The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, March 19, 1856, Image 4

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m> * c t v ij For the Empire State. The moon looked down on the sleeping flowers, As gently they sank to rest. While brightly rose the evening star From its home in the clouds of the West. The zephyr soft as an infant's breath, Went vrandering carelessly by, And scarcely rippled the tranquil lake That slept in calm serenity. TVas an evening in oar own bright sunny South— The land of birds and flowers ; A milder clime where streamlets flow, ’Mid rural groves and Jessamine bowers. You may speak to me of snow-clad hills, In them no beauty lies ; T love our warmer, brighter clime, Our liluc and sunny skies. I love to rove ’mid orange groves, Or down some flowery glade ; I love the brooks that murmur “ncatli The tall,magnolia’s shade. I love our free, glad hearts at home, With all their wealth of love; They tell ns of a fairer land, A brighter home above. There sorrow never fills the heart, Nor tear-drops dim the rye. And there the sky is always bright, And the flowrets never die. Oh. give me then,my sunny home, With hearts so free and light ; I could not live in a colder clime, Or ’ncath a sky less bright. L I.Y. Griffin, Ga., March 12th. 1 WO. Cesrioiss Plants. Almost every body lias heard of the womb rful walking leaves of Austra ia For a long; time after the discovery of that island many people really believed that the leaves of a certain tree which -flourishes there con'd walk upon the ground. The story arose in this way • Some English sailers la ude it upon the c -ast one clay and alter roaming about until they were tired they sat down trad r a tree to n st themselves. A pun of’ wind came long, ano blew off a shower of leaves which aft v turning over and over in the air as ltav gen lie do finally rested upon the ground A•it v. , midsummer and evirything appeared tpot green theeircumstauce puzzled the sail, i- vo erably. But their s;,prise was nmeii great*--, as yon may well suppose, when, after a sh r time, they saw the leaves crawling along h i ground towards the trunks of the t ee. They ran at once for the v -se! without s oiiping t examine into the matter at all, and set s;d away from the land where every thing seemed to be bewitched. One.of the men aid leaf ‘he expected every moment osee tin* tre, : : l to dance a jig.’ Subsequent explorai-ons o Australia have taught us that these w !k-u . leaves are insects They live uno the tr es 1 heir bodies arc very thin and flat,timir wings : forming leaf like organs When tey -are an- j turbed, their legs are folded away under t.liei bodies, leaving the shape exactly ike a leaf, with its stem and ali complete- * They are of a bright green color in the summer, but they gradually change in the fall with leaves, to brown of frost bit ten vogatloo. When shaken from the tree, they lie fora few iumutes upon the ground, as though they, were dead, but presently they begin to crawl along towards the tree, which they ascend again. They rarely use their wings, although they are pret ty well supplied in this respect. Marrying the-Wrong Digger.—Tint San Francisso Bulletin states that soon ftci i; war* known that. Leidcsdorlfu’s property in that c:t\ was immensely valuable, a well known < f n mtv trail then living there hut since dead, left town in a great hurry and was absent some months when he returned, to the great wonderment of his acquaintances,who were entier yin the dark as to where he had been, or what he i,?wl been in pursuit of After a while it leaked out that lie had been to tile West Indies looking i p Leidesdorffeas heirs and finding, as was >■: id a female that he believe and was tiie re;.l s mi., ; Pure heir ol the vast estate, he without ce.e mony popped the question was ;n opted and married forthwith,-congratulating h ms if thai Capt. Fulson ami a 1 other da. man s would have to stand aside, while he,the rout miboh of California, would b;y>vithout a rival in the Golden State. After the m triage, in pre paring the neecossary documents an <1 gelling testimony to substantiate life claim-; of his lady fair he found to his nstonishmeni that he ad made a small misttake, and that . fa; t, he ’married the wrong nigger.“ Murder —We learn that a man wa murd ered near Jackson Smith's on the nnstnmg Ferry road, in MuMinn e > uty, <u Friday night last, the 2dth u!t. by tlm'im if Row land. lie was a mercliant, and it s sup oed that ee was murdered for his money He was alone in his store, and from appeoran -es next morning, had been engaged m riling, withJiis back to live door, when the murder er, armed with a large knife, entered the <!