The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, July 02, 1856, Image 3

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THE EMPIRE STATE, GRIFFIN. JULY 2,1856. The White Chief. Messrs. Cook <fc Go., have kindly laid upon our table anew book, with the above title, by Capt. Mayne Reid, author of “Hunter’s Feast,” “Rifle Rangers,’’ “Scalp Hunters,” and other popular works. “I)ccp in the interior of the American Continent—-more than a thousand miles from the •-shores of any sea -lies the scene” of this romance. To the lovers of the romantic, this new work offers ■a rich feast. For sale at the Book Store of Messrs. l Cook & Go., Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. Published by DcWitt & Devenport, Philadcl* phia. - — ' — : >•> The first Cotton Bloom. On Tuesday, 24th ult.. Mr. J. H. Logan, Sr., sent us two cotton blooms taken from a field on the plantation of Col. Wm. A. Scandrett, in Spalding county, of which Mr. L. is the efficient and enterprising manager. These are the first we ’have scon or heard of in the neighborhood, and iu dicn,* the superior skill of Mr. Logan in . cotton ‘Tusking. A Fortune for Mill Wrights. AT! mill wrights who wish to make their ever lasting fortune, will do well to look at the adver tisement/of Mr. J. D. Lester, to be found in anotli •er place. • 1 Middle Ground Rail Road. A Convention will be held in the city of Griffin on Wednesday. 9th July, composed of the Com* missioned named in the Charter, and those ap pointed hr the Chairman of the last Convention, ‘held in this place. For names of delegates, we rc ffer to the list published to-day. To Correspondents. “Barncsville” is crowded out this week. It s fchall have a place in onr next. “W. A. J., Wacoochee, Ala.” Your paper has ’been regularly forwarded. Its failure is wrapped nspiiu the mysteries of Uncle Sam’s mail bag. 4th of July. This hallowed day will be celebrated by the Odd -Fellows and Masons of Griffin and its vicinity, with appropriate ceremonies.. It is very much to be (regretted that this National festival is becoming !to : be so little esteemed by many of our people.— Ti*ne was when it was celebrated with bon fires ;aid illumination, the roar of musketry and the ‘thunder of cannon. Those were the halcyon days of-our Republic. When shall they return again ? ‘Brethren of the Masonic Order from the neignbor. iiog Lodges, are respectfully invited to be present, ;ad join in the exercises of the day. The Frater nity are requested to meet at the Lodge Room at 310 o’clock. A. M. tCorrc: pondcucc Commercial Adver tiser. Paris, June stli. Politics yield the place, this week, to ex elto.nents of a more local- character. Tite frightful ravages by the floods, in the middle and South of France, have awakened the most jlivelv sympathy at Paris in behalf of the suffer ,ers. No such devastation from floods has -ever been experienced in France. The num iber of houses swept away, of property des troyed, of families ruined and turned destitute in the streets, surpass anything known in America as the result of an inundation. Be side, in France, houses, bridges, railroads, cat tle, grain and grain crops, in fact, all tilings susceptible of being destroyed by a flood, pos sess much more actual value in money than they do in the United States ; and when a man is once ruined in France, it is the labor of a life time to ar ive again at his former po sition. The losses, therefore, are the more deplorable. Notwithstanding the gloat distauce from Paris, the Emperor started suddenly on Sun day to the scene of suffering. He took with him three of his officers and two hundred thousand francs. At Lyons he mounted a horse and rede from point to point through the inundated city, examining the extent of the damage and encouraging thp sufferers by kind words and money liberally given Jle carried a leather bag full of Napoleons, swung to his saddle bow. Where bridges weie carried away, he was obliged to cross the rapid and furious streams in bo:u, and this he did at times, in danger to his life, for the fury of the waters is repye senteu as something awful to behold. He passed down the Rhine as far as Aries, nearly in signt of the Mediterranean, ever where v sing personally the scene of disaster, and r b .ing to the destitute, with his owp u .s. t.\e much, needed relief. After a stay of four ia_ s, the Emperor returned to town to n*. , having left Lyons last evening at 8 o'clock, by a special express train. Commissioners of tlie Midlc Ground Hail Road. The following arc the Commissioners named in the charter of the above Rail Road : Dr Wm. D. Conyers,J M Clark, of Newton •county, Allen W Turner, Joseph A Thrasher, A YV Walker, of Henry county ; A A Gaul iding, m R Phillips, James N Simmons A P Burr and Henry P Hiil, of Spalding county; WmD Alexander aud Giles Driver, of Pike county ; Dr YVimbusb, G G Howard, W More land, Peter Martiu, Henry Harris and R i Marks of Meriwether county :Juo. Murphey A F Johnston, and George II Bryan of Harris county ; Henry T Hall, Jno Ruse, Geo W Winter and Jos B Hill, of Muscogee couuty The Commissioners will please bear in mind tiiat they are requested and solieted to meet in Griffin on the 9th of July next. Let every send ten delegates, each, to assist them iu their deliberations. In pursuance of a resolution of the late con mention at Griffin, I have appointed the fol lowing committees to unite with those above named : Spalding county.—John B Reid, E P Dan iel, II P Kirkpatrick, James H Stark, John Akins, George Prothro, Ishmael Dunn, John R Clark, YY m Blanton, A R Moore. Meriwether county.—John II Me Math, Na thaniel King, James c Freeman, Joseph H Gaston, Jordan Reese, Franklin Kendall, Dr f StaqieaeU VeUW “’ N B Lrelt - Pike county.— ll Green, W II p Hall c? K Reeves, Robert Allen, Wm Brooks, RO Banks, Benson Roberts, Jolm T Hall, James Eppmgcr, John N Mat gham Henry county.