The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 10, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gfiSTHTlfc CELEBRATED A ? JlmK ° ■ ** • * j&fefc ©TO3KACH _. B|TTER S ’ By the use of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters the haggard appearance of the counte nance and sallownees of dyspeptics are supplanted by a healthier look, and as the food is assimilated, the body acquires sub stance. Appetite is restored, anti the nerv ous system refreshed with much needed i slumber, through the use of this medicine, which is also beneficial to persons of a rheumatic tendency, and an inestimable preventive of fever and For solo by til. Dr.uggtsls and Dealers generally. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell’a Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit is to guarantee the payment of the 25 premiums fully described in our former announcements. 'Die premiums will tie paid, no matter how small the number of bags returned may be. <W!«e BlarkwtlPt Durham.Tobacro Co.,\ Durham, W. C., Man ID. 188 k I P.A.WILEY,E-y. u , Cashier Baah of Durham, Durham, h'. C. Dear 8i«: We fncloao you SIISW.(W. which please place on B|><tetsd Deposit to yay premiums , For our empty tobacco burn to be returned D<mj. lUII. Yuure truly. 3. 8. CARR. President. OJJiee of th* Bank at DwrAamJ Durham, N. C., May 10,1884.) 3. B. CARR. Esq.. Isreal. Blatkv*'V» Durham Tobacoo 00. Dear Btn:—l have to acknowledge receipt of 511.9M.C0 from you. which we have placed uj'on I Special Devoaitfor the object you utato. BPW1 “ *Yo U x»truly. F. A. WILEY. Caebler. | None genuine without picture of BULL on the package. IWSoe our other announcement. scsomvi’' . moss i Mol*Sn.K UTS*.<-««rAWOWI I GLAWLAR | ' STOWG-8. 11 j O'Wsi—i WS.Mmwis ,er t <a»V*taM«4sß U KPSOiS hhllswbsl UKHCMM , . fisramci! pxm laiwKi Bk D? □ r BWCItS, . $ emw, |i ,* k I WWI sXL_Bfe2i_Ji $ OKOiNA, $ CT JIMIIIUIIW V ** ? *?t‘r 4 rni'n3 ♦ And all Impurities of this Owe tattle of It 11. Ji. will s-ouvUco s->y one of lig pre at miner ioriAy over ull others ■ for the mpUl aud powerful cum .oil ■ Blood Pol.* Xl curve iu leas than vnjs. I half the Umo usmuly roqnit>o<l bj ony 1 <»U>*r treatment. €ta« thoueand vaaoacsuwdl ! AUmula. St'Utl A:r 2iot«id I Vvy one boitla for your blood. Ss>ld t»i r-U I Uusut Buttlaa, «1. I Bleed Bdm Co., PropX 7SX Whitehall t'tn A3UULXXA ,OX IgrWc lbeba*t P.''ii »u 4l■ • }•„■< *» . . ..» .v. . Oe.ted *.t. >J- ' . ■ • .•■'■ - 1 Mid a *w»d fmkl *« '»«•.■'!; <>*.' ■• .Is-di ceu-»■•• •’« Ui*:i lit.' pr..-v ’.4 "a . h . t ■ .C. TUo Ar. S v ( ..eo< r.*wMid »• A ‘‘J u' 4 ‘ *•’ «* o. tji p.u’. «b«r h’i» i.» t w >■ M lo».i »>.■ . !'»•■ scale J .J feV.4whx luPtH*. hi <• i» «*» i . : i |M«r»r» u »’ S k C«c . >(l lb l S.“ ‘ ■»’•? It astel. 1.1 only .'.A. Kt • w sv > ■ >» i•■ >.’ at.ivt ta rx'i'M I couma* .*iox nr<*X K’ v -Th-fi Ul» /*> *< W. »A »o ; A< u . ? fcx.aj! r<«,,.»/ V a The CsvH «r» lea. ro.,’ib> .ws HU ereoo Es*«* I »T’ll'»'s*'4 tM r ' if' s ' •.1.-sJMIa I that ? B -s > hI. U- W*i Vi <.l ‘ T?v : V! M&sciMt* (WMs ■'Kta-s. *.. Ttoe tlerfs* .t» d I >■>’«' *■ f; u d'- ’7 ia:»t. v 5«1.n l.' t» . ! st.