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MlaCtoetefc » F KN*.
Bharat* a hagte aura-1 «o iK> dtat—t ptai*.
Borer on Ora fair lu a pta—Ur* airwn.
I faaw Ma urate m Ik- Itai nt Utah u so
A— »ata —1 w.rtrr *—> Mier dcUfa—,
•Hra la Worm ar eokl.
Tliir nat—’*■ fanrtaa raa—f til
k —to * fatal and tremutooa IrxM.
TXd tow She a•— ra a dy tag »«'.
gfa—gh toe ahafara *T atcht on Uta with
1* raarwitra ta ana— u>m««* Uta teaz
W«u> a arar—fnl alfte
We t*F toa tfatr* r°* aa4 L
Wtt uippro-a. tart tol cM la *hfe.
I rtto tram ray n *to and Into to" state
It—r ttanagh toe btaow. tonctag to aaa
Wltatfeteifaßtag [fafar may «—*tohs
It UUr* n.afa ptoa
That u» *«*«* nfarato
la the aaad —aril a toomasd < tafara* traaa
—Bra J * toad la Ota Unite*——
ft wa* erar nigh* of as»», gVramy day, 1*
th" aaCamn 4 IBM, that a arady leaking
tramp turned ap to a k—iy fanatonae, on
tta. gaerarty tote «d to" Oto>> Haar, and
•grad tor aa—aching to a— and a |*a** to
A widow. w«b ten ckUdran. aa— and a
dtoagfc—. Bred tfare,
Th*am. a y—ng man ot twenty-two, bad
■Mmto MaytoMe wife a to—ll drove of cat
tie Art ba —parted to dtif—» ot at th—
adara iatiaw to rwa«ti teoaaa at aa rerly boor
to <k* —eniag, and ba I nt—tad to brtog Wa
—nraata of Uta aato arltb bint.
Thad—fktar • -ti— i**‘y gM of ntoa
tta*. waadaNnateaad Unaid.
la toaar of Cbaaa facta, tta widow. to—gh
co—tat roiaut graraa and aympat
Bartle baaaaif, fail a fend daal of kiaahatla
*L..t hnriawlng a rtmng* tramp, b— know
1— wfau raabauaady tagivid—l might ba
taanptod Mdn, araa If Bot —ready working
out •» wb* MMr 4«a6<fi
■be dM ta MBa tor——e Maa outrAgM, far
faar aba Might ta tn arar-Mag prop**
CBrtaU— etoartty, and aba did ant Mba to
grant Mb reqa < it, tar tow it naigM ri—B la
tta— wrong to Mr <M> tree and *df
Ra waa not tta —ta kanbtag as braaaca,
bat b. had a tort brad and a fati banrdad
®w». rod of whHb peata waall. gttttorlag
ay—, and Ma draw Jd, |«< and «4M
-111 gtoa yan **■> 9"* **nd *« *■*•* •"**
ton wbiow. Wboa* aaaaa was Chalmara, attar
toton a UUto’ten. tar r~d-. <» <> ' '..1 mfr
tadatag y-m. I w—Udat Hb> to agr—to teat
to " —»n>Hb< my >— »ta» wmy nut ba
toaaa ÜBtar •.itark-
“Row far laM totbn aiatbn awf baadbad
“Wtaab wayC
• -tinatik.’
rty two wrttaa*
“And adgbt >mt aoagtog am.” ratonmd tea
Mtor “f dual Kha tramgtag • >**dy raad
tdtar dark. W<ml yam tat an atar UM yoar
am amaab bnma and taka my <maa<w wuh
-l teal I tootdatf
Mra. <toahaara
Oa a- -dk A toWhMfe M
WtiUjW* tir*WMHteg W fV
“CA. amtoa— whaiaaa batoayUto Onagaf
anaoMatenant atarm,
“I <tabl baaw. ana inad lb
gbnabnb t«* ten bwaabtaiti team "I *ll—
dMnl gto teraagb w«b bto bamaamaa
databaatoaai Hat ba toaraty bn art* In
titan 0* «p w«ad fa*teadnar. and tab
taiyw itateuy MtaaraC taribbg •*— tea
“*W a dark, toaary adgbar And far, i
Wbdjr. ag—l ot w—4 aateo ta. tea—tog a
Mtto rata «Mb K "ttik. a— 4* yon
town atarw—l lairaif teaa aba aba— to taa*«
t—M ~*Tta> H«ki la <r«ry teta. aani Mamy
"W*« dM ra* —tagatrad tea
dtoXttaAra MV
-T- tiara****
•ttadkaauud dtaaa—* << aad ton agb
Ami tatab ran >**• «■* «**•— tin alarm
"Tfa* A yanf*
"Ah, taabbi"—rtaitoad Marr, >aat an tan
to.da*r wan fawning tawb to —ad tea dnar
"I tbtet I boar Mtn iteml at a taw— *
Itar team naan bad mad* attAnbfa *a
bfa—l at a taaraa *— aa— aadtito te A*
Attar am— aa— gra—toga on tank atom
and ten AW —ydaaaabw ttad ta> had town
toaXtoa at tea want aamgated M* to am* a I
A—iy. to arm—da>! to atotoa and trad tab
tea—, aad team raa— bn
Un ambm «a tr—ap and tawwb« why ba
traajtarn to UM —an i— nna» m item to
btin a totabtimbMa ram ad aanmy
Uta tea— m. hwamawr, waa ra—a* *■*
•Ml ad »• Maatan— ad "barter
AM* M* «• MBH* gb-«fcbtJta» I W
to—toaa— ataMagw. nfaiab nam aadtidnw
"t anka—iy tom wan day temmgb te* atgka.
I antod tod ami ti lb «y tenrt to torn wlrtfl
bmp tanna* tatoag an a ag|nd
“ttonb ran tabdby. ate.* gaidtibity rwgaanb
adtenmam Mti and tograt pnar tan
* JtoLjjrabg* — 1 mtetetobad ttojn— tab
td MMtateL
angg* to tatd a— an— **ab ham
tehtab —atonnd Utai of tern tern
Mta brat taaatote— <— to te— ,f —i r ~
b—to Utaaatote aaad awtam ami to Mm aamn *
to— tato— ten fra taaa teto a—
tdterat ante tea agta— *d tea aa—akaaaa*
amtaaAtoadan to baatiy tiftaaal btaate a
tomud bad ng—ate* abater tea —< aaad tema
toaaadtiw ttaMly tote ad tab tea aagto.
gram tma r—oa teagr—l A—
• tarn te— tenag* —m mtaag yta—
tota <ti And te*# tea—
t—a—a aaad th A* rami a tear rate te—
"Mafatanf ragdtad ton adbnb
Tte» teag aa—faagate—.amdagnbate te*.
