The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 17, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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4 — (Cntvi in**d from Firet Pape ) an-Tawe ol Idm she bad almost made up her mind to call when, just at dusk on that October evening, somebody came to the door and asked for her. She could see the messenger's head against the low new moon. He was a man servant. He said he had been all the way to her father's, and hftd been sent thende to her here. Ho simply brought a note, and, delivering it into her hands, went away.. ••Margbby Tuokkb" (ran the note),— "They say I am not likely to live, bo I , want to see you, Sp here at eight o’clock this evening. Come quite alone to the’ side door, and tap four times softly. My trusty man will admit you. The occasion is an ‘ important one. Prepare yourself for a solemn ceremony, wbu h I wish to have . i>erforiped while it lies'in my power. ; Xanten.” ,' ' f.. 4 J a (CONTINUED) SCROFCyp - TUMORS cMwF SWELLINGS, OLD TORS ' ATO SORES,; E. BYPSEIS Li® WBM * ® fV tX "KstaM-suw *c«r>tF/VMMv EW & STfSMC ■ >rfi* JU Tall sm ®T" ••—— >wW'' ' ; ff®k LIWtZ 1 ; ec» ■ ;<Mr ' catabbv ■ BWw ~''-ECZEMI •’ * BSE- JR mjßry •■■■■■kMfcV.ea.S.’W, rw IMWW' - ' • ■fcra&tr - ! _ . A ? d * n feewf the Wood. Mlb heMtai *t B. B. B. will >«x>nvin«o «m ' f"*"*' 1 * - «**•• seperibrliy over aU rtlrev Sg*" **• rapid and powerful cure at all to !«.. th» n OM . Jj*w e-tuSiat. On. Liiml ■*.."X ■ Blood v - •■ * •■- *... < **T: x'S s©A» , . n - ”. '■ <*>'£'• 1 : L- *k»ws tawrtlt ito tei *sb.nii'A’* jiurnel, a>4 »b«-4 reUtole *»»h f-r fitij Mnluumri ~ • «*»• tlw >no»»’ *#a>» »bn. ” r of aihlivi I Art .Nftw tOvgrtftrra M » ftfij;:; f-v, y.v.M wm* » • »«*u*s »•«••• i evvaomM o*>s . Two a a •••*:■ J "| I * 'w ?-f« Sza . •».»*! • far •«.■ V * w. wre.» mi wrtaCVenrt »■• iu»»o<nyr»cJ*!,i<r «.i«n»r ©f swr«U«aas4 u*<* »r q» ♦< • ».ia><ly m wcbo*. to In ' U!*l .THIEVING TAWFJ Tt !• te-i *»ll b. <u U .iter H: t ..«rv In «| »*k jirtiWy*’ Mr ■* »*■■'■ suiu#.*«ci2 J..V* ** <*»4 l»r« tw«. Uhs !»(■*»,.t ut.d BHri yttMTcf Iwtu if. d«rk<wi a.vhw tusn< ihd * fekJU 1 * *’ f.raacr., a westo Hvi,toi«Nl •>»»>'» eiHTiatvcv. md i» io. «»rsaaeb!« to s»»ry h'.wattawper T*» WATFUWI'MX W tTCW JnC!. <4 IM As beei £k**r »»*r rises' Were • ■ •.' k * >r “sir • r <sl» W *<cb t»<e ’ todaereke»ey.»ur, >»•».h ti ..-w, • It**^*!*.'* d w«»to when ’ ft* WdA u».f*r thia uSnr, w<ll $1 t.ea Uwa ■ ass W hoauht far at th* „<r ;w fwure-r OotMvr. iRFf 18 ** ¥ 1 Mee*- F-zjb, efvulfrt v*.