The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, October 08, 1856, Image 3

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€\)t #rapire link. Lost or Mislaid, During the early part of last week, a fine Gold Pen, with black staff. The finder will confer a fa vor upon the owner by leaving it at this office. — i§r*Col. J. A. B. Williams will address the people of Pike county, at Mount Mourne Court Ground, on the Second Saturday in this month, upon the political topics of the day. Col. Gibson, H. Greeu, Dr. Banks and others will address the citizens on the political topics of the day on Saturday the 11th inst., at New Hope, in the Second dist. of Pike county. The Indies are respectfully invited. New Advertisement. Messrs. M. Feuchtwanger & Cos., have just opened anew Stock of Fancy and other Goods, in oar town. They offer great bargains. Sec their Advertisement, and go and see their goods too, be fore making purchases elsewhere. We have examined their Stock and know that the variety is extensive comprising everything in the Dry Goods line, and is entirely anew Stock. Masonic Address. We have received a copy of an Address deliver ed by Dr. W. T. C. Campbell, of Atlanta, before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, at Newnan, on the 24th June last. It is an able pro duction, abounding in fine sentiment and clothed in beautiful and sublime language, doing credit to the head and heart of the author. Counterfeit Money. Counterfeit Bills on the Bank of Cape Fear, N. *C., are in circulation in this part of Georgia. We ‘•have been shown a bill of the denomination of Ten Dollarsjon this Bank. Signed by Thos. 11. Wright, Pres’t., and 11, It. Savage, Cash’r. The public will take due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. ■♦• • (communicated-) $10,000,000 Challenge on the Elec tion of James Buchanan, President. A bet Tcu Millions of Dollars is offered that Janies Bucfauian will be the next President of the United States. Baron Rothschild, George Pea body, James Skinner, Esq., or any other highly re sponsible parties desirous of taking the wager, will please address SCROGGS, Old Joe’s Store, Brigham Parish, Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. ♦ # Ilowel Cobb in Pennsylvania. The speeches of Howell Cobb every where attract great attention, and the Abolitionists everywhere rally their best speakers to answer him. I low lie has performed his duty in Ches ter county, the following letter will show.— J l e nnsyl ran in -n. W kst Chester, Pennsylvania, ) . Sept, 20, iSS6. ] Dear Sir: Ex-Gov. Cobb filled his engage ment to address here last evening, the Demo cracy of this District, and I speak the united voice of all who had the pleasure of hearing him—friends and foes —in saying that he made a powerful impression. The large room of the Horticultural hall was densely filled with an auditory of voters, and for two hours the speaker enchained them by his clear argument, frank statements, and im pressive eloquence. There is an evident manli ness, sincerity and integrity of character about the man which largely contribute to aid the matter of his speech. Some gentlemen of the Republican party present rose during his remarks, and asked Jeavc to put questions and make objections, which was granted with the utmost courtesy .and kindness of manner; and then followed the response of Mr Cobb, which was most happy and in one instance overwhelming, from the burst of eloquence. At the conclusion of his address, members of all parties crowded to the stand to be intro duced and take him by the hand, as a power ful advocate of the Union and the constitution or a frank, manly opponent, according to the position occupied by the individual It was thought here, before last evening, that Mr Cobb was au able man, of large pub lic experience, but no one knew his great and commanding power as a speaker. He left this morning for your city, and car ried with him the kindest regards of this com munity. Yours B. From the Chattanooga Advertiser. Tlie Facts in tlie Case. The Chronicle <fc Sentinel of the 15th Sep., contained an article giving the recent vote of Congress on the passage of the Army Appro priation Bill, and stating that Knowlton, of Me., .Sherman and Oliver, of New York, Albright, of Ohio, and Barclay, of Penn., who voted with the Black Republicans, were “live of Mr. Buchanan’s Democratic supporters.” A friend •of ours addressed Judge John IT, Lumpkin, a member of Congress from Georgia, a note in terrogating him as to the truth of the state ment in Chronicle <fc Sentinel. We give the ludge’s reply : Crutchfield House,) Chattanooga, Sep. 17, 1856. f Dear Sir : Yours of this date is before me, asking if it is true that Messrs. Knowlton, of Me., Sherman and Oliver, of N. Y., Albright, of 0., and Barclay, of Penn., are Democratic •supporters of Mr. Buchanan ? TV ith regard to all these gentlemen except Mr. Barclay, the .'statement is not only untrue, but notoriously so. Messrs. Knowlton, Sherman and Albright •were open and avowed Black Republicans.— Mr. Oliver, of New York, is the Black Repub lican chairman of the committee on Invalid Pen sions. Mr. Sherman was the Black Republi c m chairman of the committee sent to Kansas to investigate the facts connected with the elec tion of Gen. Whitfield. Mr. Barclay, of Penn., was elected to Congress as a Democrat, but has manifested during the past session, Black Republican proclivities ; so much so that the Democracy of his District have thrown him overboard, and nominated in his stead, Hon. J. L. Gillis, a sound national Democrat. Yours respectfully, John 11. Lumtkin. Executor’s Sale. WILL he sold before the Court House floor, in the city of Griffin, Spalding County Ga., according to the last Will and Testament of William Ellis, late of said conn* ty, deceased, on the first Tuesday in Dccemlar next, TWENTY-THREE NEGROES, Consisting of Men, Women and Children. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the d,uy of sale, Also, On the first Monday in December next, wilt be Isold, at the residence of William Ellis, late of said county, deceased,, the remaining portion of the perishable property, of said, deceased, consisting of Corn, Fodder, &c.,<fc<v J. T. ELLIS,) „ J. A. ELLIS, f KXrB - Bth- 1656, It-,,,. -tda What, or which Is the best, Vermifuge or Worm Destroyer 1 Is a quesfion daily and hourly asked by parents, anxious for the health of their children. All who are at all acquaint ed with tho article, will immediately answer, Dr M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pitts burgh, Pa. It has never been known to fail, and is one of the safest remedies that can be used. A friend of burs late, ly handed ns the following statement in reference to this Vermifuge : New York, Sep. 25, 1852. Gentlemen : A young lady of my acquaintance had been for a long time very much troubled with worms. I advised ber to try Dr M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. She accordingly pur chased and took one vial, which caused her to discharge an unusual large quantity of worms, She was immediately relieved of all the dreadful symptoms accompanying this • disease, and rapidly recover her usual health. The lady does not wish her name mentioned, ber residence, howev er, is 320 Fifth-street, and she refers to Mrs. Hardie, No 3, Manhattan Place. ttß-Persons will be careful to ask for DR. McLANE'S CELEBRATED VERMlFUGE,manufactured by FLEMING 8R0.,0f Pittsburg, Pa. All other Vermifuges in compari son, are worthless. Dr. McLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver rills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the Signature of FLEMING BROS. Otoituaries. Departed this life in the city of Griffin, on Wed nesday morning the Ist of Oct., Mrs. Nancy T. Hancock, wife of Col Wm. H. Hancock. She was naturally retiring and diffident in her disposition; but frank and amiable in her intercourse with cho sen friends. No woman was ever more devoted to her husband and children, and above all, she was not forgetful of the higher duties she owed to her God. For years past she has expressed hope in the mercy of God, through Christ Jesus. She had felt it her duty to connect herself with the Christian church, and had only been waiting for friends whom she hoped would soon be prepared to join her 4 in this service. Her husband and children have the sympathies of a wide circle of friends. J. H. C. *** American Union, please copy. Died in Coweta county, on the 4th of last August, Abra ham Gray, in the 66th year of his age. He was born in South Carolina. In early life he attached himself to the Presbyterian Church, uud became a Sabbath School teach er. He was very strict in the obseivance of his Christian duties, and in the observance of all the ordinances of the Church, until he moved to Georgia, which placed him be yond the reach of the Church of his choice. But he con tinued to read his Bible, and was always delighted when conversing on the subject of religion, and in contributing to the snppoit of the gospel and religions institutions, and continued advocating the cause of Sabbath Schools until his death. His regularity, promptness in attendance, his pleasantness when in School, won for him the esteem and confidence of all the School. Thus departed an affection ate father, a humane master, and an obliging, genera;:* neighbor and citizen. Wm. W. Sibley. COMMERCIAL. GRIFFIN MARKET. COTTON—Market active—good demand; we quote to day extremes from 10; to 12 j. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. THE subscribers take pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Griffin and surrounding country, that they have just opened a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING ! which they offer to sell at teat liargnins. The Stock being an entirely NEW AND FRESH one, aud bought tor cash, deserves certainly an examination from all who wish to purchase Good Goods at Low Prices. M. Feuchtwanger has been a resident of Macon, Ga., for the past seven years, and was always favored with a liberal patronage from the citizens there; by hard exertions here ! he hopes to gain the same confidence of the people of Grif fin and surrounding country. Please to try us. We prem ise to deal honest with you, and give you good Goods at low prices. HATS, ROOTS, SHOES and CLOTHING, lrorn common to tlie finest, and many other articles too numerous to mention, always on hand. Btore on Hill Street, next door t-> Slmlman & Bro. Respectfully, M. FEUCHTWANGER & CO. Griffin, Oct. Ist, 1856 24 It EORGIA, Pike County.