The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, December 03, 1856, Image 3

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Kr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge.—Another Medical Witness.—lt is no small evidence of the intrinsic value of this great Vermifuge, when even physicians, who are generally prejudiced against patent medicines, voluntarily come forward and testify to its triumphant success in expelling worms. Read the following : % Harrisonville, Shelby co., Ely., April 2, 1849. Messrs. Fleming Bros : I am a practising phys ician, residing permanently in this place. In the year 1843, when a resident of the State of Missou ri, I became acquainted with the superior virtues ‘of Dr. M’Lane's Vermifuge, prepared by you.— At some more leisure moment, I will send you the result of an experiment I made with, one vial, in expelling upwards of nine hundred worms. L. CARTER, M. D. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M’LANlvrf CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manufactured by FLEMING BROS., of Pitts burgh, Pa There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’- Lane’s genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature of FLEMING BROS. Holloway’s Ointment and Fills are highly recommended for the cure of Erysipelas.—- They act in Unison upon the system, cleansing and purifying the blood, and never fail to cure any skin disease, however desperate the case may be. JSTSoId at the manufactories, No 80, Maiden Lane, New York, and No 244, Strand, London ; and by all Druggists at ‘25 c.ts, 62£ ots., and $1 per box. COMMER CIAI. GUIFFIN MARKET. J>fe. 2,—A slight reaction has. taken place since our last issue, and we now quote as extremes Io to ll cents. Re ceipts light anddemand good. Married. s On the evening of the 25th of Nov. by the Rev. A. G Thomas of Gridin, Mr Parker E Brown and Miss Carrie N Gresham; daughter of E L Gresham, both of Henry county Ga. *** Christian Index please copy. On the 25th ult. by Rev J II Campbell, Taos. C Johnson Esq. of Jonesboro and Miss Em, a Wig gins, eldest daughter of the late Col W W Wig gins of Spalding county. The above notices were accompanied with the usual printers fee, in the form of some nice cake, with other wedding fixings, for which we tender our grateful acknowledgements./ In return we can only offer the good wishes of a poor editor, that the two happy wedded pair may have their path of life be strowu with fragrant flowers,und may sip the nectar of human bltaa from every object which may be thrown in their way, On the 26th ult, by the Rev. J II Campbell, Wm H Burney Esq. of Madison Ga and Miss Liz zie A Stark, daughter of Hon J II Stalk of Grif fin Ga. Printer’s fee OK. Ah, Lizzie, you have broken many a heart in this goodly city. But it is not your fault ‘The course of true love never did run smooth,’ and if the young swains about Griflin suffered themselves to be captivated by your charms, it was their mis fortune not your fault. A happy honey moOnj and u pleasant journey to you on the voyage Os life. Near McDonough, Henry County by Rev; P E Munson, on the 30th ult. Dr L M Tye and Miss Mary A Crockett, daughter of the late John Crockett, all of Henry County, Dt; Tye lias at length tied a knot which he Will not likely soon untie, and the fair young bride wild has Dcd her destiny on ,to bis, may well cOngrultu* late herself, that the tie which binds her to Dr Tye is one which she will never wish to have untied. At the residence of her father, Washington. City, oil the 10th ult., by Rev. J. B. Byrne, lion. Stephen A. Douglas; •of Illinois, and Miss Alete C cits, daughter of J, Madison Cutts, Esq. In the city of Macon, on the 18th ultimo, by tllC Rev; Mr: ‘Brock, Mr, Wm. A. lliiip, of Eatontpu, and Miss Ophelia E., daughter of the lion. E. A. Nisbet, of Macon. . . CLERK'S OFFICE INFERIOR COURT, i Spalding County, Dei*. 2, 1836. j J'T is ordered by the Court in consequence of tile removal iL of John A Cherry, Clerk of said Court, from the county \t>f Spalding, that the office i- hereby declared Vacant, and pit an election for Clerk of said Court take place on the Monday in January next, the time affixed bylaw for the J .‘Httdtianof Judges of the Inferior Court , and that James j Logan, now acting as Deputy Clerk of said Court, act as i jt’Lprtc until said election, and the person elected sworn into i -idCce—said election to be advertised in the city papers.— | -I?y : the'Court. A A (Jaultung, JI 0 j Wm Crittenden , J 1 C Jason Burr, J I C A 1 tttte extract from the minutes of said. Court, this 2ud •day of'Dec. 1856. James H Logan, Dept Clerk. Attention. Griffin Light Guards! A LE members of the Company arc hereby notified to at i'emTthe regular meeting on Saturday night next, Gtli instant, at tjie Company’s Room, New Orleans Street, llu-j siness ftf-puportanue will be before the Company. By i under oftfte’Captaiu. Wm. H. Poweli., O. S. ; ; Dec. 3, -185 G-. PIANO FORTES. THE underjigfled takes pleasure in again rI cslling.tlie attention of .tlje public to his large and stoekofPlANO-FOIiTES,f I Q If * j JE offered flit sale at his Music Ware itoom, corner of | Ilijl Street and Broadway. . These P t AN OS are all fresh and new, direct from the vejy besjt tnftnylactnrers North,and for beauty of finish, power “and oHone, are not excelled by any others made in the UiyeU) having all the newest and latest im provements The styles range from the pi in square Six Octaycs up to the rich and elegantly carved cen ter Seven Octave jfManp. * . j They will be sold af precisely “New York retail rates with only the adVti.tiOn of frcightfroin New York. A writ ten guaranty Will accompany everyone sold, to this effect! “If at any time witjjiu,, ; l2 month’s using,any defect is found which cjnnot be remedied to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, it can beye.turned and exchanged for anoth er.” Prices range from $225 to according to fijbisil, Ac. ■ The nev.fst and latest.publication* of Slieet Music alwaVs on band,together with a fine stock of SUPERIOR OLD VIOLINS, and nearly every tiling usually found in Music Stores. J. W. SHACKLEFORD. Griffin, Dec, 3, IBsf> ,32.; (1 Fcyrlte ‘ onnty—Wiiereas 0 E Bennett X applies to me for letter*'of- Guardianship of the pro perty of Sarah J Elkin. Thomas W. Mary E. Eliza F. and Eincdine Elkin minor children of James Elkin. /These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred, and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my officewithin the time prescribed bylaw to show cause sis any they have] why said lettersshould not lie granted •Given under mv hand at office. This 20th davofNov. 