Newspaper Page Text
of on the fftfie of the earth. Burn it I
could not. Break it I could not. I
could not hide it in the attic, for Aunt
Carraway would be sure to make an ex
pedition thither within twenty-four
hours of her arrival! If I should throw
it behind the wood-shed, Biddy would
trip oveS it and fracture her classic nose.
A brilliant idea presented itself! I
would bury it in the vegetable garden,
near the potato patch,
“The turf shall be its winding sheet,”
sang I triumphantly, and bore it to the
•pot. __A few spadefuls of earth, a few
never smile on me again. A woman
must be an angel to forgive an irrepara
ble ir jury to a new dress.
Of course I apologized, and of course
she pretended not to care; but a certain
freezing dignity crept into her manner
for the remainder of the call, and "by the
time we reached “the cunning little
yellow squashes ” her enthusiasm was as
dead as Julius Caesar.
The visitors declined an invitation to
enter the house and rest. Mrs. Ciggs-:
well, with an infinitude of pins and an
abundance of sympathy, made tempora
ry repairs in the pink polonaise, and J
Vowevf XfiyZk
an unwonted chill at my heart.
Looking across the street I espied a
ragman’s cart standing -at the Widow
Dickerman’s. A wild impulse seized
me. I snatched the “ fiend ” from the
ash barrel, and, as I ran up-stairs, called
out, “ Bridget, run over to Mrs. Dicker-
man’s, please, and tell that ragman to
be sure and stop here.”
The rag-bag always hung by Arabel
la’s sewing-machine in the bedroom.
Twisting the fiend into the smallest
possible compass, I wrapped and tied it
securely in a ragged dish-towei, and
pnsiied it down, down, down, to the very
bottom of the bag. No, that wouldn’t
do. With a Machiavellian cunning I
pulled the “ fiend ” up toward the mid
dle, “He will never discover it till he
gets to the paper-mill,” thought" ly
“farewell, ruthless destroyer of my
peace, farewelll”
By the time my arrangments were
completed the Widow Dickerman had
come to the end of naif-
f5j^fS*5ups and griddle-cake turners,
and the cart was at the door. With a
stolid countenance, but a throbbing
heart, I stood nonchalantly by, while
the peddler weighed ani- emptied tlia
rags and counted out the cash. I did
not draw a full breath till I saw the
back of the cart vanish over the toj* of,
the long, hilly street, on the
■ l when life had
j&y only, there fo$r thee,
with thy arms crossed
ting hf&l-t that wan my own,
'all that I had lost
y breast thy lovely soul had flown.,
F^S^—'vHfjot that! and so I turned away,
• .house when other mournors staid;
^ d: ' f rrme on that nnhanpy day
. torab thvi dreadful thing was laid.
not dead, but gone an hcrar
'^Hthecr country, fair and sweet,
by some undiscovered power
y r> i ‘.h_ar | d boTirh UJ1
'■Z&s&s+ G9G feel that any give®, day
- - i thee, gone awhile before
iPs^rpmncs' to pass dutl works away,
gor^thabroad Atiaitlic-aaore,
long wave that breaks upon the Hand
a message from me waiting here,
spring breathes across the land
Sigu that thou art JiD S erin S near.
*t4nfcof thee as living there,
keep thy grave in sweetest bloom
TA&fc tjfeff"|ave8L a garden to injy care
Ere thou departed from oiix Ei^glish gloom.
Then when my day is done and X, too, die,
’Twill be as if I journeyed to thy side,
And when all quiet we together: lie
We shall not know that we bave ever died
—A ll the Year Round.
where will fl>«sees her again ?
A w.'T'Ui- safe*-One put up where the
small jSy can t *jt at ii.
Tmf store n ;ple sugar is now known
as the xfieointhe forest.
The developed an en
tirely new miaptfol Bello cation,
Natore » vacuum. That is
the lv^son lif^jjaoiPlp^nifNJtLin&e
Worti. TX-< r,'Wn a TfbttVi dr-, fill
manly tears fcanae^fiv gprSotiBH m .
powerful onion near by), and all was over.
The next day I sat in my library,
reading an ins tractive volume entitled
“ Enigmas of Life.
' * %, [W+ tlppk that be eg!, my
killing.' jKJjov’ sometimes fatal. The
one that in
the burins: flLOum.