—-Whereas, VJ Ann R. Rucker applies to me for Letters of Adminls tration on the Estate of Arden L. Rucker, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said Estate, to be and appear at my office Within the time pre scribed by law to show cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 6th day of October, 1856. J. C. BECKHAM, Ordn’y. Oct. 8, 1856 24 30ds The Union of tlie States and the States of the Union. Grand State Mass Meeting. THE friends of JAMES BUCHANAN and JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, will have a Grand Mass Meeting, as suggested by the Richmond County Club, and others, at ATLANTA, on the 17th and 18th of October, 1856, to which the people of Georgia and the adjoining States, are cordially invited. The following speakers have been writ ten to, and are expected to be present on the occasion : Hon Stephen A Douglas,of II inois. Hon John C Breckinridge, of Kentucky. Hon William Preston. Hon James I, Orr, of South Carolina, lion John L Manning, “ “ Hon .Tames C Jones, of Tennessee. Gov Andrew Johnson, “ Ex-Gov Aaron V Brown, “ Hon Wm L Yancsy, of Alabama. Hon Percy Walker, “ Gov Ilerschel V Johnson, of Georgia. Hon A H Stephens, “ Hon R Toombs, •• Hon Howell Cobb, “ Mon John E Waul, “ Hon Junius Ilillyer, “ Hon Linton Stephens, “ And also the Electors for the State at large, and District Electors, together with otherdistinguished speakers, whose names will be hereafter announced. The Executive Committee to make the necessary arrange ments, are Samuel B Hoyt, E B Reynolds, William Gilbert, T M Evans, William Barnes, T M Evans, Marshal in Chief. Let every County Club send a Delegation, and every town and village be represented. Let the. people everywhere come up to this great gathering of the friends of our Con stitutional rights and the Union. E N CALHOtJN, President Buchanan and Breckinridge Club. J E Williams, Secretary. Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia. F. A. M. THE next Annual Grand Communication of ___ this Grand Lodge, will convene at the Ma sonic Hall, in the City of Macon, on Tuesday, the 28th of October. All subordinate Lodges, working under this Grand Lodge, will take due notice thereof, and be represented as usual in the Grand Commu nication, and also all other parties interested. By order of A. A. GauUling, D. G. M. SI MR I ROSE. O’'i ■ J Secretary. Any Lodges wishing Blank Ret re . will please inform me without delay. s. R. Oct. Ist, 1856 3t A fl ARE CHA NC E For any man with a Small capital— Occupation light, easy and profifa i blc--Plenty of Business-Prices good and no opposition—From $1,500 to $2,000 a year clear guaranteed THE subscriber wishing to go North for the purpose of introducing more extensively his “ROCK GEMS,’’ now offers for sale his whole establishment known as the “Griffin Ambrotype Gallery,” consisting new and complete set . of apparatus (extrasize) in fine working order. Stock, Chem icals, Specimen, frames,and Spc iuien Furniture, good-will Ac, and full'ihstructSnns iii the Art. for which early appliija , tion must be made. Price S3OO ARTHUR B'. CLARK. Griffin Oct. Ist. 1856.... 23.... ts To the Ladies. LWju MRS. J. M. LUNQUERT would respectfully iu 4®Jform tlie Ladies of Griffin and vicinity, that she has removed her Goods to the Store of Messrs. Brawner & Duffey, where she can be found, or at her residence, two doors East of Messrs. Hill & Smith’s store. She is now re . ceiving her FALL AND WINTER STOCK, compromising a most beautiful assortment of IIONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and in fact all kinds, of Milli nery Goods, to suit the most fastidious. She will still continue to Alter, Clean, Dye and Press all kinds of Bonnets. Bonnets, Talmas, and Cloaks made to order, All orders left at the Store will be promptly attend ed to. Griffin, Sept. 27,1856 .23 ts DR. DANIEL TENDERS his professional services as a Physician and Surgeon, to the citizens of Griffin aud vicinity. HSrOftice on the same floor with the Empire State,"®* Griffin, March 6, 1856 44... .ly DR. KNOTT HAS changed his residence and office to the first lot lie low Mrs. Reeves’ Boarding House, on the east side of the Railroad, nearly opposite the Freight Depot, where he may be fouud at all times ready to attend to calls, except when professionally engaged. Griffin, Ga., May 3,1855’ ly AND FANCY OOODsI r pilE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of Gris -L fin and surounding country that they are now receiv n their FALL & WINTER STOCK of Goods both Foreign and Domestic, selected with great care in New York and Boston markets and will be fouud to embrace all the Latest fashionable styles, consisting in part of Ladies Fine Dress Goods, > A LARGE ASSORTMET OF GENTLEMEN AND BOY’S CLOTHING, of the Latest style BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS; CROCKERY, ‘ BLANKETS, KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, BLEACHED, and BROW* HOMSPUN, and many other articles. Tlie Ladies aud Gentlemen are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. BRAWN Ell & DUFFEY. # 3” N. B. We would also call the attention of the com munity to a very large and extensive assortment of Millinery Merchandise, &c., (The Stock of Mrs. J.M. Lunqnest) which will hereafter be kept by us, and sold as cheap as at any establishment in the city. B. & D. Sept. 17. 1856 21.... ts NEW F ALL AND WHITER STOCK!! JOHN H. WHITE, WEST SIDE OF HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. vjfa TIAS ust received bis Fall and Wintersup iSjlply of Gentlemens’Dress Goods, to which he invites (fffespecial attention- Hfc stock comprises careful, se ’ lections from the- most appU'Ved and beautiful styles in the New York market, consisting Black and Pncy Clotlxs Doeskin Cassimeres, Plain and Fancy French and Ameri can Cassimeres, Plain and Fancy Silk Velvets and Plush Vesting. FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Cravats, Stocks, Neck Ties, Plain and Fancy; Silk, Linen and Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs; Gloves, Halt Hose, Shirts and Collars, Under Shirts, and Drawers, Silk and Cotton Suspenders, Coat-Links, &c. CLOTHING: Superior Black and Fancy Frock Coats ; Plain and Fancy Cassimere business Coats,Plain and Fancy Frock and Sack Overcoats—Salmer’s & Ragland of the latest Paris styles, HA T S A splendid assortment of Extra Mole Skin Hats, Leary Style ; Black and Fancy Soft Hats : High and Low Crown. Call and examine. Griffin, Ga. Sept. 13,1856 21 ts NEW FALL &WINTER GOODS. [CORNER OF BROADWAY & HILL STREETS.] THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and cus tomers, and the public in general, that he is now re ceiving the largest stock of DOMESTIC, STAPLE AND Fancy I>ry Ooods that has- ever been offered in this market. He is also open ing a great variety of superior CLOTHING, IIATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, together with the groat variety of his stock, and low prices, to merit an in creased share of patronage. JOSEPH ENGEL. Griffin, Sept, 17,1866... .21,.. .ts G-roceries, PROVISIONS, AND HEAVY GOODS! -• . 