The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, January 20, 1885, Image 2

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m m *— THE STAR. B;>iiKli»»viU<*, «»., January 20 1848 011 V s (>. l’EAVY, KJitornnct Prfipri'r. OUR POSITION. Since the establishment of the Star, six years ago, it has passed through several diffeient manage ments, and save being all the while staunchly democratic, none of those through whose hands it has passe , have’taken any decisive position on any subject that has been tor the in terests of ti e people. We know that sometimes it is best for one to keep mum and neutral about tilings, that may or may not occur, but our idea T ,, r , n • t i . of a nailer situated as is the Star, is Hou. Will. A. bp** look well 11)10 every thins that „f- Farmers, break your land, and begin your preparations for another c op. in you lies the hope of the South, and you must be up and doing. the appropriation for building the State Capitol was a bold, masterly effort in behalf of the measure, and in behalf also, of the main- tainence of Georgian honor and her credit. He is a solid, fearless and able legislator, of whom the people should be proud. Two well dressed young fellows with well filled purses, arrived at Bremen a day or two ago, and eventually purchased a 8 doon there and began business. Wednesday a detective ap peared on the scene and arrested the men on suspicion that they hail crack ed a safe at Logansville. One is named Harri , and the other Stovall. Kentucky is not quite solid for liquor, A man 55 years of age, living near Breen vilie, in that State, nev , r tasieda drop of int-xicating liquor in his life. That was a grim joke of Sena tor Brown, when he remarked that, lie e as one of the few survivors of the secession family. There’s noth- i a coianara'nle to the mortality which lias afflicted the prigina’ fire eaters save the sudden plague that, in a few months swept, away all of the free traders, A year ago, and House by means of a fraudulent trick Now, the last one of them swears he was not a fne t.r ider noi anything like it. Brown and Wattersnn can sympathize with each other in their loneliness and desolation. r Some.time ago, the Atlanta Con stitution, published a map of Geor gia, showing the proldbition coun ties, and those in which liquor was sold. To readily distinguish them the counties that sold liquor were represented by a black spot that oc cupied the space and position of the county in the nap, Douglas was represented by the “black spot,” and you may just bet your cravat sue looked lonesome,surrounded by Cobb Campbell, Carroll and Paulding- all prohibition. Let the good peo ple of Dc uglas rise as one man, and like Lady Macbeth, say “out damn ed spot,” and keep on saying it ’tilt she “outs ” fects the interests of the people, de termine what is right, and then advo cate the right with all the ability that is in us. Entertaining this view of the province of a county paper, we shall lose no opportunity to discuss men and measures,—ever taking tiie side of the question that seems to us most conducive to the public good. The acts of public men, men plac ed in positions of honor and trust by the peop.c, are public property; the measures proposed by sueh me i, or the fidelity with which tney fu til the trusts reposed in them directly affect the Dublin weal, and whenever oce.i- sion*otfeis, we will not be found astraddle the lenee, but will be in the front rank, defending the right, ■ and denouncing the wrong. And | we will not be mealy-mouthed about it, either. A man’s pri\ ate character, or do mestic or piivate relations, is hi i pri vate property, and has no business to be paraded before the public. All s i h will be rigidly excluded from the paper; But our columns will be thrown open to the discussion of any matter that affects the public wel fare; and although we may not agree with you in the positions assumed, don’t hesitate to let the people know you are i candid Bargains for Everybody! At The § The above letters are patent and mean Douglas Ccur ty Bargain Smis®. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO INSPECT THE Xj AX'seat Stock of X> r v O O O ck'» In the county, to which lias just been added an immense line of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s ReADY MADE evii-y body was bullied and insulted yoar sentiments. May le >V these fellows, who had served the wrong,—maybe we are,- and honest discussion of any sub- ct will draw out the facts. Now, Gwinnet Herald: Two of the prisoners in jail concluded to have some Christmas. One of them is charged with assault with intent to rape, and the other with being a moonshiner butcher. As the fac ti tles fin - a Christmas frolic in jail is rather limited, they concluded to get out. They succeed* d in ripping off two or three planks from the