Newspaper Page Text
Perbsp* there '• ODe lh *°R th,t
annoys and tor: tires infants sod
mnali children <1 tiling the Sumner
■Booth* so moth a* HEAT. ou
bath* ab<l powder them, still
tbobret and inflamation remains,
and they still fret asd cry. How
•ver relief has at hit been found.
Skis < ciu <« Cbawpobd’* Kczcna
Yun is a Strcwk r«« Heat, and
all Shia tfleetioM «*«•*’> b Y
Sponge the stfectel parts with the
Wash and the little fellow is asleep
In tire miantea. No mother • boule
be wilkowt it,
12 College Avenue.
AT HUMS, GA-. JULY 17. 1»»»
Tua wrurti mausnia is r»a»TW»
Local Dots.
N***w II sad WUersna are teag
eomiiiuMmM os an Hdm te tte »«totoßt
S,Nk!UM ttey STS psl“M tta s«rret»
Tte ">»l‘.reJ. ggad" ebktkrte hare ell
tare bought »P P im P* r o<
•rti*, wso art rt*l*r”»< ** *•** “*
VSUM ■.ttaaHrt Buator* is te*>
Tb. Board of Trarf«se *4 *ta Ualverdty
•« tte* wrartlag »• *“•»•* »W***d
f.reraMy .« >h pto tod «< tb* «<«•-• <’»
Wapncra* tea brsaab re*g r , 4 tbs Up
Msie>» datrem.iwd to app<«4B»atß uora. y
fM aacb fartpuw*.
■-I. w. n r»«m is *<•» «• »b*
MrWaton*, tta E*p*aa* awßrengw, h
q«ii* SMS M bb IMMSI Uatas Fatal.
J. 11. U-iggn* is tataqtotert te
Ka>*<* sad Fotia. iqara**. tartar*, to.
A nwabM s< lbs straaaaiaoraa tto*
camp** gmaad* vrery alwvwuto atev ria
Wrerak. sad saw * •*» gaaw. st teto
»«>• aftteto ptoy »*d ttaas us emsßy
a geadly an»taf * <• **»•
Mr Aitoy Cutoma tetonse as tbai Mr.
Jar* b. wid n. ■■•*■» to bad.l oa bls M
an Prmas ssaM asst Monday, ami tier
be al Isr* ***** al itaaMptasa
In ateat (fare w. eha.
M » • gnud rtga «4 tbs sptoadbt, tetoiky
•«d.t to •« ***** -«••«-*•<
fre.r ass sa»*g tat «*rtßke A't-m to
«>• nf tbs tartbMrtS |h» t is OrargH
PuttoevnafiM Obis*. <Ha«s tUQwr
war. sod Itatoteßtomg (tato, Aral
ta>* to tkß to J. H. Baggtaa
Tbs mwvpsta ••**»* ”** P* "*•*'
la patxmto buss tetotoy Ktota A
IwutowtH yea to pmrealMlb.ti
btite thy ••*. »*•* •***• •• k *'
CM bass M tatirt. to* •* sauoat. • In
nl)MiblMi bwesysad war* te tto
■mss aweey «*• F* «• *•» «•!•’»*
•to. that to lbs groarJ «• wb to >*y art
ton yna* patiaawß*
Wby to to Mrti BMS sB «4 tb* drsy«.«>*l
yard aad tatovy •<•* • Atbrea ar*
Eta* a Msrtoaamstoat to<«w»m*.b
b.hwsw« tta* Wwirtaadtba bwsvy.
sanga •sat baa lb urn.
A P»toa»» * *•*» "*•*•** F**.
lay s h«ae ftam Martban raftston
Tto* wto*aiWM ban frss* samtdsaas la
•ahrtamat ma tore a. •*< .«•***»>
IM psrttoa rd to asar Aitors*. Us They
mastoos ar* *W toswrs
MtoßreWßtolortM «f «»*d »*»*•’ "
•moms, toads tor Msretoaud Tto< p»ste
». MSM<wisest *Oo ©.AM.
Ttoars anils tops m*d by Mr. T J
Map** Mare tot. Ybam-ds tarn, seat**
tosrtaamsWMtort W. ben tore!
Md has* rHtoetrd «•**•*-
•rem breaths W UMs was • bam
Bmrvisr m tbtoßM- tWtathtosM r~re
total ssasy P WWW *» • toa« **• •* bsp
pre.*, bwl ar»m •*«—• ba. Saban ass.
lb. brews.**al tores ** st Um
ton* «atody toss *•**•«*•*ssyim-
Mtomrts bn«a »a» tortM. ssd ream are*
Pre JsMy rarestSK Fwm dare. to.
Ossa, Ptot*.>U tto»s. Fto Pmrelmm
rend. OreMMs «H.. and r* sretontoJ
tore sgßretoas rd s reretaty a«e ystoaehy.
•wbatotowt Atremaarehrebbt <M reto
Iresato ABaa-s ware yartredsy Mtomg
•tore* «te toed tteret sms »m. retd toato
*«saMwd dam web pnto »r* *•
atrema «t bntop.
toba toW. • babsarf ton bres
St SbsresMaretoaßW. Nswmbabret to Ip
Cbaf Uitoss at tbs to rthiaisiss topm
tore stommabaNl tore stomas stomasd sp
l.k« IM oSmSKag wwmey «e mad
Hap toes. BMW. wren Stosre *• • to atst.
red <MM uwre sa. brarey tototmtsid m
pm• rearm«atosstos*d b«mrem
tot. totoam Aato*. am at tbs mrewr
ttosriM mrenac at Vtotorsto*.
Ito O. *. O MS* ■•« strews too sdbre
totmMtoy sswapasd bp Ito. Ham. msw
,Otlnr sore Bl and tosabtobtoa rtrem.
Mr. to W. torttosem a* tbs *tow
«bts ■••«»« abb a wart bsmt Ure <rtd
•Btortty to wsb reads * Itos tore, tons
toad, ma yearn sere
Tto Kto* d Mretob stagoaa are tba bmt
A stototos* st nlas»a> Aww. asya bs
toawM Mb. to bmre why • to ttret to*
tore*.a* tbatawtsnare bgbtod asaf
bare ••••■« sa srereU tot*, snared
taM to raws* sba mrewbrere* sad wto.
