Newspaper Page Text
The Athens Chronicle.
*v*vy Morning.
•ia ftollsr Per Irar, ls(*rl*blj la Mr rare.
'’THK rVkCEKT citv < ik< i i.a
iow. corm < nt< • -
a non aniTtbk lakgrmt «bn-
Th* bast Adrsrlrecaf Median ia SarU-kait
Cr •*<>*.
Cirewlataa la ararty aae haadred eoaalira la
Srwrgia., aad ia eeaaa diMsrrot fltatra.
• dvrrtlwwsssrnts at Kite.
MataretatetbaCbreatel* ReadtteCbrtmiela
g. d. tnor.t. ». b. rrotr*. w. a cuatart
STONE & CHRISTY Publishers.
EaUred at Iba port olhre al Atbeas, Oa.. for
I raeawoaaSaw iktoagb tte (axis sssroowd daaa
te alter.
addraaa ail aannaaieationi to
tib mrcMi ntwteix
It febaas, Bat a taraato* tCsir.
Tte paopte Mi l talk of dollar II
•asms that •**• partite are dtepostd to <k>
■tore tbaa talk, sad two young »'« "<
tfavaousb teat been Urea tenia* to try tte
tarl ee a asraas <4 ateihwr a dlfflcelty.
la a eonvartaltoa yesterday with oat at
tte nxret prixaioeat m*u at tte city, a
Caa iu.i t reporter gleaned eotte facta te
aa affair of knur that took pltea Io Geor
gia tome yvar* ago. it waa not a te••pa
per nee'irreacr, bat a qusrt and Jatcrmu«J
fiabt. Said the gaaHwmaa
"I •*• ooiy about aiaeiawa yeare oid,
■ad wblto I don't predate le tea (fo-onoe
Bow, 1 beet ma*a aeaaa tbaa wtea 1 Utlilaai"
"Yua kaow at a grnrfai tbiag that «■>
■wo are at tte battato of each sflrera. and
rival *a<tora batt btM little regard lor raeu
alter Wtea two area are placed la Ute
pe«UM. a very Mute prate U • all ttel B
■er retry to taring no a tMfcahy.
“Vaiateattoartiily. I edboded tte yooae
■wa, wte rewarded u• aa aa ravsay H»
detoaadad aattaactma I replied Ibat w
►re M bit eagre bad c*«ded. I w-reki ta
tue tea waiter with Ute 1 I tea rertrwl
to my rouse, thinking that waa tte iaai 1
votUd bear fiusa boa, b»l tea.
"it was tea ia tte asondog wteo tte
totaOit •eaglets. At r levee o’duck, tbare
■ waa a wrap el ary data- Tte rtewe are
toted aad beaded ere e a*4e. IhMHtai
aarprtoed me greatly. It •«■ a cteih>a<a—
tte ttotv aaf sated tetag ibree u'afork !■ tte
•flffttMwio, Mwi Um (mUms* Bwl b bait atet
tiara my ra<
-A Irwad of miae waa called is, tad te
adv read mt to fight it oat I tbaa wrote a
tote ear* puag tte rtaßsagv, aad tried te
"At tte eb«B Mrecb tare., I •• ted te
tte tpoi wtds my filtad. aad Itere tvoad
my mortal eoemy wbb bit octa A N<rt a
weed waaapateot ate a anol oat itere bo<
we four. Tte dwiaura waa maaaored «*.
■ad we Were pint J tai pmtttaa. (Jot pre
tew wmo (i tee mb amt at urn word “ooe.*
we were te eommaoot ebuotiag. aad aut
l» eaoae. oaUI tte Art eterebm of at ft
oaireia wore emptud Wa were ptreod te
tea t»«pa of tadb mter, aad tte ate to de
"Tte IBM whom 1 fared wee at teat tom
M tNk ll* 'J**! Mvi BiwCSa
tretabta. Wtea tte wwd oat gfeea, 1
Butted Mi tee. tel teoad tte* my Are area
mu goMa ready. Oa too wenod wean it,
te« tear, we bagto te abate My Bret Are
ouoMted tern tedby. Ha eoaM hardly ma.
owl m leeeiatH*. At Ito we
tn** 1 IS*
bate to btok. tod 11 wo m me. Itarryaot
at tteea bate to tide day. Tte Uter otter
hoted tOA la two ■Matte, wo wwo tU
kwow M I weal 4 *M eaadrege bam CH
O<«mm, I AreKted. >«• a Wag wMb •»
■MA aad wMe we weaaM aptob. were »e
■web « tee way <d frewdt."
I*'' *MMMI tfe*
nib, pee.’ wee tte reply "Be gel bb
fWt, aad Igte awe that I Mhad temer.—
SS * *o** tOMbB
I w* y«w.“ te Otortaaotd. *«brea to ate a
Brea to tte team of Qauegm aa-te teoe
t ft ft t M to XAA •
■ ■
Btorea m Bte Weed ts tot Babar.
Tte «Md P.bewr bate tamo battoig a
Iretge te tetoßO te MB Maa •dtereo gteeo
ftft *F*SS lb* MN** UMbt ** I*
J.B bitaowata gread mem
U H Uwßtol.ef teewMtob. greed regm
■mcMMrwtore eowKaußb.
W. ■ IMO of ttareae I twpmmt,
Atb !■■> llreod ftettare* i Aote Artet eg
«to«te> lireoi Ktob tewto * J P teajrea
•0 AMBb*o*b SS***aS ® mMmi
A U Dane eg Maroa, teead tere»-
•ary U <A rd Attoam, Grand
Tremmreti to. A Mteta. ts Aageaaa. t lremt
Bi pm ieo»aare A • Maaeep. eg tetao
ereew. fteead MmA-*'.. M ia brwy, es
B*o*S* ft# SB
SlbMhßs 4ftt AUMNBK ONVWMbs *M* <W*k
bwMinnM . bgtotoo ewewg are team mm
APtewvKAeg M Fterear toteo retep
no tte ItareeA MBwadtoml te tte tern tad
o t onto wee real tte Bmwb to ere dagemre
to teto area, te eeon tor any
-wAree te *te ea*» at too teem ate Ttat
* *4 SJb SB* 4MMMMB•*
toeo* tore taw tebto ataato <temo ami
toot etetoßWM renietoh te be Mrewe. Tte.
eito tPonailemata eedy «4y i* aw tare**'
too tomwt earnm eeto totem to* •*►••• a
damM aer am to tareweeb rd ttea eftow
gt MgMd te too dtopraateto at tba rete
wad** mod wd be toomd.
