The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, December 17, 1856, Image 4

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Two IlArs too Few. —A gentleman some what advanced in life, who was the other ]>art of a strong minded lady, had great faith in spiritualism. His wife o? only proclaimed her infidelity, and with the consistency which of ten forms a part of the female eh meter for a long time refused to be eo .rioted. Her hus band induced from her a promise to make one of a circle at the resitV. nee of a celebrated me dium, upon condition, however, that r.he should precede her husband in entering the house, and that nothing should be said o done by him, which should disclose to the “medium” the fact that any connexion ex’s ed between them. The wife, on entering, found two gentlemen in waning- and the aforesaid medium. Soon after this the husband came in, and a circle was formed, the lady, of course, taking prece dence over the others. She ascertained that a spirit was present who woo’d communicate with her, and was desired to a-k any test ques tion which she might think proper. After having been informed that she must put her questions so as to have them answered affirma tively by 3 raps, or negatively by one rap. She questioned as fallows : ‘‘Am I married ? ’ Hap, rap, rap ! “Have I ever been married but once?” 11 a p ! “Ho-.v long have I been married ?” Hap, rap, rap, tap, rap, rap, rap, rap ! (“8 yeaiv”) said the medium. “Have 1 children ?” Rap, rap, rap ! “How many ?’’ Map, rap, rap, rap ! (‘ 4,”) said the medi um The lady wa* somewhat startled at the cor rectness if these answers, ami freely confessed it. With a radiant face, the limb nd then ‘braced in,’ and asked the following test ques tions: ‘Am I married ?” Rap, rap, rap ! ‘How long have I been married V ‘Rap >-ap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap. ! ‘Strange coincidence !’ murmured the medi um. ‘Have 1 children V Ran, rap, rap ! ‘Wha-a-t V Rap. rap! ‘Rood Rod ! How many’?’ Rap, rap ! ! The wife swooned, and the husband, when last seen, was walking on the Jersey flats. To this day the lady professes to disbelieve— N. Y. Daily Dispatch. Ki.oQcr.XT Extract. —Tim following extract is from a work entitled ‘The Old Iloire by the River “Go preach to the dead, ye who deny the im mortality of the affections. Go reason with taees, or lulls, or images of wood, cr w th your own motionless, lifeless, icy souls, ye who be lieve that because there is no marrying yonder there shall be embracing, or because we may not nse the gentle words, ‘my wife,’ wo may not clasp these sanctified forms in our Inly arms! I tell you, man, that immortality would be a glorious cheat, if our clay died all our first affections. I tell yon that anni hilation would be heaven, if I could believe that when my head at length rests on its coffin pillow, and my lies sink to the silence of death these loving eyes will never look into mine •again, this pure clasp never be around my neck, this holy caress never bless me more. Power or the Human Eye — Jeorgia Pitt, afterwards Lord Rivers, declaring that he could tame the most ferocious animal by look ing at it steadily. Lord. Spencer said, “Well, there is a mastiff in the court-yard hero which is the terror of the neighborhood; will you try your powers on him ?” Pitt agreed to do so, and the company descended into the court yard. A servant held the mastiff by a chain. Pitt knelt; down a short distance from the uni mul, and stared him sternly in the face. They all shuddered —At a signal given, the mastiff was let loose, and rushed furiously towards Pitt, then suddenly chocked his pace, seemed confounded, ami, leaping over Pitt’s head, ran away, and was not seen for many hours after. During one rs mv visits to Italy,l was walking a little before my carriage, on the road not far from Vicenza, I preeeived two huge dogs bounding towards me. I recollected what Pitt had done, and trembling- from head to foot, I had resolution enough to stand quite still and eye them with a fixed look. They gradually relaxed their speed from a gallop to a trot, came up to me, stopped for a moment, mid then went back again. —Rogers Tabic Book. Danger oe Hoop Wearing in a High W ini). — During- the wind on Saturday after noon, fsays the Detroit Advertiser,) and while the dust was circulating so thick that no one ■could see nice than the length of an eyelash in front, a lady, dressed in the most elegant style, incoming round one of the corners was lifted off her feet by the force of the wind ac ting on the great expanse of surface which she presented to it Tiie wind unfortunately did not set Iter down in the same position in which she was before being taken up, but turning her gently on one side, it laid her endwise on the side-walk, where she commenced a series of astonishing gyrations, rolling over on the hoops of the skirts, and exhibiting a species of locomotion which is not generally appreciated and which may come into fashion with high winds and large circlets of light, material.— As the lady thus rolled over, several poisons were knocked down and passed over by the lady and the hoops, without ever knowing that anything had bent them. Fortunately for the lady, the dust and the astonishment of the people out of doors permitted but a few so witness this new method of getting along in a stiff breeze and keeping up full rail attiie same time. As we came round a corner we found the lady wedged between a lump post and a hydrant,and immediately as-ist and her to ari up right instead of a ree unbent position. —IH jnb. Kansas Affairs. Washington, Dec. B.—Judge Lecompte, of Kansas, has been removed, and it is rumored that Jas. O. Harrison, of Kentucky, will re eeive the appointment.