1856. G C KING DeptC C 0, Dae. .. 32 20ds f t EOK.UIA Fayette Comity—-Whereas Perrey Hicks T applies to me for letters of administration on “the es tate of Christopher Cline, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deccas and, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to aliow cause [if any they have] why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office at Fayette ville, Nov. 20th 185 G. G C KING,Dept. C C 0. Dec. 3,15.->G 32 30ds STOVEB, TIN WARE, &C. HAVING bought out the establishment of Judge Burr, the undersigned is prepared to supply customers with every variety of COOKING and other STOVES. AND PLAIN AND FANCY TIN WARE And an other articles in his line, on the best of terms. All kirrds.of JOB WORK done to erder and with despatch. Call and see me. *£* DANIEL HOWARD Griffin, Nov. 4th, IBSC. 28 ts To the Ladies. cwm MRS. J. M. LUNQUEUT would respectfully in wjjSMsor m the Ladies of Griffin and vicinity, that she has removed her Goods to the Store of Messrs. Brawner ADufley, where she can be found, or at her residence, two doors East of Messrs. Hill & Smith’s store. She is now re ceiving her FALL AND WINTER STOCK, compromising a most beautiful assortment of BONNKTS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and in fact all kinds, of Milli nery Goods, to suit the most fastidious. Sue will still continue to Alter, Clean, Dye and Press alb kWi of Bdnnets. * . ‘ Bonnets, Talmas , and Cloaks made to order, ft®, All orders left at the Store will be promptly attend ed to. Griffin, Sept. 27,1856 23 tl Tribute of Respect, Ringgold Lodge, 1 No. 90, P A M, j The committee appointed to draft resolutions, expressive of the feelings of this lodge upon the death of our much esteemed brother, Bailey Welden, who deparied this life, at his residence in Spalding county, on the 25th ult., aged 46 years. Death has again invaded our ranks: again are we called on to pay the lastsad honors of garth to a departed brother, again are we reminded by a most sad and impressive dis pensation of Providence that it is Appointed unto man once to die. Our brother, a short tifite since, so buoyant and hopeful, is no more. He is no more; arid may his spirit have been conducted by angels to Hfeaviffl; there to be forever blessed, and to form another chord to bifid aud direct lie Who, survive him, from earth to Heaven, may his Childrteri, bCfeft as they are now, of father and mother, ever liaVe the blessings of heaven to direct, preserve and protect them, and may a kind Providence be their Father and benefactor, and they in their orphanage have tlio advice, care and atten tion of kind and true friends. Our deceased brother was exemplary in his practice of masonic virtue, as a citizen he was peaceable, orderly and industrious, as a gentleman, he was courteous and honor able as a man, he was honest and sincere and in all the re lations he sustained towaids his fellows, his deportment ever conformed to a strict rule of propriety. Resolved, That i® token of cur respect for his memory we will accompany his remains to the home appointed for all living, arid there deposit the same With the Usual cere monies of our order. Resolved, That we sincerely sympathise with the afflict ed family and bereaved friends of our deceased brother, Resolved, That as a public testimonial of our regard for our deceased brother, the members of this lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days and that the fur niture of the lodge be clad in mourning. Resolved. That a blank page be left in the book of the lodge on which shall be inscribed the naffie of OUr deCUasetl brother, with the day of his birth and death. Resolved, That a copy of the above be spread upon our minutes and a copy furnished the orphans of the deceased and a copy sent to the Griffin papers for publication. JOSEPH SPRUCE, ) HENRY H A MMO ND, V Com. PRESLEY BURDETT ) DIED at Beallwood, near Columbus, on the 21st ult., in the 24th year of her age, Mrs. Caroline Matilda , wife of Wm. II Griswold, Esq. Junior proprietor of the Columbus Enquirer, and daughter of Dr, LF W Andrews, of Macon ®aWe are authorised to announce the name of R A COCHRAN as a candidate for TaX assessor for the county of Pike atthe approachihg January election, subject to the nomination. Dec. 3,185 G 32....3t, —"h. -AtfTsrTTi- We are authorized to renounce the nattle of WILSON SHIVERS, Sr., as a candidate for m TaX Collector of Pike county, at the election to be held in January next. Nov. 19, 1856—30—tde Fditor: Please anuounce my name as a candi iate for Solicitor General of the Ootvcta Cir cuit. Election the first Monday in January 1857 JABE BRASSELL. October 22,1856 ,,, .26. .. .tde. Presentments of the Grand Jury of Spalding County, 2d Week, Nov; Term, 1856. TIIE Giand Jurors sworn, chosen and selected for the 2nd week of November Term, 1856, Spalding Superior Court, in closing the present service, beg leave to submit the following Presentments. Our predecessors of last week, having looked into the Condition of the Poor School Fund, we deem it un necessary to make further examination iuto that matter, and give our acquiescence to their report in that particular. We also acquiece in their re port in reference to the neat, faithful and correct manner in which the County Treasurer has kept his Books ; ; ml in their report of the statement of the funds in the hands of that Officer; We, how ever. most respectfully dicscfit fi'diil that portion