The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, August 13, 1856, Image 4

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Lore Scene. Mr. Popps paid his two hundred and sixty seventh visit to Miss Clarissa Cooler the oth er evening. He found her in a rocker, alone in the parlor; stole bis arm around her alabas ter neck, and sipped the nectar of her cherry lips—a proceeding there was not the least harm in, considering that they had come to an agreement, and were generally reported to be on the high road to matrimony. The la dy took all quietly —even indifferently, to judge from the lassitude of her attitude in llie rocker, her lazy use of her fan, and her excla mation of something between a heigh-ho and a yu-hum. Commonplace were disposed of. Then fol lowed a silence. broken only by Mr. Popps slapping at the mosquitoes, and Miss Clarissa fauniug herself uneasily At length Popps proposed a promenade and ice cream. Clarissa declined both, ad ding, I wish to stay at home, fori have something particular to tell you. Indeed, said Popps, what it is dear. You expect our wedding to take place in three weeks don’t you? To be sure I do Well lam sorry to disappoint you. but! must do it. I cannot marry— Good heavens, Clarissa what are you sav ing ? Don’t interrupt me. 1 mean I can’t marry just yet a while, not for some months to come. Why Clarissa, what’s the meaning of all this ? You gave me your positive promise, and said nothing stood in the way. I am all ready and worried with waiting—why do you put it off, dear. That you will have to excuse my telling you. I have a good reason for it —and my mind is made up. Will that satisfy you. Popps mused awhile- Clarissa kept her fan going. Finally, Popps spoke. Mo, Clarissa, it won’t satisfy me. You post pone our wedding, and refuse to tell me why. It you have a reason for it you ought to let me know it, and maybe it would satisfy me.— But I won’t be satisfied without a reason. Well then, you’ll have to remain unsatisfied. I tell you I have a reason, and a good one— what more do you want ? I see how it is—l’ve courted you too long—l did’ut strike while the iron was hot— you are tired of me, and wish to get rid of me. Well, if that is your wish, go ahead. Mr. Popps you’re a dunce —you’re a fool ! Maybe I am and maybe I ain’t, rising with his temper, but this I’ll say Miss Clarissa, if you don’t tell me why you postpone the wed ding for a few months, you may postpone it for ever, so far as lam concerned. Tell me Clar issa, else I swear that when I leave this house to-night, I will never set foot in it again 1 Well, then you’d better go ! \ ery well. Good night, Miss Cooler. Popps reached the door, Clarissa followed him; and seeing that he was in earnest, cried to him to stay. Popps came back. Clarissa put her head on his shoulder and cried. Popps melted. Popps spoke first. Well deaf, what’s the matter ? Oh 1 think you are so unreasonable and cruel ! indeed, indeed, I have a good cause for putting off our marriage—but 1 cannot tell you what it is. Oh, dear Mr Popps, excuse me ! And she cried a little more. Well Clarissa, tell me this. Do you put it off to please your father or’ any of your rela tions ? No—they know nothing of my determina tion. Do you put it off on account of anything concerning me ? No. Do you want to go anywhere, or do any thing particular, that will keep you from mar rying ? * No. In God’s name then, Clarissa what do you want ! Why keep me in this suspense. Oh Mr. Popps you’re so cruel I Maybe 1 ought to tell you the obstacle—but I caD’t in deed I can’t. • Just as you please, Miss Cooler. And Popps again picked up his hat. Ob, Mr Popps pray don’t go—don’t go yet yet awhile ! Then Miss Clarissa, tell me the obsticle. Popps was evidently determined. Clarissa put her her head on his shoulder, laboring un der a strange agitation. Several times she es sayed t<f speak. At length she breathed into his ear these fearful words: The weather's too hot. 1 opps wafted. W hen our spirit left he was advocating a trip to the White Mountains. B@KThe New York National Democrat states that a member of Congress has bet ten thou sand dollars that Mr. Buchanan will carry twelve Northern States—Maine, New Hamp shire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Mew Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illnois, lowa, \\ isconsin, Michigan and California SIO,OOO has also been left at the Democrat Office, by a merchant in South Street, to bet on the election ot Buchanan. Another Shooting Affair.— On Saturday night last, another shooting affair occurcd at one of those sinks of vice in the lower part of the city, in which Charles Barrow was shot by Martain Watson; four back shot taking effect in the side of Barrow. We understand that the difficulty grew out of some raisunderstaning be tween the parties relative to a “frail daughter of Eve.” Barrow is dangerously wounded, but hopes are entertained of his recovery. Watson has not yet been arrested, though we under stand he is on the Alabama side of the river, and takes no pains to counccal himself, believ ing himself to have been perfectly justifiable in the act.