The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, March 17, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL PENCILLINGB A Record of Events Occurring in the Town and County. Beautiful weather. Patronize home industries All good citizens do this. A crazy negro passed through Douglasville last Saturday. Mrs. Joe. Bowers gave us a splen did dinner last Friday. Mt. J. E. Phillips opened his acbeol last Monday with 26 scholars. The school of Mins Emma Free man is still increasing. When will we have our election on prohibition ? - ~ Deputy Sheriff Souter, is suffer ing with rheumatism. Quarterly meeting next Saturday aad Sun lay. Prof. Lovejoy’s school continues to increase. Ob, when will the blue birds come and the summer’s sun begin to shine. And still the subscribers cw in, Gentlemen,just come on, we will repay you. Merchants, advertising is to your interest, don’t think it is an actyic modalion on our part only. Mrs. Cora Head, of Tallapoosa, has been visiting her father, Mr. E. H. Camp, of this place. Miss Emma Simpson, of Coweta county, is visiting her Grandmother Mrs. Cash of this place. Mr. Daniel Smith, of Haralson, ▼’.sited Mr. G. M. Souter of this • county last week. Mr. Zebidee Earheart, of Haral son, visited friends in this comty i! |W«t week. Miss Sallie Connor, of Villa Rica, visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Ward, near here last week. Rev. A. j. Morgan and estimable wife, visited Douglasville last Satur day. Mr. T. J. Echols, of this place, visited his family in Paulding coun ty lust Sunday. Miss Mclntosh, of Powier Springs is visiting her sister Mrs. S. A. Mc- Elreath ot this place. Rev. A. A, Vaughn 6'led the pn'- pit at the Bip hl church l**t SaUir day and Sunday. It you want a good chew ofTobar- ( oscall on N. B. A J. T. Duncan fur ••Kiieka.” Fayette Sauter is the happiest man in Douglas county—it’s a buy, ami the hist one. For Immediate cure for the Head ache, try Hudson A Edge’s 2-40 Headache Cure. Mrs. Y. n. Winn, of Athens, Ga, who has been visiting relatives in tnwu, is now on a visit to relatives in Cave Springs, Ga, Mrs. Jane Skinner, who resides near this plso *, pai<l her children in this place a visit of several days last week. If the merchants of Douglasville will come to our aid as the country people have done, we will give you -one of the best weeklies iu Georgia. Uncle Moses McCarley asks us to state, forth i information of his Ala <bama friends, that ho is in very good bealtb aid is enjoying his visit flnc- Farmers, do not fail to read the diet of premiums off red by Geo. W. Scott A Co. of Athnti. They are caen who you can dval with and feel safe. Elder Elam Culpepper, of the Western Baptist Association, wi 1 gNTvach at the Baptistchurch in this & place ths Fifth Sunday in this month *vOvAA o'clock. - X Mr. Howard W latere who was at onetime identified with Douglas ville ami her interest, but now of Chajpel HiH, visited this place last gwtontay and Sunday. Mr.J.E. Phillips exhibited the Mfe-eise portrait of Judge Massey iaet Saturday. It Vas a splendid picture, resembling Mm) Judge very much. A moot delightfel entertainment was given the young people of the town, last Friday night, by Dr. aad j Mrs, T, R. WHiit’ey. * Joe Brown Camp, of Wilsonville, ■ called on ue last Saturday. He in forms us that he has a splendid R echoed near Wilsonville. Mr. Camp R ie*e good teacher and deserves a Hb- R era! patronage. Two nf out most prominent yonny I ancu called and subscribed for the I STAX last Saturday. IF. 11, we will ■ ear, that