of the Presell!iHeiitc Os Our predecessors in which they uilSt ill! implied censure upon the Collecting Officers on account of tneir reserving funds which Caine into their hands, and appropriating such lands, or a portion of them, to the payment of Uritfts in their own favor, in preference to others. We find on examining Cobb’s New Digest, on page 303; section 52st, the law to be as follows, viz : Be it enacted from and after the passage of this Act; that ollt of any moneys arising from fines im posed, inflicted; o? on forfeited recognizances in the Superior Courts of this State, or for violations of the penal laws thereof, the Attorney or Solicitor General bringing the money into Court,- shall be entitled to his insolvent list fob cost, flfst paid, then the Orders of former Solicitors to be paid ac cording to priority of claims ; and by reference to the penal laws, Sec; 416, we find the law allows the Sheriffs to reserve their proportionate amount in like manner; We itripiii.6 tit) improper motives to the members Os last week’s pannel, but presume they acted under a belief that the old law on this subject was still in force, and were not apprised of the existence Os the Statutes above referred to.— We take this notice of the matter solely for the purpose of setting our Officer's tight in reference to their action in this particular; add Os Vindicat ing them in that high position which they lidve al ways occupied in the discharge’ Os tlifeir public du ties. And we furthermore beg leave to dissent from the recommendation of our predecessors iri re gard to levying an extra tax for the purpose of building a Court House. For several years past, we have had a series of bad crops, which has occa sioned a great stringency in the monetory affairs of the country, and taking into consideration the present scarcity and high prices of provisions in our county, we deem it bad policy to increase the burdens of taxation at present, ludeed, we see no pressing necessity for such a course at this time. — The City Council of Griffin have kindly granted us the use of their Hall, in which to hold our Courts, and this is a much better room than many other counties have for this purpose ; and we re commend the Honorable Inferior Court to appro priate such small amounts out of the County funds as may be necessary to keep the Hall in good re pair, and comfortable condition, as they have here tofore done, and will no doubt continue to do, whenever necessary. We furthermore strenuously object to the plan “of drawing money by taxation from the pockets of the people of the county, to be loaned for years to the favorites of the County Of ficers. Such a plan ha3 been often tried in other counties, and has almost Uniformly resulted in dis aster and loss. The financial history of an adjoin ing county, speak.*, volumes in confirmation of our opinion on this subject: ( , , , • We have through a committee examined the public buildings, and find some repairs indispensi ble and necessary, and would recommend the pro per Officers to take such steps as will insure their immediate attention ; particularly Would W§ re commend the building of a Cook House cr Kitchen on the Jail Lot, for the use and benefit of the Jai lor, which we believe important to the preserva tion of the Jail. The roof of the Jail is in bad condition, and particularly that portion around the stove-pipe, which needs some repairs to prevent its leaking. There are other repairs on the ’ne cessary : the doors and windows should be made more secure. We particularly and specially call the im mediate attention of the proper Officers, to the very filthy condition of all of the prisoner's rooms of the Jafi, and to have them immediately cleansed and renovated. The roof of the present court room—particular ly that portion around the cupola, needs some re pairs. We hope the proper authorities of the county will attend to this matter. Through a committee we have examined in a summary manner the Books, &c., of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and find them neatly and cor rectly kept, and brought up to date in a manner highly creditable to that Officer. We also commend the manner in which the Books of the Inferior Court are kept by the pre sent Deputy Clerk. J Lis books are brought lip in a plain, neat and legible style. We regret being compelled to call public atten tion to the very bad condition of the public roads generally throughout the county —especially the road from Griffin to Pyron’s Bridge, on Flint Ri ver. We would earnestly call upon the proper au thorities to, have them put in good order without delay. In taking leave of his Honor, Judge Green, we cannot do so wiilrout returning him our thanks for his urbanity* andfaitbful and honest discharge of the onerous duties‘imposed upon him, during the present Term, and regret that bis valuable’ servi ces as Judgo of the Flint Circuit, vs so sobn to ! come to a close. Every thing considered, no ! man has left the Bench with more honor and credit to himself, and satisfaction to the people. He has our best wishes for his future prosperity and hap piness. To the Solicitor General, James R. Lyons, we return our thanks for his kindness to us, and the very prompt und energetic manner in which he prosecutes the duties of his Office. He is faithful and vigilant. We respectfully/request the publication of our Presentments in the American Union and Empire State. W J Jossey, Foreman. IT Banks, D N Touchstone, John Gossett, W M Leak, J WVaughan, S W Mangham, Thos Lyons, J N Simmons, P Hindsman, F L Collins, W B Seay, J L Johnson, E Segraves, F H Drewry, Aaron Cloud, J P PefdUGj Geo Malone, J Lavender, I D Simmons, W D Duncan. Spalding Superior Court, I Impursuance of the Nov. Term, 1856. J request of the Grand Jury for the 2nd week of said Term of said Court, it is hereby ordered that these General Presentments be published in the Ameri can Union aud Empire State. By the Court, Nov 29 1836; J R Lyons, Sol. Gen. A ti'Ue extract Jrotfl the minutes of said Court, this Dec. 1, 1856. J H