• or <sanght him bv the hair and cut’ his le ad near ly off. . He had aboui. SIOO about him which was taken. Suspicion resis upon a negro man, who formerly belonged to Judge GautT of this place, named Bill. From what little we have heard and know of his negro, he is mean enough to do anything “lie \va> to Imv. been arrested and tried on Monday last - ns -yet we have heard nothing from the trial, it is supposed that lie had an accomplice, as the tracks of.two persons were discovered leading from the store the next morning- We hope the perpetrators of this atrocious murder wi I be overtaken and handed over to the l ivv to atone for this hellish crime— The Banner. Brimt Extraordinary —The last numb r of the Herald, published at Camden, Arkansas contains the following:— A few days since a negro woman belonging to Col. John Dockery, the worthy President of our Kailroad, was delivered of four children at one birth-three girls undone boy; 1 heir aver age weight is seven pounds each. When last heard (rom the mother and her little darkies ware doing well. T'he Colonel has named the children after his favorite enterprise.—Missis sipi, Ouachita and Red River Railroad, giving to the girls the names of the t reo rivers, and calling the boy railroad 1 The woman and her husband were botli at work upon the Railroad during the past year. This occurrancc is regarded as a favorable omen of our road, and it is thought that the stock of the company ought to command a premium and that u> on this nigar basis they will be able to negotiate a *oanv* Hurrah! for the Mississippi, uachita and hod River Railroad. L E GAL SAEiS L . Spu!clang’ lu'jlff Sales fAi* psiL Til/"ILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, T \ in the City of Griffin, Spalding county, (ho, within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in AI'RJL next, the following property, viz: A lot of sundry dry goods, hats, caps. Ac : levied on as the property of Carroll & Simmons, to satisfy a 11. fa. in fa vor of Webster & Palmes, and other ft. fas. in my hands vs. said Carroll Sc Simmons. Sold by order of the Superior Court of Spalding county Also, at the same time and place will be cold, ail of the wood land of the cast half of lot No. 54, it being 85 acres, more or less, and the west half of lot Xo. 53, lot Xo. 75, less 10 acres off the north-east corner) 10 acres off the south east corner of iot No. 70, all in the-Ith dist., of formerly Fayette now Spakhug county : levied on as the property of C. 0. Bowen. to satisfy sundry fi. fn serin my hands, one in fay or of Wm. Amis vs John Bowen, William Bowen and Christopher C Bowen, issued from Carroll Superior Court: One fi. fa. in favor oi'l)r. P. M. Cohen A Cos., vs Win. Bow. cnand Christopher Bowen, surviving pari Tiers of John Bow en. deceased,issued from Coweta infeiior Court : also one fi fa in favor of T. I). Tanning vs Win Bowen and Christo pher Bowen, surviving partners of John Bowen, deceased, issued from trie inferior Churl of Coweta county. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, all that tract or Lot of land, situate,lying and being in the eitv of Griffin, known and distinguished in the plan of said city as the south half of lots Nos 3 and 4, in square 23, containing one half acre, more or less ; levied on a* lhe property of Wesley Leak, to satisfy a mortgage !i fa issued from the Sn perior Court of Spalding, in favor of Wm W Chapman vs Wesley Leak. Property pointed out in said fi fa and tenant in possession notified Also at the same time and place, will be sold 4 sides of upper leather, and C 9 sides of sole and upper leather, levid on as the property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a ti fa from Spalding Superior Court in favor of James S. Jones, vs. said Lockhart. At the same timeand place, part of lot of land numbers, 201 and 205 in the 2d District of formerly Monroe now Spalding county, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres more or less. Also lot of land number 8(5 in the 4th District of formerly Henry now Spalding county, containing two hundred two and a half acres more oi less. All the above property levid onto satisfy seven Justices Court fi fas issued from the 100 L t District of Spalding county, in favor John Xea! bearer vs Theodosius Cook, principal.and Leroy W. Cooper Security, and John T. Thucat security on stay of execution. Property pointed out by Leroy W. Cooper and levid on and returned to me by J.B. Mathews Constable. Lot of Land Xo. not known, in the fourth district of for merly Fayette county : now ‘ Ppabling county, bounded on the S-utli by lands of]). I’. Elder, on the North by 11. 11. Ogh-trc e, on the East by lands of Elder and Ogletree. West by W. st. Reeves. Ont.lining two hundred two and a half (2024 ) acres more or less ; the same being the place where on Thomas Henderson now lives: to satisfy two fi. fas. in my hands, from Spalding Superior Court, one in favor of IV. it. Phillips & Cos, and ope in favor of G. H. Page vs j Thomas Henderson. A. A. WOOTEN, SIFT Fell. 20th 1850 43 Ids. F'Hic irf sTG dk*s Htr pri be sold before the courthouse door, in the town V i of Zelmlon. Pike county, on the Ist Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale. One negro girl by the name of l-lctty, 8 years old. I< vied : on as the property of Joliath.ui Baker, by virtue of sundry Justi- e-5 Court fi. fas. is-acd from tin: Justices’ Court <4 the • 534th did jet, G. M.. i:i favor of Jonathan l*. Milner, Giles Driver Admiui-trntor of Jordan Driver. deceased, Salm ns, Booth & (Jo., and others, all vs. Jonathan Baker, j Levy nude ; returned to me by Wm. J. Ellis, constable, j Property .sold to satisfy the above n lined ii. fas'., and others ; in r.;y I.and ru.iir. l id 13. her. AI ••. one li. o grid watch, gold fob chain, and seal : ?o ----: vied on the prop-, ity f J >hu W. Elder, by virtue of a I ;i. i"red -rum the S-n erior Court of I'ikc comity.