If Doutlaa county had „ I eaaremteh young men as Pink Bur- R« o n a d Joe Brown Camp, the girta W • this county would not feel any i about a good husband. W. L. Camp, one of the most prosperous and cleverest farmers in this county, calle I on us Tuesday, and had his name marked paid on our books, and it istbe same way on our merchants books. Mrs. M. G. Butler, of Bright Star, brought to our office last Saturday two of the finest beets we have seen for years. She raised them last year, and has kept them perfectly sound and fresh all through the winter. Thanks. We always ap preciate such kindnesses. We want to publish a paper for Douglas county that will be as good as any county paper in the state, aad if the merchants of the town of Douglasville will h Ip us with their mites as some are doing, we will give you a paper that will-be an honor to your town and count}', and it will be greatly appreciated. For Sale. One of the most convenient and best arranged dwellings in the town of Douglasvill. Terms Cash. • For further information, apply at this office. NOTICE. We will receive a car load of STERLING GUANO next week, which we propose to sell to responsi ble parties, as cheap as any of our neighboring towns has, or will sell it. Apply at once if you want a good GUANO at a low price. 8. N. DGRSETL’ AGO. SPRING ! SPRING I I I will receive this week, one »»f the finest and best assortment of Ready ’Made Clothing,that was ever brought to this market, aud will sell them at panic prices. Wi 1 duplicate Atlan ta pi ices for the CASH. Come and see them. John I*, W ats n, Judge T. W. Lovvorn,of Bremen, spent a day in town last week, Sev eral months since, Judge L’>vorn had his left ankle bully crushed in an ac cident, and altlio’ he wiil be a crip ple for Jife, we are glad to see he is getting able to walk a little without astick. When wesaw him and Col. J. 8. James walking the street tog< t'i er, it mede us feel aad, to think two such energetic men should be so very uufor.un ite ns to be crippled for lif.;. The ways of l’r vi »euce are inscru table. In this issue will be found the ad vertisement of Messrs. N. B. A J. T. Duncan, one of the best firm< in Douglasville. For several years they have been dealing extensively in Hardware, Cargi'fttor** ( Ik si les a full stock of diy goo Is. and groceries, and have le”n very | successful, by dealing fair and trea'- ' ing all alike. It has been given up by everybody that they keep the b» st aasortrae it of any fi -tn in town. IFe would urge our mai.y subscribers to call on them, and our word for it, you will be well and honestly treated, for Douglae county never produced honester boys than Poley aud Johny Duncan. We understand some of our mer chants will exhibit some evidences of their prosperity during the coming summer,by building substantial brick stores. Messrs. J. P. Watson, A. W. McLarty and I. M. A .M. B. Watson will pul in a solid brick block between the brick stoics of J. P. Batson and I. M. Watson. Mr. 8. N. Dorsett will erect a sp'endid brick building where his grocery bouse new stands. Messrs. N. B. A J. T. Duncan will build on the cor ner below the M isonic hall. Dr. Pool and D. W. Price will build up their lots on the corner on west side of Public Square, atd Col. J. S. Jam ’S will build a file hotel on the railroad park. Ilu rah for Douglas ville I There is life in the obi land yet- List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Douglasville, Ga., nn-' Called for March 2nd 1885. Andrican, Eliza; Arnold, Etta; Abercrombie, S W; Bowen, .1 