The Savannah daily journal and courier. (Savannah, Ga.) 185?-185?, March 06, 1855, Image 3

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Ucjd JUttfrtifiemcttls. FOR PALATKA. E. F , VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. JACK SONVILLE, PIOOLATA, AND MIDDLEBUUGH, BLACK CREEK. To Leave every Thursday , at 10 o'clad:, A.AI. k* Tile now and elegant steam pack- . v 3ua^niL > ' l ST. JOIINS, Capt. Janice Free norn, will leave for the above places on Thursday Morning, at 10 o’clock. This boat, having large and airy elate room a rommodations and taking the inland route, offers superior inducements to invalids and others For freight or passage, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet Wharf, near the Gas Works or to .inn 17 CLAOHORN A CUNNI NO I! AM. A FOR €E NTIIE VII. Jj \CI K . TRADER’S HILL, ANI) INTERMEDIATE LAM) INGS OX THE ST. MARY’S RIVER, tr The steamer MARION will run from St. Mary’s to the above places, making two trips a week, in connection with tire i steamers WELAKA and SEMINOLE. Freigh A taken through at the customary rates. .inS S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. FOR WELAKA. FLA. VIA PALATKA AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS i iWWi” K The new and fast steamer SKM 1 INOLE, will touch at Welaka on * regular trip and will continue i rT VllIin l() do so every other Tuesday, should sufficient encouragement be given. Freight through to and from Welaka, 10 per cent on Palatkarates. inn 15 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Ag’t. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Charleston—--Tri-weekly. Inc After the Ist of January, 185f>, the steamer CALHOUN will leave Savannah on every Tuesday, Thursday and Sun day Evenings, at 7 o’clock. .ianß S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. FOR PALATKA. FLA., a." 1 ; a* IEII-W EEKLY. TH E 11. 3. Mail steamer SFiMTNOLE, (new) Capt W i: Pnstell, leaves EVERY TUESDA V A T liFV C /. OCK. A. M. THE Opposition Line Steamer WELAKA. Cnpt. N. King,(carrying the IT. S. Mail) leaves EVERY SATURDAY. A T lO OCLOf'K , A.M These steamers connecting with the Charleston steamers, take through freight and passengers. ts J • M. LAFFITEAU, Agt. FOR ST. AUGUSTINE. ft"! The steamer ST. JOHNS, Captain Ev--,.„.yJ,, t ■■■■•-- Freeborn, will go to S.t. Ati .cuptinr *.n her trip <d Btb March. feb27 CLAGIIORN & CUNNINGHAM. Ag’ts. FOR PALATKA, FI.A., AND INTERMF.DIATE LANI)INGS, ~ _ jgir** 0 | A The steam packet WELAKA, Capt. K 1 ” ” ‘rill leave a 6 above every Sat urday Morning at 10 o’clock. For treignt or pas sage. apply to ian 10 S. M. L A FFITEA U, A gen t. FARE IlEDlt'FiD ! cabin passage to new york UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York and Savannah Steam ships The new and splendid side-wheel Steamships. FLORIDA. ISOO tone, Capt. M. S. Woodhull. ALABAMA. 1300 ton?, Capt. G. R. Sehecck, AUGUSTA, 1500 tone. Capt. T. Lyon. KNOXVILLE, 1500 tons, Capt. C. D. Ludlow, | will leave Savannah every Wednesday ?„n* ! Saturday. These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety, or comfort —making their passages in 50 to 00 hours, and arc command ed by skillful, careful and polite officers. Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer t most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage £2O i Steerage passage.. .£8 PADELFORD, FAY & CO. ; Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCIIILL, jan3 13 Broadway, New York. TOWING Thesteamer WM. GASTON is pre j£^ffihwsßCr'nr'‘A to make engagements for Tow ing. Enquire on board, or to icnS i-LAG HORN & CUNNING KAN’. METHODIST hymn Woks TN a variety, in fine cr plain bindiug. Received _ and for sale at feb22 No. 135 Congress street. FOR SALE REAL Genuine Mexican Fette Gulf Cotton Seed, for sale bv feb27 IOCKEXT k IARD OlL.—t) bblFlViuicr Strained nil, just re j ceived, and for eale by JOHN R. MOORE and CO., febls Gibbons’ Building. OVE LINEN BOSOMS —On hand a good as sortment of these desirable goods, cheap for cash by jan 19 W C WADSWORTH. I llt i; PRO O F sAV I. N OF WILDER’S PATENT. Manufactur ceiving by schooner Citaract a further supply ol improved patterns, (double and single doors) tar nished with Yales Powder and Burglar Proof locks; which he offers for sale at manufacturers prices. Apply to C. IE CAMPFIKLD. Sole Agent for Georgia, of Wilder’s j an 2k Patent Fire Proof Safes. SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO,. WIIUT.F.SAIiGD IV C IS (i I S T S, NEW YORK. rrmovr't to Xn. 170 William Street, Corner oj Beckman. IMPORTING the leading DRUGS from their orig inal markets, both id Europe and the East Indies and also FRENCH AND ENGLISH CITE MICA IS, PERFUMERY, TOOTH, NAIL AND IIAIP BRUSHES, HAIR GLOVES AND STRAPS, PARIS and TRIESTE SPONGES, CORKS, SOAPS, Ac. Ae ther offer them on the most reasonable terms. Or ders cither in person, or by mail, will receive thei. host attention. ly TH i um ‘ 13 Harper’s Magazine. FOR MARCH. TUST RECEIVED— fP Autobiography of I)r. C’has. Caldwell. Thomas Hood’s complete Poetical works, with liio graphical sketch. Inez, a tale of the Alino. Brushwood Picked up on the Continent. The Bible Prayer Book, for Family Worship and for ther Private and Public Ooccasions. By W. W. Everts. A Letter of Inquiry to Ministers of the Gospel of AU Denominations, on Slavery. By a Northern Presbyter. History of Mason and Dixon s Line. By J. 11. B. Latrobe What Not, Bv Mrs. Mary A. Denison. South Side View of Slavery, or. Three Month* at the South in 1851. By Xehcmiah Adams, D.D. No. 10 Harper’s Gazetteer of the World. This book it> now complete. rrvh\ W. THORNE WILLI AMS. LANDING aim in store— j 20 boxes Soda Biscuit - . S bbls “ * ; 5 * Sugar “ 5 “ Butter “ Also. Butter,Cheese. Lard- Beet, Perk, Sugar of aD kinds. Starch. Pickle... Pickled and Fresh Lob ster?, Catsups. Olive?. Fig Blue and Muatard. Ali for Bale bv *• A. BROWN. feb2B TTUtESId West India Sweat Meats and Jellies,;ust r received, and for sale by feb2B and. A IdyOu N.