1 McWilliams & Roberts HAVING bought out Messrs. Ferrill & Ma- ] thews, and E. Lynch’s(Agent) stock of Goods, .•HIPIjB t ‘irether with such as we are receiving from New | York, NeW Orleans, and the up country, we can offer to purchasers a i First Class Assortment ’ of tiff abofC styles of Merchandise, at the lowest figures up- , on the ready pay system only, at the Store on Hill Street, ] between Messrs. Brawner & Pulley sand S. B McWilliams’ , Ca sh paid for Wheat, Flour, Peas. Corn, Meal, Beeswax j and tallow. < r p McWilliams r a Roberts. ] September 17, 1856 21. | Ragland & Gauiding HAVING taken the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Littleton R Brewer, next door to Fen'ill ty Matthews’ ] M ure House, respectfully inform the public, that they arc , now receiving from N York and New Orleans, a large and ] extensive stock of j GKuCERItS AND bIAPL UKY uJODS, j Cutlery, Hardware, nc. Family Provisions, such as BACON, Flour an ■ Lard, will also be kept, and other articlesih the Provision line. They have on hand a large aud well assorted lot of ( x&onr- a>TEii;£ &c 1 All of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms * for cash only. Give us a call, ‘ Thomas Ragland, JII Gaulding. * August 27, 1856 DENTISTRY. A. Cl,- VELAND & SOSiL, l RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they arepre- ! pared to carry on the Dental Business in • all its various branches, viz: to put, up Tall and , partial setts of TEETH MJ-TTTT Lj on GOLD PLATE in ] complete and workmanlike style, with artificial gums imi- ] taring nature m beautiful life-like appearance. Also,the j most difficult cases fitted with accuracy, so as to be worn with ease*;’ also, decayed teeth ueutly tilled with gold, and great cfn'e taken to rcndeiAhy operation attendant with as little pain its possible. Tffose past filling, skillfully ox- , traded, if desired. Those suffering with toothache, re- lief given in most cases. keep a Daniierrqfi'tvpMlHice, ‘ and take likenesses in the best of style. #s'Satisf i iction 1 guaranteed in all eases, ami charges very reasonable— Work done on the shortest for sale, Gold Foil, Plate, Excavators, Burs, Drills. Artificial Teeth, and Dm .mi-ruiiyiif Mock. Terms, CASH, Office at the • corner of Hill and Broadway Streets,up-stairs. A. CLEVELAND & SONS. j Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1866...., .50,.. .ly PIANO FORTES. r PHE undersigned having opened a Piano Forte and Mu- J_ sic Ware Room, in Markham’s Building, corner of Hill | and Broadway Streets,is now exhibiting for sale n splendid assortment of PlANOS,direct from the very bestmanufae turersNorth. These ANOS for beauty of fi nish , power and volume of tone, arc not excelled by any others made inf | T X f Jthe Union, having all the newest and latest improvements in them. The styles , range from the Plain Square Six Octaves, up to the rich and elegantly carved centre seven OCTaVR PIAWO. They will be sold at precisely “New York retail rates with only the addition of freightfrom New York. A writ ten guaranty will accompany everyone sold, to this effect: ,••11 at auy time within 12 month’s using,any defect is fi aind which cannot he remedied to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, it can be returned and exchanged for anoth er.” Prices range from $225 to SSOO, according to ffnibh, ! Ac. Tire newest and latest publications of SDoot Music ‘always on hand,together with a flue-stock of SUI’ERTGR ’OLD ’VIOLINS, and nearly every thing usually found in Mush Stores. J. W. SHACKfJIFOftD, Griffin, April 0, 1856 49... .ly j. r>. MiXiSHEire., DEALER IN : . DRY GOODS AND GROGERIES, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA RESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of his friend . and the public. | Jan. 23, 1856 38....1y i CHALYBEATE SPRINGS! MKRIWETTIER COUNTY, OA. THESE Springs are now open and ready for the reception of Visitors. The proprietors have made every ar rangement necessary for the comfortable entertainment of all who may favor this delightful summer resort with their presauee during the season. Every convenience that the invalid or votary of pleasure may reasonably desire, will be I supplied ; and the undersigned hope to merit, by their ef forts to please, a liberal patronage. B. T. CHAPMAN & CO. June 18, 1856 8... .ts NOTICE. F O R S~A L E ! I\/T Y entire possessions in Meriwether County, consisting IVJ. of a HOTEL in the town of Greenville, well located for the business, with good Gardens & Stable Lots, also twen ty acres of land attached. Also, my PLANTATION, live and a half miles from town, consisting of seven hundred acres of good Land, two hundred acres well timbered and watered. All of said property in good repair. I will sell all or a part of said property on a CREDIT. Terms easy. Come and see for yourselves. F. A. BOYKIN. Greenville, April 15th, 1856 50 ts HARDWARE I Up O (US’ jpg FOR SALE BY JOHNSON & MANGHAM. Griffin, Ga., Aug., 1856. School Books! School Books!! WE are receiving a large supply, and sell at very re duced prices for CASH only. Parents and Guardians would do well to call and see be fore going elsewhere, as we have reduced the prices to the very lowest at which Books could be sold in the market. COOK & CO. Aug. 13,1856. (iiiHiii Female Academy. THIS Institution was opened on Monday, the 11th inst., under the superintendence of the undersigned. She proposes to teach the common branches of an English Ed ucation, and from several year’s experience, and assiduous attention to the interests of her patrons, she hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. MATILDA A LOCKHART. Griffin, July 16, 1856......12 ts LOOK TOYqUR INTEREST!! ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY!!! THE undersigned having formed a partnership, for the </f carrying on the carpentering business in allits various branches, ate now prepared to undertake work up on as-reaspnaMe terms as can be done in this section of couijtiy.,^^ „ Sash, jliimls, Doors, &c., Ac., will be put up at our shop at as low a price as the same ar ticle ciU- bought in any other market, with only the ad ditionot fjeightsadded. We mean what we say. Try us and find out, Building contracts entered into when’ de sired. Bhop on Bth street in the of Wm. Herronton’s Store. WM. E. WRIGHT, R. A. WRIGHT. Griffin, July 13d, 1856 13. ts For Sale. m lam now offering for sale the premises known ttsst as the PLANTERS HOTEL, in the South West part of this city. Persons desiring to purchase, will please call and examine for themselves or address me hy mail. If not sold by th# first day of January next, the House will be closed. WM. FREEMAN. Griffin, Sept. 2,1856 19.... ts jN’EW groceries Just R ecei ved. pv-j AT James T. Gray’s old stand, on Broadway, near the corner of New Orleans Street, where you can be.supplied with GROCERIES of good quali ty, and at as low prices as this market can af ford. Also, a variety of other useful articles at cost. ftw ln an adjoining room is kept a neat RETAIL BAR well furnished. Thankful for past favors, I hope to receive many calls from my old customers and friends, and make many new ones. S B PRITCHARD. Griffin, July 23, 1856 13... .ts Professor O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, for producing hair on Bald Heads, and restoring Gray Hair to its Natural co/m'. THIS astonishing aud unequalled preparation lids fieter failed to produce a growth on Bald Heads, when used according to the directions, and turn hair back to its orig. inal color, after having become grey, and reinstate it in all its original health, lustre, softness, and beauty. Removes atonceall scurf, and unpleasant itching, scrofula, erup tions and feverish heat from the scalp. It also prevents the hair from becoming unhealthy and falling off, and hence acts as a perfect Hair invigorator and Tonic. A gentleman of Boston writes to his friends in New Bed ford thus: To your inquires I would reply, that I first commenced using Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, my hair was almost white and had been so for the last ten years, and it was very thin on the top of my head, and very loose, and pulled out freely: but I found before I had used all of the second bottle, (which was eight weeks,) my hair was entirely changed to its original color, (liglitbrowu) and is now free from dandruff,and quite moist. J have had my hair cut 5 or 6 times since the change, and have never seen anj’thing like white hair starting from the roots: and it is now as thick as it ever was, and does not-come out at alh It has prevailed in my case all that I could wish to ask. July 1,1856; Yours&c. Gardiner, Maine, June 22,1864. Dear Sir. I have used two bottles of Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and can truly say, it is the greatest discovery of the ffgfe, for restoring and changing the hair.— Before using it, I wasas gray as a rrian of seventy. My hair has now attained its original color. You can recommend it to the world,without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. 0 N MURPHY. St. Lons, March 7 1854; Prof. Wood: My hair commenced falling off some three or four years since, and continued to do so, untill I became quite bald. 1 tried all the popular medicihes of the day, but Io no effect. At Inst, I was induced to try your celebra ted Hairßestorative,and am happy to say, it is doing won ders. I have now a fine growth of young hair, and cheer fully recommend its use to all similarly afflicted. A. C. WILLIAMS, 133 Second street.. Rasin Mira., Aug. 2,1855. This is to certify, that one year ago, I was quite gray, and my hair so thinupon the top of my head, that I feared its eutirc loss. In this condition, 1 applied for and obtain ed a bottle of Prof. Wood’s ‘Restorative,’ and before I had used, one quart bottle, the gray hairs had entirely disap peared and it had thickened up, so as to he full as usualand it assumed a glossy appearance, appearentlv more beautiful than cverit was before. Ido therefore, cheerfully recom mend it teAll those ladies who value a beautiful head of hair.