The Empire State. (Griffin, Ga.) 1855-18??, July 20, 1859, Image 4

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Carte. “dkTJohn jlciiatheld, FORMERLY of Meriwether county, having removed to this city, respect- E fully offers his professional services in the practice of Medicine. Olficeiii ALMA*H HALL. Residence near A. B. Mathews. Griffin, March 2:5,1850. 9 m.* E. W. Buck.] [James Atkins. BECK & ATKINS, I ( ] H Y TLAW, GRJPHJf, H KOHOI A. HAVING associated themselves as partners, in the practice of their profession, will practice in the counties composing th? E'lint Circuit, and in the Supreme Court at Atlanta. Office over Jossey & Reeves Flore, Hill Street. Griffin, March 23, 1859. lv L. T. Dayal, ?. 11. Campbell. DOYAL k CAMPBELL, AT T OEXEVS A T 1, A W, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFICE on Hill Street, between Woodruffs Car riage Repository and Beulmm’s Furniture Store. Will practice in all the counties of the Flint District, and in the Supreme Court, at Atlanta. Referencee ; Tiiemsklvks. JA-IF.n IU'.VIN WHiTAKEH V. A. tiask;LL. WHITAKER & GAS KILL, A TTO RN E Y S A T L A IV. ATLAXT A , G KORGI A. TI7HJ, Practice in the Counties contiguous to V V the city of Atlanta, ami on the several lines of Railroad. Atlanta . Jan. 6. 1359. O.*A. Lochraxe, John ‘Lamar LOCERAHE & LAMAR, A T T O RN E Y S A T L A (V. Macon, Georgia. H' A VINO associated themselves in business will devote their attention exclusively to the practice of their profession. DP. IHOS. M. DARNALL, REFLECTFULLY tenders his services in the various branches of his profes sion, to the citizens of Griffin and vi cinity. GiSr*;> Office under J. A. Berks & Co.’s Store. Hill Street. Residence first door west of the Planter’s Hotel. Criflin, March 9.1859. ly* ~ ±>BL. 1321W1E3L, Physician and Surgeon, jipl GRIFFIX, GEORGIA. Sept. 2, 1858. 17 ts JAMES G. JOHNSON, A T TOII XK Y A T L A XV , TllO3l ASTON, O E OKI A. Refers to JIM JOHNSON, Thomaston, Ga. only 25th, 1857. 13—ts G. W. Emeus, n, D. I). S., j E. IV. Bobbins, D.D.S EMSdIISON & ROBBINS, I> E ly T I S “2? *3 9 Gniii'x, Georgia. March 9, 1359..43. ts XV. PO PJ3 JOR DAN, ATTOIt XK Y A T LA W , ralinlo i, Georgia. WILL practice in all the counties of the Flint Cir cuit. May 3,1355 ts JOHN 13. PitsBURY~ A TTOR N E Y A T L A W, Griffin, Georgia. XXTILL pay prompt attention to all claims en- X V trusted to his care. January 20th, ISSS. 37-ly James R. Lyons James S. Boynton LYONS & BOYNTON, A VTORSE YS A T LA IF, Jackson, 13utB Comity,(ta. Will litioml promptly to ail business entrusted - their care, in the follows.g counties : Xew'oa, Henry. Spalding, Pike, Upson, Butts and J..spc-r and will also attend, the Federal Court at Marietta and Savannah. REKEKENCKS: Hurd. Hungerford A Cos., Monticello,Ga : Maxey. J rd’>n A C> : J. A. Becks & Cos., Griffin, Ga., Bjucroit, Lemon & Cos., Charleston, S.C.: Marshall A Barge, do. March 11,1858, iy GREEN & BARROW, A T 7 0 R A E 1 S A T L AW, s;ua. .v!!h', Gccrgia, Will p"active in all the Courts of Flint Circuit, and the Supreme Court. It. C. B.fRROW, Residence, Barnesville. II.GFLEX, Residence, Zebulon. Xuv. IS, lssß. IiEXR Y IIENDRICkT .1 T T O R X E Y A T L A W, Jackson , Butts County, Georgia. May i.55. U HARDEMAN & GRIFF N, U IIOI.F.3ALK DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, A’ n G-ROCKRIES OF I VERY DESCItli’ I ION, Which they off-r at low prices to prompt paving customers. Macon, November, 25, 18f>8. 29 ts J3EL n. GRIFFIN W. C. M. DENSON. GHIFFiN & DUNSQN, Attorney sand Counselors at Law , .'la. on, Eiij!) Couuly, G., UJ ILL practice in the counties cf Bibb, Craw ford, Dooly, Houston, Macon. Twiggs, M m t-je,Worth, Jones, Baldwin and Wilkinson : In all the Courts of this State, and in the Unit ed Mans Luitikt Comts. at Marietta and Sa vannah . ttef. icnees : Hon. Charles J. McDonald, Mari etta, Ga. ; Gov Joseph K. B vvn, Miiledgeviße, ; Hon. W -iiiigton Poe, Macon. Ga.; Hon. V.Glum L. Yu cev, Montgomery. Ala.: Messrs J. ]}. AW. A. Ross, Macon, Ga.; Hon. James L. p; ligru, Charleston, B. G. ; Hon. John E. Ward, Savannah, I!.:. ; Hon. B. 11. Hill. LaGrange, Ga. ; Hon. Peyton ll.Colquitt,, Columbus, Ga. ; Messrs. Harden; ri A Gr ain, Macon, Ga. ; lion. T. R .It. Cobb, Athens, Ga. Feb. 25, 1 C>9.. ly W. W. WILSON, Taibotion, Georgia. DEALER IN Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toitri Soaps, Fine Hair fy Tooth Brushes, Porfu m o x* TRUSSES AND SHOULDER Sraces^ FAULT & TOILET ARTICLES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USES, Burning, Glass, Fully. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., TOBACCO, SEOAIiS, &c., &c. PHYSiICI ANiS PHESCLIIPTIONS Carefully compounded, and all orders cor rectly answered. Medicines warranted gen uine and of the best quality. Talbotton, (ta.. March 30, 1859* ts Xj O Si t , {X the city of Griffin, or ou the road to Uriah Askews, ouc pocket book with five slo# bills, and other bills to the amount of S3OO, and several notes and receipts in it. I will give to any man, on delivery of the same, one hundred dollars. For further information address W. V. KING, June 1,185?. .ts Dudieyvillc, Alabama. MUSIC-STATIONERY! BIIAVv NER & PUTXAM will keep a large and complete assortment of School. College, ltcllgkras, Scientific, Mu sic, Miscellaneous anti Blank Books. Papers, Stationery. Sheet Music, Musical Instru meats, Payer Hangings and Window Curtains, F ink cul 1 L E 11 Y . Gold Pens, Curd Cases, Fancy Articles, Ac.. &c. Also, an assortment of those beautiful CHINA v ABES, Candlesticks, Jewel Gaskets, &<-. Orders for Law and Medical Books filled at short notice, at Publisher’s rates. r Booljl© <zsa HMCuusio Bound in any required style. Subscriptions re ceived at Publishers prices, for Godey, Harper’s Weekly and Monthly, X. A . Ledger, and aDy other Periodicals published. •Our terms arc cash, but where it is desired, we will sell to prompt customers on short time,requif ing payment quarterly. Griffin, Ga.. JanG, 1859. E. SAULSBUEY’S. HE is now receiving a very large and well as sorted st< ck of Spring CiotSsa, Cassimeres and Vestiisgs, so the latest importations. He has also received