— The Corner Stone. A Man with Eleven Wives.— There is said to be now living in the neighborhood of Glas gow, Scotland, a lady in her lOtth year: and very recently another female is reported to have died at the age of 101; whilst acarpenter named John Walney, died in Glasgow in lt4t, who was actually 124 years old. He married eleven wives, all of whom he buried, and of his sev enteen children, five survived him, whose united ages amounted to 326 years. Feathering iiis Own Nest. —Lane, the Kansas patriot, is feathering his nest finely from the contributions of the aid men, in this State. He refuses to pay his men, intending, no doubt, to keep the means for his own use when he gets into the Teritory. He has lately had a diffi culty among some of his men, who gave him a severe flogging. A few such whippings might do him some good, if he is not too far gone for any influence to reach him. Our men here should call a meeting immediately and send on a fresh supply of means to this “self-sacri ficing patriot and philanthropist ! Shall we have a call ?—Bloomington Flog. A Story of Misplaced JLove —How certain Ladies were Swindled by a Scamp. The Cincinnati Daily Times has the following story .- Some time since, Lieutenant Hurst, of the city Police, and other officers, who had been for some time engaged in ferreting out the perpetrators of a forgery, arrested a young man, who, it is evident, was the principal in the transaction. After his arrest, the officers, as is their custom, took posses sion of his baggage, which they searched for evi dence of his character, and of the crime. Among other documents, they found a bundle of letters from numerous ladies, living in different localities, and with whom, it appears, the fellow- has been playing the part of the gay deceiver. It seems that whenever lie could make an im pression upon the heart of a good looking lady, he would ;lo so, and, though a married man, was at all times ready to make an engagement, if lie could make money by the operation. The officers have ascertained that, in one instance, lie borrowed a horse and suniof money from his affianced, and then disappeared; and, it would appear from the letters, that in some localities lie was engaged to marry more than one of his lady acquaintances.— One who signs herself ‘"Grace,” writes from the northern part of the State. She complains of his attentions to another, but forgives him, and closes her letter with a fervent reiteration of love. There is a letter from another, thought t.o be an orphan girl. She appeals most tenderly to his manliness, and as she knows he is the only one up on whom she can rely for protection, begs him not to desert her. She, too, complains of his atten tions to another. In the budget are several from one lady, all long and exceedingly well written. She, like all the rest, is much attached to the gay deceiver, and chides him frequently for his neglect of promise solemnly made. In one of the letters she speaks as follows : “I have for one year been living in suspense, in expectation of, I hardly know what. I have sacrific ed situations, or rather refused such, where I could be enjoying a little of the comforts of life ! 0 God! deal mercifully with my aching heart. You pos sess a heart. I beg of you deal justly with me, and do not say you will do a thing, and then not do it. I beseech you, do not set any more time to come, and not do it. You told me when we seperated. you would be home by Christmas, and you wrote you would be here by the 10th of this month. I can bear this no longer. You are breaking my heart, not in this alone, but iu other business. Are you getting a divorce? Speak truthfully. Kcmember,*one day you must render an account for every deed done in the body. You say you love me, and there have been times when I believed you. Let me repeat to you flying ru mors. Your friend, Mrs. , has been here on a visit from L . She came to advise with her father-in-law in regard to getting a divorce. He consented, and she then said that she “was en gaged to another, giving your name and descrip tion. Mr. TANARUS., recognized you, and told her of your professions to me. She left the next day rather disconcerted. Now, what does this mean 9 I think this accouuts for you neglecting me for months. Then Miss J. C., has been telling a lu dicrous yarn concerning your trying to marry her. She tells your conversation, and it is just as you have talked to me.” These are specimens of the entire correspon dence. READ!READ! DU. W. R. MOSELEY—Dear Sir: Having last year been treated by you for a Cancer on my face, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as the afflicted, to state to the public generally, that I am entirely cured of that loathsome dis ease which troubled me so long. ‘I he Cancer was on my face near the left eye, and it has, by the application of your medicine, been effectually cured without the use of the knife. lam confident from experience, and from what I have seen of other cases, that your remedies are the least painful, and the most effectual in