- I will a iso state that I uso it now, occasionally, for its healthy and beautifying effects. SARAII J. BROWN. CuiAOO.May 1,1854. I have used Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative to decided advantage. It prevents the hair from coming out, gives it ji gloss and softness very desirahje. The few gray hairs I mad, have entirely disappeared. Others of my family have used it, and concur with me in pronouncing it all it profess es to be. HENRY A.CLARK,Michigan Avenue. V St, Lotus, Bept. 60,1853, Dr. 0. .T. Wood—Sir; I have used nearly three bottles of your Hair Restorative, and have found its effects very satis factory. It lias entirely destroyed all the dandruff from my head, and restoiedmy hair to its original color, which had become quite gray. WM. TRUSDALE. IfsT* Sold at li t Market street, St Louis,Mo. 316 Broad way N. V., and by all Druggists everywhere. All kinds of family patent medicines for sale on the best possi ble terms, at Prof. Wood’s establishment, 114 Market street St Louis. ifirO .T WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312. Broadway, New York; lit, Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Griffin by Wm B Seay, August 6, 1856 15 2m JOHN M. I.UNUUKST, J. 8. LAVENDER. LUNQUEST & LAVENDER, MECIIAN IC A L AND SURGEON DENTISTS. ALL work and operations performed in the latest and most approved style of modern practice. trg- OFFICE, at the residence of John M. Lunquest, op posite the Methodist Church, Griffin, Georgia. Angnst 13th, 1856 16 ly WHITE LEAD! lAA KEGS No. I, Extra and Fure White Lead, just re i I*/V/ reived and for sale by HILL k RMlTlf; ’ Griffin, Sept 19, ’56 ts Mrs, J. M. LUNQUEST, HAVING- returned from Market, respectfully informs her customers and the Ladies generally, that Bhe has a fine assortment of new aud elegant Bonnets, Mantillas & Ribbons, to which she invites their especial attention. Among her stock of BONNETS are some superior to any thing that has ever been in this market. Rooms on Broadway, second door above the Interior Bank. N. B.—Bonnets cleaned and pressed. Griffin, April 29, 1856 1 ts AMBROTiPE AND PHOTOGRAHIC GALLERY. BOOMS OVKR J A * S C BKKKB’ STOUR. tS~FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY •‘l* AMBROTYPES of superior style and finish, complete in case, from II 50 and upwards. Instructions given in the Art, and apparatus furnished, ARTHUR B. CLARKE. June 25, 1856...;, .9.., .3 HARDWARE & IRON. JOHNSON & MANGHAM, HILL STREET,... ~ URlFElti, C.A., KEEP constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of English and American HARDWARE, of every de scription, and of superior quality. Iron cte Steely of all kiuds and sizes. FARMERS’, CARPENTERS’, BLACKSMITH aud TANNERS’ TOOLS-a large assort ment ; PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES and COLORS, of all kinds ; Cut and Wrought Nails aud Spikes, all sizes ; Lamp, Whale, Linseed aud Tanner’s Oil, always in store ; Car r i age Tr i m m in g s Os every description, comprising Axles, Springs, Spokes, Hubs, Rims, Bands, Boxes, Dashes, Side Arms, Lamps, Shafts, Leathers, Cloths, Laces, Nails, Tacks, Bolts, Clips. Nuts and Wrenches, Wrought and Cast Iron for Saw and Grist Mills,Leather Belting, Ac, Those wishing to purchase Hardware, will do well to call, as we deal in that line exclusively, and aside from the large and varied assortment we offer, our prices are calculated to give satisfaction to all. June 25, 1856 9 ly HARDWAE AND IRON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NATHAjTWEEI), AT the old stand of E. B. WEED, Macon, Ga., keeps constantly on hand, a large and complete assortment of the following, all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates : iIION and STEKlj.—Swcdes, English and Refined Iron, Plow Steel, Cast Steel, Tin Plate, Ac. CARR ME MATERIALS.—Bh£fKiii“iiSK k S tent and Enamelled Leather .Bands,Lining Nails, Bolts, Ax le Clips, Castings, Ac. PLANTER’S HOES.—Scovill’s, Brade’s Patent, and other Hoes. Mechanic's Tool s. — chisels, Angers, Ac., Ac. MILL IRONS.—MiII Cranks, Mill Picks, Mill Saws, Cir cular Saws, 48 to 52 inches, Ac., Ac. Macon, Ga., May 7, 1856.'.... .2... .ts NEW SPRING AM) SUMMER ” Goods. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends, and the public generally, that'te has in store, aud is receiving direct from New York, a full supply of STRING <jr SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy I’) 1 ' 1 Staple Pry Goods, Mantil las, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, iiooln, Slices, Clothing, Haro ware and Crockery, and all other aitides usually kept in this market, which he would invite the public to call and ex amine. Samuel b. McWilliams. At the old stand of McWilliams A Cos. Hill Street, Griffin, Ga., April 16, 1856....50 ts a cziOCTD & soar, (LATE CLOUD & SITACKLEFOUD,) i WILL continue the PIANO FORTE and PpSaaSfMUSIC BUSINESS in this place. Our stock J J iil (/is large, embracing every style of Instrument, from the plain to the tine and elegant Somi-GrandL Piano, We intend keeping a large stock on hand. JOrPersons wishing to buy, will do well to give ns a call. We will ww rant all Pianos satisfactorily to purchasers. Rooms in Griffin, Marietta and Rmre .- April 2, 1856 48 ly #S~Someareof the opinion that the firm of A. ChVfid A Son and J. W. Shackelford’s are the same. The firm of A. Cloud A Son is the original firm of the old firm of Cloud A Shackelford, kept at tire old stand, Hill Street, up-stairs over Cook A Co.’s Book Store, where rents arenothing, clerk’s hire, Ac. A. CLOUD A SON. For Rent. fc3L,Porsons wishing to rent good Pianos, can do so by applying to A. Cloud A. Son, Early application will receive enoiefe instruments. A C A S Fine Furniture; Fink Parlor Setts,Rose Wood,Mahogany and Georgia fasba Walnut Furniture; Secretaries and Book Cases, Desks I % l and Book Cases ; Bureaus of llose Wood, Dtnhognny aiul Walnut Sofas, Tcte-a-Tetcs, Divans, Sociables, Ottomans in Hair Cloth, Flush,Brocatel, Ac; Arm, Rocking,Nurse, Sewing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Brocatel, Cane, Split Bottom, and every kind of Chair known to the trade. BEDSTEADS.—Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahoga ny, Beach, Gum, Ac ; High, Low, French and Cottage. Wardrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine ; SOFAS of all patterns.