*b. wulbn sont 6n« ; «*r for fl 1 .jfo. W wur>* c*>( EtasSSSES ; . K-» **• 4hi* ! v'- 11 •* | . -k- •Wthseotntnxmtn rax**”* w*irt flto by Pio* Vtot to Ms ctadtuiuK 3 «u .. j apkM. Ke soya moreso *p.tb*v tha r bs n»4- tFUob is the lw< 7, Th*l *u >' which Wstiwlltobitotobvted . ic«t«i. w %4 CNI WW i vnI*IXME* r WWH^i,4t awv.XQ < f Mas (om twto TUm-A wea. St rhirtuanx. They Vu> vw» r»>'i cf .. \V.v ~* i 8>« «iUte wetL'ti Beres ajt Bmkweff* liM Drtrbwu '• Btuclbijt TrßkS> J» it* < Bißlfif « beat tbs* toWvc Jtonl ISaff'SE' «*• bvy •■■• ’ Tl * Bud tr*d» *» <* Jw . . f evwT weentos Ejfi§ ' **K p*di«tix Hl JBesMedT* Ocnuufa TnS __ g ehe*«- as aS .<TV»» «C ‘ . ttootet'f Totoß** ° -iaateak-. w»«*« -v***»' <**i -oa- «c n y • bthUM* aa ystos » >•.««>■ a? * a aa< fg’*’ »ww was -toe aw tatod «f »#■•» -■•*«*»* te eta WsisM»iji>i Tit j rr*~ '* ■aZeiJSTdtw F.O. syw— mi ■mi in ■ ■!■ hew Home : p^jWtjKi ß ; FJ . VjJL Wil Vol' c.uif t<! , 5g f 6 O s ?s m?, IW 2>rFEct^aBT|CULAR ! P t TO N S, No £ NEWH’SiaiCHIKti / 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK. ILL. MASS. GA. FOR SALE BY Sll w incase-; SIO AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell’® Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Thia Special IXqxeit its to CTiE.rn.nton tho I payment of too 26 premiums fully dtscrfbjd In our former annonnoements. The premiums will be paid, no mat Ur how •mall the number of ban returned' may be. CM— .BUctowfra Pwrikrm fbioeco Ck.,i ft. C., Mat It. »M. I f **’ </■ !>—*<—, ZJvrSß*. V. n. , TMuji arm—V« Intlrex, yen ?n.9«J.w, wiikta I ftaas Hsoe ou HuecteJ Depodi to paypwnmja* I ** fh*tow ftto—c C*. truly. A. WLbKY. Caahtak Bom mnnfiM without piohue of BULL, on the reckagß. car*S«s «n otter sunowteenMnia Mil illlii! o?-53> Fnoprtotorr Judstoa, At. JEJ"JMsic TSTotxx S^ruMWflart itosr It. Fur all iaj cries in me n or b-xust nothing squdfes Bxscwrsu ■LrKixKS.-s, - A-EOMB DRUGGISI • TESTIFIES. r<VlbH>Yat home is not ahrnve too Moot teat of tnerii, but w« point proudly to the taat thrt no plher medicine Hm won for lleolf such universal approbation In tu own esty, stale, dtid country, and among all people, as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Th® following letter from cne of onr beat known U atsaehusette J should be us Interest to every a uEerw: i yore th nt I could not mov» from toe bed, or dnaee, t»ith«>ut help. I trhxl several reme <b«e wltooet inv.ah If aey relief, until 1 x«*h I Ar«u's >?A»eaFjuu:LJi, by too t<M vt t-no bott re of wbteh I wae oomplotwr «ur L Have sold larao guawKtlto at ronr I r.tatLUA, Mod it still TC-vivt Ua Wendorral popalartty. Tke tr.nwy r.otot?« ewe K Ism ■ effected G tbi * vicinity convince me that it i i» the oaftl I loud nuxdclno ever off. M»i to toe I pcblie. £. F. B AEtUR.*’ tlrec 3h* DtetolacA, Haae., May U, Ueg, i wma fw over twenty years before h ! a retncral to Lew»ll affUctcd with l* tit JUeaai in ita f W’Octi loraa. Jto uleersdkma actually covered more than half toe serfooa of hit body and I ll©b*. He waa erttrcly curwt by Arw'J 9OwaTjuhll». bee eetU&MC in ddniaaac for U*X | < J, MKI'ASSHb BT Dr. 4. C« Apr 4L Co., Lowe! I, Mm. &UW’«BarWKB* «,«*bct*J«lDr». i : f!Ty3 IT E? SE? ! k fav<wlt« prwteripfl .»n cf erne .