removing Cancer, of any other known in this country. Respectfully yours, Witnessed by * COLBERT GENTLE. James Edmondson, 1 F B Morris, j Spring Place, Murray co., Ga., May 28, 185 G. To the Public. WITH great pleasure I embrtice the opportunity of ad ding my testimony to that of others in favor of the treatmeutof Cancerous Ulcers, by DrW RMoseley, of Grif fin, Ga. Ido certify that I had an Ulcer on my cheek for Bor 10 months I became alarmed and consulted several Physicians, some of whom pronounced it Cancer I tried various remedies, but all failed to effect a cure I believed it a Cancer, and hearing of Dr Moseley’s skill in the treat ment of them, I visited him in October, 1855, and was en tirely cured in a few months. W IIUDNALL. Gadsden county, Fla., June, 1856 9 ts A Large Lot OF Swedes, English and Refined Iron, Horse Shoe Oval, Band, Rail Road, Round and Square Iron, just received and for sale by JOHNSON & MANGHAM. Griyju, July 23, issg- BOOK AND JOB OFFICE THE EMPIRE STATE, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. THE PROPRIETOR. OF THE Having recently received a large assortment of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FANCY TYPE AND BORDERS, Are now prepared to execute, in the best sty.c, and at short notice, all kinds of plain nub dknnnroitnl printing, SUCH AS PAMPHLETS Circulars, Label*, Business Cards, Catalogues, Programmes, Address Cards, BUI Heads, Posters, Visiting Cards Rank Checks, Hand Bills, Freight Rills, ’ Blank Notes, Legal Blanks, fyc.,fyc.,fy\ PRINTIfUf I COLORS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. RATES OF ADVERTISING! THE following arc the Rates of Charges for Advertising, determined on between the undersigned, to take effect from the time of entering into any new contract:— 4S~Transicnt Advertising, $1 00 per square, for the first nsertion, and 60 cents for every subsequent one. CONTRACT ADVERTISING,I3 mos. 6 mos. 9 mos 12 ms 1 square, without change,..... $ 6 00 $ 8 00 $lO 00 sl2 00 Changed quarterly... .7 00 10 00 12 00 16 00 Changed at will 8 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 t squares, without change, 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 Changed quarterly,... 12 00 18 0Q 24 00 28 00 Changed at will 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3 squares, without change 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 l uar ln rly • • 18 00 22 00 26 00 34 00 „ .- . Changed at will, 20 00 26 00 32 00 40 00 Half column, without change.. 26 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 2800 3200 4500 5500 Changed at will, 35 00 45 00 sft ftft rnnn One column withontchange... 60 00 70 oS 8? 22 $> 00 Changed quarterly,.. 66 00 76 00 90 00 noon Changed at wi11,..... 70 00 86 00 inn no 19s 00 20,000 POUNDSOf A BA B C °M N Aftffi’^r Gtiffin, March 26, 1856 47... .ts * CO - MANILLA, Cotton and Hemp, all sizes, for sale bv , 9 JOHNSON & MANGHAM. July 2, 1856 10.... LEGAL SALES. SPALDING SHERIFF SALE FOR SEPTEMBER. WILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Tart of Lot of Land, No. not known, in the 1069th Dist., U. M., containing 160 acres more or less, with the improvements thereon; the same being the place’ whereon Thomas Henderson now lives. Levied on to satisfy 8 Jus tice Court fi fas, issued from the Justice's Coui-t of the 1069th Dist., G. M., in favor of S. F. Whitaker vs. said Henderson; also to satisfy other ti fas in my hands. The Justice Court fi fas levied and returned to me by IVm. Miller, L. C . Property pointed out by defendant. A. A. WOOTEN, Sh'if. Jnly 30th, 1856 tds. Pike September Sales. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Zebulon on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land number one hundred and thirty (130) in the eighth district of original ly Monroe now Pike county, levied on a-; the property of George W. Martin to satisfy a fi. fa.issued from the Superi or court of Pike county in favor of John Neal vs., George W. Martin property pointed but by plantin’ tenant iu pos session notified. Also the North linlfpf lot ofland number forty one (41) in the Ninth district of originally Monroe now Pike county levied on as the property of Joseph. Crawford to satisfy three Justice Court li. fas. in favor of J. A. A .T C, Beck's vs, Joseph Crawford, issued from the Justice Court of the 5:54th dist. G. M, in said county, property levied on and returned to me by Peter B. Sealy Constable in said county of Pike. WM. H. McLENDOX, Dqi'ty Sli'ff. August 1,1856 15... .tds. AdsuinistrsutotsSale. \ WILL be sold agreeable t/ an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Spalding county on Tuesday Hie 30th of Septet;*-ber next, at the late residence of Richard P. Ellis deceased, all the perishable pioperty'of said estate consisting of line PORK HOGS and STOCK HOGS, four mules, a line buggy horse and buggy, a yoke of fina oxen and a good lot of cows and calves, bouse hold and kitchen furniture Ac. V ALSO on the first Tuesday in October next will be sold before the court house door in the city of Griffin iu Spald ing county by virtue of tin order of above named