Logan, Clerk. After being duly shown the law on the subject With regard to the collecting officers of the rior Court, we fully concur with the Grand Jury of the present week, and request this, oUr Protest, to be entered on the minutes of the Court. C S Westmoreland, H M Flournoy. MARSHALL COL LEGAL THE Trustees of MARSHALL COLLEGE take pleasure in informing the friends and patrons of education that they have been successful itt securing the services of Rev. J W ATTAWAY and Mr P P BROWN, late President of Hamilton Female College, to take charge of this Institution theensilihg year, Mr. A . has been known as a faithful and competent teacher, in Georgia, for the last twenty years. Ml- B. has also taught in this State for a number of years, With eminent success. We feel assured that under the instruction of gentlemen of such experience and tried integrity, students may secure advantages satisfactory to the expectations of the most sanguine. Other Teachers Will also be employed in due time. We also feel that the present is an important crisis in the history of Makshali. Coudeoe. and would respectfully call upon its friends to rally to its support, and by their influence amt patronage, give it a start, aud speed it on to prosperity aud usefulness. Terms- The Scholastic year is dividld into two Terms: The first or Spring Term of six months, commencing on the 2d Mon day in January. The second, or Fall Term of four months, commencing Ist Mondav in August. EXPENSES. Tuition. Spring Term. Fall Term- In College Class $24 00 sl6 00 “ Preparatory class 24 00 16 00 Second “ 21 60 - • 14 00 “ Third “ 15 06... ,16 00 “ Elementary “ 12 00 6 9° Incidentals .1 00 75 DST Board 10 dollars per month. JP MILNER, Sect'y of Board. Griffin, Dec, 3, 1856... .32 ts Spalding Sheriff’s Sales for January. WILL BE SOLD, before the Court House door, in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following propel ty, to wit : Thirty barrels of corn, more or less ; two bay horses, one buggy, one negro man, Caesar, about 70 years old ; Sttplien a man 43 ; Gabe, a man 38 ; Sally, a woman about 41 ; Mary, a woman 33 ; Ann, a girl 13 ; Rachel and Jane,two girls (twins) 9 years old ; Wash, ahoy 7 : Mary, agirl 6 ; Bose, a boy 5 ; Wade, a boy 2, and Mat, a girl 1 or 2years old. All levied on as the property of Christopher C Bow en, to satisfy two ti fas from Carroll Superior Court, one in favor of lingers, Ketchem & Grosveuov,one in favor of E B Stoddard & Cos., and other fi fas in my hands vs said Bowen. Levy made by me while acting as ‘Deputy Sheriff under John G Lindsey, and the said iiegi-'cifc'suoW inthfe possfessieffi of John G Lindsey, former Sheriff of Spalding county. One negro iUainterned Daniel, ab'o'uf27 yeafs old ; Car oline, a Woman rtijfiut 25 years old',, an# her elijlAabqut 18 years old : ieVied Pit ga the property of Thomas iHenJersdii to satisfy tWo fi fas fromSpaiding Inferior Court, one .in fa- Vor ofllF Jackson,and one in favor of Isaac D Williamson Property pointed out by Thomas HcudersoD. 70 iu:ffes of Land, more or less, it being all that paid of Lot No 129, in the 3d dist.of originally Henry now Spald ing county, that lies on the east side of a branch that runs through said lot ; also Lot No not known in the city of Griffin, it being the place whereon John Spruill now lives, containing one acre, more or less, with tHe improvements thereon. Also one negro man nttitied Dick,about 50 years old : levied oh as the property of John Spruill to satisfy 15 Justices’ Court li fas from the 1065th dist. G M., in favor of Ephraim Lynch vs John T Thweatt, and John Spruill, se curity. Property pointed out by plaintiff: levied on and returned to me by James T Gray, Constable Dec. 3, 1856. A A WOOOEN, Sheriff. Sjfftliling Postponed Sheriff Sale for January Wit.iL b'C said, before the Court Rousts door, in the city of Griffin, Spalding county; Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal liours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: The south half of lot of Lurid No 179, In the 2nd (list, of formerly .Pifee now Spalding county, containing Dj! 4 acres Mote or less : levied on as |hc property of It II C Gillespie ip. satisfy a fi fa front Spalding, Inferior Court, in favor of W W pafis Ns R,H C Gillespie,and other fi fas. Property pointed out by F W A Doyle, Plaintiff’s Attorney. Dec: 3, 1856. A A WOOTEN, SlffiHff: Pikh Sheriff Sales for January WILL 1)6 sold beforh the chart-house door, in theto-ftil of Zebulon, Pike county, on the Ist Tuesday in Jan uary next, within tHfe legal hours of sale, the following property to wit : , . ■ One hundred acres of Lanu, more or less, situated in the Bth district of originally Monroe note Pike county, bounded by Milton Reviere, north, John Burnett; east; Mrs Burnt it,’ south, and west by Mrs. Towns. Levied ori. to 1 sdtlsfy Justice Court fi fas issued from the 100th district, ,G M in favor of John Neal vs John Corley and George W Hfeltotf.’ Levied on as the property of said Helton to satisfy said ft fas. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Tenant in posses sion notified, and levy made and returned to me by William Harp, constable. 275 acres of Land, more or less, situated in the 7th dist., of originally Monroe now Pike county, it being part of lots No 3 and 4” on the west side of tbe Macon A Western Rail road, adjoining the lands of Samuel Ford .Wiley Thornton and George McDaniel. Levied on to satisfy two fi fas, one in favor of John Gardner, the other in favor of Seaborn Covington vs Mills Minton, the former from the Superior, and the latter fiom the Inferior Court of Pike county. Pro perty pointed out by defendant. One house amt lot ih the town of Barnesville, consisting of 1 acre* more or less, now oWned atid occupied by Mary A Campbell: levied on to satisfy afi fa issued from Pike Superior Court, in favor of Martha Hightower, Adm’x vs John W Campbell and Mary,A Campbtjii; Property point ed out by defendant, anff levied dff as the, pik>pei , ty ; of Mary A Campbell; A B PALGHAN, Sheriff, Also atthe saitie tififij and place will be sold,’ One negro woman by the name of Margaret, about 36 years old : levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued froiu Pike Superior Court, in favor of John F Sullivan Vs Martin C Cochran, and Wm B Cochran, security on appeal. Levied on as the property of Wm B Cochran. Property pointed out by plaiatifTs attorney. WM II MeCLENDON, D S Dec. 3, 1856. Btdtts Sheriff Sales foil* Jan Gary. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit : 2 L’Vffifesand lots at or near thf Indian Springs; one- tot containihgf aerfes, More of less, With a large two story Brick house and other improvements ; the other lot containing 8 acres more or less with a frame dwelling Ac, all levied on to satisfy onefi fa issued from Butts Inferior court, Michael D Garr vs James jR Willis, levied on as said Willis’ property, property pointed.pptb? phfinfifls Altoftitf, R Hendrick, tenant In possession wbtjfmtf/ Also, at the same'tjmqaptljplace, Mfiß be sold, one sorell horse,levied on as ths property of Wm satisfy one fi fa from Butts Inferior Court, in fa vor of Stephen Moor# vs said Harris, property pointed out by defendant, Nov. 27 1856. ft G Byars, sh'ff. Dec. 3,1856 32....tds Georgia Spalding County.—Whereas .James TANARUS, Ellis applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of John L. Ellis, minor btTr Os Rrch 1 aid P. Ellis, late of said county, deceased. , . These are t Here fore to cite aud admonish, all and singu lar, those concerned, to show cause (if any they have,) within the time prescribed, why letters of'Guardianship should not be granted said applicant. Given at office, November 27th, 1856. JAMES H. MANGHAM, Ord’y. [dec 3 30ds) GEORGIA, Spalding County—Whereas Isaac Wel den applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the estate of Bailey Welden, late of said county deceased. These are therefor to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause (if any they have,) why letters-should not be granted 6aid aoplicant. Given at office', November 27th, 1856. , JAMES H. MANGHAM, Ord’y. [dec 3, 30ds] GEORGIA Fayette County.—Whereas Mathew Yates,Executor and Mafgaret Westley. executrix on tlife festate of Evens Westley decbaSed, applies to me for letters of dismission. . > i These are therefore to cite and ad'mbnish all and singular, thb kindfed and creditors of said decease!!, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause [if any they have,] why said letters should not be granted. Given undfer my hand at office at Fayetteville: Nov 29 1856. GEO C KING, Dfcpt c. c. o. Dec. 3,1856 32....30d5. GEORGIA Fayette County—--Wereas Thos. J Caffiji applies tome for letters of administration on the ea7a tv of Nathan Camp, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of si id deceased, to be and appear at my office Within the time prescribed by law, to snow cause [if any they have] Why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office at Fayetteville. Nov. 29th 1856. GEO C KING, DCCO. Dec. 3,1856 32 30ds SIXTY days after date application Will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Spalding county, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph Williams late of said county deceased. JOHN C WILLIAMS ) THOS. B WILSON f - Adm’rs. DOS BALLARD Dec. 3,1856 32 30ds Something New! New Store! SUGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF !! WHOLESALE~AND RETAIL. THE undersigned take pleasure in informing their friends and the public generally, that they have opened in connection with their Manufactory in New York, their SEGAR & TOBACCO STOKE, in the rooms formerly occupied by the Interior Bank, on BROADWAY, next door above the corner of Hill Street, where may be found a large assortment of Segars of the best quality, of different brands and of all flavors, so that we are able to suit the taste of any smoker, and therefore invite the lover of a good give us a call in our fine ly fitted out rooms, where we are sure to please. FINE CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, ogvther with Snuffs, andall other articles usually found in Establishments of this kind, kept constantly on hand. Particularly we would call the attentioh of Store, Ho tel and Tavern Keepers, Grocers, Peddlers, aud country dealers in general, to onr Wholesale Establishment* And as our Manufactory, and connection with the first Houses in the North, furnish us with these articles at real Importer's prices, we are enabled to offer them at New Y<n k J Wholesale Market Prices ! inducements not found any where else in this section of the Country. We therefore re spectfully invite dealers to examine our stock and prices, feeling confident that a trial Will induce another call. Our motto is, “Goa-head ; small profits and quick sales.” Griffin, Nov. 26, 1850= =3l. .ts Joß= EHLEN & GO. South-western Railroad Ctoi THE South Western Railroad Company wishes to hire ONE HUNDRED NEGRO MEN to work on Repairs of Said Road for 1857: also TWENTY WOMEN for cooks. Good wages will be given, and payments made quarterly: Contracts can be made with Mr J M Waiden Supervisor at Port Valley, or on the Road, or with the subscriber at the Company’s office Macon. GEO. W ADAMS Sup. Macon, NoV; 26...., .31 5t LAND FOR SALE ! ’ THE undersigned offers for sale, his Valuable PLANTA TION, on the Griffin and McDonough road, seven miles from Griffin, ffffd known as the Strickland place, con taining about Four Hundred Acm* On said place is an excellent Dwelling House, good Gin house and Press and other necessary outbuildings. There is on the place about 75 acres of good BOTTOjf LAND, a part of which is in a high state of cultivation. The place is well watered, and one of the most desirable situations in the country. It can be bought upon reasonable terms. Al so two hundred acres of good land, adjoining, can be bought upon good terms. JOHN L. MOORE. November 25th, 1856 31—ts SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN GUARANTIED.