-rs tea ted mm *!_«—uul in ib*»t’ ». I (J* w rstltwl > far ISveery as A-rsw»«*a»*ted*Ce. I £*M JBwwh— t. VFu a toi and O»oow. * ’ ta plat a waled eove»ope/Vw*. Dni«M.u*aU.diL. Adhr-sa. Oft. W AKll • CC-, L»— Mto. — I ■■ Uli I i r IMW— An Old Soldier’s ‘ EXPERIENCE. “ Calvert, Texas, . May 8,1888. i •• I wish to express my appreciation of the ! valuable qualities of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral i f» a eough remedy. " While with Churshfll’g hrtny, jtvrt before «ba battle of Victeburg, I eenUMtod a »o- WUM «c4d* which terminated to a daagevom ovwatt* I feood BO y*u«f till on war nuweb «• cecte to a aountry store, wheiw, en aoklag fcw o«sm ratuedy, I was urgsd to try Ar*a'a I OK3M»r “I did to, and was nepldly ewod. Sinoe I then 1 Imre kept the Pbctoral eonctantly by , <n», for family use, and I have found it to be an invaluable remedy for throat and luag diaeaaoe. J. W. Whitlby.” Thousands of teetimonials certify to the prompt euro of all bronchial and luag affections, by the use of Ayex’s CHrxxY Being very palatable, the young cot children take it readily. Fxwy.naED EY Dr. J.C.Aysril Lowell, Msgs, i Soil by all Druggists. TCT'^.-rv.-3.” 'rt”vors nvßff.rrv, I n. ■*etea«l4£aJ L. 1 >4* ? '* iiruM'K'US 4b ! n a syrc 7 f ? t I .—. _ __ Vi’’'/ r - I s'B'hr;>'.» wt rtc. V’ c. -7 ly-.»«-.. .;.■•»« «.iuat.« o" n ftailihl UVSS | o.Jw ratiy-.,#* f*T ihe*y ; w fc’nut/feg. *r < rlrar | *-*•** It fkii'* af’.’b j'4'Aa v *t | dr£uii.‘UUiUu.*.A i a’-.“•? <>. ■ -<•. <■.*. ’ jeas-33 ' PV 1 »• i b U b«*l' ffhzie v> i *Uy La | jhj*- ctw? p-«u a- looc** - « !• re? CV O ’ i< Cmi:;* .u driver'»p ! ifeptHr* th? 30*.h H I*s r/> «I ’1 .KC« kit. jr*U;.yi» " —"••** dt.xy. ThA n*l.iri?. fu*i» t7l ♦.v r» ■% A 4 i-E' ; iaii vIijUA li* . ,z««*e #/ * ’a l.'flALy t- ,fl ~■,!« )M.> ■.<••£ I*J»CrAL.I_. f 4 -?A -,.,1, I Bi . n b-x . ■ 1 ■'". ,I,’.'V . • ■ » '..nt SiJcta.) Mrt t._ J /■.■-■u<'..„,> -,: t v . S-Fl) / QO.. •rfTr t&Oi}». tlJi.’ ifert V-t., •uLvoh, Hia. 0 ;' M.T?ft f’■ te 4 •'. 11 MdSW,?-■; 3 M®OHB (C 7[nq oqj .sq perottroo fe&t uteq »*cq i,up{nOM tof/tevl aq ‘PICT Ma »q vs ‘oa»vq -OX kuppxng annua a IPift s.THaiPrtH jo »*« -qxid « jo; eno J p,sq n j -fe. < <r y ^ B'l ' 1 S trv >»*V *M *f ft WBOVft Xftmi3 j i •pjtoA vtfl aj ooovqoi sal low Zti* p» op* i iseisvj oqt Mq ooovqoj *r»is»utft mtiptirj I part T|S»«< v« ai OCTreoCT CT Si I j»XJva>- «pv*s»^l<rSTmn ufttt l*VvJ i yn« lICTI Kvpioe «v|< x»Ai pun -TC. l j eqi «wn‘a#ru aw sLopiui. •,! *f»g ’Xio-.t*} | UMOtn(!TU tn tr*Jt netu OCT iwilj, | • t»teiG?vtp;o<H^te,,.roj , tßuc9pn«tuoji Mv3 n:ay wriw aispsc w>ob tmvx | -otnc.q petpmrn ‘jvpusxrrs Mr Tm* R •M»tnpMov»ooovqi4Vtntnia»»qj. S , WPS s/iults t?»oq yo waoq'pg -uo-it.yjf *4 p