court all the Land belonging to said estate viz., !o” no 35 is the place where the widow now resides, also the west half of lot No. 36: and lot 62 and 150 acres of lot No, 67, the north portion of said lot 650 acres in all. Terms of sale will be a long credit with strong security. JAS.T. ELLIS, AdmT. Aug 6, 1856- 15 tds. Administrator’s Sale. TTTILI. be sold before the court house door in Greenville, VV Meriwether county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, within the legal hours of sale, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county, the following Lots of Land, to wit: 108 acres, more or less, being the eastern part of lot No 125, in the 2d district of originally Troup now Meriwether county ; the east half of lot No 17, in the Bth district of originally Troup now Meriwether county ; lot No IG, in the Bth district of Meriwether county, and lot No 256, in the ?d district of originally Troup now Meriweth r county,con taining in all 612 acres, more or less—the same composing the settlemont whet eon the late Jesse Hinton died. It is well improved and in good condition for making corn and cotton. The same being sold as a part of the real estate of the said Jesse Hinton late of Meriwether county deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. JOHN W. REDDING, Adm’i. Aug 6, 1856 15 tds. ADMINISTRA TOR S SALE. • Y\7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Septem ’ ‘ her next, within the usual hours of sale, at the court house door in Forsyth county, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county, Lot of Land No. 1208, in the 2nd District and Ist Section of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth county. Sold as a part of the real estate of Jesse Hinton, late of said (Meriwether,) county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. J W REDDING, July 16, 1856 12....tds Administrator. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September next between the usual hours of sale, in Fayetteville,Fay, ette county, Ga., before the court-house door, lot. of Land No. 190, in the 13th District of Fayette county. Sold as the property of John W. Pledger, late of Fayette county, de ceased, and under an order of the Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. COUNCIL ItENTFROW, Administrator, July 16, 1856 11....tds EXE CUTORS SALE. WILL be sold before the court house door in McDon ough, Henry county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of flic Court of Ordinary of Upson county, Ga., Lot of Land No. 121, in the 7th District of Henry county. Sold as the Property of David T. Milling, late of Upson county deceased. THOMAS 1). MILLING, Executor. July 9, 1856 11....tds EXECUTOR'S SALE. ‘ WILL be sold before tlie court-house door in the town of Zebulon, Pike county,Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the Ist Tuesday in September next, as the proper ty of CbarlesKent, deceased, a Land Warrant, No. 27 113, for 80 acres, issued to Charles Kent, a private in Captain Mann’s Company, Georgia Militia, War 1812. Sold agree able to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary'of Pike county. JAMES DISMUKE, ) _ . LEONARD HARRIS, f rs ” July 9, 1856 11... .tds /Georgia, Pike County.—Whereas William Pryor ap- VJ plies to me for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of John C. and Edmuud C. Crawford, orphans of Edmund C. Crawfoid, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at of fice, this 22d day of July, 1856. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ordinary. July 30, 1856 14... ,30ds Georgia, Fayette County.—Whereas Wm. C. Cham pion applies to me for letters of dismission from the Guardianship of the person and property of Sarah C., Cin the A., Mary P.,Ladassey E., Sophrona E., Addison J., and Abner G. Champion, orphans of Abner Champion, late of said county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonisli all parties con cerned, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why let ters dismissory should not be issued. Given under my hand at office, this 2d July, 1856- GEO C KING, Dept CC O July 9, 1856 11 6m Georgia, Fayette County.—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas Counsel Rentfrow, Administrator up on the estate of John W. Pledger, late of said county de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the ad ministration of said estate : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise let ters dismissory will be granted said applicant at the next September Term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, GEO. C. KING, Dept C C O July 9, 1856 11... .6m Georgia, Fayette County.—Whereas, the estate of Travis Nichols, late of said county deceased, is un represented : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters will be granted to S. T. W. Minor, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, according to the Statute of said State, in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of July, 1856. GEO. C. KING, Dept COO July 9, 1856 11... 30ds /Georgia, Fayette County.