ranrtad tomm
-Water |.rm t Itab
•An rggto." w aim I btaw *tiab to—*
tod gad toa aaaaa* ante titan lb—
an—d— tamdrto Adtaam l boar* a—
tea* I taw* to to—gw am* Mta ban
•tank and te— waagMtoga*— tab ton rate
tea* V Aral a— May —•
A* ngtah atom Wtamteadlaabtotor
1 a— tea— a—.to *B to
ton tend to** Bab taate te*n atato tatol
•anagfato gad am tagg—ato teratb, and
** —b^to—_ a— bra
—. lataart **««.« *—
teteafa titomtor to toateaat te* *—**
•teara ata— a*ntatoanm ton i* i—ia mfa
—te— ton teitodtom to namba aa— a*
•tad tana— — — ato teen «* aa—a
h— te —* Mm. and aanb—gw mmtoar*
*k ten an— Ino la I MM—to fa—to
"ttaag amtel teadtab an. I mate a I
toterndaba*abto ten**— tag
toaaagn a nto* —a to i—
—an tota—fa* Mbgdtato a—• a— —«
tana—aaaaamA —ad ton natab agate*
-W— aa* tataad * batonT
IWAto tog | am—m*
•tamma— to— toted—— btetaw—to
tea*, r
•WWg Wto taw* teafa fti aa—
•a— tend bante Ante« - to— «to aa*
taatemmA kto—m—mn— tawna—
•tWa an to —a a* • rag mm* tar
ato tatea—^ta^TaX*X*Xa-*
•«** I wy^— toto—r— giimuam
•Bdtibton ba* *—<—*•«
toa aiatiA Whan totate— Mai—— a*
• teteteb toa to* «totn«
J*** —«**—•
to A— f* aabamnwatay * *» Annl
tea* gawd awM tar » -Aw* a*«r *-
MM|I m to— btogto —dto «a—l totaanto* }
Vw Ww «*< |MI MmM» • Mml mml
■btitad ate atotto* tout w ■ tor a— bar I
Th— ww» an> nbutiora to th* wiiKloww—
: oauy iiaaa>lv faotanl <n9
To outer, Ury Ato kd to cart out a oinMia
1 pane of naw od tba two family room wimiown
pa* aan arm thruaigb. remove tba fanteumga,
ato crawl termagb tba lower half.
They cot tie |«ne wttb a diann >nd tnw tba
a—fa. but in tryiug to get control of it they
p—hwl K ianard, nto It frll into tto room
i with a —arp craadi aod jingle.
Th* noto dtaturbed tba ateeping boat aritte
oait fully wakit* him, at*! be mumbled oat,
“Woofa that f in a tone that aiaowad be w—
a—to adai'p again by tba time tba worda
were fairly uttered.
Then the two Uurglara their facne conceal
ad by t— m—lra, worked Uwir way into th*
roun, eaach at—rtlng the other, ato flaahad a
Ugbt all aroamd them from tba bull'* eye of
the taaulem they carried.
IV>U>«tr ararywlarcbey foaand the door of tba
youn*u*nk al—(ring rouan partly open in
auto of bring alaart ato kx-tual, and tiny
w— dLaprwed U> tab* adana U U Uli ttoy
bwrd hi* aitcwdy. ba*ay brantbtng.
Than totte after aaaa—r —arg aaaetg cf
' tba light all around thean; mto—dy ad
eteanaad to the bad of Ito aiaapar—one pre
pared with tba cbiorodorta to anal up bla
rnan, tot b<4 randy to rnut'l T bltu rateer
than tall in thair purpuan
Joat th— critical j«4nt of time another
' Inn— figure. U—an by tbean. cam* ntlrntly
i gteUag tbroiagh the dark no*, ato *'rn “ng up
baiilto tb-
it a— uto tramp
In Me hand be bald a rope arltb a noom
taw rod not unbk* a tamo.
Bo atop, to to t*anr tba two mtafadgbt
growl— that to euto tore touched them,
ato ptdwit the tauad th— bai>l tie- rug*, wbtia
eaery —re* eacratly qadaarad with iatanm
It wa* • mo—t big erttb fata for all ec*
A tingle aniatakr, tba allgbtert crrrw, migbt
oto Me own ato utter tai— •»*
The rofahora, tartb tote— af»* thadr ovfi
®*A took twhir l Atfa.
They etoppnd at— to Ito bnl <d the atop
tag a—,bonfaia* oaar tea ataaaidar of
Ito f■ **rd on* tetd a b—dtanrrtunr la
hand -tar—l wua atooadmn. ato in
tta. ottar Mato tee ta—ani who* light te
lie—lll tail a*— lb* tore of the tempir
da— te reacted few wart tu pram Uh
MMriiti > Ur-tr IntaMk*!
rtrum Um —uni robtar. armaai wub knit*
■tad rnato—, prepared for deadly ameoit.
tonight fate ha*l eta** to bb anaapanMXlX
tee to—ar te a— Ito aUgbtaad aaaoe—iwil
th— —art Ito trarap abiUf ally threw
Ma no— o— tta. taaadb <4 tebfa.
Than. *— a atgur— —saw—d aprtag. to
Ugh—— Um an— ar— Ito aw—aa <4 both
a*l jaakad te—a A»^m*w*aaa—diug. A wtaira
tec. ~reat Ing aairpr**»i. u*ruh>i awl aia—t
Ara eg tad
HI ba— a— ra* tou—r nrlad Ito tramp,
Ito iww wa* tta— p—U eta* from Um
in— arto teH tta. raeutaw, a— vs wfatafa
toi€ tto* UTWM|>, IMS «MM *AIMA tA*
»wk for t—a w»«M
op te ttarm, with taral ertm of —rtar aad
aa— k* th* Item a tadErTuf tee r< *«
"ICaap <atafa Mr tkaatoaaWk pw abali »<
to tea mu tr aa— tea tramps aa, «UM Iml bag
I te* rep* te pr rated tba I—i of tta* Uate*
‘ rmfaiaar *Mb «te team of Mt —to*. Uh te
; mate a a tar tea lA"*e "M—g—a tagbt.* ha
Al— oaf. "to ter* tagba ad to ri-
te*** tan da* tar y—*
b kwh am— mtaetae «—a te Gaawga
Cb—W* fate m— ato •« »ai teaiaaiiil
tta tetenaa—ad tta —to th— te* aa—to
tta* bad gfa— a—l r kmt «• la
ta— tota* —at, g *— aaaarateawA
that *b— ttnte faarww ma ri ti
aaad tea— to <ta«i*w that th* AaaM two*W
end lto> bwta* baargtar ware l*> «f itaar
aatra ll **b wteoaltay had no* to—
tßttMßtßk wA»«» Mf* AbtlttM MdhtiJ hfgfr
At wbA- •» vfiOgfcie Anm*sliA* mb*
When ttay men* *> go* ttaar pr-ta—
tea— to tea train* fa* —a en—M'" " ’
—ante to teaaab fa*. • te
matar yeaar raedl tart yea tea** to tteaak
hw •to a Mhirii m way ttana r w am*,—
fte tea* bare toy am* tent, b— A*<* (m *
tram*, b— a— •* IVe bad Bay —a
te— atMa— tar eea* Ua— b— aaaitini
grmf totewe ar—tog lb— By ataaww I
o—beard a gb* to mA ttowg* < ——are
tta —gte atarabi pat (ato MaaaHUfa
aad I n—. .i e— —e ra— *ye Tfa*
••tatik ***** dwaa**** * am—tang to tee
a*w Mtittly tei—t bvteg t***we, **—
atew-rgw to ata* at— grt— * Um go item a*
“tatibhw. I— a—lw*Ma —a—* anted to*
*Mk wMb a tea— tortn* ot Maa*——
Me —d— A* «i* dan efiha term
aara bi* iota kit q—tai.b* •*. tarnd
|m— Ia- - • b-atte I
Ihw •*"* atitew aerate a gr— am rater* la
itbnttß—tag Mt •——dr and ta*< tea
*77?, Mm— ia *ea taaend to to a paa—
A www. rrau to* agrniig «* * a* a lata
aantita— i batea ar* ete'tQaAan a—
*— to*— Mm • M—y
I* ana— ***** te ***—e pfat tear aa* te
a— ate tag** «raa*f*i and te«te« —.—
■*a—* •ta—a- an—ay «—ba
ot« i«rn*t ÜBut.
