The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, March 10, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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'LOCAL PENCILLINGS of EvmiU Ot*cnrring lath* Town and County. Snow last Sunday. “Ball to the bat.” Keep good company. Let the plow be moving. Schools continue to flourish. Prepare your check boards. Judge J. A. Pittman,-is building A new garden. Jack Crombie is among us again looking as bale as ever. Unc’eJim Forsyth has dug a cy blone pit. Several communications crowded out this week. aching at the FhptisttfßMM ■ Mng Why don’t the proper authorities have our street lamps lighted up ? Smoke Sweet Buds, on sale at S. N. Dorsett A Co’s. Read “A Paris Mystery/ on the fifst page. It wil I continue about two months. Miss Lula Hodnett, of Seaoia; is Visiting relatives and friends in Hfer Miss' Maggie Mast well' is iisit.iiiv ■Sgglgtaville, tUgu;et£>f Ml* Elm fl. TTndAon la maktng -• Im prove men ts on his residence on Fac tory street. N. 11. White, who lives four miles MorUi of this place, killed a mad dog ‘ast Friday night. -"'u* «M h* Msmmie Taylor, of Ilaral- visit!ug her relatives and ma- ZMRy&eDft, pajiWh J asi ch.urcb Task - ■ 1 - v ct/n ttc Wrcnl-wW -a musi cal entertainment at the McLarty * night. fh(m tiliij . i m .TrT’tnTi'.''<'¥-«.. gave a -'HHfltrionn las’, week, the that paper* ■rh'.'-ri iifonn.->us that lie iSsit our st reet s in good , ' vi!l be n " <)o ' mov ° * n Hh-eciion. / ar l > Htook to Jtihii W. Franke. i county. He has in Georgia. quarterly meeting for WWOn '» DoUjlasVil’e begin ’ before an 1 e f I'liiC- Sunday in tin- mon. h. \V. Franks and wife, re tlieir home in Haralson; Cow«ta connty, last Saturday, after a very pleasant visit to r, Iktives and , hfends in this place* Mr J. T. Smith who liaS been handling the yard stick it J. P. Watsons’ for some lime* h!ls gone to farming. Go it Buckie* ttrnre s noth- 'll?-. Jamts s ,-nl v# another' wfrlfo I ’’ vr<- are -art! <•r*' fcri ny ' • A run-i-W»y Couple from -Haral |,y. Stopped at the Watson I Sunday They an* mnk- Wity Id the etuo u’s liomd at oochee River. Access Ut : eCtark* uno of At’an- J charming young ladies, few days in’ DougkavtUe i, returning home Sunday Io the rag ret of her rela- |friends iters. ■ooper. our efficient ordina rt to town last Monday. He is occupying tha Strickland houst Birmingham atrock We tie g!a <: ■iLwelcoifie trim and bis inleresUnj i■<-xpose mm bwrw*vwlu l W l Ubi l -. Wli: /Wo ,e lie has k»t in the patl year. b g 56 enol afford to lose it. iiovon mV ffXhritEß. The most enjoyable entertaiemen which we have had the' pleasure c attending for many years,-Wais at th residence of Mr. J. M.- Ileuton, 01 Saturday last; when a “’birth da; dinner” was given to t/ncle Mose McOarly, by his children ic thi; vicinity. The guests of the occa sion were only Mr.- W.- P. Strick land, D. IE Prict, W. J. Abercrom bie and ye editor, outside of the fam ily circle; The others present wen T, J. McCarley and family’; P. Y McCarly and family, A. L. Goslint J “an I family; Jesse Chambers and family,- B. K.- Hurt and family, and J. M. Heaton and family. 1 Mr.- He a ton acted the part ol "mine host” to perfection, in every- ■ thing necessary to pre& ent thoiouglil m set veg until 5 «e gotU: I Mai'' fa -< -1 de!