The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, October 13, 1881, Image 2

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'DOUGLASVtLLE STAR I WASHINGTON letter,. PCBUNIIE ft KTERT THCR§»AY JY ROBERT A. MASSEY. The editor of Punch is the father of fourteen daughters. That is the English idea of tun. One Bliss doth on another tread, BO fast they follow. After [). W. Bliss comes George Bliss. In Washington eight men are kept busy in a photographic gallery mak ing portraits of Giteau for sale. . Mrs. Garfield’s mother, Arabella Mason, was born in Vermont, in the town of Hartford. She was a scion of an old Connecticut famil}’. Both Bout well, of Massacliuse ts, and ctewart L. Woodford, of New York, came very near to being in President Arthur's place. A member of the recent legisla ture has written to inquire if he can secure space. Referred to the com mittee on privileges and elections. General Wallace, our minister to Turkey, drank toffee with the sultan. The cups wcro without handles and were crusted with diamonds Mr. James A. W' eatherwood, of Springfield, Ohio, says. Brown’s Iron Bitters cured me of the worse case ot dyspepsia man ever had. The muscles of my stomach, liver and bowels now seem so strong, I be lieve I could almost digest petrified cheese! 1 recommend it to all who suffer ns did I. Mr. Grange Noble, the head of the detno ratic ticket in Pennsylvania, has a furnace, a walch factory an organ factory, an non foundry and several other virtues. Senator Jones, who shelters Pres ident Arthur, wears a heard that covers a large area of his shirt front and completely conceals any little artffice in the way of neckties. Eastern papers say tint ex-Sena- tor Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, has accepted the appointment of minis ter to Spain, which President Gar field made the day he was shot. . Refering to Bon, well’s fitness for & judgeship of the United States sir- .M-omo court, the Buffalo News, says that ‘a dead lawyer would be better on the bench than this embalmed politician.’ Minister Osborn, the representa tive of the United States at Rio Janeiro, is visiting friends in Kansas and .Missouri. He has been resting in not very good nealth. He is for ty five years old, portly and very g^y- is. One hundred and ten thousand pictures, of various kinds, of Gen ral Garfield were sold in Philadelphia within six weeks. Ten thousand each of the portraits of the elder and younger Mrs. Garfield were also sold. Mr. Walter H. Page, of the New York World, arrived in the city yes.erday. He has been unavoida* bly detained in St. Louis, but now that, he is on the ground, he will proceed to sit up with the exposi tion.—Con. The New York life insurance com- pa• y in which President Garfield had a policy for $25,000 draped their building in mourning on the occasion of his death and placed on the out side the suggestive placard, “we mourn our loss.’’ Sir Frederick Roberts, the hero of the march from Ur.bul to Candahar, was the most observed ot the guest at the recent German maneuvers, The emperor treated him with spe cial distinction, and the crown prin ces, who attended the review on liorsebao , rode frequently beside the English soldier. In pursuance of the call for an extra session. Senators have nearly all arriyed and each party is in cau cus lo day to a?rje or disagree on a programme of organization. I will not attempt to predict what will be the outcome of the special election for which the extra session was cal led for fear the wires may prove me a false propnet before tiiis is put in type. But, beneath tie enforced calmness which both parties feel is befitting this sad crisis, smoulders much excitement. In electing a President of the Senate it is realized that a possible president of the Uni ted States will he made. It is idle to say that such a thing is not pro bable. The tragic occurences of the last tnree months have educated peo ple to anticipate the improbable. If there shall be a long and bitter fight over this usually unhonored office, it will be because senators realize that but one life stands between it and such power as few sorvereigns sway. If a Detaocrit shall te elect ed then, it is possible that, without the din and tiwmoil of a presidential election, but by the extinction of a frail human life the political admin istration of tire country may be changed. The situation is generally and par ticularly interesting in Washington. The President has returned to the Jones Mansion but is inaccessable to the ordinary