—to te tea a*an— aad orwnTani »■*.» al
< —mg rue. to—bra*, leaw**. haabw<
aad art ter— aad
aad a* Mara a— l iie;aeu, artae be*aa* w*«i
at tea « fa* Arty te aa*t* a ba***
a«*X **4 a fanawe a* ►»..*•» taw*.** an >"«*.
« rand *ea M ata*** m a* ate raw*, a
to* amaara. ra ai.raaa. Ban wak a* •**>*•
esaa rad ow—eranata ana—aing aad eaa** *•
fan—toenatfby •»«.—•* *wb —***. a*—
«** ura *•**• • fa tavaaan MB r*w*» •
■tad. A-—*, B. T.
> Wa taw a* bate* a —>* pHbtod
*MLM4kf * tdMl *A*
•tan*M Aaaani Faw ad th* —gte
Abb ti?tisMptiih Ab ImAB 1
AT,amt • to tta «■* of tietaanaiita."
tta mdtoa— a— to— Fw n > to t
a—a— and a tango—tm of— ti’—
and «**»oa aa* • ay* read
F*» ititeb* r** to radaund to rah*
gb—ar w«toa— a am*—to and a* —toe
—a Mb— era ttbtitol to—Ate •**
ip.t a Fsan. * to* rran trat. tawn* *****
caotmai, an* •*<*•'* eaatewod tn* tta* Una*
fames ated an*, ihui itab farua lean
if toata—A
tipi* rAr «**4 —«4 —to aaJ
wwey g—wi to— rrara** I tmi raaa»> .
tome on aay toeh and nauA a— **>
emt a •*— maaa a* aay I tewfa B
A A anal tm* to— tea merad Ttat era*
•—yn——P\ amt faba* a«l a* fandtotne* .
V. M MtfaMHk Aatatgani, T*
W U W*Mk as Mag—*, At*, a para. I
•eFk •*•«*•* —i »ad bm*m —1
aaad *a»* ramtaaa • ttaa tea dhlte— |
eg— A «te A— In— tat tea** A. AA '■
Th* brat— f aa* ad erata* and—
I* id. *4 bra— on *«*—i rg— »
ma—. Tta —as A A- th tanwa •
p arte* a to— tta MMa< g**m a gm— «* '
**»* and dbgi—bin k and aa— a* ate j
etadta t—ng to—ba Arad te gtoJl I
«*anr— Oa—gteww. ttee—aa A btiterfa, to*.. j
»a* Ttab"te a* Btaad Ttaaa—*
Th* *uc«» Arm— Chmirai f. »•*— K
Ate—*4*. ■*» b P»*ra»4 as a— fate* |
•Mad An*— * a—F «te «A* •*> Ataf fag
aiata—agtertarto «d mm—g . taatoto ag >
gran a, *«tad gnttaa— onfaa—te to to
ibrewa lazrtber a» They Uttar to the lied
Os a (braekit Beporkr.
‘Yea,’' teid a pnrrainent business tn •tn
to > CnitoMCLE repot let, “I signed the pc
tition agaiuat the paring bid, and I think
from the natiiea on the petition, it will
tare weutbl with the legini <U>rr. I am
imM wed to progress and itnproremen',
but I don't think tins b.L m equitable. In
tiw br»l |4ace, it put* too much power in
the hand* us the City Counc 1; and while
we might tie wtiliog to trust our preaent
City Fetner*, we cannot tell who will
cumiMAe the Council a few year*
1 It pUcre Um> oiucii power tn their baud*.
• a • a • • a
••Then again, if we consider the work
ings ot thia par—g aystem in otbarr cities,
we will Bee where it work* a hardship. In
s certain city a pr»r mao owned a lot op
a street where the author.ties
paring. The w— so greet toot be
could not l#*t it, ar»l to he bad to aeil,
and purcuued a lot *<>tue distune, away,
WUere be *upp>ACl be b»U IlautaU toe
purers, when a new park,« toote other
imprrorcmeut, demanded p.ved sttcato.—
sue result was, that fol a second time, be
w— diir.o hum b.« home, tecauae be wa*
enable to ( uar lira borucn.
a a a a a • a
“M it t* m—ry that We should have
paled stroeia, why 80l make the luxation
<qual oa eti C aaaea ot cutbeuaf N 'W, on
wat pci.Cipal street*, if two[<>unta*tn cap.-
i>«liMa own the tedding* on cither aim
and agree between U*er»wl»e» to pay each
a ItauJ us tta Coal and the City lira !*•
u.*>atier, why ko one Would oi.j*u“; tel it
lues teem to nra a tarUauip to compel one
l*>|«y a lax to du Umo wutb whether liv *
woling us uoL Am. ail, U*e- ali*en*
geberaoy eijut lira beiratl aof Ureac lu>-
pro*. rae-uit, cud my idea u. th*, il *e
■rare paved Arret*, lei It be by gem I*l tax
aUuo. Os c-rurar lira proper Iyin Ue Arc
luhitfa *u.4d UtrA be mure iwarily taxed
than that a otlrar part* ut the city not ao
well located. ThMfa I ifaiufa, to a Ju»l riew
<4 tta MibjeCT.* A..d rilli into he bui
tradly yraraad o* to axA after teMoe** al
ien*. We ha* girob bto rwwa auioewhai
la detail, tbto to aa irap.itaai au’.jec’.
teacu te jral no* a*ii*uug Ito tniuda ut
A .tab—*.
a • a a a a a
Tira msi mta. we *<l wuuoc u( i*i
oiina A itH.cuawta He aewmnl, fauterrer,
wba la a omml, ami leady u.
about lira tliato ut **«)- lay
life. “I rad Ju*,* he efaM, ~a giwal l—uy
fai >hm pupl* ala g>»mg to cuamait alum*..