-R M Stcll, John Stilwell, A A Lemon, L B Arnold, T Barham E L Gresham, Allen Turner, Thos M Spear’ John A Ellis, P Z W&rd. P ’ Newton county: —J J Floyd, Dr John B Hendrick, farmedas Reynolds, H 11 Harvy Thomas F Jones,J M Fjudley, John Harris, j N Williamson, Lewis Zachary, Dr Slack. For Muscogee—Janies Hamilton, Esq., B A Thorton, Esq.. Hugh M King, Eqs., Maj P J Phillips, Col R C Forsyth, Roswell Ellis, Esq , Benj Clark, John W 1 bompson, Thus D Fortson, 0 M Stone, Esq. For Harris—HenrV Kimbrough, Geo A B Dozier, Esq., Mathew Rbbinson, Wm E Far lev, James N Ramsey, Esq , Joel C Henry, DP Hill, Esq., Dr C C Gibbs, Maj B F White, Dr Chas Fedell. The Committees Will receive the plan of operation after the iiieetiug of the Com missioners. It is important that as many fla can do so, will meet with the Commissioners on the 9th July next, in Griffin, JAS M. MOBLEY. Congressional. Washington, June 23 Senate. Mr. Toombs gave notice of his intention to intro duce a bill, to take the census of Kansas, and to pt otect the exercise of the elective franchise in that territory, and to provide for calling a convention to form a constitution, preparatory to adrnis ion into the Union. Mr. Evans replied to Mr. Sumner's attack on the history and institutions of South Caro lina Senate. —Mr. Fish presented a letter from George Sumner, brother of Senator Sumner. It states that the impression which might be drawn from Dr. Boyle’s letter, that the latter was dismissed from his attendance upon Mr, Sumner on account of the character of the testimony the House Committee, was unfounded, as Tflr di<r®fcM; know at the time. Dr Boyle was dismissed. Senator Sumner was suffering from high fever, with his pulse at 104, and Dr. Perry being willing to take charge of the case, Dr. Boyle’s services were no longer wanted. House. —A bill authorizing the President to cause the Southern boundary line of Kansas tube surveyed and marked off, was passed. Mr. Wakeman gave notice of his intention to introduce a biil, amendatory of the act of 1818, prohibiting the introduction or importa tion of slaves. Buclmuan and the Old Line Whigs. The Natchez (Mississippi) F/cc Trader says: “A gentleman of this City; heretofore a prominent leading Whig, remarked in our pres ence, previous to the assembling of the Cincin nati Convention, that if Mr. Buchanan was nominated, there would be no contest at all in the South, that the conservative portion of the Old Whig party,would give him a unan imous and cordial support, and that the Dem ocratic rule would be insured for the next 20 years. Were we to mention the name of the gentle-1 man who gave this opinion, we know it would j give it greater weight, but, as it was a private j conversation, wc forbear. The sentiment, how ever, is one which we know is entertained by ; most of the conservative Wlrgs in this coun try. Montgomery Journal, a Whig and Fillmore paper, in its issue of the 18th inst, thus consoles itself and its friends’: “Mr Fillmore has not been posted up, or is singularly misinformed. We but stated what we have reason to believe, that Ml*. Fillmore, with his known national conservative principals cannot carry a Northern State, running under the flag of the Know Nothings; for the masses of the Know Nothings themselves will not support him. Men may grumble at us for speaking so plainly ; but we speak what we believe ; at least all who have taken pains to watch or uotire the progress of events. — There is no honesty or policy in attempting to hide these facts.” FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION ORDER OF THE PROCF.SSION, 4tll JULY, 185 G. MUSIC. KNIGHTS OF JERICHO. MASONIC FRATERNITY. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. The Knights of Jericho, Masons and Odd Fellows, will meet at their respective Lodge Rooms at 8J o’clock, a. m At 1 j minutes to 10 o'clock, they will repair to thegrovc in front of the Presbyterian Church, where the procession will form > and at 10 o’clock proceed to tire new Methodist Church, where, after the usual religious exercises by the Rev. J. H. Campbell, the Declaration of Independence will be read by F. D. Dismuke, Esq., and an Oration delivered by th: Rev. Caleb W. Key. Visiting brethren of either of the Fraternities, and the public generally, are cordially in vited to join as. By order of the COMMITTEES. Griffin, July 2, 1856 10..,,1t The State of South Carolina. By His Excellency, J H Adams, Governor and Command ci'dn-Cfiief in and over the State aforesaid- -To all to whom these presents shall came ■ KNOW ye, that the Hon. J', Munro, whose signature ap pears to the certificate ftnuexed, is one of the Judges of the State of South Carolina, aud in turn presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas aud General Sessions for Charleston District, in the State aforesaid— Therefore, all due faith, credit and authority is and ought to i*e had and given to his proceedings and certificates as such. i —•— i In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my < sael. y hand, and caased to be affixed the Seal of the (* —-) State, in the City of Charleston, State aforesaid, the IBth day of June, in the Year of our Lord One Thou sand Eight Hundred and Fifty Six, aud in the 80th year of the Independence of the United States of America. By fhp Governor, J Patterson, J H .