te- btemwre te tteonem, wte M» CW
dßm te ttagt ►Wb wedbe toreertaty
■i fatna r pr*tettnwg t^ew*area amem*
gtareegb tkwm te prdtaate hi mm team
Ttee wa bteb woo at eaerbad atetay
p tetotep barret ate toe ore ry tootmd re
toe tare wMßto* te too moa»« te too pare
pre te tearewm. Tbtte ♦ todOwtato mag
ante Wte eowtete •■ reore.o tetate Way
Mt ohAoo
(From oar Re*ulir Girresnondrct)
Wamidwitom, Aug. !».—Pieeident Uv
riton flitted mto WaeLingtoo Friday and
out again Selordty afternoon. Toe borde of
pap.buntert tcenled th*- game from afar,
•nd made a charge on tbe While Home. —
There wm weeping and wailing and gnaal -
log of teeth when the hungry crowd waa
iuformrd that the President crmld not be
•era, and ilia agony waa ptl>-d <<n whet,
they dtacotered that thia waa probibiy tbe
art time Prreident Hamton would com
to Waabmgion irtfore October. Saturday
•fternoon, about the time that Pnaidrot
•nd Mr*. Harriaon, and private Secretary
Halfotd, were atartiog for Deer Park, in
the private car of Preaident Meyer, of the
B. A O. radruad, half a duxen inaiguificaU
appointment* were aoDounced.
Tte Pr.aWent and wife go to Indi»na| -
•do Ub week, for tbe firm time arnce Ue
bead of the hooae became our Chief Ma. -
lal/ale. 1 don't know bow the old man i»
feeling about it, but II ia no violation of
oxifidence to aay that Mr*. iiarri«>o I* de
lighted, and ate would ba auil more de
lighted if ahe ••* returning to »tay, tor
•be baa aev< r ceaaed Io be home reck and
Io piae for her quiet booaefm ludianapolir.
The oommimion appointed to oegMiau
for tbe purcueae of luc Cten-kee atrip io
Indian Terrttory, haa aotiAed tbe Depart,
meal Inal nothing ekw can be done until
tbmr oiler of *1 Mi par acre to aubwitied to
tbe Cberukoe anunal council, winch meeia
in November.
I t m informed by om who I think
kawwa, u*t tbe extra are>i« of Cuugitre
will ba called for (Jclobw Xlrt or 28ib. Ii
to likely io baa mernoreblg aewatem. AU
ready tba propbwey baa breu made by a
Wcil-ktrewa Democrat that it tin itepuU -
c«na of U» Howie ■ttaxapt to cba> ge iba
• ulreau they can admit all tbe oxilrvlen’*
b. long u>g lo their party, il wid cenre a
coulmu ea aeamoo lo tbe tab of Ma*cb.
iPBt, wnaa tbe Fifty-gret Ctmgrena expiree
by teadelioa. That to prvbUly aa e*.
livme Vk», but all Ite rigre mdicaie a
very biller pUitmal wrregie over IM tuiea
of tb« Honor.
f'ixamtoaoaur Tanner rvticraiea that the
|ieeauoaJ retalioM between oMneelf aad
S*cratary NoUe are lb« plaaaai Uwi. He
ndmita that itere areteKuai ditereuoea. Ii
wtreid be ■aware tv d> ay il, whew IreMiy a
»ay paama Itoat tte torn lary town XX In
rema meaner cverruM or change wear
Jecimwßte lire l.'owiniMioaer. Jaw pr»-
»-«wa io Iba Am of July, Mr. T»amr *.
ctete that Ferman ageuta might make
reretod tarrenire Mi ihew clerical tmew u>
eaoam of Urn muawy appawprmwd Ur tirel
preprea, wte that Be would oak Crearwn.
for aa «pgroWtetore «»»e»tag lb* deft
ctolkty. Aa Bion aa the Onoearey a allot -
Hub Wte Oo.tod to Um toe amtote Ike
Fraaaua agree ire umr tewic.l treoo
mate he rednewd lo <Mrw>fvad k> te ap
ixwprmlioa by Imp*, end ttoal Be dui
at auatOaf K tawlal lo arete • dtetoiaiy
by rgtpeoyiag ateii>reai ctotaa. Tire a. it
move by tte tkcrviary ttart aoerea to o.
Ante Upm both tbe CuaMMwhmw of l‘r. .
•are* and Uw (teamore,!• now m gng.4 ta
taVWrUgWMig too relating of pretocMM,
Wte to eater all to* •wtAaaom aa tte n
rwliag te Aaaai r Maa litre mV pen* a
wvwgtot *«• bto oAtae, WBovw Ba ward arena
• pmaoate vAmnioattea te M. It aresM
vwy eartam Itoil aatom IteUAead re renew
U Uwea two wwm ue more tareigml. itoat
<ai«tateM*A hare w retire to pre
Volatile, ten to mow, ivtotmaa are
MN wide apart tat aa.yu.iag appreweaiM
If tte Dam teato tbreagterel the Mote
are •• oMtamamm orea tow < wrea rrew.
nalvd M HteUMkred . m WewA at are dto
VMg lata Ltowwrreu wtaa Wte
m«tea, a »*wy • awetato taw tai
lh« Tire Rwd w taremtag hw tbe nre«a
•realp te Um R"aa», nod it m w tore aa
eeareed m»w itat toe to to tai bacard by
.be reyiaaMacMa waitaate btookta anJ tea
eotaau>wmUM ba Cea be put down ee a
mviaia wiaacv. UUm Dm evouc atf
tare bad tbe tetaoima fee a repwtotere Ke
npwobet | ttaak ■cKiotay, te Übre. w.rehl
te ike anna He w • «u«««A repotaaan
tart w .iMrwn, totem tel saw mtedml
tte mwta cm knotty te Bate f e Iked w >U.-
ret tertomdy iuv«rte>.g the tiaata
Aa <n»d arary taw towbart eat nteret ■ ■
Martey. too tedreee repatanaa wbe l».
anally drrlreod tee pmtnw te Third
AmHoete tee Twarery At tte torn* n
wee mabte Ibal te teetered te bod tag a
tea Awed * more hwatatea preorre by a
mttaot. um amxtotatf «a tta mwy •*«
to by Fvmtarat iteruM*. aad to rreww•
ta sraa *au WM to dwai my Ouu t*.
■tomad ■• *• aa* tanwa asm waa* b* •
■am wul Mt ifav**.*4 fra* tta ff ‘
arateatabto m N*w A Away, fadtaaa
M at aitmiii.totoduaa taw* tea* asare |
«• lam Safias are J by a <4 rats :
kora* «a a • * acton Itataate.* bwt th*
*«raasy tea Mhm mwium by tte pcvwsw >
wa* Irt tte K-wtoa axd Raby MsK*w a
Lead H<* ttaoretes*.
