The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 10, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL PENCILLINGS A Record of Event* Occurring n the Town **n<i County. Cold. The vice President elect passed our town last Thursday A very hard rain fell at this plac last Monday. J. 8. Smith has a fresh supply of meats of all kinds. He also keeps a first class res taurant. " Call at the Farmers Store if you want the very best Guanos and Acids in the mar ket. The regularity with which certain of our young men spend their Sunday evenings in Douglasville is getting to be proverbial. Married at the residence of the offi bating offiijer, C. J. Rrbinson E*q on last Sunday, Mr. Thomas K'cks to Miss Mary Willis. It is with pleasure we note a flourishing school near the residence of Mr. Billy Mor ria. taught by the accomplistd Miss Flor ence Burnett. That fascinating and acvmplished young lady, Mias Iff note Parker, who has been on a visit to her grand mother ! in Polk county returned to her home in this place last week. We are constantly receiving complaints ofthe oon«reoeptio<» of the Star. Look ont post mastew yours is not a life time job. We assure you the fault is not in this office. Every customer who goes to Dorsett & Go’s. enquires for Mr. Howard Winters, who has severed bis connection with that firm and speaks of reading law. Success to you Howard. Prof. Holmes Clark has gone down to eno ter upon the duties of a school at Chapel Hill. The Professor has proven his profi deucy in this line and has no trouble in getting a good filiation any time he desiras to wield the d dac’ic staff Dr. T. H. Whitley in*l wife,ofthis pinoe will start to New Orleans, next Friday. We wish them a pleasant trip. All persaat who have not settled with Selman, Smith <fc Co., mint do so within ten days, or they will ft id their accounts in Lite bi nds of otli cers for collection. Feb. 10, 1884. A fresh lot of Onion S its and But ton*, und all kinds of garden seed you want ut the cheap store of N. B. &J. T Dtincrn. (live them a call be lore pure aeii.g elsewhere. Mr. J. M. D‘rri?, one of the most enterprising farmers in this county w>s in our olftco Monday. We are always glad to meet our friends. Capt. J. If. White, one of our most worth v t»*>vntt»en, hn« waeof the best ».rianged cyclone pits in this place. He thin j the Gap nin is a man of good jn igincn l ,, we are a ong be liever in cyclone pits. Thursday our sanctum was invad- ’ cl hy a trio of youths, who repre sented themselves as bing printers from Atlanta. Their conduut and language during their brief eal’, fully demonstrated that they were verita ble devils. We learn that Mr. J. L. Perkins, of Winston, comtemplates the build ing of a lint class merchant* grist mill, near that thriving little burg, to be fitted up with all the new and improved machinery for producing the finest grade of flour by the pat ented roller process. Words fail to express my gratitude," savs Mr Svlhv (Harter, or Naahville, Tenn., ‘ for th« benefit* derived Iro n Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been afiioted all my life with scrofu la ,tuy system seemed saturated with cameoutin blotches, ulcers, and mattery i ■irw all over my bodv. ’ Mr. Carter rfn ee mat he was entirely cured by * ver's Satrap aril la ami sinci disomtinuwg itsuseeign