— Const. Ifr&p The Washington City Star, of 6th in stant, says : “The story that Judge Wayne, of the Sumreme Court, has had an attack of paralysis, turns out to be wholly untrue. While presiding at court in his district, not long since, he was taken sick and had to retire for the day. He is now as well as ever, and attends daily to his duties at the Supreme Court in this city,” The Florida Indians —The Savannah News says : “All accounts concur in reporting that prospects ar 3 very favorable for a speedy and peaceful removal of the Indians, under the prompt and energetic measures of Gen. Har ney.” LE G A L SALES. Spalding SlserifT’s Sales for January. TV/ALL lilt SOU*, before the Court House door. V V in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Oa., on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following propei ty. to wit : Thirty barrels of corn, more or less ; two bay horses, one buggy, one negro mau.uesar, about 70years old ; Stephen a man 43 ; Gabe, a man 38 ; Sally, a woman about 41 ; Mary, a woman 33 : Ann, a gill 13 ; Rachel and Jane,two girls (twins) ‘J years old ; Wash, a bov 7 : Mary, a girl 6 : Bose, a boy 5 ; \Vade, a boy 2, and Mat,a girl 1 or 2years old. All levied on as the properly of ChristopherC"Bow en, to satisfy two ft fas from Can-oil Superior Court, one in favor of Roger.-*, Kctcltem & Graven or,one in fav >r of E 15 Stoddard k Cos., and other fi fas in my hands vs said Bowen. Levy made hv me while acting as Deputy Sheriff under John G. Lindsey, and the said negroes n-wv in the possession of Johh G Lindsey, former Sheriff of Spalding county. One negro man named Daniel, about 27 years old • Car oline, a woman about 25 years old, and her child, about IP months old: levied on as the property of Thomas Henderson to satisfy two (i fas from Spalding Inferior Court, one in fa vor of H F Jackson.and one in favor of Isaac B Williamson Property pointed out by Thomas Henderson. 70 acres being all that pmt of Lot No 123, in the 3d (list.of originally Ilenry now Spald ing county, that lies on the cast side of a branch that, runs through said lot ; also Lot No not known in the city of Gridin, it being the place whereon John Spruill now lives, containing one acre, more or less, with the improvements thereon. Also one tiegro man named Dick,about 50 years old : k vied on as the property of John Spruill to satisfy 15 Justices’ Court (i fas from t-hc‘loosth disk G M.. in favor of Ephraim Lynch vs John T Thweutt, and John Spruill, se curity. Properly pointed out ty plaintiff: levied on and returned to me by James T Gray, Constable Dec. 3, 1865. A A WOOOEN, Sheriff. Suaitlißg Postponed Sheriff Sale for January VX 7 ILL ho sold, before the Court House door, in the city V V of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, tn-w it: The smith half of lot of Land No 179, in the 2nd di.-t of formerly Pike now Spending county, containing 101.1 acres more or less : levied on ns the property of It H C Gillespie to satisfy a !i fa from Spalding Inferior Court, in favor of WIV Davis vs RII C Gillespie.and other ti fas. Property pointed out by F W A Dovie,Plaintiffs Attorney. Dec. 3, 185(3. ” A A WOOTEN. Sheriff. Pilte Sheriffs’ Sales far January IT7ILL he sold before Use court-house door, in the town V V of Zebubui, Pike county. <m the Ist Tuesday its,Jan uary next, within the legal'hours of sale, the following properly to wit : One hundred acres of Land, mare or less, situated in the sth district of originally Monroe now Pike county, bounded by Milt a Review, north, John Burnett,east, Mrs Bnrmtt, south, and west by Mrs. Towns. Levied on to satisfy five Justice Court ti fas issued from the 100th district, G M in favor of John Neal vs John Corley and George W Helton. Levied on as the property of said Helton to satisfy said !i fas. Propctty pointed out by plaintiff. Tenaut in posses sion notified, and levy made and relumed to me by William Harp, constable. 275 acres of Land, more or less, situated in the 7th disk, of'originally Monroe now Pike county, it being; part of lots No 3 and 4, on the west side of the Macon & Western Rail road. adjoining the lands of Samuel Ford .Wiley Thornton and George McDaniel. Levied on to satisfy two ti fas. one in favor of John Gardner, the other in favor of Seaborn Covington vs'Miils Minton, the former from t.h° Superior, and the latter fiorn the Inferior Court of Pike county. Pro perty pointed put by defendant. One house and lot in the town Os Barnesvillc, consisting of 1 acre,more or less, now owned and occupied by Mary A Campbell: levied on to satisfy afi fa issued from Pike Superior Court, in favor of Martha Hightower, Adm'x vs John W Campbell and Mary A Campbell. Property point ed out by defendant, and levied on as the propertv of Mary A Campbell. A B VAUGHAN, Sheriff. * Also at the same time and place will be sold. (>ne negro woman by the name of Margaret, about 39 years old : levied on by virtue; of a fi fa issued from Pike Superior Court, in favor of John F Sullivan vs Martin C Cochran, and Wmß Coebran, security on appeal: Levied on as the property of Wm B Cochran. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. WM II MeCLKXDOX, 1) S Dec. 3, 1868. Ilufts Slaej’s*? Sißu-s for January. “IT'T’ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town VY of Jackson. Butts comity, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to w l it : 2 houses and lots at or near the Indian Springs, one lot containing” acres, more or less, with a large two story Brick house and other improvements ; the other lot containing 8 acres more or less with a frame dwelling Ac, all levied on to satisfy one fi. fa issued from Batts Inferior court, Michael I) Garr vs Janies It Willis, levied on as said Willis’ property, property pointed out by plaintiffs Attorney, H Hendrick, tenant In possession notified. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold , one sore!l horse,levied on as the propel ty of Wm Harris,to satisfy one fi fa from Batts Inferior Court, in favor of Stephen Moore vs said Harris, proper.v pointed out by defendant. Nov. 27 155(5. ‘ R G BYARS, Sh'ff. Dec. 3, 1856 32.... Ids Ad m iiiistrato r’s Sa Ic. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable Court of Ordina ry oi Spalding county, will be sold before the court house door, in the City of Grinin, on the Ist Tuesday in Jan uary next, within the legal hours of sale, the Land whereon Hugh Hamit, iate of said county deceased, lived at the time of his death. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the da vof sale. Nov. 5, Hull--2.5--t.ds J. H. LOGAN, Adm’r. _ Adiaiuisl ratoi's Sake. PURSUANT to the last Will and Testament of Arden S Rucker, late of Pike county, deceased, will be sold be fore the court-house door, in the town of Zebulon, on the Ist Tuesday in January next , within the legal hours of sale, one dwelling house and lot in Williamsville, with other buildings thereon, said lot containing one acre, more or less, Also, another lot in said Williamsville, containing one acre, more or less, with a store-house thereon—all in the Oth dist. of said county. Sold as the property of the estate of said Arden S Rucker, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ANN It RUCKER, Adnrx with the Will annexed Nov. 19, 1856—30—tds Admiiiistiutoi's Sale. A grecable to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordina nary of Spalding county, will be sold at tbe Court-house in said county, on the first Tuesday in Jan. next within the legal hours of sale, the following negroes belonging to the Estate of Albert G. Colbert late of said county dec’d viz. Jeff a man 80 years old and Emily his wife 28 years old, and her two children Mary about *2 years old and Fell about 4 years old, Patience a woman* IS years old, boy Tom 15 years old boy John Wordy 13years old,boy Mansfield 11 years old boy Bill 10 years old. boy Henry 10 years old Betty a woman 28 years old and her two children boy Allen 7 years old, boy Jack 4 years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. M G DOBBINS, Adm’r. Nov. 14, I§5C 30... .tds * Sale. PURSUANT to the lust Will and Testimentof Daniel A. Allen, late of Pike county deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Ellijay, Gilmer coun ty and between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next: lot of land containing 160 acres more or less, known and distinguished by being lot No. 127 in the 24 th dist. and 2d section of formerly Cherokee now Gil mer county,sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made knov non the day of sale. CARY W ALLEN, Adm’r. - 1856 28 tds. Administrators !?alc. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville on the first Tuesday in January next within the legal hours of wile,lot of land ‘No. 255, in the Seventh district of Fayette county, also 40 acres off of the South East corner of Lot No. 226 in saiddislriet and coun ty, Sold as the property of the Estate of Herrad Thorn ton sr. late of said county deceased,for the benefit of the heirsaiul creditors of said c.- tatc. The above lands sold at the risk of Coleman Hartley, he being the former pur chaser. lIERROD THONTON, Jr. Adm'r. Nov. 26,1846... .31 Ids. Executor’s Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable Court of Ordina ry, of Spalding countv, will be sold before the court house door, in the City of Gridin, said county, on the Ist Tuesday in January next, the following property, to wit : The Store House in which Cole & Malone are now doing business, and the dwelling house and lot in which the de ceased died. Also, eight likely Negroes. Sold as the pro perty of Milton Westmoreland, deceased.for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. CALVIN S. WESTMORELAND, 1 r . MARK W. WESTMORELAND, ( Executors. Nov. 5,1 856—2ft—Ids Executors Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next with in the usual hours or sale, before the Court House door in the town of Zebulon Pike county, pursuant to the last will and testament of Charles Kent iate of Pike county deceased, the following nagroesto wit: Jack a negro man about, 25 years old, Moriah a woman about 22 years of age. Sold for the purpose ol making distribution of said estate. Terms made known on day of sale. JAMES DISMUKESJ , LEONA RT) II ARRIS f lvx rs> Nov. 26,1856... .31 tds Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold before the court-house door, in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., on the Ist Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, two negro women, one nam'd Patsy, about 30years old, and the oth er named Mariab, about 15 years old. To tie sold as the property of Rasco Edmunds, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased, and agreeable to the last will and testament of said deceased. NANCY A EDMUNDS, Executrix. WM J EDMUNDS, Executor. Oct. 23, 1856—27—tds H EG A L NOTICES. -ZZ7T” .. ~ ~w : ~— —t G's •- ty .Whereas Mathew Yates,Executor and Margaret Westley excntrix on the estate <>f Evens Westley deceased, applies to me for letters <■ dismission These are therefore to cite- om ! adtrcriihtTard si - Jar, the k; adieu and ■ red it- tv -a raid decerned trhe and Rip-ear at. my office within the tin e prescribe and by law to show cause [if aiiv they have.] why said letters should not be granted. Uivcn’undcV my hand at office at Favetteville. Nov 29 1856. GKO C KING, Dept e. c.o. Dec.3, l Nf> (s 32. .. .(Jins (•* • •■ ■ ;<•<( - •- - Weic!.-’ Thos. J Camp T applic* to me for h.