M; Britton, W I • Bumbeilo. Stephen;» Chi'dera, Wyley ; Crider, R P; Dani el, Son; Sgal, J 11; Hembree, W J; Kennedy, J J; Kay, Charles 8; Lan don, Walter; MaGouirk.M G; Moody 1 Etta; Nixon, EEAT J; Richan’-i ner, Mrs L II; Rachel, J C; Riggins. Patry; Shceklinß.Dulea; Smith, SV; I Smith, M R; Stelklin, Duler; IFed- j dington, Mrs E C; Weddington R II; Ward, Caroline. When calling for the above letters please say ••advertised.” S. N. Dorsbtt, P. M. ( $5 Re ward ' About five weeks ago. an old par-| alilic white man. named Fulton, boi rowed my Ox (a red one. about eight years 01-i) to go to Austell and b»ck , and he has not I»cen heart of since. • The last seen of him he was near I Av sled. I will pay the above re > ward for the recov ry us mao or ox. Sasdkrs Huwklu Douglasville, Ga. , NOTICE. » J. E. Phillin* will begin bis school I on Monday, next. He guarantees I satisfied n. Ail be asks is a fair • irial. Tut very be*t attention paid i to small children and all new begin fi n- ra. For terms apply 10 Prind- Ipal. COMMITTEES KEI'OHT. We, the undersigned committee, appoint el by the Grand Jury at the January term, 1885, of the Superior court of Douglas coun ty, to examine the Book- and Vouchers of the Tax Collator and County Treasurer, beg leave to submit the following report: The Tax for the year 1833 was $ 5392 91 commissions, $203.54 Insolvent List 157 51 —$ 361 08 Amt paid PHc* c. t. 4643 56—« 50161 Balance uncollected 388 27 The Tax Jar ihe yev 1834 was $ 5822 96 c >mmissioDß 203 00 Insolvent. List 157 54- $360 54. Amt. paid Price c*t. 4432 64 $793 18 Balanc : uncollecte 1 1029,78 Upon examination of the Treasurer’s of fice we fi >d that D W Price, Ex-Trea‘Urer <p to March fsthdßß2. had received from ail sources . $ 6476 33 Paid out as par balance on hand 2180,16 Since whicn time to the expirition his term of offi ;e he received from all sourc s $ 16960,60 Making a total of 19140 79 Paid out as per vouchers and co u’s 18218 73 * |L saving in bls hamls $ 923-78 Respe tful ly submitted, J VO. G. .MAXWELL, T. H, SELMAN, H. T. COOPER, Committee. «, Relief from Malarial Poimoh. For six months pa*ll have been affed d with a very serious case of typhoid inalarie, which I contracted on mv oranse g ove4+i nortbwestern Floiida. I tried several reme dies, but everything failed in -. Two weeks ago 1 purchased a bottle of Swifi’s Specific. I had almost uiven up hope of ever being well again, I had trie 1 so many remedies, all of which had fail nd to do any good. Would to God that nil the affdeted peonle residing in the mat iriou» counties of Georgi , Florida and Alabama would reid this and try the S.S. S. Inste td ot dosing themselves with quinine and mineral re nedies. 1 feel It my duty to suffering humanity to write this certificate, for it may be the means of many of my‘'ld f iends tiying this great remedy as I have done. So strong is my faith in it that In every ease where the directions are followed 1 will guarantee a sure cure or for feit one hundred d dlars. CH \s. i>. HARKER. I’ublishe", Editorial Room Temperance Advocate, At lanta, Ga. “It Isa Wonderful Remedy.’ For many yea”s my bio id was in a bad con diti n, manifesting it* charac’erby ascrof ulons breaking out on both m.r ankhs which caused me considerable suffering as well as great annoyance. Se ing th i (vm > <>t Rev. .le' se H. Campbell, of Columbus, Ga., attached to a certificate concerning a cure by Swift’s Specific, I wrote to him about this remedy. His reply was that “it is a wonder ful remedy.’’ I tried itand found tlie action very much as described in the directions. I used about one dozen bottles, observing a steady and almcst daily improvement from Lite start. I was entirely cured of this disa greeable and distresing disease. That has been nearly a year ago, and 1 find no signs of the disease'ietiirnini;, and am ready to testify with Rev. Mr. Campbe I that Swilt's Specific “ is a wonderful rem<dy.” Chariest n, 8. C., Feb. 5, 1885. R. M. R. Treatiseon Bl<k> lan I Skio Diseise-i mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Co., Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. Taz Notice. I will be at the following places as ire i* lion d below, fi r the purpose of receiving the State and County Tax Returns lor the year 1885. FIRST ROUND. Thursday, A | rt I 2 id, Connors iu the fore noon a id Winaum afternoon. F d y. April 3 <1 Hotlow Chestnut in the •urenoon and at W. W. Waldens' iutheaHt s Jurd iv. 4pril4 h in thel foreuo >u uni F lirpliy court gfliund in as tern >on M ihday, Apr I 6 iat Cr imbie's mill ir the forenoon ud ai W L Lain/s in the as tern wn. Tne'd iv. April 7 h at Dongl-wville. Wadneed iy, Apr 1 Bth at Chapel Hill in the forenoon nd Arnold's Mill in the afters noo >. Thursday, April 9 h at John Bnsbie's in the forenoon at Chis nut Log in afternoon. Friday, Apr.l 10th at Salt Springs in the forenoon and Crider's shop iu afteruoon. SE OND ROUND Tuesday, May stn, at Douglasville, Wednesday, May 6;h at Weddington’s Academy in forenoor, at Connote Court Ground in the afternoon Thursday, May 7th at Polk’s Mill In the forenoon, al Hollow Chestnut in the after noon. Friday, May Bth at Wilson's Mill in the forenoon, at Fair Play court ground in after noon. Saturday, May Uth at Abercrombie’s Mill in the forenoon, at J. S. Dorsett's in afternoon. Monday, May 11 th at J. W. Brown’s Mill iu forenoon,at Chapel Hill in the afternoon. Tuesday, May 12th at Ferguson's Mill In forenoon, at Chestnut Log in afternoon. Wednesday, Msy 13ih at Salt Springs in forenoon, at Crider’s shop in afternoon. irtlßD AND LAST ROUND. Tuesday, June2n<b at Douglasville. Wednesday, June 3rd at Connor's Court giound In forenoon, nt Wln«ton in afternoon. Thursday, June Ith at Hollow Chestnut in forenoon,at Hereah church in afteruoon. Friday, Junesth at McWhorter a shop in forenoon, at Fair Play court ground in after- . noon. Saturday, June 6th at Crombie's mill In I forenoon, at F. M. Collins* in atfernoon. ( Mondaj, June Stb al Biown’s mill in fore noon, at Cli >pci Hill in afternoon. I Tuesday, June !Xb al John Busbee's in fore noon, at Cnestnut Log in afternoon. Wednesday, June 10th at Salt springs in forenoon, a* Crider's shop in afternoon. ’ I will he at the court housa in Douglas ville on Tuesday, July 7th aud also, on J« ly 8 h 9tb, lt)t.h, and Ilth. at which tim-» the books will be cloe<d, Plea-e notice carefully I the times and plsca of my appointments, I and meet ma there pm<nn' , v E. H.CAMP, T. R. D. C. G-ate NOtioe, Notice is herebv given, that Z. A. Rice lias this dnv filed in the office as the Ordinary lof Ifougias county,a petition to be allowed te erect aG ite across the public road leading from Ferguson's Mills and Baker's Ferry, b’ Adet hold’s Ferry, iu said cousty. Ai d g ita to he erected neir the h nise on Maid roul known as the Knott house, Said-petition I will he heard by his honor, 11. T. cooper, 1 Ordinary, alChamber«, in Do tglaaville, G_«.. I alieo'cl ck A. M. on Thursday, April loth, ' Hfcio. This March 16th ISSk . c\MP Attorney for Petitioner, 0. D. CAMP, .