot « *a—d a* < Atowan
. as to am—d to • tompary rd tta tom
a saw K L Baa A Onto awe* mi .*•
j tta yearn. «ad tee smrn. ttoa tta
t' a atari* far tow m>da*ft« awiita Itery
i basdy toss Ia tetodm ***** tto
s-ag. aad al «a* in—tad ttta be
’ bud mu. gad **
Baa ta ***** «tot •*< idawwe * ( **■
I to am amw«*mr dy B dßeita
tte smmn to bw ** •• *“•
«ya* A ta tow
isadttadVto ysdas Wtetw to we* p—
«te toA tow p«*a». ■’ A<-wtowd tastoad toe
! wsd total Betas, tte pohre mma,
g >«—£ tewgter told teatote
’ to Wl® • £>i •*• to Up l W
I ad teams, atelia toe tabaara Wan
y' dm Mm tangton
The drouth in Atben* ia causing the
wells to run very low. There are but few
of them that co entirely dry, bat three few
are about empty. Aa a rule, tbe wells of
Athena tui nisb cool water, and in suluciunt
Mr. Bud Fellowa aaya be want* a bil 1
Introduced in tbe Lr-gisJainre to abolish
bog pens, to p'isoa all tbe coca, and to pul
tbe idler* and vagabond* (while and black)
in tbe cbam-xaog.
Tbe edil»»r ot the B»v. published at
Union Point, t* fearful that we are to have
nuue d I-sal rows ruUiqulrt the coming
AnguaL Ha <tr*«* bu cmciaainua from
tbe (act that Uw yasr <>f IM*, U> isle baa
teen alm<«t prec a. ly like th* year 18M
*u far a* the weather ia cutatrued lie
cues dates, an ! Ii» c>nni»sr .s<>as ae. m to
UMIHSta that tec Ums t.ouu .Ula griaisd.
for hw fears.
Tbe CabuMMTta to indebted to Mrs
Wtoiteteasd fur *>sm Hue com aad tte
largest t> cU we hsva area this scswxi.
Il Iraota u if there to n<> end lo the
CusosictJCs goal tack. Last evening
Mrs. Dr. W. A. Carlton aval to tbe
l wuouicut ■ fflee a lot at the flaret straw
terrwa are bare are or tasted ibis waaon.
Tbe treat wm a great surprise, fur are did
no< know that atrawtaanm were tennug
at tb* Hanoi of tbe year. Our h.artleit
ibaaha are given lur the tend remtmtei
Tb* third aiory of tbe Y. M. C. A. badd
mg to nssriy omtpteled.
Ws are glad lo am Dr. J. C. Ore on tb*
Mretla after quit* a spell ot atebarn*
Mr. Lww aFuWta, wbu run* a grocery
atusv bear RusJt erataga, to very Ml with
tbe fever.
Itev. Mr. SteUnvll prcacbod a fine are
aaow al Jtatototo, Oouswa «<*r <y, <* Am -
day. Mr. AAvsll waa much pteeaad wHb
th* church as>d p opir.
Mr J«*a Wardasr, Jr., who firn to. a is
Alstmma tor eonwiim-. returned h<wse lam
•sub. Ha • tea.tag a tih with ibe abate,
test bopm te tee ad ngbl Ml a few days.
ites. V. * tteta was to tbe city tot*
mursMig, ami report* a reass/kslAa maeung
st tba Paper MdL About atstaau paraona
b,ts nottsd wltb tbe Cteareb.
A Cuugftgatieeal Metbodtot ebure* baa
b>*a u* a aa.*.-d ai U.urgta Factory. Sev
eral paeauw toava untied wHb M, and a
uwertas to now ta pr<toMub Tte **tvmm
•re conducted by Bev. Mr. Kirk, and ute*
Nv*. Juba Wuita, we ate happy to aay,
to atewly improvtag. H*r t *B atata wswha
ago waa • vwy areterea u*e. tent *|r to r> -
raverlag loan te* sfihet*.
W. «sd Mm bra th. Os Howard Ckd.
togra Akte, ere tollwcHy, the gustos <rf Mre.
Hr. P. H. M*M. «i •—*- .
LtewL Fred M slgww. of l>dthtuega, •>-
revto ia ite Crtr Aaivrday t»U bl H« • I
apessd Btaarsi w**a al the buss* at i. a
reuttar. Ms* A. K- iiodgw*, on Unite**
a vane*.
tb* I. I C. A mnrttaga at tbe ranuw
<m tkvami strata csmUsta te tea futl «rs m
teram- •
I<•<•• ftoto Monday • Daily.
