The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, January 27, 1885, Image 4

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*&tTECTiVc3 IN FULL DRE33. Some of the Methods Employed by Ex perts in Criminal Affairs. [Philadelphia Express.] “Why is a detective required at a wedding, where everybody comes by in vitation:” “Becauseit is not only the professional crook you have to look out for. There are plenty of kleptomaniacs. When a rich and well-dressed woman steals a diamond ring she is called a klepto maniac. When a dirty beggar steals a j pair of shoes sue is called a thief. We j detectives think that this is a distinction | without a difference.- Then you m :st remember that every now and then . a ' professional thief gets into a private residence where a fashionable wedding : is being solemni ed notwithstanding . that he has no invitation.” . “How docs he do it:” , WWalks . right in. The most expert : and successful of petty thieves always dress elegantly, and have the appearance of the greatest respectability, it is a peculiar thing, too, that they can con- , trol some of the handsomest and most . accomplished women. A thief gets a ‘mash’ on an apparently respectable woman, and sometimes marries her. Some thieves I know of have married into fine families, and the people never ; knew they were crooks. If the thief doesn’t fnarry the. girl lie keeps her as , his mistress. When he makes a good ' haul of $8,000 or $1,000, lie throws $500 into her lap. They live on the top of the heap, and dress as .well as; the fittest. j It is the easiest thing in the world .for a couple such as I have described to get into a rich man’s house where a wed ding is going on. They drive up to the door in a handsome carriage. W hat if they have no cards? Plenty of people come without them, although the in vitation bears the explicit inscription, ‘Present this card at the door.-’: The usher can not afford to insult such distinguished looking guests, ' so they pass in. Once inside, what a harvest ' is spread before them! Frequently at weddings of the rich $50,000 or $00,000 worth of jew elry, silverware, and all sorts of mo t valuable articles are spread out in a room without any protection whatever. Then look at the chances there are to steal jewelry and ornaments from the ladies present. The thief is given a bet ter opportunity than in a crowd on the street, because everybody is totally un suspicious. All the women wear the most valuable gems and ornaments they possess. I am a pretty good judge of a diamond—can tell one when I see it — and I have seen a woman at a wedding with $50,000 worth displayed on her person, in her hair and ears, on her throat and: breast, and on the shoulders of her short-sleeved dress. An expert thief does not want an easier job than to slip off a pin here, or a brooch there, and it does not take him long to collect enough to support him m the most lav ish extravagance for months. “Vi hat course does a detective pursue j at a wedding?” j “Well, in the first place, you know, ; he appears as a guest, and not in an official capacity. He wears a dress suit, even if he has to rent it for the occasion, a white tie, and a gold stud in his shirt- bosom. The work is extremely difficult. Really, all that can be done is to watch the presents closely and see that nobody carries any of them off. fciometimes, in a large room, two men are required. Of course, we cannot prevent the crooks front”Working.the crowd unless wo hap pen to know them. If we spot any wo know they generally get out- as quickly as possible without making any trouble. After everything is over one man usu ally stays all night, because, as a rule, J there are a great many strange servants j iu the house who have been employed j for the occasion, and they need watch- ; iug-” | Cheap Fuel for Dakota. [Dakota Farmer.] A correspondent after : having tried “turf,-” coal, wood, and sunflowers, has .settled upon the last named as the cheapest and best fuel for treeless Dakota. Ho says: “1 grow one acre of , them every year, and have plenty of : fuel for one stove the whole year round, and use so.; e in another stove besides. 