Wisconsin solves have become so
hard up for pijvendor that they ehas*
young men vKo part their hair in the
centre. t!hejlear, pet lambs!
The f si lowing is a true copy of a sign
on an acadejay out West: Freeman &
Huggj, school teachers. Freeman
teaclroshhn Iqvg.and Huggs the girls.
Mbs. 0. Ijihi Margarine h as arrived
in the city. fie: trie ©ds think her the
creme de la ; ttfapeff but her enemies
think &i{&vmi0.r~^^ashing(o)i Jtepub-
Ciean. \
—AAIaok. whit rollon to you is that
old gen leifitui^I |aw you with this
morning?” '' '■^hjyjpt much; he’s mnv-
l’ipd 1 , ■■ ^ -.1 > Oill.'
The door was
thrown open, and a bouncing, bewilder
ing object gyrated along the floor to my
study-chair, followed by Bridget, with
the thunders of Olympus on her brow,
and—yes—a blacked eye 1 With wrath
ful gestures she shot forth her tirade :
“An’ it is mesilf that’ll be afther hav-
nfl'my eye kilt entirely wid the mutherin’
owld villin av a hoop-skurrt jumpin’ in-
til me face, while I was diggin’ a few
peratiea for dinner—like a divil from
purragatorry, sure 1 ”
She disappeared, and I laid down my
book in despair, “Enigmas of Life!”
I should think so ! I seized the hoop-
skirt. and ran frantically in the garden.
Iwonld bury it seventy fathoms deep,
if I had to dig through to the antipodes 1
No one should say that Theophilus
Blodgett was the man to be conquered
by an old hoop-skirt, forty-spring double-
elliptic though it might be 1 Just as I
reached the corner of the wrswAS*®®? f
heard a silvery vfnee exclaim:
-~-^l<jood-mornihg. Mr. Blodgett 1”
LooEiBs—afwfofl,1 descried, oh, hor
ror 1 the clevgyit>—* rrn v,,,A7.
his wife and young-lady visitor, Miss
Juliet Thornton, coming to call I For
the Bev. Ciggswell and lady I cared not
a straw, but Juliet Thornton had been
one of my ardeat attachments before I
engaged myself; to Arabella. In fact, I
was a long, time (I may say a very long
time) making up my mind which of the
r< s d; ba^fcArabaUa'®
me people Dover (Hf . oau
■fRBWa,” ami tl*it “ m were all filik*-#g
fickle as the weather”-—I gaspeofqr
firmness, uprooted Juliet from my heart
forever, and made Arabella name the
day on the spot.
However, notwithstanding the uproot
ing process (which is not always so
thorough as some people imagine)’ i £
there was one person in the woridbefore
whom I wished to 'dr^^cnt^espectablo
figure, it was j,Arabella
might get railroad accident.
tV'dl’A E. PIMiCHAWl’i
T •'■raasTASLB oqmpotop.
The Positive Cnra
For all Female Complaints.
Till? preparation, *s Its name signifies, consists of
Yogrotable Properties that are harmless to tlxo most del
icate invalid. Upon one ferial the merits of this Cofti-
pound will be rocognized, os relief is immediate ; antf
v/hon its use is contlnuod, in ni^ v-nla^- -
drod, p jwnnaJient cure is etf ’' - idd » as tu-on^TVOa wdl te#
tifv. On aocount ot#-*“ ia
rammended^-* 85 * 4 ^ the be36 i>ST3l0lM5 U
j, g^gp^t-ure entirely the worst form of falling
f .feuterus, Leucorrhcea, Irregular and pateful
£ i’. uation, all Ovarian Troubles. Inflammation and
j T e ”lat.ior. Floodings, all Displacements and tho coll
c<! Vt spinal weakness, and is especially adapted t«
t];e Chsjige of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors
from the u torus in an early stage of development. The
tendency to canoorou# humors there is oheoked very
speedily by its use.
In fact it has pr©V3& to be the grefc^
esfc and best remedy that has ever been discover
ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and giver
new life and vigor. It removes faintness.flafculeney, de
stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness
of the stomach
It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration,
General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi
gestion. ThAt feeling of bearing down, causing pain,
weight and backache, is always permanently </ared by
Its use. It will at all §imes, and under all circumstan
ces, act in harmony with the law that governs tilt
female system.