—Whereas Joseph ll.Mur vX phey, Executor,and Rebecca Murphey, Executrix, up on the estate of Simon P. Murphey. late of said county de ceased, applies tome for letters of dismission from said es tate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, 12th day of June, 1856. GEO. C. KING, Dept c c o June 18, 1856 8 6m eorgia, Fayette County.—Whereas Francis M. Lord VT applies to me for letters of dismission from the Admin istration on the estate of Henry Lord, late of said county deceased : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all parties con cerned to be and appear at my office witliinthc time prescrib ed by law; and show cause,itany they have, why letters dis missory should not be issued. Given under my lmndat office, this 12th day of May, 1856. GEO. C. KING, Dcp.c. c. 0. May 21, 1856 4. . ..m6m /~1 corgi a, Fayette County Whereas Hugh Porter vJT Administratior on the estate of Sansom W. Roberts applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate ; These are therefore to. cite and admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 26th May, 1856. GEO. C. KING, . C.C. O. . June 4, 1856 6 m6m COURT OF ORDINARY, I April Term, 1856. j Georgia. Spalding County. Whereas, John H. Akins and W. D. Duncan, Executors of Elisha Akins, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate : Therefore,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby notified and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicants at the No vember Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. J. H. MANGHAM, Ordinary. April 16, 1856 50 (im E u A L NOTICES. GEORGI A, pike Comity To all whom it may con cern: \\ hereas, Giles Driver, Administrator upon the estate ot Jordan Driver, late of said county deceased, ap plies tor letters of dismission from the administration of said estate. Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (i t any they have,) in my office, in terms of the law; other wise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant at the I’ ebruary term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county A true extract from the Slinutes of said Court. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ord'y. August 4th. 1850 15 6m. GEORGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Four months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the Band and Negroes belonging to the estate of John Brunt, late of said county deceased GREEN B. M. BROUN 1,1 . , . I’ETEIt E. FOSSET. f Adm rp * May 2nd, 18.16 2...... 4ms. Notice to ISebtors'and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Hugh Hamil. late of Spalding county, deceased, are requested to come forward immediately and make payment. Those having damands against said estate, will present them in tenv.s of the law. JAMES H. LOGAN, Adm’r. July 9, 1856..... .11 40ds Notice to Debtors and Crediters. ALL persons indebted to the estate of James A.McGehee, late of Spalding county, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment immediately. Tiree having demands against said estate, will present them in termsot the law. JAMES 11. LOGAN, Adm’r. July 9, 1856 U....40ds G K OR GlA—Pike County. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Janies IV. Collier will come forward and make payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly , proven agreeable to law. BENJAMIN T. COLLIER. Adm’r. June 2d, 1856 6. .*.4ods with Will annexed. Dr. McGee’s Books ALE now posted up and ready for settlement. All per sons indebted to said estate on said Books, are hereby notified that this is the last call that will be made upon them to come forward and liquidate cither by cash or note. The books must be settled, and that speedily. JAMES 11. LOGAN, Administrator. July 30, 1856 14 4t r T”AVO months after date application will he n ade to the X Court of Ordinary of Pike county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Edmond Benlcy, deceased. ISAAC W. JONES Ad’m. August 4th 1856 15 60ds. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of'Ordinary of Pike county, for leave to sell a negro woman and child, (Margaret,)* belonging to the es tate of Laban Beckham, deceased. Sold forthe pmrpose of making a distribution. W C BECKHAM,! ~ . A B BECKHAM, ) I x 13 ’ July 30, 1856 14....2m • STXTV days after date, application will, be made to the Court of Ordinary of Fayette county, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Alfred Brown.late of Fayette county deceased. JOHN 0. BROWN, Adm’r. June 11, 1856 7 2m SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Fayette county, for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of Herod Thornton, Sr., late of said county deceased. HEROD THORNTON, Jr., Administrator. June 18, 1856 &... .60ds C"1 EORGIA Spalding Comity,—Sixty’ days after date T application will be made to the honorable Court of Or dinary of saul county for leave to sell the land belonging to the Estate of Malcom Bethune late of said county deceas ed. EDMOND SEGRAVES, Ad’mr, June 17th 1856 9 60ds. , Notice-Mill Wrights. THE undersigned is desirous of obtaining an Invention for a Grist Mill, that will grind the most Corn in the shortest space of time, with an eight foot head of water, and four foot stone, to discharge not more than 180 inches of water. A handsome juice will be given for the work, and a premium to the inventor. Persons desirous of under taking the work in accordance with the above description, will address me at Drayton, Dooly county, Ga. J D LESTER. Drayton, Dooly county, Ga., July 2, 1856 10... ,6t Land For Sale. A valuable tractof land, in the Frst District of Pike county, containing five hundred acres, lying between Flint River and Line Creek, can be purchased on very accommoda ting terms by application to the undersigned.