politican and office seeker, especially those of the vulgar Guiteau type. He has given out that Cabinet officers must make ap pointments in their several Depart ments and that he will not listen to aspirants for petty places. This is certainly a man in the right direction It will relieve the President of the chief annoyance of his high position such annoyance as the heads of oth er nations will not and ought not tolerate. Of course there will be much complaint andjcriticism to the effect that an American President is assuming undemocratic airs and seeking the haughty s elusion of European potentates. But looked at rightly, Prisidcnt Author can serve the interests of fifi.y millions of people in a much broader and more democratic way i f he will snub the ten thousand beats who come begging for office, thus refusing to selffsti ihdmTuaTsTliat ttme that he owes not to a man, not even to a party, but to the whole country. It will doubtless require some time to teach the thick skinned office seek ing world that t e President of the United States has something else to do than to appoint them to lucrative sinecures. But President Author must at the outlet be credited with strategical skill. Instead of going to the W hite House, which has al ways been a resort for office seekers he is staying at the private residence of Senator Jones. This is calculated to throw the office seeker off the se cret to confuse him, and make him despondent. But this is not the worst. In a few days the President will remove to Soldiers Home, a beautiful park three miles from the city. The mob of office seekers who come her* every winter about the beginning of the Congressional ses sion cannot reach him there because not one in a hundred can hire a car • riage and they wilt not walk three miles in the mud. The best preventive of consump tive diseases of the lungs, bowels or kidneys is Brown’s Iron Bitters. It checks all decay. - Willie P. Herrick is a New York boy. He recently proposed, through the New York Evening Post, that the children of America raise a fund by small subscriptions to establish a ‘Garfield home in the country for lit tle sick children.' The Century compa y have offered to receive and credit in St. Nicholas all subscrip- _iii-ti4gj>rqpo8ed fund, President Arthur has a nephew who has been bouse hunting in New York city, and has concluded to let to him his Lexington avenue resi dence so that his children will still have a home in the city. His oldest son has just entered Columbia col lege. Fairburn News Let’tVk We regret to learn of tf of Mrs. Susan B. Luck,wife 5 B. Luck, which occured at life resi dence of her Husband, near Parker’s mill, in this county, on the 2nd inst. She had deen suffering with rheuma- —A~~ tism for about three months, when death came to her relief. She was buried at the Bethel church cemete.y on the 4t!i inst. Mr. John Bonds, vvlio recently married Miss Roberts, daughter of Mr. Grant Roberts of this county, aud moved to Alabama, was killed while working at a saw rill last Thursday, the 27th ult. He was engaged at the head-block, and while the saw was running,stumbled THE BEST REMEDf i VIOREPOPIT AM Diseases of tie Throat anfl Lungs. I Ayer’s CHERRY In diseases of the pul. j monary organs a safe l and reliable remedy is invaluable. Ayek’s Cherry Pectoral is such a remedy, and no other so eminently mer its the confidence of the public. It is a sci entific combination of the medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of the finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to insure the greatest possible efficiency and uniform- THE G E N U II ingc W w Sewin’ DrrTAD IIT ity of results. It strikes tLXj AVrSfiii. at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, i the youngest children take it readily. In j ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, and fell across the leg and was cal'- ! Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca- ried under the saw an i both ©f his legs cut off, and he bled to death. His remains were accompanied by Ins young and sorrowing wife -back tarrh, the effects of Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its ■|imely aud faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In to this count v and were h trier! It V 1 * Whooping-cough aud Consumption to tuts county, ana wue o.trin at a -S ere j 9 110 other remedy so efficacious, eemeterj, near Wilkinson’s .mil last Friday. {nothing, and helpful. *1 Low prices are inducements to try some of .tfie many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap „ . . „ .. ., , and ineffective ingredients, now offered, 1 he citizens of Campbell.; i Which, as they contain no curative qualities, the Court house Tn..