||O' dl ’I - »i- I .' ’ M' f-'i?ri..s-. he was entirety ■HHHBw and laid on th a shell, TThere is nothing that makes a news- 1 P paper man feel mhre like hugging everybody—unices it be plenty of cash subgcribere.-Mban to be set down ton table bountifully spread, like Mrs. Heaton ha'! h»*rs; and given full liberty to “go in Ehprahan.” When we arose from that table, We were in a gOo I htimor,- for onc<-, \Vlth all mankind,- and felt like congratu lating the e all* from Uucle M ses down to Pink McCurly’s baby. Uncle Moses, may you live to see another 76th birthday,and may your loved and loving onea give you just su<ill atiotbef' dinner and entertain ment at each recurrence of your natal day,--and may we be there every time; / I’ter dinner, Mr. Heaton showed us over the “Poor Farm” of which he is superintendent, and v e were much gratified at the appearances of neatness and thrift Hint were every where manifested. JVu congratulate our county on securing the services of so efficient a superintendent as Mr. Heaton, for Iris management cer tainly refl cts great credit and honor on our peop'e,- for their ttenifieent Care of our pmr unfortunate*. If it is ever our sail 10l to go "over the hills to the poor house,” we hope he will be thereto receive u-», for et«n poverty would' be endurable with him. List of Letters rernnlhing In. the ■ G a., ui- ‘W ' el, SonI IHm| Kennedy, J J ; Kny,-Cnttrl<‘* SdMMMj don, Walter; MaGouirkjM G; Ettaj Nixon, E E & T .1 ;■ lUchar<‘- ner, Mt's Lil; Rachet*- J C; Higgins, Pitiy Shceklint*,-Hides; ; Smith, SV ; Smith, M 11 ;• Stelklin, Duler| IVed dington* MrsE C; Weddington R H; IFartlj-Caroline. Wl on calling for th-* above letters please tf'iy ‘ r advertiaeri.’’ S. N. Dorsett, P. M. NOI'ICE\ J. E. Hiillips will begin Iris school on Siotiday, nett* He guarantees satiMfiiotion. All he reska is a fair trial. The very be a t attention paid to sm-a'l chiMren and all ne# Iregin nefa For tortus apply to Princi pal. FOR SALE CHIUP. * A good sixiond-kand Pony Saw Mill. - with -42 inch Circular Jtaw, 8-iW , Franva Cairinge and Head Blocks. All complete an I in working order, Cali at this otllee. Fish! Fish 11 ’ IFYOIfWANT You ag Fish I fOR YOUR FISH POND ? XJQN T FOn&faiT TO —SEND TO—’* John. W. Franks, f H A RALSON, Ga $5 Reward About five weeks ag<\ an otd par * ahric whiw* man* natneil Fulton. bo» j rowed my Ox (ared one* about eigh 1 years old| to go to Austell and b.*d e and he has not been hear ’. of last seen of bun he wss nea I will pay <he above r< fur the recov ry * f man or oj ? HoVr aEu Gi scale a « Wl scat*. Ma. » rex. SM>. I-Caa SMUK Mmw Bh»< Swrle«« E a O FORGES, TOOLS, Ax Md I 1 Fmw™ mm »«* •*“' *•«« *•* 0. KWLU • not.- Vwy. _<<Mbae a«y< at msmmt ißiiws. ewMfIMM a aani CORRESPONDENCE, ' of w JOE. ROWERS RUMI NATES. (n Mr. EcrToat Febnarj departed this life on a lovely d;»y and March’s birthday is a rainy one. Hope - 9 March’s life will not be as gloomy as his is I birthday. I>-1 In the neighborhood of Chapel Hill, so journs with his soti sin old miner, formerly of Spaulding county, who has made some - 1 * wonderful discoveries. Gold, silver, slate, 1- lead s’ nd copper. He says (and 1 know him 'C to be perfecdy reliable) that there are sever r al valuable mines in that region. 