months ago has had uo return of the s?,rolu uus symptomi. Farmers, if you will call on N. B. A{J.T. Dunean, you can buy a Friddell & Lester O«»tlon Planter. titnto|>«De the bed, strews the guano, and covers the seed. You can gu »ge it t»»strew any amount you waul to use. After planting, you can use Elbe stock for double-foot st«x.k to plow your cotton with. H’e have examine ! it and it is the beat planter weeversa v. IVe would advise our v farmer friends to call and examine \ this planter. 7 A f?w days since, in company with \ Mr. D. A. Vansant, wo took a short trip to the country, and while we ware oub w « went to Iva gold mines, about three miles from town. We Wo are not Miiont ficallv versed in mineralogy, but if Dav c ba n't got a good thing in hie uiiue, (not mind) we arc badly f.»oled. Wu have seen various apecimeiM from the rick mines of north Georgia, from Ugt uumerotta mine* around Villa Rick, and a number of other places, add the prospect tn us seems as fl uteiing for latgc Ttsuhain Mr. Vansanu as any we know of. We hope it may prove to be a regular bonar.ia, for Davie deeervtsall the good things that can be bestowed on him. and especially a good wife. By-tb<-w»y, wonder why some of our pretty girls . dou't Uke him in tow ? Ik’s nc r»ghl U> keep ids clevcrnce*. bis gold iu« c, and ail hie other pro|»erlj U himadf. Look after him. girie, and bling ULu to taw. or—but colt him. A tL-i-,* • *«** ! ‘»r AA and ntari V* IrraT, a vosttSy bi»j * *"* • *taSW Wtliwik will hvlp to mo* mauey right »<«;' i «a ♦*av I# uh* world. *du.e*s. rm* A *»#., <*w gust*. Matue. ESCAPED. Last Sunday evening when Sher f. iff Ward went to the jail to feed the prisoners, one James Evans, colored, who was in jail for some trivial of fense, was told to take out the buck ets of slop from the jail, and when he 1 go'down the steps, although the sheriff was almost in arm’s length of him, be dropped the bu kets and sped to the woods like a deer. Mr. Ward made immediate pursuit, and ’ was joined in the chase by Messrs. N. B. Duncan, M. M. Herring und ye editor, who ran the fugitive until 8 darkness preclude 1 any further at- ■ tempt at bis capture,and in the dense woods and black darkness, he made r good hi* escape. Mr. Ward had i collected, on Saturday, a large amount of money, and bad in his . pants something over two hundred , dollarsin silver, ’’hich he had brought to town to deposit in a safe. II id it ? not been lor being thus weighted ’ J down, be says ha knows he could . ■ have cau/ht him. James had better J “flee to the mountains of Hepsidam” ' for Henry Ward is not the man to be ’ monkeyed with in that s'yle, and he . will get him yet. See if he don’t. • i We take pleasers in catling attention to , the advertisement of Aiesm. McE t Co., one of the largest and most relia >le 5 finps in this place, who deal ex'e is velv in I dry goods, boots, sh-es, clothing, farmers' hardw re and provisions and, iu tact, eve c r. t iiug nt c fid on afa ni They have proV ’ ej to be «cave, energetic and enterprising) 1 a: d conducting '..heir business on the muse 1 liberal nt <1 honest business purciphs, tak i ing advantage of ni one, but tfi’irding help . to many a man when others had thrown [ bim overboard They have, as c rttou buy era, be<n of great, b mill to Douglasville and i to ti e 'aimers o? this section. We caeerful i ' ly commend them to oar farmers hh honor | able, upright business tu ;n, wto wi 1 treat them lairly and s i ure y in ull transactions. 