- I iii 1? Jo- kin.- s ii. B Elder ami J. W. Elder : levied i on .’ i . iy rid fi. and • fliers, in my hands. A! -i. will be sold .:t flic erne time and -place. the west Inti:’ <• 1 I i! No. 23in the Pth d:4.,.f originally M- in c n w Pike c i;:-ity : levied on as the property o; R >hei i Hammiek. {•> satas'Y a fi. fa. issued i'r. m Dike Su perior Court, in mvor of George Osborn v--. said Ifi-l.eit 11 imbi'i: ie. Levy ni ide i.-y order m Fiaiht.iif. S lso. -no b ;gy. levied mi to satisfy a ii. fa. in favor <>; Wiilrtm William-- v . Wm A. Wrigiit. Property pointed out ov nlrbo ,i ati v. A. B. \ AIL GIAN', Sherii’’. F -id 25. I 53 43 tds Will ■ f old fie:’- --, 1C -i t House and -or in the town of Zc don Pike eo- :;!y. w.thi:; the legal h-mrs of -ale. on the !i;--t Tin- (1 : : A.: iexrt 1!;- -m-iivided half imetsst w t ■ >ll >v .g lots lot-) laud. . Xo. 204 (< \r A ’ - • : i- S mil or 4 .-m-rer) i-,4. X->. 2(’J. .V-. i L ; ii:.-!: - !•• X--. ‘217. (-. x--i pt -v , -res deeded 1, the ii * jiti-'t Chm -h) V,k : t !i::i I oi’h-t Xo. i 72. pi: :-f imi-r; -jf i■- ated for .-awing on t!m 1 lm!i of lot 212; all lying in the i l)i trict of Pi&e: levid on as the property of Joshua C. | Martin tr> satisfy a. mortgage !i fa issued from the Superior Court of -aid county in favor of M u*tha C. Martin vs Jo, hi; i : C. M.utln. and tenant-- in po->-e.,.-.ioj! net Hied. WM. 11. McCLEXDFX, Dep.SlPff. Feb. 20th Is.ld 43 tds J5Hs Sit 4’ riff’s Steles. YX7HLL BE SOLD, before the Corot House door. In tile V V t'wn of Jack--in. Butts comity, on the First Tuesday in April nc-xt. within the legal hours of sale, tho following property, to-wit: , One black horse levid on ns the property of Asa IT. Mor gan, to satisfy one 11 fa. from the inferior (fonrt of said coun ty, in favor of Lucius (L ddard vs said A. H. Morgan. R. G. BYARS, Ben. Sh'iT. Feb. 28th 1 856 43 tds. 3E<n-fgag'’ ale fj>* WI LY be sold, before the Court House door, j in Griffin. Spalding county, Ga , on the First Tues day in May next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol ic wing property, viz: One-liaifir.tercst-in anegro fellow by the name of Gahc.of yellow complexion, 33 or 34 years of age, and by trade a shoe maker Levied on as the property of John Lockhart, to satisfy a mortgage fi.fa from Spalding Superior Court, in favor of Egbert I*. Daniel, vs said Lockhart. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. A. A. WOOTEN, I) S. January 12,1856. T “ ’*- - u.- 1 , t •,?•• j-.~ To all whom it may vA concern : Whereas Jarne? H. Stark applies to me for h tteis of administration on the estate of Rufus W.McCune, late of raid county deceased ; T!:o-e are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors, to he and appear at mv of fice within the time proscribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration should not he granted said applicant.. Given undermv hand at office, this Bth day of Feb. 1856. -J. IT. MANGHAM, Ordinary. Feb. 13, 1856 41 f V A, IT* < riM'iif j - —Whereas W. J. Nowell vT applies to me for letters of administration on the .es tate of J dm H. Newell, of said county, deceased : The.-o are therefore to rif e and admonish ail persons con cerned. _to tie and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under nu- hand at office, this 3d March, 1856. J. C. BECKHAM, Only. March 5,-1850 44 40d G iv)K GIA ITKE COUNTY. Court of Ordinary of said county , January Term , 1850. It appearing to the Court., from the petition of John Fox worth and Cadesman Rope, Executors of the estate of Stephen M IJ. Hasel den deceased, that they have fully ad ministered the estate of said deceased, and praying to be dismissed therefrom: Ordered that notice of their said application he publish ed in terms of the law. that all persons concerned may take notice thereof, and file their objections, if any they* have, on or before the first Monday in August next, and show cause why said letters should not at this time be granted. A true extract from the minutes of the Court. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ordinary, Zebulon, Jan. 22<i. 1858 3s, Gin. EsH!)?{?r’B snfe. YU"*’ ,:e pr ‘G before the court house door, in the town ’ nf -kudu on, Batts county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April next : , kixte'-n m-grocs, men, women and children : also, one muffired an-esof land, more or less, adjoining the lands of Bor], Shields and Mrs. Greer, of'said comity. Stud negroes and lauds are sold by virtue of an order'of the Court of Ordinary in and for said county, and sold as the property ot ‘1 Inmns B. Burfenl, late of said county deceased. The terms of sale made known on the da v. S. H. BURFORD,) Feb. 13, 56. .40. .Ids A. A. BURFOIiD, > Executors. F. 13. BURFORD, ) r \TA G months after date tipp'iention wi'l be mad- to tiie T Honorable the - ourt of Ordinary of Spalding county, lor leave to sell a negro woman by the name of Mary, be tween 00 mid 70 your.i of age, belon itig to the estate of Daniel Khnpfrine, late of said county dtcen ed, To be sold tor lliebenciitof the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JAMES SIiUPTRINE, Administiator. January IG, 1856 37 2m ; otiou DuSjSaj • -t <| i Hors. f C*rsriT.