-^* $102,000 !! Only 15,000 Numbers!!! PrIMS payable without Deduction. i., K . Jasp®r County Academy lottery, by Authority of the State ot Georgia. Class T To bfe drawn December 15,1856, at Concert Hall; MffrUrt, Ga.-, under tlie sworn superintendence of Col: Q“orgfe ts. Logan and W C Anderson, Esq. RemeMM’ (his Lottery has only fifteen thofeand numbers—less than any Lottery iff file World ! Thefiftffe it is the best for investment.— Examine the Scheme. H , SCItEME 1 Prize of $15,000 1 “ .5.000 1 “ 2,000 4 Prizes of SI,OOO are 4,000 5 “ 500 are 2,500 80 “ 100 are ; .8,000 i;000 “ 40 ate . 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 Approximations of SIOO are = . $2,600 50 ‘‘ 50 are = ...:;:. = = . 2,566 50 “ 20 are 1,000 1,712 Prizes amounting to .$102,000 H®,Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quarters $2,50;’ = The 1,500 Prizes of S4O are determined by the last figure of the number that draws the Capital Prize of $15,000. The CdifftaiFrife Will, of course, end with one of the figures— 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7,8, 9,0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the same figure as the last in the Capital, will be entitled to S4O. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its bring fost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par Those Wishing particular numbers, should order immedi faely. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Not. 2ff, 1856—31——ly Manager, Macon, Ga. s7 B M ’ WILLIAMS, Healer iN Staple an# Fancy Dry Hoods, HILL 5fkiif;.. ........ GRIFFIN, GA October 25th, 1856; 27—ts. HARDWARE &IrON. C. H. JOHNSOff, HILL STREET, G RIFE IN, ijA., KEEPS constantly on baud a large and well assorted stock of English and American HARDWARE, of every de scription, and of superior quality. Iron cfc Steel, Os all kinds and sizes. FARMERS’, CARPENTERS’, BLACKSMITH and TANNERS’ TOOLS—a large assort ment ; PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES and COLORS, of all kinds ; Cut aDd Wrought Nails and Spikes, all sbffcs ; Lamp, Whale, Linseed and Tanner’s Oil, always in store ; Carriage Trimmings Os every description, comprising Axles, Springs* Spokes, Hubs, Rims, Bands, Boxes, Dashes, Side Arms, Laffijffj. Bhafts, Leatiiers, Cloths, Laces, Nails, Tacks, Bolts, Clips. Nuts . aHd Wrenches, Wrought and Cast Iron for Saw and Grist Mills, Leather Belting, &c, j .• Those wishing to purchase Hardware,will do well td call, as I deal in that liiie exclusively, and aside from the large andygrfod: assortfoeiit I offer, my prices are calculated to give satisfaction to all. June 25, 1856 9....1y IRON , HARDWARE CUTLERY, Ac. QAA Tons Swedes Iron: 560 tons Refined Iron: 200 tons DUu English Iron: 5 tons Cast Steel: 100 Steel Faced Anvils. 100 Vices. 3,000 lbs. Smiths Hammers. 2,000 Kegs Nails. 100 Doz. H Collins Axes. 60 doz 8 W Collin’s AXOs i 6;000 lbs Hook Hinges fi’oTf Bags Shot Scovil A Bradcs patent aiiff Carolina Hot's. 160 Setts Asll Ritfls; ♦too setts Hubs 30 doz Hickory Shafts 100 Sides Patent Dash Leather 60 Hides Black Enameld Leather 100 Pieces Black Enameld Duck Drill and Muslin 100 Setts Carriage Bunds Brass and Silvered 600 doz Greares and Sons files,assorted 20 tons Hofiow Ware Also a fine assortment of Cutlery and Hardware, for sale by. N. B. & II WEED. Savannah, Oct* 20,1856... .27 3m BRASS and Mazlin Preserve Kettlcß ; French Pots,Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Boilers, Pot Covers, Waffle and Wafer Irons, and all other necessary adjuncts for good cooking, at 0 H JOHNSON July 2, 1856...... 10’.,.- GRIGG, BERTODY to CO„ BANKERS, AND DEALERS IH REAL ESTATE. LA CROSSE, -WISCONSIN. PERSONS wishing to Locate Land Warrants, either on joint accouijt Or commission—buy or sell Real Estate inthe Western States or Territories, will find experienced abtl attentive Agents in the aboVe firm. By addressing the undersigned, at this place, a printed Mos ‘Terms, Rates, Particulars and Reference, will be for wa'tdbd to any address. T-. I). BERTODY. GITMh; tkp Nov. 11th, 1858-ts c3&tfcfcte kbspiTAi.. - a__a rpHE Faculty of the Reform Medical College JL ’UiVe established a Hospital in the City oj *iSt Maopil. h Bfi Conducted in cotmbcUpn With the JtliMm instruction® pf the institution, ■ indigent White * ja * s *““ patients, dur ‘eg the s'e&sion Os the College, will receive treatment, nursing board gratniously. Colored patients will receive the same tor titty Cents per day.. Surgical operations, examinations an( * prescrip* tions before the class, gratuitous, b ufgicM cases received in the Hospital, and operations performed °. n reasonable terms. The whole to he uuderthe special diree.Mon Os toe t acuity. I. N. LvOOMIS, Sec ty. Nov. 12 1856 29... ,2m. LOOK TO YObR INTEREST!! ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRIE!! THE undersigned#liaving formed a partnership, for the purpose of carrying on the carpentering business in allits various branches,are now prepared to undertake work up on as reasonable terms as can be done in this section of country. Sasli, Blinds, Doors, &c., &c., will be put up at our shop at as low a price as the same ar ticle can be bought in any other market, with only the ad dition of freights added. We mean what we say. Try us and find out. Building contracts entered into when de sired. Shop on Bth streetiathe rear of Wm. Herrontons Store. WM.E. WRIGHT, R. A. WRIGHT. Griffin, July 13d, 1856 13 ts HA R D WARE AND S Bp and ® pi FOR SALE BY C H JOHNSON Griffin, Gm, Auga 1896. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. READ! READ!! THE subscribers take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! Which thoy have now on hand, and are receiving every week, consisting in past as follows i LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Os every descriptions SHAWLS, MANTILLAS CLOAKS, and many other Fancy Goods, too numerous to mention. Also a good supply of DOMESTIC GOODS! THEIR stock of Ready Made Clothing, AND GENTLEMENS’ .FURNISHING GOODS, Is a splendid one, eonlttiitiftg everything in (hat line ;fof t Men am? Boys’ use. They haVe'also a Well-selected stocKfo BOOTS AND SHOES, From their own Wholesale Establishment in sew toifc- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: As two of our firm are residents of NeW York, both hav ing long experience in this business, and front whom we receive new supplies WEEKLY, we are enabled u? show you New Goods at lower prices than lias ever been offered before in this market. Please give us a call, and you will see the cheapest Store is at L. SHULMAN & BROTHERS. Griffin, Ga., Oct 15, 1856. 