\DAMS, Secretary of State. State of South Carolina, District of Charleston: Personally appeared before me, Daniel Horlbcek, Clerk of tfip Court of General Sessions and Common I’lcas, and ex officio Magistrate, William J Stoll, (Carpenter,) who being duly sworn, deposetli and saith, that he has well known JOSEPH PARKER for twenty years past—that the said Joseph served his apprenticeship under this deponent, and completed the same in the year eighteen hundred and forty-three, (1843) and is now about the age of 32—that during the time the said Joseph has been known to depo nent, he has been reputed, taken and allowed by all per sons to be a free person of Indian descent. Deponent knew the father of the said Joseph, who was a Northern man of unquestionable white descent. The mother of the said Jo seph was an Indian, residing on John’s Island, in the said District of Charleston, and known to, and recognized by the inhabitants as agenuine full breed Indian woman—her status never questioned by any one whomsoever. The said Joseph has never been questioned in this community, nor has anyone hesitated to admit him to the rights and privi leges which belong to a person descended from au Indian mother. Deponent further saith, that it is well known to the older inhabitants of John’s Island, that the grand-fa tlier of the said Joseph bore arms and served in the war of the Revolution on the side of the American Patriots, aud that the said grand-father and his daughter, the mother of the said Joseph, have always enjoyed the rights and privi leges of Indians in amity with this State, W J STOLL. Sworn to apd subscribed before me, Panicl Horlbcck, Clerk of the Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas said Court being a Court of General Record and Jurisdic tion having a Seal. i . j Witness my hand and Seal of Court, this 17th I seal. > day of June, Anno Domini, 1856, {—*—') DANIEL HORLBECK, cosher By the Honorable Robert Munro, one of the Judges of the said state, and in turn, Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Charleston Dis trict, in the said State. To all to whom these presents shall come or be made known: Know ye, that Daniel Horlbeck, Esq., who hath sub scribed the above certificate, is Clerk of the Court of Com mon Picas for the Distiict aforesaid, that all due faith aud credit are, and ought to be given to his attestations as such, and that the same are in due form of law. Given under my hand atChajlcston, this 18th day of June, i?..„V ear ot mir Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and K MUNRO. July 2, 1856 10 It Another of the Good Ladles of our City Testi fies to the Efficacy of Dr. M’Lam’s Celebrated Vermifuge. New York, February 7, 1852. I do hereby certify to tne public, that a child of mine, 4 years old, being*troubled with worms, I was induced to purchase a bottle of Dr. M’Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, which I administered, and the result was, it brought away an immense number of worms in bunches and strings, ma ny had L'ne appearance of being cut to pieces. My child is now enjoying most excellent health. I take pleasure in re commending it to both young and old, as one of the lest medicines I ever used. MRS. ANN JEMISON, 38, 9th-st. S®„Perßons will be careful to ask for DR. McLANES CELEBRATED VERMlFUGE,manufactured by FLEMING BROij of Pittsburg, Pa. All other Vermifuges in compari son, ore worthless. Dr. McLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the Signature of FLEMING BROS. tVood’i Hair Restorative. This wonderful preparation is having an extensive sale in all parts of the Union. It is one of the fewpateut medi cines which are now sold over the country, that are really what their inventors claim for them. Wherever it has had a fair trial, the result lias been precisely as Wood predicts. It has never failed to turn the white hair black to the natu ral color, where the directions have been strictly followed, and in numerous cases it hms restored the hair upon heads that bad been bald for yearsV It is not pretended that ft will make the hair grow in Aery case, but where it fails, there is certainly no Remedy. The restoration of the hair lias beep effected in so many instances where the case seem ed utterly hopeless, that it is certainly worth while for all who have lost their hair, to try the experiment of using a bottle or two of Wood’s Restorative. —Moline Workman. AND PHOTOGRAHIC GALLERY. ROOMS OVER J A A J C BERKS’ STORE.! A SHORT TIME ONLY'^V AMBROTVPES of superior style and finish, complete in case, from $1 50 and upwards. Instructions given in the Art, and apparatus furnished. ARTHUR B. CLARKE. June 25, 1856 0....3 SELECT SCHOOL. THE second Term of the Select School under the care of Rev. JOHN W. ATTA WAY, will be resumed on Mon day, 21s July (in.-t.) Patrons will please take due notice thereof. Griffin, July 2, 1856 10 3t GRIFFIN MALE ACADEMY. THE exercises of this School will be resumed on the 14th of July next, under the supervision of the undersigned. Tuition Per Term of Five Scholastic Months : First Class.—Elementary Branches $8 00 Second Class Arithmetic, English Grammar and Geography, $lO 00 Third Class—Natural Philosophy, Physiology, Logic, Rhetoric, Mathematics, Ac sl2 00 Contingent Expenses, 50 eyStndents will be received at any time, and charged from the time of entrance to the end of the Term, without any deduction for lost time, unless occasioned by protract ed illness. JOHN D. STEWART. Griffin, June 30, ISSG 10 2t GRIFFIN SYNODICArFEMALE COLLEGEr TIIF next Term in the Synodical Female College, in Griffin, will open on Monday, the 11th of August. JAMES C. PATTERSON, President. July 2, 1856 10....6t LOST BOOKS. TWO Books, one “Information for the People,’’ the oth er a Liteiary Book by Montaigne, a French writer, were lost by the* Hack Driver between Capt. Driver’s and Griffin, on the Plank Road. •he undersigned would be thankful for those who have found them, to return them to their owner, A. P. Burr, Editor of the American Union. July 2, 1856 10.... It N. B. DRAKE. hope. MANILLA, Cotton and Hemp,all sizes, for sale by JOHNSON A MANGHAM* July 2,,1856 10.. .. Q A SETTS ASH RIMS ; 60 Setts Hubbs, and 30 pairs Dressed Shafts, just received and for sale by JOHNSON A MANGHAM. July 2, 1856 10.... A A A POTS, Ovens, Spiders and Skillets, just received tUU and for sale by JOHNSON A MANGHAM, July 2, 1856 10.... BRASS and Mazlin Preserve Kettles ; French Pots, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Boilers, Pot Covers, Waffle and Wafer Irons, and all other necessary adjuncts for good cooking, at JOHNSON A MANGHAM’S. July 2, 1856 10.... STEAYED I ''ROM the subscriber, living in the 9tli District of Pike county, near Williamsville, on the 18th ult., a bay mare, 12 or 13 years old, chunkey, and on the poney order, with