The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, October 13, 1881, Image 3

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DOUG LAS V iLLE STAR Ho! for fit© Interna .Ionaa Tlxposi IS"»**« ■M^AvLANTA, OA., Oct,. 4. 1881. The fir rf of Hamrick & MeE'roath wsUiffswi'veri by mutual consent jcSplMBfeiaai ‘ N. R. Hamrick eti.ntinnitfg business, pays all out- %^^S^<lebts and collects all iron . ey due said firm, S. A. McElreatli is still with N. R. Hamrick and wishes all i>is friends that, are in debted to the firm either by note or account to come forward and pay- up as they were all due on the 1st. October. Come forward and pay up. Respectfully. Died ill,QJF morning lsSfeilifi tiayfeL-S uie Do- ki.vr.t 8, N. Dorself, 1S nHPS(Eel| sisterly affection Atlanta to watch imnister to a -ii It is be. i ved thdt’flJfV iSfc same d sease. S|iSIH|G^ destroyer approaoj^^pfcli toms wer not alarming til before she died, ithas seh our duty, to chronKg|w’, one that has made^tK-h a y impression upon oljPsqSiiVfi a wide circle of re%tj|fcs .nr Her perronal attraet’otiS V her movements gratteHiL#; retiring in disp )sifibj...Mn Divine threw its c&a-nn whole, commanding j||pR|i love of the good in he^^ husband she was th^NfeA devotion; the fond ckppj |pf his childrne, to ht^'it is png sorrow, seated Idesolation of his how^pj Sminded of the sad ,‘iBJIvl Prophetic vision. AsSu; I we share in the losst>raji|| | children; r othing is U-ft u? of the past, an^^wi THURSDAY. OCT, 6 1881 Cool weather would be beneficial to those that are sick. Bui few from this place have visi ted the cotton exposition. There Will be a wedding in tills county to night. A friend from Powder Springs has informed us that they no longer have a narrow-guage road. He says it is now graded for three tracks, Pplt is said that corn whiskey and aisafeetids Is a preventative for the fever. Drink the whiskey and put tfce asafeetida in your trunk. ^Everything was quiet last week. No fights, cutting scrapes or knocks on the head. —: fc. The AMsociati n. Hytlflie Coecord Association cooven- Saturday at Beulah cbnreli in SAM, A. McELREATH Have tyrmed a partnership for the purpose ofsellinj staple and Fancy SAf BE Nl CHILO BIRTH* '‘Good tidings for Mothers’* is the title of a little work giving the most important in formation evef published for those who would pass with little pain and danger the great trial ol womanhood. By T>r. Stain back Wilson Pnysicinn in charee of Medical Hy gienic and Turkish Bath Institute. Author of Woman’s Heme Book of Health; Special: ist, in Midwifery, Chronic Diseases, etc. Atr lant.a, Gbi , Send stamp for a copy, writing! his full name, “Diseases of Men/’ by the] same, to be had in same Way, j IT IS COMING VERY SOON IT IS 1ICPKD, BUT Gentsviw'Ui ! satd Bovs clothing. Gents and bo.V* Laundred and Unlaundred Shirts, jjadiesand Gents Ties. Handkerchiefs, Hou- ^.(•‘i^lH.-ni^’aney Quilts. In fact every tiiing ^«Tly|kept in a first class k of Ladles, Misses and Children bnplpte, varying in price from Will uesold before the court non door in the t uwn 1 Douglasvii within the lawful hours of sale, the first Tues 'ay in ,No vein her. ne the following p-operij’ te witf Twenty four hunlted pounds seed cotton, more-o t les-iV oiv* t hohfo wagon and harness,^an-i c black 1 orse mule. r evded.Nrr a tobe sold as the property of Thoi as Honan, to satisfy a Superior coj fifa issued from the Superior Ct| KKA’T it & COME in on the IIOM E STKTCII at J. S. J AM ES West AHfeh^hSi... ■-.vs Above Bfothertons Store. H its sessiorrnc^ : yeffFw*«&pW |p, and will