Car r. «. ftotoartto* M» to. I tow* <
•re wreg tot tom ptoyam tor U. A
Ysmrey •»»» »Srtßa re Sb
•Ml dto pre w tot »F was • «rearth*
•Mtw '•«»•>••• to* repb. -tosm
ttowwaa, Area A Ito. awd to* tore st re*
toaaMß* bl I pre • to raw pre* mmWl
tatorm to* B l *•*■» to to* yore to» tad
•red st ton md «rt psa tot yam >
’ to*
to* l V. Mtotoi «to *»•'■* ms Bad.
totreat «■ toretm* »rew y v» * tbs way
st* manw tto W * tba* «• re~w
preap re • M* reaaare* * reare* taw Ska*
to* toewrem tad tab* 4 *»
a toemw tore st Cb **•■■•> •* Dm
bto9bt|md WretortK tod tb*tf**‘
strata s< Mr. Willi. WratrearelanO.
Tbw arrd man died at the Comity F*>m
on Monday .futnone. Hr w>tb bis wife
bad been an inmate of ibe Farm for rexue
year*. both brin< <4l and feeble. Mr.
Weaimoreltud came to tb'SCilv, we be
lieve frva> Habers I am count*. Ur worked
at lii. tinner’* trade aide to work
He was the father of Mrs. D. M Kenney,
•nd ba. other children who Canaseily n-s>-
«ted in this city. He wa. buried itrOcout*
A U»«iT."I.«K
Tbe new* <4 Judge John T. Clarkeb
l death wilt be lec-ivrd with iMlnrre
I tbrrrtahout tbe OMMe. It was only la-t
•pringthat be visited A'hen. to deliver
' two hdo res tn the law dare, on the 'toL
' MS "f the bar.’ Tbe leC'urea Were pe»-
. feet itesM, and the lector, r found s warm
. sprX ia tbe heart <4 e»cb of his bearers
HUdeaihisa public I*. At* minister
ba wUI bs mitacd; a* a Judge, fearless
■ and juat, be will cv>r be re - embend ; and
r m • chrwtisn gentleman, tbe misp't of
> bis Ufa will always be worthy us emuU
tail .f Br I. J Clio
» Mr. I. J. OHes died at the Iwe of hi*
fatberdi -law, Joseph Em, rick. Wednesday
st about I o’clock H* had Itren s-ck f«r
’ ai> Bg white-, and bi* death wa* not unei
peeled. II« taravre . wits aid three chi'-
, drew. Tbe relative, have tbe sympell,lea
* of aaaey frtrnds In tbcir afllx-tem.
•.BdrereT aZrerttareest.
Tbe Mremltte* appointed k> sdvertiw
the etty <4 A'hens, will g*t out a pamphlet
1 wbKb wia do fsli tredlt Ir> tbe ctaw etty.
1 This win be s ditorutt Job. bat U will be
• srcumplWted. Tbe many am! great «*-
vantages of tbe city wi»l be art tot th tei
1 «*towg and ilirsc r* kangsagr. aad all
- will be mt > f with baedeoa** iUsrtrs'iorea
• of tte various InW It allows, •ad reaanfac.
'• tortea of the city. Il will be a bisJe-ai,
r *d*> rtimreent, and will sdvai re the la.
1 tcrast <4 the city to a gnat dtatrre.
Peewerlee fee Mae reevewttore
f One of Ibe largest and moat eathuoimuc
tempetaaer wrevtieg. ever beM la Ibe
• OcoJ tesii <>• K tort i<
•sere, WM b>M l*rt rvreiag. It wee a
* pubiis laeeung. Arid preetooe to tbe
Npßtaf weak y **S*iu* of Oeurgts lodge
r Mo. 1.1. O. O T.
Oread Itanpmr Rev M. J. U4sv pre.
, rtd A
( Hoa- H. C. Twch, of Ctarbe eowsrty, a
of ths Oeorgia Lag wlatere, made
gefto sa twierarttag «p**sh. to wbtob be
rered. ’la tbe Umg ras of my rspwtenc.
I bsitevv that Ibe reaiy Itos of tempmawre
’ drenksrd tufurm saui be g»ts O-d
1 ia bis bean Tbea ewce fell <4 Bb tove.
’ to awn sesdy bUd sp aad to a krespvrete
MMMI. I toMl S tM <•
I evevylnaly to e.dsretoail that I w*. a mb.
1 pares,* tore* Wbra I satared pdlure
• Tbss tar I base bm yet mm wkb say as*.
tack, and ,M 4 tbe tteie of adv*r««ty
> toredd tw*vp me back to wmtv I aerei to
I to, M wlb sol carry say pnemprew.*—
A Us*to O>WM«rtte»*.
;mh *i. tTwrea'
Tbelda*be IM»B drpl regstarty sow
■ IB Deer*** Halt They see rtrewto* ep
* Italy eretae lb* smmmw* ummh <4 Oap*.
' O. H Ysacwy. sad wtU pe«w»Bt a Bree •(.
* msrenee to Aagwrt ware tbe vretttog
1 BBgapßaiM arrive.
Mr. H F. (Mp shipped Bve hemte es
I «*Mstah**pe* *t> Ttalwtob Feia IM* ares
I ■«- They WON gvowa al to* ptoses*
i R*bm rerea*. lie ia th* ebamptas aw* -
. Iwßpe grew* «g Ibe reresrty
is tb«*» toy oree.tee to M.etbeW Ore*-
gre tba* givm as gosat a goareatos *• tbew
* toggpre reed a ig.ei m Kioto A Mmttof
gab reaam bob tba« to* toew mto« Ktare
i A Mw»iw atsto es SmggM* aad wsgwe d
r they areas* Um BbMpsrt sad tost yaw
' Ftaf. U R.Wtoae. of Wmtoyae Parnate
1 fltetege a* Nre*«m to eo ibe C 4b M
to aured tto MWart V übwuam at *ta
. revv*Aa Dr Puts** M bto* s*ywa*ad to
I £L*a* Jitosnß. Ito Bbtaesd pm tat hd
fiayhrt •**-. re m VBwto*. Dre* wße*Mi
to go » Amo* os*, and Jid *<*t tore* ure
( mmm}i •• ***> Tmretag m»w tag to
. Aegod «• tmtor •• •awt, A Ware Are
, •*» deitato ared obmpad •* Me banal d
. to ysHlrettare th* heredrenamg of the tansk-
( I ttabha**, Brel* AQb *•• emspy there
sew *ta*«4*WMß *• WsrtMregaAl BUaaL l>
b Stead w*b s taege «*to st new are* to*.
' gas' PtoMSta remagm «*4 «mrre* Ttas
tom *■*• as taimmm wrete teren *.l tso
re**rareadaag| Bod here S taedy
•sM a ereretat *4 vrebreAm
J II H• reoMfi* «•
* *«m Ml tawb «* wa ■ Sami a and io**d> uw
I mmairt sed pdreret pare m w toad bs
* *> Mail
Tto tremy ftomd* *« Mres Fwl to*yb»
«Nl*>jußßtote«tw ibrnsto • •»**<■*!,
• t tatres. cart 'tad tags* am *w**et.iß*id es
II tot repta aweary
At tto tasmrt rematare of Vto OSy Oren.