Tteews Wl all** S Sle*aa to new.
■r Jtota* F*.htov* test tbtemomtag
tas bte testa ta ItaMasana. He baa teem
vmta« femfe ta Aiha* and vtaaxy
Ha buyted.ya wave agww wnb Mn
tfmry BstCtam, <d lbw toy. and Bs. 80.
dasm Bdnatota. ad Ogttoburpa- Ba tea
ter*v eereen pteulrr «m iba Uto Hvhi, bte
••stags atop teasog Ibraa th mil to*tea <4
•otta• asreatoy O» iba term agpantare
Mr Pndtevs's, tewr th ue*ei toatea ere
made awnnady.
OAtaw MsKwwea aremsto 'rmn bw
mv*ata« tap al bto-pm* Ibraa ••►<* tan
tawtaag *" anvto a UM. A* u*l aatgra
aensad A rate rem naa tb> c mpresswto, ami
Larata Pre* *** >*• daafiy hmto agnteto
1 •*•■ te bwtad *to swipaMb Saw bad
ewten tw* dtoarv and a tend fare* bura
tad uw totem re ramato tbs w»wy «m*v
1 Ms teabto Lnrwto up. bwarevvt. tar Mstotaa
wtaeataabmapd hwniry trema Ibe hmm
to Mr Jm Brara*
aw9#dßw4»«*>t» «‘»*rl |R|—irff
A yvreeg aaeei at Bmrtwre ewmty. by fen
Mmanf K«K ran to BrJsm K«*. end a
ywaag tltetefi *•• «to tototwg Betnrete,
1 wane a r*m wmh ap. wad ibay
awl re*, aa wn' -temta tar sbsfeet la
, bnatottag bte para ram* *V • wen swr»-
, tewatoy dnaraargto. tbe teed aadenag Ma
test aba* Be dared test a atawt wteta attar
IBs *tost. • Vwbte.
TMrvv* gaamal y abnd tteaaga ta ata
wbesa tbay g*t a a*eats, test net as srtete
' tea abtaf naw radstto Mr fMw Wtote
tamre tea* —k Ua mw fit to taka a
itopa tekta <* <ba hack pass*. and lw ba*
M< tea* aareabt. Ba ere* taairm aa* ta
Mr Jm B Jeakras. nf Cterteto to. to
■•a A Ata Lwwra. at Pnaaata*. sarere
entail ta renm*pr j—wtay mmwtag at
' j tb* reabterera ad tta tetos'a a* tart, tare
1 , Waa. Oanta* tWrtaug Tte* bappy
1 earepte ba** the ere*»*aSstowa at Wra
‘ Mat fin Ttewyteft «Ma aaamimg
• ] tar Chsatawßte. what* ptam tbay w* ma**
I tbs« fwrere tetaa
* < wssaas t* ■ teas.
Mr a. t Hs«ta* resmvto a carsrea
i tatet tb* aabar dap freta a pm Bare aa bv-
>'ta • A tesre* B. wrate ta Mr Ba*-
i gtea to ytaana aaato team a waTMmaAnt
>' atateam any bneman. and nA* an* nay tato.
> M* tttagaan Atal teraare .I.tarty tow to
111* «*• aadm Bs bad aaatar amr* ad area*
> a«btato*m* Prekatey tb* guili we*
> j toad tarn* artraten at taw*
A Utas »**■ Madhsa*.
> I
, Mr tedy Ctebtaaw hue just rreaatoad a
teaam mean Aeta* L SreAwre* Bs my*
J tateaan reareto torn tosagnoa teto rag—
, : al ran tore* aMaan yam tnreangk Attewe:
tatatebrei breed at arerttaad cd iwta*
I Ctegk tk C Owur. sea* tea ba wa«M «•
, awreto ap * hr ■ ■teinra e tn tte Oamta
, ? cpy J— |—n*e «a a vttot *— dap.
Swtur Jay s DUIy.
I KabMripttoa treks Opracd—lM Skarre
T4B» fewsd.tre Will idrarttoa Atkra*
1 Jr ——.
I Tire attendance upon the citi*'-n’s meet
ing this nltermxm at tbe Council Chamber
waa not aa targe a* at tbe lorio r nn-rtmr,
, j but tae amount of cnUiubtaam was juat aa
gren'i la fact il *bomd that after a
; pertnfi of Marly over the matter, tbe opir
( «*> the to Mill the a iu>c, and
they uni atiil ready to make Athens what
j she taxM to be.