the report of Fashions for the Spring, with a variety of new and elegant styles *H is stock office READY MADE CLOTHING, will be replenished .with the changes of the Sea sons from the best houses in New York. His FURNISHING GOODS comprise every tiling that is newand desirable, in the way of Ho siery, Shiite, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, A"’- All of which he invites his irieuds and custo mers to cal! and examine. Macon, March, lfith. ts ~ COACH MANUFACTOrvU GFisi ffin, G-eo., Ccrner cf Hiwu y ami Kill Stmts. o. NY. CLARK BEGS leave to inform the public, that lie has engaged the services of Mr. ISAAC WINTER, as Foreman, to his establishment, and that he is now prepared to manufacture, at the shortest no tice; ail kinds of Carriages, Coaches. Rockaways, Buggies, &c., equal in elegance, and durability in use, to any manufactured in any part of the South, or in the North. Mr. Winter is a practical Coach Maker; and lias been engaged in manufacturing lor twenty years. His workmanship, taste, and experience, are well known m many parts of Geor gia. Other experienced workmen in each branch of the Carriage making business, are also employ ed. To ensure the procuring of light running, strong, durable, and elegant vehicles, cull upon G. W. Clark. Persons in want of a No. 1. job, will do well to call ami examine the finished work I have on hand, as also that mnv manufacturing, before purchasing elsewhere. They will liul it to their advantage to do so. All work sold at my establishment warranted as .represented. Repairing neatly and promptly executed , and all work shipped with care and dispatch. Orders thankfully received. Terms, to suit purchasers. Liberal deductions to cash customers. Griffin,May 11.1859—1 y Ipj nil Woodward Tinware, &c 6 JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE supply of Ivory and Pearl balance JAY handle Ami rlean Table and Desert Knives.— Also, Silver, Tea and Table Spoons and Forks. A Luge supply of plated Forks and Spoons, Castors. Goblets, Caudle Sticks, Waiters, and a general assortment of House-keeping Goods, to wliicb 1 invite the attention of buyers. - 1. have on hand all sizes of that excelsior Stove, the IRON WAICTI, which, for perfection in ope ration cannot be excelled. N. 8.--I am manufacturing every description of *371 jol © ■ V> hoicsale purchasers will please to give me a call Price list forwarded on application. B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. • Feb. 23, 1850. .ts aGrTc ts i/iTu a L MACHINERY & IMPLEMENTS GRAIN CRADLES. Wood and Wire braced, 5 and G fingers. Price 3Y to 5 dollars. SCYTHE BLADES , English Patent, American Silver Steel. Price 75c to $1 15, SICKLES REAP JIOOKS , Grass blades, Scythe Stones and Rifles. WILE A T FANS, Grant's Patent Excelsior, Ac. Price $lB to $lO. TIIR E SII TNG MA CHINE S, Brown’s Virginia, Wheeler’s and Georgia made.— Price 33 to 50 dollars. HORSE POWERS, Sinclair's and Whitman's Lever Powers, one and two horse It. Road Powers. Price SIOO to $l4O. STRAW CUTTERS, Shuck and Fodder Cutters. Price sto 30 dollars CORN SI/ELLERS, Various sizes and Patterns. PriceCA*to 15 dollars. WEEDING HOES, Scovil's, Collins, Weed’s Brades’ Patent, Clement's Iron and Wood Bliavv Rakes. Cultivators, Harrows, Plows, Corn Mills, Churns, YVhcqlborrows, &c.,&c. All for sale at Hie lowest prices, by NATHAN WEED, May 18, 2m. Macon, Ga. ’Tfo aw PRACTICE OF MEDICINE D!L B. F. PALMER, ba vin;; miniankntlv located in GII l TFIX, EORG SA ; r) KSPKCTFULLY tenders his services to the C citizens ol ihe city and county, being prepar ed to treat scientifically the various forms of dis ease incident to the climate, both Acute and Chron ic, will that success that may be confidently expected from the use of innocent Vegetable Remedies. Calls promptly attended to. ('barges moderate. If®* Ofiock in Alntah Hall, on the Hour occupied by the “Independent South. where ho may be found at all times when not professionally engaged. GriHin, April (J, 1859.. ly. Valuable Hantut'ou If or Sale in ■Ojpssvoio. County. r PHE subscriber offers for sale bis Plantation in JL Upson County, distant from The Itock 3-4 of a mile, known as the Bunkley Plantation—through which passes the Zebuloh road. Os said planta tion, about Four Hundred Acres cleared, and in active Cultivation—all under good fence; abend Four Hundred Acres still in the woods. The im provements are good, consisting of a genteel dwell ing with five rooms, together with all necessary outhouses; Gin House and Screw; health of neighborhood unexceptionable ; water inferior£to none ; society most desirable, wiili Church, School, and Rail Road facilities, all close at hand. Persons desiring to examine the premises and enquire as U/terms, which will be liberal, will enquire of Mr. McCreary, on the place, or to the subscriber, near Talbotton. JNO. E. BARKSDALE. Macon “Telegraph” please copy till forbid. March 30th, 185?.. .ts. WOOD, EDDY & CO’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! (CUARTERaD BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) CAPITAL PRIZE §50,000 ! 183-TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS ! WOOD, EDDY & CO., Managers, Succes sors to S. SWAN & CO, THE following Scheme will be drawn by Wood, Eddy & Cos., Managers of the Sparta Acade my Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lot teries lor July, 1859, at Augusta, Geo., in pub lic, under the superintendence of Commissioners. Class 27 draws Saturday, July 2, 1859. Class 28 draws Saturday, July 9, 1859. Class 29 draws Saturday, July IG, 1859. Class 30 draws Saiurd.ay , July 23’ 1859. Class 31 draws Saturday, July 30,1859. OJV THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS! 50,000 Ticltets! Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty five Frizes. Nearly one Pi aze to Every Nine Tickets! MAGXIFICEXT SCHEME. To be Drawn KaeJi Saturday in July. I Prize of $50,000 j 1 Prize of 1,500 1 “ “ 20,000 50 “ “ SCO I “ “ 10,000 100 “ “ 400 1 “ “ 5,000 100 “ .300 1 “ “ 4,000 100 “ “ 150 1 “ “ 3,000 100 “ “.. 