‘ to. A. r. tfaretay to toe itoireat to toAre.
1 rem Mm*sk *up*ws*i it tba Ammo. Ttare
• ware tarewui eaere irewo tto >*t», asm Mr
‘ Oawy grew* *toty are. lie re rusate*
tag Aa s*aagpw*relsMMa* to Am rmred* tor
' Um maehMt, rein rent m wtatw to sb*.
•* A a Lywtore. She ehrmtf CMgtore
' Stare* *ta*e ared ta-ww «**. b Sat
> any ißfiir, Ag*e<hmwa wree tew
b» rtrere tbs ortmt sag. tart tregsrewto N .
i Lgadm »* cheeps ••* am am to* tala
I Web • pgniliimai I tore. M> Igreßaa tap***.
.; **t ttoek you treey Matey ret. he tew
I *o»e*Mtow«. to* I hneawt »«• Are deU*m *
I | Mr J. A AreAaMi rest Breew *>w*oren*.
I are* oAmmrert to «b* tat st ureare Dapw
(i taw reeai* yasewdup A* pareod • very
, | ereteawta* iMStaiaa, wed Ito tor Wto
II to ewopitawU by M* rehwuaew
AVWSB* . tto. July lb. MB*-Th. MBs
1 1 tot **lOlXl to reap ma bavtug aagtore*. I
hwaee •* neceMßare, ta* to Ureas anrewuree
. tat tot part Aw to*. Breewinawo an* arere
‘I twang tared. aad «* giwsu oto toss re*
' i gaato item *y wa rere aarrewiy a gw remi
’ | to pap to amaa sred amred tee pwre y
V. A MtaiMiw
,! taplbdlw |r q>* ret OugpMK
Saatan ttat VesOn
Tta* mi rump • tare mo* rew wan pm
11 SB taewrem A teen sM AM.X «aw *e
1 1 Oenigw Am* Wim*ite " tot «to m*eu
‘ I Bag urn* OB Maw testae brew gremg «ai tea
'SBBKtre* bigiubp w-h toteap-f «■
' brew brth a* Sto a*»ta •** *to
\, Bwaetp lbw w Stew team. gMB am *>
tea* t*«h dwteereao as tell A
•me*. « gree thee* a Itate ore to* thw
pnafto to Adware gwenowta bsa* tana am
de* me arepoamrerertbM tbe Ha* mad *•
| tte **~te* wret utoteto P*to. tel ■ ww a
ilhra. District Coretrrewce.
Tbe Dwtirict meeting opened at Winter- 1
ville on Wclnenlay night. Dr. Rictiard-
MMi conducted the serviov. After prayrr
ne threw the meeting open, and th* hour
«m cmioiwJ in laika bj a numlx r of tbe
minister* and Hymen Tbe church was
packed, and 'he meeting was very inter
<-»'ing. Tbe Conference wm organised
and proceeded to biisineM this (Thursday)
m- rni g, snd tbe regular bu«in<-as of the
•eseion entered into. All of the interest*
<4 the church are being carefully coniwh
ered, and interesting discuasioo* will d»-
vebipe s» Ibe vanou* Mbj> cm are prescated
Dr Richanteon prraides m the abwnce
ol Bwb.>p Keener, and bolds tbe Confer
ence well in band.
Dr. Cmdler, of Oxford, and Prof. Glenn,:
<4 loe Wesleyan Female college, at MadW.
are preaei.l, and in due time will present
ibe dtim* of tbe insut'iiioo* they repre
The attendance al the Conference i* quite
l*rgv, and an interesting *eme>o i* suite -
Nemrs Co>4» Limpkin end Geo. T.
Mart'll, were sppo.bUd S-cretaiie’-.
R- port* were received from a number of
the churches. At 11 o'chck TburwUy
1 Dr. W. A. Candler preacbe,! a powerful
' sermon <m the "O<odß,m'rtlas.’* In the
r aftern,** resetem, Dr. Candler pre»enled
tbe < ialma of Enev, BStege, and pI«) 00
in sutscripiteiea rawed In* that lostitaiiuo.
1 Prof. G- K. Girw* also prrernted tbe
elain •<4 the Wesleyan Fen-ste College id
an eloquent adJrree
The report* ut the Past,** bring* oat
r the vue-ua Intel rets of the cbuiciie* and
I tbe dwcuaai m* ar* >nt*rrsting and pr diia
'. bi*.
e Thursday night Rev W. D. Asderwm
. ww to preach, and we learn that tbe iadl-
■ Calem. are !•* tor a graemu* meeting
II Tue besinem lawia will (to* teturdsy
* evening. Dete gate* have not l<een elected
u as yet lo the Annual Omference. Tbe
* names c 4 these wII he gives tall weak
_ w m are
A Lor •' Be*erprta*.
It b wot rencrel'v knows that raw of
I tb* larreH *eisrpr»*s to Ibe day is lb*
> to***l under tbe Hodson rtvv* between
i N,w T-ek sad Jewry ©Up, which b go.
> lag quietly forward. Tbare tea beau as
» pwdrd on It up to tto prrtewt tiutr
r p! nm.OMi and Mill there remains pt Mi-
too in hand to esrry the work ns. Tb*
. teugth of tto tuewel will to A SOO fart
Lrete aw* to* a twenrt eoda* tb* O ntee
i river from Rast Athens direel to BA Os the
* J»v»hr'i Moe*. Afters* bsa a tag boom.
ma. v. «. mv« Maa
k Tarawa »*wm ll*a MsUBV ■•* teeter
Tto* awwntag tb* tews* to Mr T W.
’ Rarhrv hems** ffttbunod aver the terne
’ to Mr. Hertot aad ttovw btai town the
**«» wab*rt s iateptame pnle. D* Ger- ■
■ gta*. wta> are BBdto to, teb* w that M*
Ker ker'* fees wm ba*My cwt up. aad that .
be bad S tib terwk**. Wteil. lb* sroaad* I
are qett* paiofv l . to item Sot cuasbirv
them erttaaa
ret m
******* •* Avtestwa. ■■
**r W.T. Merereee ■*•*«** •*» a ter,
Baarti Mewaa Vteeee.
On tb* grrt to Aesurt Mr. W T. N<ma.
tan, >4 Aagwrta. will gw up tn Aiterm to
take eberge <4 IB* retail teiafaeri to
. tto wsiLkawws dry *•»>• tewto to Jatew
CataAta Mr Hmm* teaa, fa* at aware
’ year*, brew sagßßvd to tbe breslnaw In UM
' arty, wb**v tea* eeif-em great Irmpo*.