ir» nvtanqs uosMi-xi ov.sjrajNr e«p jix»}i tip I prmojJH»*in»aewj*si iviixd w . --S -/ ... ,♦•» • * ■•••*• JI • •-• • >*»J®*»* . , , . ; • . _ s JWIIDGTOn GUNS* WE KAYE THE '' ' -Wst Kd’ Bost Bopped Irmory ta -th»-World T AND CONSEQUENTLY THE BEST OF FACILITIES FOR MANUFACTURING ANA TESTING FIREARMS. WE HAVE MADE OVER ONE MILLION MILITARY RIFLES M'hKk hars S*e* adopted and wt ia ms fa XYERY QUASTIR OF TH Z GLQEE. ’ REMINGTON SHOT GUNS ARK NOTED FOR THE GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED AT ALL RANGES. WE REFER TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USXI) THEM. OUR HUNTING AND TARGET RIFLES Hava tajcao HIGHEST AWARDS at International Expositions, aad PRINCIPAL PRIZES fa luCAdiac M*tch**k • UgSINGTON ° ARE UNEQUALED FOR Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration, Precision, Ease of Action, and Rapidity of Fire. j E. REMINGTON & SONS, NEW YORK OFFICE, 281 & 233 EROADWAY. ARMORY, ILION, N. Y. JKF* Saxo rot TucrrvAran CataujOca f Ai.4 xHI the blood ta V>e astir® system ia throe moo'.ht. Any person who vill laKa 1 i‘UX each alc-it from 1 to 13 *«aka, »ra/ be restored io sonnd . braJth. if «&• h atlday be po« Üble. 1«* Finale Cuaaplr tat* tbesa Pills a* squat. ; Fhy»!?i*-<a tt*a f % » n> /or the core of Hit Est t_nl KIDN3Y 4 asaers. ScPI txxrjrehero, • r suni bjr.lna.l t»r Ss<x la atampa. CTrc-T&ra free. L S. JOI Li. SOK A CO., Be»tw. lUas. I ji n r LL-Nr » ~Z* r H *ll Crofap, Aaduns. DroachlUs. Keonb 1 h‘- r- H n R LT! T 4 ii Theamw-ism. * a.xo. f- &, £ Er kl 3 ; ■£3 G5hH r. 4 »YKP fc £> ’JI ">* >«W «) | .•» o’•■’ ’-•■ Ml <"«) *li! t <»:aMtaaesH!«Jy'»t&ve i«n«Ja r */>?? r» F% b a £ -A i» *i .3 s-e.,r«. an J »:Uyo*.U»eiy cure afas eM*» 4, 5 ... 'Jp * H j* ’ f l : Y) f-• I. ; cvi st *«• IrfaSSsaSoH itiat w;!l ears rainy • ’ - a?' *•• J. I I »e, »rr'. frrr ey«r«9. ben t Ckmj a mwrexX ' ft is’ '.- > £~ i‘tLJf -b ill Fr«rstu*a i* *«*w »Uaacun>. .♦O ‘H iom I ip*T’HHT Ctm Tr.aamm. r.1.-Ml'tr at tea Ln~:» H®*r«a- •u<> f.v« -t <-•<>. P V*. .£ <.»ua. t ‘ a*»«r.tus. J ia lilu«r IrwsUwa, and «f m« •. <a » a«♦ •▼'<•■ tucafars ftt*. X. A to_, MuaU®, Mum. g 3 r Fjy* sgrr.m | £ v Lil luA Jt*.i fci»o j .« »<usa »■-? aurelK.< t43«’Wy*tarß.srM®ttyKJ®ftrKe fa «*»>>» *■>»/ r.’iM rur*t rrJC' * :• --• ,t «-tr owe »; JO, - m feWSWS*. LxKoll Opsfts Tuesday, Dee«wW Id* 18M 1 h? the prtvenee of the at tfec llopuldtes, ri«t Arthur> «5 the Uiattrd States i of Basrioa, Tho Colossal Exhibit ofaUTimel ■ • < Sixteen CIG) Immense Exhibition Buildinge> ’ - Ooe-—frte largest bnildln" ever erected, another— the largest Conservatory in the World. SO Acres cf Space Under Cbvor I Lew TraiMipeurtniloni ILates froxn nU Pointe. . &E£>f>le Aoeomws&ilnitons at Beaaonablo JUilwi lor all yUUon. . During the period of the Exposition, from Dec. 16, 1884, to June 1, xSBj the temperature at Now Orleans averages 65 Fahr. The lawn and shrub bery remain green, flowers bloom, fruits ripen, and all kinds of wgetaoles grow and mature. 