I—d hauH* may mm appeal ta tba paper*,
w.tfa highly wiuugfal rawealiubai pai»-
arapta, »■».*•< toiaura —criplMna u< Ita it
■— *u*d» t s~U lira ttatacer la wk a: a Iba
—rd Wa* Cea*deed, ibetead, Ura W.*M
m rar** barer ka..w that law Mid u«*
h—l C—III ad by Ita*. Tba ira»apapar»
•di bar* uiMteai, tartK*», Bitoel a it* lab
»uara thole.) cvouaiieiug lira Ue<aMMad, ami
wilt *itaf up Wttfa tba uaual phiam, abuwl
toe isyateiiwwa Fiorfetaac* wfatob wa* peat
Baeliag erat, U>*i Cail bmu au urn* Jv*i la
tateprwa* afad ueatulb—. leal ■ all t**b,
Iwaaate*. m> am*y uraancea, it w a cat* U
aril -—ante* "
a a a a a a a
Ua*« the re pur'an rewiaied te laUrropi
.to »p> a*er, aod .aqsneel la wtel a*y to
.iteSgbl ■** ****•> wet* lb— fad. ag Uk*.-
air—, “to fay,” aara far. “Uray fatal Item
wltegealibg* I tb‘«k ttet te • lauit w.u
«a>.y «4 > Buuttean* p «pta, *».«! tton*
al* w*t *1 a»y parauaal Meytelaiae-r**
I*— i a—*d a.e —MH—ag .tori
tey* fay ib* yuiaahra* katat Os tewm
t**y «*v n to a tberaeß.faaa way, aad p>i.
M,. du But dneau. la«l la aay «ay ttary
are utjur a* Uw«oa*l*ea tel I am tidtou
Oracy sd .at pne-yw ar* i* ifa..
• ay." Her* a a IMSi >to c*— .rtf tta
t— of UraaptaAet, tei«M<tla*Ml "Ate
I c— *at«. tea. yu* at* ora ul te* 8..-
tertaa—. yne tete bb* a man *te> ale
tern weak" Ita <>y*-.w» area Bailees J t>>
JiaoM tai t*aa tta« raw.
to** te* hwoW tow ta<d H A f>4 reyuwte.e
ata ptteur* I* Staeur trt, p L* of teat.
• a a a a a a
Tb* —at a— wa mH wa* a staid
i aa*tt*«ra.'-.*aci awebteto, wte toad a wuea
<tr**ii * *kart* to *ra>>d h» d«up is war
—> *Y mm paper,* te mid. “te **«***>iy
teafaiad uiM» a* »«il.ta**, tel if ytei -
ttea* asweb fa— te p— awefa .ate'
me* abate yeta*. ywn r»»*my *t.| ta*.s
i* to cte Ml q*»*l>»di. Th*' aarato atary
tow* Ma*«»« •** H*t<y lad, «tan* y«*
red td a wa* **»»®g rauk -wak.*. abo «rs
tart A • fa fet'd* wteto te ttart anfakta
buanba* tota *• astal an— Heart Itew.
tar—, tet *te« yuan a— ra tell *
afaamt * aa*ba gtow—g ata teraag m a
! batea—b*. tba* to c—ryteg Ik* jnfae a
- —to I** I—, if yura waate yn*n r*g*ra t»
' trutatow* tn—, yarn as— p— d—a Uh
Itowbra amt >*s*e a* ibat • W,
' *d Mm •» ***** fa* fafad* r ill—* ilt la
' tap—*. —1 atwtoaw— w aa**aia«*
< fwgba<s-m fam tewfatw—
•Mß Baw—< «i«B.
Ttea —tore «f t«* <temMHrus *« te
I pa* i rl ta- tear* Ute ifa— a * •
j —tod tai*, te— raa—w toa* tern atete
| te v— •a& .***■>■**«•. a*d ttte * I—atrfa.
I it* •* (tarn CWt* to tta uawy y—u**
J <— am* batea* —te* madwte fyaa.t»Ay
1 Oarra a— •— w d— c.
q***a ma—Mtoai **—. Ha 'S
I fa—b Q*t* • rate* to—>y act rag 4 *
. ramiy age* ifa* Mmmß ata amen** e*>tM>e
led la* agree— iterator fa ■*— tog tta.
hueaiitat* ■■ uw —. oral era— tee
I emraate wnemteto. by to*****g op «te bra
| HU—am ••* am .it ap ***** «fa e*< *
, ar>b TV. M grtob*e toaat aeaa— t**b
to too c—to ra* peweaa. ifaa* ***y .gp, <
Rear— fk.bara for —y « —A to I
, to* ettote B»«d teg me «4 w— aaaaa—
j Ate.— FJUIkStTACM.
UT tota fag l***«—a.
*»* Be Aww*
fA*bd*y *B*grfaa* 'fat r*gr. onuAatrtwe *4
• fat ..*>•— ata I'M*fa* L 'far** *4 Old Fei
htotos todt tar B.— a* »ua«d tte a—aStoa <4
. to* «—* 4 Vafan *4 tba a*ta t asaarfa
. fa— dfto taaa*—. Bi— titorta* awl
> Bate*. W A Batey ata W 4 Qa—
' ta ata taew fatarm ata Mr O
<•- A— ar— rm rpi mu *ll n ad tte
;*M—*•— t Mr W—F— tom ***
»*M— tb ****—*.♦• —g • maatotae «< I
abate—a L»—
f A yitofaact Bi—qiia *ta. teas » •**«•* j
■ fa*—l**., to *«t.j rwrwsy a***, torn— I
ita —bam* paatett-f p—. teamd.- ,
Aad ta at taA-arttoea— b a—y j
b—rami toy
T>r A. ata *■— y— tn— Bi W-A* t—
Mr damn— K B—fa tody BamAuy
ti*<*B R. te Mama, wi— to* •■£
Ifa* ta— A Aramra - *r 1 tie
teyragm ta- p* >— —M, ata apt te
te a— «*—A*—A Au—
•a— tte «*a*« fam fa— fabmtetog pra»*> j
| «rgray ata tabikjo w<y to— ifa*. ‘
A KUMAto alf .as IKKI IGE.
l»e*f tlalee Jalae* I* «*—
Ou Tuesday evening last quite a roman
tic marriage occurred at the leaidence of
of Mr. J. R. Boone, in this city. The huh
contracting parties being Mr. A- J. Hol
land of J .ckson county, and Miss Ida
Young, of this (Hall) county, both deaf
mutes, and both graduates of Georgia’s
exmllcDt IX at and Dumb I—ttUile at
Cave Spring.