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4Prizesof S4OO Approx’g to $50,000 Prize aresl,6oo 4 “ “ 300 “ “ 20,000 “ 1,200 4 “ “ 250 “ “ 10.000 “ 1,000 4 “ ‘i 225 “ “ 5',000 “ 900 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 4,090 “ 800 4 “ “ 150 “ “ 3,000 “ COO 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 1,500 “ 400 5,000 Prizes of S2O are 100,000 5,4:83 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5 ; Quarters Kemi mber that every Prize In llc above Scheme i--> drawn, and payable in full with out deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at til following rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, SBO “ “ “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ •* 10 Qaniter “ 20 “ “ “ 10 Eighth “ 10 SPARTA AC A SXEXIY LOTTERY, CLASS NO. 359, Draws on Wednesday, July 27, 1859, OX THE TIIREH/NUMBER PLAN. 75 Numbers—l!i Brawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKETS ! i GRAND PRIZE 0F® 36,000. 1 Prize of $19,170! 4 Prizes of $2,000! 2 Prizes of 10,000! 20 Prizes of 1.000! 2 Prizes of 8,0001 130 Prizes of 230! Sec., ifee., 37,814 Prizes Amounting to - $513,100! Whole Tickets $10; Halves 5; Q,uar’s ,3 50. 11l ordering Tickets or Certifi cates, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered,on the reci 4of which, they will be forwarded by the first mail. Purchasers can have their Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. , The List of drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasersimmediately aft i tbe drawing. HOT Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office,County and State. j&g- Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. jBST All Prizes of SI,OOO and under, paid imme diately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. SOT J CIS TO COli fUS S POXBTS XT’S. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use The AfLuns iOspress Company, where by money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us, at our risk and expense , from any city or town where they have an office. The money aud order must be enclosed in a “Gov ernment Post Office stumpedeuv.lope,” ortho Ex press Company can not receive them. All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, Ga. or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Atlanta. Ga. or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wiluiihgtoii, Del. Jan. 26, 1859. S, B. MC WILLIAMS, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA!, HAS j-st received hjs new and .splendid stock of Spring and Summer Stoves, Grates, Cutlery, STAPLES FANCY DRY-GOODS. Clothing, Hats, Bonnets, Misses ilats anil Flats, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Hard ware and Cutlery, X ail Bee Notions &c., And every tiling else usually kept in a DM-GOODS HOUSE IN THIS MARKET. Ilia Goods are all new, and well selected, by a careful and experienced bny<v. Having almost entirely disposed of his old stock before purchasing the new, you need not fear getting old goods. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, he hopes by fair and upright deal ings, to merit a continuance of the same. Call and examine before making your purchases elsewhere, as he takes pleasure at all times in showing goods and charges nothing for it. Griffin, April 6,1859. AMIS X ALLEN’S Ste'Bm Saw Mill. This fine team Saw Mill, T 1 00 A TED within three quarters of a mile from Haralson, Coweta Coun ty, and about eighteen miles from Grif fin, and from Newnau, is now in fine working order. The Proprietors are prepared to execute all orders for lum ber of every description at short no tice. . A Lathing and Planing Machine Are also attached to the Mill. A WOOL FACTORY is also in opera tion, for carding Wool. The Proprie tors solicit orders for Lumber, which will be promptly delivered either at the Mill or at any other point. Terms, by special contract. AMIS & ALLEN. fj®~G. J. Drake is our authorized agent for the sale of Lumber in Grilliin (}a. May 11, 1859.- 3m. YERNONBURG HOUSE, “"PHE above pleasant resort is now f *• °P en for the reception of visitors. Iff iliiag It is situated at Vernon burg. 8 miles ilUJßm.from Savannah and 10 miles from the Ocean outlie Vernon River; a bold salt water stream. Sail and Fishing Boats, fishing Tac kle, can be had at all times. On the premises are two ‘arge Bath- Houses for the accommodation of Visitors. Terms of Board per day, $ 2 00. “ “ ‘ “ week 10 00. “ “ “ “ month 35 00. Children and Servants half price. For terms &c. Address 1’ L. CONSTANTINE. Savannah, June 14th, 135?. 2m S lO RE W ARD V 108 13 ANA WAY from the residence oftlie XV undersigned near Greenville, Meri ? wether Cos., Geo., on Sunday the 15th of JQYrt May last, a negro man named Jacob, a JL3PV brick-layer by trade, about forty years ydr/jn of age, stout, heavy built; about 6 feet JZ/MJ 8 inches high, with one of his front dß@fisaS£ teeth broken off. The above reward of ten dollars will be paid for his delivery to me, or for his lodgement in some •Fail. HN. JACKSON. June, ts, 1850. 41 life Pike Mortgage SaEesfor August. WILL be sold before the oourf-house door in the town <n Zebulon, Pike County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit; Bob, (a tanner) about 30 years of age levied on as the property oi A. G. Brooks, to satisfy a Mort gage ti fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county in favor of A, B. Allen and B. F. Reid, vs., A, G. Brooks. Property pointed out in said mort gage ii fa. vv. h. Mclendon, sh'ir. May 21st., 7859. 2 tds Pike Sheriff’s Sale for August. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Zebulon, Pike county, on the firs* Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale the following properly, viz : . Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in square lett.r F. ill the town ol Zebulon, Pike county : levied on as the property of Win. W. Huff to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Falls & Benuedick vs Redding Fluff. Property pointed out by Pl'ffs Att'y. Also, Fifty acres of Land in the “north-east cor ner of lot No. 122, in the 2nd district originally Monroe now Pike county: levied on as the proper ty ol Henry Smith to satisfy sundry fi fas i-sued from the Justice’s court of the 592d district, G, M., Julia E. Ransom vs Henry Smith, principal, and Mountain Green and Aaron Smith, securities. Pro perty pointed out by said Green. Levy made and r< turned to me by Wilson Shivers, constable. Claim interposed by the'said Henry Smith for a homestead,'and claim dismissed and property’or dered to be sold. WM. H. McLEXDO'N, Sh’ff. June 2S, 1859-tds DH.. COOK’S MEDICATED VAPOR! AN INFALLIBLE 11 1- •*’-lAf itsetl Eyes. k fTMLIS wonderful preparation was discovered by. A Dr. Cook when reduced almost to despair by the failure of aii the reineuhs&.prescribed by the Physicians and Opticians of the age ; and its mi raculous effects, in restoring his own vision, and the great success which has attended its applica tion in a large number of cases—NEVER FAIL ING TO GIVE RELIEF and affect a cure when” persisted in—induces Him to lay it before the pub lic, in order that is merits may be tested, and all who are suffering from diseased Eyes be enabled to ob’aiu relief. The “MEDICATED VAPOR” is a Purely Seieis.ilac Compound! Very’ simple and harmless in its application, but a most POWERFUL REMEDIAL AGENT ; and af ter having been extensively used in the treatment of Diseased Eyes, is confidently recommended as the MOST SPEED Y and RELIABLE REMEDY in cases of Acute and Chronic Optfiaimia, incipient Cataract, Amorosis, Staylyloma, &c., ever pre scribed. It is also an invaluable remedy for Nervous Headache, Neuralgia of the Eye aud Face—dis eases which have heretofore resisted all med’eal skill. It has also been tested in several cases of Total Blindness with such wonderful success, he is in duced to beli eve that no case should be pronounced incurable as long as ftae spark of vitality remains in the eye. 1,11 * The medicated Vapor is a local remedy, and ap peals directly to the parts affected—promotes ab sorption, and by its powerful’ tonic properties, in fuses new life and vigor into tbe nerves that have become impaired by disease, and enables the Eye to re-act and re-gain its former healthful tone and action. These medicinal virtues, combined with the neat and portable form in which it is put up, lender it- the most convenient and efficacious reme dy for diseases of the Eye ever before offered to the public. DR. COOK has many certificates to prove the truth of the above statements, but does not deem it necessary to publish them, knowing the want of confidence in such things unless the public are ac quainted with the parties and ail the circumstances. He, therefore, offers his Medicated Vapor upon its own merits, feeling assured it will stand the most mid test and sive the most complete satisfaction. Prepared and sold by GLACKMEYER & HIL LIARD, Agents, wholesale or retail. Market Street, Montgomery, Alabama. June 22,1859. .2iu HOWARD ASSOCIATION, JPHIkAUiLkPHI A. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment for the Relief of the Sick and Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases % rnilK 1 [QW.A Rjp ASSOCIATION, in -®- view of the awful destruction of hu man life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the de ceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims ol sbeh diseases by Quacks, several years ago direct ed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy .of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in ali j their forms,and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS to ail who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, ( ge, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to FUR NISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is lieediess to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will fur nish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of tae Association, in their annu al Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, for the year ending January Ist, ISSB, express the highestsatisfactioii with the success which has at tended the labors of the Consulting Surgeonin the cure cf Spermattorlioea, Seminal Weakness, Ini. potence, Gonorrhea, (Beet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, &-e., and o- der a continu ance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as sured that their labors in this sphere of benevo lent effort have been of great benefit to the affilict ed, especially tothe young, and they haveresolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An Spermattorhca, or Seni inal Weakness,the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self-abuse, and other diseases of the sexual or gans, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent, by mail (in a sealed envelope ) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual disease, diet, &c., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Somq of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Addresss, for Report or treatment. Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As sociation,No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA I). 11EARTWELL, President. Geo. Fairchild, Secretary Sept.. 9th, 18.58. 18 ly IXardware, cfeo- C. H JOHNSON, HILL ST., GRIFFIN,GA. HAS now in Store and is receiving anew and well assorted st ick of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, XU ON & STEEL, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Faints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, and Brushe of all descriptions, RtIRBMR BELTING, &c., which he will sell on his usually low and accommo dating terms. March 30th 1859. Cm HOSPITAL Os Reform Medical Practice, AT FORT VALLEY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA. A i ARGE nractice in this and adjoining coun ties, together v’ ith the entire practice of the South Western Road Company, fora number of years, rendered the establishment of my private Hospital a matter of necessity—the advantages of which, upon solicitation, 1 am induced t.o offer to the public at large, for the benefit of negroes. Wholesome discipline and train and nurses are among the advantages of my Hospital. Planters and others interested, will look tothe following rates of charges: For accnte or confirmed sickness per day.. . .