3, F nil information promptly furnished. Address, ’ 5 E. kit'aLLlE, XMrcctor Gtseral, ' '* - S«JF PxUaws £*o» BOSS \ZiJr Jao m p-nniar >7cekiy nnvt»- J _ pap?r dwyoted* to n rneehantes, a rine'.riti.i; di^cori:r : ,r, inroi’tioii* «n.t piiter, . ever viibhsned. Every number illurlrateil with tploniiia encrarincs. This publication, furnirt'c* a most va.usblv encycloporf'a of information which no person should be without. The popularity of > the bciESTXFio AarXVticiir ic such that its cir culation riaar'y enusLj tlrsl <>f all other papers cf I t<s class combm- d. J'rieu. P3.2oay<'>.r. Iheconnt | toChlbs. Sold bv ali'W”ri<dHCneru. jJiUJfX & CO., I Publishers, No. 351 ErA.dwty, M. Y. mATEHTS. pH V-’a practice 1.. faro 5» H-i the Patent Office, and huso prepared r&J more than One Hundred Ttspua- I'-'J Sind applicatiunn for patente in the _A k Y United Ststea end foreign countries. S.’fJWS' C-ireats, Trade-Marks. CopyrifbU. Assignments, and all othir papers for Bocurine to inventors their rishis in the ST< United States. Canada. England. France, 'Aj Germany and other foreign countries, pro 'v> pared at short no tics and on reasonable terms. “•?! Information a* to obtaining patents choar 'iS? fully giv-in without charge, licnd-book* or Irtui isformr.tion sent fre®. Patents obtained through Munn & Go. are neticed in the Scientifio American free. Ths advantage of such notice is well understood by all persona who w i»h to dispose • of their patents. _■ Address MONN * CO.. Office SCWtIILIO Ameuicam. 361 Uroadway, Now York. SiuaMWVLs. jejiMwjteifajika.- Wtt— nd 'iX-Mv/rjSiaLy ttetewf r*/ 1 A<atkxas-£ Z 1 The Emperor Ditfa Kapols. .c smAcd enly the fiftost iww th o wart I <• n'.J ;>w?- Lu.-v; iTlf. U •:■'!■ ■<! 1 aj- »’■- '<CT>l ■--.- cigrrti were iiuufci spwhjjy for him in ?ta. vwia from I :-ii utoccix) evoww Ln tee uolden 1 lJcltofN<:rtuCaroliiir..thti<bo.i:M?th' fl-.eet lees provrn. Blockveb’r V id. f »..biv ■ f BmckU>>'Tobacco 1b oz do fi'iin. &.« -ov.i | lew" used in the Ji i]x>r. r’s t, <«•■. 9 ■lately pure ar..l is t*< Iwl | tobacco ever ■yioivd. Hiac'ir. rt.y’s vi,’*-l dsnj’hU’. I?’!'’ in t I hemketc’i of Alfred'reat-y-'u. in 1'..,.,,', 1 t-jl’.s i»f L.«r visit to t,‘.c > :~r.t i. st. *.. Rhe found »fi i ainokink' ISlact •.■:■• Hull Dnrtia’it T« ba<'<:o. wnt li i’i !>.' I‘. \.;««,«• t Rtwreil D i eil, American Minirt-r w ih« ' Court of St. Jani. s. In I!mm dajni of adulteration, it 1 • aco.-ti fort to -rrrtk'Tz >• 1 *»««• t'v.t i'jo Lull O;u- I ham brur.d is al siii ar ly pure, aii.l i/aito 11 ■ ‘ f-. .wi the 1«» t tobsuoo «to world wu. • : Afteei 1> ajt's 6u’d I',xli*t’.i Itetckii’.K 1 '<••■ J ka-xe ta tKe -'»« sr,'J jki.w. 71 .x» W Crtlara k»CT L. £♦*•» . Wtfcftet < tto' Mads tc-irk cf exe in-51. - - .