1 S.e advertisement. POWDER SPRINGS Ell AT. A burglar entered the hotel at this place last night, and took from the pants of Mr. Jack Rakestraw $117.00, Two negroes have been arrested on suspicion, but no money was found on the person of either one of I them. I Misr Rwa Bunn, is the assistant in the literary school here She is a lady of ability. The school has from fifty-five to sixty pupils. A gloom was thrown over our town last week by the sudden death ot Mr. M. J. Flor ence. He was not a citizen of the town, but lived nea and was here often. The writer 1 met him on the street Tuesday and saw him in his cofiin the next. The lunerul services ■ were conducted by Revs A. B. Vangbn and ! A. J. M< rgan, at the homestead of the de ceased. The remains were caniul to Bethel Cemetery, g county, iw.d mtered. As for man. hi«*lays are as grasq as a fl >wer ot the fi 4d, so be 11 iuri sheth, and the wind pHsauth over it and it is gone, and the place thereof sh 11 know it no ru' re. ; Hon. Hick Anderson and family haw ' gone to F’or da to spend the remainder of the winter. We are looking for Mr. de urge Griffith to cun i oyer to Powder Springs soon. Come by, George, and take dinner with us. School Buy. JOE. BOWERS. Editor Star : My name It Is Joe Bowers, 1 have a brother Ike, 1 tun all the way from Missouri, Yes, all the way from Pike, etc. 1 guess Ei. Bowers and 1 are cousins,any way, we will claim kin. ciusin Ed. writes like a philosopher; I wonder how he stands on the Licker question. Now, Mr. Editor, liquor is a good thing in i*s place but a bad, ugly thing on election days. That is, it causes some of us to be left behind, I think. The next L-gts ature i ought to enact an immediate law to ntske it a misdemeanor for any one to turni.-h . whiskey mi election dav tn gain votes. If ! seems to me that giving bqnnr <nr votes is a kind of intimidation that the FuderAi L> w> would inti ct a heavy penalty. It mav be right, but it don’t look right, especially among chr sia iix -d people I don't thiuk •’r, 1 onuld ‘ toat" any office In the gi11 of I the people with that d : gni>y that one ltk»s to feel, if lit d bought it with llq lor or carried a retail around with me el ♦stioneerhig’ A ma t told me the other day that our last Grand Jury "passed a law" in that august body to stop selling Itqtior in ’ D ragla*: would that they had the power >o <1 > such a thing. From my knowledge of the la;e grand j .r/, they are men of grit true as Hee I to Ute c mu* v and as fi*ni as the ruck of Gibal'e- Tnanks to tuem for their r.*commendaiiou in reference to the liquor and read iaw quesiious. * Spring is to open on winters last tu mth. Burro vu g. I guess like we fellows I get our news —Joe it will not do to ImMTOW , ; news. No tuan wakes a good citix-m that ! b m»ws a newspaper —Editor. What has become of Little Bud and New I Cotner. Pome hack brethren, kts have a i ebat about this whiskey question. I know i ' we diMgrend on tbert-x-k law question ! *« were bonestin our eonvieiioas. So were you, wearesiiil friends, I think a man j wnu d r»« v< ry s nipie,to oecome your enemy r situ 4y breau e you and he d.aagrevd ou a | pnbhc