—All persons in. V.T dclited to Malcniu Betlnine, late of said county, de are hereby requested to make immediate payment. And all iiwrns having demands against said deceased will reader them in agreeably to law to EDMUND SEGRAVES, Adm'r. Jan. 29th. 1856.. .40. bit. Police to Debtors :id Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of James Reagan. late of Pike county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, are requested to present them attested according to law. JOSEPH REAGAN, Administrator. March 5, 1-56 44 30d Siolcn, }? ROM the rehdcnce of the subscriber, in Butts county, 6 miles south of Jackson, on the public road to tiie Sings, a mouse colored mare Mule, with harness marks >n u ‘ sides, between 6 and 7 years old, medium size, heavy milt ; saddle and bridle takenut the same time. Any i ’ •rmation concerning said inu'e, will he thankfully receive <nd liberaliy rewarded. Addrc sme at Indian gpr ng, Gu Feb. 13, 1856... .41.... m DAVID HIGGINS. LEGAL NOTICES. /•lUOiiGIA. b-yt-uc << R:ty James If. Waldrope, VJf of tin- iosst.h Di, trict, G. AL, tolls before me as an es tra.v, one dark bay mare mule, with some white on the mane, age not known, but old. Appraised by James Co ker and l’hillip be w- ith $45. Given under mv baud und official signature, this November 23d, 1855. J UKE JOHNFON, J. P. T do certify that this is a true extract of the minutes of the E-tray Book of Fayette county. JOHN* L. BLALOCK, Clerk. March 12, 1:-'5G... .45... ,4t C'l EOHMA, f'HyvtU i un> .—-Whereas. N. M. Fitts M applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the ad ministration on the Estate of Walker Fitts, kite of said county deceased, — These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties con cerned. to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why Let ters PismDsory should not be issued. Given under my lntmi at office, this January 2tith, lsst>. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. Jan 30, ’56... ,6m ('IKOIUBA ‘-?>?. Lfihit < os'ii t>.„~ When as \.t rey 1 Strickland,-;nd IM-hena Strickl: id applies to me for : letters of administration on the t state of Elijah Strickland, - late of said county, deei-a-a and : These cite and admonish all and singular. 1 the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within: the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of administra tion should not be granted the said applicant Given un der my hand at office, the Pith dev of February, 1*56. JAMES H. MAXGHaM,* Ordinary. February 27, 1*56. .. .43... .30ds (1 tooir-.-T >,. I’lt.c <-nnty.Whereas Matthew Goggin T appdies to me for letters of administration on the es tate of Richard Pryor, late of said county, ({(-•■cased : These are therefore to cite and admonish ah persons con cerned. to he and appear at rnv office within the time pie scribed bv law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should in>t be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 3d March, 1856. J. C. BECKHAM*, Only. March 5, 1-56 4 4....4(>d Cl KOI? (I A, Pilco < ’oniity,- ‘i'o nil whom M it may c.(nccni —Whereas, ‘k iliiaih tl Vaughn and Thomas 11. Edwards. .\dmin;stn.toi-s np--n the E rato of John Vaughn, of said county deceased, applic -. for Letters of Dismissi:.n from tue Administrution m said 1-Mate: These are there!.>re to cite and admoui -h all and singular the kindred and- editors of said dee.:-ed. to be ami appear at my office, witbin the time pre.-criiied bv iaw. to > how enu-e. if ary they have, why said Letters’ should net be granted. Given underPvhand at office, fhi-‘27th day of Dm omboi I ‘■'ss JOLEPfI C. BE( K HAM. Only. January Ist. l‘-.'5. 36-C.m ( y !A. Spalßlng/.on* -,--y. ■■■ To all whom it may \T concern : \\ licreas Jonas Boyd, Administrator upon the estate o: S.tumoi Boyd, late of sold county do'-cascd. applies tome fi r htiers of dismnii.-'ii-ii from the adminis tration of saidestacc ; There: the kindred ar and c:erlli*iv <-f soul deceased.are S ni ruby cit( and ami admonished 1-. file.their objections, if any they have, in my trims of the hiw, otherwise j letters dismi --si-ry will 1-c giontcd said applicant at the : next Augrtt term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun , t.v- JAMES Ti MAXGHAM Ordinary. Jan. 23. 1856 Irt... ,r,m p. ‘ -u- ..- Tn all whom it may con ’ I 1 > •’ : : M'.hi reus J. A. Potts. Admini trntor of thees- I tate (> Atiram D. Ai right,ef fid county, deceased,applies : t-> me no )!-*:-. ;■. of ii —i-n if an fid i- fide ; ithere.- >•• to cite and admonish all and sbignlnr the kim i - 1 sakl deceased, to be and i • p< -o’ jit my ••i*o'c with>c. tlie f inmp!-: : I'ned by low, to ;!u-w <■ - : . : .-l, j 1 ■ ■ i.