- , •-■■-■- __j I C> A ALa 4 TFEE CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of 110 superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can produce. m taflnhft. E ™ 111 v ' AP ’ a rjM fl® bbu y£iis These excellont Organs are celebrated foi volume, quality of tone, quick response, variep of combination, artistic design, beauty in fnnsh perfect construction, making them the mos attractive, ornann. ntal and desirable organs foi homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc JESTABAISYIteW BEPUTATIOIf, UXEKtLAfilin FACIJL.ITSES. siiiixuu oinorex, BEST MATERIAI. COMBINED, MAKE THIS THH POPUIiAR ORGAB instructicii Bsoksj& Piano Stools C_ .iSogues & Price Liats, on application, free. The Chicago Cottage Organ Co. Comer Knntlolph and Aim Sireelf, CHIpACO ■ The lieet evidence In the world of the purity and excellence of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco la found in the fact that the fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be the case if it were merely “ gotten up to soil,” or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it. Among millions of wars of all nation all tew, surely some one would find out If it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 yoara this tobacco has been acknowledged to I» the bmi in tk« world, and every year the Brdl Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for ■ it wider, and smokers ’ more enthusiairt’C overite Oi delicious natural flavor. jHTje Aek your dealer for it. Oct the genuine—trade- ffS Jb Y mark of the BuLL A There is no miaehfef dona where |gT I • Blackwell’s Bull Durham Bmokiiqf Tobacco is used. I I s aW' IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purifying medicine te made, Or has over been prepared, which so com pletely meets the watitß phyrictans and tils publlo as - Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It leads the list m a truly scientific prepanv tion for all blood dieeMea. If there is a lurk- Qnnnnsi ■ iA£ Uhu o£ Samtula abotu yea. VvnUruLA Arms’s SAKSAFABLUta will dislodge it au4 expel M from yoxr syrtom. - For eoaaftiuktonal or serefakrat Utttarrh> PlTfcaiau ATBK’a SAiiwrA&tx.L* H the vA I Art.ifl ITM xemedy. It baa oareA BaauberteM easee. It will atop the nwdßOHt eatarrluU dlseh-argee, ami remove the siekeie- * lug odor of the breath, which are indtauhMM of scrofulous origin, . ■'■:-■ f IhrCDDIIC “ Hutto, T«., Sept. !W,f?P9. ULvuftuUS “ *.4 the age of two ybars. on<y of QnfiCQ m y children was terribly afliicted VwituO with ulcerous num In;; sores on ita ‘ facq and neck. At the same time its eyes ■were swollen, ranch inflamed, and vory koto. Qnr»r Eurej Fbysiciaps told us that a pow-, wUIiL UiLQ erfularterakiveuiOiljcitMmust be employed. They united ii| recommending Ant i SabsafariLla. A few doses oio- , dticed a-imrfceptibJa improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, wai contin ued to a complete and permanent eure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disooier was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. f J • Yours truly, B. F. JoHNeoxr.’