It jiear-y drmnuatewte* Abai the boom
wulu/pqa struck Athens to not a rwre
uaoafiiwy afslr, but to wdxl ami aubataa
lisl. The Otrp engaged in tbe work rtpr» -
aentacit area from rwy alsaa, and all are
' at wark with a will. 'UH&' m<~tu busineaa.
■mi auemre* will attend tbeirwff<qp»
' The Was called tn ntder by the
Ire. & Krwin, at k
Jbraimaa of tte omi
hinaenlf, Capl. Tal
r*xk, reported ibe
i euptpony tn be ths
ay, and c.piial stock
b pttvikge to raise It
i ''Star* l" tereaist of a president, ai*
• wl otter* s* the cumj**oy
1 Ua osfi °* to th* improvement of land
to fibri asutond Athena-
it item to Wmw bund* and secure
■ Uxnjta annh property at ths board of
> d reefipattan* ieM. ,
It ptavidm for tak tai l*n<! in pfigmtat
f M«4k, If a enta- n an dewree.
t h pre* aailHMUj tn buy aad &mtr 4
( p» vttagsad renewal.
Hack (bare to pferad at te* Sattars, a*
' »h< li am Mu el etotaru *»»y tabs a bead in
lbs rigpUiiavlUMi.
Mr. Brown captained some of tbe acr-
1 uoaapf tbe charter.
Mr. Gantt nsuvad In accept report of
' *4MMMu* aad aubaertptaua te alar ted,
aad tamper commit tea apfSMUted. Gamed,
’ aad Mkmra KT. Br»na, 0. G. Ydnwdga
a Burn. Fta*. itattay aad W D. Urdfecb.
• war* Sppmated.
Tta* CMMaitte* loadvertto* felbre* eras
liMH* KpfK ialY'ki M trdtewa: Mr. T. L.
Usa'i. ckairaauin. M«*rs D. (X Harrow,
W. A Mtewdi. & C. Babadm, NT.
U O,KX<T u F *‘ l
Mr- K. T. Brown apnha of the temafiia
I of udrartterag, and told how tte rxvat
* team* ia A' had Mrttatad far ooi into
' tbe Mortb by ibaue reran*. Butacrtptsree
«o tba 1»< w.r«.
K T Brun*. |fit H A Lowrance, |A.
W A Butman. *3. C J (TParret , fiA. A L
Huli. Nt 0 P Braghtw. fi, fit. T W ILwd.
•I; J A iU<so«a<l. A*. U. Mats, AX M C
J dream, ft CO TaMMdge. AX H N
WMtertt. ft iteoth Braa,. ft C D Fta*a>-
gan, ft F W c&rewy. ft J * A
' fem, AL B it Ueton, ft J H Hagguaa.
ft C W Btednta, ft Ware Lucre, fid, U,«
HCartM. ft Toto. |T7. Ttwtoasitoi.
' wo wiU won on tbe cMresM al targe aad
* reesava theta mteriptaoaa.
Tto crowd saamfreled a great deal ref
‘ eatbaearem on tbe aatg'Ci at adreruasag
1 tba low*
( nil uctx tat**
Mr A L. Hell an ca,ted «. to tell of
tbe U. C aad I* H R. H« aa*J tba rued
tta warn five mttlarea of tadtaca to tea
aredd. and H will ba paabad thraagh al
> MHM,a**to Crtutprey M aow paying at
i V asm ma Mn baa 1s N» raamre way ibe
> Hued ateuald ant te Seated tey Urn fan «t
I itwa He hoped item wuaid toe no fee
' «<rew sppuwlen to tta ngtol id way—
I Ttey las Attea* oral will do ai< they
. caw to bated ap lb* tew* Tba rusd w«
• are te vnwted •• «atal the rtg*t of way
I a (scared The Ltanpatey w<M pay tatr
i pan*** ter tba paaprety
ma a., c. A a aaaor*
Mt. Beal 11 isfci the shop* a»d toe treated
baa* AUasla * not e«»y ranch fa»ored.
* PM* • a dretetbaiuag P*n’- and the C- A
» B. jinnita tto U .U A N- bare, ntolre
i <hre v»yy fevwrete
i Yto* nraaaa X*hr snore citinim* lor Alb-
I an* and reach areas rerewy la ba dtotrrtr
k sled IM** ftoes * raa a shadow of a
» drateitbotm* mad wdlte barite.