- WVy ’d' tand pxxr wile a» :r> ‘J“c ' «" *'*■ wMs.aciUM <Us to <ga W.iu<« s ! s. K.sars rhwe « *tvi * J*" a .1 «s hk»«’* l» t iiwi’ for fkrsw.rtw. it t «eto « 4 ua»ti«t« ourwt.lj. a-<i u u> A a’«T b '‘wacvixe Ito. U ATf 4BVKY WATt K wStiM IM .»■ t.< i«Ss&tK *»4 »»wi4*br known m th* et»ea» Ww.« w v .. jwtU:-„ Fee wet» St ih< Mastcu rstui t»»* tayffi’Sts ’ "-•■!•• ."stesr m «<i K «»<ki ta»* -4t»r. wo’etM Si :«•» u.n , A be isMtfM f*w at t'w Jwwr**l »»A Hwad t»- wtKi * *»• '-V w:M tie Met .sne ye*r ftw 81-Ml. naenle «xx .a •Mat tree of rbir-rw Mwvi *-.<**• >■*£ W**®* *■* •.-tote IV. N. |i M-DEM AS. IM* 9CSK?i' ) V mJ <>. LiiinmlSeL K, . «r I*, f . A' I *. I >V rubHehNt L-<u;s *d I ■MBU<ta-»sfilr.f> TEE CSL7 TRUE is-romc FA6TB REOASBOW 3?, Edu's hi M It will peril* >xnd enrich the Pl OOD.rWiluto lb<. LiVrßi.ivi til ( s<Vfc.V3. v>i'‘ I'-bstoks; t;ik EEAT.T& B.ndV;eOKefYOUThil Is ail ttioso ii.3c.och requiring ucc-rtuln nita « r !iclan TONIC, cs’>e<’i:.lly i’v.-p'-'Mlu.Wunioi Appetite.ln<llce»- t’6:i. i.-.xK <’f btfengUi, etc., ils use is niarkud Willi luiinv'lit:t a aud ss'onital'lul results. Hones, uviscius Mid nerves rewh u iiv* force* ICiilivens t’j.j mind and supplies Brain Power. ft a' < -1" sulßriiijr lien, all complaints 8... t 6£,s2> peculiar to l.hfeirsex will f.tidln L'X jIAbTUiVS .POM TONIC a safe and spvedy enre. iWivc-r a cP,ar nn.i healthy eoijipioxion. Tiie enrotij/csi. lesiikiouy to the value ot I>R. rl v.Tkr.’s Ikom To.xtw Is ’hat frequent aitempls »t cotintcriviting hav«- only added to the popular- Uv or the o-ieini.i. H you struestlj doslro do not experiment—get the OutoiMAL and /vpoud your arfdreee to The Th-. Barter Mcd.Ca. h MJt j/snir., tla., fir our •'D.tC.Exlit ROOK’.”-H str.. '.-a exd ua.-ful infjrxntttion,' •■■>«. Harter s laon Tonic is for Sale by AU 2_ ' 5112" nr4 '- rA gVE«YWHMB»» A TALE OF TWO CRUTCHES. A Well Known Citizen of Atlanta Lays Down bte Crutches. I have only a few words to say, which are to ; state that I have l>een confined to my bed for I two months with wbat was called Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and in this condition I commenced tho use of B. B. 8., four bottles of which en abled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. I had previously used all well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over two montha since using B. B. 8., and I consider myself a permanently cured man. J. P. DAVTH, Atlanta, Ga. (West Bind.) FRIGHTFUL NASAL CATARRH. Pieces of Bono. For four years I have been &ffil«|»d with a very troublesome catarrh of the head. So terrible has Us nature been that when I blew my n >se I'tnsll pinces of bines would frequently come out of my mouth and nose. The dis charge was C9p#eu3 and at ttmes oxccedinfiiy offensive. Ky blo'»d became so Imptiro that my general health waa greatly ln>p.Ur«-d, with poor ap)>< ttte oral worse digestion. Nuincrr'us medtemes were used without robes, until I begun the usa of B. B. 8., ami three bottles acted almost magic. Since their use not a sympt om has returned, end I feel In every way quite restored to health. I am an old citizen of Afluuta, and re»er to al most any ono living on Butler street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M. Gilliun, who knows of my MtlS ttLIZABWIfi Khot 0 . We will moil on application to anyone Inter ested in Mood ami Skin Dugases, Scrofula, Rhi.nnuitiwn, Kidney TrcuiVcs, etc., wonder ful and unquestionable testimony of cures effooled by the use of B. B. B-, the qclektwt Blood Put-tier ever known. Barge bottles >I.M) ar h*X for »eoo. Bold by all Druggists, or Ex pressed an receipt of price. BLUOD BALM 00., Atlanta. Go. Rgajft is Weshh! Efagli Dk K C.'Wkst’s Nx*vh asd Pkaiw Bknt» B gtmrnnt3od tprifio for Jlygttna, Dixxi* }«». Convulsion?!, rits, Norvor.’i .