q-iasVon. t ’ I Give my love to cousin KI. R »wcr. r I / JoK BuWIUS. •i $5 Reward s > Alw»u’ five weeks ago, an <j'd pa-. | abtts white man, named FqUoq, hor ! rowed my Ox (a red one, about eight L j year* oL») U> go to Austell and back and be has not been bean I of since. The last seen of him he was near «s Ava'ell. I will pay the above re ,ti ■ ward for the rv.covrrv t.f man or ox «. >aNi'ttts Hcwtiu Duuglaevilh , Qx . OH! HA.LOWI! b Don’t You Know? ‘ WELiriT’S SO You can get yonr Lumber dressed, gat ‘ Moulding. Brackets. Banisters, Pickets, Turned and Scroll work cueaper at • Douglasville Plaining Mill than at any other mill in Georg a ! C. T. PARKER. ! To *ll who i it. may Cor cern. A. J Na) 1 lyandJ R Nai'y have in >hjc form applied to the u idersigtied tor perm *nnnt of admini-ttration on th* estate of J B Nilly ' late of said county, d tcess d and I will oass , npo-i the sa d apolwa ion on the first Mon day in March, 1 ’5 H. T. ronpfn,or.iin-,.,. GEORGIA—Douglas County, T > nil whom it may e.tuc*i , u, S. A- S eed having in <lva form appli <1 to tne nud j.r eigned for the guardianship of the property of Nettie Higgins aud b«r .sister Hi< gins, minor eiiildrcu of Frtocis Higgins late of (’nerokea county, Alabama, deceased < no*ice is iwebv given t eat uis app'icarion will be heard ut tuv otfic on the first m md *y in m iroli next. Given under my hand ami Hfi ‘.ttl signature, ■ nis 27 h dtv >f Jin nary IH-S5. H. T t’oopcß Ordi ••rv. Notice Ii hereby given, that the monthly sesdons of the c rnnty c >urt o Douglas county wi! be held on the fourth Monday in each month and the q tarterly sessions on the. fou-'b Mondays in F bruary. Mav,August and No vetnb<r. Each session will co omu- trow d y to d iy u itil every case on the docket i sounded. My elfice and the papers of raid court will be k> pt m <>ne <>f me rooms up stairs in Dorsett s brie . bu'lding. Jan G b 1835. R. A. MASSr.Y, Judge fkmntv Court. Pjv-eun given awe»,*--d UwU us •’ cents 00-rage, mid by ww jnail y OU wl ]| „ et freeapaeK age ofg.MHlr of large value, that will .-t.'irt you in work, that will at, once tiring you tn mon ov fa-ter than anything else In mnerica. all about the 'Ml> ie presents with < ach box. lor tunes tor all wo’kers absolutely assured Don't delay 11. Hallett & Co., Portland Maine dj zn /r A MOX TH and BO ARD f>r three 3}OOlive Young Men or Ladies in each County. Address I’. W. ZIEGLER <t <JJ., Philadelptiiu, Penn. , re money than at anyth \A/ JL lAI g else by taking an agenc r the best sell mg book on fßeginneni oucced erandly None fail: Term . ree uallett Book Co., Portland, Maine, DISSOLUTION. The firm of Waltom & Gresham, ha* this day dissolved by mutual consent, B, JZ. Waltom remains and A 8 Gresham withdraws. B >th par lies are authorized to collect what is due the firm. All indebted are re quested to come forwar • and settle al oner, A S Gresham, B M Wa t<>m. f - —— ! & 0 tice! * i Col. W.T. Roberts having been appointed County sa lk-it t, for ibe county court of Itouglas, ttie linn Os mmiii «.v Roberts, has litis Uny been dissolved by mutual consent. Both members oi the old firm will give at tention to nil tins linn now has in eourtor lu hand. Col. Roberts will oilice with t lie Ordinary and Co). Smith at his preseut olllcc. This l-'ebimiry 2nd, 18S5. M. M. Smith, W.T. ItoBKKTS. wi t I will send a Sil ve l - Dol- lxi>OXlCy 1 larmaay gentleman or lady ont of employment who will take th* trouble toauswer this advertiaenaent ami !