• Tte aaanung tnawte* Mr. Bail far bte
.•wra. and Hwrwcssd Mr. Had to taß the
dwaaaea* MM tttey rewald raeet tbs batert
laft eorepaewnam tore.
* arsMttFnoa ***** oramt,
k Bosk* la* iwbairrtptam epemd with a
* tea*. C*M a<» Tatetedga took res
• toaadsvd absre* omhha great appiaawr.
■ F W rt-r ; t><A Bl Shira'. * T Drown.
• 9 ata—. B K LcmyAto. M sb—. W J
B—a. IMsaarre A L Hsd. *3 Mw—
i A Bs* tonn. M» abarera T L Oaat-. !•
, ate— W • B to*ae. »> ah— G P
1 MrfeMwcß IB share* W D Gnßnb. id
' as— J-tee L Arotod. » sb— B M
‘ Wdwa. * shares. Y-eal r—d tbto ft
rare ires Ms a**rsa.
f Ttes a a sary fine Mt—g. aad araato
“ *•—daeL Tba r n— eta raaart
1 tb* «r*ra* end take up ibate iub*rrt*»m*
* Tba •*•* mg bawiag 4«cbarged ah He
dnttre nfprannd •» • ft*rt>« to ata. eta*
Aran’torteanktaw Jadgaßrwta far pet-
1 arata tow ds Mae—•*
• Ttoe asm msetesg wte te afib*
■ ; ii ahi I tare, rates a Prenstam aad at*
■ ttoiaaire w« te ii stai Trass of ncu
t : nit - -g has ns* y»t te-a d—nuwad.
t I T*s *wwW»( Tebaief «e*e braes ass.
k Os bstoaretay aagM lb* »—ad Bmm
* | abotab ••* mo rated te wev**.i wteg a«h
i *s spprecaadw areftenc* Tbe cnarch sod
| tom* daowarad wteh spprepnate am til ess
iaad reattma, aad wnte Betoms andevae
grere* The i girr wre ware opsresd wtab
praya* *y *■ pa—. Nre. B. F-
' I Ban. B B Braral raraae so ata—t tortto
.gMtosg eterea, after wtacb tto* —-
grsto we at aywetea nod rev—s of tbe
r ggmtean toaswsreted ear. A4 4tod*>B.aad
asAtaeg mnnrrad to rarer tbe pterearers ad
meta—- Tte teaifai acteerel at tba
* | cteeMb ■ • * vary • nmbing —Mum
For tbe Chronicle,
Bill Dadd Pbiloeaphues.
Hellicox, July 13th, 1839.
Es a fellow who ken think (fur some
folk* can’t) will jest quietly look around,
he’ll see some quare looking things. An’
the mure be lo«.k», tire more be will think
the world is sorter turned wound. A pic
tar ia a good thing some time* to make
folk* ketch an idee. I have beam tell of
word pictures, and here goes to make one:
if you »un on the Northeastern railroad,
you go out of Athens to the Northwest
If you bno't got tbe idee now, you never
will, and it Uain't no fault of mine, neither.
But if you bas got a good grip on it, you
will see that I bare struck "ite," certiug. —
If tbar's anything iu this world that ain’t
jeat about that way, jeel name it.
You aee men that ougbler do wel', and
their sbo-s to alw ■»* needin’ a patch, and
•omeliuire their brilche* has got them.—
Then another feller will Jeat seem to be
urosperiu’ like be can't help it, and !ur the
lite us you, you nor nobody else can tell
how be docs it. They *vy "honesty ia the
best policy,” but it appears to me if a filler
aucka 100 ckree to it, it will be a long lime
betwixt suit* of clothe* with him. 1 be
lieve it 1* teat, tail a feller don’t get along
m the world very fas'.
A feller that needs help, is tbe one, it ap
pear* to me. oughter get il—but, somehow,
Taiut ao. The other teller that don’t
need rt, is sure to git more’ti bis share. I
nckon a Mier ain’t got no bu-inea* lobe
pu»r anil nevd help. We talk at»out it, but
thar te precious kw folk* in this world
that to fur the node! dog io • fight. Il
oat* too much, t reckon, or may be, it
make* us sorry to re* him, so we keep
away from bita Wc g't mighty tender
hearted aometioK* If you aie right rich,
you might owe aauMbsr tiller a thousand
dUlar* and be would never want it, but
tor axiag you lo Ley more. But you have
aoth>ti’, and uw* him a duller, and ta'd
••nt it ao tad that he'd foltar you all day—
wture tuaa a duck alter a Juney bug
Yu**vs*ren item, 1 rec to u; and if you've
ever tern* tear, ywk'ii think that’sa party
laarpteiw. I tea jknow bow fur alureg 1
outed go, bat may ta you —id doeutm
udag .fata **
•twraitd teip yore. Sum* fulk.tal—iu
lack—ttoaft term that don’t haw te and
ttoar’a other tolka ttat dua't, acd Urey's ite
uora that ba* IL I wtob 1 coatd ”dooj'
fur awhlteJ-may te my corn crab would b.
uter, my totetos alack* bigger, end other
j ihmgv in llkr *ta|>* But now, they lota,
like they’d tad Itos Bessies.