-v'urclM"* lleua>ichn, Nervous ProtM ration caused » y lb© nre of alcohol or tobacco, y*at;;lPo- pfWMon, Boftoning of Vie Jltain rvnuliingin m eanity and leading to misery, deeny and death, i’roir.aturo Old-Age, Darronnooe, Lewi of pomw in either mix. involnntary Leases m>d Speimut orrhoja caused byover-cx; rtion < f U-obrtisn.etlf- Bbinoor c.YaMJuhdyenca, llach box co: tains enjmon*!i'sv»utn.ciit. box.ortoixboxes preptudun receipt of price. WE BIX BOXES To cut. any care. With Pitch onier v'ceivod by us for tax bosun, aocomjqt nrd with ih.'.XX wa will ecud iho turd'Aivr our written guarantee to re fzmdthe money if the treatmontdoesxu*tcli»c4 ucure. Gnumnttao iawned only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., CC2 W. MACISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sols' Prop's West's Liver Pills. PAWW yHIMM wmnrrnr-iTi n —f ■ v.— -,r-- —mmis SyfgSSfVrs' s^yJiAch -j-K-— ‘S JVeyrinfc'r/, Atimatm, Go. zgpuKoie asxaa.fira*®* For all Injuries In man or ben*t nothing equate Haxavna Likimkitt. 4jW° FREE! ®>RELWDI£SHf-CaRE. A favorite prescription of one of tiie wositaited and successful »pecialt»t» in th" V. •*. I p«w r» for the cure of A err*** I>* &*liry, ta»< Xt.* I *®**. Ora knew* *n J Oormn- Scot L> 11 *'« »-■ -Lied et> vsta,*/>**- Dru»gtaiacan nil ik Alters** OB WASO A CO.. Louhu’ao, Me. A LwidhiaL'-ndwwFhy auelatoFareblteibeanA Ni 3 Oflkw is New > ark. iKsT I r'‘i’» A»- J«<crtud es M*4- Vi ••t'v. ib. Mwr-’o. who U'W>**te»‘* < tkpdrvM frl Sli4» -ot t.-velsu »ad enred t-i'srt mu than bsM *Mr® -h eg; •'■» !’»’• Nre-d cf «ssn» «f -wr i> *MC**l*n>.*l^rewrrd.tetuaa. tiecure. '»Y*«aa» »**Afcsai C.isf.O. and BJI’aM. AjS’ubJLE. s’.'. M Jo»inßt.,Nrer Tudu An Old Soldier’s EXPERIENCE. “ Calvert, Texas, May 3,1883. “ I wish to express my appreciation of the valuable qualities of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. ** While with Churchill's army, just before the battle of Vicksburg, I contracted a •&- vere cold, which terminated in & dangerous ctrtigta 1 found no relief kill on our maieh to enure to a country store, where, on asking for some oemedy, I was urged to try Ai'EE'a ClIBB»¥ PEOTORAJb. “ I did so, and was rapidly cured. Since then I have kept ths Pectokal constantly by me, for family use, and I have found it to bs an invaluable remedy for throat and lung diseases. J. W. Whitley.” Thousands of testimonials certify to the prompt cure of all bronchial and lung affections, by the use of Ayee’s Cheeky Pectoral. Being very palatable, the young est children take it readily. PEEPAKED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co.,Lcweil, Mass, Sold by all Druggists. TJVXXTTr wEKvorsbe&rtrr?, Wy. fr rev. euroerovs ob HASEE'fcggag -a-w •< ~ v : ’W 2vn t orx; nr.-Cn >or!i. b' <% uct U'U’ jrittt V .r.t Uflh a o *• a a I <■•'* by J *Hu»u cUUltt aS A. Saoiw’Cr.r« <••*■«■, «’-« I uoable*. »»et tri? use cwai .