IP 13*4 TmXom
« UM* «*r» twto. Bus tt tads warn
Cwsrioa Aug. >a-Ai mwMtatd pars
yreass**ay aa tta Taa patota ot tay ta.-
tewaa aseasoeata sw s— vs s*w paanraaam *s
tom. a*d ta b-ag aa tai *• taa sanag •*
Tta atoi gwa iwwata aforet to b«»
to* *d iwreyvare M topi a arwab, to
Ito bteyaat retew t ate to gtarato
toavxawvta, tore* tev 0-0* ifa* >
toatof tteaate •ywaxfare sto
b «•«• to a taa aa tte tofo to awvpa
etas* tea tow atol to itfaat arasv-4 •!
taxteal te twNfs ato vaartart tev A*ta 5
* >'»toa stows* ••• asrutoreg ta* te* ’
th aa teas sat ato tow ***** «*i *• to
taaaw* ararwaa to etasd.
At tot toaawai a gtoak itswagU g«v* j
ate aarf tte totowam. ambtatay —r~‘ |
avta agasa Spaaed at taate M» Ire* ,
Utokag to* was tost tte tab* Ito !
K -*to a ttevvabtoia gratawrt a swxw st ■< |
ham*toy Ja*a* l sate a ataff • '
iw* wuaMMto* «*d gtatei ate teat j
♦**•* K-w* aarawaihi t |* pam «g -
•awwrai taiwn to. sate wwswwaatwt tat t
• ■fat ag to teato te han a.1,. Bstov a I
Maxy reatote to swt to fatal was at,
! to apw* ate Mtte «apito dhd asa ms grt
has that «•%
•tpw pas wsto tete hiastetr rente faww.
at tas areas tow* Tte swp>9 at .W-t «-»
«•*»*. tow, ste te to pores •*«** t
•tot I da. what fate Asssa irt* Bwvre «•>
■tears *wm ***** efan aw to < to swa.
pare* fa ata bto ate SWPW* hto fare*-
esrt a tatart Ata rea> and batowwe*. •** Show ,
rata teto Wte 111-1 < wapsaHW hp *te-ag (
Ba I* l ,!are's ffaaasas >tog— ■»■ V*to* are*. ,
■ato aaaata ate att te aatat was a kwas
Tke City Wire.
Tlie demurer in tbe case of tbe C. & M.
R R vr. tbe city of Athena for <2O,ot>j
damagex has been sustained. At least i
inch is from reliable information. Tbe
caw Lis atirac'ed a great deal of interest.
; and its remit has been anxiously awaited
by a cre«t many.
Tbe demurer to tbe plaintiff'■ drclama
tioo wa* ducutaed in Atlanta a few wteks
•ince. Thomas A StrickUnd and Barrow
1 & Thomas represented tbe C- & M., and
City Attorney C<.bb for tbe city.
Tbe c«ie will goto tbe Supreme Court.
Dlod in Plame aad areebe.
New Yobx, Aug. I#—Early thia morn
ing Are broke out io the kitchen of tbe
t re.tauraut on the flirt floor of tbe big fivr
' atory tenameot h>>uie 305 Seventh avenue.
Nine of the aixiy odd occupant! of tbe
U xue Umi then lives, and it n a great woe- '
dcr that many more did not periah.
The x.aivere*ir ot t.e«r*ia will Faw
Cwder a flaw Waaagewwal.
The Howell bill ha* parecd both branches
ot tte Le-gtateture, and awsit* the suns- .
tune of tbe Governor. Audit M«knono ,
ib»t the biii wtd be •igned. It wa* pained
uuanimcaily, and scema lo thoroughly
•atiefy the pubic mtod. Tbe Governor
wul nuke tte appMutmeuta, and in two
1 v.eil tba <Ad board will be a tbiug ol tbe
i past.
The new board will m et in Athena oa
tkptvmbir Ifltb, and ixganlle accurdiug ,
to the tad It wi 1 include i
Ten tmekare from the Coagraaainnai du
Knot bom the ataie al large.
lire N E. ilaina, chairman TrebmJ *
i gk-G ••.•nm reem.
i Two truatce tr<Xß Atb-aa
i And the grxreruor ei-<<flkh> member.
Making mghtewa nw-tn'are ia a>L
i Us tbe WSieeo WBlxli to be apt»int
ed by tbe governor, four wJi te upp- mi.U
> fur two years, lour tor lour year*, t.xir for
* mi end four tor eight yiare, au that tbe
•igbuyaar terma wJI eipur t>-annually,
' four at a tirn>. The app«,intm< nt of four
i titw-eca tareuuatay wid keep up a rvtaUou
i iu the board.
te t 1 —w
•ui t»au * M.wir*.
A Maw Martiy «wy IV Mie rtlreyUM
la Havre Winn MW Wit*.
Ilurrwux. Ga., Aug wet W —{Special
to AtiMma t naoau iA J—A u>.»l mxntJa
lulling aerepn took pl «ew tael aigbl lu
Maad Clerk doUart, about all Mitos from
bate. <>.,• J Xiu Lewwdtd MM like the
•ay taa aiie waa Jre>g, and ba ooocioded
tire be ••aid try tto> vinarea tea taww-
•b p, •ban the gut uoid tea butcher
bulls, and pr cred to Barra him up ia floe
myle. She cut an «g y gaab aertee hto
fear.aad on ton arm, and ia bto «de. Dr.
A. J. Hatlßena ••■ called th to txaaatbr
• ouadu, Med ptowoUaewl tae 0u« |u bto
•uto viti>■»«.</ i.ngcroue. Ttare are ao
to pea ut the inaa'a recovery. Lr»a aad
bn •ifv are toutb rewarded aa v«iy bad
cbarectora atuaud bate.
tad te H Wtl rrerela far IB Ttaw to few
CaßßßevttAA, U*. Aug* to IA-Tbe
IWuAUmi*reieia ta tala eexiaiy wau have
pot their naaaea to tae jutlthrea loot up
aearty IWM A tfarewgi. ttfat «<mt4
tare wewred 1,100 re !.•»» •iemra Tta
great atgeaatb te the aui« baa pntereel out
•atd Itay are 11'tie tore ttoaa a rewpuraT*
gu.rd. Ik.t-.OM WMh ttor l cutac te
F'rerfy and •vaith te taood aa I 'ears are
gowe Bevar te huft T»C mßßteitoV*! L
irate to pm and the chddren la twsd- j
ding Ckrtta a w Ji mu ‘ire 1., we n revtvad, I
w *avw w mi ■ a* w ire w nt r
■ •<»• to m— m> aHaw, are ,mi Miees
M*n» re »><
Btantauaen A ret. >• —Aa arieto la ’
tte IwdapetMfawi, a peper st lb buna. Ata..
tkilted by acuMirad pteertaf iteel Bry ant
Bae eteni’d amW IB Ausan* An ediu-
Feel m ita tert Bute afa—cd iße nhitaa ire
rervowa u» un retared rem
rna UKBMUM arwruaiM.