■- close the return postage. I will also mail you instructions lor making money whlcli will enable you to realize a fortune.* Buslneso new, livht, genteel audstrictly honorable. Address f"< Linuskv, Jacksboro, Campbell co., TmU). •> Bueklen'* Arnien Salve. The Best Salve in the world fwCulF. P.rui s. sores V-Ctr. s-elt l.ii< i w, 1 evil ts<.i<s, letiesiChapp d Hand .Uldlblalnu/'ernsand all Skin Eruptions, and p isitivdy cures Piles, or >o pay rojuired. it is guaranteed I o give perfect seusuvcli<m, or money refund *!<’< rsale by G. G,Hudson, Dougla- vilte.G t eug22ly, A (IrfiU Disecvery Tlr-ti* daily bringing joy to the homes of thmisands by saving many of ttmir dear one fro n :in •• >rL gr><\ . Truly Is Pr. King s new I'Hi-overy'or omsitmplio , Coughs, Goal*, Asthma. Bromhtti*, Huy Fever, Los* "t Voter Tlckiina io the Tbr<s>t.Paiu in Side and Chest, m uny ills -as.; of the and l ung- GintranteedJ T-lai lw>ttlc free at G. U. Hud i.’s Di ui-Store. L-srg© six* Ji. f *‘, G^. 4-4-r-rex Hint- on Economi- O LLcLjXO ' »cal Ho iso Bnii ting, evu- ■ mining I pint!'* of t'otm-grs «* sting from, 5.5 0 tu< : , W , witli descriptive letter press. 1 svo o , hamisot»«eiv bound in cloth, mailed i <m leeeipl of-*l. ‘ W.u. f. Comsl'ock. PuKS Place, v. \ . ■ I. Gate Notice. Notice Is hereby given Hint J. R. ! Sr., h-s fc petbiy filed I th-.- irftte* of the md - j nary <»f ls>uHas count' ,a petition to be u - I li.wi-ii u»erect a gate acr.--s tiss ,-ul>la: road, known ru. the Ad«rbo!d Frrr l lt »a>i, in sat ! cos: tv. Said jrtOr Ut b* m*«ct«-i near the ' btnluimr* of-mid W F. “ at- -u, s ~ «m in- 11 land neariMld Aderhnld’s Ferry. Sdd petK ! lion wlHheheard hy hi«Bon ■>, H.T. Co •orr ! rj--.lii.aiy, oi th“ first Tu,a«l ; iy in March, 18 f. This Feb. !M l:8< Smith <v Ronrßts, ’. D. Camp, Attorneys o- P -tit am r. i SELF-CURE. • fevSsSi A favorite prescriptloa of one of th* • rnvet acted end s-j.-cesstul ia th* C. s. ‘ ■' (nowretirrdi for theenreof len«.u» DeMHr-v. ’ I.esf rr -«M.‘*o»*t. n’eofr'iM. and I la pinta eden'rein;* 1 />*•-. i>ni*gb><*caa talik i Address OR. WARD A CO., U«hty», Mo. sEitsnaiaw a 43 d *9 ,1 OfAce’a >•-’ lo' ■P-* M '“bi 1 - < l Ir>r’ Am es Ji'.M. K-* U H “X*. At. Mi-w. WI J.I rritb-xit <W-bt rr-e—-i > * 93 ErJ fe .A Aa/ *3* ‘ S’ - ** l f®** tb *“ i-y —; . Hir iroem w l.s* sikcply ! been Mfccifsfcflrur; »» b*<ro t»e-«rd "t «*—* of c*»r ■ cored of nun lli'ini--*o»*’t<rcure. *1 *’T*^**^ l Tr ** u -‘**"**• C-.-er.Q. sad - ! D? X... * Jot T«i. ‘ r«w»n-'RiTTTQ. • iJ-pU Ho r ItTTx.m. cfUw »«•** ISC ««4 ftML—X«mM 3Aak«> ‘ O-f MX Crnnr k«K wj .. lt,<Uw« *c WOOK'l; «a-.« mhl mn «. C.;t *• f m; j- x SytScn* fs-'M wev*' by omT <' »<fcrWc rnw» Art »r««4w-'< »* 4r « «•«*, HI. l.k’.J ««<■«.<Ft. c. i.:lAtßsr r~«- w V«<, s*»nr. I* w> SS- Mee ** . J». te* • «*.)