1 exarn ‘ ined some of his “bottled” minerals, he cer tainly has the specimens in possession, a I valuable lead mine in particular, be tr.u ed I some three feet. Said ore is now in the offl-ce of the examining officer at Atlanta. There f- isaisoa very valuable ore’ in th-e hill near Mr. Presley’s mill that so ne day will pan ' out a fortune. '■'M’ r ." Sandy Morris bad the nifsfortune to * losea very valuable inildi cow last week; n and we sympathise with him, for milk is an item with 'arsners. , '* Speaking of milk, Mrs. Bowers has two as t good neighbors as any neighborhood can ’ boast of. It is our misfortune to possess but . one oow and she is dry, and ouy two lady neighbor? s apply #s Wrtb buttermilk to make' f bread. Cits folks use Yatfiseermade powders - I to -'risa’’thefr bread; but *Ve prefer butter- J ‘\ milk. I refe-'to Mpo.Me. and Mrs. D.- Mrs.- kJ Mc;*les|ded we needed biftter, also; many J- i thauks for tie b tamifuily .«rt;unr*e j cake of * j but er. , “. We have gardsned some. If ar the chick ;' ens will all die with ckolera before spring. *4 Our neighborhood is Infested With tbatdread > lul disease's. H,tw pleasant, for a strati-er to ffiove into a ! neighborhood and find such kind an 1 ac l connno.iating clraritibfo neighbors, ps the . above, tire foree ( of such klnd;,'e?«. May our nefehbors liv©' long and prosper is my sincere desire. Joy:. doWEKS. The ttenhfHl Eoewt Option Lnw. ' Ma-Editor?. In accordance with a re* q teMt found in a former* number of your valuable pa; er, and in reply to certain qae*' I tions in the same com nu iica’ion contained, ■ allow me spate for the following: ■ The General Ji real Option Bnl which has r al ea ly ;a;sed the Senate and before the i j House of R ’presentati ves te-oie which ap f plies to entire state < inept as to thote cqua- t r» towhs or districts where the sale of ( w iiskey it already prohibited’ by pre exist ’ ing laws. The bi 1 directly, * That upon appi~citiou by petition of one tenth of the 1 votes in any county, orone third of such I voters of any militia district, or within a ra dus of thrte miles or’less of any church, ’ school house or village, or upon like peti < tion of one fifth ot such vours of any in i corponited town or city in this state, theor- ■ dinary shall order an election to lake place in forty days after he receives s ich petition t I to de ei-tnihe whether or not spirituous liq u »rs shall he sold within the limits mention, I ed'in the petition. The ordinary is m*.de > j of the sufli Jency of the petition as we'l as all que.tious growing oit of the I election. Notice four weeks is required . ‘ to beyivenof the elec’ion by publication. * • i'ani »ns auhfl: d to vote fur member* of t 0 ’ O,< ‘ vvK i<u SiJS’-'S»■ f- 'S’ » licent et * ‘ hibition CMT/i ) go’s irilff flrfmediate aS*. > fct. I’s the«lecli->n gwe in favor of whi ; key no second election cm be had for the ■ same territory by itself wltlrin tw »;.years L but if the territory was the entire- ghmoty which had the elffotion, any militia district' J or any town or city or within the radius of three miles of any church, school hous”, or village may neverthele-w have a second elec tion in two years—but the whole county or any particular territory wb»Ch had alone V ited on it could not in a shorter time than 1 two years have a second ■election—spifltUbus t Pqn re as mentioned and defined in she Art * on Any alcoholic, spir tuons of mail liq: | uora. insoxidaUag bitters, er other drink" which If drmk to etcees will |>f niuce in -1 toxication” aid prohibit# “any prmn” from “selling, bartering lor valuable cousid: erUion either dirrttly or indirectly or giving - , »w»y toinduce trade at bis pl ce of busi- ness. furnishing at other public place or plecrs.” The Act however expressly exs 0 pts domestic wines and cider for sacratnen tal purposes provided same is not kept aud sold in a hot room by retail aor d-oes U pre ventiicpnwdrUg»ißtafh*ik|flliDt P“A al r C *ohol f r medicinal, art, rcienl fit: m«s L chanici! rtir.