25 ts Fine Furniture. fSfc. FifjE harlot Setts, Rose Wood, Mahogany and Georgia taps Walnut Furniture; Secretaries and Book Cases, Desks l \ \ and Book Cases ; Burra ns of Rose Wood, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Divans, Sociables, Ottomans in Hair C lotli, Flush, Broca tel, Ac; Arm, Rocking, Nurse, Sewiug, Parlor, Bedroom, Dinin” Hair Cloth, Plush, Brocatel, Cane, Split Bottom, and every kind of Chair known to the trade. BEDSTEADS.—Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahoga ny, Beach, Gum, Ac ; High, Low, French and Cottage. Wardrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine : SOFAS of all patterns. TABLES.—Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Exten sion, Folding Leaf, Square, Round, &c. Mattrasses ot Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Springs j Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters j FINE MIRRORS,com mon Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass, Window Shades and FINE CORNICES; Buckets, Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooks,- Feather Dusters, Fotf! Mate, &Ci| for sale on the most reasonable terms, Lumber, taken in exchange s or Lumber made up in the most fashionable styles of Furniture to order. JSWWe have oc of, the largest stocks of FINE FURNI TURE in the State, and we are constantly manufacturing and wish to sell; Call and see. us before purchasing elsewhere, as we are offering great inducements to purchasers. First door from the Lanier House, Macon Ga. August 20, 1850 17.,, ,6m ‘ TANARUS& G WOOD. Dissolution. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the sub scribers, under the name and style of Cook & Cos., has been dissolved by mutual cousent. ’ Mr. WH D Cook will attend to the settlement of the affairs of said firm. Those indebted wiil please come forward and settle. Griffin, NoV. 1856—28—4 t ™ H D^COOK, t&-The undersigned will continue the tiOGtv and MU SIC BUSINESS at the old stand, wheie he will keep con stantly on hand a full supply of School and College Text Books, Stationery ah'! ‘ MUsital instruments. He is also receiving a fresh lot of Miscellaneous Works, which he will sell at the publisher’s prices. Thankful for past favors,he solicits a continuance of the same. Griffin, Ga., Nov. 5, 1856. W H D COOK: CirocePies, PROVISIONS, AND II E A V Y_JS 0 0 D SI McWilliams & Roberts SHAVING bought out Messrs. Ferrill & Ma thews, and E. Lynch* s (Agent) stock of Goods, together with such as fre ate fecMring from New York, New Orleans, and the up cbtthtiy, wb cflfi ofibr to purchaser a First Class Assort Uie^t. of the above styles of Merchandise, at the,lowest figures up on the ready pay system only, at the Store pn Hill Street, bfcrivcen Metiers. Brawner & Dufiey's and ,S. B, McWilliams’ Caskpui’d sos Wheat, Flour* Peas* Com, Meal, Beeswax and tallow. n p McWilliams, ea Roberts. Sbjjtfcmber 17, 1856 21 ts DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the sub scribers under the name of Johnson <!fc Manghatn, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr C. H. Johnson Will attend to the settlement of the affairs of the said firm. C II JOHNSON. 8 W MANGHAM. Griffin, Oct 18,1850: THE undersigned having purchassCu the interest of Mr 3 \t tyingham, will continue the Hardware business in his own name, and respectfully solicits from bis .friends, a continuance of their favors. C H JOHNSON. Oct- 29.1856 27... .ts Ragland ft GaiMtfg HAVING taken the stand formerly occupied by ML- Littleton It Brewer, next door to Ferrill A* Matthews’ Ware House, respectfully inform the public, that they are. n.w receiving from N York and Now Orleans, a large and extensive stock of - GROCERIES AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, . i, !• Cutlery, Hardcore, kt* Family Provisions, such iih BACON, Floor and Lard, will also be kept, and other articlesi,n thy provision line. They have on hand a large and well assorted Tot of IRON, STEEL- &t? All of which will be sold on the most a'Ceomm'o’datrng terms for cash only. Give u*a call, Thomas Ragland, J H Gaulding. August 27, 1856..... .18 ts NiW FALL & WINTER GOODS'. [CORNER OF BItOADWAY A HILL STREETS.] , ] _ rti&E subscriber begs leW*? to iijfonn his friends apd cns.- JL tomers, and the pnblic in general.that he \s_ now rer ceiving the largest stock of DOMESTIC, ST AILE AND Fancy Dr y i&obds that has ever been offered in tßis market.- lie is-also open: ing a great variety of superior ‘CLOTHING., HATS, BOOTS ANO SHOES. Thankful for past favors, he hapesfj .together with the ,rr*;at variety of lite stock, and low prices, to merit, an in creased share of palrtsliiigb. .. < JOSEPH ENGEL. Griffin, Sept. 17,1838.;: ‘.21.:: .ts /IRON AND STEEL; WHOLESALE AfcD RETAIL. NATHAN AT the old stand of E. B. WEEtI; Macon, Ga., m Yites the attention of Mtdthants, Planters aud ® To his large and complete assortment ot UAlu),\\ ARE* which for variety, style uuA price, cannot be? puipissed w any city* , .... Genuine Swee'ds Iron* Best Refined Iron, Common English Hon". Cast and German Steel, Plow and Spring Steel, Tin Plate and Block Tin, Sheet and Bar Lead, Sheet and Bolt Copper, Cut and Wrought Nails, Horre shoes and Nails. Gin Bands and Press Rope, press and Wagon Chains, Plo\y Hamcs and Traces, October 15th, 1856. Uw r . H HENDERSON. - JjFIB? W s ge Maker, near Sqarpn,Grove, Fay- County, Ga., can nltttoe to.orderat short notice single seat and seat BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES AND PLANTVTIpN W^ONS. Also, repairing done a ‘ kort notice, and in thevery best kind of style- *SAII AOik warranted; Sep. 26. 