-U'-r - -■ the estate of Nathan Camp'. lateo-. said emoty dot-eared. These nr.-- Cu rei'.-vc to cite a.- and admoni-h ail and singula; the kindred and creditors of- aid deceased to bo and ap> ear at inyi-.llii-e wrih>n tboti-mo pre-i-i io and !:.y law. to hoy cause [i! any’hey brve] why - id letters should not i-o granted. Given Rah rmy hand at office at Fayetteville. Nov. 29th 185(3. ” GEO C KING, 1> C C O. Dec. 3,1850.... 32.... 3Offs Cl KOItCIA Feyi-Me “ omriy—■ Whereas C E Bennett T applies to mo for leifhra of Guardianship of the pro perty of Sarah J Elkin. Thomas W. Mary F.. Eliza F. and Emelinc Elkin minor children of dames’Elkin. These are therefore tooitc and admonish all and singular the kindred and friends of said minors, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw to show cause fit any they have] why said letters should not be granted Given” under mv hand at office. This 29th day of Nov. 185(3. G C KING DeptC CO. Dae. 3.T85C... 22,...20ds EOfttsi v Faj ■ i owis!p Whereas Pervoy Hicks VJ applies to mcT>r letters of administration on ‘the es tate of Christo,-her Oltr.c, Into of said co:-nly ch.-ceas and. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singu lar the kindred and creditorsof said deceits and to be and ajipeav at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause [if any they have] why said letters should net be granted Given under rnv band at, office at avette ville. Nov. 29th 1856. ’ G(J KING .Dept. CC O. Dec 2.1-56 22 3rd* ft o.>•:(., .uj'.osc i • .tj ..—Whereas Joseph 11. Mur* vJT pliey, Executor .and Rebecca Murpliey, Executrix, up on tlie estate of Simon P. Mm pliey. late of s.-i id county de ceased, applies tome for letters of dismission from said es tate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hove, why said letters should nd be granted. Given under try hand at office. 12th day of June, 1656. GKO. C. KING, Dept c c o June 33, 1856 8... 6m p •'•■orgiu, Kaye- iAst:My.--Whereas Francis M. Lord vJT applies to me for letters of dismission from the Admin istrate -a on the estate of Henry Lord, late of said county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties con cerned to be and appear at my office withinthe time preserib ed bylaw, and show cause,ifany they have, why letters dis* missorv should not be issued. Given under my ltandat office, this 12th day of May . 1856. GEO. C. KING, Dep.c. c. o. May 21, 1856 4... .mOm. / i WOIMJIA. i -ayi <*<• < - oisMj-.--Whereas. James Hanes v.T Jr., Executor of the estate of Jesse Lassiter, late of saul county: deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from said Executorship; These are.therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the Kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at toy office withinthe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not” be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7(h day of August. 1856. GEO C KING, o u u o. Aug. 13 1856 16 Cm. - CouMy.-To all whom it may con- T corn : Whereas Counsel Itentl'row, Administrator up on the estate of John W. Pledger, late of said county de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from tilead mhiistrstion of said estate : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are licrjhy cited and admonished to file their ot jei tions.ifany they have, in my office in terms of the law. otherwise let ters dismisserv will be granted said applicant at the next September Term of the Court of Ordinary for said countv, GEO. C. KING, Dept C C O’ July 9, 1856 11.... Cm nffCBUIA, Fayette County.-- Whereas, Willis Bras- U sell, Executor on the estate of James Brassell, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from said ( state ; These are therefore, to cite and admonish allar.d singular the kind red and Clif itovs of said deceased, to he and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under rnv hand at office, this the 4th dav of August 1850. * GEO C KING, i> c c o. Aug. 13,1856 .... 16 Cm. f 1 KOR6IA. Ifayclie CoKety.— Whereas ‘i’honius B xJT Gay and Isaac P Gay, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Gilbert Gay, late of said county deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from the Executorship of said Estate ; Therefore, thekindved and creditorsof said deceased are hereby notified and admonished to tiie their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law ‘ otherwise letters ciismissnry will be granted the said applicants. Gi ven under my hand at office, this the 28Ui day of August, 186’0. GEO C KING, Dept c c 0 September 2, 1856..... .19... ,rn6m G 1 , Iffayctte Cjusiy. Whereas James Hanes, T Jr., Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jesse Lasseter, late of .said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the Executorship of said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to he and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismis sion should not be granted Given under my hand at office, this 28tli day of August, 1856. GEO 0 KING, Deptc c o September 2, 1856 19....m6m Gt i-Grjrsa, layette Cum <y —Whereas Hugh Porter 3 Administratior on the estate of Sansom W. Roberts applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate ; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 26th May,lss(3. GEO. C. KING, i>. c.c. o. June 4, 1856 6... ,m6m Georgia, Pike Comity. Court of Ordinary met pursuant to adjournment, this 3rd day of Nov., 1856. J C BECKHAM. Ord’y, JT appearing to the Court by tire petition of Jeremiah Adams, that James Whatley, of said county, deceased, did in his life time, execute to said Jeremiah” Adams, his bond conditioned to make titles to him. the said Adams, to the south h’.lf of lot of Land No 18, in the Bth disk, of originally Monroe now Pike comity, containing 