^ dry goods. Bl\- T Received: A Beautiful A sort men of I n •5 die? and Gents* Linen Cambric iMkfa. which the sub •Tiber will -ell at e. very small advance on ‘""fct. 1- KPW S KKMPTON. A(t'l THE CLOSE OF THE SEASON. lIHE Subscriber, In order to close out hi present ttock of Winter Goods, preparatory to tin* opening of the Spring trade, and the arrival of hi-> New Goods. i J prepared to offer L A RGyE I MUM:KM rATN rpurcha-ersfor cash. Hi? stock comprises an nf-nortment of Dr y ‘•• ods I for house keepers, and every style and quality in ! fabrics auita'dr for -ea. cm, which will b* sold a‘ price? comporting with the low condition of the MON El’ MLAKKET. Those who can avail themgelvcof the indue mentfi and adiantagefc herein offered, of supplying themseive- with choice good:- at low price-*, would do well toeschew the a*lage 3IAKE HASTE SLOWLY. EDWARD S. KEMPT* (MIDER— 25 bhls Cider. Also a superior article • of Champagne Cider in eases. For sale by ’ fo b 23 _ J A. BROWN. DRESS SILKS.—A large assortment, rich color bonutifUl Patterns, qualities, and ex tremelv low prle*-a. are inducements which should be considered bv every ludy In want of a handsome Mik Dress. All these advantage.? can he secured , by railing at WADSWORTHS. jaaH No. Hi Congress-street. ißtsrelltmcoiis. GRAND SCHEME FOE ’’ARCH CLASS L. To be drawn on 12th March, 3 .in the city of Montgomery. M il EN PRIZ ES A MOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the followi*. MAt.NIFICENT nCHKMic ! tT©’ And remember every Prize i drawn at, • h drawing, and paid when due t oUhou* deduction. I Prize of S7JUO i.? $7,00*1 1 do 5,000 ia ... 5,000 1 do 2,000 ia 2,000 l do •. 1,000 is 1,000 o do 600 ia 2,500 10 do 200 is ... 2,000 15 do 100 in 1,500 ! 78 do 60 le. 8,900 120 do 25 is 3,000 6 Approximation, Ist Cap’l 50 is 300 ! 0 do 2d do 80 i ISO j 0 do 2d do 20 is 120 : 251 Prizes amounting to $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tivki , t?.'-llalv<:n2,fio-(|uarrr.s 1,25 SAM’L SWAN, Agent and Managei. feb2B Montgomery, Ala. EDWARD G. WILSOWp ■ f USTICE OF THE PEACE, Notary and Commis f| sloncr of Deeds, will be found at. Messrs. Ward j A Owens’ Law’ Office. I fiTip” To-morrow i.< Return Day. Savannah, March 1,1855. inchl Am PAVILION HOUSE. /y.‘. l. S**veral very pleasant rooms, at this lime feiiij unoccupied, and well fitted up for transient ML or steady boarders. WILLIAM P. CLARK, feb23 ts Proprietor Pavilion House. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. f|MIE undersigned have this day associated R. It. J. Young, of Cherokee, Ga , with them in busi ness, in Charleston, So. Ca., and Savannah, Ga.— They will continue to transact the “General Com mission and Forwarding Business.”under the name and style of TV YATT & (’O., Charleston, So. Ca , and YOUNG, WYATT *V CO., Savannah, Ga. WYATT & CO.. Charleston. K. WYATT & GO , s>aYftnnah;’ • March It, 1855. ts inch.’ SSO itfjw vim 11 TILL ho paid by the Jailor oTthe City of Sa j\ vaunab, for the apprehension aud delivery of CHARLES GRIFITH, whoescaped from the Jail of said city. Griffith was found guilty of murder, j He is 5 feet 9or 10 inches high; light hair; grey eyes; weighs about 150 or 100 pounds : and a native of North Carolina; he is a bricklayer by trade.— Also, three negro men who escaped at the same time, BILLY’ W'ALL, aged 2> years; 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high ; black : a fine looking negro; was re cently apprehended with many others, on an island below the city. Billy is well known about, the city. DICK (or Richard), belonging to Air. Brown, of New Orleans; he recently was found Arreted on board of a vessel bound to Europe; 5 feet Bor 9 inches higli; color black; lias a scar ou his left clieerk. some, inch long; bus the mark of a knife on liis right side below the ril>s? aged 36. BILLY, be longing to • r. McKnight, said to be of South Caro line ; 5 feet 7or 8 inches high: thin features : forty j ears of age . knocked-kneed ; color black i Fifty dollars will be pid for the three negroes:, or in proportion for each mch3.3t ISAAC D LYON. Jailor NOTICE. f TUIH Subscriber having sold his entire stock of |_ Wines, Brandies, Segars, ie ,to A. R. Meyer and Henry Blun, under the firm of MEYER ft BLUN, solicit.’ for them a continuance of the trade, so liberally extended t * hm. feb2n SALOMON MAYER. MAYER ft BLUN’ 108 BAT STREET ; lYliolesale Dealers in Imported ts vYINES, SEGARS, AC. feb26 TURPENTINE AND |fib „ PLANTING LANDS FOR SALE AT tract of land situated on Satilla Neck, Glynn J’i L county, Ga., within a mile of Fancy Bluff, con taining 108*0 acres. On the premises is a neat two story dwelling, with out. buildings, This property besides beiug suitable for planting purposes, is well adapted to the Turpentine and Lumber business. Also atract of land containing SCO acres on Green Creek. Apply to F. D. Scarlett, Fancy Bluff, Ga., or to TI SON & MAC KAY .inn 11 3m. PUBLISHED ! A NEW MUSIC BOOK ! THE C ASKET. SACRED MELODIES FOR SOCIAL AXD PUBLIC WORSHIP. , A LARGE AMOUNT of copy-right Mu ie has be* n secured, making The Casket the moot complete and valuable book of Saered Music ever published. It ■~~ij3ka7 < ontali;s a full i-ollecttou <*f CH*>IOK MELODIES, by eminent- European and American Composers, selected from nineteen popular Music Books, also, a large number of original tunes, and many valuable extracts from the works of Handel, Haydu, Mozart, Rossiui, Beethoven, an i other cel ebr.ited Masters, arranged expressly for this work, bv G. 0. ROBINSON, Charleston. S. S . assisted by L B. WOODBURY, New Y’ork. Mhe prominent and general fcatuies of The Cas ket are as follows : 1 -THE ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC SIM PLIFIED. 11. -PSALM AND HYMN TUNE .mi M T ry vari ety ol Style and Metre. 111. ANTHEMS AND SELECT PIECES IV —AN EPISCOPAL SERVICE, CHANTS etc. V. HYMN CHANTS; a Iso, Beautiful Selections for Chanting. VI. SABB \TII SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. VII. REVIVAL DEPARTMENT. Price —Single copies. $1 00: per dozen, $ in. GEO. PARKS A C<V, febl2 *229 King-stcct, Charleston S. C. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. r |UI K Undersigned have this day formed a co- K partnership under the name and style of WELLS V WILLIAMS, mid have taken the store recently occupied by S. Curreil. Ag’t, where they would be pleased to sec their friends and the for. mer patrons of the concern. JAMES T. WELLS. fob? lm TIIEOPFHLUd WILLIAMS. TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. HAVING disposed of the stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods in my late .