*dav 1 fcan afford only temporary relief, and are the couit house l ULSflay, 4 S£»pfar : aftre to deceive and disappoint the patient. Organized bv electing J a tugs’ "ail 1 diseases of the throat and lungs demand . . 'Ijp^Rytivoand effective treatment; and it is dan- Chatman, and W, O. Robtjfts bec’y tterous experimenting with unknown and Unon motion the Chan-man ex.''rvheap medicines, from the great liability that upon motion, me uiiautlian ex «> ese diseases may, while so trifled with, plained the object of the meeliog:T^** l:omo llee P'y seated or incurable. Use .T^vrat’s Cherry Pectoral, and you may Upon motion, a cointmti^q ot five confidently expect the best results. It is a _ . * , , , , *. standard medical preparation, of known and was appointed to draft tesj^lut,tons acknowledged curative power, and is as as expressive of the sense,-;’.of the fl>«ap as its careful preparation and fine r «3S‘ — ' ; Hsgredients will allow. Eminent physicians, citicens, viz. Oliver Kidd, i"; James knowing its composition, prescribe it in their ' • jsraetice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the The highest hopes and interest of the race rest on the purity, hea th and strength of womanhood. We take pleasure in rjferring our rea ders to the remarkable efficacy of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound in all that class of disea sea from which women suffer so much. Beali, Solomon Patton, J3$ffi ter, Day id Kite. The commit'ee’s preambles and resolutions were unanimously adopt ed, which are as follows. Whereas, -n consequence of a "se vere drouth our crops have been cut very short and in some portions of the county almost a failure, and, Whereas, We have purchased largely of commercial fertilizers with a view of a large crop and said crop having failed in cons, quence of salt drouth, enhancing the price of cot ton—raising it from ’’c. or 8c. to 1J therefore, Resolved (1) Teat we ask the gu ano companies (as cotton has ad vanced siii-e we purchased their gti? a no) to --agree' upon a Eottlemenft|ipy Bed upon the price at the time If U.'e purchase and the present price!.Ig which settlement would ail<$w u-- twenty cents for middling eott. Resolved (2),Should said cq nies agree to this settiemei® agree (an 1 rcooHi in<-n<i to a# interested J to deliver "the promptly o these companies-.® ►<?-< ■ — Be of Good Cheer. There is one remedy whiJH hat proved itself to be a priceless boon and a true friend to suffering human ity. It lias saved thousands of ner vousness and the full enjoyment of robust health. If you are weak,ner vous and debilitated, or suffer from indigestion and dysoepsia, you make a serious mistake and do yourself great injustice if you fail to try tais excellent medicine. Tou will find it a perfect panacea for all your troubles. In a few weeks time your shattered nervons system will be restoied to a natural and healthful condition, all symptoms of dyspep sia and indigestion disappear, and the possibility of paralysis, apoplexy and other disorders that lead to sud den death, will be removed forever. This meritorious compound is a pre paration of Iron and essential vege table tonics. It is the only prepara tion ot Iron that does not give head ache or blacken the teeth. It is called Brown’s Iron Bitters. De mand it of your druggist, and take no substitute. It will give the grea test satisfaction, for its effects are lasting, and not temporary, as is the ! case with alcoholic preparation. teach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists* Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Thepopular demand for 1 ! ie Genuine Singer in 1880 | xceeded that of aary pre* i ious year during thequar r ofa century in which iis “Old Reliable” Ma- ime has been belore the ublic. n 1S78 sold 356;432 machine • L W J 67 • li.j >>i. 9 EXCESS over any, pravious year 107,442 Machines. FEMEMBER That every Real Sin ter Sawing achine ■ as this Trade Mark •ast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the Ai m of the Machine. Our sales last, year wereat the rete of oyer 1400 Sewing Machines A DAY For every business day the year. The Simples?,, ost Durable & l enttiar- Office ATLANTA - GA TUB “Old Reliable” Singer is The Strongest, The SEWING SIACHINB I EVER YET CONSTRUCTED 1 4 THE SINGER ’F’G= Principal Office: KqCAlte New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices is? the U.