; irasnot mans*** sed tteerwvgb srqoaw.
aare* abb ires «*w« bavv won tar aim
Mm iis end trema d tee aim high ptere* la
jamawi dry fd, wUmreraS 11,
a tbuv«tek<y famuiar wßb ail tb* Areata
1 to bi* trad*. Ho to* bad vaienbl* **p>-
' twi n* w bey»t as wvl. w aibemw, wad
1 teas al*ays reortad *•** tb. prtocpb
that * maw a.8.0i baww ton masb abusrt
bM tarttawaa
■ * H aa*M wttl ksv* a telgta MW II
•B AUwae. It b art atoy a gmwtag
> tea*, te*« ite pawfwMem to tbe targ*'
bMM. to Cbtare A (.>* are t*m—igs-rwtag
’ taHtatret are* They rerewwi sb rsrmteet'
1 trade IB Netlbrart G*vgia. sad M tosd
i in bare as to tb* tvaad tepnri* sat Mr.
> It reaMa wtM Bed a airegraiat ami ttow’. ‘
' o**M taM tew b* «aJrw«s aed *aw*s.T- "
1 We rente b*m sweatm te M* naw A»id.— -
' Atenrta Ibtaßbte.
Far the Oausista.
to Startsbb Mrtr.
la •*te to tbe dart rtwto Itesi were
1 i (Btbrttag read ib*ew*are*eu to gMW *ews ■
I tain every mtoUSr. a*, to lbs lerg*M m- '
! Attoau ito* r*»« am mil 4 at M gl> Pbiaate '
* I gaNtarad ar reed tbs Ar*tony taret tterar-
| As* rvaamr, to • beam tto iSm *g *a«r. -
‘, «mm to l%*f. M • F Ww's edbeet.
A targ* «M« bad testa it, tea t |aet te i
'; Mast wt te A«*to*ai. *te*a *•• bnA ,
AMaaußto wwa ••*■** os* *votg**ee*.
Tb* osavaaw* oMawerecsd p*t ■f ly si I
, I etaM o'rereA. aad wbaa tß* sans* redtad I
. I tank, ttoarea*. *niimtii t* aw str*,
i - ssreremA lA* an dk*tMU**Mi to aaase tab y '
> | Tto ys'gvßreres r restate fto w* ■*. ’
> tb* M<* tortßta tee* bread. Tto* re *
as* tread mureMiy etgastawd at tb* ptas*.
I sad tote teat te tareMßs see to «to tore
r te Sb* lb**. |i b * regurei to naw* Bt
> tbs tern* tatares. aS real to tbe team bared
. treaw yorereg ma* ia Orarere ared Merga*
i artawßa Wm* were w mump* te Bate-,
’ | mres* mto say*mg Mt* tarttr. tn ib*
> ' rents***. are wareM cMwaare* tare areasb to
j yrerer vatareto* «•*•» Aadhce to Uf.lWI ■
!mm Aaasraw *•* 4 mareUs* Are acreaag
1 ; tea* pert w wa*. ttosa were atare* pfty
•assre «re Wo pawgaaanre*, aad to B tata to*
< Bta* maiifß, **» * •*•<!* trvwr rewwrrad
‘ ‘ Arertag tbe aiewe ,*mt re Aregß *r BAA*
‘ ! Ctatav snsamto tea <> A* ared ck* **»* ret j
I ’~a «e ism J ••*-*.**» trim ta* e-Vs.* ared '
i te b* ewreUreM are-reg taaey anySag*
1 ! tags «bs wm** teß aw tawrfaad wre* I
1 tawtaus Fred ©baa aaremto bp b*
: etatfUbtagMbSre. Mwa Cpb*. to,'** )MB
J taw wgm up a r** ertbmaaass. ared tto y
| dto at am* Win *to yregdb <»»st atrartu ta
’ ttok sa mto as te ttate terewdl**. h
I ww wew aa* brear to twadaa wtaw to
( ' rwartb tto tar Bta tart •re*'- Lraart aarf -
r bag *>•• tee dbrerea tea* rareg «M are Bte
I Mbl Mgw sb. tar Port Ores ared tat,
, arthart Ttau tto MMmmar «***4 tig re
! tmsßkg ttasr tarea a ere* a wk. bebag taw |
Tto MMrtmg at b-reaV aArereb bate I
greang a*, terete *• *aarea* tasMnatag
R»* M-tere Wdhi • teßbump Ob. Ram • 1
Mm resek. |
vraaktawnMe R.oei.t -Bisbep. tbe
Bsberkrea VtUase -«dere* t'res",
bat Needins Bain Badly. j
While a Chkokicle repnsentative wa* ,
ia Ocone.' thio- week “taking in" tbe ,
superior court, be noticed many thinr* <
worthy to mention, a.d which will be of ,
iDten-st to our rtreiiers. Watkinsville J* ,
bnt n tbe embodiment of life itself. New
bouses, new tin». new mill* and Dew |
building of every description can be teen (
dotted about throughout tb* town. Per- (
Uapa tbe most regnal improvement ia the ,
Urge tievaUx m II at the depot, which a
nearing OHSpleiioo. The people of Wat
kiMVitle reetu to be infused with new life,
and ere long it will be quite a Urge place.
A good ontoo buMneas baa Imtu carried
on in Watkiaaville, and among tbe prom
inent buyer* may be ment oned B-iotL A
Ashford, Ashtard Ihos. and ataer*. Tbe
retail basinesa of 'Le town is very good.
We tfcsibi if any town <4 It* area ia tbe
•lata Can boial of better churches than
Watkinsville. There are two excel lee t
cbuich Inlildmgs—Metbolwl au.t Baptist,
and services ere held every Hibbalb. Rev
C. A. Ore >way M parts of tbe Metbadiat
Chui eb, and K *. li. R. B.*rn«rd of tbe
Baptb'. We are informed that ibeßsb
bath scbo>4a ara wtl al tended, which
•peak* well for the good pevpk of the
Mr. W. B Langford bM tn opera Urea
tint ciaa* camagv and buggy shot’, where
be doe* ail kinds <4 wurk In bis lire* la
grst <i«M wanner. Ml. Lwgford ts a
clever gvnlh-msH, and deserve* the targe
pstriMiage whet, ta neemi
Kvefyb>aly knows Dr. Bw«p B Hup* aad
bta b>4*i tb«t ever »b*pci in W»'ki*s
vUr. U« labta* ara tb* be* , sod t«* ac
c*m><uudsie*s ibe Eagle la herd to crowd.