••tores, No. 148 Congress street, end No. 4<> St. Jullfau street, to Messrs. WKI<LS <f WILLIAMS, I avail myself of this opportunity of returning my cordial thunks to my friends and the public, lor the very liberal pa tronage which they have extended to me during the time I have had charge of the establishments. My successors arc gentlemen of strict business lmbits, aud will .be found eminently worthy of a continuance of the large share of public patronage with which 1 was favored, and to which I would most cordially commend them. tV-1 >7 1 in SPENCER CURRELI- Ag’t. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. KIBBEE A BALI., . W Alurray street, corner of Church. RESPECTFULLY invite tin* attention i 1 l their friends and acquaintances, and al o Strangers, visiting our city, from Georgia and the Carol in as, interested in the above trade. < ami who pay Gash, or their Notes at maturity.i to our entirely New and Fresh Stock of Goods in the above line, embracing great variety of .style:-. Wo feel confident of ability to give entire atisfaclbn, both in price.’ ami qualities of our goods. Orders “ill receive our prompt, personal attention, and goods packed with great care and neatness. .1. M. KIBBLE, | c , , , , . J. M. BALL. , htate ol New Y'*rk. March Ist. 18.V*. fob2B cod- :n RICH SPRING DRKSS GOODS. II Wadsuoi-lhN <':isliHousc. I “DECEIVED per steamer Kn Mille \ Peautiful Urocad*’ Barege Hob* - Rich Plaid Silks. Fine Organdie Muslins. Printed French Cambric . Fine Printed Brilliants VrcneK American and English Print. ChaPies and Challio Barege White Canton Crape Shawl.-. UexnoderV Kid Gloves. New Styles Spring Gingham For pale cheap, tor fa-h,at N*. 110. Ci ugrt a Street. febjl HAY. I<Vil B‘b Prime Nort. eri Ha . landing, per |“ Mr hark Goolapoed, and for sale bv feb22 BRfffll \ M. KELLY ,v CO. i*> OOFlNG TIN PLAT]!, ol at! bran lr.jujit Te * eiv I and f>r ale in quantities to suit, pur chaser*, at 13 Barnard sire#-!, t v fi’b v * LOYFI T A LATUM- IF. STRIPED AND PLAIN OSNABURGS.| ! If \VING made arrangemant for our Spring ’ P | uppG i t th**.*’ joe-i Planter'* and a>l m vent will find ! * goo*l (■ • V f thebe * maker, at the lowest *• h nrte* . rt W \DSWORTH . . fi btt‘ 11*6 Congress >.. HALE uoirk *0 *oil eery *nperior Ba) R'pe, landing *n*l tr; ah * j frtfci C. A. GRKIN.K. | BAREGE DK LAINBS AT COST. VFow of these Sea lonab!** Goods kept, over from last year, will be sold at eot, to tho let I fobl*. LOW. . KBMPTOX. Ag’t. to'Vr.\Nl)'S MACASSAIi oil -A Fw.h pop. V ply received and ter s-ale by JOHN H. NDORR A i >, j fob 13 GibLina* linikiln*. I /CODFISH and Hcrringa per latonrrivuls, and tor Sale by ANDERSON A SWANSTON. jan 24 157 Broughton street. THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL & COURIER, MARCH 6, 1855. 3ufttcn sclf3. V PHiLBUICK Ac ULLL. TO MORROW, at 11 o’clock. Will be *old in front of store, the usual assortment, or Groceries, Provisions. Liquors, Crockery and Gla.-.- ware, Diy Goods, new aud second hand Fur niture, Clothing. Fancy Article*-. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Terms rush ou delivery. X. B.- All articles purchased at auction and not settled for before the next regular sale, will be sold on account rnl rink of the former purchaser. Executrix Salt. <n TUESDAY, fith March'next, in front of the Court House. 6 shares Savannah Mutual Loan?tock, 44 Instal’nt i 5 ‘ Chatham “ “ “ 42 “ ‘1 “ Albany RR. Stock, 2 instalments paid. No. 7, Curry Town, 6§ by 110 I/its No. 3 k 4. Lover’s Lane. 10 acres each. *‘ ** 225. 13 Dist. Henry Cos, 202% acres. “ “ 110. 9 Dict jMuscogee co, 202 J/, “ * *“ 1139. 4 “ 3 Cass Cos, 40 “ j “ “ 1127. 4 “ 3 “ 40 ** “ 1039. 4 “ 3 “ 40 “ j “ * 282.2 “ 3 Cobb Cos, 40 “ “ “ 380, 2 “ 3 “ 40 * | “ “ 412. 2 “ 3 “ 40 “ | ” “ 433.21 “ 3 Clierokee Cos, 40 “ j r The above, property belonging to the estate ol F. i , Truchelut. deceased, and-cold by order of the Exc- I | cutrix. Tsrms cash. Horse and Buggy at A actum, I On TUESDAY, 6th March next, in front of Court House: A good gentle BugSy horse. Sound and kind. Also, alight Trotting buggy and harness. Sold ! for no fault, tile owner having no use for them.— I ! Terms cash. f e b£ j Store* for Reut. ! Several good tores in Hodgson’s Brick Block for ; rent low bv the month or year. Dry Flint Hides Wanted. The highent'cft'h price paid for good dry Flint ‘ Hides . \dministrator’s Sale. j On the. first TUESDAY in March next, in front of ! store, I Lot No. 34. Crawford Wand, 60 by 90 feet, belong- ; j ing to the estate of Mrs. Alary Melfii, deceased, and j 1 sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by f ! “rder of the Administrator.. ‘Corms cash, jan 24 i I Administrators’ Sale. - * Un TUESDA Y-6th March next, at 11 o'clock in t ront of the (!ourt House : j One Negro Man,* aged about*ss years . do do • do do .do 13 do i do du uo do ‘ -dft 9 do i lelonging to the estate of James A M Corker, deed. Sold by permission of the court, of Ordinary* and by I order of the Administrator.* Terms cash jan 18 \ Executrix Ssle^ Gn the fir t Tuesday in March next, will be sold in iruut of the Court House. One negro man slave, belonging to the estate of j Wm QuantocK, decsised—sold by permission oft Court of Ordinar , and by order of the Executrix. ! Terms cash. , jan 11 | Hydraulic Cement at Private Sale Now landing per schr. AY. L. Davis, 200 bbls.Te- j mont. Also, kept constantly on band, in store, for I sale in lots to suit purchasers. jan 11 j NEW BOOK Received. Febv as by s. s. siblev. THE SONS OK THE SIRES—a History of the Rine, Progreps. and Destiny of the American Party, and its probable influence on the next- Presidential Electien . to which is added a Re view- of the I etter ©f the Hon. Henry A. Wise against the Know Nothings, by an American. More of WykofFs Courtship, Life and Beauties of land.v Fern. Ballou’s Pictorial, Godey’s Magazine for March For sale at No. 135 Congress st. \\r I. .MOLASSES-160 hhds and 10 bbls prime ts new crop, in fine order, landing per brisrß B ton. from Havana, and for sale qy feb.7 PADELFORD, FAY 8 CO Havana sugars— -25,000 La Esmeralda Scgars, Put up TOO and 200 in a box. 10,000 El Crisol Segars, 5.000 Regalia 5,000 E! Buen Custc Cubans Segars. Also, numerous other brands, all of my own im portat on. For sale by feb2B J A. BROWN. ¥ AN DING this day from steamer .Augusta— ±j lr< barrels Apples, 1 case New Figs, 10 boxes Sugar Raisins, 10 boxos 4 ‘ “ 3 bags Pecan Nuts. lor sale by (fcfc2S) .1 A BROWN. Q UNDRIES— W boxes Malaga Lemons, 15 chests of Superior Teas, 10 boxes Union Tobacco, 1 cask of Salt, (and small bags.) 3 pipes Cider and White Wine Vinegar. In store and for sale by feb2B ‘ J. A. BROWN HAY, IIAY —300 bales Prime Northern Hay in store, and for sale bv feb26 * M H. WILLIAMS. ("i IN, GlN—*2o barrels E. Phelps’ Gin, in store T and for ?a!e by feb26 M. H. WILLIAMS. /\A TS, OATS—A choice lot of Maryland Seed ” Oats, in store and for sale bv fcfo-26 M. 11. WILLIAMS. VI ? 