* ' PBEPABBD BY ■ z , 4 Dr-J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowsll, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; sl, six bottles for W. BEST OF ALL 2 Ths New American RUBBER ■ ? <! .... 1 LEADS THE WORLD. Furchauirg’ Amenta wuntod . La unoccupied territory. . ’ - vV- I 'A ■<« fte " *•■«--sdUgtr Um "-•' .-4“ aa At?!*, x ‘j iff «rw~. !> r,. 1 ♦*”w’j i fat < > totow*, » ifgtftrt- «( ML, *■’. ■ ...a—. ..... ,a Health is Wealth! ! fiAAU* / WSI M A MM ‘ ‘ 1 Dr E. C.WESfs Nervis and bient, n guaranteed specific for ness, Conyulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. ‘ Headache, Nervous Fr oetration caused by the usa of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression,'Softening or tha Brain resulting in in< sanity and leading to misery, decay ana aeatn. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss or power in cither sex. Involuntary Losses ana Spermat orrhoea caused byover-exortion of the brain, Belr abuso or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. SI.OO a box, or six boxes | £orsp.OO, sentbymail prepaid on recei pt of pnea. IVE GUAKzYXYEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by F.® for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the rnircn.aser our written guarantee to re fund, the money if the treatment does noteiteco a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN O. WEST & . 862 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILJLS., Sole Prop’s West’s Liver Pills. >r '■ > ■ .- f y : —l .../."... \ i, .. ; ~ #4''-’ I id ‘ PT'«Si '' ■' ' /teawßHC I V. 'LT ; • - rABTSHfQA?IO!K« It wfll purify aril .onriv’i ti e BLOOD, ragularv »'••• Live:-* :.v<> xinp.r 'S; nr. • r.«i T our TUB HrlALAxi icirt VIGCAof YOUTJHI! ,I». all those re<;i ii in-" :■ cm -:>t-.i ami ctlfciun T> INIC, e-.;-. i ;.,ih D' tp< oi Api-elUeJndlges tion, l ack e' FtrH irt.i, ete.rifs '<■'« Is marked ■Willi iio..Hi Huto any voru’ei 'itl u -rtlls. Bores, r:ii-ci< = nd beri t; v iD < iv- ii ” i<h.> w. Luhven? Hie niinci and 5”)>l ll>,-S Uian I «.'inr, » K ttidviL-i i'l'lU.Vd! L* Xu'4 peculiar tolheiraex will fludta J.'IL ■x.ZxUT. i'.a'S -KCrt tpriiC as;. !e and ..•>e«<ly cure. It. give? a clear and iiealftiy eoiHpicximt- I'iiC stioiiiet-t t. st::il'.iiv to lire value <>t 1 u. IlAiiTEfi s rill.y Tonic is tlmt fiaqa>'tit attampu at eounlert'c i linp 1 .avo oniv added to the popular i'.v of tne Ii you earn«M!ydesire hemin So not expei ,t—get lire (Hilginal AND BUST .?f3end vj(ir odrirnss tb la*' Dr. Harter Mwd.Co. te ; fit. Louis,, ««.. tot Jur •■DRT.Afiff BOCfiK.’’B Vi'uHaf stinujr* i -..