101 j acres more or less, and that the said Janies Whatley departed this life without executing titles to said tract or south half °f lot of Land, or in any way providing therefor, and that the purchase money for said trait or half lot of Land, has been paid, and said Jeremiah Adams having petitioned this Court to direct James Anderson, Seaborn J Whatley and Wm H Whatley, Executors ol the last Will and Tes tament oi said James Whatley, deceased, to execute to him titles to said tract or half lot of Land in conformity with said bond. It is thereiore, on motion of petitioner, ordered that notice ol said application be published agreeably to taw,that all persons concerned may tile their objections in the Clerk’s Office of said county ,ifany they have, whysaid Ex ecutors should not execute titles to said south half of lot of Land. By the Court. H. GREEN, Petitioner’s Att’y. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. J C BECKHAM, Ordinary. Nov. 3.1856—29—3 m GlOOm.lA. fife Con My —Court of Ordinary, Srp tember Term. 1856.—T0 all whom it may concern: Whereas, John T. Hall, Administrator upon the Estate of Bluford C. Brown, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from the Administration of said Estate. Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office in terms of the la w. otherwise Letters Dismissory will be granted the applicant atthe next March Term (1857) of the Court of Ordinary of said county. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM. Ordinary. Scptembei 2nd, 1856 20 m6m ( 4 t-A-IM-I A, Coiu-ty —To all whom it may con LJ cern : W hereas, Giles Driver, Administrator upon the estate of Jordan Driver, late of said county deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate. Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office, in terms of the law: other wise letters dismissnry will be granted the applicant at the February term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county A true extract fmm the Minutes of said Court. JOSEPH C. BECKHAM, Ord’y. August 4th. 1856 15 Cm. {~ IKGIU.IA, Pilw Coun<y_Whereas Allen M Gil vT lespie applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Joseph I’oss of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given undermy hand at office this November 14th 1850. J C BECKHAM,Ord’y. Nov. 19,1856 30 30d G1 EOIU-I pike County.— -Whereas Isaac W. Jones ap r plies to me for letters of administration on the es tate of Oliver Osborn, late of said county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned. to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any the have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office,this6th November, 1856. J C BECKHAM, Ord’y. __Nov. 12, 1856—29—30ds Notice to Debtors and Creditors, ALL persons in debted to the estate of Arden S Rucker late of of Pike county deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said deceased will render tliem in. agreeable to law. ANN R RUCKER, Adm’x. Nov-19, 1856... 30.. 40d with will annexed. LEGAL NOT I 0E S . C'lVf -A t . c v ty. Whereas. Ileniv B X fl liklny applies to me for letters of Gi’.flrdiai:-liii> ‘•ter the perwins and pr i ertv m Melissa K. and Kuuire 11, MeKey.iii';.’ Mir: (arnier the age of fomteen yeaiv.) of Win. i.. McKey late of raid c a:, ay def eased. aie tiivref r< t,- cite and’ admonish -.ill and sing'i iar those concerned to show i-tuive [if any they have] wilb in the time prescribed by law why iettors should not !e granted to said an|ilieant. Given at office Xov. 18th ISSC. J. r? 51A >7 GIT AM Only. .t 0... nod p .<’■■■ i ■■ ‘ '.A : ■;< r• —Whoreti-:John T I??n- VT ?om apjdtfci to mr tf.r letter--of gnerdiansliip. of the ;n itiul jiraeci■ John T Mv r ti'inor heir of ITU M Sirv f-a-<:iisi:d: The--!’ ‘tre thereon t cite atul rdmo*. h U and wngol-.u those com (‘vned A’ iv • a-se (if any rV-sy . .\v) within the time pu-scribfd by law why let;* is o’ guard kinship shouldm't issue to said mlicAnt. Given at Tor in Griffin, JAMES U. MANGHAM, Only. Nov. 28.1836 31 30 fl SONG l A N:nt<;ir toiuiiy — Whereas John I. T Lasiterapplies to me for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Taroscy C Johnson, miuor heir of <; W Johnson deceased. These are therefore to eiteired admonish all and singular those concerned to sin w cause (if ary they have) within the time prescribed by law. why h tteas of guardianship should not iasue to staid applican . Given at - nice. J H MANGHAM. Ord'y. Nov. 2d. 1 <550 31 30d /"I • • Si-aud • ‘ m;> ty—Whereas Jyjnfs T. or Ellis applies to me for leiti rs ol Guardianship of the person and property of John L. HUE. minor heir ( ,j- JEc'i :;rd P. Ellis, fate of said c* unty. deceased. These are therefore to cite and mini mi.-li. all and singu lar tho-o concerned, to show cause (if an/ they have.) within the time prescribed, why letters of Guardianship should n-t he granted said applicant. Given at office, November 27th. 185 G. JAMES 11. MANGHAM, Only. [dec 3 30d ] P”< i: ‘ I A 7i t Inr; <ta : *y.— Whereas Is: ac Wcl- VT den applies to me for Letters of Adndnistra.tie n upon the estate ol B dley Wei den. late of said county deceased. These are therefor t-n cite and admonish all and singular, the. kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my e-Rio within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have.) why letter- should not be granted said applicant* Given nt-office November 27tli. 1856. JAMES 11. MANGHAM, Ord'y. [dec. 3, nods] / AF.