<l letters ! ouhl not ho s’; tod. Given under my I cud at office, this 17th n.'ty- E'-cf J. C BEGKHAM. Orilismry. Jam 23, 1856 53....4m wn ‘. A LL p< .lull ■ t< and t<- the c/fate of the late John oil .id. (h < ecd of I ik< • m,fy. arc- lic-rcbj-reqm-rt*d t make umiicdi.ito paymci;! mul tlm: o persons luivicyde i.i.-md-. fair;deceased, v.-rt render them in agreoaUe t > law to GBLJ-.X 1> M. BLOUNT. ) , . I> E. Is fi-i-FTTE j- •.emu-. Ecu. 27, I- 56 43 40d Fv. 11 Trade!! . GttiiSl l-Ed itO^S! ■ |'!! K sfil'S'-i-;!;:wotikl Pcsp-vf fully ip form their _B_ friend.-: and the pnbilc gene rally, that they have in s'-'ie ro.i, arc >< eeiving dive t: from New York, a I'm! supply of FALL A: WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of FANCY h D STAPL CRY GOODS! CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, FI VRD- Vs ARE, CROCKERY, BAGGING. ROPE, SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT and TOBACCO, and all other articles usually kept in this market, which they would invite the public to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as they are determined to sell as cheap as the clieape t. S. 11. McWILLIAMS & CO. At the old stand of McWilliams & Cos, Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. Oct. 24,1855 ts FOR. SALEM T HR COMFORTABLE DWEU.INIi HOUSE, in Wort -L Griffin, at pre ent occupied by Col. A. B. Mathews.. Persons desirous ot purchasing would do well to examine tiie premises, as the house must positively be sold. Posses sion given first of next January. *” Apply at the store of ‘ C. 11. JOHNSON A Go., Griffin, Sept. 10th, ’55.. 20.. ts Hill street. nmmm Hirin’ r pilK undersigned, having located in fflgpssm J West Griffin, near the Planter's Hotel, i.. now prepared to CUT and MAKE DRESS PS and TRIM BONNETS in the LATEST : A i::; NS- also will CUT and MAKE CLOTHING for m’ XT'EMEN ALL WORK WARRANT*'.!)! „ MISS L. E. M ‘.T'IIIEWS Grfinn, January fill, 1856. W- n 21. BBS B£3tSOZT, Carriage Maker, near Sharon Grove, Fay ette county. Ga., can invke to order at short w notice, single seat and slide seat BUGGIES, family carriages and plantation wagons. Also, repairing done at short notice, and in thevery best ximl of style- S3LAII work warranted. Sep. 26, 1855 22 ts INFIRMARY? THE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlanta, ati Infirmary, for the reception of patients laboring under medical or surgicaltreatment. An intelligent mine and faithful servants will be in con stant attendance, and will give their attention to tiie sick at ail hours, day or night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WESTMORELAND, who will give prompt attention to injuries, and every variety of disease requiring surgical operations. The usual foes adopted by the physicians of the city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board. Ac. Planters and others sending negroes may-rest assured that they will be properly attended to, and,'if after an ex amination it. lie determined that there is no prospect of re lief, they will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WE,STM OREL A NT). M.D. J. G, WESTMORELAND, M. D. Atlanta, May 16, ’55. 3 tt GROCERIES AND STAPLE DRY-S9OSB! rJST received the largest and best selected stock of Gro ceries and Staple Dry Goods, ever offered before in this market, and-we are determined to sell at very short profits for the GASH, among our stuck may be found the follow ing articles: 100 Bales Gunny Bagging, 200 <foils N w York and New Orleans Rope, 100 Backs prime Rio (bfTcc, 25 “ Luguiraand old Government Java, 50 Bid-Stewarts A. Sugar, 10 1 lluls choice N. O. do 5 ■* “ Portorieo, do 300 Bhls and Tierces Liquor, 100 Kegs Nails and Brads, 20,000 Common and choice b and Cigars, Osnalnirgs. Blanket*. Kerseys, Calicos’ Homespuns, Am, Ac. All of which will bo sold low for cash by Kept 18, 55- ts HILL A SMITH. To Bncksniifhs! •BLACKSMITHS Tools for sale by HILL A SMITH >• Sent 19. ? 55 1;{ - LUMSEiH ! I GAULDiWG’S STEAM MILL. rS'MJE subscriber buying leaned (ho above Mill, being an J-expei iciici cl Macliinest, and Jiaving supidied liimself with a. learge quantity of tin: be t imnk tim./kk, hoping to it a*le at slioit notice, to iutlti.sli tUosc with lumber, who may lavcir hmi \viih then- oidc r-c—orders left with A. A. ■auidmg, or A. L. Dtilin, at Griffin, will receive prompt attention. ’ 1 1 Jan. Bth. 1856. JAMES W. MOORE. cfe smith, WIHU.KSAI.E ANI) KKTAII, DKAI.KUS IN BROGERIE l HARDWARE S S Staple and Fancy biy-Goods!!! , . „B;Oomor of Hill and Solomon Streets.-** Orilnn, May 3,1855. (kOO , oi Chois’ Kip and Calf Brogans, at SI,OO ceived, and for sale by p x. BANKS & CO WEED, At the old stand oi E. B. WEED, sign of the Bad lock, 2 doors above the Lanier House, MACON GEORGIA, OKFr'iiS for sale, at the lowest market prices, a large ai;d complete assortment of bv.