embrace the second tttday inl^^bevAU Rev. W. J. dears wasp re-ek’oaed Moderator S'-Reof Powder UNDER ODD FELLOW* HAL!. of Douglas county in favor of JSp K. Glover, against Thomas H'g|i principal, and N, S. Lip-comb S. H. Magouirk securities. Propejg ty pointed out by N.. 8. LipscoiS one of the defendants and levy nndi by J. M. Heaton, ex deputy Shenl cf Douglas county. I or ;es I sion of her dreamy pwesy-r ! human observation ’ that one so you g sf odd i her minion was not ball'- i her work was uofini^iihfljffi and whitening l>a§^ft/p spread out. but cri’ewcpwj in. his sickle and r#j3§4j|l| young gleaner We dlj||j she was going to death was so nearu^J^R^ horse and his ndeigjpj.i^. and that her pure lllUa4§ was pluming itself forjj^j sun of life went deaths dark eelips^^juf faith saw it sweijj. lit® j 8ki<*3. The body buried < t l*k£ Um form of the bcio" 1 GEORGIA DOUGLASVILLE brings vatAci&AO'i. in Open 14 Mo«<l«y Nov* 7iSt OoG ha \ bonglit the (SCorgh Pacific Jfnnd v-uil i .«»o V,‘‘ wi>• k on i*. early ■ 1iv,y miles w> h- in a year. Th^tbS&p^fny that owns the road to com ply with th^3 condition. This ru mor origin^Vfflr*UieTerti 1 e imagi nation of some one who knows as litt'e about rail roads as he does about the truth. TUITION LOW BEST STOCK OF l:EP i’’Y SHEHiFF SALES FOES NOV’H Will be sold before the court house | i'n the town of Doupflasviile Douglas oxm Georgia during the legal hours of sade oj first ' - uesday in Nov ISM the f'/i'jj property to wit: Town lo s of land off 20—27—and 28 in Bloch No, nine m the * of Douglasvillc Ga, Levied on ana to bff as the prooerty oi'J A Ij - ikI under turn an execufi >n issued from the Superior m of Dough s conn tv infavov of / -v Rice^l A Land. Tenant in posession notified T, J N (N.(JgW Beptuty Sheriff i)oug| 033 itROGER EVEE BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. STOCK CONSISTING OF DRY Sypf Georgia Douglas County. ?%|| tviiom jt concern—• Whcivas v having in proper form ap- B,;r permanent letters of ad- ■ration or the estate of'A/arga- KM».' lj late of said county hut ffiece-ised then this is to cite all Rngniar the creditors and next K of sai-1 ii/ugare < lald«ell he fenpeiir t my office w thin the B ellowed by law and allow cause ™£tliey can why permanent let- u-QT administration should not be P| I to J S Boho at the November ^881 of the court of Ordinary ■y NOTICE, | I ofier for sale one liu dretfe fifty acies of land, b..tween 4()P 45 in cultivation, lying three i south ea t of Villa Rica, near Georgia Pacific rail ro id. Chea e«ph. Washington Halm: t Villa Rica < Of all kinds and every article yoa nee THAN WA3 EVER IN DOUCLAS COUNTY, The citiz -ns of this place and vi| cinity are just at present very muclfi aGr-ned about awevy malignant type The phy- t to he pu- Executi>r’tt Sotica U gia Douglas County, b the first Tuesday in November non ii-ified fever and it' is„ eo .•i.-igious. thr -i Hm^tbe rerfork - was spread th itthe much dreaded ‘black to-igue* h 11 made its aopearanee. Upon In vest! gat’ng this rumor, we found but two nas -s of this disease were in the countv, and thev were in a very mild form. W^e do not think there is much cause for alarm. Douglas- ville is naturally a very healthy place an 1 this unexpected and unusual amount of sickness has occasioned unnecessary uneasiness among our citizens All the eases of sickness in the place, caused by this fever, have been brought here from other places. l L ,.f dm • y-ih mn-i'- ot the voice, and the smile which o “ eac: feature plays. Among the last thoughts of her loving Christian heart were for the two p-ecious chil dren she was leaving behind, and of meek submission to her Heavenly Father’s will. She is now among the Angels, watching at the gate, and the. memorial of her prayers s spread out before the Throne. We teel poorer, but Heaven has gained, an other one is added to the whiterobe 1 and uncounted throng. We will address ourselves anew to the jour ney ol life, go oftener to the threne cf grace, pore over h's s. cred _ word and look and long to find again th lost and the loved. J. B. C. QuxLlian. >en ($□£.