‘OTA. ?'ay <-e Covttiy- Whereas Joseph M. vT Me Loan applies tome for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of Rebecca McLean. Win. Fran ces, McLean and Allison'McLean orphans of John McLean deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar the kindred and friends of said minors, to he and ap pear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause [if any they have] why said letters should not be granted. Given under my h°nd at office in Faycttcvile, this Dec. 1, 1850. * GEO. C KING, Dept. G.C. 0. Dec. 10,1859....33 30ds Georgia, Butts Countj'. John W Burney. Executor of the I will of Henry Dillon, deceased, f Bill for direction in vs j Butts Superior Court. John T Dillon, et al. (’ June adj’nd Term, 1850. r’ appearing to the Court that Augustus Cargile.ono of the defendants in the foiegoing Bill, resides out of the limits of this State: It is ordered by the Court that said Augustus Oargile do plead, answer or demur to said Billon or before the next Term of this Court, and that this Rule be published once a month previous to the next session of tiiis Court, in one of the public gazettes of this State. By the Court. D J & F B-.iii.ey, 1 _ o , J H Stake, ( < - ow ‘ R, ’ ,s ’ Complainant’s Solicitors. A true extract from the minutes of the Court, 2d Dec! 1856. W B Bankston, CSC Betts Sctuuior Coekt, 1 December Term. 1850. f The above Rule not having been published according to the exigency thereof row at this time, it is ordered by the Court, that the same be enlarged, and that said Augustus Oargile do plead, answer or demur to said Bill on or before the next. Term of this Court, and that said Buie, with this Order, be published once a month for four months previous to the next Term of this Court in the Empire State,a public Gazette published in the city of Griffin. By the Court. James II Stark, j ~ c ~ 1) J Bailey. \ Com A true extract from the minutes of the Court, Dec. 2, 185(5. W I; Bankston, CSC Dec. 10. 156. .S3. .Innim CGEiiiv S OFFICE INFERIOB COURT, / Spalding County, Dec. 2, 1856. ) r’ is ordered by the Court in consequence of the removal of John A Cherry, Clerk of said Court, from the c unity of Spalding, that the office is hereby declared vacant, and that an election for Clerk of said Court take place on the i-'t Monday in January next, the time affixed by law for the Election of Judges of the Inferior Court , and that James H Logan, now acting as Deputy Clerk of said Court, act as Clerk until Raid election, and the person elected sworn Into office—said election to be advertised in the city paper.*. — By the Court. A A Gaeltung, J I O Wm Ck ttenden, J I C Jason Berk, J I C A true ext net from the minutes of said Court, this 2nd day of Dec. 1656. James II Logan. Dept Clerk. SIXTY days alter date application will be made to the JJonrt of Ordinary of Butts county for leave to sell the real estate and negroes belonging to the e.-tate of Dr. Steven Bailey, late of said county deceased for distribution. D.J. BAILEY,Ex'r. Nov 11,1856 29 tds SIXTY days after date application will be made to the honorable Com tot Ordinary of Spalding county for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph Williams late of said county dec eased. JOHN C'WILLIAMS ) THUS. B WILSON [ AdmYs. I) GS BALLARD Dec. 3.1956... .32 . COds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate oi Dr Stephen Bailey XX late of Butts county decease and, are hereby requested to make payment—and those having demands against said de ceased will render the same according to law. D. J. BAILEY, Ex’r. Nov. 11,1860 20... .tds. SOUTH rill V DO FTEIIV ON THE HAVANA PLAN m. PRIZES GUA RAN TIED . $102,000 ! ! Only 15,000 Numbers!!! j Prizes payable wltiwut Deduction. Jasper County Academy Lottery, by Authority of! the State ot Georgia. Class *X“ To be drawn December 15,1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Cob George M. Logan and W C Anderson, Esq. Remember this Lottery has only fifteen thousand numbers—less than any Lottery in the world! Therefore it is the best for investment.— Examine the Scheme. <o :et 33 im; as 1 Prize of $15,000 1 “ 6.000 1 “ , 2,000 4 Prizes of SI,OOO are 4,000 5 “ 500 are 2,500 80 u 100 are 8,000 1,500 “ 40 aie 60,000 i APPROXIMATION PRIZES'. 20 Approximations of SIOO arc $2,000 50 “ 50 are 2,500 50 “ 20 arc 1,000 1,712 Prizes amounting to $102,000 <S3L Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quarterss2,so."©a The 1,500 Prizes of S4O are determined by the last figure of the number that draws the Capital Prize of $15,000. The Capitai Prize will, of course, end with one of the figures— 1, 2,3, 4,5, C, 7,8, {*,o. Those Whole Tickets ending with the same figure as the last in the Capital, will be entitled to S4O. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par.— Those wishing particular numbers, should order immedi ately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Nov. 26, 1856—31—1 y Manager, Macon, Ga. IRON AND STEEL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MATHAI'TwEEP, AT the old stand of K. IL WEED, Macon, Ga., in vites the attention of Merchants, Planters and Smiths, To his large and complete assortment of HARDWARE, which for variety, style and price, cannot be surpassed in any city Genuine Swccds Iron, Best Refined Iron, Common English Tron, Cast and German Steel, Plow and Spring Steel, Tin Plate and Block Tin, Sheet and Bar Lead, Sheet and Bolt Copper, Cut and Wrought Nails, Horro shoes and Nails. Gin Bands and Press Rope, Press and Wagon Chains, Plow Haines and Traces, October 15th, 1356. Houskeeping Hardware, Builder’s Hardware, Carpenter’s Tools, Blacksmith’s Tools, j Currier’s Tools, I CircularSaws,4fitos2 inches I Mills and y, Cut Saws, I Corn Mills and Shellers, I Patent Straw Cutteis, I Cauldron and Sugar Pans, j Hoes and Axes, , Boring* Mortising Machines I Borax, Crucibles, &c.. Arc. 25 ts great southern remedy. i o wi dm ALSO, Admirably adapted id many Diseases ot Females, most especially Painful Menstruation. mHE VIRTUES OF JACOB’S CORDIAL ara too well JL known to require encomiums. Ist. It CURE3 THI WORST CASES OF DIARRHCEA. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentehv. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhcea. 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful Menstruation. Bth. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. lOtll. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels oloomv and hysterical Feelings. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic. A few short Extracts from Letters, Testi monials, &c. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in mv judgment, a valuable remedy. ll on. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia.” “It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial, my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a Professor O. J. Weed’s Hair Restorative.—it lias worked >l.- I’ticSes. nnifAT all the bald and grey can be restored perfe< tly to JL original growth, so far as their locks are concerned, doe*, not admit of doubt ; besides, it will cure every possi ble disease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff, itching,or in the shape of cutaneous et upturns—even scald ; head—and in no possible case will it fail of curing, as if by j magic, nervous or periodical headache, and if used twice i a week by the young, regularly, it will preserve the color, 1 and keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable age.— I Read and judge. I mga ns port. fa.. .Time. 1855. Messrs. O J Wood & Co—Gents: Yours of the 13th came | duly to hand. Enclosed please- find S3B HO, it being the ; amount for Hair Restorative. I have sold it all. * * * : If you choose, you may send six dozen bottles Hair Re.-to j rative—l think 3 cansdl it. it lias Worked iniricles in ; this place. 1 sold a nun six Si bottles, that was bald, and ■ it fetched new hair out all over his head. Yours respectfully, M H GRIDLEY. C R Tl Office, Vuudalin, June 21. I'm!. Professor Wood - Dear Bit .• I take pleasure in bearing j voluntary testimony to the excellence of your Hair Resto | rative. Three months ago my hair was very grey. It is now a dark brown, (the original color.) smooth and glossy. The only application I have made to it, has been the Hair Restorative, prepared by you, and which, from the result in my own case, 1 can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully yours, EDWARD WALCOTT. Vincennes, la.. June 21. 1*53. Prof. O J Wood : Aw you are about to manufacture and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, i will state for whomsoever it may concern, that 1 have used it, ami j known otiieis to use it—that 1 have for several years been in the habit of using other Ilair Restoratives, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to any other 1 know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, and with one month's pro per use, will restore any person's hair to the-original youth ful color andtexture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearance ; and all this, without discoloring the hands that apply it. or the dress on which it drops. 1 would therefore recommend its use to every one desirous of having a tine color and texture to hair. Respectfully yours, WILSON KING. St. Louis, Jane 29. 1'53. Prof. Wood : As you are about to prepare and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, and as you request my opinion of it, 1 wif! state that my hair was, a few months j ago, very grey, and after using two bottles of your Hair | Restorative, it resumed its original color, and since its ap ! plication, all cl and ruff'has disappeared from my head.ami I I have been troubled with no disagreeable itching of the scalp. lam satisfied that those who use it, will unt regret it, as it gives the appearance of having been recently oiled. I am prepared therefore, to recommend its use to all who are desirous of having a beautiful head of hair. I am, sir, yours, etc., 11 L STEWART. Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 10, 1854. Prof. Wood—Dear Sir : Mv hair had for several years, been becoming prematurely grey, accompanied by a harsh ness which rendered the constant application of oil neces sary in dressing it. When 1 commenced using your Hair- Restorative. a bout two mont s ago, it was in that condi tion ; and having continued its use till within the last three has turned to its natural color, and assumed a softne.-sami lustre greatly to be preferred to those produced by the application of oils or any other preparation I have ever used. I regard it as an indispensable article for every lad}’ s toilet, whether to be used as a Hair Restorative, or for the simple purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. MBS C SYMONDS, 144, 3rd Street. Watertown. Mass., May 1. 1854. Prof. O J Wood : Allow me to attest the ~- irtues and magic powers of your Hair Restorative. Three months since, being exceedingly grey, ] purchased, and soon com menced to use two bottles, and it soon began to tell, in re storing the silver locks to their native color, and the hair which was before dry and harsh and falling off, now became soft and glossy, and it ceased falling ; the dandruff’ disap peared. and th” scalp lost all the disagreeable itching so annoying before, and now 1 not only look, but feet young again. Respectfully yours, etc.. CHARLES WHITNEY. JBSf Sold at 114 Market street, St Louis, Mo. 316 Broad way N. Y., and by all Druggists everywhere. All kinds of family patent medicines tor sale on the best possi hie terms, at Prof. Wood's establishment, 114 Market street St Louis. _ *3*o J WOOD & CO.. Proprietors, 312. Broadway, New York ; 114, Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Griffin bv Wm B Seav. Oct. 29. 