These young yeople, it seems, have been
BUached lu each other dnee their school
days, aod had delermioed 10 cast -U their
lota in life together. They have been d<-
•iruu* ul the marital rile perfoimeu
lor some time, but owing to family in lei
ference, lira matter Was put iff Irom time
o tune until the parties becune ured of
Waiting and resolved to carry out their
oaa wishes in regard lu the matter. Bo
last Thursday they met at Ibe home 01 the
young lady, io the lower part of the coun
ty, aod under the ot taking a
walk, started a (out tor Flowery Branch,
some lour or Are miles dtalam, where ibey
hoped to aecuie a lie-twe and have the
nuptial knot lied. Failing in this, there
being no one there autbu.ix.-d to issue a
licet ae, ihe gro’tn procured a convey—ce
and Came with Pts lu Gatuesvillc, ot-
UlOed a ItCeuae and calling on J. H. Fuel -
sued, Msq., they *<re promptly m de oue
at the time ei>d ptace before mthtfooed.
Tucy are both highly tnuoectmi and of
IricpioaciialMe Chaiacler, aud slait out io
their silent married Lie umfad the must
ttailenug auaptce.. Tbatf rel.t.vea are
ad, we learn, ncuucileil now, and wiU do
all in their pow«r lu make U— i luture
br.ghl, pru*s«rutH aud t appy.
May Ura cbuic ai Llesaiug. ul life attend
Uram * the heartleil wish ot buate ut
. 1w c. remony w— p,collar t 0 into, that
the ma*Hirai* submitted m writing the
t.«xaaary qUcalioua, wUcb, oc'bei g *ul>
Bulled lolira cteuacung partte, were Bl-
BHtoalifaaly a«*wer.-u by aa ibclinatron m
lira Irate, w Iran up.ra ha— the o.k,raruc
—w.ute and bamied uw m lira tuttewiug :
•• A h—eaa, .aco ot yoa Uara agneu tu Ira.
lugeUrar iu lira busy eataie us m*i<iuioi.y,
1 pruoumra* )>ra man and wife," and r«.
pialte Ura same UTaby lu tea Wltaca* a
prwwfcl. Thus emied une <.f ( ra-wi
enter s uing and ilhiuuiLc muitagc cen
riM/i as that ever meuneu la our city.—
GaOMavilie K..g e.
Mtrt A MlSMantb utUu OKTLB WKKK
UtobATAli te TllUlt MAM-
ItIAOK tig.
FIbIMLAT, Ohiu, Aug. !I—Thcle
Wa* gretsk fun uuk I* Delaware
kuwhabip iaat mgbu Mari* Sour a,
mkiy-tiie years uid, tuarited a gul
ul fabuus acifautcwu auiutuara, Abd
lhe buy* i»( the ucigbburbiMMi deter
tuiuwi io give iu— sutueliiikg out
us Use utdiuary ia Ura way ul a
eUan«ark in« utiauuivl'Uißkeas
k**ie U» khia city bb.l puivhMta bwu
paiuura ut tHuud, irvau Irout kite
a.auguter huu*«, wu.l carr<*d II uuk
whit* ifa* newly uiarrien cutipte
• eie lu BjKhU Ura toigUfa A* Bum*
as Dvceitouer aud May had rrurau
Utamr buys aiippml lute Uiv yard aur
rouwdiug Ute Bint— auU puiifed w
airaatn of blood entirely arwrauU the
premista Ha. lug aexvltoplialrad
Uns wuuotot dwtaUub U«y drove
bsif a dußato ewtofa lute Ura y ard and
Umhi eouiaarad teclttaiica te BWall
ueiwiojiiueuk. iba | ttß Ugau ak
uuta the atotoa no noutHtr autiled
Uie bluud lb an Uray tvai—uwd
Itatetoteg trauLteaiiy a*d cutikl
easily b* beard a telle aa*y. Ml bet
w*i "wMgtifa i»u aad st— Umm«
tan— a |*<w.e—ma ut bu.iuca frute
favery lar in ta ura teto—teip, ail be*
tewiag ta tee anwt reto—*a( titak*
Tfaeyr fuugbl and sla—|—i and
l>awed tb* gfuuad Bini tnutewad in
ebon* sku, te* cwup— lai tij
went aud wite auwayaaua. Wta
te* te*>uik waa al tl * betgui U>«
Uidqrntab eatfatoped ib a r«d Ha. .
•*4 g——bk waa j—im tec merge fro—
te* dm it *ite a bag* elate IB bifa
totoud. Inti bi* appear anew |g fatrab a
cu*.urn* ualy audral fuel te Ura <*■»«,
and «teak lut>uw*«l cafaßut tw iruku
fwiiy dawwi . teed. Tte* maddfaata
CaiU* fauargta at Use red Agur*, aud
Ura —d maa aata« uaa raa —ueud
tee tota**, *torab toufald tea** beara-
Ura to—Hi * priaiibg r—d. fata jaak
maaag—i te g— t>*cA Wlkbia lb*
A— a* kb* itaaa ta tee tanascra*
a«i—ai la te* ptwaa—. ura* a gm
«ran—pea—Utok ta ata trawl gar
at*oK tb* brW* ta tba aa—ku—
e*r*taatug at kb* teip ta ba* teita
Ag-a aad Bgbia dsrifag U— bight
did December aue-pt te dfhp—
tabla eatqa* cbanrart party, tewk
aiteuwk •*•*]. aa tat** woadd Dray
r—ata iu teeir bra*—y wad. Au
Una use* tea uu«* ararw aagatoefaurg
ta Bfamtta Baui » i— Uaaa TOO
c*uia nam-B.fata kb* U—, fabira
nary iUta.v»ta cbbbb tta
aaa—msg balm« ta ••• racni ta,
ktitatititag to tb* and*. d*m<—a.
Uou tofcttob araa aa fretay bwsag be
atewwd apam —d —aa sw-wra aad te—
imsttefai wife Rrt a wfbß ta atewp
«a—« to tee cw«p« kteta Bi*tek. bat
by Btaty Btaßisg tefa cast— bad too
ada-t urse* ta tea batoud by ’*taßr
pawiag bad uaaspteg teta H ta>
acted aa M aUrwuta. asu
•oa By •«« teay arfl toe add anaa aad
bto brfatar tb itetir ffhaey. h*— kb«
—rbag*— ata Bb<*k iwc—*l —h
vfaft ta tfaeard.—Otcagw ii strata.
Tb* Xtaakeiav.Ufa Maetter, atawr
Bb aa* Bsabagctacßl. Me—ra. R fl.
K inta• ata Kdwari F. M«
Gowaa. *e to teaad. Jraigiag h—
tee ca uta aamteae. terse g—tft—, a
w.dgirfa to te* **c*wr praap— ta
Mbdtatoi emtobty a rw». i«*«, heta
be way sfatort. bactoea• to yta, gwa-
W* «a tear. ~f gtoti, „ '
d«—m B. Bn***,* B.—ra < a—y. eteh* '
•ta I*- as « . Mr If*** •• taetilto
t s «f M». A C id* a.
1 lie recent duel iu Alabama lias
caused a general search to be made
for facts concerning the more fa
mous duels. Leading newspapers
of the country have also had much
to say on the subject editorially.
In the Christian Index Dr. Tucker
comes out with a scathing editorial.