saddle marks. Also a medium black size horse mule,about 8 years old, blink eyed, no other marks recollected. Any information concerning said Estrays, will be tliankfuliy re ceived aud liberally rewarded. Address me at Flat Shual3. Ga. JAMES J DOMINICK. July 2, 1856 Notice—Mill Wrights. THE undersigned is desirous of obtaining an Invention for a Grist Mill, that will grind the most Corn in the shortest space of time, witii an eight foot head of water, and four foot stone, to discharge not more than 180 inches of water. A handsome price will be given for the work, and a premium to the inventor. Persons desirous of under taking the work in accordance with the above description, will address me at Drayton, Dooly county, Ga. J 1) LESTER. Drayton, Dooly county, Ga., July 2, 1856 10.,,.6t PIKE SHERIFF SALE FOR AUGUST. WILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the town of Zebulon, Pike county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in August next,within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Philip Ballard’s interest in one house, and the land it stands on, in the town of BarnesviUe. Pike county, on the west of the Railroad, and north of the Zebulon road—his interest being two years lease, more or less : Levied on to satisfy a ii fa issued from the 533rd District, G. M. William A Wright vs Philip Ballaid. Levy made aud returned to me by A H Raines,Constable. A B VAUIIAN, July 2, 1856 10....tds .Sheriff. BUTTS SHERIFF SALE FOR AUGUST. WILL be sold before the court-house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: One negro girl by the name of Sarah Ann, of dark com plexion, about 9 or 10 years old : Levied on as the proper ty of James B.Camp to satisfy all fa from Butts Superior Court, March Term, 1855—Charles F Newton and Isaac W Nolan, Administrators,Tsc., vs James ft Camp and Nathan F Camp—)i fa now controlled by Bancroft, Betts & Mar shall. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney, James H Stark. R C. BYARS, Sherifl’. July 2, 1856 10 tils Johnson & Maugham, HILL STREET, G RIFE IN, GA., KEEP constantly on hand a large ajid well assorted stock ot English and American HARDWARE, of every de scription, and of superior quality. Iron, cfc Stool. nr A l i l -vlnmu lld /*£“* txt EAßMEßß\ CARPENTERS’, BL ACKSSIITH and TANNERS’ TOOLS-a large assort- VA , r NISHES, BRUSHES and C OLOHS, ot all kinds ; Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes, all sizes ; Lamp, Whale, Linseed and Tanner’s Oil, always in store ; ’ .Carriage Trimmings Os every description, comprising Axles, Springs Snokcs Hubs, Rims, Bands, Boxes, Dashes,Side Arms 1 ’ Lamps. Shatts, Leathers, Cloths, Laces ’ Nails, Tacks, Bolts, Clips Nuts ’ and Wrenches, Wrought and Cast Iron for Saw and Grist Mills, Leather Belting, Ac, Those wishing to purchase Hardware, will do well to call as we deal in that line exclusively, and aside from the laree and varied assortment we offer, our prices are calculated to give satisfaction to all. *@_Sole agents for W • (Jraiigers’s Magic Corn and Cobb Min. June 35, )Ba6 t) ly Wanted to Swap. A beautiful country seat, for a negro girl or other rood property. The piece is in 22 miles of Griffin— 7s acres cleared, good framed gin house and screw; and other out •buildings. Excellent cottou growing on it (it being this year. Titles perfect. Apply or address Editor Em pire-State. Grtliin, June 25th 1856...,9... .2t. FIFTY BARRELS’ RECTIFIED Whiskey, White and Col'd,for sale at a very low figure. Also Moiiougahala, Rye an'd Rurboru Whiskey, Brandies, Wines, Ilum aud Gin, of all qalities to which we invite the attention of country dealers Give uaa call before you buy elsewhere : • HILL it SMITH June 18, 1856 8..-. .ts .. + THE undersigned is row receiving, (on consignment,) 10,000 pounds of choice TENNESSEE. BACON, and has made arrangements with packers in Tennessee U> bjb supplied regularly during the summer, which he will sell low for cash. Also on hand, a full, supply of NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, commonly called Syrup ; Cuba Molasses ; Fair, Prime, Choice, Clarified, Powdered and Crushed Sugars ; Coffee, Candles, Mackerel, Iron,Nails, Factory Thread, Osnaburg, Ac., with a general assortment of Family Groceries and. Plantation Goods, all of which he will sell at reasonable prices for cash or produce, at wholesale or retail. Dealers and Planters are ih\ltcd to Call and examine his stock. G L WARREN, Jonesboro, Ga., June 26, 1866.. ..9 1m Agent. “READ ! HEAD”! DR. W. It. MOSELEY — Dear Sir: Having last year been treated by you for a Cancer on my face, I feel it aduty I owe to you, as well as the afflicted, to state to the public generally, that I am entirely cured of that loathsome dis ease which troubled-me so long. life Cancer was on my face near the left eve, and ithns, by the application of your medicine, been effectually cured without the use of the knife. lam confident from experience, and from what I have seen of other cases, that your remedies are the least painful, and the most'cffectual in removing Cancer, of any other known in this country. Respectfully yours, Witnessed by COLBERT GENTLE. Jambs Edmondson,) F B Morris, f . Spring Place, Murray eo., Ga., May 28, 185 G. T o the P u b lie. ITTITH great pleasure I embrace the opportunity of ad- VV ding my testimony to that of others in favor of the treatment of Cancerous Ulcers, by Dr W R Moseley, °f Grif fin, Ga. Ido certify that I had an Ulcer on my cheek for Bor 10 months I became alarmed and .consulted several Physicians, some of whom pronounced it Cancer I tried various remedies, but all failed to effect a cure I believed it a Cancer, and hearing of l)r Moseley’s skill in the treat ment of them, I visited him in October, 1855, aud was en tirely oured in a few mouths. ~ . W HUDNALL. Gadsden county, Ptju, June, 1850 ..!..9 ts To School Teachers. THE Griffin Brick Acndemv (near the Presbyterian church) is now to RENT. Teachers wishing a school herej might do wclltb call soon as the second term may begin soon—apply t this office. Griffin June 25th 1856.,. .9 2t. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. THE Undersigned has again the pleasure of informing his numerous friends, as well as the public at large, that he is yet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and is fully ■ pre pared, with the assistance.of his sons and his own expe. rience of six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that can be procured, as well as assistance of all kinds, to ask of all those who visit the Spring a generous share of their patronage, intending to spare no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The In dian Spring Hotel is now open, and ready to receive all those that will please to call. There will be at Forsyth Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. * EDW. VARNER. June 4th, 1856 6 3m. HOWE’S COTTON HARVESTER, FOR PICKING COTTON IN THE FIELD. THIS valuable machinc,.second only to the invention of the Cotton Gin, is destined to produce a remarkable change in the method of gathering cotton from the field It will do the work of from three to five hands in picking cotton from the stalk, and is- evidently a labor-saving ma chine. Its benefit to the Planter is incalculable. It picks the cotton dean and free from trash, leaves it in excellent condition for ginning—obviates the necessity of exposing the hands to heavy dews, rains and cold, aud from the ra pidity of its work, will enable the Planter to prepare his crop for market at an early day, leaving him time for the improvement of his land, houses, enclosures and general arrangement of the Plantation. It is light, weighing about 8 pounds, is suspended by a strap over the shoulders,and is.operated by means of a crank turned by the hand or fingers. The simplicity of this ma chine'!* Its leading feature—it is not liable to get out of or der, and any negro of ordinary capacity, is competent to use it. One harvester, with proper cale, will last a series of years. We are now selling State and County Rights for the man ufacture and use of the above machine. Any infoniation relative thereto.can be obtained by calling on A. Wildbur, General agent for Georgia. Florida, North and South Caro lina, at liis office, 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., or at the stores of the subscriber, 135, Congress Street, Savannah, Ga., or 125 Meeting Street. Charleston. S. C , where the ma chine can be seen in operation. Price of the machine, $2...®r ALFRED WEBSTER, Traveling Agent. Savannah, Ga., June.ll, 1856 7 ts T J EATON m X>, HAS taken rooms at the Georgia Hotel, in Griffin,where he will remain a few days. Having for several years devoted his entire attention to the practice of surgery, in its various departments, he proposes to treat the following diseases and surgical deformities : Inflamation of the Eyes. Granular Lids, Stoppage of the Tear Passage, or Watery Eyes, Ptyregium. Cararact Ptosis, (drooping of the upper eye-lid.) Ectropium, Entropium, aud other deformities of the eye-lid, speedily removed. Strabismus, or Cross Eyes, cured in a few seconds. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain, possessing all the movement anil appearance of the natural Eye, Club Foot. Gortieollis, (wry neck,) Hare Lip, effectually relieved. Enlarged Tonsils, Tumors, Ac., re moved when desired. Griffin, May 14, 185 G 3... ts PIANO FORTES. THE undersigned having opened a Piano Forte and Mu sic Ware Room, in Markham’s Building, corner of Hill and Broadway now exhibiting for sale a splendid assortment of PIANOS, direct from the very bestmanuftuv turers North. These PI- • -a- n for beauty of fi nish, power and volume tone, are not excelled by any others made in ? 1 ? f f'the Union, having all the newest and latest improvements in them. The styles range from the Plain Square Six Octaves, up to the rich and elegantly carved centre seven OCTAVE FIANO. They will he sold at precisely “New York retail rates with only the addition of freightfrom New York. A writ ten guaranty will accompany every one sold, to this effect: “If at any titne'within 12 month’s using, any defect is found which cannot he remedied to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, it can be returned and exchanged for anoth er.” Prices range from $225 to s.>oo, according to finish, &c. Tile newest and latest publications of Sheet Music always on hand,together with a fine stock of SUPERIOR OLD VIOLINS, and nearly every thing usually found in Music Stores. * J. W. SHACKLEFORD. Griffin, April 9 : , 1856 49 ly NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. JOHN H. WHITE, WEST SroE OF HILL STREET, GRIFFIN,. GEORGIA. ‘I vJrt HAS just received his Spring and Summer snp fijlplj’ of Gentlemens’ Dress Goods, to which he invites ifjf,,special attention. His stock comprises careful se . lections from the most approved and beautiful styles rathe New York market, consisting of Black and Fancy OoloFed Cloths Dbeskin Cassimeres. Plain and Fancy Linen and Marseilles for Pants ; Plain and Fancy Silk aud Marseilles Vesting ; FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Cravats, Scarfs. Hair Stocks, Opera Ties, Black White and Fancy ; Black and Fancy Cravats ; Silk, Linen and Lawn-Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Gloves, Half Hose. Silk and Cotton ; Night Caps. Shirts, Drawers, Under Shirts, Silk, (Jottou and Liilcn ; Shirt Collars, Suspenders, Cravat Buckles? Chat Links, Waist Belts. CLOTHING) Superior 1 Black and Fancy Frock Coats; Plain and Fancy Cassitoare Frocks ; Italian and Alpacca Frocks; Drab de te Frocks ; White and Colored Linen Duck Frocks ; White aud Fancy Linen Drill Frocks ; Plain Linen and Grass Frocks; Black Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere Pants White and Fancy Linen and Marseilles Pants ; Black, White and Fancy Silk Vests ; White, Buff and Fancy Marseilles Vests; White Linen Duck Vests ; Planter’s Linen Vests, HATS Extra Mole Skill Hats, Leary Style ; Black and Faucy Soft Hats : Panama, Leghorn and Black Straw Hats. fiS,tie would inform his customers, that his stock is large rand more comp let 0 than it everhas been, and he flat ters himsell that lie the good taste of any who may favor him witb'ii aalK His motto is “small profits aud quick sales.” JBU terms aarcash, or to those w horn he has tried,and know to be punctual, on short time.. Griffin, May W, 1856:3 ts THE subscriber expecting to remove from this section of country, offers fin sale the house and lot where he now resides in North Griffig anfi with it, if desired 20 acres of woodland within half mile of the same. Also the house and lot occupied hy W. Waddy in West Griffin, a beautiful resi dence, containing 7or B.acres of land. Also his possession of land N°Uh West of Griffin, and within five miles of the city, containing 812 acres, There hi about 40 acres of rich bottom on said phuifation .about JO 1 of which is Well drained arid now in suocSsstul cultivation.’ Godd bargains Will be given as I ant 1 dqtamfuqd toselh- O • o >4l ‘ A. mrCKNEP. Gnfln, May 28th IBSC 5. 3m, MESSRS. store formerly occupied by. Wm. Fleming, have on JigmLand are how receiving feliirge and splendid asßtilt meirt of SPiNG AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in pdvt of STABLE AKDFANCY DRY GOODS Clothing, i?ats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware <*<l Crockery, and allother articles suited to wants of the public. fl®_The Ladies especially are inv’ted to call and examine heir new and splendid assortmentol . •acc, Moire Antique, and Scarf Mantillas. Griffin, Hill Street, March 26, 1856 47..**“ MORE REV BOOKS, AT COOK 8 CO'S BOOK BOOK!! Salad for the Social ....Pncc $1,25. Salad for the solitary “ 1,25. Earnest Linwodd, by Mrs. I.oc lientz “ 1,00. A Defence of American Policy,. “ 1,00. The Creole Orphans, ... “ 1,00. Webster’s Quarto Dictionary, •* 5,50. Novels and light reading to suit all. at COOK & CO.’s Music and Book Room. May 13th, 1856 3 *f. Mrs. J. ML LUNQUEST, HAVING returned from Market, respectfully informs her customers and the Ladies generally, that she has a line assortment of new and elegant Bonnets, Mantillas & Ribbons, to which she invites their especial attention. Among her stock of BONNETS are some superior to any thing that has ever been in this market. < Itootns oh Broadway, second door above the Interior Bank. N. B. —Bonnets cleaned and pressed. . Griffin, April 23, 1856 .1 ts HARDWARE & IRON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NATHAN WEED, AT the old stand of E. B. WEED, Macon, Ga., keeps constantly on hand, a large and complete assortment of the following, all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates : IRON and STEEI,.-*Swedes, English and Refined Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel,Tin Plate. Ac. CARRIAGE MATERIALS. —Hubsfßfms^ha^ns^Pa- tentand Enamelled Leather.Bands.Lining Nails, Bolts, Ax le Clips. Castings, Ac. Pl. VXTEK S HOES.—Seovill’s, Brade’s Patent, and other Hoes. Mechanics Tools.— 'SK"’ MILL IRONS—MiII Cranks, Mill Picks, Mill Saws, Cir cular Saws, 48 to 52 inches, Ac., Ac. Macon, Ga., May 7, 1856 NEW SPRING & SUMMER Goods. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends, and the public generally, that ’ie has in store, and is receiving direct from New York, a full supply of SPRING if* SUMMER GOODS, consistingin part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Mantil las, Bonnets. Hats, Caps. Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, and all other aitides usually kept in this market, which he would invite the public to call and ex amine. SAMUEL B. MCWILLIAMS. At the old stand of McWilliams A Cos. Hill Street, Griffin, Ga., April IC, 1856... .50... .ts NEW GOODS. SALMONS, BOOTH & CO., ABE now receiving their new stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting of Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Crockery, Grocc ties, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, Ac. Having closed off our old ?■! stock within the last three months, the place has M l>een filled bv fresh sup plies, just received from market, which fact, we trust, will induce the public to give us a call. We will sell our Goods as usual, on time till fall, and are determined to offerstrong inducements to such as wish to make cash purchases. SALMONS, BOOTH A CO. Griffin, Ga.. April IG, 1856..... .50... 3m A OXtOUJD & SON, (I.ATK CLOCn A SHACKLEFOII!>,) “'ILL continue the PIANO FORTE and . ; 'JHMUSIO BUSINESS in this pla e. Our stock JJ J jiT J U i- s large, embracing every style of Instrument, from the plain to the tine and elegant Semi-Grranci Piano, We intend keepiug a large stock on hand. t&r Persons wishing to buy, will do well to give us a call. We will war rant all Pianos satisfactorily to purchasers. Roams in Griffin, Marietta and Rmre. April 2, 1856 ..48....1y ffS~ Some are of the opinion that the firm of A. Cloud & Son and J. W. Shackelford's are the .sime. The firm of A, Cloud A- Hon is the. original firm of the old firm of Cloud A Shackelford, kept at tlie old Stand, Hill Street, up-stairs over Cook A Co.'s Book Store, where rents arenothing, clerk’s hire, Ac. A. CLOUD A SON. KICnARDS & BROTHER, KEEP A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Cheap, Cash, Book and Music Store, Hill Street, 2 and door from the. Railroad', Griffin, Ga. t£s_,The New Publications received as they are issued from the press, and sold at Neto York Retail Rates! %s_, A full supply of COLLEGE ANI) SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS, always on hand. Orders, per mail, promptly at tended to. Established January, 1855. December 10th, 1855. 33-ly EAST TENNESSEE. THIS celebraTFo O 'WATERING place YT7ILL be opened on the first, day of June next., bv the VV undersigned, formerly of the Washington Half, hut mere recently of the Floyd House, in Macon, Ga. In as.