-edes Iron, assoiteil from 1J inch to 12 Indies ; English and refined Iron, flat, round and square : II ‘>r- e Sin e oval, •£ oval, and j- round iron ; STkHL—l'lo’.v stu-1, o to 12 inches,cast, German, Blis ter and Spring Site i ; Blacksmith's Tools, comprising anvils, bellows, vises, hammers. Ac. Planter's Hots, Scovil's, Brand's, and other makes. SWEDES IKON. • 100 tons Swedes iron, assorted from H to 12 inches, just received and for sale by A". WEED, At the old stand of E. B. Weed,Macon, Ga. Jan. 23, 1856 33 A. W, BENHAM & CO., ; PLAIN & FANCY CABINET WARE. HliiL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. The public are respectfully invited to call fjt at our New Furniture Store, oppo.rite C. 11. fcJW £. t- ‘■ Johnson A Go.’s, ea>t side of Hill Street, /T| and examine our stoc k of new and beautiful *'*. j a %• ® r JB: slt m :wni * consisting in part of Fine FreiHi Sofas. Fobs Red-. Tute-a- Teles : Splendid Mnhogtmy IVaidrobes. Mar'ole ‘;'<( Tables. Mahogany, Cherry. Black Walnut and Extension Dining tables ; Secretaries, Bureaus and Sided..aid-. T the very rarest (jsialityand finish. Anew .and beautiful article of Cotinge ('liambev Ornamentally painted. c -uprising a sr-f ass : One Bureau, one Bedstead, Sink and Wasli-tand Toilet Table. Towel Stand, Four Parolr Chairs. and a lbking Chair. C*L> 0Jh12N13.-iS. From the ‘.owe t to the highe t pri- es. VS I .The above, and many olht r a Hide- not enumerated, ! we are prepared to dl on as low term-- as ..m be obtained in any similar establishment in We.riern Go. rgia. May 3, 1865. ts W. Bo PHILLIPS & CO., Kg ’i, Drier Masonic liu’L% 01 EEG have t > inform their friends, and the public gener ally. that thee are now ieceivin;r their stm-k of FALLfc WIRIER SOOSS, i conri-ting in part < f LADIES” PRI-.S:-. GOODS, such as | DeLaricu Mariuoes. Persian Cloths unci Silks, from £9 to j 350 jicr pattern, mminnirr ■■ styles, superior to any thing | ver bob re exhibited ia this, market : a very large” assort ment of CLOTH TALMAS, MANTILLAS AND CL-AKS, tV''>m to $25. Also, a beautiful a--'"tmest of Morian t'uuo V it:t ;!!;!• : : ul Cl ‘:!!: . : t res ■•able prices, from sl2 ■t” each ; are a very grc. t variety •••■’ etlu r artk ms, o ! ■eet.'d with .' ••••’ are. > -ly 1 it the ifay and taste ! the There!’ jr. urn- need to go to ary other !n: trk'-t i bud ■ e. ■ m . r brer G .K We also call ntten ; lion to o'-r p -.r rimei t of . 3 r. nms mm ~m REA : >Y-M ADE CLOTH LNG, i liO.O T x , Is II O K S \N D IS A TB , i : s w> ‘1 as a great many articles t > tedious to mention, i \’l win- ore dedr-',., o* )•> .king to their own interest in trade, war’d d<> well to examine their stack before making pnr< bases,th- y .re - .:! >!:••<! they have the prettiest, fi ne t. cJu ape t and best Ie ft and stoc kof Goods in the city. Griffin, Ga., October 3. 1855 23 ts- NEW FALL GOODS ! Corner of !;• ■.■dwav and Hill f-hrccts. i t I'lflE subs. i-ib< r’ 1 ■ b-avc to inform hi- friends and ens- X to-,ner.-. and the p Mi - in rr-mernl. that he is new re ceivimr fl-.e lamest Eck <‘f DOMESTIC, STAPLE AND F m ; Si Of;ODS that has ever been efierod in this market. He is also open si great variety of superior CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Thankful for past favors, he hopes, together with the great variety of hir. stock, and low prices, to merit an in creased share of patronage. JOSEPH ENGEL. Griffin, Sep. 20, 1,855. 22 6m ff}. The proprietor of the well known stand RI- ALTO, having fitted up the front room in the finest style, is now opening a line stock of Groceries and Confectionaries , a” fresh and “genuine,” all of which he will sell low for cash. Among them will be found crushed and powdered Hi'gar : all kinds of Pickles ; pickled Lobsters : a fine lot of Natural Preserves ; Prunes in jars for table use ; pre served figs and dates ; 80© A BUTTIB and Pie Nic Crackers ; Sardines and Catsup ; English anu American Mustard ; tine Layer Raisons ; Nuts of all kinds; ::n assorted h t of Candies, Ground Pepper; Carbonate of Soda ; Peal Starch, Table Salt, Cod l-’isli, -v. r *#:e*-**. Irish Potatatocs, Rice, Mess Pork and Van kee Beans ; all kinds of Fruit, Dried Beef, and ‘*Mir Bolongna Sausages, and Snuff for the Ladies, Can 4irss.iV;- c ;] C;i ot - a jj kinds, Tlis Bar has been befitted in the rear, which will befound as us!ia>. toll of the Best Liquors and Cigars, and his well known Bar Kc<nHH3HFer will he found always ready to make his custom-*■****•• ers any thing in hi< line. *T- ICE always on hand. Thankful for past favors, he is determined to retain the good reputation lie has gained for himself and house. J. I). SHERR ILL. Griffin, May 3,1855—ts Ml mM PEOPIIT! FOR SALE!! npiTE subscribers Inn ing determined to sell their property * at this celebrated watering place, now offer for sale the INDIAN SPRING HOTEL PROPERTY, containing four acres ol Land. The buildings are iu good condition, and sufficient!; roomy to accomodate four hundred persons. Kitchens. Smoke-home and other out buildings, together with the Stable, are entirely new. The Hotel Furniture is mostly new, and can be purchased with the property at a reduced price. Persons wishing to engage in the Hotel business, at a FASH TON ABLE ‘WATERING PLACE, or to invest money in valuable Real Estate, can do so by call ing and examining the premises. Attached are line Garden Spots and wood privilege. We would like to sell for CASH or good Paper bearing interest and will give any time desired : and now otter a bargain. Call and see us, or address us at Indian Springs, Butts County, Ga. A. J. VARNER? •L M. VARNER, C. L. VARNER. August Ist, 1855,. .15. .ts. SCI&BHUS SEEABT can be CURED LET THE PUBLIC BiAB! IX mercy to the afilich and, and the gratitude and high opin ion I entertain of I>R. MOSELEY as a Surgeon and Phy sician. t deem it my duty to mention the case’ of my wife, hoping at the same time that all persons similarly afflicted, may be benefittul by if. In the first part of this year, my wife had several small lumps make their appearance in her breast; they continued to increase in stum, until the whole breast became a diseased mass,ami very painful. 