< ieaseo^ uid tw< Notice. All persons holding claims ag i nst th) tate ot J, W, And jrson arc nouhod toi sent the sa ne to in« lor payment, in th(J allowed by law. All Versons indebted a estate are notifies to come forward aif tie the same. I T, F BeiI Administrator of J. W. Auq Our line of Crockery, Glassware. Tinwarel &e. is purely vegetable bitter and power- uic, and ia warranted a speedy, and 1 cure for Fever ami Ague, Chills Fever, Intermittent or Chill l-’e- Remittcnt Fever, Dumb* Ague, dical or Bilious Fever, and all rial disorders, tli e rapi Ide, loss bins, e p ' ices graded to suit, the limes. Best assortment of Georgia Douglas Count,}', To all whom it may concern, WlicreaV-G H Giles having in proper form appuaw me for permanent letters ot administjgfl on the estate of Joseph Giles ia ‘e ''jdjSEIj county, but now deceased tnen tbis^H cite all and singular the creditors and u«| kin of said Joseph Giles to be and appear mv office within the time allowed b^agg and show cause if any they have why uBH nentiletters of administration should "ranted to John H. Gilesat the NovSvn term 1881 of the court of Ordinary of. COUnty ■ O-dinary Douglas C|r Georgia, Douglas Countv. To all whom it may concern. Wheto® M. Hembree having in proper torm WBm to me for permanent le-ters of adnysAS tffi“on the estate ollsaiah Hembree dece.. then this is to cite alt and snjg if i> tors and next of kin of sai l Isaiah r&Bg tobe and appear at my office^ w ii|«WE In miasmatic dis- inlse, coated tongue, thirst, appetite, pain in the back and coldness of the spine and i, are only premonitions of nptoms, which terminate in the fWiparoxysm, succeeded by high fever f. .profuse perspiration, X is a startling fact, that quinine, arse- i and other poisonous minerals, form the gsLof most of tile " Fever and Ague ■ffations," “ Specifics," “Syrups,” and Ponies," in the market. Ttie prepare- ,ns made from these mineral poisons, TOWgh they are palatable, and may eak tlie chill, do not cure, but leave the jgjiiial and their own drug poison m e-system, producing quinism, dizziness, JsSaw in the ears, headache, vertigo, and lf§®<lisorders more formidable tiian the SfcNe tliev were intended to cure. In Uie Dry Goods and Notio* lint, wa kav Death of An Estimable f,a«lv» Death has again with his sable wing hovered over our little village and when he departed took from our midst, one of the fairest nnd most beloved. On Friday Mrs. Nan- nie Z Dorsett; wife of Mr. S. N. Do-sett died of putrid fever which she contracted in nursing Mr, Jo- seph A heron mbie her brother du- vTns his last, illness. Her death was very un -xp eted to all as she was not eon idered dangerously ill until within a short time of her death. Thus has passed from earth to realms above one whom to know was to love. We in common with the whole community sympathize with the SlugulHrly Sail. A few weeks a?o it was our sad duty to chronicle the death in At lanta of Mr. Joseph Abercrombie, formerly of this county. His rela tives in'this county carefully and devotedly