The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 03, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE STAB. DonglasviHo, (Jn., February 3, 1848 ( HAH.O. FEAVT, Editor and Proprr. Senator Colquitt is being fugfily . praised by urcsa of Georgia for the ma. ly StWt he has taken irv op posing Emory Speeds confirmation., - The. Kypball H >use is being rapidly pusne’cTto'completion. Il" is* having‘«fme<n*n of travel. Its one hundred foCTi S that-arq. completed keep full. ’ On Thursday Governor Me Djitfiel .issued* fi’ proclamation jirdhiUting the sale -of liquor in <'arroir«j>uufy after the 23:h, an election having Imen held in that county, at which prohibition was successful. .» -■ . Th#•attempts oTthe expert baseball player tq catch a ball thiown from the Lop o’s the Washington monument proved a failure. The bah came down uith- soph velocity that his hands were forced apart-and the o round btlow. was dented as if struck by a <mnnun bUI. ■ . . " f At Dalton, Thursday, Mrs. Glari ‘Uyjji. j'idow hV’X an( l aTl \invali I, 4 death in her bouse, ifear the ax-han dle factory.i.TUe building - was dis- v eovtfmi to be on Are .by parlies neat’, ,l ” r ft h$ attempted ary entrance to the" l;ou|p,,tuit TOtrhd the door securely lockad,.withAhc unfortunate* victim, in - V * I * ■' —7*777. —"V Thursday, adequation of‘■Marietta citifcrtfa' cart led-o a Usq G* vdroorto ask that he p»r<km.Gi'Wgc Brown, mCoCb county citizep, who was sentence , yi firs ago to be hangid, but ■ wUagp Avne ’commuted by • Gov. CaMuliC to Jtppnsonment foi‘ Juffge SesskrDß.Gpk; P. W. Williams Tin* Governor, has the -a ingjitir uujXeT.tfbn’sidcfHtion tx»rf " > Th® jlouscM Representatives .of ..Xhfc-North Carolina LcgifcUttne •has had T. Green,, the Republican - R(*hresemsliva from Mitchell county ludtn o lhefbrfr of the House, to show cause why his’"Stave of abse*.nce stauld ucjtjie revoked. Green went home, saying,, it is .declared, that after seeing Ins party in the House and noticing that i,U in dm be rs were * negroes and tevemm oilteers, he made' qcii|iy to gtrhome and slay there. be permitted to . go and ‘ s , , . * ~ • • Speaker Carlisle is credited with tift iurtew»ew®4haltjie litpe cpnffc wliew tfw'fortu of a« oatb wid * With in courts of Jus- Ao be no good iaaaon ,whk brith ’ shotfid ‘ I<wtaniaiaie«e4|<t.e wlinos ■. * A per a«MW ajtyl solemn Hawd- w»l iMwtur p h if tft*6n- to feaw detection. ttbVf<W*pcHurf The few* ; P t: R& HWWtelal ** proceeding s as by bolh the Bible aad Gaudnon seusd. ■ * . . «?i-A' very MHorni tycepiqnt occurred flu the Wenlarn A, A Uautm xajli'md JHI * P rftvif * ’•morr.iog jti t as the train Wns<un ahii'f-nWe from > tracli.spea'l And tho cu ■ Ts -e t r«tw waa<U? aA# .4* be 1 y b'der Mrocd a wHaplete wmt i s inljt 'gjid. ertfstftd intd the vwd *of Um.* tuad ear as tf.h •’ ’dativr * turned 1 .Xhe baggage ear hl vseoped the mall c/i 'anT I’ndly smoking ear ti.nlcd partiany * SVer, t«<n pasfceWgcia <s ijeapeA aqhpr’. The ladies car left the j* traek, txsqoiipe<l bis the*(*m bank; « ineni.<MMte Loi'.n xtp'fut some > ‘‘ AUaU'su** wete .dulayed ; AcVerMTfttTta- J 9u 1 iptl. Miw»» Ta-li'grajdil wl. if&jftV-j * et'nifiyj|iTt;ce I Wi h fati e proApcd .re .ylyi tlonA f'"’idr>n. ' 2 Brow'ujte Urn Uniu4.feiith* <k^ , nalwJ‘»»on»!nVt’t'«'f? aft follows arfit- MiistOW tbc BcniatOf’s n on I be 1 <B£«pinvivq. .<uU’ ! y ’ Brewra, < f Georgia,'' i * fwT i«, WtMk ia <N»- 1 sitppefy ’n.pvh’dca.