•Were yww (>toe •ta*ea| in bare the
terettoieed. to >•*•(> y-aee g •vaahl te
rem «-• gvaodm mtoren te toe ghoe
We wire M•—.« yew xw b,<a reachere
hto *» raw a etreatry Yu* etote aww
•re <tov«>s. bart tovrel, r*btaa< dtorv
tag. tatowt tesataag a*as wf aa tenet
uvtag. Il is a*lp a assrtwv at uwaw wave
<hre*agxaa< usa vt** •*••* »4 adL-sra •<
te rarea««*i. aad I bwpw te yssre awh»w
<• vw* wave d*aa wd tea ways ta as*.
v at-, taa te te sM **ysta tets ate ra«> a '
iW< tewss tavwitat day. Yea oaa bare
wa raatwrvw • a*ca w*a.
“T<ra awvv rata te jot r»w»«tetobacy
aad «svw w*m aad •« tare pr-tos usa
st aw vwry rtssata As* wv •*(! bare «w
tow war tto •» aa fatal salawfo
tot •stl te atereg •■•*<• Lap
I yws oat Ol • atom**. a»4 tanily *••*
ad yv>a tw tsrt to atary II •
fotod •• tuat wtai J«m tatas tea haaM
crash* as to tetato te rest tasa*r*tw
jiarsat . at* Hat tba n.ta «h tw tores Pt.
it a hate.
*av*wv wewr tasv awav.
Tta ateaw psapta *• flu-asa are tah-ag
asrvw te >smel Mryaafo •*» * a>>« ata !
tot tore to *«y. tout «wax*g tack I
Tta •asewrev raasswi te to wtare ra I
pohfacawa rvto ure Yud tea**’. •>*>
seta jsiertos at itawaaghma*, are* tare w. !
day sad pwreta saatotMaa* tea isanase tba |
MttoWsi as totsdawy ata toqfavire*. a*. |
teatema* ‘fa" atox aad. te tetotoy. i
'te< pwywres. suwarA h» stay awaa a*re«. j
• rare »-** ata Pure-rest,
Miasswuih ata t«* iwire **4 ata {
lx" fa* **♦ awd craadto
•to waa are te ta*.-
i toartare to sretos W teas* pswereas w*w i
ws red re te 'to** h-rtw bta” at “psto ’
tos a ton* ” Tbare a as i' m-V-ir '
•tato rt to totoK a gsrereat Sh* rt .
tosSWs Tb.» na*» d sta wV «* to wi—rs « ’
w-S tore Tfaw *rts ***** «to SSre '
awaMreto Sa awtaaat tad* Tto re* **■**■> ’
tatoattah Tto fares teto flbre eta Bto
rewrart* pi*iuas*rt ml «p MSww toads te to
ttoaa T>res Lore lato te reaaras asp tare*
«a *to teaas. Tto «sata to srerereatos
•tea tore w M tafa tar tore ata to> «to
wwre to flew to tea a toi to rerato ‘
*-■ rtoto Sa srare sawre ms rs m*. „ rewawa '
bsto Ttore ■ yiwaasi. re. to, areare aa i
• saw* to** SrSw pre red r« to ta-* ms '
tos ta hwi l» fltoh*> b* sakto to ftosw’a
Owtare a-dtotf &to*rere. wtoa ares wa to
Mryifim « MMt
• • At«ft tw W<«BB 4MB fahflNßßteb’ W W 31J H <
»to teens raw, -rracre ,*. 1 M • yw
ta tota a • amamte-adret, t tat fat
tta at ws Ufa II > 1
Letter Triiia Mr. (alp.
Desk Ch honk, le:—I heard a
brother a short time since, in a pub
lic talk, say that this world does not
contain enough to satisfy the human
heart, leaving out the religion of
Jesus Christ. That was a true ex
pression and I know it. In fact
after we obtain the [jearl of great
price we still hunger and thirst after
more righteousness, seeing enrown
inability to do much good. We
continually aspire for a higher lite.
We desire tbe very highest plane of
Christian attainment. If we are
terribly in earnest, we desire to
reach a point outside of a possibil
ity of sinning. Can we do il?
Some tell us we can. but I doubt it.
Winie God is certaiuly willing that
we should reach that point, acd
there may be a [xreiibility of it, but
so far as my individual self stn con
cerned, I am afraid there ia not a
reasonable probability of it. That,
however, is oo bar to my efforts in
that direction. I don't know the
ultimatum of my pusaibililies, and
hence 1 shall do ail in tny power, with
God's help, U> reach my highest pos
sible attainment in this world, and
as I lieiieve in endless progress,
both here sod “in the beyond,’’ 1
may, and hope I shall, realise more
than 1 expect God is oertaiuiy
willing tLat we should attain to the
extent of our possibilities. May the
goi Ix>rd help us lo press forward
and realise the greatest good that
tbe Christian life can bring. My
ide* is that we auould keep our
hearts and mindscouatauUy engaged
in the very best thoughts and atfec
lion* au aa to leave no vacuum iu
Ibetn fol the inaiJuous soul dealr<>ver
to Uli. Our mind* and hearts must
be filled constantly *tlh gum: .
thoughts and affections, or with the
reverse, sod 1 believe we have will
power to control those, otherwise it
aceuis to me we should not be re
•po&oibie for not controlling theta.
It only require* “sternal vigilance"
to do it, **d we should exercias
that vigilance, otherwise we are c*i-
|tobie. Let us all strive to excel iu
gotklnes* and it will be all the te-tter
for us ail. Notos think they can't
jo ogress, aad ail right down aad do
nothing to reach a higher plane.
My uplalon ia that every effort we
make in ths right direction God
respond* to ita Thia 1 Judge from
my own expensaco. When 1 was
drifting upon the oceau of Ind i Her
ebee and ekcp<ici*tn 1 aoidom was
happy; oo the other hand I was at
tunc* very unhappy. Thai was the
result ol my u«a coa<ta«.k God'S
spirit uftea itoprvased me witb a
S«»es of my duty atd of ta, danger,
but 1 had ao much Self aid and
•tuhborouees that I did col yielg
•alii 1 altMuel rvuFltaki the poTol ot.
despvraltos. I bate no doubt il
wa* Goal’s arraugeateal to bring me
back to tbe fi4«L Y <>u *et I believe
to ths final (reraeverauce of all rec
gvuirsle pciavke, and that lathe
way 1 aoMMiat for iny reclamation
aad return. I Ire leva I «a* 'deep
■od my hie hid with Ch rial in God.’