1 procured the best medical aid in the city of Rome,and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of our most skillful physi cians. sju- continued to grow worse and worse, until they gave the cast’ up as incurable, and advised amputation. I was advised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. Moseley, of Grittim tea., which 1 did, and, astonishing as it may seem, he Inal her entirely cured within otic mouth, and she is vote in ptod health! 1 would advise all who arc afflicted with Beirrhus, and Cancerous affections to visit the Doctor with out delay, as 1 am satisfied by experience and observation, that he is the most skill fid physician iu the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible disease—cancer. WM. 11. MITCHELL, M. E. MITCHELL, Daughter of .T. \V. Bradbury, Rome, Ga. Romo, Ga., October 25, 1854. ‘ 5-ly INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES. THE undersigned have opened in this city, an Infirmary tor the reception of Negroes who may need medical or surgical treatment. Tt is conveniently situated in a house just across the Alley from the New Passenger Depot, and is now ready to receive pat ients. The charges for board will be merely sufficient to cover expenses, those for medical treatment and surgical opera tions. sin li us customary. *2, Planters and others wlio may send us patients from a distance, may depend on their servants receiving every at tention that may be recpiired. .JAMES MERCER GREEN. M. D. HENRY L. BATTLE, M. D. Macon, January Its, 1856 36 3m ■W r^LKTT, JDX> 2 A YOUNG LADY, a graduate of the Synodical College, who lias had some experience in teaching, desires a situation as Teacher. Reference—the Rev. CaiUilhlk P. B. Martin, former President of the College. Application can be made at this office—or to Miss W. Griffin, Ga, Dec. ID, 1855 ts C Alim A GE~R EP 6 SITORY GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, ALL receiving every variety of CARRIAGES, which they will sell as low as can W bought in any Southern Market ; consisting of COACHES, SLIDE-SEAT T?EGGI ES, FAMILY WAGONS, ROCKAWAYS n\l?Npqs NO-TOP BUGGIES. CONCORD BUGGIES. HACK WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, WHIPS 4#- Tw(i, Fon°r! and Hix livery Stables^ H O I? S E S ,lrH BI>,AKE AXD style of Carnage or Vfagoii, got uj> to older, at short notice* W O ll K W A R li A N T E 1) ! IV. W. WOODRUFF WM. L. GOP.DOIT. Griffin, Ga., May 10. D55. GltK tT SOUTHERN REMEDY. mm# sas~^ ALSO, Admirably adapted to many Diseases of Females, most especially Painful Menstruation. fTTHE VIRTUES OF JACOB’S CORDIAL are-too well I known to require encomiums. Ist. It cores the worst cases of Diarrhcea. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhcea. 4th. It re'lieves the severest Colic. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful Menstruation. Bth. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. 10th. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical Feelings. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic. A few short Extracts from Letters, Testi monials, &. c. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in ray judgment, a valuable remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia.” “It gives me pleasure in being ahle to recommend Jacob’s Cordial, my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a 1%/iE “CJ SIC; i .-—■ . HiOF. WM. L. HENSLER, would respect fully inform Ids friends, I’upiis. and the cit ? i =P ? ? 1 izens of Griffin. 1 hot he will give private in struction at the residence o. pupils (in Griffin.) The pu pils will be ns thoroughly instructed as possible during the j time they are under his care. T B t. 21 S.- 21 weeks cr a term $25,00 The first term commence* second week in Jumia ry. No pupil will be taken for less than a term, and no de duction made for less than a month, unless the pupil is pre vented by sickness so they cannot attend or continue their studies. The Tuition must posUively kc i-ettkd at the end of each Term, by Cash nr Xotf. ‘i' : nde v‘dl be riri' T -lV!.dl;cml to. and in e.o ease will any t ! e made. I 1 r we in debted to him for tuiticn during his Professorship m the I .Synodic:;! C.-IU ge wii! }6.-use .-.-trie without delay. Pupils upon the Guitar, i-'ivtb arid Vklin, wii! also be i taken. Tliaidcful for the lil>oral ]atron?.pe here;ore bestowed, he | hopes by strict attention to* his Pupils, to merit as well as ; receive a continuance of tire same. U K is 22 R 32 ‘■> C JE S : Rev. Carßsle P. B. Martin. President of Synodical Female ’■ College for several years past, and the citizens of Griffin ‘ gem-rally. * WM. I .lIENriLER. j Griffin. Dec. 5,1755 . ,3m i’rofe.