-for, | Jxr nr j tr.»l v-k- ;* ■ J -A JSTU | <?.u i-.tirU, aii<l tl et in- | na yl»jy fiV I terferc witu i.u-r.:!»n be*l- £«.*b UllivUif | nr'a .or cmwa p.ia or ixko r ;- * I .'-*iurxc. F)' e«. «:i* UKrTevitod forovse 6 j ! <*ro?/H~ in fvor ar. I yoniS Ly in thOU- I Uon. J';FCCtAr;piiuSlh»nbC tiw? Mndn of mum. j w -‘ >•]; • —• jCr'k d-.i.'.v. iMrVilaiiUnna I ’T'ti A/SS* or’Ju L. in it orri’i 1.1. A’, u. fj ■’oil I’o'. ! PAOKAdiC. ' r : *»ft ‘ ivl ' *-' r t’ r\h'f'.< poiicut ta-rv. ! n.’d I Srh'D AMpr.LSS *•-> • *» Cbedi’A. | BQdJ4 horth i M-- fil., St. L'luia, Ms, Cl f?AvM/fi .‘Fa' t .irtr.i- , -rMj».fi« s ; %:3iisir?te $ : ; W 1 Verbunis historic. It was neutral ground durlngthe armistice Ixif ween tiherntan uud Jobmon. Soldiers of both armies filled thoir ponchoa with ths t ibacco stored there, and, after tho surrender, marched home ward. ft .on orders came from East, West, ( North and South, for “more of that elwant 1 tobiicix).’* Then, ten meu an unknown factory. Now it employs SCO man. uees the pink and pick of the Golden IP,It. and the Durham Bull is the trade-mark of this, tho tc..t tobacco in tlm world. Blackwell’* Bull IPubam Smoking Tob»ceo has the largest sale of any smokitur to bacco In the world. Why? Singly because it U the bett. All de%le*s have It. Trado-tnark of the BuIL i 1 ■ f~LOOE cui”lt|® V<< n f D’JRHAM ! I n U.-dgone fcr a rack- ( I I ’a.T; -«o ™ Bliu kweU's Bull J A Durham Smotonv To- F * fecfsU bartiji as ho was tofld. he i 1 _ p-wouldn’t have lieon | ; 1 *C 'J * Jir * ©c.merml by the bull. ' Aik VL. ' I illO^RvI 1 - « - . • - . •■ - -MkX' - . • - —i - ■ • ••• -■ a»~“. » -me. a—z-.: a WMHWHTffIINS* WE HAVE THE Largest cd Best Equipped Armory la ths World! a:;d consequently the best of facilities for manufacturing and TESTING FIREARMS. WE HAVE MADE OVER ONE MILLION MILITARY RIFLES Which have been adopted and are in twe in EVERY QUARTER OF THE GLOBE. REMINGTON SHOT GUNS I ARE NOTED FOR THE GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED AT ALL RANGES. WE REFER TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USED THEM. ! OUR HUNTING AND TARGET RIFLES Have taken HIGHEST AWARDS at Internationa! F.xpoutkms, aad PRINCIPAL PRIZES ia Leading Matches. . ° ARE UNEQUALED FOR Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration, Precision, Ease of Action, and Rapidity of Fire. ' E. REMINGTON & SONS, NEW YORK OFFICE, SSI 233 BROADWAY. ARMORY, ILION, N. Y. Cr Ssmd for Illustratkd Catalogue. ■ ■■ - - - - i. ■■■.■■ - n . - I ifiFffiNIMBI PMRG&TIVE D|| fft FARSI ! And rriU completely change the blood In th® entire cyatasn la three months- Any prron »ij will lake 1 Fill each liiplil from 1 to I'4 wechs, may be reitcred la suund health, if an Uft thing be possible. iwx Female Coiapt i'nta CLetj Fill® have no equal. I rhj*l< !..aa a 5 them far the care *.f MA LR ead F.IDNET diseases. Fckl everywhere, | or &<nk by nitul Idr *sc. ia ttomp*. Ctrexilme free. I. 8. JOHNSON A W-, Mau. WfHlroOr: jkj ' .1 *h>jr 'Lif'‘ : i kfrt .. * <«-***. hl A? J C:.e»■.«*, and wi» ptisiurtly cere ire rise* I bia h JOHN'SOH‘S At’ODYEE LU'IPE* i* CCRE3 Inftaww*. El-xeas a* >» Lmc* Hoar**. M>«. lli-L..-; Ccc.L, wunJF'As < t. > u.i T.;rr!iaa. jKaeMrrn ChsWa IJdney IrvcJs*, aad ieaLsiivf u« c... •- i. .