„ S._and.Canada " 8,000 in fi 16 Old World Georgia Florida and South Carolina, G. \V Le&nabD* Agest r W"J Abercrmbie is Canvassing Agent for the above achine’ D uglas county ail o . him for prices terms &c l»i AGENTS WANTED to send for Particulars of our New Pool., 5.000 CURIOSITIES OS' VHE BIBLE, .V'O for the Handsomest and .CHEAPEST BIBLES Extra Terms and .Largs lORSiiF.R & • Cincinnati ff m B-.iw.vJ Extra Terms and Large CASH PRESHUKIS i§ f 5 * * a Um m M SUPERLATIVE - AT I RJBU ES The White Stands Acknowledged The KIMCv Off AH Sswing Machines ’' he first Premium and Highest Awarr as given it for the best S. wing Ma thine at the North Georgia P irin 187§ it very HIIlTi? ACHINE is war- rutted Five Years by the m utaetur- ers, and a written warrant giv., to each pu rehaser. We do not peddle them,, thus- we ar® enabled to S.E L L TH £ M CHEa'PE R tlnm the' first class- old patent machine are s- Id.. gSF” t 11 and examine them befo e I j , mg a M iehine.xUso get oil and P.i.'f< Machine J. D. <fc T. F. SMITH, MYrinw&ws&m’?- jotures, Ooijoot ts,''©to., by a v ilentiUo Invention* THE Hi* >■ arrcm’ukti’ok* te>ib ic testa ia to and Burab-see -AVu 28th; /fix York Christian - Small Size- 'an be carried‘i n t ho aendf 'r FRF J Illnstratod desorip tan Dcmtap'-iOno l«;i W it 1 f ■.> M : • Wo Wm iit Th* I - i'&inphiet*c Cincu\n»Gi. PARKER’S BALSAM. Elegantly S?.erfnns&L- Removes Da-rulruft Prevent.; PildncssV " mmm-P All Farmers, Mothers Business men. Mechan ics. See , who are tired out by work or worry, and all who rre misera ble with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Bowel, Kidney or Liver Complaints, you can be inv gorated and cured, by using If you are wasting away witli C onsumption, Age, or any Weakness, you will find this Tonic the Best MeeiScsne Yon Can Use for Restoring Health & Strength, Far superior t o Fitters and other Tonics, as it builds up the system but never intoxicates. 50c and sizes. None genuine without signature of Fliscox & Co , N. Y. Large saving in buying do larsize. At-nefon A New, fashionable and Exceed- A \ ^ U A ingly Fragrant Perfume. Sold by LO 1 Dealers m Perfumery at *25 and 75 cts. ‘Cun eiisilv- be made bv using, the Celebrated Viols H k T * ? r [\ M e C L: x* e R Ar- d In an part of'lie countr - ; \V> tnopn i'. ird strate the fact. They are operated by. i her Man re prep ired t"i ho: sc ( r .-1(1.111 41-2 bore da «it ! Pi wer; teet in- aitece-s- If you are a man \ of business, we>xk- by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and u e e Hop Bitter©. If you are young and discretion or diasipa ried or single, old or poor health or languish | ness, rely ou Hop Whoever you are, & whenever you feel (fi that your system L needs cleansing, ton- v t inif or stimulating, W without intoxicating, |,j1 take Hop M Bitters. Am Eare you dys pepsia, Kidney or urinary com plaint, disease of the stomach, houjels, blood, liver or nerves t You wi11 be cured if you u&s Hop Bitters If youareslm- { >Iy 'weak and o ' ^ If you are a man of let- fcers toiling overmuh night work, to res tore brain nerve and waste, use Hop B. suffering from any in- tion ; if you are mar- young, suffering from mg on a bed of sick- Bilttera. Thousands die an- SS nuaily from some 5LN form of Kidney disease that might f'^ii ji have been prevented by a timely use of HopslUa '' 8 . and bore very rapid, they r. nge in size fioni 4 im hes -o | diameter, and will bo:o to any reqein<1 depth ! They wi'. fully and satisfaciorily in till kinds of Eaitti, t Sand aid i .Hues tone,- Bitumiu us Stone Coal, slate, Hard Pan Gravel, Lava, Builders' Serpen tine and C< nglotLCraie Ro , *V, and guaranteed to make the very I <>t of Wells in Quick S ind. Thep are light running, s.n pie in cou.8liuc»ion f easily operated, durabe, and acknowledged as the best and most practi cal Math: e e-tant. They are endorsed by some of the highest Stale oh ficiale. Wtfcontract for prospecting hr Coal, Gold. Siiver, Coal Oil and* all kinds of-Minerals. Al.-o for sinking Artesian Wells ana Coal Ehaits r &c., We a.So furnish Engines, Boikrs, Wind Mills, Hydrrulic Rams,- Horse Powers, Brick Machines, Mining Tools, Portable Forges, Rock Drills, and Maclm ery ot all kit ds. ®^"Gocd active Agents wanted in evetv Country in th3 World. Address, WESTERN MACBINT f-FIPJ.T DEPOT Walnut Street, St. Louis, U .