For Kidney Complaints of either sex this oompound
is unsurpassed.
tydia t. Pinkham’s Vegetable Comoound
is prepared at 883 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass,
price $1.00. Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by mail In the
form of pills, also in the form of Lozenges, on receipt
of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. JETNKHAM
freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pam
phlci. Address as above Mention this paper.
SSO jamiy .. tvjj.yu-b JjXjLUA M-. JTJ iMXXLAJS’S'
IJVUH PILLS. They cur* Constipation, Biliousness
Had Xoi-pidtty 9i the Liver. 96 cents par box.
IRON BITTERS act like a
charm on the digestive organs, removing
all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting
the food, belching, heat in the stomach,
Last'summer my wife vo', 0 ; VH( ] a
pram from her mother visiting in BoS-
t°n), urging he;.; to Jr-^ggj i- ier q, that city
on aifimpoitaijt homily matter. Let no
one suspect- m', of i’-H-vaating that my
respected Mother-in-law is the “ flexible
fiend,” /.am my introducing her name so
soon fcfter the title of my story; but had
it ’>ot been for that telegraia my experi
ence with said fiend would have been
Arabella was to start early in the morn
ing, and gave me many orders. “TS®.
; sure and lock all the doors every night,
Tb and, whatever you do, don’t
ag. .Bridget, for you know what a
hfJrfluau Medicament you would be in if
%i : tft^e it into her head to
5 lepfc.
raflabefi promigeft. and next
safely on her way. For
HUjwent smoothly. Bridget
I Oyn-ip’.i’ p. !i-o
IRON BITTERS are highly
recommended for all diseases requiring
a certain and efficient tonic.
S/ynj- enrich the
l^trengthen the mufwjles, and give
life to the nerves. @
low glad I am to
“Oh, yes, I do,”
“Johnny told me
you would rather
IRON BITTERS are the only
Iron Preparation that will not blacken
the teeth or give headache.
Mo ■ - ■ Gorty^-be a good
girl, and give Aunfe julia a kiss and say
good-hglitJ* flirty—“No, no! if I
kiss ixS she'd j>ox my ears, like she did
.papa’s last ni-jtet.” ; —
Ixsi’iiiATii h ooms to writers without
■the i and' in all eSorts of
plac. 1 'i Ae following must have struck
lh.,^j(r4 of the Rochester Express
glfflMlflPFhrn hair curled:
M ■ vo li^Oy-essafyTnf^'-*'in5ii'To
his n at ifhe barber’s shop, but he
must lake it there to be shaved.”
A qE^TMttAN from the North was
spending >M 'evening with a Galveston
geni^iAaii u.h’ose acquaintance he had
made..;ifpn^eacliing the house the stran-
ger 4!^; • ‘‘ Have you any old-Texas
enriosities?” “Certainly,”
was y&y- vteply; “ allow me to
nia^vchj^quaiqt'sd with my mother-
in-la». —- U&T*foTi*£fewt.
“'tpom ejgars I bought here yester
day were mighty bad.” Dealer—“Bad?
Why, sir, f je sold thousands and thou-
gacds; of tl|)se cigars, and you’re the
first <jne to Ind fault with them.” Cus-
toi»el—*1 fon’t know anything about
thafcA>ut I iknow th»t when I tried to
Dealer—“Ah, I see, I see!
Tint’s where you made a mistake. I
srippty ed you wanted them to treat your
friepd? with. I thought there must be
Bofee bistake about it.”
Write for the ABC Book, 32 pages of
useful and amusing reading—sent free.
The next day Arabella (uena-M'e m>
nrned with Aunt Oarraw^W
d dinner, plying our ffjg£c*apsfvm
. i.,. 1/ TRf.
Bee that all Iron Bitters arc mad© by Brown
Chemical Co. and have crossed red lines on
wrapper. JSetoare of imitations,
Established 284-
A§ AWt T
tuq fsjii
■day if:
gruffer, then Kbavy
footsteps came near. I quaked wi tl^a
fearful presentiment. The door ojiened
and the rag man stood before me
with indignation on his freckled face.