I ain’t er savyin' arteudy. Thar’s sun
t«Uu I barter envy—ttoart Hugh te-rnard
rad t'apt Nick, sad ote area teusre. aad a
ew ottere; bat 1 tata't got a bit far than.
kaltoduia' wta. tame of teun tea*
we pare*mmoo. bat I never raw tbe "tom.
Store" that to s.IJ ta fist Aren every übh,
1 Sint baoln rta* ar*** B* hetEtar
V I’m sorter •uryl wrrt lift tat if I «fin
.Mtaea, tbe last ,Uus« I was sett in’ oa
hat bu* te the «>®cr, 1 saw a tag tavtau
mrer ywsr tatote M was aurt«r foil, 100
bat may ta y«u can push thi* to; Walter
Übrtoty hrtaa like ta wa* puwgrlte strung
ia Ule anre. tot him try.
• Yunrfrtad Ul firth,
Bt ix Dad.
Fra tte Ormriete.
Tto PavKs* Werttoware Wkmm ta
h ireka 'be Ltatetaurw lo "stew tbe Oily
' O-uacti io have paving done uu tte marls
•htote tta fir. l>ra to, at sorts tme aa ifap
•up d— prepsr. and *•— »•"»
Uto xnwd us ths ore* of the asme frusn
.uoperty owner* shotting oo e«ch tods of
tbe .(ran jorwl-l*. efty paying osn -tbifi!
at Use cust."
Bne* a law w«ild ore pel tbe property
tutatraa wiitote «•-! ta— t« l»r »"y
buwevre atooauraa, tar paviug that the
City Curenctl otatot "dram it proper" ta
Tire Chy CBMNB might tte
N—wra pawrereal. retertt toquta toed"
taa c><y ot Mraopbre re l*M Or Uwy
might (rfofer graaHs btath., or asphalt
biueks, sack as are eard te th. (J rem City
at tta W«at. tbe not u< ototcb Ure Bngrem
«d that eta rmwreto. at frertsren dollars
•tol fitly cento a rus.ii g foot
A propsrey ho— ta Uw fire limits of
the Ct—c C«y, wtoree tort tad a tr retag*
ol .a baodnd Im*, wreld protetiy tajral
to psy ••« • psvma «»* ol four hundred
end raghty-tbras dcUare and ibirty-ibrsa
rente- "
Bat if the U»»y Coonctl “drereed rt
pr pre." ba wonl I tare U te pay-ttaJam
U« rerarta «f jartiea protected bit*
Itefra Ctamte, tbe fi a* rtaoa juris*, mid
be never mreid rered tbe test word. <4 tbe
Mt nf B<Ma whbret a tbrdi of more
My. Tte words are there—"to tbe
•cd itart M may be a gureiammt at
mH ore of mere."
If tbe proporerd ord-aaore *boalfi re
a— Lrgwtatre aaartrea, the psopie of
Aurere wrartd «*—to te renter "a gov
•rararat at Uw.’ ata woreid ta placed
•mfar “a gowrraaanen* of am*.”
WbM a faptaraU* rraadMhra I
n--~T~~re towtay eiorafiwt lb* tamto
of tea mart lapse—ste rert—g wtato ta
** UiUH pfkICMS iMBi
Doored m a tata tetef reUrorhy.
r«y. sreb faatrat* tracks bet-re kigb
A* arata tba angta ™ep "
Tat Piru
A a sab re *••• tre m>ra ■*•■*•■
Mr Cbertry ftrywAte tdto as tta* te
bsxraa at two rasa wte wera tetra toy
mad fines to tore re-oaty. ata teal they
Itotb cswvrvrd. Tb* trvattorest wo* ’« <*»«.
ibsm a atroag tea, asrefe of *••* »da ata
rrraa pstesara Tbe tea re to te Aran,
forary fra s.tae dsy. sfw the taw. Obert
tbe am* aitafed te abrea, ••• Mr. GUw
I graow*. wte firafi a few y-a» ago al tte
MSv—sdacartas— ty Ms ore tat when
eyoamg tow*.
tern* tans stan*.arer raatare wWI ream*,
tar tte ebrereseMqg rt a flgM mara -ireM
tree rearer Bteratowtam. to wb«ch tte
Um,mre* was kultad One at tbe nexrare
In the —to reow te tewe. Hto name to
Mm W—, **rt —frag by. •*
tetra* aaj par te the figb*. be was ata* by
a *ooy tef-
; Ate—fol tons rt Ctatetar Brea. Dte-
Carge Congregation, nn<l Meat Excel
lent Mernsona.