I believe 1 had Ixren t»a.ic ao
heir of God and a Joint hair with
<. Urtat, Uy tbs vieanatog power ol
Christ’s biu>«l, and tateeving aa 1 du,
that God «tao’i de *ay buteb work.
I Iw levs lie •til u'timateiy save *ll
*b<> ‘ bare brea ebnacn to salvation
through aatH lifit-aUou of lbs aphit,
aad a held sos ths Irma." Bebwe
rvge narataoa, 1 tael rev a we bate
power to y retd re rental. A flee we are
regenerated. I beltere ws can aUil
yi« id or reaiat (hvFe spirit, l»ol are
shall rereive xlsqeats cbaettasmeoi
for d-aotadiaiKw sod aUaii ba amply
rewarded for obwsiteac*. fur Paul atg
■lSaa mat ia tbv wwad of Rusceaa.
• baa bw aaya. “wa*» will reader us '
avwry man aratadlag |r» bls dvwte,"
aad la li»Mvw«, be eyaa He “cbaa-
Uars aa lor our gc«u4. Usl •« ma*
be porta her* at Ilia bra laaaa” 1
xrthwuusvw pat rt» Usat ssar Fat be«
cbaatiaww an tn maka tta LeUvr ebii--
draa. May G«>l bslp us oae our
vtatUssa. aad war |*aaws HitUae for
ear -a a p««l. arte iLv g>«*| of oat
frlkuw as', as wtai aa for lbw glory
al ott FaUatr, •bo sa itar aatbur <rf
■U tbiaga
E»rr sours.
Frnr. Clir.
——— -—■■■*• + k—l
Ms*** to hr«a as asway pwspla wrerrstes.
sad staa bto ■* Ms t.terwr.ise. V* tow
thee Mata• tore,*****. H 0000 gK*afa. F*«
re-*-, to stow*"V. tarew Ore sassaarb to
•fate srerto towraw to tela* tetog,
•* to*a<tofop»*lta > *wv«a b*afa*.«. to
a.Wwrt ■ tta hwrvawta sasod. fare* M«*<
.*wraa»*r -. s taw *nta U••i da roa goof
Absolutely Pure.
..**** •**'" *«raw *re- a,* * to--if te pa
to. rtrreto to* wnwiwaa. Oto **•
wtow teas to stottey bred, to rereto aa
teta saaaaa as -re wab to tobaat at tow-
fa fltk
tare to-teste* taeass hreares FrewawsW
»•* •<aa. > •» re.rtoto.toj
Traftie Eediiig es n ■‘ Allanla
Altai ney.
Rome, Ga , August 21.—A1l Rome was
•honked and startled this morning by the
announcement of the death of Hon.
Ado:pb Brvndt, of AtlatAa.
Colonel Brand! was in attendance on the
grand lodge of Odd Fellows, of which he
was a prominent member. He had attend
ed the session of the grand encampment
yesterday and wa» present at the opening
of the grand lodge this morning.
He was apparently in good uealth, and
during the morning chai ted gaily with
frietidg. About 11:15 he was speaking on
a motion pending in the grand lodge. He
only uttered a few xn er.cea, when be
•uddenly sank into a chair. He was at
once surrounded by members ot Ute grand
lodge. Dr. McCall was summoned, but
when he arrived Mr. Reandt was dead.
Commenting on the affair tbe Atlanta
Constitution says.
When Hon. Ado:pb Brandt fell dead in
R.m.c yesterday, Adxnts lust acilisen w ho
w*s ever eulhusussiic iu her interest.
A- s representative Hebrew, Mr. Brandt
went to tbe front rank at once. He held
the Confidence of bis own p op'e aud led
them into lull partic.pstiou in tbe affairs
of tbe community ol which they formed a
par'., lie was intensely palnotjc, true to
bis friends, and ready to conciliate <>j -
pailLm. His taruusUiess never led him
into giving offense, Lu', on the contrary,
drew to bis side ah who admired men ot
Coming so clearly after tbe dca;h of his
friend, Hon. L*>uis At nil vim. the dratb of
Mr Brandl is peculiarly mul. Two better
men nt ver honor.-d a comm <n«call ti with
t tew CH L -ushqi.—Constitution.
MIIU'P>D hv a wmman.
A taareaaab Gvas Mb* Xter.l •< *■
AlSratairU Ararar.
Havixxau, August 21.—A cowbiding af
fair look pl.uc iast night tbst was out ol
tite Usual run of ttaae affairs. A geulir -
inan admiieu the appearance ol a young
mwr><rt woman, and yesterday wrote tor
permission to nail. Il wa* granted. Wm n
the )«dy entered tbe parlor, site asked u>v
nature ot uis business. This peremptory
CbsDeege D|>»«t him somewhat. II s ex
planate mi «*» xg very eh ar. The lady
tben inquired if bv Would carry aorur-tLing
to Let Uurtrei d. Tbe voitre da) not appu
cista u>e reqiMet, but consented, when he
waa ait upon and cut aenva tbe lace with
a Issb agxn and agalr. G.lntmt tbe alrvr.l
JwW without bw hst, be vainly Uiol to
••r ape, wb,h» tta bh>«a •iews-uded like a
kad loim. A large, mu-cuiar lrwn-1 nt tbe
Wreuan made loa b|>pe*raa<M. and enc-im
aged tbe 'asbii.g. "Lay It oa tbe*." ba
•Irohlrd Finally the galiaut goi away—
Tbe wife beiwve>l be wrs an emtarery of
tar (.Oalreiirl, who soe »*ya, is M* Klu* dam
aging evidence ta r bha Was n-h
--tasm, bet got In bcr Work a* <tt< dually as
II l»«r tutorniartoa ws* r<-liah,e.
rasa • a rv b« iiuuls
■*■>• •• WeStetea, Uepteaaßar lib a*
Hr* •*••! horsr.
On M'wid.y Aeptember *J at • u'clock at
tbe Wash n<t»o A red ik uoid will tagm
tb* 11- imnatiou ol appUcsato f'X tbe 4,5,
B, 7, • 3th gtsdre There •*i*mmatlo«>a wul
OreitMte tbrnugtaret Tuaxtay. Entrance
tictala f< r the aeteola will be reseed lo *»w
poptla. thsinnlnr Monday. Ausust Mb.
Itat". riaiendr hl's t Olea over NciMdrl'a
More, from 10 to 13 a. m. daepl-
Cbnrek ssaai aa'arrb |*MrU«aly cared by
Dr. Hags'* raaxdy.
*• • **«r •«■ t'rtte ■«,* Kvarg Nuba
•oa »«r>a.