$1 For Crouio or ordinary sickness per day, 50 cents ‘to..’. $1 Accidental orotb .f extraordinary cases, by spe cial contract. The above terms Include Board, Nursing and Medical attendance. Address DR. D. N. AUSTIN. Fort-Valley, Ga., March 23,1859. ly TIN WARE MANUFACTORY. r PH E undersigned has constantly on hand n large J. supply of Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Plain and Fancy Tin Ware of every kind, which will be sold low tor CASH. All kinds of Job Work, such as Roofing Gutter ing, Sheet Iron and Copper Work, done at short notice and warrant® i. JAMES K.JAITAbET. Third doorfromH ll & Smith’s formerly occupied by Jason Burr. Griffin, March, 3rd, 1858, I'fgnt laks. PIKE COUNTY.—To all whom it \X may coucern—Whereas, Cary W. Allen, Ad ministrator upon the estate of Daniel A. Allen, deceased, applies for letters of dismission, from the administration of said estate : Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, are hereby cited and admonished, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law—otherwise lettersdismissory will be granted the applicant, at the November Term next, of the Court of Ordinary, Os said county.— A true extract from the minutes of said Court, tiiis 4st April ,1859. J, U. BECKHAM. Ordinary April 13, Cm. /GEORGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—To all whom it vT may concern—Whereas, Thomas J. Alford, Administrator upon the estate of William A. Rig gins, late of said county,deceased, applies for let ters of dismission, from the Administration of said estate : Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ; ceased,are hereby cited and admonished,to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law—otherwise letters dismissmy will be granted the applicant, at the next Novem ber Term, of said Court of Ordinary, of said,-County. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this sth April, 1859. • J. C. BECKHAM, April l:j —Cm. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pike County.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John G. Nunnally, Ad ministrator upon the estate of JoSiali E. Nunnally. late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate : Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, are hereby cited and admonished, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissmy will be granted the applicant at the next September Term of the Court of Ordinary for said county.— A true extract from the minutes of said Court, Feb. 7th, 1859. J. C BECKHAM, Ordinary. Feb. 10, 1859. .mOm ("lEOHGIA, Pike County.—To all whom it may J concern: Whereas, Green B, M. Blount, and i Peter E. Fossctt, Administrators upon the estate of John Brunt, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections, if any they have, in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will be grant ed the applicant at the next, September Term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. A true ex i tract from the minutes of said Court. Feb. 10th, 1859. J. C. BECKHAM, Ordinary. Feb. 16, 1859. .m6m Cl EQIIGIA.., Fayette County.—To ail whom it j X may concern": Whereas, Lucy Smith, Execu- 1 trix of the last Will and Testament of Jonathan j Smith, late of said county deceased, applies to me ! for letters of dismission from the administration of j said estate: \ Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de-; ceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file | their objections, if any they have, in my office, in | terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant agreeable to the Statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 13th January, 1859. GEO. C. KING, Dept, c C o Jan. 19, 1859. .Cm # CN EORGIA, FAYETTE CO 111 N T Y. — Ito all whom X it may concern. —Whereas, Peter E. McLeroy Executor of the Estate of James McLeroy, lute of j said county, deceased, applies to me for tetters of dismission: These arc,-therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 22nd day of January, 1859. GEO. C. KTNG, Dept, c c o January 26,1859. mGm Georgia, pike count Y—To'-aii u-iwm u may concern: Whereas, Josiah fPyron, Exec-! utor of the last will and testament of Wm. Antler-! son, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the Administration of said deceased’s estate;: Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de- j ceased, are hereby cited and admonished to tile i their objections (if any they have) in my office, in I terms of the law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant, at the next January ! Term of the Court of Ordinary for said County. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, ! this Util June, 1859. J. C. BECKHAM, j June 22d, 1859. .6m Ordinary. Administrator’s Saie. VT7TLL be s*!d before the Court House door in V V the town ol Zebulou, on the first Tuesday in ; August next, within the legal hours of sale, the Lands belonging to the estate of Isaac M. Brown, late of said county, deceased. Said lands lying in ! the Bth District, of originally Monroe, now Pike j County, containing about three hundred acres, i more or less; one of the lots is No. 113 in said I)is-1 tri t.. The remainder not reconnected, but it is the 1 remainder of the place owned and occupied by said j Brown at the time of his death, which has not! heretofore been sold. WM. A. SMITH, | June, 20th 1859.. .4.0 J. Administrator. C A EORGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—To ail whom it j X may concern—whereas, Janus nd j Leonard Harris. Executors of the last will and | testament of Charles Kent, deceased, apply to i me for letters of dismission from the administra- j tion of said estate : therefore, the’ kindred and j creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished, to file their objections, (if any they j have,) in my office, in terms of the law; other-; wise letters dismissory will be granted the appli-; cants, at the December Term next, of the court of j Ordinary for said County. A true extract from the minutes of said court, I this 2nd day of May, 1859. May 4th,’59. .6m J. C. BECKHAM, Ord’y. j Georgia, pike county.