Rev. W. D. Anderson preached here
from the text: “Now while Paul waited
for them in Athens, his spirit was stirred
iuAini, when he saw tbe city wholly given
to idolatry." Tbe work of revelation is
•till going on. Christ said : “There is noth
ing covered but what shall be revealed,
and nothing hidden but what shall be made
known.” God does not conceal Himself or
His works from us. All truth is in har
mony, and especially ao in God’s word.
Naturalists can take the b-me of a little
linger, and till tbe physical nature of the
man though he may have beeu dead a
tbou*and years, lo tbe spintual Hue, we
may take the one act of a mao's life, and
upon it construct bis spiritual charac'er.
Tuus of Paul. We can take tbe text, and
build hto character upon it. He wa* in
Athens, the great home of learning, and
hm spirit was stirred within him when he
found tbe city wholly given lo idolatry.
We ueed nothing more io Paul's bistoiy
titan hi* appeal in Athena lo mark out hto
Rev. H. M. Quillian preached an ex
cellent rermon at thia chutch upon the
suoj'-ct of Family Prayer. He mv noth
ing in the Bible that commanded fam ly
prayer, but felt that it waa aliuoat a uc
cesaity in a Christian's lit* Il would be
surprising to know how few church mem
ber* observed iL He spoke of it* great
benefit to children, how it assisted iu tbe
building up of good character* Il had
<n iotlueooe upon everyone engaged in il.
Il made better and bolter people of them
It brought up tbe young people in the right
path, and gave an indescribable peace to the
Dr. Lans preaobed hero upon Gospel
Life, ita deure, and it* ItleasKtg*. "The
giaceuf God that brfegeth mmitun."
foegrocart God »tbeprimal rouree of
tev.ti.ra, HerraUiaafi tbe resenlrala of
tevatkm, aad showed that tte vat inn bad
ippsared for all men. It taught that we
•luted deay all uog.xiliocee and worldly
lust. Belt-dental ia not peculiar to religion
It to ocreaaary to the man of bniteem, the
scholar, ata all mt n. We sboeld lire
■obar.y, aad rigtoletMisly, dtoclt»rgiiig our
dnttaa lo God and men, with an ays look
ing forward to tte omnia* of Ctaisl and
tte award* rt tte Judgment day.
at th* riu-TiuiTtsr.
Rev. C. D. C,mpb< it preached here from
tte text i "Becaase tte love of God to
•ted xbroail la our heart* by the Hrty
Gkrat wtaeb to given ia." It oou.iuc<a
.ueft W ale, Idßng. order .tot of cl—, iigbl
oat of darkm-aa, life out of death. In th*
word* of tb* text, the Doty Ghost abed*
abroad tbe love <>f G«i in tbe heart. He
explaiued tta nature rt the great love ot
God, aud what waa meant by tte shedding
•broad of that love In tte heart.
We have no report from either of tbe
cliurota* te Krai Atben* Rev. B F- Kl
lioU, the puu< of fid Ilaptrat Cuurvb
preachre regularly every aabtrath. and has
inurealmg aervicea We tear* ihal there
wa* no arrvice at 10l Athens Methodist
church Bunday Borniag.
v. Father A. J. ternnw* preached hto
regular nwolbly set toon al Uito church
ytsierday. It was full of rerand asase, ata
waa Itoieted to by aa loterrated audience.
We are sorry that we have no report
from tte Kpnregml church, but oat reporter
tailed tu tbto lim*
* Part* at A—wvUewtlemaa **•« Irate.
Three Mtt*a Attaatan*. who ought to
know pretty well tbe by-way* rt Athena,
got but Sunday Just ’ aft. rj dark, and
tame vary near having lo stay out all
eight ia tte Mom.
