The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, April 28, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Speculating'W omen.- - A Wa2l Street broker remarked the other day; “Women are the most reck less garubkrw in the world. I never yet knew one to come out ahead speculating in Wall street, for they never know when to let go. As speculators, how ever, they have ten times the nerve of then and. they stand their leases with ex traordinary fortitude. A striking in stance of the Jff’d which gamblinggains en any one jrred the other day. A woman c_ff.o into nay o.Tice about one p’dock ifi the afternoon and naked to see mn on a matter of importance, I went ent to her aod found she Lad traveled all’ the way down from Springfield, Hsjw., for the purpose of investing some money. She took a bank book out of her bosom and showed me that she had a deposit of four thousand dollars. While I was talking to her it occurred to ma several time.* that her face was familiar, but I found that it was impos sible to place her. llnally I naked her and she yearned greatly surprised that I h*ad forgotten. She recalled the fact that she came to my cf ’CO nearly twelve years ago'with two linvusand dollars and began to speculate. She Lad made ten thousand aollnrs witiita two weeks and then suddenly got <caught in a Uerry and was * wiped k>fft every <«at that she had. She went back to fiprbij.’field and hews ehe is again ready u> blow in the Peet of her savings. During all these twelve years she saved tba nuwiey care fully, and every day «!>e read the stock reports in the newspo;«ers. She iuMjfollowed the market cai efufly and her ideaa are sound enough on stocks, but there is no chance of her winning. Four thousand dollars won’t go far when you speculate with it; \jn big lamps, imd the least little tm i of the rrxwfcot is likely to Bond her back to Springfield penniless. This ca « re nuads we of another one I had about a F«Mr ago. I was going out of tha office about four o’clock in the after not non my way homo, w hen I became tu dare that thoro was a woman sitting in one of the office chairs atari ng blankly ol tot the window. I remembered that -she had been there for two or three hou w, and made some inquiries. 1 found th U th* wm a boarding house keeper t p town, and a very estimable and < lexer - tng woman. She had by hard work sut - soudlng iu savin<rone thousand six hnn - dred dollars and had listened to the per*, •uaslona of vn« of her boarders, a young Utor-k elerk, and had come down to inv office and ejwctdntcd. The money that alio had bcou years scraping together was lost in r day, J almost made up my mind never to operate for a woman togsrib. But whnt’s the use? If 1 don’t •CW» it some ono else will, and the *conv < til tab' goes as well with me as any one, AkteoH think so.- ■■ Brooklyn Eayii. I '" flVw Sugar (lane Grow*. Bufwrcaae grows during about fire a»d a half months. It makes its ap peoranoe saw oe the Ist of April, and by the September it has done reach ing upward. In that time it grows or i curtate grow twelve feet, counting th* white joints and the top or tuft. Ou the IM of July it is some four feet high, so that from then until Ute 15th of Sep tember it grows hinoty six inches. During August, however, it reaches the largest rate of lacrosse, the ordinary growth during that month under favorable con ditions being forty inches.• August ie known os the “growing month.” It ts Am that cultivation is over and the ground thoroughly shaded bv the foli- Xlt >• then that the daily showers alate tbo processed vegetation until taenu almost ter rally “see it” shoot Upward, it la m clear, still nlrbte daring this month that you can near t&at light cracking sound all over a healthy fl*M of cane. It is the month when. Instead of growing three-fourtb* at an inch per day, good cane outfit tit yjlhur Tini FABM AND HOVSEROLD. —Ptekles or vinegar will not keepin a t’ thot has ever had any kind of grease n. —To scoot kn'ves en -ly, mix a email quantity of baking soda with your brick anet, sod svo if your knives do not polish better. —Il dors not pay to pit a etrona horse beside a weak one. The. teams should be well matched in strength, as neither, then, is eo liable to be injured. —AiAvny JowrtoJ. —The meet common mtatbkc on email farms h oveivtnckhi*. When inort stock is kept than can Le iilierally fed. so as to keep regular thrifty growth, ail the stock »s kr A t ala kwo.