-- to air whom u ! vi concern: Whereas, Jessee Lawrence, ad ministrator upon the estate of Anthony Pilkinton, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the administration of said estat -: Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise, ietters dismissory will be granted the applicant at the next December Term of the Court of Ordinary of said County. Given under my hand at office, this 6th day of June, 1859. J. 0. BECKHAM, Ordinary. June Sth, 1559. Georgia pike county.—To an whom it may concern .---Whereas, James Anderson, i Guardi in of William 11. Whatley, minor, applies to I me tor letters of dismission from said Guardianship, i These are, therefore, to c te and admonish all those interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why letters dismissory should not be granted the applicant.. Given under my hand at office, this lltli Mav, 1859. May 18,1859. 40d. ■’'j. C BECKHAM, OrcVy. WILLIAM J. ELLIS, YLifytl for Divorce in Pike SUSAN A. R. ELLIS. \ Superior Court. IT appearing to the court, by the return of the officer, that said defendant resides out of the County of Pike: Therefore, ordered by the Court, j that service be perfected by publishing a copy of this order, once a month for three months next, preceding the next Term of said Court. And that said defendant bo and appear at the next Term of said Court, and in default thereof, that plaintiff have leave to take judgment. By the Court. ’GREEN & STEWART, Atfys for Libel. A true extract from the minutes ot Pike Superior Court, this June 14th, 1860. JOHN C. REDDING, C. S. C. June 22, ‘59. .Im3in. rpivo MoutUs after itn<e application will JL be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Pike County, for leave to sell the Lands, and one negro man, belonging to the estate of Benjamin E. Harris, late ot said County, deceased. BENJAM IN SEAGRAVES, June 15, 1859. Administrator. I f'pWO months after date, application will be made X to the Court of Ordinary of Pike county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah C. Fudge, late of said county, deceased. E. L. CONN ALLY, Adm’r June 29th, 1859. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Septan- ■ her next, between tbensual hours of sale, by i virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary ot Pike County, the following lands, belonging to the estate of Win. Brown, deceased, to-wit : Lot of laud, number one hundred and forty five, (145.) in the eighth District of originally Monroe, now Pike County, coni,aining two hundred two and a half acres, move or less. And ten acres of lot, No. one hundred and seventy (170,) in the north cast corner. Sold foi the purpose of distribution. Terms on ‘he day of sale. SPENCER N. BISHOP, AdinT. June 28,1859-tds North Light and Original STAR PICTURE GALLERY, (Over J. A. Beers, & Go’s Stork.) J. W. M’CORD Takes Pleasure in giving notice to the Citizens of Griffin, and Surrounding ‘ Country that be is now prepared to execute all work in his line, in the Latest and most approved Sty leu of the Art. May 18, 3ni DR E. F. KNOTT’S. PRIMARY SCHOOL OP MEDICINE. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. THIS School will be opened on the first of No vember, as announced in Circular, for the re ception of Students. The subscriber does not deem it necessary to enter into detail respecting his method of teaching, or imparting instruction to his students, as any intelligent person must appreciate the advantages a student will have in such a School as contcin plated under the present system, and pledges him self that his time and energies sufficient will be devoted to the advancement of his pupils, arid that nothing will be wanting to make their studies as instructive and agreeable as possible. Every branch of Medical and Surgical review will be thoroughly taught in this School. _ Classes will be formed in accordance with the time each pupil has been studying. Regular exam inations will be held three times a week on the various branches. _ A few of the advantages of this School of Medi cine may be briefly enumerated, namely: The superior opportunities of studying practical Anatomy, the abundant supply of Material, the Dissecting Room being ample for all the classes and the constant attendance of the subscriber, oi one of the two, who will assist him in demonstra ting, to afford all necessary inhumation to the gen tlemen who may he dissecting. Dr. Knott wishes it distinctly understood that this School will, in no wise, interfere with any ot the chartered schools of the country. Students will find this school highly advantageous, and much more agreeable than a public college, for the pur pose of acquiring their first instruction in Modi cine and Surgery. They can, at all times, have an opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of practical Anatomy, and the practice of operative Surgery upon the dead subject. The Dispensary and Infirmary of the subscriber which wiil be opened, at the same time, will afford an^ opportunity to his students of acquiring great information and adroitness in the art of prescrib l In g by visiting the patients, examining the cases j daily, and carrying out the prescriptions under the ! direction of the proprietor. j They will also have an opportunity whenever i convenience will admit of visiting in company with him the natients of the proprietor in rotation wherein they will derive great benefit in a practi cal point of view, in learning to diagnose and treat various diseases. It must be apparent to every one that, possessing these and many other advan tages for the study af Medicine and Surgery, this school stands unrivalled in the facilities it will af ford the medical student in the aequisit'on of a thorough and practical primary course of instruc tion in his profession. The subscriber, fully relying upon tlie counten ance, aid and support'ol the medical faculty and | an intelligent public, confidently enters upon an j enterprize which in his estimation, by supplying a | desideratum in the profession will greatly benefit I the public, as well as elevate the standard of medi : eal science. For terms and other particulars, address the i proprietor