inside ceiling that secured the iron grates, and with another night’s work would probaly have been free, but their movements were found put, and,they were trailsfered to the ..dungeon, \vhile the wali is being repaired. ; i •: . : . G org' 1 Jackson is coi d ctor and James Wilson brakeman on a Louis ville and Lexington fie’ght. Their train was coining from Lexington with a woman in the caboose. They quarreled about her and fought a duel on top-of the caboose with ■; bowie knives. The other employees on she train,gathered around to with ness the combat. The train was whirl ling ’along at the rate ot twenty miles an hour, between Christiens burg and Eminence, when the men announced ready for tho battle. They rus’ ed upon each other and closed in. Blood trickled from the. knife, blades and bespattered tlie.joof of the ca-. It was appar ently a combat to the death. The ixiefs once separated when the signal ' was given that the train was about , to bass under a bridge, but they re- , newod the" fight immediately after the bridge had been ] a-ssed. Both men were badly hacked, and the other train men, not wishing to wit ness a murder, put a slop to the fighting Jackson got the worst of the fight. He was badly cut across the breast. we have long since been convi c d that liquor is the curse of the coun try, and is doing more to bring rdn and disgrace upon the people, is caus ing more suffering, starving moie innocent women and children, creat ing more ciim<, causing more mur der* rs, suicides, thefts, and forgeries, bringing more men to the gallows and filling more penitentiaries, than every and all other influences com bined. Then, what good does It do? None on the face of Gol’s footstool. Then why legalize a traffic that scat ters ruin and destruction broadcast over the land, and brings with it not one redeeming trait. We say, let us get rid of itentireiy- Let us vote it out some way. And right here we want to say, we make no war on the men who sell liquor. Some of tnem are among our best friends, and lar be it from us to try to do them a per sonal injury., CLOTHING all in the newest styles and at PAN IC PRICES! * JTEW BP IP EH Tts EJlM EJTTli T GLOAKS! CLOAK C L 0 A KSl In Ladies and Misses’ Cloaks and Jackets we tak« the lead. W them in all desirable colors, and at prices to suit the times. We h prices on everything fully TWENTY PER CENT., and our pri just so low that competition is not to be dreaded. All we ask is th d»r»cr A MONTH and BOUtll for three tbDOlive V*)**ng Men or L"dies in each cniiuty. Address P. W. AIEGlER & 0J.> Philadelphia, Penn. * call and see us before buying elsewhere, and we wll endeavor to you some money, and, at the same time, save a little for ourselves. Thankful for past favors we solicit a continuance of vour pair S. N. DORSBTT & C Or, Hints on Economi- G OttHSGSIcal House Building, con- nunlng "4 of Cottages costing from Wo tcDSVO , with descriptive letter' Press- * Svo, ■ oh, handsomely bound m cloth, mailed on receipt of *1. pub _ B U S R N H AM IMPROVED Turbine I Is the best constructed- and finished, gives better perce.i- ut-e, more power sold fov'less money perhorse power than any other Turbine in the _ * world p:7,ip BUKNhIm BROS., YorloPa. ^TITkE U ’S TONIC. A pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicates. rfvou have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, KW- ne I y 5 <fr U UHn»ry y c P o|,Paints ot, iyou ajw troubled with any disoider of tm, ! u *§* ’ stomr.clir, bowels, blood or nerves you (.an ho culed bv Parker’s Tonic, . ; If you are a lawyer, minister or ^business man exhausted by mental strain typ anxious Sires do not take intoxicating stimulants, but. use Parkers’Tonic. Tf you aro a mechanic or farmer, worn ou wiih over-work, or a mother ljUD dowit b amily oi*household duties try Parjcer stodi ‘ Caution -—Refuse all substitutes. Par ker’s Tonic is composed of the best reined 1 a agents in the world, and is entirely ditteren from preparation** of ginger alone,. fo«nd fo circular. , v ,y A.W. McLarty EAST BHOD STREET, DOUGLAiSVILLE, GA., sells Pry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Crock ery, II aril ware, Cutlery, Glassware, and all kinds of jooils that are to be found in a first class store in any part of the country, cheaper than you ean get the same kind of goods this side of Atlanta. He sells more goods, and eea larger stock than anybody in town. OSLINE, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR, DOUG LAS VILLI, #A. Will draw plans and specifications for all kinds of Buildings and Bridges at reasonable prices. No charge for drawing or specifications where be bids on the work. Agricultural buildings and hotels a specialty. Refers to any gentlemau in tais part of Georgia. Correspondence solicited. 