Walklhavilla has* neighbor which ta
ciMßbmg right up bvkiad bar. Tua M
For chrver good people Btvhop (or
GouM) ta us*'ip***raj. They haw the
Wertro Vaios T, iegraph <4Bor, tjoutiirra
rcprvm <4Bc* snd rsdrred depot. W«
•re toParatal that mure freight ta shipped
IO ami from Hrt<n> U-an any of tb* ware!
Malkies nu tba <1 •M. Tbe povSuflo* al
Hrebop ia ia cbar«a of ths. Malb* Elder
Mr W H. Htabop ia pruprietor to th* te
tri. and recatvre a hrgtewMom. Hi* cua
luurer* are highly ptaaaad with hw fara,
•xt &ad c«
'kt* kfi ptutkW.
onruiju. motwl
Tte Kooday acteool * irbrstkm *1 Salam
*•«' Tboraday mlobe a *ra*d atf« t r. and
are rstur* thanks tut aauKtuua iavil*
| Im* to b* pr«sa*L
, Tte gia Br* <4 WatktastUta beiieva ia
' atabpMithm. Three large gm bouM* are
teiog Atlsd Bp, aad are beard urea to tte
prvprwreir* my mat ba rapacted io gut at
(start l.(M> bags to oottaa that reresuo.
Tte* people to Watktoavilla era Jeaiiy
bdigasol at Ite *Ku*Bß*»da'terea lbs C
AM. tesvv gives them Tb<y bav* *<>
iep.4 ai to A tex car b redlad ito n* *
•hie treek. sod tbe sapraua. tatagrapb aad
,|»pot totav* are tare boated.
Tte reap* ia Ucoom are tplewdid. ttah!
• targe l„a*r i “If we could jwt gas
rut*, wa w,*Jd bare lb* largret crop <4
no,a rear paltered Cotton is a Uttar
backward, tart it we b,v* g<wd aaaeoo*.
tbrvv wdi be mree to the Aaaey slape
■uM aval fail tha*te»l -
Mtuera. A •rrwettna and Jaaaaa Akgond,
to AtteveS. ww* OB hard Tuenlay, With
'heir “awupp»«g *taßk. a
They**!* ,4 (krerea* eartahly know
bsw la vwta* tai* v Bitar* Wateodpawrl.
a*, pares, apptaa, m« *• eta and I* fact rvwy .
Ibtek r >*i to ant a. t before aa. and to my
litas jßßtteß wm gnaw te tbs t «r*wß ((
| «ra*4 ba aupe* f«w.
tbs atahtata* to Goo d ar* arrwagteg f«r
; *r*Bßd bretasa** tote give* Bean amaib.
' read tto repswwr recaraa tresta te* as te -
•Stine te to prvaarvt.
It w a* saw |i arere to atop at tte teapi
' ,*tta aaaat* to Mr A. <1 Wwhi* taaa atgb<-
•ad te Mm we are tedetated tert area;
' - tT~ it
Tbe Oswowsrufa asterr-puns ttat tea
he*u greutiy raoeamnt te Iterere, end w*
taiwv* it wto mreattaUß te gram,
•• Ya* MaMtegrt F*T
lea telte wwh 04. Ike Law* ysaniVte’.
tte tteib vteg pesamprie* wm gtove to a
Iteßutaicui reißwta*. Tba Oto. Bed to
•aa te tatd teeßb and bad tateu away to
•irthtag. Dyipi'psta wot mtotrag Ms soy*
ibteg tart a yt aasra to ban He rung
breamif aad tart fat by tab tag the |wtae to
a taflto* ut maMr ewary m-watog. aart by
■ JStektog treaty to awetti state s*4 aaatteg
men tea*L
•— —■<*
M- J. n Mtaßßy, **►' •“ tea Bertk
freeß Areeae aad Jaebaso reearty, reprwt*
‘ a spill aRd wane at a Baaap fata «* Mr
Fetak Oanerte ptaar as ttaartb rtrev— I
Tb* prety Spe*t pwt to <taUß day* ia Ike I
■paw*, aad orewrad Back a larp* ssmter to j
; tto letay trtbe mto isppty a l Uwar *aaw
•ad bare a teqp> yta«s‘«ty to aparm Eeery
km to »•• tarty BstapvA (br trip, aad bb •
tatotetoAßteraaly toteto aowbar >bm
| to tore bmbb sort wtoaa appewtaeety ußbm*
0* Jvfv tet. fto Ara* «f 14gr. Durury A
'Oa was AtoUred by maußM mmmmt. F.
|•> *4g* and F Ite haeßkita ta*vm« redd -
* taaar tataairt te M ttawv aad * F Rur
ary Tba Arm to Mie* A Otareay aaewme
' a* ~liabi*i'ita* aato •«*«(• s* arena Bta ate ;
. wta* as tteaM Arsa
K A ktarete
F. FtaasiiM***) -
The Aua to «rFarv*« A Jre know m
teta Aa» Aneatead hp tosrare cammat, C JL i
gyarrek bibs wain n<
© A fTFaaamtu.
Msrwarw Jaxa ews*.
r-ram (to steam*. Il w« toarerettertl
bav* teredb* «m (to (bbbw* to Mr J*,
teww * tee Arm «f <jrFwv*e A tea-
• i war. The wsdevtogaata «•*■•• a* Ra
bteta-, ••» to Ata. ite tarn to frForete A
JiaOnaer BbseA* be pasd te are.
a A O Fsbwsll
A *B*BA*r to rwm wrem te ww (to aM
tewßes'a to*, an WirtA*|,f t . tert. r.
Mrs Rush trait Thrsaa fr»m «
Monday afternoon about seven o’clock,
Mr>. Rosa Ciane, Mrr. Edwards, and Mi.
Will Crane were driving on Miltedge
Avenue. Just above Mrs. Uvuiillon’a, the
breast strap bndre, leaving one of the
horses out of the control of Mr. Crane who
was driving. The carriage ran down upon
the hors*, an i he conimenci-d to run. Mrs
Crane Ucaiue frighten, <l, and jumped out.
sever ly injuring her back. The horses
dashed on, an.! were stopped in front <4
Mrs. Stovall a
Mrs. Edwards received a nervous shock,
but by remaining in the carriage was
otherwise uninjured. Mrs. Crane wa*
carried home, and it was soon ascertained
that l<et injuries while very painful, Were
not <4 a aeriou* nature.
A toad Appetite
!• MMBtial to good health; but at thia aea
sob it ia often lost, owing to the poverty or
imparity ol tbe blood, derangement of tbe di
g«reir« organs, and tbe •eakeuiug ,ffoct <4
ibe changing aeaso 1. Hood’a Sarsaparilla ia a
•oudaitul med nine tor creating au appetite,
toeing the digeauon, and giving etreagh lo
the • bote ay atom. Xo* lathe Uine lo tabe
il. lie (ore lo gel iiovd's Sarsaparilla.