111 SKJ V id I mi i I'umr Kci-tilied Whifr f f key for sale, to arrive per brig 1 tanka, from New Orleans (feb*26 M. 11. WILLIAMS. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. HOLLOWAY S OINTMENT. 1 miraculous cure of Bad Legs after forty-three years suffering. 17LXTKACT of a Letter from William Galpin, of j 70 St. Mary’s street, Weymouth, dated loth May, 1851: To Professor Holloway, Sir—At the age of eighteen, my wife, who is now eighty six. caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep.— Every remedy that medical men advised was tried, but without effect. Her health suffered severely, and tho state of her legs was terrible I had of*en read your advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago. and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbfd.— Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty-three, years, and con trasted them with her present enjoyment of health you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a fellow creature Signed WILLIAM GALPIN. .? /mtjwj seventy years of age cured of a Bad Leg , of thirty years standing. Copy ot a Letter from William Abbs, Builder of (’.as Ovens,of Rushcliffe. near Huddersfield, dated May 31st, 1851: To Profe.-ifor lloljoway. ?ir—l suffered for a period of thirty years from a ->'itd leg.- the resqlt.of two or three different iirci lents at gas works, accompanied by scorbutic symptoms. 1 had recou/seto a variety cf medical advice, without dcrivihg any benefit,.and wa even toldtha* the Hg must be amputated; yet, in op porition to that opiniomytyy Pills and Ointment have *fleeted a complete curein s<\ short time, that few who * nil not it would credit t! • fart , * . Sign, i WILLIAM. MJBH. The truth f this statement ran be verified by Mr*W. I'. England, Chemist, 13 Market street, Huddersfield. .1 dreadful Bud Breast curd m one month. Extract, of o Letter from Frederick Turner, of Penshurst. Kent, dated December 13th, 1850. To Professor Holloway, Dear Sir My wife had suffered from bad breasts for more than six months, and during the whole period bad the best medical attendance, but all to no us *. Having before healed an awful woupd in mv own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I deter-, mim'd again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them ‘ trial in her case; and for tunate it was T did so for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected : and the benefit .that > jrieu - nth r branches of my family hare derived from their use is really astonishing. Inow strongly recommend them to a‘i rav friends. Signed FREDERICK TURNER. Th Pill? should be used conjointly “*lfh the Ointment itVmost of t t* following case? Bad liegs. Chilblains, Fistula?, Bad Brear-t?. Chapped Hands. Gout. Burns. Glandular. Sore Throat, -Km Disease. Bunions. t'orns Swellings, Sore Heads, Tumor?. BiteofMosqui- Cancers, l umbago, toe- atidSaud Contracted and Piles, File.. stiff Joints. Rheum at inn. Poe© bay, Scalds, Wounds, Chiego foot. F.lophantiasir, Sore Nipples, Yaw?. *. . obi .tt tbe Establishment* of Frofhsfor Hol loway, 80 Maiden lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable druggists aud deal er* of medicine thro ighout tbe United States, in Pot? and B'vc?, at 2 s cents. *2] cent* snd *1 each. s~ir There i* a cnttMd* *tfble saving by taking tbe 1 irder sires. — N If fcr the guldani-v of patients very disorder are affixed tc each pet MACHINE OIL and Soft White Grease.—l cask Oil; I*2 kegs aud 2 dozen canisters Soft White Grease, suitable tor machinery, carriages, omnl busse. carts Ac., received by schr E LB Wells, from Philadelphia, shd fbr sale by ftb26 CUAB. H. CAMFFIELD. Jlurttnn Sales. BY T.J, WALSH. Administrator's Sale. On TUESDAY, Apdl 3rd. will be sold, at the le. , gal hour of sale, in f the Court House. Lot No. 8 and impEavements, being part of Gar i den lot No. 6, west fixating on Alic street, contain | ing 60 ft 6 in front, by 100 depth (morfe or less). — | The improvements cotgiet of one-tory house. weJl | finished, on a baacmett. Sold as the property of F. I R. Gordon, deceased, for the benefit ot the heir:*. GKO. GORDON, feb22 Administrator. : MOCESIJIG CII.I.ARS, SLEEVES, ETC. ; IUST received a neat assortment of the followimg •J goods in part of Black Crape ‘*llars, White d* Mourning Sleeves and Collars, in sets, by feb 1 HENRY LATHROP and CO. CRK AT'BARGAINS j IN HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. VV E are offering a stock of the above Goods, of the best stplesand makes, at astonishingly low prices. Heavy Scotch and lridh Table Dam asks, warranted all pure Linen, inA-4,8-4 and j 10-4 widlfotf Damask 3lapkina.lßftß 01 to $6 per ! dozen; Hamel ton. All other styles ot i Sheetings, all widths: Quilts, Counterpanes, Pil low Case Cottons, fine Bed Blankets, very fine liuckabuck Towels, a* only $2 per dozen, worth $3. And many other Inrgains are being daily dis tributed at WADSWORTH’S, jnß 135, Congress-st. ’ SEW BOOKS r I'HE American SporTtman, containing Ilints to J sportsmen, notes c% shooting, and the habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fowl. of America ; by Elisha J. Lewis, M. D. More of P. T. Barnuri’g Autobiography. Nelly Bracken ; A of forty yaars ago located ; in Kentucky, at the tiy of its settlements, chaste • ly written and full of d*.?p and thrilling incidents; ; by Anna Chambers Brrtiford. Frank Leslie’s Lady ©ok for January. Mason’s Farrier ; by Skinner. Hinde’s do “ do Plutarch’s Lives „ ! Orator’s Touchstone. Church Psalmist Supplement. Little Don Quixotte. Cbancer’s Poems. ( Webster and his Mas J V Pieces. Por sale by jn 11 8. S. SIBLEY. • TRANSPARBNTWINDOW SHADE!