at Griffin, Georgia. ; t E. F. KNOTT. : N. B. All gentlemen of the medical profession I “’ho may visit Griffin, are cordially and most rc -1 spectfully invited to visit this School, and the pro i urietor will take great pleasure in showing them I around. | Griffin, October Bth, 1358. October 14th, 1-y’r. HOSTETTERS “ STOMACH BITTERS, For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fhusea, ’ Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, cite. In view of the filet that every member of the human family is more or less subjected to some of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions in life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may be able ! so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per- I maneilt health. In order to accomplish this desired object, tlie true course to pursue is, j certainly, that which will produce a natural j state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life ; for this end Dr. Hostetler j has introduced to this country a pro papa - I tion called HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is not anew i medicine, but one that lias been tided for i years, giving satisfaction Jo all who have | used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and | thus by the simple process of strengthening i nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so i generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water J and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent j when taken iff all its various forms, than any other ; the cause of which may always | be attributed to derangements of the diges -1 tive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bortle. For this disease every physician will recom | mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to be infallible V i Every country have their Bitters as a pre i ventive of disease, ami strengthening of the system in general, and among them all j there is not to be found a more healthy I people than the Germans, from whom this i preparation emanated, based upon scientific j experiments which lias attended to advance i the destiny of this great preparation in the medical scale cf science. FEVER AND AGUE. This trying amt provoking disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can l e defeated and driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER’S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of the above stated diseases can not be contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, if tiie Bitters are used as per directions. And as it neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unneces sary any change of diet or interruption to usual pur suits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digest’on, ; the complaint is thus removed as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced years Who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body', these Bitters are invaluable as a restora tive of strength and vigor, and needs only to he tried to lie appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, these Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mother’s nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is nee .led to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all (beans try this remedy for all cases of debility, and before so doing, ask your physician, who, if lie is acquainted with the virtues of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAITION. —NYe caution the public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but, ask for Hostetter’s Celebrated Stomach .Ritters, and see that each bottlo has the words ’‘Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. ID” Prepared and soi l by IIOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, grocers, sutd dealers generally throughout the Tinted States, Canada, South America and Germ,try. SCOVIL & MEAD, NEW ORLEANS, 1,A., Wholesale Agents. Sold by \V. B. Seay, Griffin ; Stilwell & Brown, McDonough ; lb J. Harris, Greenville ; J. I‘.Reese Newnan ; T. S. Bradford. La Grange ; G. M. Rock well , Barnesville ; A. 11. Sneed, Forsyth, Jau. 6,1859. VESPE R GA 81 AG 111 r EMITS light has gained for itself a reputation over L all other light, as being th® safest, most bril liant and economical light, for the following rea sons : Ist. It is impossible for an explosion to take place, as the material itself is not inflammible. 2nd. The brilliancy and intensity of the light is superior to that of Coal Gas in every aspect. 3rd. The cost of a full head of light is only a half cent per hour, being cheaper than any other tht lias ever been invented. The fixtures are the same as those of Coal Gas,in variety, form and ornament, with the advantage that simpler styles can be carried front room to room, although not primarily designed for baud lamps. Those who desire to purchase the Patent llrah throughout the State, cun do so by addressing the proprietors. FARRELL & BRO., Feb. IG, 1859. ts Savannah, Ga. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATORt PREPARED BY DR. SANFOTn COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS that acts as a Cathartic, easier mffik-r 16 ? üblio * effectual than any other medicine L-I’ IK raore not only’ a % 13 fust on the Liver to eject its morbid matter on the stomach and bowels to carry off full tLeu ter thus accomplishing two piunoseHff re without any of the painful feelings etn!^ the operations of most Cathartic* re P t S lenc ® and the system at the same timethltlt pSr£? t ß . then * when taken dally m moderate doses* wm ’ and en and build it up with unusual rapidity Stl ' en^th ’ of l '!']?.'hnmin “bUZ-L SUSHIS ‘SP**™ fraction, ,v c 1, ~7)1 oped. The stomach is; l aim st entirely rf<^ CVe ]* ent on the healthy ac- tion of the Liver trarei?’ performance ofit.A'unc lions; when thJ ci l,o ach is at fault, and the M whole system tnir*™’ consequence of one or- g gan-the LivL!!w ,n ceased to do its duty. For the disease otgan, one of the pro- W prietors has made* u v* Shr* aera ™**- ‘io prove that this i remedy is at 1-u.t r j any person troubled tt with Liver Cos, S’ m any of its forms, ItaslP* but to try a l o i ‘‘V conviction is certain. |.j } bottle, and 1 hese Gums remove'Miall morbid or had from the system, sup- V piy ing . i„ the ir nealthy flow of bile, >■ inVigm!,” „£ 1, a at ctir Ate ss <■*£ Lotions attacks are M cured, and what >, , One dose after eat- H ing is snffiptnnf * d piW lhe /ood Niglitniul'e/ 1086 tat<?n /T bcfo,e pieventf pepsia d °' e taken aftc) ’ H catl * al will cure Dys reSvVsffikHeSdm. SP ° onf,l,ls will icraSi!e° nC d °" e im ’ mediately relieves Ch®l so? Cholera °Morbns'd a,’ ’ S a finr ® cure Cholera. b ’ S and pieventive of tlrn sratem ‘ e th b e°effe l S H n ® ede ?. to throw out of sickiS. eflccts £\ ° f u,ed,dße after a long One bottle taken for xii Jaundice removes oil ‘■ : '"s vi ~ : a U timc ,jetole eating ..svst well P ’ and makes food One dose often, re- H peated, cures Chronic Diairhoea in its worst pJ forms, while Summer dose V Col:Vlaints k - vicld to the first One or two doses r cures attacks caused by \\ orms m Cliil- dren ; there is no surer never cdy iu the world, as it bj au La a /wifi! m re,“re rr” ‘ and thousands aie v l ing to testify ito its wonderful virtues tlmonj & lS™!” S ' V ‘“ S t '” ir to- ‘" th ,he h "' sm ’ 111 E LIVER INVIGORATOR D a Scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily woriung cures almost too great for belief it cures lna S lc cveij the first dose givinff benefit and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, fre m the woit Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache* all ol which are the result of a DISEASED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Wi. Proprietor. *WW bym DnigS™*’"’" 3 '-''’™ Vmk - IT IS NOT TOO MUCH TO SAV, SINCE ALL, o>lc3. ancl Young, Jjfirrn its Truth, viz: Tfiat Professor Wood's Heir Restorative Will preserve infaU'uihly the growth and color of the ban it used two or three times a week to any imaginable age. Perfectly, restore the gray, cover the bald with nature’s own ornament the hair; make it. mote soil and beautiful lhaii any oil T and pieseivc the scalp tree from all disease to tin* greatest age. Starcsmen, Judges, Attorneys Doc loi s, C ierg) men. Professional men Gentlemen and Ladies or ail classes, all over the world, bear tenth mouy that we do not say too much in its favor Lead t Ire following, and judge : Hickory gkoye, St. Charles Cos., Mo., Nov. 19, 1557. Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear, Sir: Some tim* last summer we were induced to use some of your Hair Restorative, and its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to re port it. Our httie son shead had for some time been per fectly covered with sores, and*oine called it scald head- Ihe hair had almost entirely come off in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advised us to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope of success, but to our snpprisc, and that iff all our friends, a very few applications removed toe disease entirely 7, and anew and luxuriant crop ol hair soon started out, and we can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. V,’e can therefore, and do hereby, recommend your Restorative, as a periect remedy tor all diseases of the scalp and hair. We are yours respectfully, SS,. , Iif 01iiB0THAM ' SAEAII A - Hre ’ Prof. Wood -Dear Sir: My hair had, for sever years, been becoming prematurely gray, accompa nied by a harshness which rendered the constant application of oil necessary in dressing it. When I : commenced usingyour Hair Restorative about two. months ago it was in that condition; and having continued its use till withm the last three wec-ks, It has turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lusite greatly to be preferred to those produced by the application of oils or any other preparation I have ever used. I regard it as an indispeusihle article for every lady’s toilet, wheth e to lie used for a Hair Restorative or for the simple purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that U claimed by it. MIIS. C. SYMONDS, Cincinatti, 0., Feb. 10.1557. 114 Third st Wkllinoton, Mo., Deco. 1557. Prok. \\ ooi),Dear Sir: By the advice of a friend of mine, who had been using year Hair Ilestoitive, I was induced to try it. 1 had the fever, some time last May and nearly every hair in my nead’ came out. Now my hair has come in a great deat thicker than it ever was. Nothing but a duty and sympathy that 1 feel to communicate to others who arc alllicted as 1 have been, Avon Id induce me to give this public acknowledgement of the benefit l have revived from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, Voids respectfully, A. It. JACOBS. The Resto.ative is put up in bottles of :f sizes, viz : large, medium and small; the small holds £ a plot and retails for one dollar per bottle the me dium holds at. least twenty uer ce t, more in pro portion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 10 per cent, more in proportion, and retails foi $3 a bottle -0..1. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, New York, (in the gr at. N. Y. Wire Railing Es tablishment'.) and 111 Market St., St,Louis, Mo. KjTAnd sold by all good Druggists and F mey Goods Dealers. M.WITTGENSTEI n7 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, L T <H\,RS, AND SEGARS. llAs on hand and is continually receiving direct from Importers/iP3EEg% .he following Goods which NEW YORK PRICES. 5 HALF PIPES OLD SEGNETT BF \NDV. 10 QR. CASKS, db do lo 10 Eighths OTARDS, DUPEY & CO'S BRANDY 5 Eighths J AS. HENNESEY BRANDY, very fine, 3 Pipes OLD HOLLAND GIN. 10 Bids. OLD JAMAICA A ST. CROIX RUM. 25 Bbls. OLD MONONGAHELA and BOURBON WHISKEY. 5 Qr. Casks OLD PORT WINE. 5 Eighths PURE JUICE do. 6 Casks OLD SHERRY WINE. 25 Cases CLARET W]NE, very low. 50 Baskets of CHAMPAlGNE,different brands, 10 Thousand SPANISH SEGARS. 50 Thousand DOMESTIC SEGARS, very cheap, BLACK-BERRY BRANDY, and GINGER WINE, in Cases. SCOTCH ALL, LONDON PORTER, Ac., Ac., Ac; Ail of wh oh I will sell at New-York prices, ad ding freight. Families and Druggists may rely on getting a pure article. M. WITTGENSTEIN. Ea st cn and of Trout House, Atlanta, Geo, Sept SO, 185S. ?