A beared f filar.
A rugged fanner (talked tala tbe •aoeluia
•nt a tag whip uudei hi* arm.
•Me > u a Ibe editors" he asked. “I rea,’’
•M lb* half apprehensive reply.
“Here'i two dollar* -aeod me your paper,
for lile," be said.
“You are,” be ■eel on, “oar daughter wm
reck and bka to died, K>« arwoped and grew
weak and pale, bad beadaahe., M ap|*e<iie,
baek ac*ed, teas aad hands hke K», coolda’l
•keep, baafcad with euugs, and •• taovgnt st>e
baa evoaumplioa. be lueuioue helped her
Uli We triad that Dr. I'.eroe a Farueito i're
•eripuao aaeauuaed ta year *tan aba
begaa to maad ia so urea aad ia new aeU and
■ haadamne m a lure —pm aw dwa m a id*
Mow th* editor ia looking for aaoiber acare.
Tba amuteUM has cured Korea affiieted m
wot the fanner'* daughter, rvetonng tbe te-
leg tee okanl.rre wl suppression* wbioh
aamwd bar ureabta. It to guaranteed to give
rail sloes leu, or prteoreteadoA
▼to LltartT* Xs'sur *(eOTtah.
A dispatch frum M.Ued<fVdle of a re
cent date nay*:
DupiMil HU, tb« white mas frwm Oulu,
Whuctaalori such a aesmli-re tn Liberty
omnly.XißiUiiog to be J.wu* Cl rsei, wan
brought to the asylum to-day, wtetre ba
•ill peuhabiy remaia Mill eowv <4 hi* di
vtaity •«*!» <4f. Ha waa brought op lo
Gard<>B fnsn Savannah tart Bight, aud
from GorAre tare la a tniggy lbw mort
lag, arriving al tta- asylum sls.ut elov,n
e'chsk. Ua to a tai!, long haired man <4
ordinal y npiararawce, •'a*»u*»c -sob -Bta-yr.
tab-iTere" expreeai-re «e fata face. Ha l* a
gerd talker aad juol tto character to work
<•* tta credulity of the ignoraiit ang tor*.
He bM evidently Let much sk-vp tairly,
foe vim he wa* rarrvd lobe rrewu be
|dungrd toward* the tad aad waa aalcrp
la »o IMIMb Aside taw h.iirby be
bM every appesraaca of a very-intelligent
■ n cam >w*» iar»
at Vawr Wwn tavSee am* (tvery Mato
Ya*. Itay at* antviap •very few days,
ami I* cm toad lota Tta tact w, they are
as atatort every make aad al your owe
prtor, aad t Mir mlr* sre remarks Ida Th*
mace as a eoavcrsaUua was suflkmt u>
arms** th* curtorety ut a CBArtnoidl re
rewter. ami tea Irgso lo lovvarigate. In •
little white be found out ibal all thia tai*
wa* ta regard te ttawe An* bqggte*. car
rtagva ate w*g«w>a that Carilber* Brils A
(X are gvttißc every few .'ay*. Ttaar ve
tetetas are an tty lah aad <4 ewb Asa make
that ttay aril rapoiiy. Ot cvmrm they are
swid etasp, aad m» daoMkad la tacreanmg
•Altai iwse. _ _
i A Sate Inveatmosit
l» ae* wteeb * guaraaoed ta hria* yos
•Mwtßttory rvste’s, •< »n rase >4 fstlara, a
return ,4 pare hare (Wten. tta the sa’e
eye* o*a Ire* free* oar tevmlmid
gw* a teatte of Dr K'u<te New Dk
ewrery l«< Oowasttqrttim. li to guana late
to tatag reiwf ia «v,ry csm, stern u-vd f«
•ay a*«i taa *4 Ttermi, Lswg* or (.tost—
M*rb m <Juß**s*pUnn. lakMMMtina «4
Laars. Aniuibiita. Assam. Whm.pSng
taagw. tVaag. A*., ta ii ta ptswmat aad
■gtisabte ta, taste. pariaaHy ada, ano <aa
;B> *ay* to drpvadad ap a Trial buttle
ire* at J>*a < ewf.e.l kJ'- t drug taora.
Maay as smr evetesaa have •vprsaard
Uta ass to vm te favor of teavtag tta la* te
ragata te Busairq**! s tecta a* ctaa »d. ta
ttoi Dory sRI c«r«r <m y «•<• ta rvrer
tern ysare A* H». every fail there to d*J
ow 4 aad • traflte te vain. Wa tame
ilmre la bmbeA to a<mm,Bd <toe ctarg*
sad eotbrag is ton* by to. N>w to tto
(MB* to pres* tba matter, aad tt enaid
•irtataly de *0 tost* to try * rteaaee. far
•* eo retau ly «mM aa* tea w«re,e,t. aad w*
usfcM te grsatly tereadtted. Tbs matter
teoprehr Ater awl *
Al partire tosddtag H iss* sgitart tte
Armaf Rdgv, Itesary A Ch,, wl prsaewt
ttarea al aseae far payUBMH. AH partsse
; tad"trad te ito Area •* Rdg*. D>**y A tta,
| mart BMrtM BBaih ts psyumM to itetr
i •tocrartß. Atete A hrej
TV gtosß Ml msia far toe fre** aw*.
ma* at ■ f* • isiiugardh » teas* m tee
mums me* Mto asarta am* warn ate Stea
Bm ttol Bss*rv BsMMwanae MCatakp sm
•aagrertas ate* 1* atoms* ta B. Is stag
to* gm* * rta* wadteto a l >**li rw m*
art* grwrtrt Atom «■» «•*■■«•■ ***ssaa
aß_._ia AA/irvm f ®“ • **""* ***
Mem Wins tor MBnre (to BBteta
towr* a*Bß*earU* •*■• faeugato. BaA
toms* aad (A Ifartsraa. t*m«w*Wtas Ms* .
■Mttota. masssamssn. eewmaasa Tbs*
Ttratt IWBeg. Will SB Agpsmta *tos«ste
BM ma (tor»m, lite (I W tte Wtato ByStam.
m, r— uraas *('<«■ s sste By •* fßßß
rtßta m. tetate FtoptortlgC LltasA
ACtaAg titan** towßLlfam.
titlii ICkKS.
A Calleetiau of Minerals.
i Mr. C. B Williamson, a prominent farmer
■f Jackson county, was in the city tii-Jai.