<rroß rci” Civil Engineer Sun.'eyor, DOUGLASVILLE Ga FOR SALE CHEAP.' A good second-hand Pony Saw Mill. wiih 42 inch Circular Saw, Saw Frame, Carriage and Head Block#. AU complete and in working order, , Call al Una office. CORRESPONDENCE, CHAPEL HILLDOTB. Wa are on the sunny side. The formers are stirring early and late. Mr. W. J. Camp is planting earn in a hur y. lam in a hurry for spring to open, for I never did want to see chickens sprout so bad iu my life. Mr Ctmp Diniel and Willie Stamps, of Dng River, spent last Saturday with us. Some of our young people went to Prtys inday, if it was snowing, it is one of the most thriving churches in our county. Mr. J. G R ; vers has planted 400 stalks of ribbon cane. His brother planted 300 stalks on one-fourth of an acre and ma le lU6 gal lons aud put up 2000 stalks fur seed Last year. John Renfroe who has been very sick is uo w able to be up. Prot c, H, Clark’s. school is on the in cre<wf. Slow Gc. JOE. BOWERS CO.HE4 AG A 151. Ed Scab: To-day is a lovely day. The plowj|peiog shoved with a vim. Mr, EL Maxwell finished planting corn last Friday, 7ch inst. so be says. Ed. has a winter com, I expect, freesi proof. Cqapal Hill correspondent thatfbe ’ Fence men” ooiled ‘•Sorghum ’ too djn on the day of the election, fur fenc or no fence, and he (Sorghum) turned to sugar. Say to him, lam truly glad chapel ’Hillis allO. K. for prohibition. Perhaps w leu D fuglas county's vote says we sh all have prohibition, he will hear from ‘owe'ja’ again. Since Mr, E. A. Morris has topped h't, trees and picketed his yard and planked hi lot, he has the prettiest place from Doug lasville to the river. Others might go au l do likewise. I had the pleas ire last Friday to ‘•it down to another “square - ’ meal. Mn. Joe Bjw ers had company. Mr. John W. Frank and lady, ot Coweta Mr N. B D incan, lady and that "baby’, aud Cjl C O. Peavy and lady, from Douglasville. After dinner Mrs. Billy Haynie’s lady and daughter came over and we males, interfered with the feathered tribe. D- and P. were anxious for robins, P. especially, and they got them too. I would like for some of your many rea 1 ers to write up grape culture and prepara tion of land, etc. I wish to plant three or four acres next foil in grap 8. I am rooting one hundred cuttings of four varieties.. My kindest regards to ousin Ed. B. Joe. Bowers. J/r, Editor : I would like to have spaqg in your valuable paper to spend a few thoughts as a land ren ter, in reference to land renters. Nowlsaj,land renters and guano have and are ruining this country, ( hat is, they are helping; there are other things also, but I am not on them nriw.) In the fi st place, » guano eni lea our lan’, it w*on|wf>timu#tes it for a while, t th|Tlaiid renter is obligcd to ImlU lathe second place, the land rent- ri« not going to imp:ove an other man’s land; he can’t 'io it, as he may not get to cultivate it more than one year, and the consequence is our land is ge’.ting poorer and poorer every day, ar.d the land own ers and land ranters are getting poor er and poorei every day, and ti e guano makers and other big monop olies are getting richer nnd richer every year. Now, I say, there ought to be a change. If the men who own the la d aud have to employ land renter#,would hire these men through the winter months when they have nothing at all to do and put them to making manure, gates, draw-bars, cutting and splinting rails, fixing up fence, building barnes, and other ne cessary out-houses, setting out or chards, vineyards, etc., you would see one of the prettiest country’s, you ever