«< ."» ■..'*• I..t* Lb- JOAl.jvb A CO. Aa-i. ei.yiFiXT.Viv'ZUK’t: ns s E5u a gssffigsislE lm” <J* *• »'••>•* <KA*T I^— ( vUUIjc-mL- ?-» 4-f 1 1..4. U»_i .„j> <-J curemjCt-Lrs-JU. £ Zev tby»*iS !««£.!■ GHICKHN CMOLURA.I vu^Xratie Fs‘JtduX Y’ i cv‘‘ ’LaXX J£*M. Opens Tuesday, Oecesiber 10,1884 In the presence qf the Presidents d tM Amqrtsaa B-enublioa, yiei Arthur, of tbh Utfitcd SiaSea; Tnah (?I Mcxiedj Barrkw, oiG&atßmaAj SW’ dttraa. The Colossal Exhibit of all_Time! ■ » Sixteen (16) Immense Exhibition largest building ever erected, another— the largest Conservatory in the World. 90 Acres of Space Under Cbver! Loir Transportation Rates sh-om all Points. Ample Accommodations at Reasonable Mates fcr all Visitors. During the period of the Exposition, from Dee. k>, 18S4, to June I, 1885 the temperature at New Orleans averages 65 Fahr. The lawn and shrub berv remain green, flowers bloom, fruits ripen, and all kinds of vegetables grow and mature. -V, Full information promptly furnished. Address, * D. A. BURELR, Director Reneral, '" Jfcw Orleans. JLsa. \tjjf i iie most popular Weekly newe J , paper dayotad to silence. >n-chames, e- , Rinoonnjr, discoveries, inventions and paten., ever published. Every number illustrated with Fplenaid engravings. This publication, furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no parson should be without. The popularity of the Scientit'io Amt.rican is such that its cir culation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Trice, 5: 3.20 a year. Discount toClnbs. Sold bv alrn-wsdeaierr-. MUNN 4 CO., Publishers, No. 3GI BrXdway, N. V. BA srs r.v » • Hvat AJ felN ! et-arvAouicauawKJKixaMa practice before tho Patent Office, and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou - F.ncl applications lor patents in the United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copyrights, Lssiguments, and all other papers for inc to inventors their rights iu ths >d States, Canada, England, I< ranee, any and other foreign countries, pro at short notice nnd on reasonable terms, jrmation as to obtaining patents checr given without charge. Band-booka or nation sent free. Patents obtained i through Munn <fc Co. arc noticed in the Bcfentino American free. Tho advantage of such notice ie 1 woil understood by all persons who wjbU to dispoea ’ ° l t Addre“s e MUNN A CO., Office SCEOTCma Amejucan, Xi Broadway, Now York. 1 A HOME DRUGGIST I TESTIFIES. i Popularity at home la not always the best test of merit, but we point proudly to the fact that no other medicine has won for itself suah universal approbation In its own eity, state, and country, and among all people, as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The following tetter from one of our bc«t known Masaa-chusette Druggists should be of interest to every sufferer:— RHEUMATISM. <sliL>VlllnS lUlstJ Kheumatiam,soee vere that I could not move from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several reme dies without much if any relief, until I took ATBB’I SARSAPABILLA, Vy the use of two bottles of which I was completely cured. I Have sold largo quantities of your Sarsa- Farilla, raid it still retains its wonderful ! popularity. Hie many notable turee it ’has