| *•“M)'i*lbatWC duck < J* that ana A , r. ■ . tdtih t<r i?r?n'!id, isf'C-elaUy < •»-- whe»4)t«t: 1 qsativ* iu.i»tr affects 1 Kauai , *\Ahhy tiint win.* business T- >ifncl Josephm- t* the qtwhty »n from *tihe IWvduriWK* .kingeri hfkpwnd makeup, w in *■<- . ,j- ■. « jt. **" ’■ * 1 *; ’.. s ~W*ft«»rnrt' Kmcwey.” .'' Bom* peapisytrr g wh*J **•>' i tkhun h«V» b*u Uofttf T»,r them, but M- * Jkna F. flair, aCOilkMiun t».s C;. «*\» w :r> u.. 5 jvc ' ’4«rhil Hlhahw iLrnwjz . v it Bi ;«”* h •» ■ fswr aod W>,«nd 4-tu -. Uy ot th. »vtUn> Helw >« /jjuhy A p«rtwv«<s thr aikot ssrbw'A’Op wul’ Wtmj the iw» irf iUi» »» u»kt attMtei « M«k«* * m« aowiuVuni nfthia, «B w wKm* «■.» e n . » • nxu doWu B» wu’s lew Liiiivt. w.«i'tus yea THE STAB. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS. January Term 1883. We, the Gra> d Jurors chosen and sworn for the present term of said court beg leave to make the following gem nl < resentmen’s: Through our various committee we have examined the County R cjrds, Publ c build ings, etc. The books and records of the Ordinary are ’neatly and correctly kept, so f.r as the pa-; pers in .bis offic iTave been recorded- We •■find a uuathi/jf.j apers pbm should have been rec- rded on file and not fe-oorded Such * ws 'marriage'license, liqdof license, ere. ; Aftho'Jnly Term of this Onrrt; the Grand Tory r-ijoi ted in the hands of the O dinary, one huudreiidollars on account Of' L qntr Lic-nre. We fi id he has re> etved since that time one-knndred dollars from same source and ph d out, one hui dred and -seventj-fi/e dollars to the C mntySe'ioot Obintawsioner, to-wh:' J B C Q tillian, and we also that the Ordinary has received rhe sunt of fuu; dollars a-d eighty cen's for which he has the treasurer’s receipt t ron account of eeiraj s. We are pleased to uoie seme sub- S'tintiai improvements our former -J-dmury h.->s iu nie in repairing the court house and having ti e same enclose t with a neat feme, al of which we heartily approve. We fi d on examining the Ordinary’s office, that there is not svfli-iient r >Olll or the proper assoriihen and distribution of the various books and papers in his < ffl e, and we recommend that be have such addi Cions ti ale as may le necessary. We have through a committee, examined the books ai d records in the Chrk’s office i- and find them a most bush ess-lite - styk,i and all d< c urations and court papers recorded up to the proper time. We take pleasure in t xpressi’ g our appreciation of - bit fitnesi as ap < fficer, and the neat man ner in wbiclxn® keeps his books and papers. We have examined the books of the Bhei» ff and find them kept in very good style, and correctly. He submitted to us his re port, as n quir» d by 1 law, and wo find no funds in bis Lauds unarojupttd f-r. The •commitfic from ouo b< dy. appointed to *l - the books of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, report that to far ss they have been able to examine the Trja jiircf’s books, they find it in d issible to arrive at any sat isfactory conclusion, on account of duplicate vouchersdf lost orders, recommend fi by- July T rm Giand .Tsiry, 18S4, not being pro duce.! to us for our c msiderarion. The time of tin o immittet being entirely consumel on the Tie. surer’s hooks, tho u e of the Tax tlolh c‘or could not le «ximined We there fore rr coni mend that acommittea composed afJ -haG Maxwell, T ‘H. Selman ai d Albeny Hembree, members of this body be cotfthiued to thoroughly examine, with the Ordifiaty, the books and vouchers of both the Treasurer and Tax Collector and report theaame, and that (heir report become a part of these presentments. We fiid the bowks yf the Tax R delver coritCl’y 1 kept, end-take pleasure in .xpres sing the high appreciation i» which we. bofi i th.e furqier Tax Rec&Ver, Mr Lt T Cooper for hie efficiency a* sn officer We Hid he hne raised the taxable projierty o'the < oun ty neiftly half a million dollars The court house coin?