*. XABTET VI A REHOUSE, 140 GousreM, & 17 St. Jnlien-UreeU. Subscriber has received, and will open I this day the largest and roost extensive vsrietv of WINDOW SHADES,: ever offered in this citv It is the intention of the advertiser, to keep constantly in store, a large supply of all the various patterns and styles manufactured by the manufacturers of this coun try aod France to which the attention of mer chants and families in city aod country is invlt* ed They will be sold *t wholesale and retail, at satisfactory WM H. GUIftN. Agent. f,b 18—ct* , MAYER ft BLUN, e SUCCESSORS TO SALOMON MAYER, Wholesale Dealers in imported Wine?, French Brandies, Holland Gin, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Jamaica uxd St. Croix Rum, French and Germap Stomach Bitters, Cordials, Segar6, rfe. subscribers keep coastantiy on hand a large assortment of the above, and sell them at lew prices and reasonable term?. mehl ly J. C. RUSE. J. H. DAVIS, w n LO2M j RUSE, DAYIB ft LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savanr.ah, Geo. ; may 30 ts 4 JAMES B. FIDLER, Dealer a\d Importer of ,A* SW atc h e a, Jewelry, Slim Ware, Faney Goods, dtc. No. 12, So. 2d Street, Philadelphia, Pa sept 8 ly CHARLES G. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY -Tft T DAW* milledgzville, ga Practices Law in the various counties of the oc mnlgee Circnit and the adjoining counties of Twiggs, Laurens and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, R. B. Hil ton. febl4 dREENEkTMOOT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Thoraaston. Gr. JAMBSW QKXENI. H.. SMOOT, j oct 2d BYTHON B. BKITH. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OCALA, MARiat? CO., FLA.. Will practice in all the Court* of Florida. Reference in Savannah -R. B. Hilton. 1 febSly E. CUMMING, ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, TrioitUon , Georgia. ly feblO DENTISTRY. DR, S. G. I ONCOST, DENTIST, P re P are< l perform all necessary *^^ff& o F e for ;he Regulation. Preserva tion and Beautifying tbe Teeth, and will Insert Artificial Teeth, from a single Tooth to a Double Set. Dr. P. will spare no effort to give the ut most sati*fa'*tion to al l|| ho may command hia services. om cr Ufi Rrenghton-street. apr26 BROUGHTON STREET, II All AND ny>- LIVERV STABLE. The undersigned having put the above Stables in good condition.'is now prepared to accommo date hie customers.with Carriages, Hacks, Bug gies, Sulkies. with sound, gentle,“well broke Horses,and careful (Trims. Horse? boa-rded on accommodating termeJand well cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriage H#rses for sale. Enquire corner o'l*ni*nard ad Broughton-streets. 1 ma* r ‘ THOMAS V STEVENS. ‘VrUTMEOS/ sD M ACK —1 cask No. 1 Company 1A( Nutmegs, Fresh Mace. Just received apd for sale by juna 19 JOHN B. MOORE k CO. IINEN SHEETINGS, and Pillow case Linens, of j the best aualities, all widths, fbr sale at low prices, by • WADSWORTH, june‘2o * No. 115 Congress street. KTJTA BAGA SF.FI>.--This day received, Ruta Baga, Flat Dutch, Red Tor, Large Globe White Hanover, and Yellow Aberdeen Turnip Seeds, which are warrented to t*r of the growth of 1854. WM. W. LINCOLN, ju 3 Monument Square. SPRING SILKS , ’ SPRING SILKS! 1Y KCEIA’ED i>erßtcam*r Knoxville, a tew paterns XV of rich Spring Silks. For sale at very low prices at WADSWORTH'S CASH HOUSE, feblO f 115 Congress street. UMBRELLAS— Another lot of small Scotch Ginghn’ Umbrell'fe, for children,just receiv ed and far sale by je6v ‘DWARD S.KEMPTON. Shirtings and ;kns —a full ..r ,i. _ the best makes of B wiched Shirtings and Lia *ns, which are offered a the lowest cash prices, by je 24 W.C. WA >SWORTII, Congress-st. NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS?! STANHOPE RTrLI GH—The Jesuits in our. Families: a novel, v Helen Dhu ; illustrated. THU LIFE AND BE A TIES of Fnauy Fern THE VIRGIN QUEEN w The Romance of Roy alty : by J. Frederi* t Smith, author of Woman and her Master. I red Vernon, Fred Arden. * Miunie Grey, Ac. 4 - KINGS AND QUEENK er Life in tbe Palaee, con sisting of Ilistori* A Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nichola . Isabella 11., Leopo!d x Vic toria and Louis Na* >ieon ; by John s. C Ab bott. NORTH AND SOUTH[ by the author of Mary Barton, The Mcortapd Cottage. Crawfard BALLOU'S DOLLAR MAGAZINE —or— Ruth Hall, Life of .Barn am. The News Boy, Fudge Doing?, by Ik Mantel. Received bv CUBBEDGE A BROTHER. feb2l S.mih side Market Square CHIXDRK* PARKNWwhowisMumake piAents of Good j Books to their chU ’l'on, find tbe greatest variety cither singly ei-in libraries,, selected with ! the greatest care, at thk I'oo'k store of jan It S. S SIBLEY NEW 6FRINif DRESS GOODS. (COLORED and Robe?, do Organdie *u uslin Robes; Printed Barege* and Challies Received; per Florida#** WADSWORTH’S CASH HOUSE, fhbl‘2 . 115 Congress street W)VE LINEN BOSOMS.—Received", per Flor f ’ da. a eecond lot v v Linen Shirt Bosom*, by ft M 2 W. C WADSWORTH CHECK BOOKS. ATERCHANTS and e f her* are respectfully in iV|_ vited to examine beautiful variety of Check .Book* on all the different Banka in Savanuah They aregotupin superior style, on good paper, printed on blue ground work, and will be sold cheap. Call at tbe bookstore of S. S. SIBLEY, ly e*> Nn. 135 Congress street. /•Sin andwhiskeV^Ssbbioin,uia&T)M i \T Old Rr XVhl.ktj, !udins sad frr wl br t fb 13 iWIOHAM, RELIT ft CO. 1 GREAT BARGAINS! CLOTHING! CLOTHE! READY MADE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT COST AND UNDER, FOR CASH. One of the LARGEST and BEST STOCKS of Goods ever “tterefl in the Citv of Savannah. IS WARM'S BUILDING, Near the Market, Where all *li*py<e<l to reap the advantage of lothin*2 them“lve- AT HALF F’l’K'F. arc invited to call and purchase. feb7 lm GREAT soi in i;i;n rkmUDY. JACOB’S COKDIAI.. CHOLERA 1 FOR ALL M lluU K,\ MiiKßis, DYBEMTFRI. QOVA/ITI rMCTArrc HI Llf'C > * BLM DIARRHEA. ) HUWtL UISt.ASECS I i I!*j ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALE’ JWbi J ESPI Cl ALLY Pl l >Ff L l KSTRI 1 n<\ . fIK ViRfOM &F /XfiOH’ij (fOROIAL ARfe rirK> y KNOW - N Tfl REQ! ‘ , Jif'OMil M ht It cure* the w>rt < ■!-••- of I)i;rrbo*a . 2d It -ti-*.. h>* h f . f ii v Tt curv.’ California or Mexican OUrrhsea , 4th. It reh-.