effected in this vicinity convince me that it I fe the trest blood medicine ever offered to the 1 pablic. JL. F. Hakbis.” ; liiver St, Buckland, Maes., May 13,18a2. i <M!T nilHiBA Georoe Atobbws, ’ Xoi i nHrlml overseer in the Lowell j Hi*LUlvil Carpet Corporation, i was for over twenty years before his removal I to Lowell afflicted with Salt Rheum iu its 1 worst form. Jta ulcerations actually covered I. more than half the surface of his body and | limbs, 110 was entirely cured by Ayer’s I BJocsaparilla. Seo certificate in Ayor’a Almanac tor 188 X . i J, NXFAHRD UY Dr J.O. Ayer & Co. ( Lowell, Mats* Jjtold bgjtUPaotftet tor 9% THE CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that invontive genius, skill and money can produce. nm ' ORGAN n BIBMSWSSb ™' BI! 15 mE EMEL. ' IEiB — ‘ These excellent Organs are celebrated fbi volume, quality of tone, quick response, variety of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, UIEQIALEB FACILITIES. SHIELED WORKMEN, BEST MATERIAI., COMBINED, make this THZ POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books & Piano Stcols G_Xfi3ogues & Price Lists, on application, free. The Chicago Cottage Organ Co. Corner Randolph and Ann Streets, CHICAGO. ‘ • ■» • itWttftl The beet evidence In the world of the puriiy and excellence of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco ia found in the fact that the fame of thin tobacco increases from year to year. Thia could not be the case if it were merely “ gotten up to sell,” or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it Among millions of users of all nationalities, surely some one would find out if it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the tert in tha world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demandfor it wider, and smokers "■■• more enthusiastic overite t delicious natural flavor. Ask your dealer for it. Mrx Get the genuine—trade mark of the B ull. K There is no mischief donewber* fcfe Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is used. BL Q) ar p9SL wj ■ IT LEADS ALL. No ether blood-purifying medicine is made, or has ever been prepared, which so com pletely meets tho warm or physicians and the general public us Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It leads Dio list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there U a lurK- Cnrnrm a ingteiuc of Scrofula about you. VvßuruLA Atism’s Samsaparilla will m*lodge it arel expel It from your system. F*r ooustitnttonal or scrofulous Catarrh, Firunnti Avk&’s Slabmaxaiulla. to th* Urilnnn!l true remedy. It hM cored MMuberiess eases. It will stop the naiiaeoM catarrhal dlicharges, said remove tho sicken ing odor of the breath, which arc indication* erf scrofulous origin. ULuC.nuvw “At the age of two years otic <Z QnOffQ my children was terribly afflicted vUiiCw with uleoroui running sores on its face and neck. At the eamc time its eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore. Cnnr tveo Physicians told ns that apo w- Uulit Ll CO erful alterative medicine must be employed. They united in recommending Aykk’s Sarsaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; jmhl no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. .. Yours truly, B. F. Johnson.” ■ x PREPARED BY Dr J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist*; <l, six bottles for §5. ~ BEST OF ALLf~ The New American NUMBER Mr LEAPS THE WORLD. Pu.rchaslr.2 Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. v 3- -I-,*. S’.' .w, -iroasti’«- ! 