-osw Toe kv against fur i.hhing 1 q tors on dava of eiecfib& appihaa to'elect ona tw-s 1 on thi- q .estion, abo applies the Uw agmist illegal voting. ■_ .-r- The bill, buiiik, with F*-rhM>» Some Xl'glfl [ am«t dment-s wti' tt is ktt i »ran early d y and Mder <he!l'« **J»**fi*y J >iy wluon 1U bw t i•£W ' A t need *y I ■ K. etv |“W fbr b> k ‘ /i?’ 1 *’* I* r ’ r ’ B " w ll'v f - h*’ s*o*’' !*£*■* me d meat •• iC-firn* irtwgwffl «» sett hi any torrt whatvv < < i * any p -A. There > Mould be tobi»ctwh o»d r Misting law* applicable to Douglas c mnty Tat ptcnoi laaadonot pfihibil but only reel riel# the > de to ctttaia persons fi’.nggiaj and a loWAW qp» to«*ri b J U>® gallon. The pe<*pie * aid get Un-1 o Fit in such form and ’• it vm dd sorely bring the sale of whiskey * brC.k again afut iti* o >#e vote I out. Tne I histary of all 8 »ch prohibition as allows h D uggiMs tosetk fi tch fas de caw with I’a’metto* io *n adjoining coutju* wud sack P will alvnvsbe the ci e. tor »rugg : s* are bat men. and Hey will freq tently violate the law a vd sell to any owe to dr nk to 4 h«v«|age. a; A the gklloa L* is w>r>« than thedru*-g ; B a. But t ***** already said too much. ... I a n. voters YeerrectfaUv, m. sjittX: 2;t. flt. ITT' iij~ l,l *'** Os Krwtnckjr I eivvrrlty, tixington, Ky. •A <■»». >!■>>» 111 *0 '** ' s. T*m» eto-«•»•'***• •«* W II «*» ».<W *»•«.*« «T «. *Mr<i 1* *CuiaV> J*' ■ r-trajjyk O*W*»- -*rw irw. fapiTt* ' MMW—fta ►•«•»•». O r mmM *« **«r CtMa A Stat* la aw MTacWaa w waKtkan* ta<r nUhiH; i<a»a*W*.a W m vra «sa>rw. far Tw-r» aa4 S. tn— Maa, >■»>» -itr ” Cfirfa— »«• <-»ta—« Thia fa—twav“> »- << A— fa. U» h«rt*latar»» —' »’ '» re «•»**•* 4k * inGXStJ I will be at the following tHattes as me i*> tion’d below, fcr‘the purpose of receiving the State and County Tax Returns for the ■ year 1886- FIRST RCVND i Thursday, April 2nd, Connors in the fore "non and Winston aflernoon. Friday. April 3rd Hollow Chestnut in tht forenoon and at W. W, Waldtns’ in theal ternoon 1 . Saturday. April 4 h W T ilson's mill in the forenoon and Fairplay court ground id af ternoon. Mmday, April O’ h at Crombie's mill in the forenoon and at W L Camp’s-in the as ternoon. Tuesday. April 7r.h at Dougl asville. WedneeJay, April B.h at Chapel /Jill in the forenoon nd Arnold’s Mill iu the astern noon.- “• \ i. Thursday, April 9* h at John Dusbre's in the forenoon at ‘ b< s nut Loir in ufierdoon. Friday, Apr ! 10:h at Salt Spring* in the forenoon and Crider’s shop in afiernoo®. 8E OND ROUND Tuesday, May Str.h, at Douglasville. Wednesday,' Mly 0 h at We« dmgton’B Academy in forenooi , at Connors Court G r - und in the afhrnotm Thursday, May 7th at Polk's Mill in HVe forenoon, at Hollow Chestnut iu the after' noon. Friday, May Sth at Wilson’s Mill, in tire forenoon, at Fipr Play court ground in after noon. Saturday, May'9th at Abercrombie’s Mill In theforehoon.-nt J. S. Dorset!’