-soi of Music, j PI A NOR tnred to ortkr for Cash. All orders left | rt J. W. sliack’cf 1(15 will receive prompt attcnlion. ~l®l7 ii mmr] fT’IIE ex roisos of this Aendemy will begin on Monday 1 the 7lh of .January next, under the supervision of NA THAN !’. DRAKE. The session will <h--e on the last Friday in May. Students entering (he school at any time during ii;t scs.- jon. will he charged for the remaning pent of she session: no deduction being made for a.bsceme, cx- i cept in cares of prot;acted iilness. BILL OF “TUITION. I For Orthography, Reading am! Writing t 8,60 “ English Grammar. Geography and Arithmetic... 12,00 “ Natural ITiilosi phy and Fhy'siology, 13.00 “ J,a tin, Greek. Algc l ra. Geometry Ac 1G Off “ Contingent expenses, .* 1.00 Partii-nlar attention wii be given t;- the practical braneh epes of education. Griffin, Nov. iiOth, 1855., .31. if. DR. W. R. MOSELEY.Iias removed to his old stand on Eighth’ Street, and will give fissfr) j prompt attention to the ! PRACTICE GF SOPBERY, i and all Glirnnie TE-- .-kill, for the past Sen rears, in the treatment of Cancers. Cam-eroi- Affections, Tumors of i ll kinds, Srhiiihns Breasts, I'i.-earc of tin- Ear and Eyes, Gonorrluea. riyphilis.Strictere. Ulcers of old standing, I Rheumatism. Dv-poii ia. Liv i- (iina.e. Rpinal rffivti as. j Fistula, Hemorrhoids, together with Mi FEMALE DISK AS- j ES, is not excelled Jiy any Physician in the South. Patients boarded at SI per day. ->r 315 per month. All! communicati'-ns strictly confidential. Ker-ons deriving in- ■ formation will nddr< s-. W. R. WGSELEV, M. D. Gritlhi.Ga. i Giiffin, Feb. tth, 28; ■',. 40. .ly. IIMk'I FftTE undersigned repjieetfully informs the public that lie : J. is prepared to carry on the above business in all its branches, at his shop, on the west side of New Orleans Street Opposite Messrs. Prichard & Wood, lu ca.-e of my absence, i orders may be left at the shop, with any of the ha mis therein employed, but all payments must be made to me andone alone or Ijy my order. T J. ISON. Griffin, Jan. 10th, 1856.. .37. ts CASH STORE! s’. jz :> . PLAT.LK IN BBT GOOES MW MM®, HILL STItKKT,. GRIFFIN, GA RESniGTFUI.Jp solicits the patronagdjk bis friend and the pub^B# Jan. 23, i5jf..”.,35....iy A § — m • P. PER Ml'T, man 11 ; Chet,. GRIFFIN, GEORG I < * . HAS opened a house .>n Broadway, U$ ft© pur , o se of conducting a induction and Coninii.-: ( n Busin s \ll Goods consigned to him will meet wth pi np t a.tention Instructions will be fully an#faithfuliy carried out? Nov 28, ’55 6m 9 WNH: ITE L E A n 7 100 K F G ® J. Extra and Pure White Lead, just re 1 i d iff eale b - v HILL & SMITH, i Griffin, Sept 19, ’56 sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that It purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy. WM. 11. UNDERWOOD, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit** “I take great pleasure in recommending this invalu able medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy— decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried bv me. A. A GAULDING, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.'*’ “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and thie, with all I hear about it as a remedy by those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head; of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. MILES G. DOBBINS, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griffin.’* “ If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob’* Cordial must stand preeminent above all other prepara tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass o* testimony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most it net all other ‘ patent ’ preparations. FL jj MI jj G< Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin." - “ This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity a* fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, ana gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffer sonian, May 19 th, 1853. Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LITER PILLS. Two of the best Preparations of th* If*. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling W orms from, the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liv er Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, See. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. ‘McLane’s, are worthless. # # The genuine McLane 1 * Vermifuge * # and Liver Pills can now Ge had at all respectably Drug Stores. c PLfiMING BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa% Sole Proprietor® )89"Scovil & Mead, N sale Agents for the Sent Stales, i .v.iaui all or ders must be addressed. ♦./Sold by W, B. Seay. Griffin, Ga : John Still well, M;Dou'iugh ;JT Re'so, Greenville ; Hanes Sc Lasseter, Jouesborong i ; Smith it Ezzard, Atlan ta ; Win Barrett, Zebulon ; J C Little, Jackson, McKelberry & Mobley, Indian Springs {Harwell 4 Weaver, Thomas ton : L Little , Barnvsvlilb Jan. 16, 1856....56.... Ij