1 plant them in hills the same as torn : (only three seeds to the hill), and culti vate the same as corn. I cut them when j the leader or top tower Is ripe, lot the n lay on the ground two or three days fin i that time I cut off all the seed heads, which are put into an open shed with a floor in it, the same as a coni crib; the stalks are then hauled home and packed in a common shed with, a good roof on. “When cut in the right time, the stalks when dry are,as-hard, as o.-tk, atid . ' make a good, hot tire,-while the seed ■ Beads"with the-sced in, make a better • firo 'than the bast hard coal. The ' seed - bout? very rich.'in o’l, it; will warm betT tor and turn. !ong“v, bushel for bushel, ' than hard coal. The sunflower is very hard on land, the-piece- of ground se lected to plant on should be highly en riched with manures. in the great, steppes (prairie) region in the interior of Russia and in Tartary, where the winters are more severe than here in Dakota, the sunflowers are, and have ■been for centuries past, the only kind of fuel used.”_ The -Effect- of Diet on. the. Teeth. , [Exchange.] According to a Hartford, Co,-in., den tist the extensive and almost universal ■use of tonics and sedatives, r.i the lorru of iron and bromides, and the .general use of fine flour an 1 non-bone making . food materials, are what support the ; vast arniy'of dentists in this country. It is a curious fact that the effect, of Amer ican food upon the teeth of emigrants who have been used to a coarser and perhaps a more wholesome diet, is more marked than upon the teeth of the sons ©£ American ancestors. There’s an old bit of history wrapped tip in that word “el-oused,” as there so I expeditions on every side; and every , _ , , iky voung Englishman wished to sail A ttnr a 5 jhRTfTYX GCIOrEll ,v to find a new inheritance with his AjVl » UUOIXJ i OUWXCW. r.jj of Persia, and sent ,ns, the most important often is in our rich English speech. You all know how alive England was in the reign of Elizabeth with the spirit of adventure and discovery. The find ing of America was still a new wonder to be gossiped about. Tuere were wars and pine _ ft ... | away to find a new inheritance with his j ship, or conquer an old one with his j-sword. A great many young fellows, with more munition than money, offered ■ their services to : foreign powers. One of these soldiers of fortune, Sir Robert ; Shirley, was employed bv the (fraud - Seigneur and Ki on various lipssi -being a commercial end assy to Eng land? Bv this time King James was on S the throne, and anxious to en- j courngc the trade with Turkey and ! the °Eastv which Elizabeth’s ad visers had begun in a small way, about twenty-live years before. So tiiis shrewd Sir liobert sent over a Turkish emails, or envoy, in advance of his own coming, to get the good will of the London merchants in the Persian and Turkish trade. The on tor prising cliiatts exerted him elf so successfully that he, pocketed some four thom-and pounds of their money (a large sum for that time), and ran away with it. leav ing his master to stand ihe loss ami tno laugh against him,- as best ho could; for the tavern wits wore,as much de lighted to get hold off a bit- of nt'w slang as you arc, children, and they adopted Ochtau’sed” (now become “choused ’) in the sense of “defrauded,” just as you boys would now say “chiseled,” I sup pose. You will fiucf it in Bon Jonson and in Shirley as slang, and in Landtor, two hundred years afterward, as good English. Ho von see,tin the etymology of one little word you get a glimpse of English life in. the sixteenth and seven teenth centuries. — Gilbert Uunlcle in St, Nicholas. An Old Soldier’s EXPERIENCE. “ Calvert, Texas, May S, 1882. “ I wish to express my appreciation of the valuable qualities of THE as a cough remedy. « While with Churchill’s army, Just before the battle of Vicksburg, 1 contracted a se vere cold, which terminated in a dangerous sough. I found no relief till on our march we came to a country store, where, on asking far some remedy, I was urged to try Ay kb’s Chubby Pectoral. •‘I did so, and waa rapidly eared. Sinea then 1 have kept tho Pectoral constantly by sne, for family use, and 1 have found it to be an invaluable remedy for throat and lung diseases. J. W. Whitley.” Thousands of testimonials certify to the prompt euro of ail bronchial and lung affections, by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Being very palatable, the young est children take it readily. • prepared bv »• Dr J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, gold by ail Druggists. mm ? ’ & ft u» 4 s,: -b* -j * .yrii j/.At- ttUhrass. -c set.' So-:-';. ..