He makes the duelists of the last
few days to appear very small in
deed, in showing up the folly and
foolishness of engaging in such
practice. The one of the principals
be styles Jack and the other Gill,
and speaks of them as Jack and
Gill along with Nullivan and Kil*
Probably one of the most famous
duels ever fought is what is known
as the great French duel. Our
readers who desire to see a full ac
count of this tragcly will find ii i„
Mark Twain's “Tramps Abroad. - ’
i ihe account is a long one and we
can give but a few points of the
The introductory to the duel
styles the modern French duel as
one of the most dangerous institu
tioua of the day. It is always
fuugbl io the open air aud the com
batants are nearly sure to catch
cold. One of lira most inveterate of
Ibe French duelists Und become an
invalid, aud it is thought that if he
g.ras oo dueling fur fifteen or tweuty
y ears be wight eudaeger bis life.
Maik 1 wain was a second in Ibis
famous duel, aud the first tiling be
did for the principal was to draw up
a will, after which he chose the fol
lowing as bia dying woids: “1 die
kbak France may live.”
Ttefa next thing was the choice of
weapons, aod the lime aud place fur
meeting. He prop«>faed six iu the
urarnlog ami axes aa the we«|»ons
As tliib certainly would be a quiet
affair aud mmm bloodshed, the prop
<M>itiou waa rejected. Shot guns,
rides, (.oil's navy rwulver* were all
rejected. Hrich-baka at a dislMue
ta three quarters of a mile were se
rioßaly thought us, but dually abau
duued. Dainty blds pistols, one
barrelled, and two caringea, which
ware rollata up iu a postage stamp,
at last were cte.meu ae the deadly
•cApOM. The traxt thing was the
distance. It waa suggested that
sixty-five yards tie wade the die, but Mr. Twain aucciraded in
getting this down U> thirty-dve
The li.Hir us meeting wai sex
objected to and nine was choaen lu
stead of six, ami a full account of
the prop.—M duel waa sent tu the
The fullowing I* a dear rption of
the Jiarty a* it wade lt« way to the
dueling gruvade: "First came our
carriage —nobody In II but M Gam
belt* and myself; then a carriage
containing M. FourUiu and his sec
und, Un o a carriage containing two
poet orators who did not believe lu
Gud, sad tb.-ee bad MS. funeral
oration* projecting from tbeir breast
pocket*; then a carriage containing
the brad and their cases
ta instruments, then eight privaU'
. arris#— cuukaiaiog «»n*uiU<ig aur*
geons, tefaD a back eootaiuiug a
| eoreaer; then the t«o hearses; team
|a • arrtage containing ibe beta un
dertaker*; liter, a train of aMialania
and mule* <>o lo*K; aud after them
Cfatoifa plodding through th* fog a
foug pro—i<>a nt camp follower*,
pnrace faod ciu—oa geb—taiy. Ii
waa a noble taronol, aad would
tea** made a toe display, if w« bad
Bail thinner weather.
Arniiug ak tee groeedfa it was
e«Mic*Mi thfak the mulliku.lee were oa
right aad i*fl ta tea teid. ata they
were promptly pl acral behind tb*
j ■!<»«list* fur safety. Aa th* f..g was
. U«*«y te« eecada agraral to stand
j •• te* prlbdptafa aod before toe
I wurala to Or* eu gives eaete ami d
■ gi*fafafotod teal the {kmlu..*
■ talb* daeUeto might be made known
u> Ura— gvakrauraa. After Ura fatal
j fateute bad bto** trta. ths f.H.owicf
I w a defacnpUufa ta tbfa sawse:
-The iw« 4—liate foil o|>o« each
I ofaber's bfacka, with So—is of proud
sad happy tear*, teal <Kber Btatotod
ettbrawasi at*, te* aargraraa. the ura
wra. lira aadenakcre, tb« ptaw.
everybody embraced, every body coa
gt—aiatta. every body cried, aa<i
lira whoie atnxrtpherv was ftifod
vikte praifa* ata with Joy aaapcak
abra. "
Mark Twaia thee —ys: "It
—fatted to aa* Uwe that I would
raUtec baa twruta a Fraach do*.
| -bas a crow oral aud scepter*.:
’ —«—arc h ’
taaatertae F»e*f
** •**» **m i ■ « as* bras pra—s i— :
AAA <•*>■*■■ to—fa ba—', as* kp Btafa
I Bates te. ashm*. m». •- —— uh— pas—
|to fato rara p*— *—a ta— «—* w—i .
I fata
!A F. —waa—. Akteetaata, era*— i
M r— mi— saafa* —a— w# —« » M ra* ta
fat. ata tab *n*u; * 1 a.sra I«*
i —tar —efa-*ra a fanfa a—ora*. *a aa—
| afafara* te eaa* da* fa——*, ti 'ra-T x-p* |
J •—to •«•>* te* *.«.— «4>h> ot * fa—*
ata gaa • butoto as A A A i «t|nra .*,*<■ * j
<b—g<k «Bfa atp faaapaofaa—p w— ran .i - -ra !
ttapate— I tap* sorag * a«M I —fa rate. ’
astofafa* teeviu*. a— aM tee era*.«. n- uiiq
aad taaa—e a* as kae— p— a*.. *ra
tofa—rail, ata H m— I a* h—
agaas. atttt —«M A— l* as «— j r. rs
Ata Wart. Ma—g. *ta • i >«a
ra——ape—.*m *—» fas as te—fa
> BUI 111 By fata a—fa —« a*——aa* •
■ ■—•* rfaarrata—. aafa fasaXi ta* fa—
tesgaa aatofag tey tikad k*—* Wp —•
—*. •« fa—Bey* *m a.—gafa. I—a fa—a
aafa Al*tog*, a— Bto bat ii * t—fa— fax j
atai as— *■•*• S*. tea a.r*te« era, ta— .
I kta aata a— *aaSte**S A A A I w— p— |
a*—eta —A itoa—a A at—a <*a a** Ba
aa— aa*. I to— aa* *a— *— a—* .
professional ‘Oirtdorp.
general practitioner,
Office corner C- lleee Avenue and Wash
ington Street. Residence No. 15 E. Strong
Street. House formerly occupied by Dr.
Over Taluiadge A Brightwell.
OFFICE HOURS—IO to 1 a. m. and 1 to 5
p. m t* - Chronic Diseases and Venereal
Diseases a specialty.
|_|ENKY c. tick
Uttce over .lore of Siuion Marks.
Other, Room Xo. 1, over store of S. M arks
jjll. W.G. LOWERY,
Uflice Moore A Elder, corner Aroad and
Jackson street. UU.ce hour* irOte □ oil aud
I ko *.
Dm. B 8188 DAVIS,
othce. H7tf Blld n*jf ( Clayto
atreac. Office hours, *to 1:30, B . n ,., j' to
Dr r. i HAMrrviv
Office over Jackson fa Vincent’* store, corner
Clay lon aud Lampkin sWeeU. UlL".e hour*
Iroiu *, a. m., to S, p. m.