He has wilb him a tax fill'd with nl
•rinds of ores am! mineral--. Mr. WiHiam
*m says be six bnndn-d ncres of lai d
I •in'whicb gold, silver, iron and other or s
.re ptent ful. He came for l lie purpi-e
•f showing these minerals lo Prof. White,
and for Hie purpose of trying hi get cap’-
talists to investigate and develope some of
here mineral lands. Tbe speciiners
were exatnin<-d by a number of our cit -
z- ns, and we belive Mr. Wi.liamson hax
snme valuable property.
Mra. Sarah C. Parr.
Th> re occurred a funeral gathering and
i fiinrial service at a quiet residence ntar
he West End chapel, on the forenoon of
July sth, 1889. A mother in Israel, who
| bad reared a targe family of sons and
■ daughter*, had taeu ealkd at a ripe age
to her reward from the scenes of her
earthly tml and faithfulness. Gentle, pa
tient, di Lpml; affeclkmate; a lover of the
Savior wbum'sba served; for many year*
a member of tbe Pr<*byterian church, she
was highly esteemed by the community,
and lovrd and honored, and thoughtfully
care.! for by her chllareu *nil relatives. —
Calmly a-*! peacefully, in hope of Evei
lasting RM, she ent ere. I and panned
1 through tbe Dirk Va’tey, leaning upon
]• sus, whom she touchingly spoke of •<
| “ite test friend »be ever bad." “Her
children rise up and call her blessed."
“Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb 1
Take thia new tnature to ttay trust,
Aud give thara: sacred relic* room,
To dumber io the (dent
So Jesus *iep'— Giml's dying Son
PiMtat through the grave aud bltMed
the b-d.
: Rest tare. Uvat saint 1 t II from Kia throne
Tbe morning break, and pierce the
Shute." L.
» W T
Bak Fuaxcisco, July ?L—The steamer
Bel ic arrived from H rug K-rng and
Yokaliotn* Un* tnoiuiag. ~~
Tte recent fire kt Lucbow burned twen
ly-ibrev boars, destroying A,700 dwelling*.
Over I AM) person* pertehed tn ibe flame*
and 4(k> ottera wi-ru killed. Nearly 17.000
people were obliged lu-camp out without
•ta her and w«re dying at lire rate of 100 ■
day from want aud exposure Tue au
thoeitM* are providing (or ttatr necvsaities.
Rav. J. C. Ctiwalet, prom nrtil In mte
ams >ry and benevolent wurk in Chlua,
*’tired June SI on shipboard between
Shanghai sad Tteareia.
Tu* Fisirth ol July waa teislirnte! at
Yukaboms, Japan. Tba Aiuerann and
other mes-uf.war in tbe barbot tired •
Saturday nfternoao nt five o'clock
Andrew J. Wiley wna taken to th*
Fulton county jail on a warrant
sworn out by tbe coroner charging
him with the killing of William J.
Au hour Inter lie wnaMakon before
Judge Pal Owens, wb<> released him
ou a Eve hundred dollar bond.
W t|ey went to the Ea»t Tenneaaee
•hop. where be reaumsii bta position
a* night watchman, lie baa Mated it
lo be bi* Intention not lo return to
bia wife.—Atlanta Journal.
A wrewaarev (Iwrwaß
A tetegratn from New Bedford, Mm*..
•ay* tte! tte (tarißer L-»r.»*u D Bak>r,
from Hrt Astoeln. La , waa buraed *1 Ma
ta lalttmto MIAN, towgrtud*- C» (V The
•hip wa* carryiug a load <4 fruit Twvaty
•rvea pw-pte wvrv ra* board, twenty-#*'
■ 4 whom **T« *avcd. Tta otb.r two
*«r* raita*. sad were druwawt In trjfi.f
tn rerwpe. Tte has to property wm |lo.
Mb. fully corevad by KMuraacr.
Tte ▼•nttct Vaumloua
W. D Holt, druggte, BipjHK la«L.t«w
--t<fi,-( “ I Oaa rireomwmil E ecirlc Hili' r*
•a tta very tea* hm i>y. Every taaite
w*l baa give* rritef m every rear. Our
man W»dl *U buUten, **d wm <Wr>d '4
lUtaimalMß* *4 10 y«s<* ttamh ig." Al.ra-
Uaiu Hare druggtet, Itettvilir, <> h|n. affloii*
• Tte twrt wdimg BredKSBC 1 !»••• «vvr
totalled la »y M jrtwnf »xperi»>«w. I*
EtocUte iUUMK" <4 stbere
Kava added tutor uaL*i*uay. Bn that the
v«vd<* • üßsabßow* that K*nre Bitter*
A» eure ail dtereaca <4 tte Idrer. Ksdo* y*
I<w H-reto I >aly a bait dollar • taxi*, al
< Jom ( rested A <>* , W MKI HF* 1
ad egrets, Altana. Ga.
MT. LtillMMO., Fort-Dispatch
■ays Tadma wireen ar* pmvvvtaally
taalihy. tori rtrwg. tataw Bkarehiag te
• lay* BH* ttetr Uatara op-a* ibrir track*,
te tart, tirey Iraquaßily 1“ tte da* batea
and afte mrafluarti pt, with ttalr tntraa,
•pra umi BM*ea. Tb*«* women acquire
ikw area* *trew<<b aad powm of aadwr
arare by oarag a wred that «»»•• ta tbatt
taretty. obi <4 wtack a are lire** I* aow
tateg mate, ate taf* by the teagd-ta,
•are* tte warn* INDIAN WEED (Fb
auut MnwcißE)
| " INIHAYk WEED (Fka*la lEMrniai
ibMprartwa agreal beartag to tte w«*k,
dateate. >re»r- wafted WuA**B <4 <rttt bug'
citra*. t<w It • aato (bbl aB who tto tt keep
i-Owai aad taatthy “ J«A» Ctoßpoao A
QB to*;. B.
Ataeltlew** Arm lea* Halve.
Tn ItowT Halve ia tta <re*id te Cwto
Brwrag*. ItaNß, Uware, Batt Mtewo*. Frva*
ifara*, Feuer C hapmrt Haada. CtolteaMM
Oarea, sad alt Okra Brep«(rma, aad twrai
tivwy rare* Fite, ar »• pay requited. Il
to <war*Bto*d to glre Bvrtoc* aattoactoua.
■r avmey rafaaafad. )*nre M rawta pre
bo*. Fufuato by J<4»« Onwted A Co.
Tb All Owear. at VaSrtrlre.