saw. But they say,they are not able to pay them, I’ake t e money they send off for guano, pay it to these men a d thereby keep the money here in our country, giv ing the i lie and tramp work, the hungry something to cat, clothing the naked, and making thousands of deserted homes happy. N w, ms. Editor, with a gloomy future before roc. without a change, 1 will close. Land RuNTJsa. Fish I Fish 11 -iy TOP WANT TcungFish rOR YOUR FISH POND JOOr'JT’T FOROET TO -,SENDTO— John W. Franks, HARALSON, Coweta, Co. Ga. OH! HAUWII Don’t You Know ? WELL ITssO. Y m C*a *t yoor Lumber dressed, ge ' M nld ng. ’ RrnelrHs. Banieters. Pickets Turned and denni wo/k at ' Douglasville Plaining Mil , than at any other mill n Gorgia C. T. PARKER. BEAR IX MINI), THAT ' N. B. & J. T. Duncan, -A.T THE OLD OTAKTD XTGFJBSI’X 1 SITX7XI SQUARE. Have the freshest stock, the largest stock, the most neatly arranged stock and the cheapest slock of goods everexhi ited in Douglas county. We .iow have in stock and are daily roceiri ig invoices of Dry Goods, Notions, 80.-te, Shoes, Hate, etc. Gioceries, Drugs. Garden and Flower Seeds. Crockery, Glass and Tinware. 7 full stock of Hardware and Carpenters tools. Also Black Snrth To Is of all kinds. W c sell the old reliable 3/ILBURN B AGON, one and two horse, the best wagon to be found anywhere. Also have on hand a lot. of the Frid dcll & Lester Combination Plow Slock and Cotton Pbn’er combined, which is the best tiling out. We have on band over Two Hundnd Thousand Sh njles, that we will sell very low. Highest market price paid for all kind of country produce Call and examine goods, prices, etc. N, R. & J. T. DUNCAN. Sheriff’s Sales FOB APRIL.; Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Douglasville, Douglas coun ty Ga ,on the first Tuesd iy in April lt>*s within the lawful hours of sale, the follow ing p-operty, to-w t: 0 ie haff undivided Interest Lu lots of land No. thousand (1000) and one thousand ad twanty tw»(lO22) in the 18uh district and 2id section of originally Cherokee now D >uglas c >unty. levied on and to be so das the property of D AV. Price, one of the de e ida its. to satiefv a fi 'a issued from the Superior court of Douglas county at the January ter i 1885 in favor of A B, Davis and a<ajnst Puce, Arion & ci. Proj erty pointed out by D W Price. Also at tbe same time and place will be sold lot No 4 in Block No 65 in the town of Duug’aiville, and all the improvements on said lot. It being the house a d lot where W A James now resides. Levied on and to be sold ?s the jr iperty of W A Jameatosat isfy afi fa issued from the 8 iperior court of Douglas county at tbe July term 1881, iu favor of Allen Humphrief agains said W A James. Levy made by J \V Briwu fore mer -heriff and turned over to me. a’so at same time and place, lots No 323 and 362 in the 18 h district and 2.. d section nf originally c lerokee now Douglas c mnty Levied on and to be sold as the property of J H Morse to satisfy a fi fa is ued from tbe Jus ice’s court of 1273rd Disk G M at the February term 1883, in favor of Wade White and against J H Morsi Livy made by D. W Jo ins L c and turned over to me. Also at thesams time and lace, will be sold Jets of land Numbers 323 and 3t>2 in the 18th District and 2nd section es originally Cherokee now Dougins county. Levied on a> d to be sold as the prop, rtv of J H Morse tosntlsiy n fi fa I-sued from the Justices court of tlie 1273 id District G Mat the May term 188’, in favos of R E Morrow and against said H Morse. Mvy made by 15 W Johns L C Feb. idih 188", and tun ed ovei to me. Tenant in possession notified. HENRY WARD, Sheriff. The Ga. Pacific .ray, LOCAL TIME TABLE. In effect Jan. 4th 1885. Leave Atlanta (Whitehall Station) 9 00 a n. Concord 9 40 a m Mableton 9 4rt a m Austell 9 57 a. m Salt Springs 10 u 3 ain Douglasville 10 18 am Winston 19 32 am Villa Rica 10 43 a in Temple 11 v7 am Bremen II 30 am at Tallapoosa H 56 a in Oxford 1 46 p m Anniston 2 15 p in Birmingham 5 00 p tn Eastward— No. 2 Atlaata Express—Daily (Tlie direct short line between southwest.