£> L. WADE,
Olhe* ap-ekalra, orer T>liu*p* fa HrighL
*a.i * *iur*, Clayton *ire*l, Alheu*. U*.
O*o C. Tito fax*. Jao. J. Sti<i«xiju(d
pmum rim
Manufacturing Comp’y
Hot tout I*rio<*N,
G<*o. IL LombankV o.
F-iandry, Meeh me Holter —fa u, B Vork*
aafa liapply Uo—,,
Augusta, - Ga
Meh? dfa
luu* table No a. t„ t . h ,, . g.,., „ ?
uciva, a. u. , tkun.lap, Jun. 3»ib, I«S*
Iran, run <« OaUra (Bun,) j|»ndi*i,
- r*’s. ci vl»
foßTUnocxb r.tmraljF...’ r, L **,
D«l>». iDylbn
? Warn, |lO »V> n .
Vra. fte.'— . 7 a, nJ >» 4<to m
»krt-.te. ... 7«ra,n|. IB Maa.
Mrata. .... BUSan. II »te».
"/*>•• tl NS.m
Uretey ... a lite m UOUnm
Bsroraa ... BltanJ l»irq,m
lOAem 14 IA |m,
BSdim I4» pu ,
Hiktaa*.. B4?*m
<*r<—BrMl .
M.*—to ... • n*m . . | tep M
Mtatalto.. • i<t, m 3
tiacto. .. . t4B, m «Uu,. lr
l Godfrey ... lOrtaml ... . s -jp*
M.dton* . | 4 «!•»
fiß<tam t <sop»
FW4WM8....H1 It, mi I S *u, n
Farte.agfMi 111 41.m| 4 U..m
d'w p Il I Ito. m « uO > m
fastaurara.te ill *Ba aal n Itp ra
*"»«T .... t»9lp*,| a*fpm
As A»habe..iU 40 . |j B
Ilfat CL’te aarvinb C teta.
ll* j 4
*>VTWBrt.B O r.tomi- lx, y I Iftoto r ,
I jtVy X B n
" » <**►>«-; Htika Bii.LTTT.
1 te;.® • Su.rat
1 Wiifa. Vttan.
».ttote*n» I4ip w »{«,*>
Dta? .... |W ( , n. » Siam
Xmtoibgta*. tuupte »m*»
... flip *, » >7,8.1 ....
Mku-teto ’ 18. Bq
1 • «vp aa‘H <«ra ■
Gekfrey.... 4 Sfo Bull ti»— |.
“"** 4 «fofaijl» ITpod
M*ck— .... 3Mpm’ll.9q,q7
«='raHo.. ( 4»lp«a 1 *
Mtaarta.... 4ti»p*i I mr
A.U.. ttaptoftiikpiJ
H’lfatera, .. ♦ ASj. mi 3Mn »
k Ota O-t » <*»P »! IHp
1 Weyada .. BUgSlgfapfa
R*ro«—.... 4 I'pasl j air-—I
Madtoy .... tßt m. afaipral ”1””
2 r *y I • tifott! 4 57p -I
Marina 4 lUuad
kta-te ... I 5 41pm 4Uxaai
'*° 5 n. 4 Wp
Mm—y . «•; 1 IWpJ ... .
! ***** •“P ■»_» *i
, _ •«■*»*», WnJn—l** **.<
aad ttosrda*. ’
A G I HfaiG An'g Bap*L
mi liftd t diLnim
T* tear to— tieafaag. J— rx* fa—*T—a.
' £ if I ? « Ti lj
l aw r * j
'*“« » »*'• Turk Fteartr. J'taitt w :
**C • i a Terraerr „ IX.Vimkt* 4S
» >-? I« u»; M< —a.ejte T F »—‘a n
BteTte fatoto.mtee*—J aS’; g
* R TEOgfaik.
. *^tata*ataG—M—
TM OTB nrnwM Wu« u«t
» »*w f< i ai •• V-*
Ctateat F—rp fa** fata —a. — u
?T* r ryT- tytiatatt —» «*— lx tea
JK ** •» ifa, *ta Ter—
P-PIM. “ rowtXA
6 Can be found Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins,
Banjosr Sheet Music, and all kinds of
Musical Instruments,.
at the LOWEST PRICES. Picture Framing a
specialty. A large lot of frames °
now on hand at
Uow lPrxceqi,
Brooks’ Cotton Planters, Clark’s Harrow’s, Wood
Mowing Machines, Josh Berry Grain Cradles. IWL
At Lafferty’s Old tand,
Prince Avenue.
kanoxnt rmrnl el’T g». Oliver
AniKsa, Ga.. February 10.—[Special.]
linvini.' opened up * tine lot of Fancy
ami Family Grocerie*. 1 respect fully aak
tbai my friend* give me a abitre of their
Cnrriasre Shop,
We will al way* keep on h ind all kind*
of new and second ham I buggies and
| wagon*, and will make any k>nd of w
liwte t<> order Carnage, Bugxv and
Wagon REPAIRING a apeci.l" We
also make
A apechlly, andnfl will give ail work our
IVtaiinal attention.
The Leo Range.
*L_ ~c.. ‘ 1
_ >1
aud Heal Cooking Apparulus ever
sold io Alirena for klie Price. Beet
i I rcfcrciii ea and Broad GuaraiiUv*.
Sec Ibis Range and the Fatnou*
Iron King
An well aa many other makes of ex
ceib nt COOK S COVES. My good*
are all new and well selected.
My Prices Speak
for Ihgmßgivvto. R<rating u nd Tiu
work of all kinds, done by workmen
us known repnution.
Brta II Ira* t 'teraer Wall, AHhm
Georgia Railroad Co
Slone Mountain Rout-
Orn<H <1— ***i. N.***cr
Ae*e***,Ua.. April -.**, ( r
Th* fall—lacaobafaato »il! erarta' vl
to l«ru«f suttee :
kta B* fa**, a kart Iray .''f, " j '
Tun*. j. ’ Trraa. | Mui IXn j.
Lv Atee.. nJ .« »4* a ra. *»i p „
W.Merraita « »**.•'»»!. mi ««pß>
t***’«p ,tv< Ate. aa. VAI * a>| 4,1» pa>
fating—*U» »W a rate I* ami4«7 p e>
Aa—ta . a* *4B amtO M a fail «.4S ato
te.»«y* |»| k. 4» ato 11.14 a»| 4 to;. a>
Wa—Hite k. IMeallbka too7r*
Ar i—h r iMiaLte.oi k.ipa
- | —ifa ■- *—■ 1 —l..* - ta— 1 —a»
i,t. Ltexia rd aaa kite p m‘
Ar A Irani, j 144 pmi
Ua—<**.Ua t ikteya I
L. lu,.nPi Ifal-pra sj-, p Z
krtopra x—pra, a.i*pa,
..“.ui l_ |f«3
TfaklJM WferiWAXtl.