* in afternoon. Monday, May llth at J< W. Brown’s Mill in forenoon, at. Chapel Hill in the after noon. Tuesd«j, Stay at FergHsori*B MHI In forenoon, at CbestutftLog afternoon. Wednesday, May 13th ftt Salt Springs in forenoon, at Crider’s shop In afiefnoon. ( THIRD AND LABTROUSD. Tuesday, Jithelnd;at Dongi»sVHle. Wednesday, June 3rd at Connor’s Court giound in forenoon, at Win-ton in afternoon. Thursday; June 4th at Holl >w (|heftt)ut in forenoon/Ht itereah church in afternoon. Friday, Jun* sth at McWhorter s shop In forenoon, at Fair Play court ground In after noon, ■ .. • Saturday, Jifoff 01st at Crombie’s mill in fotfiiioon, at F, M. Collins’ In afternoon. Monday; June Bth atlftown’s mill In fore noon, at.CJjapet Hill in afternoon.- Tuesday, June 9th at John Busbee’s in fore noon, at Cnsstnut to; in afternoon. - Wednesday, June iOth at-Sall’ springs in forenoon, a*. Crider’s Shop in afternoon. 1 will beat ihe court-tool's# in Douglas ville on TuMd#y r Julv 7ih and also, on Ji ly 81v 9tb, 10t.b, ai d llth, at which tim<» the books willbe cline, <1? “ Ptease notice carefully the times and phcea of iny appointments, arid meet me there prompt !v v . F. H.CAMP, T. R. D C- ~' The FARMERS !of Dbug 1 af> and surroundii g counties are hereby notified thar the x Headquarters for all kinds ol Farm Supplies, Ftour, Ba? con, Sugars, Cr etc., tio Are Changed from the o d flits, high prices; etc, and if you want’aiijrthing aud e buy ( ’or peod , Vr. -are—— u... .btoe’lWly what it L repreMmred to yoa to Mr bur advimto you is, b» rare you call at STAJ JXcElreiih:Co r rt Store, where we know vod will l fl td what you wait ard’at prices to suit th# Uuu«- '* They th ate • Agricultural ’ Implamentas of all kinds a specialty. and yous never saw the like of f «« h?*” " HOES', - ; PLOWS, . p - lIARROVrs, WXGOJ3,’ Mark W. Johnston . i Cultivators and anything eW a farmer need*, and SOCHEAP L The Ga. Pacific Kai’way. IX)CAi/TIMH TABLE. t W fr , * wrettou.-.. » Ju rM-et Jan,. 4th .18*5’. Lewva Atteirta (WhiusMUJ WtotloS) 9 to a , , Cun*-orit « m I - ’ J**-** AVMtoW ; >,.v.c;.i... 9 •<. !(l • w»’i tort Hpftorf* •« >tn 4.-« - 4 > !-••• W«•»n I r wmato# v -. H» : <2 nm VfthtlUc* ’... 10 48SU1 i ” -.-VetopM . , ...cxs. .i»*—l. id 17 am 'ff. ;.«> am , ;, A atTUttfap-Tom* . ..... j.rVMMkJ a-m ;; i Qx-*,*r<l .. p m AnniS ; .•«>, •> l> pn> * Hikrnri! dn'm v 5 no p m Atlanta Expt.-**- Datly rTi'ke jtirtep 'buri ftne betto-ci* dMes MWt Atuirtai t**d nil ’>'< Au «i twr<»n«a «nd Virginia I’-tuie upd j Eawtcru < 'ili*# ) . t '' *’ tWMve Bh-miugtHMo, A. O-S.. .10 .Tip m Antostoa. .< ~i..‘ . .. a& n m Oxford I Al p m Tailapooea ... J p m Bremen - .. .% m Temple > p m ViWa H**f* Wl p m Winston. .. ..,4 38 p m Irenglasvllte ..* * .‘*. .9 12 p m ffaUl springe ... ~;.5 gr p m Att-uell n P m. M-bieton 3 U p tn O*ne<*d ...Sjipifl Arrive M Atianto 6 3» pm Mann’sßowlMtßVmeH sleeping be i twvea Attanu and Mew *»rl«<n», without iCi.Ri*geOtt N<« audit t «« « 1 > ndggattt Sleeping e»-s between Atlanta and : BlnWugiuim on Mos. Mnnd 5X> . jpaj; I ! Westward.—Connect atOx.Au.nft wj:h JL T. -V? A ’to-swt to Rirmlngrrem wltsf'.« fi. 0 » r.* , ‘ R «... l ent K- R. of GCorgta &. 1 AGa.