--i Opens Tuesday, December 1G, 1884 In the presence of the Presidents of the Amertcaa Republics, vU: Arthur, of the United States: of: Mexico; Borrioa, of Guatemala; Bog ran, of Has- durns. The Colossal Exhibit of all Time! Sixteen (X©) Immense Exhibition Buildings': One—the largest building ever erected, another— the largest. Conservatory In the World. i eO Acres of Space Under Cbver! liOTT Transportation Sates from nil Axaic-'l© at B,os&s©Baa»l« Kates for nil Visitors During' the period of the Exposition, from Dec. \6, 1884, to June i, 1S85 the temperature atNew Orleans averages 65 Fahr. Ihe lawn and shrub bery remain green, flowers bloom, fruits ripen, all kinds of vegetables grow and mature. ; Full information promptly furnished. AQaross, ^ E, A* BSJKSIB, Director General, • K e n Orlco»»t CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that lmentlve genius, skill and money can produce. EVERY OKGil ¥AR- RASTER tor FIVE YEARS. mm e vfl n 9 C Y\\\ <%' lit--- r bv :: work. j ’>iX • mmm A TALE OF TWO CRUTCHES.' A Well Ee*wn Citizen ef Atlanta 1 Lays Down Ms Cratehos. I have only a few words to say, wltioa are te state that I have been confined to my bed for two months with what waa called Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by She uso of cratches, and iu this condition I commenced tho use of B. B. B-, four bottles of wkiob en abled-me to discord the use of my crutches and attend to business. I bad previously used ail well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over two months stbee using B. B. B., and I eeaakler myself a permanently cured man. i. P. SATIS, Atlanta, ®a. (West EM.) for ovw 5 yoo,ra by" nisa in tbou- sxindS of casci?. a TRIAS. *T* PACKAGE. Ur twin. Avoi-i h.citig i oa -by j-s'l- atious claims o? other yofotMi-: wt those troubles. war free circt? lar and ifli’,1 j-aebage icarn j r.i;"; th.nt facts “ ..ikins: tr'-etruent ebcwrtflfcj. •TaR© a U tbs; h-jt •thousan-U, a::d do?* In terfere with attention to -2G3S or vr inays* renfcac®. Found-.d -->n s/i- entifio ntiitli.v'-’ “rinctplet-. (J*ov/in%- in farcr and reputes tion. DirectapplIcaUon to the seat of discus ntakes it» ppc- ciHoij.'.'.uenoc fob witbou*- delay* Tho natural fune- g k m tiocs of *.ha hauwn orgtm- /jq’Wi i*rr» aro rastot^dv - Tbt B g ih Attiaaiiu? cTpmeatS « ■' i i;fff 'W’Mrfc b*'' 0 fi I* 'M-. x.-asfei’d are given bneb- fjf ,^T.-p'^SThc patient becr.rnca '£<<.4% c h nor tu ; and gxia» 'VTt*rti'‘itpp.D xijijdlly. EOT CO., H'?s CfcsmlstJ. a St.., St. f..OK!« 5 So, A SEHa ADDRESS '■ HAK H a S f; A ? EO«KEcrth.J FRSSHTFUL iASAL ©^TAFSRii. Far four years! Save boon afflicted with a very troublesome catarrh of rlvo head. So ternbie has lta nature been that when I Mow my nose small pieces of bones would frequently come out of my mouth as<5 nose. The dis charge was sopioua ami at ttmos .exceedingly offensive. My blood became so impute that my general health Was greatSy impaired, with poor appetite and wosb» Rumcraus motllcl£tea were used without relief, until I began the see of B. R. if-. three bottles acted almost like magic. Since their use not a symptom hisa returned, aufi I feel in everyway quite restored to h.-mcA, I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer te ct- Eiost any one living on Butler street, and ffior* particularly to Dr. L. H. Glilam, who knows of my oase. Mbs. Eijzarbvh Ssctw. We will mail ou appUcarAn to anyone Inter ested in Mood and Skin Diseases, Serafsia, Bheumatlssu, Kidney Troubles, etc., wonder ful and unquestionable testhnony of cures effeolod by the use of it. B. B., the qi^bkest Blood Fnufler ewr-teown. Large botaes fl.M or six te- f5.