— The tract is known as the place formerly owned by A. B. Dulin, and contains a quantity of Goort Timbered Land, as well as a valuable plantation, under cultivation. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon, as the pilace will certainlybe sold. J, B. REID, Agent: for R. & J. CALDWELL & CO. Griffin, Feb. 27th 1857 43 ts For Sale THE subscriber expecting to remove from this section of country, offers foi sale the house and lot where he now ; resides in North Griffin, and with it, if desired 20 acres of woodland within half mile of the same. Also the house and lot occupied by W. Waddy in West Griffin, a beautiful resi dence, containing 7or 8 acres of land. Also his possession of land North West of Griffin, and within five miles of the city, containing 312 acres. There is about 40 acres of rich bottom on said plantation .about 30 of which is well drained and now in successful cultivation. Good bargains will be given as I am determined to sell. A. BUCKNER. Grifln, May 2Sth 1556 5,3 m, DENTISTRY. 7 A. CLEVELAND A SOWS, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are pre pared to carry on the Dental Business in all its various branches. viz: to put up full and partial setts of TEETH GOLD PLATE in compdete and workmanlike style, with artificial gums imi tating nature in beautiful life-like appearance. Also, the most difficult cases fitted with accuracy, so as to be worn with ease ; also, decayed teeth neatly filled with gold, and great care taken to render the operation attendant with as little pain as possible. Those past filling, skillfully ex tracted, if desired. Those suffering with toothache, re lief given in most cases. Also, we shall keep a Daguerreotype Office, and take likenesses in the best of style. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, and charges very reasonable.— Work done on the shortest notice. Also, for sale, Gold Foil, Plate, Excavators, Burs, Drills. Artificial Teeth, and Daguerreotype Stock. Terms, CASH, Office at the corner of Hill and Broadway Streets, up-stairs. A. CLEVELAND & SONS. Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1856 60....1y VARIETY STORE. The proprietor of the well known stand RI v&ylLjltr ALTO, having fitted mi the front room in the XSfinest style, is now opening a fine stock of Groceries and Confectionaries , all fresh and “genuine,” all of which he will sell low for cash. Among them will be found crushed aud powdered Sugar ; all kinds of Pickles ; pickled Lobsters ; a fine lot of Natural Preserves ; Prunes in jars for table use ; pre served figs and dates; SODA BUTTER and PicNic Crackers ; Sardines and Catsup ; English and American Mustard ; fine Layer Raisons ; Nuts of all kinds; an assorted lot of Candies, Ground Pepiper ; Carbonate of Soda ; Peal Starch, Table Salt, Cod Fish, Irish Potatatoes, Rice, Mess Pork and Yan- Beans ; all kinds of Fruit, Dried Beef, and Bolongna Sausages, and Snuff for the Ladies, Can •aWLsS'dles of all kinds. His Bar has been befitted in the rear, which will befound as usual, full of the Best Liquors and Cigars, and his well known Bar Keep-BByger will be found always ready to make his custom-™**® ers any thing in his line ICE always on hand. Thankful for past favors, lie is determined to retain the good reputation he has gained forhimself and house. j. and. SHERRILL. Griffin, May 3,1855—ts FIFTY BARRELS RECTIFIED Whiskey, White and Col’d.forsaleat a very low figure. Also Monongahala, Rye and Burborn wmskey, Brandies, Wines, Rum and Gin, of all which we invite the attention of couHtry dealers Give us a call before you buy elsewhere HILL A SMITH. June 18, 1856 8... ts 3NTOTIOE. FOR S*~ A L E ! MY entire possessions in Meriwether County, consisting of a HOTEL in the town of Greenville, well located for the business, with good Gardens & Stable Lots, also twen ty acres of land attached. Also, my PLANTATION, five and a half miles from town, consisting of seven hundred acres of good Land, two hundred acres well timbered and watered. All of said property in good repair. I will sell all or a part of said property on a CREDIT. Terms easy. Come and see for yourselves. F. A. BOYKIN. Greenville, April 15th, 1856. 