“Ef yon suppose that Hiram StJa-
thiel Bangs is agoin’ tew pay 5 cents a
paound for old hupskirt wire you’ll
just a leetle out of your reck’nin’, foi
he don’t calc’late to kerry on"T5iznfss in
any sieh style. I’ll trouble yew for 10
cents, mister,” and he handed me the
“fiend,” still tied in the ragged towel.”
Arabella was completely mystified.
Aunt Carraway looked unutterable
things 1 I handed out a dime ; Hiram
Parsons 9 Purgative Pills make >7e\y Rich
Blood, and will completely change the blood li
the entire system in three .months. Any person
who wfll take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weekt
may he sound health, if such a thing
be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps.
1, S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass.
formerly Bangor, Me.
/1SENTB WANTED the best IFaasiiily Knit
ting: MaeSiine ever invented. Will knit a pair oj
stockings, with HEEL and TOE complete, ir
20 minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancy-
work for which there is always a ready market Send
for circular and terms to tho Twombly Knitting
Machine €o. s 409 WashinsJon St.. Boston. Mass.
COLOGNE. Befreahinff.
A New, Delightful and Fashionable- Perfnro..
Soli b, druggists and fancy good. None gtoum.
ytthou* .Ignats™ of HISCOX * CO.. Ch.min% N. Y.
, Ginger, Bnchu, llandrake, Stullngia and
.many of the best medicines known arc combined
’in Parker’s Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of
’such varied and effective powers, as to make it
>the greatest Blood Purifier and the
the greatest Blood Purifier and the .
•Best Health & Strength Restorer ever used.
| It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-;
>gia, Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the
-Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Urinary*
'Organs, and all Female Complaints. |
) If you are wasting away with Consumption or,
►any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter *
what your symptoms are, it will surely help you.]
; Remember! This^ Tonic never intoxicates,)
•cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Med-,
icine ever made, and entirely different from 1
[Bitters, Ginger Preparations, and other Tonics.)
)Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist. None gen-,
•uine without our signature on outside wrapper.
) HiSCOX &J^gM_Cbgmigts 1 j)L^__
1 1 fi/S If not sold m your town, you 8 fifi |
I I ELI- car. got them by mail. Drop 1 8 11 1 I
I w * us a Postal Card for Cato- %JJL
tost sad Prices. The Oldest and most exteneiva Seed
Growers in the United States.
^ t - *
Theri iJ no occasion for swearing out
side of a newspaper office, where it is
very useful in proof-reading, and indis
pensably necessary in getting forms to
press. It has been known, also, to ma
terially assist the editor in looking over
the paper after it is printed. Bat other
wise it is a very foolish and wicked habit.
Os’ORrtraiTEEs axe very sensitive
-ehi-n’i*..- if von slight them on their first
Asssl IWOHfPlHIIVE Sffratoii;
cured in 1.) toSOduys. Ten years et *
tablihlied; 1009 cured Vi’r'.t© str :•
nircuse. I).. aQuir.ey, Mi b.
S25 E ¥ery Dai
Can be easily made with otur
Well Augers & Drills
iffs One man and one horse required. We
V are the only makers of the Tiffin Well'
^ Boring and Peek-Drilling Machinak
Warranted the Sust on Earth I
Many of our customers rr ake from $80 to $40 a day.
Boot aud Cir 0 ulai ? .^KEKA21, ! ’ oa J; r ^...
The reverend Ciggswell squinted
through his eye-glasses toward the
Cirouiara^IlEB, Address,
L0MsYliTifeh-44£E|gL QHiO.
-A. ttornej^ at Xu aw,
Wu '’practice regularly in the Superior
Courts of-Douglas, Campbell, Uir.vU, o.m,
ftud Paulding counties, and in the Supreme
court if Atlanta.
Mar.oha! & Smith. Piano Co.
^—^-s-, ■ •' :A missions. M iddleaaea*
T»WT, ;' • I ■' t:V Si profits,and stlth.ex-
_■ tomes toifeee you sometimes. Mct ’-aHliy
“It’s my euzzint, shure,” said the
tasbful Biddy, rubbing away very hard
it the bottom of a pan.
“A very nice cousin, indeed, and I
hope you will treat him well, Biddy,
every time he comes. By tho way, I
have just had another letter from Mrs.
Blodgett. She will be home on Thurs
day, and wished me to mention to you
that you might do a little house-clean
ing, as she expects to bring a friend
with her. I’ll help you, Biddy, ’pon
my word I will,” I continued hastily,
seeing signs of gathering wrath on
Erin’s brow.