attended him during his sickness- Nearly all who were :hen w’th him contracted putrid fever the disea e which cans d his death. It resulted fatally to his sister Mrs. Nannie Z. Dors ttjind to the two attending physicians Mr. J. M. Abercrombie, his brother has also been sick with tha_?ame disease, but we are glad to state that he is out cf danger and comparative'-; well. Physicians' supplGs. at Atlanta wholesale prices at C'ark s. Fne Kerosene tank and measures, in complete order at less than At lanta prices at Clark s. One four-foot Walnut Show C se perfectly free from defects at less than cost at Cla k’s, ^ One Troemmer’s Prescription i and Weights at Clark’s. Clark is closing out and will seo anything in his line at prime cost. ?se noxious poisons from the system, 3 always cures the severest cases. _ It Stains no quinine, mineral, or any thing ft could injure tlio most delicate pa- pt; and its crowning excellence, above [ certainty to cure, is that it leaves tlio stem as free from disease as before the ;ack. for Liver Complaints, Ayer’s Ague Ire, by direct action on the liver and liary apparatus, drives ont the poisons | ajeh produce these complaints, and stilu ses the system ■/> a vigorous, healthy jjtdition. We warrant it when taken according to rections. re pared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BY ALL PBUfWilSTS EVERYWHERE' State of Georgia Douglas (^>.ud To oil wh- m it may concern, WlStSBfi M. Hembree having in proper torm aim to me or permanent letters of afiftei tion on the estate ot M. t. H«mbt-J| said county but now deceased teen* cite all and singular tlie creditors aS of kin of said :«t. A. He noi’-ae to o® near at my office Within -he tune J,.w and show cause If any ty“ perinaueilt letters o: administr O'P’al not be granted t-'J. vl. Hembree a* ber term of the court of Ore m county. V JS1 KWtflCSS neby jpv >■ th •’ *' " 11 to the eotvim-y. "f"’ Ion the first Tuesday in tabu- nay ti e road ,ea :ag DCS on the “Burnt xta-km-a^—fc ,-e---s, Wh,to & Cooper <n ■■njtm*# r’gnn.l Interjecting y tie CV ear the residence ol I'.enjaaiin • not” - tblie toad. This Oct Ordinary D n.- las V'oun - > TRY IT The Lightest Running Machine ever Made. THE MOST POPULAR AND BEST OE AIL. tne BCbblBs are Wound without Hnnnliu * tnthresdinft the Htchlno. HO 6BTTIH0 OUT 01 OBDHt The Best Machine for Agent* to 8eB Send for Ulustrswd Citculsr to TO FARMERS and THRESHERMEW. If you want to buy Threshers, MbgsvJlir Clover Mullers, Horae Powers or *^1 Engines (either Portable orTrac- f tion. to use lor threshing, sawing or for general purposea), buy th« W “Starved Kooster” goods. J}h* Best is the Cheapest.' .For Price t •. t flnH Illustrated Pamphlets, tfFS3LMSth U v «e'. v. rite to The Afi.tman Umpany, Mansfield, O. PUBLI8HKD AT M By ALFRED AV t 'X e Send for e. o- “ *■_*» the lowpricoH v! ^SrrsssSsf r»i»cr«. SAMrLJtl NOTICE! NOT 1C:H1 There wFl be sold on tire premises of Job »,ne cunif jqih d»v of October next and from day Lo da thereafter ill the personal property ot sai deceased, consisting of th » foil..wing pr > pe ty-A muies, cows and calves, one yoke oxo -beep, aoatiS. hors, corn, fodder, shucks fan inc tools, biackainijjh tools and other inn, tog tedious to m- ntion. All p rsons havir claim , agadidsi said e« ate ivid •-resent. .In, to the und-rsigned tor payment, am, ml ,,c one-indebted to said -state hereby no n d tc make immediate p'.ym -nl, 1 his Jib im1 Sa-.m el W. Jamas. ept ’ 18 x ' and John C; James. Adm’rs t?n tne estate cf Jchn James decc’d, Scrap I-" -of themn4. Wadley, Ga., V. 8. a John Mable,