-rn cities and Atlanta aud ali Georgia, Norte and South Carolina and Virginia Points and Eastern Cities ) I.eave Birmingham, A. G.H.. 10 30 p m Anniston 1 25 p in Oxford I 54 p m Tallapoosa . 3 36 p ni Bremen 4 00 p in Temple 4 3pm Villa Rica 4 44 p m Winston 4 58 p in Douglasville 5 12 p in Salt Springs 5 27 p m ’ Austell 5 34 p in Mableton 5 44 p rn Concord 5 5' pm Arrive nt Atlanta 6 3> pm Mann’s Boudoir Buffett sleeping cirs be tween Atlanta and New Orleans, withaat change on Nos. 50 and 51 Elegant sleeping cars bet ween Atlanta and Birmingham on Nos. 52 aud 53. No. 52. [Fast Express.] No. 53. P. M. A. M. II 00 Lve. Atlanta Depot Arr. 710 li in Simpson Street, 7 00 11 17 Howell, G , 6 51 11 30 I’ey tor, Ga. 636 1134 Chattahoochee, 6 32 11 49 Coneord, Ga. 6 15 11 56 Mabß ton, Ga, 6 01 a. M, 12 io Austell,Ga 5 5i 12 salt Sprin r®, Gn. 5 10 12 40 Douglasville, 5 li 12 57 Win-ton, 4 55 I 17 Villa Rica, 4 30 i 1 41 Tempi-*, 4 2 <2 Tall pwosa, 2 43 1 3 <X4 Muscadine, 2 97 • .8 31 Ed Wardsville, t 37 3 56 Heflin, I 10 4 46 Choccolocco, 12 3.5 4 38 DeArm uiviile, I‘2 2' P. M 4 56 Oxford, 1158 4 59 Oxann , H 52 5 A5 Anniston, II 48 6 27 Riversi .<•, 10 15 6 31 Seddon, 1° '*» 6 51 Eden, 9 4' TH Cook’s Springs, 9 2'l T 34 Hrotnpton, 8 55 7 56 Leeds, 8 31 8 3>) Irondale, 7 10 850 n m Arr Birmingham, Lve. 7l> Read Down Iteid Ip. Westward. —Connect a’ Ox mna with E. T. V. & 1 at Birmingham with C., N. O. A T. P. and L. A N. „ Eastward.—Connect a’ ' tfonta w’th R. A D.,Ga. R. ft., Cent R. R. of (iewgia.E. f. V. &<;«., W. & A.,and A. A W. P. a.R. Connect at Aunistou with A. A A railroad Qeul.Supt. G.F.A T. A Dr. T. R. WHITLEY, Physician and .iirgaon. w> ovia; 1 ~ The *• Utile IXteetlve.** JM * pjfea? Shxi b* cArcrtaa The FSRRERS of Douglas and surroundirg counties are hereby notified thar the Headquarters for all kinds of Farm Supplies, Flour, Ba. con, Sugars, Ct ffees, e’e , etc Are Changed from the o’d ruts, high prices, etc, and if you want anything and everything you buy -TO- be exactly what it is reprerenred to you tn be-our advice to you is, be sure yon call at s. A. McElreath ; Co’s- Store, where we know you will find what you want, aud at prices to suit the times. They make Agricultural Implements of all kinds a » t ecialty, and you never saw’ the like of HOES, PLOWS, HARROWS. WAGONS, Mark W. Johnston Cultivators and anything else a farmer needs, and SOCHEAP! Stevens Watch Blade In Atlanta And. Pronounced As good —AS ANY — In the Woria, A Thoupand Times BETTER THAN MANY SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR. J. P. STEVENS & CO. Jewelers ATLANTA ~ - GEORGIA, ProprWorr, *a. • * KT A.elc Tcrax Xdrviccim ’"Grail injnrieq!as»ian<>rbee*tn<jtbta(|ee«»*ta» Hambuko Lixxrtxirn TBe *• Utile neleefllve.**- «lOßert<» for toM toa For yamlly. •» * ,q *♦ Ultle Heteetl▼•»••• 910 SksUe for SS j Jr* *»» Ktwt Seafn pJrfeet. S*«J for dfCrtMb OUCAOO 3CAL* OU. OaMMfll M». ey CHICAGO SCATJ Ofl I S TO! WMM»I aCAU. *4*. • T«U _ eJPe-W®,* Twa •*». Ream ■*»•« ’JtiMireraaa aJT | a KitafT—M.eae 3