<1 usi'fi.l iuf zraaliun. troo.f' I Dr. Harter’s tndN Tonio sb for Sale by AM* JI--. ;' ■•• V■■ ' ■ . ‘ - WMBCTV. BUCKEYE BUGGY COZLTTZMZZBXTS., OECIOi Leading Manufactav®B «f BUGGIES, PHOTONS, SURRKt «£»o> 9 «fso. SfolptMcntvs ftunriy or by C'tvr JL«m»4 to rfi? Parts «f &fa« U. fi. OaJ/ Ffrsi-Ctess Work sw&ctur®£ “ THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Sc-rd for Catalogna showing TUirty Stj-loc so lectfropi--.Factory*ndfstdwocm» >'•,*• ]s&, 167,160, and m Mrtlr High Etre< , Ohio, with tbd Tmdt ■L—— - , ,;■.. •„■■... —.—,,, ....I, , i„i,< TUTT'S [’• '! T!.e Grartwt a the Age! QF A TOREPH3 LIVER. Ivaa cf Mo.rt ala oaartve, ?*1» la tha heftH, with « rfull ■•ntatlaw In th* ijujit. Twix rtiir Si»h •ba*i/Ar» blfde, ash r nntfxg, with o It*, incilaetlafi *io oXsr-rtss of bady »r stlsd, It * itnbHityoftesrtrvr, Ta*w splrtte. with ’ a fosllrvatof ht-vI-vt ecai'T't.vii surw* ft eatducsa, F’lxvla • ;-* FLjii vrte. ,■ r, i the Heart, Doth tHttoi’aMd* ovi«», ll eha cvf’z the rijjht ljo, M-ettk*xvoa'v. wt'h lllfal dreuKit, 18is ..fy cd-rwl Lilac, as 4 &OMSTiF>ATK>H; nrtlTT’ft i ll LS arc >«p*ci!t»By r-dixpttd to such rauov, cr>s 4dca ofSecta *ucb a chs nge of fee: In ».,i #to aston'vi. th* suffwyv- Uiev tno .« c-aas*U» V.-ody to ’ink* au iin*< t!»« fc’.stn'. ta MoarisbeHL. And by rtta.r 'Fontc-Jlevte* *•» 5 tee i»i'Xe»t'vsf?r*r<n',l®« *r* > pr*>ltu-r->, P.-in - W-, . 'Arar-t* ,rr.y. I*.-. arxA.TW—,.r'.tm** 9 - "-tatate• *•«- >-e>’«HhP WFCTPHBf- *•■*• K&K4 08.. Guay Haik or wnnsiiUfl ehttajaii to a CiCTirr TAi.iCZ by a sinyte npp*! .rtlo« of thl* DTT. It jtLipa.’ta * Hitnraf in,'or, ir.rtantar.eotisjy. ftobt at mnt b«.<pr.o ,<>n. primer hl. OCfic©,»’ri > yrpy St.,- Yark *>to—*»**■ -.• •• - ■ ■■/ ■ «*t.w«teate» I Sarsaparilla ’ ■ Is a higftof’ eon«entHSt«d oatraot «f SaMaparlUa-agMl othac ktoodi*parMyir*x roots, cenaMnod wllfc lodide of Potaa •4 am and Iron, and is Hie safest, taosl reU. able; and most doosxwmßal btoodipurtAor than •an be used. It expels all blood pctaoas from the system, enrtehes and raaew ths blood, and Tcmtows its vltoliring powev It is the beet known remedy foe ficrefnla and all ScrofalosMi Complslata, Hrysif*. tdas, Kczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sort'*, FfoHs, Tumors, and Xtanptions of the 81*1*4 as also foe all ifttordere esiued by a thin and’ ta*p4'vcrt»hvd l ’ or corraptsd, •Miditkm &f tM I'oedtStaOt MTKftmvWUaa*. .Neuralgia, Jthteumatfa Gout, GcueraA ItaVrfHSj', Mad .flcir Cae**h» « - ir .-»-J- rn 1 ' -'’ » . _» * Kmrasa wii “ATEa'i Samaea«illa has cured ms off ths £nffaaasnatmy with > . whist I have spffer»d>fcc.saswwjMaru. Vuji-m, Iju, March 2, Hftl' * *- TVJXfJkJtVj fir ' '*. Dr.l. C’. Aye ? & Coifcaes. Bold' ly ail '? L *x Mffls* for 0&