Next day we began operations. While
Bridget scrubbed and scoured and
grumbled and glowered, I devoted my
energies to clearing out the rubbish in
our bedroom closet, and progressed
Dam Aerf'fohabf Iog>J
at a vegetable garden.”
I could have murdered him. The way
to the vegetable patch led directly past
t'js ash barrel.
| “Oh, yes, dear Mr. Blodgett, do
j ihow us the vegetables,” said Juliet.
“ I do love tc see the cunning little yel
low squashes, and the beets and. onions
>nd other nice things.”
There was no help for it. Stifling a
groan I conducted them to the desired
place. We neared the fateful ash barrel.
Juliet’s eyes were cast on the ground,
and I breathed freely as we passed it,
--•hen an ominous sound—“ tsiss-ss-t ”—
greeted my ears, and my horrified eyes
beheld a long, ragged rent in Juliet’s
pink cambric polonaise! That diabol
ical hoop-skirt—that haunting remorse
less fiend—that “ Banquo ” that would
not “down”—had protruded a broken
wire through a chink of the barrel, and
I the deed was done ! If Arabella were
T-'iobkpd'iigain. Gould IT believe
eyes? Yes, it must be; it was the
“ fiend ” transformed into an object both
useful and ornamental by the ready wit
and deft fingers of a woman !
“I acknowledge myself surpassed,
Arabella. Men sometimes don’t know
half as much as they think they do.”
Arabella smiled demurely.
profits, and all the ex
penses and risks whioh
t:dd so largely to tLe
co.-. ?rof f*i«*sea.we can
furnish this fSeantiftpr
Rosewood Piano of the
largest size—© feet IO
in. lens. S feet 4 in.
wide* full 7 1-8 oc
taves 5 wiSi Hand-
fiom© Cover, Stool.
1 Book and Music tor
Train your son up to the editorial
business, and he will never become a
defaulter. With the exception of paste
and pencils, there is little for the nat
ural-born defaulter to default.—New
York Commercial Advertlw.
A Wattfun editor found some strange-
looking looking bits of metal in the
street, and took them to a jewelry store
to ascertain what they were. The stuff
turned out to be money.—Peck’s Sun.
Indians never drink to drown sorrow.
When they can get anything to drink
they have no sorrow to drown,—Brook-
^ears. Sent for trial
and examination.
Purchaser take®
R? responsibility till
the Piano is tested
and approved ia his
own home.
That offers a full size First-Class Rosewood Piano,Double Veneered throughout, with Solid Rosewood Mouldings
Full Iron Frame. French Oraml Action. Overstrung Bass. Capped Hammers, Agraffe Treble, Carved Legs, Carved
Lvre, Triple Veneered Wrest Plank, Patent Covered Bass Strings. Resonant Sound Board. Solid Bottom, J atont
Duplex Scale, and every improvement, with Es»utiful Cover, Stool, Music and Instruction Book MaKiHff
a Complete Musical Outfit for $190, aud securing to every purchaser facilities for a. thorough
musical education. Making homo attractive and furnishing a delightful study for both old and young.
Send with your order the guarantee of your bank, or some responsible businessman .that the Plano will be paid forprompny
or returned to us. and we vjll ship it. to you for fifteen davs trial and examination. If Piano is returned, wo pay freigat
both ways. PURCHASER TAKES NO KESPONSJJSILtTY till the Piano is tested aud approvod.
Twenty Years' Experience. @ Not one Dissatisfied Purchaser.
A Moments Consideration will show the certainty of seeming a superior instrument from us. Dealers onn trust to their
C-wii .shrewdness, and the want of information of purchasers co eouceal defects in instruments they tell. W e cannot know
who will test ours, and we must send instruments so superior that their merits eannotfce hidden. Order direct from tins
advertisement g' r <m take no responsibility till Piano is received and approved. Be sure to get our Illustrated Catalogue
r.efore yon - >7 itae* in for rFdian which protects the Purchaser, and make* deceit /V,te. —
y MAKCHAL a SMITH, 8 West m&vr.ntn Street, 2*ew York. *
EOBEET A, MASSEY, Editor & Proprietor.
$L00 perAimum.
— —9M9« —— —