1 ‘r'rr--: 3 f »-i <-■ wri- f. ;». , ' ■-n*«c ■ ky'.ft >»-e—'. <v * S n. I 4... f- > Itl»r*»‘re»» f i« ■ r. t. i. i .*J! ; 111 t. I’ -r* ‘ KU I U l«-—’ Jcr-ft-.-rt,. I«a .... ‘ftOIUKM. » Aa-ao' > LnnoiUtifi tzjUS new Home ■ S, Jifchifi 0 H ■ wHR r t»iA J« stfT; « Sgt* 1 i Ssfe ct^akt 1 c/’As No e quA u ■ ’ jiEWH??Si«affiEG ! f 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK. o \\\C^ o - toSLMja ILL. mass. GA. FOR SfrLE BY i BUCKEYE BUGGY CO, coiiTTAZEB-crs, omos Leading Manufacturer et BUGGIES, PH/ETONS, SURGES BJaJpninHiiH H*ngly or by Car Loud bo odf I*nrta of the U. S» tfiiiiy First-Class Work “ THE BEST IS THZ CHEAPEST." Send for Catalogno showing Thirty Sty to* to off loiihoin. Factory ahd fialecrooßis No,te 162, K>7, IOC, mid 171 North High G»e*i, Columbus, Ohio. Cerrsspendanee with ths TraiCs <K , -■■, ~. . , , . » "3 UTT’S fMLLS *•’ i * «> ■■ Y£A«3 IM Utt*, The Greatest Medical Triumph as tb« Age! SYMFTOMtS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss afappetite, Huwalacoativ*. Fml« la the 113*0, with a dull eent-atioa in tho totelr purv. Pals under th* shouldture blade, Fullness after oatlag, with *dt*~ inclination to rxertinnef body or mind. Irritability <*f temper. Low spirits, with a feeiinjccf hnviitat soghieted ssaac duty, WcHi tnes*. Dizcluea'i, Flattering at Cha Heart. Dots before tho epos, Ho a dacha , evs- Tin right eye, Rant iosea ess, with Ctfn! drenms, Highly colored Urine, and COM3T3PATIOM. I TTTTT’H FILL 3 are especially adapted I to such cases, one doso effects euch u ’ eban,^-offeellngfiitoastontehtliesufforor. Tli y Increase the Appetite,and eaass the tr.dy to Take ou Flesb, thn« the syotem is nourMked.and by thoir Tonic Arttoia on tt.e DiwesiivaCr«BM,Konaiar •trolsore » pro.hi<-• <!. Frloe 44 Itfnrrayjtt-,M,T« bV£ Gbay llaix or WHIBKBM changed to a Glosst Black by a single application of tins DTK. It imparts a natural color, acta ' ir.B’antaneoualy. Sold by Druggists, or sint bv express on receipt of sl. • Office, 44 Murray St., New Yerfc u_< AYER’S Sarsaparilla Is a highly ooaaeataMtod MtaMt dp fiareaparilla and other roads, eoasMxtad with XodMe as Pstaa Slum and Iron, Mid is the (aleet, Most ralfe able, and mota eoenotnX Uood-parider thak eon be seed. 1> tam*»>*y-<BcpsJs a& biood poisons hom fte system, anrlebM and renews the blood, and nateree its vitalising powea. It is the best known remedy for Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Rryaip> alas, Kcsema,' Ringworm, EloCches, } Sorus, Boils, Tnmors, and Eruptions i of the Skin, as also for all disorders caused by a thin and tajxwerished, or corrupted, condition of the blood, such a* Rheumatiam. Neuralgia, Bheumatle Gout, General Debflity, and Scrofaisus Catarrh. - - Is&esaton Rteamtkß Cared. *Arafs St matabuxa Mm etttod me of the Inflammatory Rheumatism, with whteh I have suffered fcr nuuty years. W.JLMoosx." i Darbais, Ito, March I.IMX rmcpuun st ? < Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mim. SaUbyatfCsraggtote; H, tts bcMtas tur M