«Q. So»by «U Brugglgta, or Ex- jsessadi® rcceSjptsf prtoe. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Qa. I Durham is historic. Itv-asneutralfB-ound during the armistice betwoen Sbemieu and AobMon. Soldiers of both armlss filled their pouches with the tobacco stored there, mid, liter the surrender, marched aeme- wmSi. fiooa orders banrs from East, West, KoribKid South, for “more of that elegant tabeeoo.” Then, ten men ran sn unknown factory. Sow it employs «oo men. usee the pink end pick of the Goi.den Belt, and tb« Durham Bull is Cue trailB-mark w-»;hil , tile beat tobacco in the world. Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking- Tobacco has the largest eslo of any smoking tobacco in tire world. Why f Simply because it ifl the t«i. All deilese have it. Trado.roi-.rk of the BulL , ,r!iir Weekly news- / paper devoted to science, mechanics, e ■ gineertTi.#, diiscoveries, inventions and paten;> over published. Every number ii Luc'-rated with splenaid engravings. This publication, furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. Tbo.popularity of the Sciehtifio Amjcsicajs is such that ita cir culation nearly equals that of ail other papers of its class combined. Price, $&20 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold bv air^wsdeaiers. MUNN & CO., Publishers, No. 361 ihxv.dway, N. Y. AT E U T S ™ Sever. Years’ BEaaaisgitRvasigpraclico before the Patent Office, and have prepared more than One 5-iunvired Thous and applications for patent* in tno United' States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Slacks, Copyrights, Assignments, and all other papers for rin«- to inventors their rights m the United States, Canada, England, branee, Germany and other foreign countries pre pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining patents cneer- fnlly given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Mnnn & Co. aro noticed m the Scientific American free. The advantage, of such notice is well understood by all persons wno wish to dispose 0f AddreS^ MOTH 4 GO., Office SciERauria untmrnAW, 361 Broadway, New York. ..AHOME DRUGGISl TESTIFIES. Popularity at home is not always tho best test of merit, but we point proudly to the fact that no other modieine has won for itself such universal approbation in its own city, state, and country, ana among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The following letter from one of our best- known Massachusetts Druggists should be of interest to every sufferer: — IMifflM SS vere that I could not move from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several reme dies without much if any relief, until I took Ayer’S Sarsaparilla, by the usa of two bottles of which I was completely cured. Have sold largo quantities of your Sarsa parilla, and it still retains its wonderful popularity. The many notable cures it haa effected in this vicinity convince me that it is the best blood medicine ever offered to the public. E. F. Harris.’* Liver Si., Bueklsnd, Mass., May 1*, K83. tfUTRHFfli Overeeer G fn& tJKLa SliBSi.Usiif Carpst Corporation, waa for over twenty years before his removal to Lowell afflicted with Salt Ehcsm in ita worst form. Ita ulcerations actually covered more than half the surface of his body and limbs. He was entirely cured by Aybrs S&saparxlla. Sea certiftoata ia Ayers Aimaiiftc fox 1383. PRZ7ASSD ®T Dff.l. O.Ayw&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Draggtstoi 93, 6lx bottles far @3. These excellent Organs are celebrated for volume, quality of tone quick response van# of combination, artistic design, beai^y in finish, perfect construcuon, making them the inost attractive, ornamental and desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, sociehcb, etc. ESTABMSjHLHI® keputatiok, I'JfEltliAI.KB FACILITIES, K5iiIA.K{> WOKHRE9, BEST MATERIAL, COMISIXF-n, MAKE THIS . TM POPULAE OBQAH Instruction Books & Piano Stools C,(Sogues & Price Lists, on application, free. Ilis Chisago Cottage Organ Ca Corner Randolph and Ann