Tbry ted tam out to L ily park looking
at tta- fatnre plrarare reaoct rt the Classic
Crty, ata when night spprmetad. resnlv>d
to walk back to town on tta C k N track
They erawe along vary well until they
rrewted the trestle through tbe oemetery
Thea on* rt the number refused logo
or*. Tte eisarants were rapidly mixiag
laadtmdly cnafirat; the Hgktateg waa
tfaatdag ata Use thunder rUlteg. He waa
“te.Uuh" abowt font <»v.r toe in
the dark, aspwteily a* B want ibrwMth the
toty rt tte <teta, and "two tail augeto"
• rep', ta white rota* perchance, might
•take hto f < <ot hold ata aend tam headtoag
to tta rucks below.
A cow bad reretured acrw* th* Georgia
redrota user ra, tat ta waa a taiag ata
.lowed with raaans, eta rraram toid htm
km u> go rrua. Bo tbe three ent through
<he w ode b.ererd Luaspkte street Tbe
ram waa now poarmg tai torrent*, ate
tram a vague crept wver tta*
whiafi MM them Uray Mere tea*. On they
werax bowreas. with tta fin* detaaoUNta
ttoa to Mick together ’lit tbe rat
Suddenly they totted. Ttay were nadra
Mr. P. A. iMtotoey's tew, ata were
alrart to *ske any a<dae, f<* fear rt beta*
oaufa targets for apat of tectahot. Fi
i te y they mastered ap noareg* to cry oat.
ata B<- Bemsary cams oat w.tb a l«bt to
sea wte bta rotten utear Me taxwr. Tte
drenched Atbantaas were tented oat, ata
show* tto way to Lampkta »treet. Oa tto
way brane, on* rt tte* toppta! over a
kg ua tto afctewalk. ata nearly split bim
atef te two. Tbay arrived brane sadder
ata wraar mr* Ttreir S»te Setaay after
mob jawt bte aadad draae’roily.
Jadgr R-rrtagtoa tried a negro tbto
i moretec «w • wn ’ teancy. *»rt tej«dc
j mg ta* a testate, te wffi ta sent at ones
, itatteasytam. Ba name to Wifey Haw.
I tM ata bi* age to twenty raw year* Hra
, put* live on tta B .teps fan* te Clarke
, ennsty. Wdey tea tai ibjte to fits at!
, hie Me. toat rt late fete* grow* very tar**
i ata stroug. ata M the same lima taa be
r tnata '(aur o He was burn ata ratoad
to Owte couaty, ata yad te draaal know
■ tetcraroty te tore* to. Hra parents ate
. reteuvi tare braarara afraid rt hi, ata
i teto* to writ te an tn tte seyiaa
The Bill to Ferfelt the Charier at tte
Savannah and Weetera.
Atlanta, Ga., July 13.—There is a
well defined movement on foot to bare
tbe Legislature foifeit the charter of tbe
Savannah and Western railroad. In fact,
a bill has alieady been introduced in the
Legislature to that end.
The reason for this ia the allegation that
the road is a machine of a monopoly used
to suppress competition. The road, it
seems, was chartered to certain citixens of*
Savannah as a competitive line with tba
Georgia Central to tbe Weal.
Tbe Central hta purchased tbe road in
open violation, it is alleged, of the term*
of it* charter, and issued <5,000,000 of 5
[ier cent, bonds on tbe road.
It ia for tbe suppression of such trans
action* aa are alleged that the Olive bill
was planned, and the bill to forfeit the
charter of the Savannah and Western i*
likely to stir up some lively legislation.
Whieh May (Ueatl ia a Negrate Death.
Loafing around on Bunday got two
negro boys into a difficulty yesterday
which may end in death fur one, and pen
itentiary or rope for the other.
Lucius Tatum and Sydney Paris are tbe
nature of the two negro boy*, and they
are each about seventeen yean of age.
They were out at the fair ground* yes
terday afternoon about 5 o’clock, but what
they were doing there no one know*.
They managed to get Into afi.’bt, however,
•nd Lucius got io some deadly work with
a stick. He struck Sydney over the bead
•evvral time*. Inflicting serious wound*.
Lttciu* wa* taken in charge by Sheriff
Weir, and given • cell in die county jail.
Tin- wounded negro was attended by Dr.
Wimli-y. For a great while be remained
eniinly spwchlca*, and bis wound* may
prove lalal. » -
Owe llaauieta ata Bi*l>< Year* WIN.
Mr* Ik toy Haygood, who live* about
three Brik* from thia oily, hi probably the Uvmg ptrson ia Habvretani ooaniy.
N<> <rae know* ter age exactly, but Mr* J.