- iasion-rts m- de t e r r« port to our body,'h- nqlnred by’ Iw. and »y, that sir e* their report to the grand jury a the JiWy. t ri» 1W ii/ey have t-eltlier recetvtd nor tWM ont-aov money. We rXiUiitttd the d cketsof the va« riqqp j isTcee qf the Peace, and Notery Pub« lie ir> z »!>r county, and fipfi* them gencra'ly aX-Wifi an-l'coaow-Uy kept, ra the/ 0 \Ve cpmuder said d 'cFetvmrtrety inad-qante fsr lbs g n Ui!y^sJllv < L^®'l^ a,u ’ ’* Hujk«si. ble for the tffi era to*ilem*k* in them the tfrfhgy r-qOln-Wby- law. ~ «« ' *Th cbpSTqnet.Oe of the c infnsfon that en» ami! on the adoption of trie mad law* uq der which wesi |< d last VOif, the rowls Were iM»t w<»rk«i! uu'il late in thy season, but we fi,>d tb< min betiex com itiju.genf-raPy thi n W’-Mtpeeradc The Legislature havir g re frt-pljfi sa d road law, at d tlu OMinary hav ap'phi:»T> <1 Road out the'c Aiuty. We r-bommend and insiat that they rot dt in the q srdition re quired by law a> e vly as possible. We bate, through au appropriate com juiltee,’ , i'X' ! ,rq*«i rhe Poor Houses and Farm n d $r $l th nt a n-eent. ud<U ion to the i.uptrt is,uui.qijl e cotnpleied, acerndmg twe-rttract, bm Cij»t everything aryuhd the ho.-t'-s.-ml fiirni is comforti-blo iirid neai. The iw c«t>»r uvd the tarai ere i>x£»xhl odu* dition. aPd C e whole j I ce pr-aeu'S an ap -Mera. hip c wfi! mifnrg <i r- ft-cm g gtejf credit- on J, M IT at.<n, the orerne«r, Wi fi d f<»nr ii.mVts »x thy fa;m whoseuu tob< n'ldl ct-riitK'd villi Uieir Ueatmen: aid urn-ui din’gsl V> hi> we ar* B.ft fid •hat the poor hiiH now owned by Iht coun ty. in the bttst umllofi ol keeping cur pat - k t es; Me r<a.aaiirfi-fi with Ui’e • Xpeusea us it: ' W'"fl-d li e' tu. re ras an • xp-udi jpi of Which to • at'JnX pen vnrin jntp’vveu «n a to -th* - fa-in a. »l aa vehave b»e i 1 •’fOm-vd by J V. jucn-er Uidinary, that lev fart a t of .sia>r, *>* fi hnt bee-v t let fq.-‘tl-e present o-sr We tic -mun-mi I’lbaethv Uni t»rJ> a<iv*rii»C lor »«a.te& pn»|- t I eols fcr co day- M.d Jo let ih* same *u the '! Wt*r hs,**-tide v.u oy, ami tuai the O | iliniu t■” ffirtfisu the *ui er mamduat w; to i. rn-qs govt-nipl by,i»!‘-il j rn r»q In? hiu PWMMikv Kti'-HSHwI: ’’/J, A.- Ji's t&MP-'fl - cry T.ft* it in h«s p »irer J tqgJauLvr HI grft'it ; qwr license, we. CHS nurrncl tlial he refu** ail applkiatioas fbr annh the 'We yot»»miiuwßd tP»»-M 1. \ v be ap- pu-fiicaad t*- *U iu J P Cr luf O. M, w» ‘ th* we ue paMtatMi efi by ittrv igujtwm of W. H Natiy. ’ * To c!r»hnj t‘-csa gtM.nrrsentmdnta, we de-hwio ‘ x orwn »ur gcalificoion. as iudi vtduj*" <■» a t*>dY and re 'be rrpn smtali ves j u! Uie ty<q4#o’ Ihnw’as county art the nt i ideal m b» th»- 1- jpsUlurvut Ho •'.'ba u|w» i W.Jdam . tyj.ll* g3j>f Ibi” circuit pr-d of ’ W..IW. H- M Mr d. o i KUvr.l-r die m x ft* 1 Iteet w»»h fifwsra j ihiTr mmt'ite p si'tnwi.- the r a-»i -aud lov- 1 j <a< v.Mpyr. the '!»* adding ci' i>na of lb» | le uv’y l,»xe ahni d«.