1855.. ..22 tl EOOK HERE. I CAN clean Furniture a little 1 -Cttcr than an .j lihaTe seyn done in this place. 1 can have the Wood-woji repaired in the best manner. lean do the w<nrk at my or at yonr residence, to suit your convenience. Give mp,a trial. Satisfaction l Far ranted. “grp JGHN J FARLEY. September 24, 1856 22 ts - ~~ : j.i. ■.■> J. E. WILLIAMS, JXO. RHEA, WM.AL J. E. WILLIAMS k CO., Successors to J. E. Williams, General Commission Merchants, ‘ AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, BACON, LARI), FEATHERS, and TEN NESSEE PRODUCE, GENERALLY, Decatur Sheet, near the “Trout House,” Atlanta, Ga. jd®~Letters of inquiry, in relation to the Markets, Ac. r promptly answered. May 16,1855.—3tf Mrs. J. M, LUNQBEST, HAVING returned from Market, respectfully informs her customers and the Ladies generally, that she has a tine assortment of new and elegant t. 1 Bonnets, Mantilla s k. Ribbons, to which she invites tlieir especial attention. Among her stock of BONNETS are some superior to any thing that has ever been in this market. ~, , Rooms on Broadway, second door above the Interior Bank. N. B.—Bonnets cleaned and pressed. Griffin, April 29, 1856 1 ts _____ : •... JOfrN M. litXQUSST, J. S. LAVENDBR. LUNQUEST ft MVENDERj ~ Mechanical and SftTRHfiON dentists; .. -i - -,:••• - , A LL work and operations performed in the latest an most approved Gi'le, of,.,modern; practice. tgjp 1 OFFICE, at (he TcGdenpfe of John M- Lnnqiiest, op - posh*: the Methodist Church,; Griffin,,Georgia. August J3th, 1556 16 ly J. & TV. J. Kelly, Commission and Forwarding Meroliants, CnATTAN f, 00A,. TENNESSEE. September 10, 1856 20 ts NOTICE. F O Ft S A L E! ! ’ 1 - * J : t- ‘ MY entire possessions in MeriwetlieH C<An*y s . ponsistinj; of a HOTEL in the town of Greenville! ’ welhhw&ffrt for the business, with good Gardens & Stable Lots, alsmtwcE* ty acres of land attached. Also, my PLANTATION, fire’ and a half miles from town, consisting of seven hundred acres of good Laud, two hundred acres well timbered and watered. All of said property in good repair. I will soil, all of patt,qfsajd property on a CREDIT. Terms easy. Come and see for yourselves. \• F. A. BOYKIN. Greenville, April 15th, 1856..... .50 ts TAKE NOTICE. f | >HE subscriber Informs his friends and the public gentr X ally, that he still continues to carry on the Tin’a ts and cetj[r sines s, in dll its branches ; that he ivill- attend to roofing, guttr ing, and all job work, with punctuality, and in a workman like! manner.;’ . Me is’ iioiv :receiving a .qnppiy* of FANCY ARTICLES, too tedious to mention—Hardware, Stoves, Castings and. Cutlery, which he will sell low. Give him a call and provt for yourself. SAMUEL PILSBURY. Griffin, Feb. 13, 1856....40 ts ~ . rfFTY BAKREI.B Rectified wtMuy, wills ni’ fcorjcorwioat > .eij. low figure. Also Monongahala, Rye and Burbor*,, Whiskey, Brantlits, Wines, Rum and Gin, of all, Which We invite the attention of Coußfrv dealers Give pa o call before you buy elseWbefo HILL A SMITH .’ Jiffle 18, 1856 8 ts _, , : . ~ LOST: IN West Foint on Ute 28 oijlftqf 6ctober last, the follow ing Notes: oneod Johii-WjTls, for seventy nine dollar* and 62 cents, given some time in 1856 and due 25 Deoember. 1856. Howard Crawford for twenty-nine dollars and 80 cto given about the same time and due 25 December 1856.-—. Moses Almon for Twenty two dollars, due Ist day of Dee. 1856. All persons are hereby cautioned against trading*- tor.said. Nojtes.ainj,,the owners from paying anr dtRVf petseti btit myself ALEN. ANDERSON NoV. It), 1856.....30....2t GRIFFIN FEMALE COLLEGE . *TAfIK exercises of this Institution will be resumed on X . Monday, Jan. 12th, 1857. . : ..i . , We take pleasure in announcing that we have effected an engagement with Mr A B Niles,aud his accomplished lady,', by which they are in future to be connected with the lnetittf-j tion. As he is not much known in this section, it anaj nijf be amiss to introduce a letter from Prof Solon G £nii, whose veracity no one who knows him will quf<tiicflt. Cassville, March 25,i 1856.... Mr. Morrow—Dear Sir : * * . * \* In regarq to Mr Niles, I can say,l have been more-or less acquainted with him for some 12 years. I have kuow;n him at? a.schflLpr and a teacher, and consider hi m an honest and reliably man. He is active and energetic, often s’P > fur t 6 gb bbYond his strength. He is frank and psass^ses an extremely ho])eful disposition: lie sets Lis? standard high,and in justice I must say, 40 strives.flobTf to Come up to it. As you would infer ffoffl she above, he is a hard working man in School—his wind!; Soul .lit in his work. He has & happy laculty tor leaking up and,securing thgpttantion ot his Pupils. 1 nfever knew an insttneb of a scholar who Was not devotedly attached to him, anti no one who knows lym will question his success as a, teacher, 1 thiuk he Would be a popular man in any coinuiitnify where an honest oisposftion to do the best one can-, wool# he appreciated. * . * • * * Yours with much respeet, Nov. 19, 1856—30—8 t S G SMITH. — 11 — * , , .. jLajirf For Safe. A valuable tract of land, in the Fi st District j>Ma XXof Pike county, coiitaihing fi,ve hundrery JnfflpSL acres, lying between Flint,River and Line tSbSbEg* Creek, can be puro haled op ,vfcry aecoramoda ting terms by application (o the undersign ed— The tractis knotyn us the placfe formerly owned. Ly A. 91- Dulin, and contains a quantity of 00l Ttuiln-it 1 l.nml, as well as a valuable plantation, under cultivation. Thoao wishing.trt purchase .prill do well to call soon, as the plbc will Certainly be sbld: . J, B. REID. Agent.- m 0,,. m Negroes! Negroes! tSUj A ffeW likely YOUNG NEGROES for *alc by JOSSEY & FLEMISTER. U ouhl pay fair prices for a fne mot*'’ Griffin, August 13,1856 16,, Houskecping Hardware* Builder’s Hardware, Carpenter’s Tools, Blacksmith’s Tools, I Cimyer’s Tools, Circular Saivs, 48 to 52 inches Mil|s qnd P, Cut Saws, Corp.MtHs and Shelters, Patept Straw Cutteis, Cauluij'pp and. Sugar Pans, Hoes and Axes, Boring * ffortteing Machines Borax, CmCibies, <kc., Ac. 25 It