— Mahogany, Walnut. Cherry, Pine, Exten sion, Foldihg Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattras:es of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Springs ; Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters ; FINE MIRRORS,com mon Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass, Window Shades and FINE CORNICES ; Buckets, Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feather Dusters, Foot Mats, Ac., for sale on the most reasonable terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up in the most fashionable styles of Furniture to order. have one of the largest stocks of FINE FURNI TURE in the State, and wc are constantly hiatinfacturingand wish to sell. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere, as we are offering great inducements to purclllsCts. First door from the Lanier House, Macon, Ga. August 20, 1856 17... Sm TAG WOOD. CARRIAGE AND SMITH SHOP. The undersigned haveassocia ted themselves together under the fOirXl firm name and style of . *ar- CLARK & NIX, •es&Ss For the purpose of carrying on the CARRIAGE MAKING and REPAIRING, WAGON MAKING and BLACK SMITH'S BUSINESS, in all their various branches. Their Shop is on the corner of Hill Street and Broadway, oppo ite the Georgia Hotel, down stairs, in the house formerly ccupied by A. Bellamy Esq. Profnpthess, dispatch and urability of Work, they feci confident Will secure fhr them liberal patronage GEO. W. CLARK, S. H. NIX. Griffia,Dec.24,lßss. .35. ,ts Negroes! Negroes! tA few likely YOUNG NEGROES for sale hr JOSBEY A UIEMISTER. Would pa if fair prices fora fticihor c n, Augnst 13, 1856 16... .ts W H HENDERSON, -jangt g > a e Maker, near Sharon Grove, Fay ettecounty, (la., can make to order at short notice, single seat rtnd slide sent BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES AND PLANTATION WAGONS. Also, repairing done at short notice, and in the very Res Kind of style- - la. All work warranted. Sep. 26, 1855... .22 ts Laud For Sale. A valuable tract of land, in the Frs;t District of I’ike county, containing five hundred acres, lying between Flint River and Line TafesSteffa Creek, can be purchased on very acoom m oda- %PWr ting terms by application to the undesigned. The tract is known as the place foymenly owned by A. B. Dulin, and contains a quantity <.,f Good Timbered Land, as well as a valuable plantation, under cultivation. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon, as the place will certainly he sold. J, B. REID, Agent: „ for R. A J. CALDWELL A CO. _ Gn(fiu, Feb. 27'..'n 1857. 43 ts To tUe Fulilic—Land Warrant failed to coincto liaitdi NOTICE is hereby given that Land Warrant No 57,702, for 10 acres, issued under the act of September, 1850, my name,Sergeant in Cant. Rice's Company, Virginia Militia,on the 2olh of May, 1852, and on that day sent to my address, Greenville, Ga.,lnis never been received by me. Said Warrant has bebrt either lost or stolen betweeu Wash ington City and Greenville, Ga. All persons are hereby warned not to purchase said Warrant,unit is toy intention nftet the publication pf this notice for .6 Weeks, to apply to the Commissioner ttf Pensions for a telssue or duplicate esrtd Land Warrants DUDLEY PEEBLES. Meriwether eo,, (la., September 24,1856. M .27. .. Ctef DR. BROWN HAVING associated himself in the practice of Medlctfafc and Surgery, with Hr. WM. M. HARDWICK, Would, by this means, introduce him to the confidence and patron age of the community, satisfied ihatthey will find him wot* thy and well qualified to fulfil dll the duties incumbent bfc him ns a Physician—under the firm, name and style of HARDWICK & BROWN, WDuring the absence of Dr, Blown, Dti Hardwifck wH always be found in the Office,unless professionally engages WM. M, HAKfiWICK, W, SHOWN. Griffin, May 14, 1866 3 ts DR. D. M. WILLIAMS, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. MSuOfficeon Hill Street, over Bunks'Boot A Shoe Store. May 3, 1855, ts CASH STORE. MACON, GEORGIA. NEW SPBTNG GOOD?; ▲.ft a THE subscriber is now receiving anew and haadf stock of FANCY AND mPLB DRf rfv GOODS, suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE , among which will be found almost every article in tbfe line, which he intends to otter on the best, terms. Also, a large stock of CARPETING, Oil Cloths,Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Ac. *&,His friends and the public are requested to give him a call. GEORGE W. PRICE. March 5. 1556,.... ,44 ~, ,-ts __ Howass'* COTTON HARVESTER, FOR TICKING COTTON IN TitL FIELD. THIS valuable machine, second only to the invention of the Cotton Gin, is destined to produce a remarkable change in the method of gathering cotton from the field It will do the work of from three to five hands in picking cotton from the stalk, and is evidently a lalw-suving ma chine. Its benefit to the Planter is incalculable. It picks the cotton clean and free from trash, leaves it in excellent condition for ginning—obviates the necessity of exposing the hands to heavy dews, rains and cold, and from flic ra pidity of its work, will enable the Planter to prepare his crop for market at an early day, leaving him time for the improvement of his land, houses, enclt-surcs and genera! arrangement of the Plantation. It is light, weighing about 8 pounds, is suspended by a strap over the shoulders,and is operated by means of a crank turned by the hand or fingers. The simplicity of this ma chine is its leading feature—it is not liable to get wit of or der, and any negro of ordinary capacity, is competent to use it. One harvester, with proper care, will last a serkw of years. We are now selling State and Cbnniy Rights for the man ufacture and use of the above machine. Any infomiltion relative thereto,can be obtained by calling on’ A. Wild bur,- General agent for Georgia, Florida, North and South Caro lina, at his office, 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., or at the! stores of the subscriber, 135, Congress Street, Savannah,- Ga., of 125 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C , where the ma chine can be seen in operation, Price of the machine; 125..