- -- tb- <7hoG . :th I corp*- r*h Morhii'i Mb. If cure- rhoL-rp Infant-um; 7th J- r**r<V \f* p Pain inpa'rt aad * n /■/.•m'-rar- v-r-n pp-pcodtjr v . loth TANARUS re^t^rp* TJ_th_ D *l-t*l- Gl^o?n-. andHi-*n ,i p;• - |j;, i ilmrAkTer:- ’ FEW r ,\ 1 It \(f f, LIT FUo T FVT f>T O.S l\ \. 1 hat** U'#ii Jacne < in w r family, and h-v? fouo'l ii * nine* t t . ‘mm -u<j.~ men* a valuable rero?d- ffo> HIRAM W XRNER Gjdr-- -- r —pr .... r It gives me pleasure m ahls r .-enin*o-4 Ji - ri M j , v . r ,. , t .j *rpe r i- j ence Mid the *X|lPfien-H of %• igh*-r Ud fr;e .-1- ‘• ka. <nb* >*n‘ 3 0 t. ‘.\ r ! to bclier-it tr* Sp HI *hat ?’ nnrpori- to b . n/ i , e n r,. „„i v Wm R. UNDERWOOD Y • -n*- Jn ofSnpetvt Court ih’-ik | tsk-* o'—* -urp n recnmmend'ng thi< mvafuaM* mpdicin® all afflicted *h bowel ; diseases. C** r vhirb I believe it to bo , .nr -r*<?n < - toed v - y*u per ior to 4*-- ■ over -iod b T x \ GAI LDING. ?tepuv G M of no ~,4;, This eff.~i®nt * *ned? i 4 * r Hvlitig ntn rplvbrit t G-* B uapn-te pu-h-d hi —um - mto Rus*ia. andsoirg cumm-mdetien -l|#rrer u-*d G*‘jric*a Jeffvr -n an 1“> 1 1 hare u-,p.l Jn<;oh * f’ordia’ in mr family, and h’-. aitb all that I A remedy b’ (hoee trh© har ♦'•md t. induce - rn** t© Hl**-# . * -tni at the h*** i- ‘ m n 1 nftb'pkid snd I nld recommend it. in tbe di e- for which i= • o*f>D**i.,d“ > MILES G DOBBINS Bank .* r;..a, n If thei •• i- any * * ••Hbility ‘p human t* time By J i'-oe - Cordjl m’jst t* r** em*n*r* t all other i' : “ptiati.-o< f. r the • ©re *.f - if b-hmio'. ’-fernr cotu'Mig in fr-rrj, all qn rfer .• mu-t b<> very far to adranc a- a ‘•aiat've ag.n’ ‘ rjr. *if retail other pfopnti’ n. t fUAIINQ \;vc* • i k ■••• <-*■- B-iok Gr’ffin Foi sale h * i . g Deferd wwi. . - r i -. , • r* ‘nf,'] *nts and tb. *ugh'*ui th-State jaly 7| W*. w BU-:i A<v Tr^r•!-*••. , New York fiusinrss Cor&s .1 P MrGIIIRI, AT rORNEI %T Li vt . UACOX, GA Will give prompt nttentk'n to all buiine? sn i trusted to Will give strict attention to I collecting 1 over ?bt? Ayes’ etcre. 4 feb! t*m <1 wt -w BRP ROY ALL ft JOHNSON DENTISTS, r ar S*.JiiHui si. and Marktt ~~ Sq're S. WilmoCs iciedry store 0&oe hour? from S to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 9 mar II com BOYD ft PAUL. IMPORTERS ATE WHOLESALE I*BALERS IT CHEMICALS, DRUGS! MEDICINES ; PAINTS. OILS. AND DYE-STUFF? —ALSO WINDOW GLASS & APOTHECARIES WARF, ATTHE V ACTORV F RICE Ncs.l49 Chambers and 131Reade-3ts. iQppO'ire Hudson River . R Drp- r.) New York ! THCHASI BOTi). r may W -VfHIEW FAUI H. S. BOGASDUB. STATE-SI COURT HOUSE-SQfU SA • ANKAH ( ABINET MAKER. UPHOLSTERER. BELL-HANGER. Ac.. 5. WOULD respectiully invite attention to the increased facilities afforded him by hi? present loca- [Vi all branchae pertaining to ‘ l * *uoh ■ STERTNG, BKLL-HA NOISO, Ac. may 20 WM C- CONNELLY. A T T OR N K Y’ AT LAW. Isabella. Worth Cos., Ga ... office. Albany.) Will practise in the Southern Circuit, and in Ma con,Dooly and Worth counties of tbe r-1 cult. N. B. Particular attention given to the eoOec tion ofrlaim-* in South western june 2 6m J MES C. BOWER, ATTORNEY VT LAW. IK WINTOS. WU.EISSOS CO GA. Will practice in the Superior Court?, tbe Supreme Court and the United Stnte* Court? RKFKRBNCBS Me?sr. *TI AMHKRLAIN MILLER A Cos M-r * ‘chant l *. Charleston. 8 C Mr. ISA AC NEWELL. Merchant. Mvlledceville, Afr rfl ARLES C BEAL 1 * J4fcr >onnlle. (Twigg? county. Ga Georgia Messrs LEAVITT A GKpVftS. Merehanta N Y “ B. I WOOD A Cos . Savannah. Ga jan 27 ts C. W . AfABRY. ATTORN E Y A T I, A W Fmnklin, Heard Conn: r (m Will attend to nrofe?ioal the •nnntie* of Flear*. Carroll, Carorb*"!• C->*ta. Fayette. Meriwether and Troup Refer*net —Hun. K Y Hill. T <lrauge, Ga Hop. David Irwin. Marietta. Ga.. Cos! M M Tid well. Fayetteville. O* . Mr William Dougherty. Oolumbue. Ga ‘“pt 17—ly >IILLKK A lULL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ogletliavpp. Gn • A i . practice in ib- Sr.per*or Courts of a< , C *untie* of tbe Macou circuit in L** 9 RaK-i an<ißnm*er, of the South-W****er* rircuM, it! Marion and, Taylor, of th* Thattaboochee r*r cnit Aleo. in the Supreme Court at Ma<*op >atur. Columbus and A merito STareaK r. a samph uai.i iter* 14,1852. ly james mchenry. INSL It ANCE BROKER A!f I, NOTARY PUBLIC. Marine Protest? Noted and.Extended. Averages adj usted. Charter Partie? and Avera|te Bond? drawn. Paptjr? prepared whereby to lease? from American or British Underwriters, and atten , tion siTen to ail matters ronnected with Shipping and lu.mranre. No. 118 Bey street, opposite th* I front of the Custom Oou?e . ly nov 8 - LAMPORT. BLAKEMAN ft LAW , (LATE CORNISH, LAXP.IRT l O’ of everv rarietv of CAT AND LETTER PAPER * rUFI ISIIKRS. BOOKSELLERS 1 STATIOVTKg ! . No. s Tark Fla**©, near Breadwai I. NEW tflU HIRAM H LAMPORT. BIRDSKY BI.AKRMAN. aug 25t ly HENRY W LAW ~ WILLIAM HTMPHRFYS, Affnt, 08$wrs9 ,T B McGirißE. \T rOP.HEI AT Lvr . .V„4 COJV'. G J Will sire prompt attention to all busjnes-- sn i trusted to bisect*. Hill give. strict attentionac I collecting. ~7=** • iffir* over bfc* Ayes’ etcre. *4 febl lirndwt-w ilf 1 lii l a TTTT'r ROY ALL A JOHNSON DENTISTS, ‘ cr Sf-JtiHen si. and Mar kit ~~ Mfrejrter S WiJmoCi i*iedry store Office hour* from S to 2 o'clock, m l from 3 to 9 mar 11 corn BOYD & PAUL, IMPORTERS ATT WBOLBBAIII* BA LEES I>~ CHEMICALS? DRUGS.. MEDICINES | PAINTS OILS. AND DYE-STUFFS —ALSO WINDOW GLASS & APOTHECARIES WARE, ATTHr FACTORY PRICE N05.149 Chambers and 131Reade-?ts, iQppO'ire Hudson Hirer . H Deprj New York ! racMAS i. BOYD. r may 24] fail H. S. BOGAHDI7S. j STAIE-S r COURT HOUSE-SQfU SA 1 - ASNAH ( ABINET MAKER. UPHOLSTERER, BELL-HANGER, Ac.. Ac. WOULD respect!ully invite attention to the ineroased facilities afforded him by his present loca- Hp 4 tion. in all branches pertaining to 1 l ‘ eueh uCAUIN KV-M AKING. UPHOL • STERTNG, BKLL-HANOINO, Ac. mar 20 WM C- CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UnWla. Worth Cos., Go . (Post office. Albany.) Will practise in the Southern Circuit, and in Ma con,Dooly and Worth counties f tb* Ma-on Cir -1 cult, N. B. Particular attention given to the collec tion ofriiiim* in South-western june 2 6m J MES C. BOWER, ATTORNEY VT LAW. IR WIN TON. WILKINSON CO-.GA. Will practice in the Superior Courts, the Supreme Court and the United States Court* JKw >.