Streets, CHICAGO. ” ! OME ,|e & >* ptfiSnS'™:.!. c/ iA s no EQ uAI * The best evldonce in the -world of the purity and excellence of Black-well’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is found in the fact that the fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be tho case if it were merely “ gotfeon up to sell,” or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it. Among’ millions of users of alT nationalities, surely some one would find out if it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to bo the belt in the icorld, and every year tihe Bull Durham brand grows more popular, tho demand f orj —it wider, and sgiokers p~— more enthusiastic over its j delicious natural flavor. ! Ask your dealer for it. Get the genuine—trade mark of the Bull. ' f 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. 0^\ CA& 0 ILL. FOR MASS. SALE BY GA. ^ BUCKEYE BUGGY CO, coxYcr:M::B-cre, omOj - Leading Humiaeituffii at BUGGIES, PHOTONS, SOMES *^so», e$eo. There is no mischief done where Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is used. -i Trieat- Dizzi- ■uraigiR, HeaCaoho, Nervous Prostration,causett uy the uso ef alcoliol or tobacco, \Vakcfulrx^£», lu do- preesion. Buttoning of tlio Brain resulting m in sanity and loading to misery, decay aid acaab Preinature Old Ago, Barrenness, Lops of power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and fcpcrmat- orrhoea caused bybvor-exortion of wio brurn, ben- Ebuso or. Each box contain-s onomonths treatment. $1.00 a box,or six boxes £or $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt or pneo. ’lYS CtlI’AilA^TI2Si SIX BOXKS To tor . Bohci feho inirchasc-r our written fund the money if the treatment aoeanoteiis^ ©cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN CJ. WEST & CO., 852 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., £c!g Prop’s West’s Livet* Pills. van Winkle & t *T> 4s rLAHTA, C2SORCIA ...-dtoliiaSSlES- Vi it lo curs any case. With each order received by n s or aia boxes, accompanied -with $5.00, v,-e will etui fcho mu-chasc-r out -written Euarantoo to ra- Gladstono’s Last Chore. [Chicago Tribune, ] The English prime minister’s duties do not end with the close, of the daily sessions of parliament, when the tired members are at liberty to take them selves off to bed. On the contrary, be fore seeking rest he must write to the queen, giving her an official report of the proceedings. These letters are couched in the third person: “Mr. Gladstone presents his duty to her maj esty, etc.,” and her majesty's replies, usually dictated to a secretary, also run in the third person. IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purifyiag medicine is made, | or has ever been prepared, which so com pletely meets tho vsitfl or physicians ana j the general public as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It leads tlie list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk- Ofmnrisi * ing taint of Sevofula about you, SG'tOruLA Ayes’s Sarsaparilla will dislodge it and expel it from your system. Ifor constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, 0 nvarutu Ayes’® Sarsaparilla la tka ATARRH true remedy. It has cured Eumberiess eases. It will atop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are indications Of scrofulous origin. I, “Hutto, Tex., Sept. 23,1882. tjlJSEliOUdi “At the age of two years one off e« B r® my children was terribly afflicted p J with ulcerous running sores on ita face and neck. Af the same time ita eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore, n... <p ur n Physicians told us that a pow- OuRl Cl gib erful alterative medicine musts bo employed. They united in recommending Aykr’s Sarsaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, by ah adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. ■■ Yours truly, B. F. Jousson.’