—Z¥o*rw JbrwKf. —A good way to arrange fruit In a dish fur an ornamental piece, is to wt a glasi tttmUer in the ecuter (4 the dish, around and oxer it put a thick layer of mom; ffivn iv»t nearly se much fruit will l»o reqninsl. and it can to arranged Very handsomely. —Hasty-cup pudding: Eoat four spoonfuls of four with, a pint of milk and four eggs to a good butter, nutmeg and sugar to butter ti-tw.ips. till them ttwev parts ;ull. and wnd them to she oven. Will bake in a quarter of an hour.— ZJowsr/.o.’*f. —For canker in the month tnkc the hwidc bark of punch tn-e twigs of last year s growth and mA- a pint of strong tea. then add a lump of burnt alum the stse of a hickory nut. hnoly jmlverired. Sweeten w?th btmey and frequent ly.—Jht» •nei.’O* C|ron»c c. —Here is a piece of information for hoiMokt-epars fo-ni 3bnth CafoMna. Every oar knows how disagrvealde the odor* of nocking eabbnge is. All your neighi-ors xxn ull whret yon are going tn have cabbage for dinner. It y< u put a small of rvl pepper in the cabbage there will be no smell. The popper ahoorhs the odor of the cab tagn. Don't put Lt ton large a plcee of jnyiwc, however, or the cabbage will SCALE ca »» emitt *««». ust raw FOBGSS. TOOLS. |gw I I K— St-' *77 Tt W«W •W*®*’* •*«“*- An Old Soldier’s ' EXPERIENCE. t r Calvert, Texas, . May 3,1832. » u I wish to oxpress my appreciation o£ the ~ valuable qualities o£ : Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral I t es a cough remedy. 3 * While with Churchill’s army, just before j fee battle of Vicksburg, I soutraeted a »e --vwo esAd, which terminated iu a dangorea? [ l fooud co rolief till on Cur search «a.22w> 4» & eotKtsry store, trhars, ©ct ’ gjr sxfccs s&aacdy, I Erged to try dm'i , Cnxss&r Tsca-oiuA. “I d'/l ao, 8»d vaa rapiiiy ostred. S'r.zn theci I bare kept ths Pecto»al constantly by for ftuaily use, and I have found it to be I an invaluable remedy lor throat and luna i Cia<tasox. J. W. WsiTLEr,” . Thousands of testimonials cartify to ths prompt cure of all bronchial and lung ; aiTections, by the use of Avxs’s CnEiutY i Pbctora l. Being very palatable, the young. > eet children take it readily. FRSrAItED BY t Dr J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell. iVlase, I 7 > J > Sold by all Drugsista. I- *- 1 . _ w , 1 ‘ j yr tSM | Tsesflay, December 19« 19&A hjgsssassgss Tbs': Colossal Exhibit of all Time! • * fifccfiSQS CL®? XiifißCns© | dm fargvM bolkHng ever nrytHo * Cbo UrgMt Ccrfiftcrvaiory Ln the Wcrl4» I I 90 Acres of Space Under IKew Roto* tVwaa «O> A«w«MeraM»4atiei»a at BnastasH* Ba * 4^a a * >g VXUioga, Dvrtay tha period of the Bipoaiftoa, trom Dot, ta to June i, i6Bj the temperature nt Mew wn«<u» averages 65 Fahr. The lawn and shrxto < remaFn jfroasi. flowers Moom, fruits rlpsa, ao4 ~«a of rOgotiiblee g»ow and matora. J», jßailln/orroatton promptly famished. AMrece, . | ♦ *. Dlmcierttownt, | B-a fl— Th® Ki'J4 X-*' jujpu'er V/cpkly >.•»»-- paptr ds>vot».i (o scieuao. ia»ouaiiiea. a cis ssrinio '.meouUui.'r and pa lei.» •ver isbllahed. Kvory i»inl#r iilnßtratvd w.vii : •plane J, ‘ ©DgTMTiDfM, Tills pcbHrj»tson. f«irU«h«s nnu M vaiUAblaeno}’«ilopo4lla cl ipforEifttlou xvL: ?'i no p;»r ion should )>o without. r i jv*pui t w ity « « tho r.a P-KTirro Amxmcan >• c”jxli iu oi>- culatioi • u«Mr‘y enualtf thit < f i; i cthor jva»>c* j lu clan* ’comh’TiMl, JMoc, f*? 50nyenr. toClabt . bo’ l by MUJSa A Publialu ire. No. 3d B< .Mwnf. f». Y. OATEHTS. L—III! ■riaiinm 11 .. j * Aviate i the Patent Oflico. and hr.vo I more than Ona Hundred finue and applications for patents ia th® United foreiau oonuttioc. Caveats. tVpmahU. I ssignmonts. and a l other papers foe j ig to inventors tbeir mhi-s in the m States, Canada, England. Frauen, vorma »y and other foreign cunr»Uiv«, pre .