Taa, they m« anivlog every few days,
•nd tn car hmJ lot*. The fact n, (hey ate
us slte»l every make and al your OWB
p«Kv. aud ataa are rcotarkaWv Thia
m- ch of a oo«>vcn*tfa>* * M sufßcrent lo
attMta* tbe curhrety of • ('Hx sicca n
rawtar, aud ta> beg** to tnvealigale. lo a
Lula readv La fa.*J <«i that * I Uti* ta a
•sa in n«ard *u tttoae flor b<g*n-«. car
nagw a*4 wago< a (bat Cai libera. IL tta A
tt* are **tuttgvv<Q few days. Th'* Vc
bieiva ar* au rtyl-Mi and te such Om- maa.
that Urey aril rapidly. Os c. >ura» they are
old Ctaafs aad tta iktcai-d ia tacr«axa*
ad Ire Ute*.
■- - as xre res--
Te AM Mwtera •>< TaASelva.
Ttare* are a rre»t many r«*-ple tn ( lark*.
Obhrtborps. ttotee. ■adooe aad JarArexi
•ad <xtar B*rT»WH»dte« oowatka bavta* to
i pare ,**r» eaed o*e ot tte oM H
seals te wa«*ww or buggtoa. ttrel will asy
start itay wooM rat tar pay g 33 re-ev taa
a w*g>« at boggy tb*n Usey have to pay
la tta «bv«p wagu«M aad b**g»a -bx are
• liny w«r» rartma that
<tey xrereM gat aae t r* 4 •• (ta .tel
■.afaawi areka
Wa • tab to aoy to all who tav* e*nd tte
md Hndwres* w- *ta. *ad to tbe pabte. that
•* raa favaM yn« wtrene.* aad tree gw*
drew wa wul *«*<*•■«* to te M <md aa Ute
O»d Bndgrsre •rwk. aad wa ca-ap aa yon
os* tan faesura ut tkataera ot **y otter
ktod of work.
Wa carry • good aainrtmaot te beggtas
a*d •Mpre* <« taata. wawlt ar* perpnor
ms art as ebreap is )« raa Lev te aayrsor
•to ta tba Stota. Brapscrtaoy.
Kcata A Mreama.
Aurews Ga
Tbw ntt ■»— so, t* «h* prate sere
taw* t Mtofa tarsrtte®* *• b ate to thw
aW'Xto M*wM. tt ts •■■• te-s* wtaa aa4 thw
tat tta* Uaft tnattft asaaaSy are
■tetetat*. wtas a •n reta ta M. Is what
tsre <raa to mas aidirs n a t esraswj sta
•ter t s** l * •** Bta «< say adhra sanapa
Merit Wins
Bears raws tawfata haa
■tawas sate ta Water*. tWwwpwta. Be*
Btatato. Mkli wte ■ iik mmsrera Tite
Ttota fa iaa* w*iare •• #pwnaa, reraagrV
■as ta X ta ws. Mtata «p Pte Vtada Pj ia—,
■ ■**SswM»rtlli astobytaarw*
tata pl. ta taste rvstte* twe L Mata
• On, tatowtorea. tateta, btaa
W e offer you the advantages of Our Installment. Plan, where yon can arrange for the gomls on the mo
Tald By A Mia Frvm Ky.,
E. H. Self has been at the Metropilitan
Hotel for the past three days. During
that time be has kept closely tn bis room,
aad has compiainvii of a p stol wound in
his right Lg. When asked, however, it i i
surgeon should be sent for, he replied,
‘NoP that be was a physician himself,
anil would sew up tbe wound wbeu it was
healed somewhat.
lie claimed to be from Owenboro, Ken
tucky, a.,d feeuied lo have plenty ot mon
ey with him. His meal* have been sent
to bis room, and be haa not left il liuce
bi* arrival.
Chief Uonnoliy heard of He man's
strange conduct, aud visited Elm al his
room this morning.
Self told the chief at first that he wa*
one of P.nkirlou'a debctives, and wbik
attempting to arrest « criminal in Tenuee
aee, w>s tool in tbe kuee by tbe man, who
«aaw intedm Mtcuigan tor murder, and
torwb.rei a reward ut filtk) Lad been
• ■fl'ervd.
He captured tbe criminal, however, afte r
receiving toe wound. The criminal had
#730 iu bta poreuMiioo, whicii lie offered
taut uol u> mm him over to ibe authorities.
Self aoc- pled ibe lUobey and lbw tuuu was
re I at Überiy.
Chief Connolly did not telk-ve thu itu
prubabie story, and asked lo Me tta
At flr.l be refu»<d to show the wound,
but When t Urea tenet I with Wiest did tai.
As the chief bad eXpcted, ths man had
no pistoi tool w -uud to the leg. His knee
wa* taull. brutaeil, a.'te tte akin rubbed oft,
however, but bow be did it tbe tuau would
not explain.
Thacutvl tben asked him who he really
was, aud atoed to see mm of bls pap rs.
Tbe mao then explwned that be was Pr. -
feorex E 11. b it, Hie cbnmpiuu penman
and card mark.r ol the re nib.
CuiU O uu. lly did not think il necessary
to kek the man up.
A Journal rv|H-rtrr visited the prvtea*oi
st Lis r<*’tn. this morning.
He talked tn astrauae way blmhH evrry
|bta*' and ••mid give no arxsreui ui the
1 way in ■h.cb Its hg w«i tijurvd.
He la* |7s<l with him, and c airn* to
have credit with the National bank heft
to tbe amount ot fiAtUttuO.
In a valiac te l.a* a targv numtier of
•rnJI ptampleia tnulled “A SyoopaM of
tte bin -Angola tiy*L m of Fenmantoip,*'
taught by I*rte E. ii H»lf, tbe champion
penman us tbe South.
• Tbeac imuka w. re printed st tUodvrivilte.
' Ga.
Tbe man talks in an Irra’tanal manner,
- and led* many improbable atarwa, but hi*
Mai idetuly is a mystery.—Atl.uta J.ntr
tntroa Lk> s ore air« roK<.iu>
AND ollirw.
•evrrel XBeaetoatoef ■tavhstear Mae*
Far AaoemM* H**|l*s i.ra Thirty*
•vr ie Blabtr Dellare.
Blsckshbsb, August tt —M. Lev, Ml.