* W. A A., and A. 4W. P. R *. ) Connect at Aaniston with A. A Ai !O T.l’.sdei a. ’ ( , I. Y. SA«IF, U«• RRO* J . GenkSupk ti..»eAT. I fill/ A PIEPER BWE tCH LOADING c u N - i I TheBOST » | wear offered to thw poMfe. re Tw sale toy all Arst-elaes Vsa Vealcn. r • <t Wtooteaal* oatly toy (wad forCatal«u«) ■ * SCHOVERLING, MLY #' BALES, ’ 1 MAW Chamber >wr Yoric. »1O Scale for ff:t; ti-oz. to 25 lbs. For Faintly, Office or Ntor«r. livery Scale perfect. Send for circular CHICAGO SCALE CO., CHICAGO. IU. jMMh The “ Uttle Iketective.’* WXO Scale for S3;JA-oz. to 25 lbs. W•- 1 For Family, Office or Store. Every Scale perfect. Send for circulate ■ -raNNiyrer ghicaqo scale co., Chicago, ill. The ** TiilTc Detective.” WIO Scale for ®3; iA-oz. to 25 lbs. 1 For Fiunlly, Office or Store. L Every sale perfect. Send for circular. emuAQO SCALE- CO.. Chicago, 111. i THE Stevens Watch • Made In Atlanta iAnd Pronounced —JIS ANY— Xu the ’World, A Thousand Times BETTER THAN MANY SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR. J. P. STEVENS & CG. Jewelers ATLANTA - - GEORGIA. 01 If HAIoWtt Don’t You Know ? W ELL. IT s sO. Yau cun rt your Li n»ber dressed, get (Moulding: Brackets. Banisters, Pi-ke«, Turned and Scroll work cneaper at Douglasville. Plaining Mill than at any other mill in Genrg a C. T. PARKER. 1’• * ■ !MAffßo7 NOE i C AJiriONTO CONSUERS Vs n*. iv i'if ~-io • lintvtlo is hclanpea spot* the market in • packages bo onely setnbling ours as to deceive thonnwarj, would request the purchaser to see that the red lithographed Uh onus in which it is pnekod always benr ttUr JTamt and In buyifig the imifMiw you pay iw much reran inferior artioleasthe genuine cobl*. BE SGRB W) 17 OBTAIN' THE GHNUINE. I.ORILLARD’S CLIMAX RED TiN-TAG PLUG TOBACCO. Tbe Finest Sweet Navy Chewing Tobacco a ie. he always bears a Ked Tic-Tag with I . our name timrerei. fl irnrf or i heiHome i feu • 1 e 10111 k ‘ J 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK.' ret. °mms? r SA * TOR SALE BY ■ VfaM. hot l*4ete*<* ■ __ _ asd orvr &»•!• ••rt. P- ,WCv» «wB far ane *<al a«4 - ODUTSaBM ! IMPOTEHST. s»ssrsnxs ? ffJMtoreuafcrovto# i yator* »y wto toare. Dtowtawtiretirefatte MzutaoTeMM. MMardlatM* waknlu a*» ! , —v fc-.u. u. *;*>!»« j t . 4»faj. I tan® .is. ire* ak* * 9tf W n« r •«»*» fl I WACKAirere f i tofff gle«* fltoffC, .faetorafa iPiAafAA *U»rf«l M< gjUaa i SDK) ADDRESS HARRIS REMEDY CO., WTg CtoekU. I ’ ’Qi <t- M. J> 3 S, Ft., Os fcararrUw rwn. n > t ram-, f) Sm spelts Tuesday, December 16,1884 In tire presence of the Presidents of the Amerlcms. Republics, vi«: Arthur, at thfe United States • QiVr,, of Mexico; Barries, of Guatemala; Bogran.<J EwF auras. ' Th.3 Colossal Exhibit of alljjimel • Sixteen CX6) Immense ExhiblCtoa,: 9n*-~th« largest building ever ersetod. Min*iss - the largest Conservatory in the World. 90 Acres of Space Under Cbver € lew ftora aMP> Ample Brae# tor all Vtoitor*. Dbririy the period of the RxposiH<Ai, tohm Dec. ■ i 9 ISBJ the teanperatarc ntNew z Grloane awtag® «j Fahr. Th* town and alwab beryrormin green, flowers btoom, frufta ripea, **d aH kinds of vegetables grow and ma tore. # FullinfcvmatTon promptly furnished.. Address, > * Xre Director i ———————— - ■ -■ - A TALC OF TWH CRUTCHES. teWcll Knovni Citizen , of AUanla-' Lay* Dowa bfe CraMhoa. I tarve raty a few wwto to say, yrhloh ar# to- ’ Bftftethat I have been confined VI-ray bed for two. months with what waa eafted Nsrvoue Rhtomatism, or Soiattos. I was -only—atilt it' to--hobble abont ■ occasionally by th# oa# ed'<' crwtrfhra, and in this condition I . omwasoooed*- the uae of B. B. 8., tonr bevies of 'winch en abled m< to discard the nse of mywotoliee • arelattand to basluess.