50 ts TO H HENDERSON, S „ Carriage Maker, near Sharon Grove, Fay pJEgCPgjSEr ette county, Ga., can make to order at short notice, single seat and slide seatBUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES AND PLANTATION WAGONS. Also,repairing done at short notice, and in thevcry best Kind of style- <auAll work warranted. Sep. 26, 1855.. ..22 ts GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY. . ALSO, Admirably adapted to many Diseases of Females, most especially Painful Menstruation. THE VIRTUES OF JACOB’S CORDIAL are too well known to require encomiums. Ist. It cures the worst cases of Diarrhcea. 2d. It cures the worst forms or Dysentery. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhea. 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful Menstruation. Bth. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. 10th. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical Feelings. 12tlu It’s an admirable Tonic. A few short Extracts from Letters, Testi monials, &c. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valuable remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia.” “It gives me pleasure in being ahle to recommend Jacob’s Cordial, my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a Saddle and Harness Ware Room. Bridles,Harness & Collars A variety of Carpict and Saddle Bags, Coach. Stage, Twig and Overseers’ Wliipis, Stirrups, Spurs, Bits and Bridle Mounting. &g~ Any work made to order in the neatest and most tasty maimer, at short notice. jp-Stiict attention given to repairing in all branches of the business. The attention of Harness Makers aiid Carriage Trim mers, Ac., is called to his stock of PATENT ENAMELED LEATHERS, which lie keeps constantly on hand ;it lowest market pirices. N. B. I am enabled to offer inducements to buyers, who will find it to their interest to give me a call before pmr chasing elsewhere. Be sure and call in at the first door north of Banks’ Shoe Shop, east side of Hill-street. JAMES I>. JOHNSON. Griffin, Ga.. May 3, 1855-ly 1 A. W. BENHAM &, CO., DEALERS IN Plain and Fancy Cabinet Ware, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. Tiic public are respectfully invited to call at our New Furniture Store, opposite C. H. A ’ Johnson A Co.’s, east side of Hill Street, / Ti and examine our stock of new and beautiful 1 FURXI T U R E , consisting in part of Fine French Sofas, Sofa Beds, Tetc-a- Tetes ; Splendid Mahogany Wardrobes, Marble Top Tables, Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut and Extension Dining tables ; Secretaries, Bureaus and Sideboards, of the very rarest qualityand finish. A newand beautiful article of Cottage Chamber Furniture. Ornamentally painted, comprising a set as follows: One Bureau, one Bedstead, Sink and Washstand, Toilet Table i Towel Stand, Four Parol r Chairs, and a Rocking Chair. ‘ Bedstead, c Ss CHairs, ‘From the lowest to the highest polices. m.Thc above, and many other articles not enumerated,’ we are prepared to sell on as low terms as can be obtained ! in any similar establishment in Western Georgia. May 3, 1855. ts | TAKE NOTICE. fT’HE subscriber informs his friends and the public gener- ‘ X ally, that he still continues to carry on the Ti li it n and Sheet Iron Business, in all its branches ; that he will attend to rooting, gutter ing, and all job work, with punctuality, and in a workman like manner. He is now receiving a supply of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedious to mention—Hardware,- Stoves, Castings and Cutlery, which lie will sell low. Give him a call and prove for yourself. SA MU EL PI LSBU ltY. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856 40 ts FOR SALEM THE COMFORTABLE TWELIJKC. HOrsE, in West Griffin, at present occupied by Col. A. B. Mathews.. Persons desirous of jiurcliasing would do well to examine the premises, as the house must positively be sold. Posses sion given first of next January. Apply at the store of C. 11. JOHNSON A Cos., Griffin, Sept. 10th, ’55. .20. .ts Hill street INFIRMARY. tTMIE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlanta, an X infirmary, tor the reception of piatients laboring under medical or surgicultreatment. An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in con stant attendance, and will give their attention to the sick at all hours, day or night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WESTMORELAND, who will give prompt at tention to injuries, and every variety of disease requiring surgical operations. The usual fees adopitcd by the physicians of the citv will be charged, with fifteen cents pier day for board. Ac. ‘ Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be piroperly attended to, and, if after an ex amination it be determined that there is no jnospieet of re el', they will be sent home without anv charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND. M.D. J. G. WESTMORELAND, M. D. Atlanta, May 16, *55. ;; o I.lncU’s Antl-Rhoumnt Ic Poxy tiers. A safe, ij?ecdy and radical cure for Rheumatism, I'hrumat if Gout auil Sciatica. Wc the undersigned citizens of Putnam Cos. Ga. cheerful ly bear testimoney to the efficacy of Lindt's Anti-Rheumat ic Powders in the treatment of acute or chronic Rheuma tism, many cases having been successfully treated bv Dr. J. G. Gibson, within our personal knowledge iu which these Powders were principally used. Joel Branham, M. I>. Win