, Itnr abd pruprirtor of the Ulacksb. ar Ind. •
' pndent, Lfl o. the 13tt> instant for part*
unknown, resne* then, aevrtal fnrgerte
have tow to ligb . It ae»-ma that be site,
tte itecfc bto of Mi. K Z Byrd, and
made quite a char tiniiaiiun us hu »qtu»-
tore <m •rvt-ral c-.aciu, ranging >n *iu<mnte
ft xu |-il u> f*«j
Fbe uau*. however, wa* not th-: kitwrf
as Mr. il, rd brel altcaly drawn all tea
fus.l* Mt, Ire*-, bua.v.r, •ucc.-vahrt iu
<vt”*C ttam caatef by nw.cbant. >o d ay.
cross sxi ftavahi<*b, •bo are x>w m.mru
m< U»» mat ot tb lr >u.m«y,
Lt cam* ta re usat spring from the North
f<* bM Ural Ha regMeml at th. N rick
land H-aia. ar F M. Lee «»! t*c.,nsy.vsuui.
after bta arrival te purenaaedof Mr..
‘ Ei anwuud *« Uta. kata ar a. 0
’ ta*»a Ure pr.amt Btacksta ar txteg, aud
■ ’O' ba geetiettuivly mauurrs re*.a « u u tte
: redact ut *u ami •** making a go.*:
pal**, fall It m>w ap,rea-t lt.«t be WM
' *<«kiag to an <nd or that te learned tte
I«• te lb* par, a bttte ton a.H Ho Com
pbtrty bsd b* w..a the 00. fi.l,n<w „f | b ,
ball* tore that te could Lav* gotten
a u».*at aay te tteea a Mnouat.
sad <tey are r>> that it • au wvwar.
lie left over al d> taa beer unpaid, tail
tta ps|*r ia taftkrer.t to aeute iaoat ot U><
cAsraaa Mr. W A. Me Mi tan us this p-ar.
• B eaten or tte pet Iratroa of tte p*par.
tev.rre Other f.wgerMn (.« ara*J] amount*
are reptetod tareabre'. it • tarped that
I tt • XX an vpreiasux dnwa Lera.
Waagarte far Yean.
Lvoto X J. Aas eat kQ-T-to eax nt
, Wi aa I'rtraav, wbo twevlyrtwo yrws
ago left bra boaaa myaterrwy and wbo
Wat arv»r brate te anti' aojd.u rvaq
eareww a Lw dayaaso.a M atom tang
I ync >4 dsfetosua to tba k«a-' ty.
Fa ctor irvte te F* myra with bta wife
BBd trtMl-v. aad to ItM *».(•< d aa a art.
»ta as a Wayee coeMy r*g>asral. Tbr.*
j rears tabr ba was i»-»a«ai«.y rrt-caarge.*.
; W».as m tte avrvxw te cnaototed epd*{-
ay.ta star* auy te traced *U tea
| qatot actswa. la toe •omnwr te IBM te
IdtoTftoted aa oxapartaiy a* 'bough tte
earth ba.: sax «<ad wa, aad to .A rt* to
'toato traerete ba •tereabratta prov„>
fhtto. Ha taotey taoureed aim t -dw*
I aad brt wrte app>aed fcx a widow'* pn.
•tea. wksds ••• at crawled, bowewr.
la lbs taaaettase Mr*. Peirtor aad oar
are totaed io Lyte*. wtera Urey tev.
aat ..wad A few days a< o mac
crebed to to taa ftowy aai tte sarprte
te Mr*. Fehb-r eaa te uaa«iatd wbrr.
•to datowratethte ta •eater toglrat
ktataad a Maae she Lta toarwd as dtoi.
***** turw ire ~~~~
Eorroa. CxaMstru Ftaes* call *:.
tear* xt te tte farwt Craarewaetosr .<> j***
inrr 3- ptato ra tte rreet »• -fe i
tag te •Cut’s Brasek* ta Gww.fa Taeart
read It ks a»L righ tajpatoSr**. ea ar
<to*t te th* Ur<* rack re tte mtedk r f
' tte stra ’ Br-taea baggy apctaga aad
j Wtaafa ar-, te frtqwcar txtwat
la Inrlinuapoli* Phyaietaw Haa a Ter
rible Experience.
Indiaxapous, Ind., Aucust 20—Dr
f to? n‘. l,q ? er i ’ “ We,l - kn< ”“ Phy***n
■f U. s ctty.hail terrible experf.-nc - with
•UtadmnnM. oear i yll()U , thi9 raorni
The doctor heard erfe. of murder in a
lirug store near bis rraidena. and harten
>ng t«> the se ne, found Rudolph Root, a
prominent German citixen, closing the
propre.or of the drug store with * dagger.
As soon as he reco glH1 ed the d.«t. r be
started at h>m, but Fletcher .moped aad
c<ugbt the maduiaa by the lower l.mla
and threw him to the floor . c.tciutg
firm bold of bis wr i s t 8i hv Wd hilM unU
the druggist Cnme t 0 hjg assiglanCi .
rex't appeared torecuguize bis condition
al that wm, rent, and quietly surrender, d
>t* knife. Fletcher placed him a bu..y
with the intention of taking Lun to the
cyntiHl station, and got iu Iw-side bint.
I ney bad hardly gone a bl «k wbeu a
struggle ensued. rhe
tali the ducurr by tba throat and
bendmg down on tbe seat 0 ( (lie
*•«<«'. tried to SW !Ure but
kulfc, which the doctor had taken from
bun. Thesttu.gk- nearly upaet tbe buggy,
out the tftnsc whs gentle. The doctor
maintained hi* presence of mind through
out aud managed ta prelect bitUMlf Lom
renous barm unUptaHrs-by came to bis
are.stauca. The madman was finally
locked up. He was tout to the insane
Drath ot Mr*. Mate*.
Ct'MMiNo. Ga.,August 30.—Mrs. Mahals
E.tea died y. at. rd .y evening at tbe re*.-
dvnee of her sun Mr H Ertcs, al tbe a.I
vanced age of U Jjrrara. Mrs. E.tea waa
*aid lo la the oMeat woman in the county
She I. av.-s a I age anc.-atry—eleven cbil I
r.o, 50 grand-children, 150 great-graud
ehJdrwn, an I 40 or 50
Cbildrtn. Her funeral look place UIM
afteruooo, ani wu attended by B very
large crowd us relatives and frk-ndt.
A MuS hl-Thaui.
Cairo, 111, August 81—An elephant
ta iunetug to Orion’s citcus, cn-raute down
th* Ohio itvcr, refused logo ashore at M..
tr<>|M>lai y.sterday, and several employes
began prodding it with *p.k* p- lm. The
proceeding was sud-lrnly Interrupted hy
tire ta'ait’s aelglng bis ne*nst tormentor
With bls trunk and burling him twenty
feel into the rivet. The ricitvmcat wa*
•irvat, tbe opportune arrival ot tbe regular
krepor saving <he live* of several whu
faik-d to r<acb a place of safety.