Ttere are a great saaey nwt>te te Cfarkr,
O*rat.tafpv, Ctetov, Wadtara aad Jaekum
■nd rata* rerewadtßg enwmtea bnvto te
Pte yware aavd bbb as tte o*d B atewra
Mtos* «4 warm* Bl taonrta*, rtet wtf a*y
that ttey weaid rattav p*y *AS avwv te
• wacte or boggy flkaa they h«vv to pay
te tte eteap wqpma and bw. r»a itel are
.mM bmb day*. * they arere rertoa Ute
Ctey w-raM gw obb m g»«d m tte aAd
R ta— **>•
Wa wtab to any te to! who hare oata tte
aid H Ansaa •-■•*. red to tte pwbbe, ttal
w* caa taretib yati waaaaa •ad baggteß*
tte> wa wto gaaraAiaß to te M f«>d M tte
•M IJlpw work. ABd m <H ap m ya*
wm hwy te«* tt Water* tt n*y «te»
ktedto wmk.
Wv e-rey a gaoA aaanruaaal <4 baggie*
ato wag—a* bead, wtock wa prT—
to **& (Bctaw m }m* «• hwy *4 aeyito
ata* m* tte 6 to. ftetoc' : a < y.
KiAM A Maatw.
Ate—GA. (
If You Are Sick
With Headache, NcnralKia, Rheumatism Dyspep
sia, Biliousness. Blood Humors, Kidney Disease,
Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague,
Sleeplessness, i'artial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros
tration, use Paine's Celery Compound and be
cured. In each of these the cause ts mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys
tem, resulting in one of these diseases. Remove
the Cacsx with that great Nerve Tonic, aud tbe
result will disappear.
Paine's Celery Compound
Jasl L. Bowkn, Springfield, Mass, writes:—
“ Paine’s Celery Compound cannot be excelled as
a Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle
wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely
disappeared, and with it the resulting affection
of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole
tone of the system wag wonderiuilv invigorated.
I tell my friends, if sick as I have been, Paine’s
Celery Compound
>Will Cure You!
T Sold by druggists, fl; six for (5. Prepared only
by Wklls, RichariMon A Co., Burlington, VL
fir the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
Offers to the Trade the Best Line of Cook Stoves
Ever Put on the Market. Among them
May Be Found the
; stoves
, Which with tVi jvsLy k/eiebrawd WLFK GAu'Zdt TOOR Deltas the World
1 ju Predaoe tvs equal* A UH Ail’l xl< OAK m
A Hit* KE6T
YotiCon T.akevoarw'* T n‘*r carry k fu',ll!nect
I •
mi im un milk sunn
Having handled them te the past lift* n ywr*. I can «te with pride lo thou*
nd* us tba m now in um, working and talking te Utetnielvea. In addition to th
», I carry klargo lin* <4 low priced Hu>vm. which I am aelllng a*
Y »< • -»•••!«» n! to buy a 0-»»k Stove my line Jofgßtova
w itch i* tba Largest ia Nurtbaaat Georgia.
f A. WEATBEALT. - *• *• WXM *
And General Merchandise. Hl«heal price paid for HUTTER,, CHICK
ENS AND EGGS. Call and see ua.
" waoutaau a*d retail -
nF ,_A ktro t>s»t.a aj>
Musical Merchandise
New, Full, Wide-Awake Faculty ; New odditiona on the
grvumlA; New IVtooling Houne; New cottages for
youugmen and families. Almost every
thing is bran Dew out and out.
Uoa a nto rerewr <4 pruaperCy ami extatoad nrefulßM*. Yoa can educate yonr
•ua* aad daagbto** at
Hayesville Male and Female College
p.< a)*<M( BoUtoM- Otter Coitertß mate a proSt of thiM or f<rar dollar* pre mouth
fog tarard on rec* pap*!- You caa MV* tte* by gulag to H.yraivilte. Hoard ia
tearumg b-mam arere doUare pre mnsih ; la private faauli*, six dUlart sod even
Taa Ntote F n Pa frvaa Sixty4|vv to Om Bundrwl Drdlan, al! told.
Taiiam to Training School. S<oo to |7 3fl te Bre «<mU>* watiom
CWUgtete Departrere.!, |1(B lo |JO"> per mootb.
Ctook-Kewplag tad Premanatap a •psetahy. An excellent iMtrertreai will gfv*
—bum m draßisg and Pain’tog.
g>»re to iwatramretal and Vocal Mwr. Maa. W. B. Baufwit, for*
rarely M* Lm» Hrrroa. ito of Yoosr B«rria leotiiate, wld bav* charge <4 Is
■Uwmretto Mow- l«rtrecte>a ia Marte. <3 00 par mratb.
Treag ra-a eaa hoard tbemraiva* la oortartoriea and pay inittes for tea mcmlba,
all hit f.a H'riXl
Ur Sreora opraM tart Mmatay ta Augart. I»». Apply to
REV W. B- BALDWIN, President,
appucatiom for letters of
nUUBITg A. Tbarw—< w «to Ababato
Uytramr as th* aalat* *f Rat** Tbanaaaf
liwi r« y**toato< «o tk« C—rt tbab ah* baa
toby Itol*«»rt4 a*<b Batata. a* >»wi ii a**
to—by —tatob to too* a— m b *ay tb»y a—.
I al aba
'at Or*swr at Ctart* C—«ay *bf ah* to—lb
‘ ata ha **dto*f*4 frata a—< ——aialnri—
i sab a—rtaa —tort rs baaiaiiMlah tai tana* <rf
lb* ta»- That IMb bay as fat— HHb.
,1 J—*l\ta <M«a*ry
Warranted to color more good* than any other
dye* ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colon. Ask lor tbe liumond, and taka
no other. ,
A Dress Dyed ) FOR ?
A Coat Colored f | '
Garments Renewed J cents.
A Child can use them I »
Unequalled for all Fancy and Ar* Work.
At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
WELLS, RICHARDSON A C0 M Prop*., tarilegton, Vt.
> /"<JMnW»!A, Cunt C—T,_Wbawh. B
VH »—ia. *4«ia>aar.t«r atlbaaatoto*
' ♦F-M
. b— I* aa* to taraa* as la* la« tar I—*•
| te NR *1) tibN f**l **tNlN IbfcloNCi®# t# liM MtNfeN
> at aaM lnaaaai—
Thaw ara, tairifara, ta aa«* aata h*My *•
, aaaaa—a<t I* abv* ——a at th* r»ratar tors
I *f th* C**n as Orftoary. t* b* bald ta tab far
i aaib awaaty. th* brat Maa toy to Aagaat
a hart, why aaeb lasa* ata»*M aa* b* gnMiA.
{ Oim aabar at* baab sab «&mI
baa lai bay *f Mj, **♦»
)00ta*. Urttoary.