1856 ,2m Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Lewis W Pyron late of .Meriwether county deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said est. te, are requested to present j their claims within the time prescribed bv law for payment, j GKO.W. MiLNEIL Ex'r. j Dec. 10, 156.... 33,,.. 10(1. GIN FACTORY. THE subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that lie continues the manufacture of Gins, Thrashers, Fans, &.*. Also, he man ufactures and keeps on hand a lot of line Bedsteads, besides other work in the Cabinet line. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, he hopes by promptness to merit a continuance. — All my work warranted to perform well, and no work allowed to go out of the Shop without my inspection. S. C. .MITCHELL. Dissolution. THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of S C Mitchell .V Sons, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. s. c. MITCHELL & SONS. ! Griflin. Out. 22, 18bii—• 2G—tf TAKE NOTICE, THE undersigned, through the solicitation of friends, has concluded not to close his HOUSE on the Ist January next in the event he docs not dispose of it as previously ad vertised, by that time; but will continue to accommodate DAY BOARDERS and TRANSIENT COMPANY, lie has just rebuilt LARGE AND COM MOD 10 US STAJ!LE S, and is therefore prepared to take good care of the Stock of those who may favor him with their patronage, which ho respectfully solicits. WM. FREEMAN. Griffin,Oct., 21,1850 2G ts Tlio Best BUSINESS STAND IN ATLANTA FOR SALE, Iwill sell my store and stand, at the corner of Waite Hal and Mitchell Streets, at a fair price, for cash, or on rea sonable terms, to a prompt and punctual purchaser. Call* and look,as lam making a change in my business. If 1 was going to continue in the mercantile business, 1 would not dispose of it at any price. W. W. ROARK. Atlanta, March 19, 1856 46 ts A lot of fine Gold and Silver-headed Walking-canes at .. COOK’S Book Store. Griffin, Nov. 11, lso6 2? .. ts sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that It purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy. WM. 11. UNDERWOOD, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit” “I take great pleasure in recommending this invalu able medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me. A. A. GAULDING, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.” “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and this,’ with all I hear about it as a remedy by those who iiavd tried it, induces ine to believe that it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. MILES G. DOBBINS, Cashier of tho Bank of the State of Georgia, Griffin.” “ If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jtitab' Cordial must stand preeminent above all other prepara tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coining in from all quarters, it muse be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other 1 patent ’ preparations. FLEMING Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin.” “ This efficient remedy i3 travelling ir.te celebrity w, fast as*Bonaparte pushed his column* into Russia, and . gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffer sonian, May 19tft, 1853. Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED I VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. Two of tlie best Preparations of t lie Age* i I hey are not recom mended as Universal j Cure-alls, but simply lor what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for ■ expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory | results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De- I RANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ACHE, &C. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by Ci 1 . 0 UAmucj (UyJioi). SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no j other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, f 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole Proprietor* RTfScovil A Mead. New Orleans, General Wliole sale Agents for the Southern States, to wiiuma 11 *r ders must be addressed. *** s *l,l by W. 1. Seay, Griffin, Ga : John Still well, M •[) tuougli ; J T Reese, Greenville ; Hanes .C L issoter, Jouesborough ; Smith A Hazard, Atlan ta : Win B irrett, Zebulou ; JO Little, Jackson, McK-lberry & Mobley, Indian Springs, Harwell JL Weaver Th-uniston : L Little Baruesville Jan. ib , 1850 .. ,36...,1y CARRIAGE, CABINET SASH M A K IMG!! tTMIE subscriber takes pleasure in nnnomi-_fBPAB(S? / .L eing to the citizens of Griffin and rounding country, that he still continues theV/uH — business of CA HR 1 AGE and CA HI NUT Making. G GKS, BCGGJIvS and WAGONS made to order at sho. ticc. A lew of the best made Buggies atVay* on lie lias recently added to his establishment the bush JB SASH M A KlNG—cfccap, ami good us the best. agent for FISK’S Meta 1 i e SOS, new,style. Ho will be found at his old stand, ‘always icadx tovrait upon bis customers. Give him a call, A. BKLLAUT. Carroll Lands for Sale. THE undesigned Offers for sale bfs Plantation, contabi ing 405 acres, lying two miles South of Carrol Hon, Carroll county, Ga,, well improved, with a good gin house, screw, and ail necessary out-buildings. TAP place issita ated on the road lending from Carrollton to Franklin. Also, another Plantation,situated on the Cohunbnsroad, 3 miles from Carrollton, containing 202? acres, in a high state of cultivation, with good, improvements thereon, Also, a number of woodland lots in Carroll and Haralron counties. AH of which will be sold low, and upon terms to suit purchasers. If yoR want Carroll Lands, don't fail to give me a call. Address me at Carrollton, Ga. Also, several Dwelling aDd Store Houses in the town of Carrollton. > V; - J C BENSON. September 3, 13 13... 3aa