•«•»«> 1a am*'sms.a; THE CHIC AGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement Mint inventive genius, skill and money can produce. ooi ™i ‘ 088111 n® EXCEL ™ •**— These excellent Organs nre celebrated for • volume, quality of tone, quick response, variety > of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, ranking them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED EEi’L'TAXION, LXEQI ALLD FACILITIES. SH ILLED WO RM HEX, REST MATERIAL, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THK POPULAR ORGAH Instruction Books & Piano Stools CG&kigues & Price Lists, on application, pree. The Chicago Outage Organ Co. Corner Randolph and nun Streets. CHICAGO *' A TALE OF TWO CRUTCHES. A Well Known Citlaen of Atlanta Lays Down his Crutches. I have only a few words to say, wtrtoh ar* to state that I have been confined to my bed for two months with what was oaJted Korvona Rheumatism, or Statics. I was oily enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and tn this condition I commenced the use ot B. B. 8., four bottles of which en abled me to ditcard the nse of my erutohee and attend to business. I had previously used ail well r*o<Maruon<ie<i medkdnoe without relief. It Las been over two mosMie since using . B. B. B„ and I eosindor myseif a permanently - cured man. J. P. DAVIS, Atlanta, Oa. (West End.) FRIGHTFUL NASAL CATARRH. Pfeees of 8000. Far tour years I have boon sfMicCt* wW* a very troublesome catarrh »f *e head. So terrible has its nature i*Miu tbet when I blow my nose MnaJl pieces of bones woaid tr«q*eaMy crime ont rrf my month and noee. The dis ohargo wus oepiooe and at times exceediagty efianstv*. My Wood beoMuc so impar* the* Hy gvnonti health was gtwally hniMtitad, wit* poor appetite and worse d.gutdtoa. Numerraa moctkdnta wwe need wtttiotti natti I bepm tb* use of B. JJ. Di, sud ft re* txwties acted atiuewt tike fimoe j Shei.-; uta *« a ayruptoiw bM returned, and I f Sml > every yrny tputo rMtorad to heaft*. I tan aa Wd ctttßen of Atlanta, and v»*er to *• meet any oo* living en Butter street, and mor* particularly to Dr. k M. (EUmb, wk* knows : ft ay oaa*. Rm. sires Kmn*. W* wftt uMfi «a appUetMntt to anyone inter ested tn Mood mad BWo DteeasM, Swohtia, ftaaomatiam, KMaey Troubles, etia, wondef fal and an*aa«tiwuaWe testiuaocy ot cures dOM«d by tite smb rtf B. B. a, tbs qrfk'fcrat lto*d >Wfl«r rwfcuowo. laotge bottt« st.<® dtefcrftMi Dnoteto, or R» ywMiaia«N4Ror pttto*. Aaxm) balm ca, A4k»*a,a*. ' A HOME DRUGGZSf TESTIFIES. w Popularity at heme ie set always tha beet test ci merit, but we point proudly to the i set Fiat no otli»r ir xiietoe has won for itself rush universal appreciation In 'ts own city, •Wtte, and country, and among all people, m Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The following letter from one of our best known MacKtehtuetts Druggists should be ot iu joresl to every sufferer:— RHEUMATISM. ter* that I *ould not ®or» from th* bed, or drws, without help. I tried aeveral reme dies withoat mu«h if any relief, until I took AVEB’s SajmapaßlU-a, by the t»e ®f two bottita of whieh I was coinpletely «nre<L Have sold Urge qnantitir* or roar Babsa- • PAHIL-.A, am! it still retains ns wondcrfal FH'ulariti. llio nit.'-y nwtnblo eures H I>«* t in this vicit ity *onvinoe me that it h the beut btood ruedlslae aver offered to tlar Bsblio. E. V. HABBia." JU ver BL, Euekland, Mans., May U, lt«. Sail EBEu’l, was for over twenty year* before his removal to Lowell kffLieted With Halt Rheum in It* worst form. Its alterations actually covered more than half the surface of his body and limbs. H* was entirety eared by Avbb’s BBisapajulla. So* oerufisabe in Ayer's Albmum fcr ISO. t purr A3K» mr Pr. J.O. Ay»r A Co., Lowen, Mgu. SoMbyttlDreggtoui «i, dta batatas ft* Sfe Haaltii is taW HiSZa Db K C. West's Nbbvb axs Bxaim Tctaiu rnciT, a gnarantacd specific Tor Hystcna. Dtzzu nasa, (Xinvtdnmm, Norvcua ?