M I - ret - retaat to IFkiA •- —* » ••is* Ua*»
X. uevus ioiPP «• iww yrnn* <w. nrr
has btwa 40 Os 00 VcaF® iMKt*
nwa »»• WU w wwra
children arc aM gone, ata ate toateta,
lying on a lowly bed, in a« humble onbla
er< cted for her by Mr* Levia. She receive*
a •inxll monthly sum from the oounty,
winch la given to a colored woman to feed
and take care of tar. Mr* Levia te doing
very much for her, but tbe burden ought
not to fall on one peraon. The community
should lake bold, unite and contribute suf.
ficlontiy to make tbe teal day* of the aged
fs rson aacomfortable M potable.—Toccoa
Neto. ’
A MleMwrt Naa kweeetae In Fltaia*
Hie Metre,
CSABLOTTB, N. 0, July 1R A re
markable cam ia today reported from
Concord, Cabarrus county. K. R. Mc-
Artbnr, rt Sedalia, Mtearrarl, arrived In
Concord yesterday. He at once drove out
a few mile* In the country and returned
wlih * y<raag glri rt about thirteen year*.
Tbe ini' n-ating part of ths affslr te tbto:
About right year* ago an aunt rt thia girl
m uried in Mlaeourl, and moving to thia
county, her former borne, brought thia
Il tie girl, thee only five year* of age, with
tear. Het brother, Mr. McArthur being
away from home, falling to tearn her de*
Unalton. Krer aincs ba ba* beea trying
tn find her. For the last three months,
however, te ba* been making an active
erarch for ber. Last Friday be heard rt
her whirnaboul* and c .IM immediately
for ber. Tte brother and slater left on
the evening train for bte terne in Bcdalta.
After eight year* rt anarch success crowned
two ii tv » w* Aa*a*» i pw«-
Ao Haire aterale Farlr Proeteaita to
aceiiaa Bea Ceaoara-fta FateHUee.
Momtraax, July U.-Tuo village rt
Seeley 1 * Bay wa* tte ansna Thursday of a
[xneoalag which nearly resulted in tto
mrat terribfe tragedy that ever occurred fa*
Usaad* Ata church picaic nearly ail
[ireaawt partook freely rt tee cream which
had teen kept evtr night m ainc frattan.
Btertly afw aeveral ot tta mcmcksre
wet* Mixta with cramps ata convutotaM.
la tea ttoa aa hour MM) rare, women ata
children were strew* about the groutae
cooreteed with agony.
Tta town taa only two doctor*, tat
item. recxraataM »ta aymptom* ata tta
reriownraa at tta calamity. raimmaMd
wldittooai aid from Kingston, twenty-two
mite* way. A Mraag frac* rt pbyractaaa
waa *non on hand, ata began admiatetar.
tog*. at whteh week Uray were
kept busy tta remaitaar rt tta day and
eight. Good foftoae attended Utar rt.
forts, m aa tar ao fataMUm have occurred,
a)ite««b maay ot tta patetoare taU ia
tmm .want danger.
Dr. Bowen of ifeetey’s m*te aa aoalyaia
of tta cream ata foota that tta potamiac
ma das to lacteto rt use, which it cor
tainod in large quantiite*
Bereatoata Tree TweMv Years
St. Paul, July wedding with a
rranatas ia it occurred at th* Grata
Cretral Hotel te * Otota yesterday after,
o-vra. Twenty year* M'> Mm M«ry A,
Tborp ata Ar bar V. Delaney met at
Waebingtoto, D 3. Fneadabip ripaaod
into )ov« ata ttay beevms aagaged.' De.
luwy irasd to Sun Bivar, M. where
heamaeaada fortwa* as a ranch race.—
They oorrespoadad, tot for unknow* rea
wras tte marria** *•* delayed uotil a few
vesta ago ttay agreed to reset at St.
CVrad ata ta msdaoac. Bev. K V. Carep.
brfiwM eamnmsed ata the driigbtfd
mtwasaooe over. Mi ooe knew rt
tbe sAait except Ikom who ware pledgod
to secrecy, tat it leaked aM, ata th* tap.
py enapte ibte mneatog are th* objects at
•JI sjrva ia tte hotel. .The brtd* tea fine
krafcia* lady, state tarty years aid, ata
;.r rate-* to tta acetal Made* rt Washta*.
I to, whde tta groom I* twrte* year* ta*
seafag. After a few day* visiting with a
• Mar in Wuenaata tte enapte will rater*
to Moot*** to bv*.