Li. A-caate ..4.. o. . t , . fi . "
tirara, .... I J 7.1* * w
Ndf df Hiei ’ I Fit• gJ
Wete> «*»• I 7.» ato aat
Ar. tte—n Htelam 144 p ad
. r Aites.a ’faueam iUya
» | j > • a»< r
Ar La— |u 17 p aa p *■
L» t;»ta KJ «HLM a m til p J 4JS
Wtanite 1 U«Maa» XM pe> 44« p ar.
Naira, :l«rtlam iMpa Ufas
AMtexb . 'l* M a aa S.ra p m <*-. p B . I
faisgi— 11.e1.H 4«kpm «upasj
Daa-ap .. lllfa am 4-topaa. tfaip.
■ .afatlM lifakam Ulya lt&pa
Ar Al— >ll era LlfapaJ 7»> pa.
F— irara Farter era. A.n*.
ataAUaatt. tog— opr— dteepiag ear.
—a— C tataaa— aad AU—ta, Aquu ta
Xteaaia, A.pataH Naroa.
Truss »*, t; and » •«; atoe »f ta raemre
|M—agen to ta from Ito fo.ra*,M a—a
—Jy UrvTrteea. Hra au, Iraarotg, Vbataeaa.
Beroeu.Cratarfatdte, , ana Pa—
o-rri Ir*tr ~ Miaiaaa. fatoad <a, —UCucte
| (teraiqta. to y—U fat—era, Mra. Nees
, Iraa a— Itecatar.
1 Trffi— te ta fr— Atte— as—
traaaa X>. tt, I a— X.
| J. 9. GS4M.S. X. A DOfalgY,
tor, ■•«*«*. Ura P— Art.
JU* W W Uin. Tree. F—AgL
Ufui Cbraab. Cfapteb «Hratt
New Li very and Feed
Porter & Wilson, Props’
Al Holman A Dradwyler’a, Thoma* atreet—
Prompt Hiention giron tu want* us all p.troua
.. PARKER’S i ■
* c: ' n ' ,r * An< ’ th** hair.
KroMk' WJI I'rofnotcß a luxuriant growth.
JBBI.. H* tr It* Youthful Color.
,* Jk. • A V r AM ri>' enfri Dfth3nitr and hair r&ilfa*
L IT v-H »vUn.t ti watpnmaka
How Lost! How Regained*
• r I®?® I
. r X
A tolrtdiar and standard r<ipal«r Mixlkal Trratlea
on tte Error, nf Yonth.l-rvumnir* Drallnn.burviiua
and lliy.ii -d Itebiliiy, Inij uiUua of tte Stool
kraultlnx from Fully, Vice, Exeaa— a*
Oirruiuira, Knertallug and iniHlUn* th, victim
fur Mork, btelnw*. tte Marta or Nodal Kdattoa.
Avoid atekiUfol nrHandera. 1-I*—* U>|, v r—t
wwk. Il runtaln. inraa, royal *va. faa-niful
IMndlllg. rinb.—id, bllf gUL For* only »I.UO by
stall, pratprtd. touraaiol ta plain mppar- Dlna
tratlve l , n*|*<-ti* Free, If yo* apply bow. Tte
dU’Jnvniatad Snlhur. Wm II Farirt, M. »., ro
—red the UOI.D fafctk JgWKIXED MFDAL
frm* Ikr Natl—*l Mefateal Amerlalie* ftV
Ikto K*MAY ea MKMVOI.’H a*d
PllTfafl AI. nKß*
nf Arata*til l'hy,i<.)su* may be cnuuilli'd, rouA
drnftally, by mall er In urraon. at the offlre nt
ba. * n.laarSHt., R—, Maae., to whom au
•■nter* fur hooka or lauare lor advtoe ttoaM be
faU— a* above.
N orthesLHtdra Division,
Omif.—od wbnlu ain , fleet J un e l«(b
IHW run by Tflti. Meridisa tim<
Hktwkkn atu mta abb atlant/
N'l f..DAILY. LrfO 41 -KX'Uvir
L» Al—. 7 sot mijLv. A«u nr, 6 <Mp in
Ar. Anin nl« OU n'nrAr Aih t«.»4f>in
b<» fai—KX BLNII N J ■' DajL7~
L» A*. I*. f» lOp lU n All., ta, M iu.
Ar A b. na. Ite.fA - !| a| A'b a
natwKKh Ainv.N ~7n t <xtn
***.? Ai—DA. . j|rtu/ h» -. .k bull
Lv Altana. 7fog.l|lGv. *tfai< hb6u.m
Ar Wsaii'tn AM •• lAr WaahTb. 713 pm
Ar New Y'rk I Ffp mHAf N w i ‘rk <B *.m
Pullman Palace Buffet as t _ cart from
Lola Io Waatangton and New T rfk.
Nolid trains Lui* Io W,*bln<bin.
Wtorufrauitn. BOKTHteiVNIk.
cf. TV'- o»
i n p ? r
" I
- jPa—ng* l . i'm'u 'i
N S. K. It
■l j rara «*— - , —1 ,a ,* rt _ map
»M ; M 40 -.1 |!W Isa
? •’P ra Nt trios* w; M
? I?’ f tf M
fa I p M * »
A Mjr.M AM LV AR p’totoM PM
4 MMf :v> 10 go Loin 7 4Oi» 3b « J»
A tafd V.IIO •OOiltaemfa 7 »»• lota AS
e ?p>v trn <r. Vifaviie 7RMM»bo
7 Ok* 31 II tH|H«r Grorrta non 3r,|7 40
7 3f>j» Mill 45 N cbolaufa 4 .*>4* 15,7 (y,7
N 00 1004.14 taitontrr 4 10f*» 00 0 35
8 B-VintS IJ V> A'fteaa Mi‘7 40-*S
TriMD« Nn 50 %nd 54 will ron daily. No.
81, Bit, 1* and xj will run daily, except
3n.Kl*y. '
Tr*is*n>n by 7<ib Meridian ilmt— ore
hour I—try than *hb MmJtan Dm*.
L. la McLbmixt, Jxa. L Tatlub.
Die. Para x«t Grat P«— Agtl
k. Bkatrotr, Hap. nntre J«,L
Foa S*l< —II ”l< and lot on corner of
and Jraluoo aorr—*—ail «
r<ht mom*, garden and welt
Fob Krwt —A woe hall, /»eer G H
Uulror'e Moer.
One fan—and apiewdid Ina, alt—lad o*
Corner id H—cock asd College Av—B—
-1 b—tal'ul new Nto—rrram, corner
Clxyio* aud Jarkfoa Sts. 1 rootote <m
•rroed a rar so —»«, Mkitable lor law
faltraa ot e ab r—a ,
Fora—er7 raw*farm.whbgfan—a thte
Mu ‘-
O— botoiMK. Mifabie for !rv«y efabir
o* J—to— a>r«et. for rent. Aiqtlyto
iMUrtuagtam > 11x74* way