|l UIBBRr* IJL * Cos M.r * ’*,hant*. Charleston. 8 C. Mr. ISAAC NEWELL Mer*hant, MaiedgeriUe. Mr G!I ARLES C. BEAL 1 * J*4^r>onnH, i Twiggs county. Ga i Georgia Messrs-LBAVITT A GROVES Merchant* N Y “ E f WOOD A On . Sarannah. Ga jan 27 _ ts r. AN. MABRY. ATTORNEY A T I, A W Frnnkhn, Heard Coumj (m Will attend to profe-sioaal b : *'.D** the •nnntie* of Hear*. Carrotl, Ca*rrhe!i C*>wte. Fayette. Meriwether and Tronp Roftrenct —Hun. K Y Ilill. 1 Gracg*. Ga (lon. David Irwin. Marietta, Ga.. Oo M M Tid well. Fayetteville. O* . Mr W A)tarn Dougherty. Oolumbu*. *H **pt IT—ly MIIiLKK A IIALL. ATTORNEY? AT LAW, Ojgletlierpr. Gn • A i practice in ib- Superior Courts of a< , C-mntiea of the Marou circuit in L*® RaK-i an<lßnm*er, of the South-Webern rircuM, **.- in Marion and,Taylor, of tin Chattahoochee r<r <;nit Ale), in the Supreme Court at Weeop Da- Aatnr, Columbus and Atne.riau* BTIPHSK r. a <oir*t un i Sep* 14,18A2. it james mchenry. INSURANCE BROKER ANP, NOTARY PUBLIC. Marine Protest* Noted and.Extended. Averages ndj uated. Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn. Papers prepared whereby to re-.'over losses from American or British Underwriters, and atten tion siren to ail ronweoted with Shipping and Insurance. No. 119 Bay street, opposite the front of the Custom House . It not 9 - LAMPORT. BLAKEMAN A IAW ’ (LATE CQMQBH, tajtFO*T ft C* Manufacturers of everv rsrietv of CAT AND LETTER PAPER, | rUFI TSIIKRS. BOOKSELLERS ± STATIOVYRg ! . Nr. 5 Tark near Broad w\ I. SEW TORE IURAM H LAMPORT. BIRDSKY BLAKEMAN. aug 26t ly HENRY W LAW WILLIAM HniPHRKYSi Aft*t, a vr FftCTCRER Or FaGotlal ftll, Eitrsrßand re-fnwetT • 1: every *tea rip Mott FaacYToil.RT *ko Sa aviso Soar? .DRUGS. MRMCINES rtIKMHI.ES *r.\e Scvanvchy f ri mU br Msra Eato* V j •• %* ? t 1 an* VT T Tripp. Wa*d ? Mri nl-re H*t**< k.CHv A Even* ?!* *'• r\ Whole, sale Druggists. Ne* A'orA JT 5 * Nerraitoraor compac** r,eeytei •*’ . tbro\i fc -v special inTttatien I I.4*IKR ft AV|lFi’>. ATTORNEY? AT T AW. Maraa. bffr|i *r*’ It C. H. PUBYET, FACTOR, ( OHMISSIOh AND FOR WARDING 51 F.RC ft AN T . iVo Foftr strrrt, SwtrHiwh. *?•• i tuna 20 if WELLS ft VEBSTILLK. FACTORS.COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT*. N..tvrw.y/juV, G>: ‘#§3 ly t. 10CMTT, n P. muiNUfi LOCKETT A SNELLINGS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SHIP P I NG r A GENTS. Scvznnch, G-o. | Will attond to the selling *l‘ all kinds of produce | Strict attention given to receiving and fbrwarding ’ Soode ly mayol unsmess staros JOHN H. HUTCHINSON *r # \ Rv L iOMMDaI’ v V, f. fii H V NT . AND AGBST OF LUMBER, AC. Bry Si**;. Over John Ir.g -soir r *.vaysAH, Qjl. WILLIAM PHILLIPS j A rrDRNEY AT LAW. y-lir M ARIETTA. GA i ? HENRY WILLIAM?; ATT OF. N E' T t. . .y ’ F JACOBS. SEGAL AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 39, Bull S.-eet,(Signo?the Bfe Indim. B.— Kicc? cmsiaat!y cn hand Sp&siih, Hal Sp&aL'b, and An -near at wholesale and re tail Also. Chewing Tel.'* *er*,Snuff. Ac >ur , e I ’ . S. HARKIk AOCTIM, C9MMISSIOJI. RECEIVING AMI FOR WARDING MERCHANT V & BROAD-ST COL’ ‘M-f3U=*. A K AYER. AUCTIONEER AND SALES’ * * 77* !.;--• ad *fj Cv - rui-'r -r i WercbewLze rtc ., r .. r . f Leer*??. L:sc- & *’ l - i Wrt.* -r T>-F DAVID G WILDS, ATTO£E'£Y XZ UIV SPAHTA. GA Will praeii- e in e^unti. Hancock. W'&jhjngtcn. WarreD. Ei'dm RXT£RMiC£S—Eehn A loetsr. Tabus a sm:*’ E A Sc ulard. Savannah jan 19 GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Career Whitaker-it. and Bay Lon* SAVANNAH. GA cv 10 lyr SHEW >i A K F A MOWGONER ‘ ATT OR NE Y ? AT I, A -A W ajrnrskre’ 9i> . Will lav in'*opartn*rhij n ■*i •mv m Bn-v**f*. -ntv Jo*f r >nwvnv *, * st-. <•(.- M. vy HIT HtllTtl A rT O R N E V A T \. v \\ Off TCP ▼ \l*2ir. Et riet*.*^ UP* Wis prartif ?-n the .r - „ : tDftpt’** tir-fer t r> rioi 5 g R b ‘"* feh i • HYLAND A O'NEILL, B T HOLE SALS A RETAIL DEALERS IN lmp<mrd Wine!, and Liquors. FRENCH BRANDIES. CIGARS, sr FANCY (i F.O CER IE ? Next Poor *o >larhall llettsr, Itrengh'n-*•. .Sabsnnat. <ste. ?■ BTLAXD [novlslv) r H r> ya’LL. W . C. W ADMt ORTH. OEALER IN FANCY AND STATLE DF. V GOO Ds, 115CoDgTess-s- . Opposite Pu’ftsk’ Bairn". Sabannat. fir.arj'.a -r, ii I, V. HACKER IVrO RT K R AM’ ?i F. AL 8 K \ BRANDIES. GINS, WINKS, SCOTCH M E. •iNr> LONIKIJJ FORtJER. CIGARS AND k, HINOr. pf GROCERIES, B? 10 Whitaker struct, SaraDtub, Ocoreis Gins. WuitT C nsr-'m //*.* t*'k. in Rend <snd .nrititd l ” Pe k 'ni**t rr JR ~ ROWLAND ft co enn&U- cwnropinN wfrhm v>. I':’ Bar j. m% y •, ftw** “'its r w.'jrt kt ft’’C ?’ A SHORT MASTER BUILDER Wh take •-■ontraeth for Building and Working M• ecmy ®f every deecription. Repideuce. flret door weet of St. Andrew ? Hall,Brnnghton tre*t oet 3A E J. BLACK, (Late of Charleston ! Notary Public it Shipping Master, Marine protect? noted and extend'd, and a.’l -?fc*r nr tarrlalbasin*s. attended tt •>ffic‘eatF*rry ‘ T harf.oppositetho Oa? Works. Sa vannah. ly fune 20 D. A. O’BYRNE, iAI TOIIXEY A1 LAW. , 17S Bay-street, over Turner & Co*.9 Drug Store ♦eb f ts FATTEN, HUTTON & CO.. FORWARDING and < OMMISSION MERCHANTS. LV*. * ,iuly ft I SAVANNAH WATER WORKS HEADMAN & CO, Corner of Fresident and Jeftoreon Streets, S&vanH-i/t, Georgia. i RE prepare*! so execute all onler* in plumbing ana Ga* ftting. *n >hort notW *d !n sure riorstyle ts june2o JAMES RUSSELL, PI*MNOR> \ M E \ T U PLASTEREK Taylor-street, 2 doors West of Jefferson. june 29 cm THOMAS~sT _ WAYNE ft SON. oiMtu coacMiesieK isr rowaaajxu MntreANTe savannah. 3!|ips utib Skamfrs. FCR LIVERPOOL The new Firtt Class i.bip USBiL Capt Holmes, has twe-thirtts of her -arg: atigaaed. ?cr freight of reniaiudcr ,po]v to meht ly is PADELPORD. FAT i CO. POR LIVERPOOL. TbE - 1 ‘ alfc’.lprsr ship R. M MILLS, ■ri=ea=3 matter, Laving the greatest pert of her careoengagea, will meet with dispat.-h es abore. lor frei-bt of 300 bales cotton apply to f - ih ’ 5 C. A. L. LAMAE. FOR HAVRE. ,fti T h? hlI ; k OOODSPKp;p, Fay master. .