0. M. HUTS & n WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Notions,Boots, Shoes, Hats Clothing, etc. We are just beginning our business career in Atlanta, and are determined to build up ourselves by selling goods cheap and feir dealing. Give us a call when in the city. <* T9 WHITE a I T BEET «IC R€i, AVholesale and retail dealers in Groceries and Commission Merchants, Flour, Bacon, Hay, Corn, Bran, etc,, made a specialty. Send us youi nr- deis, and call to sec us when in the city, and if low prices,good goods and honest dealing are any inducements we wiil'seil you. W, S .DUNGAN & CO. 79 Whitehall Street, Atlanta' Hunnicut Bellingvath. WHOLESLE and ILDE LEKSIN COOKIHC AID SSATme STOVE 35 and 33 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Gs, —WHOLESALE SEALERS lit—- Stovoa ouel T t m. w a’r o ■ —OEEEBRATBD— “CH F O K” and “IRON RING” SOT181 PLUMBE S, GAS and S EaM El. I 8. Copper Smiths In Branches l Don’t Forget we Have Moved from 69 to'9 Whitehall Street, xtknte,, SIGH B G DOG’ “BIG DOC —Some of the curiosities of tho Thib etans are very curious. At parting a junior person takes off his cap, bov/s and puts his tongue out. They pull their cheeks in order to show surprise. Turning up the big finger means ap- >proviil, and turning up the little finger tiieans the contrary. The rest of the fingers signify an indifferent quality of thing or person. All the men air® women smoke. The nomadic Thibet ans do not bury their dead, but throw them to wild beasts a»d birds of orev. A Great Disccvery 'Thatisdaily bringiug joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of Uieir dear ones fro n an early grave. Truly is Dr. King s new Discovery for Consumptio- , Coughs, Coids, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice Tickling in the Throat.Pain in Side and Chest, of any disease of the rhroat and Lungs (^UR.rfint6G<l* Trial bottle free at G. G, xliui Oil's Drugstore. Large slxe tLOV, HISSOX & CO., T 16* William Street, N. Y. 50c end 31 sizes, at all dealers in medicines. Great saving in buying dollar size. MACE AND HAMLIN Organs TTighest honors at all great World s zr ns for seventeen years. Only a gans awarded suebatany y men ts or rented. UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very h-iehen excellence yet at- tainediu such instruments; adding *„> A previous improvementsornrot greatei va u , than any, securing most pure, rtiniPd, rnusi cal tones and increased durability, especially avoiding liability to get out of tune. Illustra ted catalogue free. . r .„ Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Boston, 154Tremor,t St., New Ycik, 4l>L. 14th St,, Chi,a„i?- '49 Wabash Ave. Exhibi- Am^rican For cash, easy THOMAS W. 1 ATHAM, ft.itora©ST law FiRBURN, GEO! G1A. Will practice iu all the Courts both State and Federal. Special attention given to suits aai nst Railroads and other Corpo ra tions. ill attend regularly the Superior .and other courts of Douglas county. All parties indebted to us will find their notes and acconntsin the hands .''/.I. of officers for collectfaa uuless they pay them by the first of December, We ’*> / ! If/e need money so badly that we will sell goods cheaper than any body. S. A. McELREATH & BRO. 65 BROAD and 54 FORSYTH STS., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 6 6 Horse Power Engines on IFbeels. 5 6-Horse Power Engines on wheels. 3 10-Horse Power Engines on wheels, 2 Power Engines on wheels. 2 20-Horse Power on Skids. 8 24-Inch Separators on wheels. 2 Saw Mills, 25 feet Carriages. 6 Sul key Plows, 8 Twine Binders, 7 Reapers. 6 Mowers, 4 Manure Spreaders, 2 Flying Dutchman Plows, 4 Grain Drills, 6 Sorghum Mills, 3 Feed Corn Mills, 6 Harrows. With Corn Mills, Pumps, Wind Mills, Plows, etc., etc, ^ Parmers’ Store. 3E5ra.£3t SSteroevt Dougtasville Oa*,. Sells Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Crockery, waie, Cutlery, Glassware, Groceries, Tobacco. Cigars, and ALL KIND OF GOODS Hard hat are. to be found in a first class store i in ar ... , . , ny part of the country CWp than yoa can get the same lands of goods Anywhere else We sell mor» goo-ls, give greater satisfaction and keep a better assorted stock anybody in town. IFtjen you come to market, don’t forget the place ^-Remember we pay the high st market price for cotton an 1 *11 n of country produce. &FH ' SELMA1T, SMITH & C0, ? PROPHIETORS, Douglasvilles wan WO IF SUPPKIED WITH A FIRST GLASS --a BU rORE. Full sto k of Fresh and Pure Prescription Drugs, the Standard Patent Medicines, Toilet Gooes, Perfumeries, Combs, Brushes Oils, Paint*, far- lushes; To acco Cigats, and everytiiing else kept in a Retail Drug Stcrre- li yu 3<i anything in the drug line, you n„n find it of the beet quality pre. oP .. riptions carefully compounded at all hours, day ornigbt by j) r. J, B. <i ge. Liberal discounts to pro! icing physic Lias. Give u* a call aa d we wifi please you. v HUDSON & DGE.