*# ALFRED WEBSTER, Traveling Agent. Savannah, Ga., June 11, 1856.- 7... .ts HILL cfc SMITH, ■WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES! HARDWARE! Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods!!! j#3*Corner of Hill and Solomon Street*)-** Griffin, May 3,.1855. TO YOUNG MEN li March of Genteel ami Profitable Employment ANY gentleman wishing to learn the new and beautifh Art of AMBBOTYPING, will find this an opportunity rarely to be met with. Mr. C. has had over nine years ex perience in the Profession, and will guarantee anyone pos sessing no more than ordinary abilities, taking part in the business of the day with himself, to learn quickly and thor oughly. Full instructions and complete apparatus, stack and chemicals furnished for a stipulated sum. ARTHUR B CLARKE, Amhrotypist and Photographer, over J A A J C Ik-tk- ‘ Store. Griffin, July 16, 185 C 12.,..3m LUMBER! LUMBER ! I GAULDING’S STEAM MILL. THE subscriber having leased the above Mill, being an’ experienced Mnehincst, and having supplied hittisdft with a Icarge quantity of the best pink timber, hoping to e able at short notice, to furnish those w ith hiinbfcf, who may favor him with their orders—orders left with A. A.- Gaulding, or A. B. DuHd, t Griffin, will receive promp attention. Jan. Bth. 1856. JAMES W. MOORE. RICHARDS & BROTHER, nfmr . wholesale asp rrtail Cheap, Cash, Book and Kfasic Store, Hitl Street, 2 and door from the Railroad, Griffin, Ga. *3, The New Publications received as they arc i*nod frofn the press, and sold at Nan York Retail Rates! S3, A full supply of COLLEGE AND SCHOOL TEXT’ BOOKS, always op hand. Orders, per mail, promptly at tended to. Established January, 1855. December 10th, 1855. 3-3-ly BUSINESS STAND IN ATLANTA FOR SALE. IwiU mjßmy store and stand, at the corner of Waite Hnl aud Muchfell Streets, tit a fair price, for cash, or on reu sohflb’le.terms, io a prompt and punctual purchaser. Call and look,as lam making a change in my business. If 1 was going to continue in the mercantile business, I wouM not dispose of it at any price. W. W. ROARK. Atlantia, March 19, 1856 45.... fa i>BWrTISTRY~ DRS, CLARK & EMERSON HAVING formed a copartnership in the practice of dentistry, would respectfully tender their services to the public- Dr. E. besides being an experienced operator, is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Driitai Surgery, and brings with him all the improvements in the {tracticc of Dentistry.- The high testimonials and beautiful specimens of Dr. B. show that he has spiffed neithertime norexpeuse to arrive at proficiency; Neither tlnfß fior expense shall !>c spared in performing all operations in the hiost beautiful and durable manner.— At the same time while they consider it better to pay a trifle more to have teeth saved, than a trifle less to have them’ ruined, their Charges shall not be higher than the same’ kind of operations Would Command at the North. F. Y.CLARK G. W. EMERSON, D. D.S. Griffin, Feb. 2,1855 42 6m Carpenter Afid Joiner Work. THEundersigned respectfully informs the public that he” is prepared to carry on the above business in alf its branches, at his shop, on the westsideof New Orleans Street 1 opposite Messrs. Prichard A Wood. In case of my alisenee.’ orders may be left at the shop, with any of the hands therein employed, but all payments must be'made to me add tim alone or by iny order. T. j, isON Griffin,.tab < 16th, 1856.. .87. .If FOR S A L eTI hhHE COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, in West -L Griffin, at present occupied by Col. A. B. Mathews..- Persons desirous of purchasing would do well to examine the premises, as the house must positively be sold. Fodses sioii given first of next January. Apply at the store t)f * C. H. JOHNSON A Go., Griffin, Sept. 10th, 65. .20. ts Hill street! fifty barrels RECTIFIED Whiskey, White and Col'd .for sale fit a very low Lgnre. Also Monongahala. Rye and Ilqrborif W hiskey, Brandies. Wines, Rum and Gin, of all nidifies,to’ “'hick we invi.lts the attention of coustrv dealers Give ns co’d before you buy elsewhere UILL A SMITH. June Id, 165 G 8 ts u L. WRIGHT, EXCHANGE BIit)HER, ATLANTA, GKO. WILL attend to collections entrusted to him, anti rc'mil promptly, at current rates of Exchange: buy ;f fid sell uncurrent Bank Notes i Co!ii„ Ac. The Highest cash price paid for Bounty Lahti Writ-rants. is®* Apply: > w, C. Wright, Griffin. Ga., for sale of Land Warrants. REFERENCES.—JoitN Thompson, Banker, Nrt.2,Wall street, and Carhakt, Buo. A Cos., New York; Convkuhb A Cos., New Orleans. Atlanta, May 16, ’55 ts J. K. WILLIAMS,. ... ; .TNO. KIIEA WM. M. WILLIAMS J. F. WILLIAMS A CO., Successors to J. E. Williams, General Commission Merchants, AND DKALEKS IN GRAIN, BACON,i.ARD, FEATHERS, and TEN NESSF.E PRODUCE, GENERALLY, Decatur Street, hear the “Trout House,” Atlanta, ffa. air Utters of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, Ac.. promptly umbhre<L May 1fi.1856.-3tf LOOK HERE. I CAN dean Furniture a little better then any I have seen done in this place. I enn have the Wood-work repaired ih the best manner. I can do the work at my Shop, or nl your residence, to suit your convenience. Give me a trial, irar Satisfaction JOHN J FARLEY. Seprcmber 24, 1856 57... ts