-■ nraigia, Htedarbo,Nervous Prostration caused ty thouso of alcohol or tobacco, WrJcefalnees, Mental Do- Etou, teniog of Brain neuiumjin in- y and tendm* to misery, decey *rd death, untu.-o Oi l Afre, Bamrnota, JLoee of power tn either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sperm®t trrhcea caaeod byovw-exortion <>f tl obtain.eeu- Bbcm? or <»er4ndnlgenca. Lach box coiUains one month’s trs»orm?Dt. fl A) a box, or si x bo~es torSMUssat by mail prspaiden receipt or price, WK «HABA3TTKC SIX BOXES To cure any case. With tach onhr for me Imixm, acoompained with gsyn. w* will •and She varctmsee ocr written jnxaraatta tb fond th* inonej if th* treatment do*ax»t®ata4 a core. JOHN C WBST & CO, BS2 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, »LLS., fcjhj llvp'i '.Tota l Livvr Hdk Tli© Weekljr Star. DOUuLASVILLL, GA. A Fi > nr-I’age, Twenty, four Col ; iinm Weekly, pii'3te<l*ali at home. ’ ’ ■ I » I is iim iHi-ii to g vo to b-town of D .iie lar villea lu-wsv. rjney, local t‘bee | ; »o Donv lascoa- ty a ti s* c hub I'ountv l’a» er~f«>s> ■ ering the mental, moral a <1 non- rial ii - tenets of the Town, Oounij a d wnli/uous trciii.ns—givi .tr th- N: w-of ilie day. I In )>oliticß, the pap»r will be Democratic On the Tempera»'ce question it will favor piobibition hy lo< al option. Il will be the friend pftbe Farmer, encouraging Air cul tmre. The Mechanic will *e* Gist it honors the honest toilet, recognlz ng the nobility of Labor. . ■ i pon .11 ti Minus organ,ie u»,-n uinco w v ill upenk out. c.mdidlt end wl l rl to the on none ever nd vocal iue Unit side of any queMion *.v! Ic’i vve think will ie •<! to elevate— mori.’.ly, n.entally end m.-ter>al y —the rm'«f-e« of the pe >pio, tor the general prosperity |s contingent upon the veil bins of the individual. The paper will be largely I-cal in its ma' c tip anti elreulntitir. but o” que-tii'ti* in* and Nati-nai s tre will not hesit »te to express • ur views. SI.OO A Year Cash. » t I I I. I i Chas, O. PubUslier. sfflSTETfEnw PII CSLEBRATEfI r By the use of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters the haggard appearance of the counte nance aud sallowness of dyspeptics are a (anted by a healthier look, and as the is assimilated, the body acquires sub stance. Appetite is restored, ana the nerv ous system refreshed with much needed dumber, through the use of this medicine, which is also boneficial to persons of a rheumatic tendency, and an inestimable ‘ preventive of fever und ague. For sale by ah Druggists and Dealers generally. 1520511 Taaß fiSniiiiM IgTOimc fe. Bide?’! its fas 7l wl'i* purify and i»nri*-b the V.i.COD, rvynisie Av LiVkGMi'l KiCl.lSi.Vtf, »-'»lAu*TOji, tme y »AX.ra and V.ux-h of Therm! laall those uisvK.e. re<|idri:i9' a certain mid clAcluti Ti'NIC, «»;»ecii«lly Jiy.’i|i<-q*la.*»Vaid oi Z|i|-eliite.lß<!lsif line. Lin k <•;’ burnatii, etc., tie e.v i- narkwil vrHli luonii'.lalv a.iu v.<>:;<<«:;u< n se./t*. lone., wr.i l-'* ami m rv< .- rei-vlte s ew forte. Xullieat l!i« mint! and Mipjille* Bruin Fun cr. I R *1 VA FUfferii.f trolls nil -omptatnta .A 8 K-'l) pijeiilrtr p> tli-ir v.lll I’.milfu DA. KAKTEd'fi IT.QN TC.’NIO n mail s p-edy euro, it give, i , le-.