£ A> IOWSP irited, try itt It may aaveyour i Ifo. It has saved hun dreds. no? ; NEVER FAIL! c. .solute resista- • ; are for pdrunl-enness, ji-use of i-pium, i-tobac Jo, or tjuarcotr^. .1 Cydrug- 1 Send for Circular. HOP BITTERS H’F'G CO., Boehcctcr, K. Y. k Toronto, Ont. Brown’s Iron Bitters contain no coho!. al Obtained, and all business i n the U S Parent Office, cr in the Courts attended to for med- erete fees. We are opposite the U S Patent office, en«» gaged in Patent Business exclusively, and can cbtain patents in 1- ss time than those remote fiom Washington. When model or drawing is sent we advise as to patentability free of charge, and we make no charge un .ess we obtain patent. We refer, here to the Post Master, the Supt, oi the Money Oader Div. and to offi- cialsof the U S Patent ffice. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to actual clients in your own state, or county, address— C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent office, Washington I) C, W. A. JAMBS, AT TO RNE Y AT L MW Salt Springs Douglas Comity 6a. W ILL practice in all the courts held in the counties of Douglas, Paulding, i Campbell and Cobb. Particular attention 1 given to the collection of claims. Ja271y ;a' - ■■ r - . V. J.F.BALIS THE— BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Can be f ound next to t *■ masoni H 11. where he does all kinds of work in this line. PE1FE0TLV m-i m THEJMOST INEXPERIENCED HANDSl For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWEL* SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Kemedy known to the Medical Profession lias been in «se so long and with such uniformly satisfactory results as FERRY 0M8I’ VEGETABLE MM KILLER It has been used with such wonder! i! «uccess in all parts of the world in the treatment of thest difficulties, that it has come to be considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOP ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS and such it really is when taken in time and according to ths very plain direction* incloctof each bottle. In such diseases, the attack is usually sudden and frequently very acute; with A safe remedy at liaud lor immediate use, tliere la seldom danger of tfee Altai raraH which so often follows a lew days’ neglect. The inclination to wait and see if tbe morrow does not bring a better feeling, not imAaquentBf occasions a vast amount of needless suffering, and sometimes costa a Ufa. A timaly dow al Pain Killer will almost invariably save both, and with them the attendant doctor’s fee. It lias stood the test of forty years’ constant me in all countries and climates, and is perfectly safe in any person’s hands. It is recommended by Physicians, Nurses in Hospitals, and persons of all classes affiC-i professions who have had opportunity fur observing the wonderful results which have alw«$f followed its use. TKE BtST EVIDENCE: I have long: used the medicine known as PERRY JD AVIS’VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER in my family end would not on any account be without it. When Cholera was last epidemic here, I used no medicine of any sort but the Pain Killer, and although myself and several members my family were afctaoked severely, I am happy to say that the Pain Killer was equal to overy jmergency. I consider I should not be doing my duty to the community did I not say this much. Ic I were attacked by the Cholera to-day. Pain Killer would be the only remedy I should use. I have thoroughly tested it, and know it can be relied on. P. E. BERGINSEND, Galena, Iilinoi®. Messrs. PERRY DAVIS * SOW: I know you need no testimonial to MUlioM gw that your medicine is all that you claim ha R. bull cannot restrain the impulse t© comnaimioate ia yog the fact that in my family it has truly done wooden* I administer it to my children (one eighteen mouthy and the other three years old) with perfect soec It regulates their bowels, and stops all diarrhoea Myself and wife resort to it in all eases, both ft* internal and external use. I’ve need it in my fkmilty' for five years, and will not be without it. Foehn* myself under much obligation to yon. in many tin Mi being relieved from pain. I am very truly yoam, L. F. MOORE, Baugall, Dutohoss Oo./Now T«d| No family can afford to be without it, and ite price brines it within the reach of all. JNo lamuy can atiord to oe witnout u, ana us price brines it within the reach or an The use of one bottle will go further to convince you of its merits than qglumM of paper advertising. Try it, and you will never do without it. mf Price 25c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. You oan obtain it at any PERRY DAVIS & SON, I.