-eLttat aill meet with dispatch as abote. For freight er passage apply on board, at Telfair's wharf or <o RRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. f* j b 23 FOR BOBTON. djj&iL TJu Superior Fackut Ship NEW ENG - SBS LAND. Prstteau iuaater, will meet with dispatch as above. ¥or freight or passage apply rn board, at Johnson'!) wharf, or to mch> BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO FOR BOSTON. Th-bri? ABBY FRANCES. For freight apply to febZl F. J. OGDEN FOR BOSTON. The New and Splendid Birk CRUSADE, having part of her cargo engaged,will m*t-‘ with despatch as above For freight cr passage apply to BRIGHAM, KELLY & GO. febCO FOR NEW YORK. Jr? The regular packet schr L. DAYIr. Davis, master, will have qui dispatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to j _feb 21 _ F. J. OGDEN FOR PROVIDENCE. The Fine Packet Schooner IVM. SMITH, iiinith master, will have quick dispatch fe the above port freight cr passage applv to I febao F. J. OGDEN FOR NEW YORK—Union Line The Regular Packet Schooner ENCHANT ! HESS. Jayne master, will ha**e rjnick di* ; patch fcr the ab*jve pert. F-r freight or pasaai j apply to (iachl) F~J. OGDEN. FOR NEW YORK—Union Lino The regular Packet Schr NORTH SI ATI sEx Horton master, will havequickdh.patch few the above port For Freight passage apply to Jbl F JOGDEV FOR PHILADr EPHII. tt- The Schooner h. JAMES. W*tC3tt, will qni k i rpatch abov? I For freight or pas-age apply on board at Telfair ? wharf, or to mch3 BRIGO AM, KELLY <* CD For fhiladelphia. The bru E. H. FILTER, Captain Burca. 3B3&wantj 200 fcai’ cct ? - n fc> fbe abev- port t* complete cargo App!;.- to mch3 C. A. GREINER I FOR PHILADELPHIA The Brig DUNCAN, Capt. J. A, Porter.— fam I^ or balance cf freight, sav I. or 300 bales cottc-n cn deck, apply tc frhi7 ~ LOCKETT FOR PHILADELPHIA— 1 Heran s Line. The Schooner £. L. B. WALES, Captain Hoffman, wantc 100 to 150 bales cotton on lock, fcr th* s ar-'.ve febCS 6t ’ 0. A GREINER. FOR BALTIMORE —Rtsrular Line. Tfcv Sch-ocex ANN MARIA, Mircbel! Piaster. wEI meet with i-rafieh as Fcr rreight cr r ssage apply cn hoard at Talfifr.# wharf, or tc m.h2 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO FOE BALTIMORE—ReguIar Line f she Packet B U JOSEPHUS, WEscn xas Sbfe*- r - dispatch as above. Fcr freight or passage arp ▼ cn beard, at Tetfiafr wharf, cr T fefaCS 81-.:GHA3I. KELLY L CO FOR BALTIMORE—ReguIar Line JfD The Superior Packet Schc'-ner WOOD BRIDGE. Diggs master, having a larg? part c* her will here- dispatch as f-bI. LiaGHAM. KELLY E CC FOR'NEW ORLEANS’ , ! j®P.'„ Cipt Utr:n - Savaunah. Feb 17.1555. ~~ febl“ FOR FRZI3HT OR CHARTER. g-pr The Brig Z. DOANE, Lcring. master.— SSfc Tor particulars apply -a b: ard. at John son's Wharf, or tc mch. BRIGHA: :. KELLY A CO FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The splendid schr. LAMAKTINL. Car? a3flß Wc -- master. For particulars eaquirb cf jan 13 BKIGHAM. KELLY A CO. NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL U. S MAIL STEAMr-RS. THE SHITS COMPRISING THIS LINE AF.E ATLANTIC EALIIC, Captain West Car tain Ccmstcck. PACIFIC. I ALKIATIC, Capt. Nye. Capt These ship? having been built by con expressly for government ?ervicf. 2aisia(tewkevery are has Veen taken in th<*ir con also ia their ensure strength and speed , and their accommodation? for pa?-ecj ers are unequaltd for elegance, or comfort. Prices of passage from >\w York to Lirwpocl, m firstcatin. sl3: ; in second cHn, $75. exchtiiva ojaof extra size state Frcm Liver peel to New Ycrk, £CO and £29 An experienced Surgeon attached to eathship. No berths can be secured until paid tor. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING From New Pork. From Liverpool 1555 1555 Wednesday,Jan 24,1550 ; Saturday, Jan 23, 1650 Wednesday. Feb 7. 1556 { Saturda), Feb. 1856 Wednee'dxy, Feb 21,1555 j Saturday, Jan 10, 1555 i Saturd v. Jar. 24, 1855 For freight or pa.-?ge. apply to Edward K, Collins. 56 York Brown. Shipley A Cos. Liverpool Stephen. Kencar i A Cos.. B. u. Wainwright k Cos.. Fan? . -'r Geo U. Draj'er, Havre. £7* The owners of these ships will not be* countab;-''geld.silver, bullion, specie.jewelt’ preciou'Stcues or metals, unless bills ©flaling ar signed therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein. Shippers please take notice, that the ships of thu line cannot carry an v goods contraband of war jan 9 farm ly | ... THE LIVERPOOL intend sailing their favorite ships. CITV OK MANCHESTER, 2136 tons. Car* WyUs CITY OF BALTIMOKE, u-w. 2.53 K Cap’ R. Loitch. CTTY OF WASHINGTON, new. .709t0c Cart t. Leitch. KANGAROO. 1574 tons. Capt FROM PHILADELPHIA CITY OF MANCHESTER. Thursday, Jan Is.lSo KANGAROO, about Thursday, FROM LIVERPOOL. CITY Oi MANCHESTER. Wedceedav, Feb 14,1855. KANG A FiOO. about Wednesday, RATES OF PASSAGE rxcM rHU-ioEU*hix . x&cx utxapool. Saloon Berth? .$P ‘ Saloon Bertbs. .21 cum Mklahlp . to Midship .17 Forward .. 55 • Forward 15 loclnding SGward'e feet. lIIIRD CLASS PASSAGE A limited number of Third Cla*? Passengers wil! be taken frcm Philadelphia and Liverpool, and found in provisions. From Philadelphia. S6O j I torn Liverpool S4O Certificates of passage will be issued here to par ties who are desirous of bringing cut their friends, at corre.'pocdmg rates. Drafts on Liverpool from £1 upwards. \n experienced Surgeon will b* carried on **:h ship All goods ?cat to the Agents in Philadelphia will be forwarded with economy and dispatch Fcr freight cr passage, applv to SAML EL SMI TH, Agent. 17 M Phila.. and 7 Broadway. N Y WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, l Tower Buildings. Llverro-’ Or tc PADELFORD, FAY A Agente, ’* a 13 Uay-Bt., Savannah •1* DOLLARS OHLY TOlilk COUHTRV RESIDENCE SONLY a few days left tc secure iL— Don e all go at once, bat be aui and go scon, or you will be too late. A saw stares left only for Lola in the beauti ful village- oi Wood lawn, adioinlng the splendid Lake F.onkonkorna farm& elling at f cm SIOO to S2OO per acre to be divided among subscribes on the 11th March next. sls payable in nstalments will secure fbr building lots 25 by ICO feet, • r a farm from 2 tn ?) acres by application. CHAS. WOOD, 20S Broadway, N. Y or HAl’-i'V bsfrj I’rim. Eajt.rn U*t. Ind!r s from ,b’p RM Ml ,nd for s] by frb 2C BRKi UaM, KILLY A CO I >KITIN' t —-Vvo fwtrates’ oSt tanneJ Btltlce I > rweirrjf*, urb- >5 t n W,l)j. frcm PblUtt.! ph:a. aud for sale bv kfe-'o CHAS. H. CAVIPIIELB sraiNO MANTILLAS AJ.T3 SCABTST RECEIVED ptr steamer rierkta a large arc bandse me asertmcnt cif Spricg Stvlea Scarf, ami Mantillas, to which ae Inrita the atteatfcß of tfcr laJit* at vf\p SWORTU'S f,b -’ U 6 Ccsgreat ,trt