-4 ch « l <*r **-'f o*w| j mid at her by tbsuk vur re. * | ••esenfative.the Hon. M. M S uit’-, for his services as a Legislator in securing for us t'leir re-slection: wa recommend that these general pre sentments be publish! d in ibe Douglasville Star All of which is respectfully submits ted. John* c Fowoem, Foreman. Thomas H. Selman, Angus Ferguaon, John S- Bobo, Joshua J. Smith, Isaac C*. Oglexby, William J. Norris, James 1.. F. Benson, J. R. Abercrombie. Nathan S. Lipscomb, Francis M. V> i n n, Wyatt Z. Howell, Wiley P. Tackett, Alexander D. McEwen, Augustus N. Slone, Alfred B. Davis," Samuel Shanot William P. Strickland, Isaac W. McKel -ry, I Jabs G. Mason, John Vansant, Albery Hembree, John*'G.’Max well; J> nVary Tkrm,-18!15. I Ordered that theabove and foregoing Pre sentments be entered on the.niinutes of this court, and that they be published in the ..Douglasville Star. 3, W. HARRIS. -• J. p. c. c. c. A. truy, transcript from the records oi court. SIN. DORSETT, Clerk. n-i-l-nn-n'-'. °X, Hipt« on Raonomi , vfi Ou .cal House Building, con- I taining-M plates of Collages costing from S 5 oto $3, O', with descriptive letter press. L Bvo, - oh, handsomely bound in cloth, mailed on receipt of §l. Wm. t. Comhto'clk, Pub. G Astor Place, N. Y rmirur i/ S A. McElreath &Co. DOUGPASVILLE, GEORGIA. Has «n band a full a>-Bortn-<pnt of Dry Goode, Ready uadc V’luthing Ladies Dress G >ods in all shed a uuds‘yks. My assortment .-• ■ ’•-■■■ "• - »TS &B WW can not be » din this mark -t. 11 order to re luce our s»o- kof he; vy goods we w'J sell Overcoats and Underwear, etc a’ very low figures. O r sl»-ck o fl ,e dress suits is ar ways full. Our stock oi Grocciiea are complete. Anything in that line you want, Bargains for Everybody I -A.t Tbo Dih ii . J ■ ■■■ • II - Ii . li' B p • Vi ■Io Ijh The above letters are patent sml nwfiQ Douglas Ccuuty Bargain House. ■ EVERYBOmr IS INVITJEDT<.)I XSt'E(.'T TH E 'fiatci’clk' or OOO<i»» Io tlP'crHwrty/rf* whEh Us jimbcen added w Hwaeoee line of Men’r, Cfd-frWerta- -. X A 7 HsAET MADE W CLOTHING ,n :C » cwrß t styles and at I’AN IC PRICES! I' • I ml f / IJ L**** \ i' tWv/ $ A ?r a I i Jfe\ LX .-® / J \ fi/tAu i p / V-A / / in / p« / Az, I Wi A \ii * M j A u I ? b) 111 r\\ \1 i * Q F C? Ik in I ® ¥/ I fl 1/ / o i I l| fl . t- 6 g , /I /I * o ' I- f V F Th 1 \ M S' SfeXj \\ I r ..ji , | I I OLOA KSI CLOaK SI CLOAKS! . In Ladi*«"S and Misses’Cloaksand Jack-‘fs we take *he lead. W (Item in all de-urable colors, and at prices Jesuit the fime*L ’’ priers on everything hilly TWENTY PER CENT., and oar pn . so low that cornu* ti’.ion is not to be droa led. All we ask is lh |<*iui and see us befire buying* else where, and are wll endeavor to I yon si me money, ami, at the aaniitiiu*-, v ir. ea Hit If b»r-ourselves, TLuukful for jiast favor, we solicit a aHUMHianre of gwr va S. N DORSETT ii BSg’iflffl AS ’ !•’ fay 10l jBSs "i S 3 o> Rl ° BO - tsw« b *‘ o *-$* I BissSZgWi’lhs WTERJi ! I B 113*" THE | ww BESTTQWC. ?■ This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, ImU«e'«tion, Weakness, Impure Biood, Malaria, Chills an<l Fevers, and Neursdfela. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Hidneys and Liver. • fi is invaluaiJv for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead, sedentary lives. it docs not injure the teeth, causeheadache,or produce constipation—offrer Jrw wedienirs do. It enriches and purifiea the blood, stimulates . . the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens th-muscles and nerves. ... For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equal. e-3~ The genuine.has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.' Take nodtlier. Ma<le orfyky BROWX CHKMJCAL CO., BALTIMORE, MH W. McLarty EAST BROD STREET, DOVGLABVILLE, sella Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Creak ery, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, and all kinds of jooda that are to bo found in a first class store in any part of the country, cheaper tbits yoaean get the same kind of goods this side of Atlanta. He *BOIIB more goods, and “eea larger stock than anybody in town, ■«!-■.■■?■■ . I 11-IL.. »■*■■■■—-IL-S! 11. I W!l-IWIIIymil M A. I. os| |\E. •ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR, DOUGLASVILLE, GA. Will draw pTting avd specifiartioiip for all kinds of Buildings mid Bridges at reasonable prices. No charge for drawing or specifications where be bids on the work. Agricultural buildings and hotels a specialty. Refers to any gentleman in this part of Georgia. Correspondence solicited. 0. M. 1111’1’8 & CO. H WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, H atf-J Clothing, etc. We are just beginning our business carear In Atlanta, and are determined to build up ourselves by selling goods cheap and fair dealing. Give us a call when in the ei'y. > i DIIKM &■ EtT~~ ' mH'HiTEUAhL STREET, , OICRU, Wholesale and retail dealers in Groceries am] Commission Merchants, Dlour, Bacon, Hay, Corn, Brim, efc., 'madoa >prciahy. S-nd u« yom or dt is, and call to see us when in the city, and if low price«, good goods and honest dealing are any induceim nts we will sell you. W. S .DUNGAN A GO. 79 W/ide/urn S/reeJ, A/JanAi . - 1 ■■"•'* »*>!■■»■■ ■■■■!■»imi ;i»ii I ■■■■■■jj.MHgiMUWM Hunniout & Bellingrath. WHOLESALE avp retail OELERS IN COOKING AUD SEATXWG STOVE 35 and 38 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga t —.— A. P. Stewart & co. , ■ . ’ —WIIOLESALK LKALtRS IN— •to▼ ®fl *n ci •X’tSEL NRF A«■4» • —CELRBRATBD— /’(B. < OK” and “IRON KING/’ BOTBI BLUM BE S, .si G-’a*! FL ES. f'«»pjAer 3n till ot irralwrlkea I Don’t Forget we Have Motr ! from 6$ to 9 Whitehall Stmt, Atlanta, w B'GboG” • ‘BIGDOG. ■■' .. ■ *ruj« L IJ!, ,11.1. The Farmers’ Store. JS3 rv-st X3iroem. cl 'Street TZ>o ex jylw.esTT’ll io Om.. Sells Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Sho»'s, Clothing, Crockery, Hu ad, Cutlery, Glassware, Groceries, Tobacco. Cigar*, and ALL KI ND OF GOODS int arc to be found in s first clnss store in nny part of the country Cheap than you can get tl c same kinfis of g *<m!s any where else. Ike a*ll mere goo s, give greater astisfaciion and keep a bettor assorted stook thaa Anybody in t»»wn. H'.’icn you cAinelo market, don’t forget the place. Remember we pay the high st market pr ee for cotton and all kinds ’bf country SELMAK, SMITE & CO., PROPRIETORS, LonglasviUes Greatest want NO W SUP PRIED WITH A FIRST CLASS BV U £ TORE. kof Fresh and Pure Prescription Pru t s, the Staxkrd P«teit M d i Ines, Toilet Gooc«, Pcrfumeiies, Combs, ILu-lbc* Oil*. Psin'e y* f . , ahes; To acco Cigais, and everything el*e kept in a Retail Drug B,ore if-d anything in the drug line, you flu iit of ti<e be«t q-i«lity upturns cor- at n’l . u s. day orn'.'t-t by ge. Libei ai d,-c:unts to jr el Hug | l.y .i< i n . Ji Ve u i t ’j ( case you. LItfDSUN & DUE