-. I had praetowly nara*-- a» WoH'tow»mm«uieW*iedk>inee wsUumSTvitoL- - It has -boen»>o¥»r two months Mnvw. wla* I j D. B. B.*‘ anfti niyveK a ponmuMUrtif >’ cared m*m. JjP. DAVIS, Atlanta, G*. (WmißiMfo' > i fWHTFUL NASAL CATARRH/; Pieces of Bimej. For fosr yemn I have tn-en niflicSHk wtto tr i ' very trooMeeome catarrh of Mie herei. ** » ternWe hkS-Ua uaturs-touou that when I U-vw ' my noeo smafl pi- ues of boaeawaiifd frcr,»nnty .- eotno out ot my monftr and hoses Threto# - 1 ebarge waa ooptona and st tunes aac«retoM*F ’ offvustvo. My btoad tooasne so Atoyw.e ti»«t *. my graeval health was grssrtte Imywwrft, wffh *. poor appetite and townw ttovMtoa. NnmeroiM mratoUrea were seed wWhsto relref, unto J began tbe «*< of B. B. aw# s three botftos acted almost Me mcrfto. •toss their use aot a symptom bw r»turned, ara L. foel in every way qane restored lo l.'aitih. 11 am mi eld oiflxen ot Afkmta, mA refer to ato most any one living on butter street, aAI room •_ paHiuularly to Dr.L. M. QUlam, Who knew* - of my casoi Mna. ItMaattsvH totevr. We wS! mall <Mi-ag»#Wcaw*-* to xwyone later- - toted in blood and Itotn Dl* an#, Betel. RhMitoaA'-to, THtoMto, *to., woMOer- - fat ami ora#««t«M3kbi* aarftoaray at «*es . affeoieti hf toe use «t fi. B. •*, toe oflr«e#l ; Bteed RMtore- ettauOarato. • Lc** f< * «•*>- «r Mare iAetodQ «a receipt of BLOev lU£M MQ , Attont*. Ga. THE. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN f Ha# a.t»ftfoed a strand* rd of. excellence wbich i i admits <* no superior; It ootiMHm every improvemenflhat inventfv## genius, .skill and moa#y cau produce. »mn OKU, w uro; rat rrvp FITZ. Yzm. These cxeeßsnl Organs are celebrated Wm volume, qtrelMy of Vme, quick response, variety of combinttttots, artistic design, Iteauty in- perfect eocatroetion, making them tbe ruart. attractive, enuuatental and desirable orgiwis for ■ hootere. seteoote, cAurebea. lodge#, societies, cto.. EWrfeBJLIffHKD KEFirrATIOX* VX««UAJLEI» FACILITIES. KMIULED WOBKMEX. BEST MATEBIAI*. eowwntßh, maxi this THH POPULAR ORGAN, luatraction Books 4. Piano Stoolt ejaßogoe# A Price Lists, on application, rut#. - Tin Chicago Cottage Organ Ct Canrer Randolph and Ann Strssta. CHICAGO, r L Thsjaon Weekly a*w»- /j Ptore devoted to eereeos. raochankM, • S’ o ’®?"#, deseovvries, invsnttone end p»t»® ever pnbhehefe Kvery number illseCrsted with splendid enwrsvjnre. This paWtesfton. furetobes * mast valuable etu relonsdtu of ifaformMlos whisll n« prewra ahonld Le without The poputarto ** **• levrwnrrs Aiiroticas t« inch that its sto eulalion nearly enuafa that of aft other pensre sf J’rirfaffS.3oaysar. DtasiorS SeCJiutaa. SoMto sllre-vstoatera. MUNK # CO., pabhtoms, Uto bNumSuM nAI RR to JRtnm A Co. have NTS# pra. ixt before .ent Office, and have prepend an On# HuoOrv-d Thou#- kplicatione for patents fa the States and foreign eosafarie*. I, Trade-Macka. Ceprnghta. eata. and aH other papers for other foreign cosntatot pee noties and on reasonable tow. aa to obtaining pateuts there thout eharge. Hand-books sf tent free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed i# the Scteritidt < Aiaanoan -free. The advantage W sash nettes to I well nndereceod by all perwoOl wbo suah te dwpoes ' of their patents. I AddrLs Minor a co.. Offloe Scxcmon# AxaMCM. 3K Broadway. Sew lock. 3