- suming the management of this New and Extensive Establishment, the subscriber will spare no labor or ex pense to make it, not only a pleasant resort to those in search of pleasure and relaxation, but a comfortable home to the invalid in pursuit of health. The high medicinal properties of the water have been ascertained by careful scientific analysis, and their superi or efficacy in the cure of various diseases has been tested by thousauds of persons. Indeed, in the cure of Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarhoea, Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, and near ly every other disease of a formidable nature, the waters are probably unsurpassed. Pamphlets having been published containing a full anal ysis of the waters,and its remedial virtues, (which persons can have on application to the undersigned,) he would merely say in this notice to the public, COME AND TEST IT FOR YOURSELVES. *3- The best route for reaching the Springs, is to Knox ville, Tennessee, by Railroad, aud thence 25 miles by Stage via Marysville. 11. P. REDDING, Proprietor. May 28th, 185 C 5 2ms. CASH STORE. MACON, GEORGIA. NEW SPRING GOODS. - THE subscriber is now receiving anew and hand stock of FANCY AM) STAPLE DKY GOODS, suitable for the ♦ SFJIINV and summer trade, among which will be found almost every article in this line, which he intends to ofler on the best terms. Also, a large stock of CARPKTIJIG, Oil Cloths,Paper Hangings, Window Shades, taulfis friends and the public are. requested to give him a call. GEORGE W. PRICK. March 5. 185 G 44..,, morn & §m~ HAVE lust received from Ifcw York, a large lot of PIA NO FORTES, in addition to their already extensive stock of Instruments, They hare received very fine Instrument, that caunot be ex celled by any other Pi-f Jg> f J Jano in the South. It is a very large centre Piano, being finished back And fnvit alike with Louis XlYth legs,with the new improvement ortbe bearing of the spring. This is something new, and can hut be liked by all that? are judges of Pianos. It ha'* the grand actiop hollow tube brace, ornamented inside und out, hav ing a tone that cannot be excelled. All lire invited to call and examine for themselves. The New York .prie£ is S7OO. Who will buy this Piano ? They received at the same time five $250 Instruments, being plain, but of very She tones— u _ . A. QLGD & SON. Griffin,Ga. May 28, 1856'. 0.,..1m LEATHER( LEATHER!! HARNESS, Sble, and Upper Leather for sale “by Feb. 26,1850.. ts JAMES L. JOHNSON 23 TRY; DRS, CLA R K & EME RSON HAVING formed a copartnership in the (Trt’Swj&Wk practiceof DENTISTRY, would respectfully fender their sferVices to the public. Dr. E. besides being an experienced operator, hr a graduate of the Philadelphia Cdllegfe of Hurgei-y; and brings with liitri all the improvements in the practice of Dentistry. The high testimonials and beautiful spfecimFhs of Dr. E. show that he has spared neither time nor expense lt arrive 0 time nor expense shall be spared in pcrftjrtnitig all operations in the hiost beautiful and durable tfaannrr— At thfe saine time while they consider it bitter to pay trffie more to haVe fehth saved, than a trifle lees to have them ruined, .their cHatges'shall not be .bigiiOr thah the soinfe kind of operations would eothmaird ardho Nonl), F. Y. CLARK.............G. W. EMERSON. D. D.S; Griffin.Feb.2,lßss • • • • -42: -Ctn \ The proprietor of the well known stand lit having fitted up the front toon! in the Xjgg||jr finest sty is now oi>eniDg & line Stockot Groceries aid Confcctimarirt-, all fresh and “genuine,” oil Os which he will sell low lot cash. Among them will be found crushed and pondered Sugar ; all kinds of Pickles ; ptfklcil Lobsters , a tineslot of Natural Preserves ; Prunes in Jars for table use , pre served figs and dates; SODA BUTTER and I’icNic Crackers ; Sardines and Catsup ; English and American Mustard ; fine Layer Raisons ; Nuts of all kinds; an assorted lot of Candies, Ground Pepper ; Carbonate of Sodft ; Peal Starch, Table Halt, Cod Fish, irish Potatatoes, Rice, Mess Pork and Yan- * kce Beans ; all kinds of Fruit, Dried Beef, and Uolongna Sausages, aud Snuff for the Ladies, Cut of all kinds. , llis Bar has leen befitted in the rear, which will befouncf as usual, full of the Best £ggjjr\ Litiuors aud Cigars, and his well known Bar KeercldEtlßtr will lie found always ready to make his custom-* 1 era any thing in his linei ICE always on hand. Thankful fyr past favors, he is determined to retain the good repiitatibh he has gained forhimself and house. J. V: SHERRILL. Griffin, May 3,1855—ts DENTISTRY. A. CLEVELAND A SONS, RESPECTFULLY’ inform the public that they are pre pared to carry on the Dental Business in all its various branches, J®gEs>yj@viz:to put up full and partial setts of TEETH on G OLD PLATE in complete and workmanlike style, w ith artificial gums imi tating nature in beautiful life-like appearance. Also, the most difficult cases fitted with accuracy, so ,as Yvoffi with ease ; also, decayed teeth neatly filled with, gd.Ju,.any great care taken to render the operation fitjendant with isi little pain ns possible. Those paql AUibK. skillfully ex tracted, if desired. Those suffering with toothache, re lief given in most cases. Also, we shall keep a Daguerreotype Offict, and take likenesses in the best of style. afipßa'iisfiK.tlon guaranteed in all cases, and charges very reasonable— Work done on the shortest notice. Also, for sale, Golcj Foil, Plate, Excavators, Burs. Drills. Artificial Teeth, and Daguerreotype Sluik . Terms, CASH, Office ut the corner of Hill and Broadway Streets, up-stairs. A. CLEVELAND A SQNF, Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1850 50....1y CASH STORE! J. p. MZXNNXt, DKALEIt IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, HILL STREET,.. .lilt IFFJN, Ci RESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of his friend 1 and the public. Jun. 23, 1856 38 ly YOU DESERVE CREDIT FOR YOUR Disoovunxi PROFESSOR Wood’s Hair Restorative, is, no doubt, the most wonderful discovery of this age of progress, for it will restore, permanently, grey hair to itsorigiutil color, co ver the head of the bald With a foost luxuriant growth, re move atonce all dandruff and itching, cure all scfofifla and other cutaneous eruptions, such as scpltl head, Ac. It w ill cure, as if by magic, nervous or periodical headache, make the hair soft, glossy and wavy, aiid presoive the color per fectly, and the hair from falling, to .extreme, old age. We could give the testimony of more than one hundred thousand to the truth of every w ord we have w ritten. See tircularand the following: The following is from a distinguished member of the med ical profession : St. Paul. January 1, 1855. Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir : Unsolicited. Isend you this’ certificate -. After being nearly bald for a long time, and having tried allthe hair resfo&tives extant, anql having uu faith in any. 1 was induced on’ hearing 6f you fs, to eivfc it a trial. 1 placed myself ha the hands of a iWber, and bad my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, and the, i estyrative thou applied, and well rubbed in, till fhs esalp whs This 1 rrpeated every morning, and in flirt (; weeks tbi young haie appeared, and grew'rapidly from August last; till the prsent time, and is now thick, black and strong - soft and pleasant tothe touch ; whereas, before it was linrsli and wiry, what little there was of it, and that little was dis appearing very rapidly. I still use your restorative about twice a week, and sha’ll soon have a gord and pci feet crop of hair. Now if I had read of these things, and who baa not f but have not seen hitherto any, case where any per. son’s hair was really benefited by any of ,tb£ hair tonics, Ac., of the day, ami it really gives me pHist/fc (6 fecora the result of my experience. I have recommended your preparation to others, and it already has a large and “gem end sale throughout the Territory. The people here know its effects,and have confidence in it. The supply you sent us, its wholesale agents for the Territory, is nearly exhaust ed, and daily inquiries are made for it. You descive credit for your discovery ; and I, for one, return you my thanks for the benefit it has done me, for 1 certainly had despaired long ago of ever effecting any such result.^ Yours hastily, * J W ROND Firm of Bond A Kellog,Druggist,St. ffiiul We annexa few certificates to corroborate our assertions: Carlisle, 111., June 27, 1853. I have used Prof. O J Wood’s hair ftsforatiVe, and have admired its wonderful effect M l )’ hair was becoming, as I thought, permanently grey, but, by the use of the restora tive, Rhas resumed its ongindT color, and I havenodouh permanently so. , SYDN E Y BREESE, ~ExSenator United States The undersigned, Rev J K Bragg, is a minister in reguffi standing, and pastor of the Orthodox Church, at Brickfield, Mass He- Is a gTiitfeman of considerable htSuence, ati’4’ universally beloved 1 . WM DVFR Brookfield. January t~, 1855 Prof Wood—Dear 6ir : Having made trial 1 Os your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been excellent in removing inflamation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, with which I have bceff trou bled from my childhood ; and has also restored my hair,- which was Imeowinirgrey, to its original color 1 have used no other article, b inl any thing Hire the sahib pleasure or profit Yours truly, J- K BRAGG,-* 114, Market Street-, St Louis, March 6,. lb’s Dear Sir: lam doing an extensive travel in the West and South-western States, as generalagent for Adams’American Liniment,and would be glad if you would favor me with m consignment of Prof Wood’s Hair Restorative, as I feel as sured that I can introduce it in many places where it is ne t known, as my head is a living testimony of its valuable pro ‘ perty, in restoring the hair to its natural cokdf. lam forty years old, and my hair was almost white: but after using three half pint bottles, my htrfr is rib WHutaftll adbuinas is was at sixteen, and much improved in appenranee.arid T would not be without a bottle on hand, for the price of ten I should Ik-’ very glad to attend to any matter connected with the Hair Hestorativc I havebeen fbrfiftcin j'Sam Engaged, in the same business, and glad tohear from you aoon Very respectfully, WM B BROOME ASTO J WOOD’ & CO.. Proprietors, 312. Broadway, New York; 114. Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Griffin by Wm B Seav. April 2, ifeiG......3ffi I.lnch's Antl-llhcumntft- PoWdcn. Asafi 1 , *p!ed>i and radital cure for Rheumatism, Pheumat if Gout and Sciatic#.- Wcthc undersigned citizens of Putnam, Cos. Ga. ckeftil ly bear testimoney to the efficacy of Limb’s Anti-Rbeuvnsf.-. ic Powers in the treatment of acute dV chronic Rheuiua-i ttem. many cases hnving been successfully treated by P*. A, G. Gibson, withinoite personal knowledge to YljtWlk’ Utvs#i Powders were princijmlly used’.- Joel Brafibiibi, M. lb Win. R. Carter, Stephen B. Marshall, j). j{. Adairs, T. B. Harwell, Thomas Reapers, Daniel Slade, Michael Dennis Gvß.Thomas, A. NicWysonA others. Any reasonably number of individual certificates can b* given in attestation of theft efficacy. . . ‘ Prepared <td sold by J. G. Gibßon, M. D., Eaton ton, Ga, at $5 per Box. All ofdbfs directed.!o‘ hint, with the above sum enclosed . and a of the casa. shall receive with the Medb . e : me such advice as may suit any peculiarity thereof: ; For sale by Brawner A Dnffey, Griffin Ga, and J. G. Gib son, Eatyntoix, Ga. ‘ r May, 20t(h 1856. 4....1y, . W OTICE “ HAVING purchased a Piano Forte of A Cloud * Son T take pleasure in stating to persons wishing to buy. tout 1 think they can buy good and substantial from this firm. Their prices are reasonable, being the reg nlar N AorkretailprtrW, with the frei hfs difference. They warrant to this effect : If after using it 12 month#, mj de fect is found which caunot be remedied to the faction of the purchaser, they will take it hack extra c.hargc to the purchaser! Their stock, is Isige. Mti bracing every style, from the cheapest to the highest preete Imtiuments. g p DANIEL*” June 23, 1850 9..,.1m ‘ * “