B. Carter Stephen B. Marshall, ]). R. Adams. ’ T. B. Harwell, Thomas Respiess, Daniel Slade, . Michael Dennis G. R.Thomas, J. Niclileson A others, Any reasonable number of individual certificates can be given in attestation of tlfeir efficacy. Prepiarcd and sold by J. G. Gibson, M. D., Eatonton, Ga. j at $5 per Box. All orders directed to him, with the above sunt enclosed and a diseiipition of the ease, shall receive with the Medi cine such advice ns may suit any peculiarity thereof. For sale by Brawner & Duffey, Griffin Ga. ami J. G. Gib- ! son. Eatonton, Ga. i May, 20th 1856 t....1y. DENTISTRY. DRS. CLA R K & EM E R SON BSS3£E3& HAVING formed a copartnership in tl e ffrytHSSSL practiccof i) eN TI STR Y, would respectfully tender their services to the public. Dr. E. besides being an experienced operator, is a graduate of the Philadelphia College ofßental Surgery, and brings with him all the improvements in the practice of Dentistry. The high testimonials and beautiful specimens of Dr. E. show that he has spared neither time norexpense to arrive at proficiency. Neither time nor expense shall be spared in performing all operations in the most beautiful and durable manner At the same time while they consider it better to pay a trifle more to have teeth saved, than a trifle less to have them ruined, their charges shall not be higher, than the same kind of operations would command at the North. F. Y. CLARK G. W. EMERSON, D. D. S. Griffin . Feb. 2,1855 42 6m sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that It purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy. „ , , WM. H. UNDERWOOD, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit.” “ I take great pleasure in recommending this invalid wtoch , i d hr e l °. al flhctd W j t |, bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me. X Deputy G. M. of the Gwnd G Ud g e™Borgia.” “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in mv familv and ,i,; with all I bear about it as a remedy by \vho have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the l ead of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. MILES G. DOBBINS, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griffin.” “ If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob’s Cordial must stand preeminent above all other prepara tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From tire mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if not. all other ‘ patent ’ preparations. A. FLEMING, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin.” “This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, and gaining ranmendation wherever used.” Qtvrgia Jeffer sonian, Mag 19 th, 1853. Dr. McLANE’S I ’ CELEBRATED ; vermifuge ’ LIVER PILLS. I Two of the best Preparation* of the Age. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &e. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele , brated Vermifuge and | Liver Pills, prepared by j iHcmucj sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING- BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole ProprletdFi. r.vTSeOvi] A Mead. New Orleans, General \N hole sale Agents for the Southern States, to whoma 11 or ders must he addressed. ***S >ld by W, B. Seay. Griffin, Ga : John Still- Well. Mel) iiiough ; J T Reese. Greenville ; Hanes & Lasseter. Jonesboro igh ; Smith it F/.zurd, Atlan ta ; Win Barrett, Zebulon; JO Little, Jackson, MeKelberryA. Mobley, Indian Springs, Harwell & Weaver Thomsston : L Little Barnesville Jan. 16, 1856....36....1y SURGICAL INFIRMARY. DR. W. R. MOSELEY, has removed to his old stand on Eighth Street, and will give fjiiEy prompt attention to the ji l * jabt PRACTICE OF SURGERY, ami all Chronic Diseases. His skill, for the past ten years, in the treatment of Canters, Cancerous Affections, Tumors of all kinds, Sehirrhus Breasts, Disease ol tiic Ear and Eves, Gonorrhoea* Syphilis. Strict!)re, Ulcers of old standing. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Liver disease. Spinal affections, Fistula, Hemorrhoids, together with all FEMALE DISEAS ES, is not excelled by any Physician in the South. Patients boarded at $1 per day, or sls pier month. All communications strictly confidential. Persons desiring in formation will Address W. R. MOSELEY, M. D. Griffin,Ga. Griffin, Feb. 4th, 1856.. .40. ly. Carpenter and Joiner Work. THEundereigued respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to carry on the above business in nil its branches, at his shop, on the west side of Ne.w Orleans Street opposite Messrs. Prichard & Wood. In case of my absence, orders may be left at tbe shop, with any of thehandsthcrein employed, but all payments must be made to me and ms alone or by my order. . TANARUS J ISON. Griffin, Jan. 16th, 1856.. .37. .ts BRASS and Mazlin Preserve Kettles'; French Pots, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Boilers, Pot Covers, Waffle and Wafer Irons, and all other necessary adjuncts for good cooking, at JOHNSON AMANGHAM’S. July 2, 1856..... .10.... ‘ ‘ TANARUS) A GAAT Lard, Flour and Groceries, for sale by i>AC./Ui\ . HILL & SMITH June 18, 1856 8