-r and i'o/Ilfi) eoiupiixiev. cisoiieci.t ti-ilmonr tu I lie rultii «< Ds. U. xi-.TKr,'* Tofilt: is that frtaw.eni *1 evuulurf, iihtf; hav-only vd'lr* 1., thupe r.ihr. <) t>( the oi-lrliud. Ii yoi; e*rim»i!<r desire feraitA 10 Met •xperleio-.t- set the OKtrilkAl. /.Bn BBlt-f --/vbeed ywar addtvM to The Or. ) »-’■<»■ Kwl-CtaX ?< it. Louie, Mu . lor wr ''inti,AM BOOK." 3 allot cud «*>fui iMkrmatton,fteo./” 'At. Har-jf s iivcm i onic is fcv Sale by AU OttUOttSTB ArW ElfcAUm Evgf>rWH£F2a. The Emperor Izrais Napoleon wnoked only the ftnest cigars Ute world could pro duoe. Prof. Honrford fc»ys the Kmpcror n cir»r» were made spiertally for him tn Ka ▼Utefmm larJ tob*aco frown lutlnGoliSet* Belt of Xorti. Carolina, thi»be;Bf Uiafinevt j leaf grown. BLaekweUT P-’-U Pwham Bmvltina' Toteoso la made from the sama I leaf used in the Empewrir sd*Am. ia at-eo lutely pure and is unaußsttauablj' Uw beet toh»oe«v<ur offenA Thackeray’• gifted danefctor. A raw. la her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, tn JtvntHf, tel’u* 'J her virit to th* gr,"*t j-wi She found turn emoldwr Blsr twtiPs I‘vl) Durham Tobacco, sent lilc. by Ban. Jms re IlnsaeU Loe ell. American liinlgtcr to the Court of BL J antes. In tUoee da ya of adulieratiou. Him nctn fort to amokei* to two*- that tbo Lull TXJ-- ham brand ie abooluUly train, and made ferena Um baa* tobtuexi the world produoca ibackwaiFs Ball Duritein Hmokuar To baooo is tLa 6m< and pw»et aWa. All dosdraa have U. Xaee rauutite totbeat the tndejaAik of Ute B«dL touwwv"*wd*ci —r>w»* »e—*■»»* wte*wwta«ar-v*- iw ' — iwi —ta"n -wi IT A T T VEGETABLE HaZilW SICILIAN Hair. Benewer. Seldom does a popular remody win rnoh a Strong hold upon the public oonfldenoc os has Hall’s Hau; Uejcewmb. The caees in which tt has accomplished a coxnpiete restoration of color to the hair, and vigoaxus health to the Scalp, are innumerable. Old people lit* it for its wonderful power to restore to tbefr whitening locks their original «olor and beauty. Middle-aged people like it because it prevents thorn from getting bald, keeps damt-ufl away, and makes the hair grow thick and strong. Yoong ladies like 16 •a a dressing because it gfrec th* hair a bean- Clful glossy lustre, and enables them to drees it in whatever form they wish. Thus it is th* favorite ot &U, and it has become so simply boc&UM it disappoints no one. BUCKINGHAM’S DYE FOR TUB WHISKERS Has become one of the most Important popu lar toilet articles for gentlemen’s use. Whe* the board te gray or naturally of an uixk slrable shade, BccmsaKA*’* Ptb to tl«> remedy. I-3FPAKKU BY B.P.Han & SoJdbyallDmggista. , LORIIA \ HACOSOY SNCFF. C A ’TCi ) < C > J > < >ll ’2 TB. ti •» .tr , if.-i 4 •*n <!-u« hen • I npen Ute <w«-ir<*t. In -rt«o • r r*- hUrtg <'Ur* »< to deco ve the unwary, w» r Hid request to* pijtel«»K»r t»« • •* that the rad 111 in-graphed tin cumin which it ih packed » .w-»ys near liwr .‘r'antf wut T*-*kf« , --W'C*'J I J. £r> buying th* iutfiAiion ym i»*y »» ouch hw an inferior article•»lira cnaior cod-. BK BURR TOU OBTAIN THE UF.NUiNK. LOBILLARV’B CLIMaX HKD TIN-TAO PLUG TOBACCO. rhe Finest Sweet N »vy Chewing 1 übacco ale . ie Gwnola*a.way* b*-.r- a Mt-J T'r-rs-? v.Hh • «<ur «»me tb<T-on. U«W<*rta v/ uZi Ao 3