Aeadeffiie f’.narurrent Wteaate.r,
*. ** IS'» k«, B . fto
Ae.4em.« begins as Monday, tail,
ol H«|s|<*tcber
tew IWartatoU tores on sun* <j.y, Tuitto.,
iu tin* d psrtmnl ('ft |wr l*rm
»ur teialogaas ad4r* M th- Chsaevllor.
• x*a. Hoard ot Traalera.
f’ FO »OU. CLARK! <»’NTT, Oantv*
VI sr »orrrca, AngusiK. tH»._R H a<-
Atpre h». appted forVurrs of Mtmlntaraiion
on lb. ..Ito te Marah P. H»sy, dec.ured
Tt-t. m i«.M*<or* io nMifr sit e-aewned to M
ItaW ohj-rttoM. .1 any drey h... »»«,(,
ih.B,.r Mured./ inlKtotor nrert, . .. |..u.,
will tta nto gr.ntod Mid applir.nt • ...o «•
,or H M. HL„..,M4r.. .
•ag-Mwlm. ll.JiMry.
d'MIRUIA. CLARKE cbl’ytrjf To •!
l» wbesa H n»»v eoneorn n h p ,
bM re daw fam nppl.te to tte a.
4»r*.gn.4 for lost, ta —II lh. Inada tel*n*.,
to tod W«te* and ato nppbetooa will L
Jta «« Bra Maad.y I. Meptomter a.*.
n>* tab day of Aagart |*rt».
H »l. MKRRIXOnrtI,
• sgiwwsi. Ordinary.
< t w ’“2' Fi ,Ol " n T ~
IT aa, n K temard nod X C. I'obtre, Ki
mtareof is. tort* at Thoreaa N. Comutoa
Ito of ato eowwtv. dtoaMrt. .pp|£d m
are is torrea of «b. law. for loarr to M U Ure
■te. te .nd re Ure *Hy te Altona. Ma ea to
tevtagtos and Mona Uwlmta, aud cretalu
>«g re to a grega a> t"o Sod owe half areva
to U.r retto of Sto
n«< are. torefow, to c.t and ntoN all
r»rere*wto, ta stew <wa««. aS to >*gslar tor*
of to < aan of Ord<*ary. to u* u*m re red
for Mta mwm . a* to trw Monday a Oro
t«*tor nasi, wby Ire., tore Mot to graxto
Ot*« w-fav *r b..d and rtßcre. aigntor*.
lbw l»l* da. of J»ly, I* »,
~ _ «-X dUkISUTOM.Ord.nary-
Jaly »*—*d ’
( f'r M.r. rv,r-wwre I ® a, ' , *** T ’s’WV»Ca.
RT tl.AlikE COVWTT f J.*r *!•*:*•
a K Kf.rre., Adretortraior of to o>
Edward UH* drenaata ton applred lor leave lo
?’ ! y H sate toewawd. Tbia U
toreto. t* soufy art Murer ate to Bl* ton
*-r *h'f te*., an or W-.r, u,.
I trrt N««4«r m M»|xlri»Wr Xtl. faev»
•4. L... to gractol ..ta appteaal w appbte
M. M UaaaiswvoM Ordinary.
F. 11. KRONER,
Fumitnne, Wagon*, Buggies,
Road Cart*, llamesn <»f
all kinds, Bridie*and
Whip* Full
stock o n
vnmiu at tni[Kni(t<.
You are Invited
To Call anti inspect our new and
C 0 M BS,
And other articles too numerous
to mention.
Everything Fresh 4
Every article GUARANTEED.
Spectial attention paid to
Work. We use only the best and
purest Drugs and Chemicals, and
adopt the latest and most improved
methods of compounding. T
Remember the Place.
72 Clayton Street, next door to
Talmndge Bros.
Wade it Sledge,
Telephone No. 15
”, H, <e«laty. JT. A. HuiinK utt
M’Glff t nil }JfT,
DULI Stl|3.
rsur.irtuK. or vaa **■«*,
(Near North«art»m Railroad Depot ]
Lumber, teths, Shlngl*a, Lima, (lament,
PlMtei of Purls, Moulding, Hraekela and Hal-
. u ,o1 o! !*?' 1 "•’fhsnics employed,
under the «upe<-vi«ionot Mr. J. M. OOLLfMM
who I* aekn..wltaged to bs on* ot lb* test
workmen in Georuin.
Red action in Prices!
Price, greatly rodured on Moulding, Break*
*u, r. Doors. H*ah and Blind*, and
on Dre Ming all kind, of Lnmtor.
Ail •<».!■ Will ta .l.lirerel within th* oor*
por*t.lim.l. or th. aity PRHrI tig (HI KRGK,-
ll.snkful fur the patronng* hereto
(nr. erten<l*.t, * cuntiuuano* of the sa-na ta
resireclfully tollcile.l.
Mrehll ly. MofMimr A HIfNKICUTT.
I have the following
Music on hand, being
the balance of E. W.
Burke’s stock, which
I offer as follows:
Nine pieces of Music, all differ
<'Ht, fur 10c.
A ntimlu r of copy right pieces of
■liikl. nt one fourth retail price.
Albums <>( Music neatly bound !b
•sh. 60c. to |1 00, sll al 30c. each.
A few copies of Lablache's Com
•iete Metliod of Siflging, $2 00 at
♦ 1.00 each.
Peter’s Fx-lcctlc Piano forte lo
«UucUrr, J.'i 00 fur fil.OO
*l'w*** U * * Arl ♦TOO for
Millard's Vnealiat* Text Books.
11.60 for 75c.
Itettesini's Method for the D .übl*
Bam, |3 00 for $1.50.
A few Violin, Accordion nn<l
other Inotruclor* at i<u f p.|.
Ordway’s Parliw Cle,-.. $1.25 for
t»5 cent*.
Kaddygorc, Gilbert <k Sullivan’s.
Dance Album. V<>ls 1. 2 and 3,
25c. each, for 15c.
Plano Album, Vote 1, 2 uud 3.
25c. each for 45c. ’
Song Folin, s<ic. each 25c,
Pearls of Vucai Mui«. 50c. each,
for 25c.
American Piano Music Colleo
lion, 50c. each. 25c.
Ideal Songs, collection, 50c.
each. 25c.
Dane*- Folio. 50c. each, 25c.
Hardings 100 Jigs aud Keels, 50c.
each, 25c.
Mendeluaohn’s LiederOhne Worte.
50c., for 25c.
Overture Album. 30c., for 15c.
Gbopin'* 19 Nocturnes, 50c.,
for 25c
Brinley Richard*’ favorite Piano
Compuattioui, and many other fo
lios on the same order at i>ricea
equally lo*. 1
0. W. McGregor.
Book Store,
Tsimwtee Bro*.' new mt ft ia teiag patent’
to oanffatwia quit* rafxdly