* j PREPARED BY j Dr J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Druggists; ?1, six bottles for $5. ^BESTO F ALL P Tm Mew American gfeSpsiBesits Sxstsly oy Caff IrtKMl -to 55-11 Parts sffSLe U. S. ©isly First-Class Work taufacturei “ IKE BEST !STHE CHEAPEST.” Bestd for Catalogue showing Tbirttr SfySss to ml lect from. Factory and Salesrooms No.’s iflt, 187,196, and 171 North High Stmt, Columbus, Okie. CeTresposdlsaGC with the Tra?!3 8eii»f»5^ O. . — -t tutt 5 s 1^ — 25 'YIASIS 5^.. Uf K. Th# Greatest MsdSl TriuSi ri &« Agst njaaaaESKYs*«-5:7s»wa.i3a?3.T*j 8YMPTOWIS OF A TORPIB LIVER. Xiossofappetito* Sowelscoa^lv®, Ffciata t»a© Is©ad, witb a «S»!1 HtssaSion in the bacSs g'arf? Faia tbo feho®£«03*" felad©, Fullness aftor ©atiae, in.dl.e.giition t® exertion ©f body ©rmtn&s Irritability «f toaiper 9 Bow assirSts, wHii ©.feollngof feavlngaeslocted sobs© asty, Weariness, JHzzine&fiSf Flnttoriag at the Heart, Dots befarotfe© ©ye«>-Hcfid»c'fe® «ver tSao right eyo 9 wnU SefnS fiireEJsna, Higffely colored a?\« - C©^SYIPAT1@W. flTTT'S FIare ©specially adaptor to such cases, ono dose effects fcnch a change of feclifigras to astonish the sufferer. They £s&cr«sa»e’th© ApiKstf£e,and cause t-n© body to Take ©>se F'iea3u>thus the system Is and by their^onie on TUTS arc- Jo >.-uvprteC7X4os%hjB „ w w „.. 3% i i S & wm Gray Hatq or Whiskers changed to a. Glossy Black bv a single application or this Dye. It Imparts a natural color, acr* instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 81. • Office, 44- Sfiurray St., Hew V arS«- tf 4»V9 . R5 ess’^3 as ' efi -i* w ms 6y3 s Frsaie Tour SDrTagrg'Ist £os For all ini uries in man or boast nothing equals Hamburg Linimekt. 1 A^u'lsvsiFhy- • eioian Ehtabliabes aa imm <iBice i K Kcwl ork. i “3 From Am. journal of Med. “j>r. Ab. Meserole, .who .... ... B ma kea a special ly of Epilepsy ffl ^ k has without doubt treated $/;**• and cured more cases tnim Unliving phy^cian. His success has simply peer, astonishing: wo have heard of cases ot over 20 Largo bottle and Treatise sent tree. Give a. . U. *«i<x liitiiSiioLifi, No. 9C JohnSfc.,H«w York. -FOR HORS, B At the International Cotton Exposition, Atlanta Ga., the Saw- Gin and Self Feeder exhiited h/ E. Van Winkle & Co,, was awarded for and s-.mpJo., best general results in ginning, and bestoonstmet-ed machine, he First Priize,.$100.-00 or' gold medsi. -First premium. awarded at lie South ■ Carolina State #airs, and -Georfria.Fairs COTTON SEED OIL AULTS. We ate <he o. ly house in tiie United States that manufacture Cotton Seed Oil Mills complete. Send for testimonial*, prees, etc. Box 95. LEADS THE WORLD. Purchasing Agents •wanted in unoccupied territory. _ _ „ _ • In disegsea olthe Rlvod, Skin ru«I Eoby«.—Korvoutf bobJiUy. lapoteBcy,' Op^ituio lioak.'ias, fl<worrii«ft, 8;p'n>Kie'Sin<t' UtfreariaC Affpetuma, S'ciantific treatment; sale and ourt remedies. Dcfonnitioa Treated. Call or write for list o« liicstiono to ba anawered bythoso desiniig trectmeiit <yPf rafiut; cnfforlng from Rnpfuro should noari their addret t W Vi?ad le&ra aosuatUtag' .< their advactag®. It In not o imu*.# Addr&aebr. C. L. I rvBAKOE, Preo’t find Pfey«i®lan iu Cfearg< Ce-sitv.ii Med, &, Rtcr-r. laei’tatv, 320 Locust st., Hi. Louis, lit* tteaycttsoA te Htr, JuuUs' DiAjjeuftuy. liufe&biisiica itti Jg3T» AYER’S ~ Sarsaparilla Is a hlgbly concentrated eatstact of Sarsaparilla and other blood-ptirif>'i::|f roots, combined with Iodide of Dots. Siam and Iron, and is the safest, most reli able, and most economical blood-purifler that can be used. It lnvai-5'»ly expels all Wood poisons from the system, enriohes and renews the blood, and restores its vitalizing power. It is the best known remedy for Sersfnla and ail Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Ecaema, Bingworm, niotchos, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions ef the Skin, as also for all disorders oaused by a thin and impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the blood,such as Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Bheumatie Gout, General Debility, and Scrofulous Catarrh. Inflammatory tomato Cured. “Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has cured me of tho Inflammatory Kheumatism, with whioh I have suffered for many years. W. K. Moore.” Durham, la., March 2, 1882. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; 5k tlx bottles for §5, •H ss