-<4, pared a abort notice and on rnreouabla terint. Infon tntion satoabta'ninß tvatouU enotrr -q fully gi tn without cbajfi;e bim<i-bookg of Rm informs son sent leva I'tUiiU obUuw.l Ihronrh Nus a A Co. aro articod iu the ScinnMSe American frs v The advantace of ric# noMoo i« well nndereU al by all poreons who wish to Ci t Addr<^ l *TTKN A CO. C'Coe S4X»««XM Awuucis, 3 JSroadwity. Soar York. IMMSST LKM \v v -*w .pt— JYaprwtorv,Milanin, Co. ' ■ ’ KTZwSh: -7Tt>vjc X.-nAET£- , .ct fer Far all inj urtcr tntra.tu. ar beast natlilng equids Hakbuki Ijxfmkkt. RURAL RECORD the kdieg igrkcitirsl Paper of the South.- Oaly 11.00 per rear. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBERAL CLUB OFFERS. Rural Rbcoro with a Clock, delivered, SI.SQ, oipiwfi i *<s fe * /#// Ms ■ §* h r ' pTtmiam Last. OCHS, YONCE & CO., ' Chattonoogta, Teaa. j Refer to Editor thia paper. t! RHY A PSEPEt'S SREECM . PbT e. < LOADING CUE. I £ f lieM OST G I!$ ft* t fc Y >«**ineaf * ever oUVrrd to <be For sale by all t'.mt-class t'Jnn yvsalera * At WMolemla n»iy by (asaA for OataMffW . BCHOIERIINS. OAIY ft GULES, u 84 4k 96 Chsmbti-i SU Hew York. A HOME DRUGGISI TESTIFIES. Popularity at J-.onie is not always the best W. 0' merit, but wo point proudly' to the fact that no other medicine has won for iteolf Siwh universal approbation in its own city, rtate, turd country, and among all people, ad Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The following letter from one of our best known Massachusetts Druggists should be of interest to every sufferer: BHEW» Tare that I could not move from the bed, or &xefl3, without help. I tried several rente- . <4i»e withont much if any relief, until I took Avis’s Sarsaparilla, by tho t»e of two hotties of which I was completely cured. Have sold largo quantities of your SARax yxaiLLA, and it still retains its wonderful fOPatarity. The many notable euros it baa effected fa this vicinity convince rao that it fa the best bleed medicine ever offered to the yablia. E. F. Harris.’* &iv*r St., Euckland, Mass., itay 13,158-2. SAI T RHFIIP SjifiLß B§lsLyG’Bß Carpst Corporation, was far over twenty ysars before his removal to Lowell afflicted with Salt Rheum in its ■worst form. Its ulcerations actually covered ssore than half the Furfao# of his body and bmlsi. Ife was entirely cured by Ayer’s &hUAPA»n.LA. See eertificato in Ayer’s ALiiWia*} jSor 1888. l * * > J-Rirp-Uttm by br J.C. Ayer & Co., LowoH, Maea, gold by ell Druggists; «1. slat bottles for 85. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can produce. m Jhiilisik. E ™ 1111 I S WAR 3 . Bi ™ ■' I? KR 1 ” KwW ™ EXCEL YEABX — gEyft - '*? “* • These excellent Organs; arc celebrated for volume, quality of tone,, quick response, variety of combination, artistic de-ign. beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs for I homes, schools, churches, ledges, societies, etc. 1 | F.RTABDIJ.SfVR REFUTATION, rXJQVAI.I il FACII.ft IF.S, SIIILLEI* WORKMEN, BEST MATERIAL eOMMNEn, MAJiOjaillS THZ POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books .& Piano Stools (. 'ogues & Price Lists, on application, FREE, The Chicago Cottle .Qjgan Ca Corner Ea.dolph «r.d Aar. Streets. CHICAGO. * v. t BEST OF ALL! The New American NUMBER Or LEADS THK WORLD. Purchasing Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. 0 0)<f) g— ■ sh mm >-15 SSrQUS 5r- w<Z) g 3 SO ’ 2 |sib>hs » ’ F 5 PCT = 3 5 5 3 SiSSiT! Sss mmsrri Pst mms rri SGCg’.c K (ftcftfco The Star, DOUGLASVILLE, GA. A Four-Paje, Tweaty-four Col umn Weekly, priated all at home. It is intended to give to the town of Dong lasville a newsy, syicy, local sheet, to Dong las connty a first class County Paper—fos tering the mental, moral and material in terests of the Town, County and contiguous sections-giving the News of the dsy. I In politic*, it will he Democratic It will be ti e friend of the enconrging Ag r’culiure. The mechanic will s e (hat it hum r' the honest toiler, recognizing she nobility ofl bor- Upon »I! a tiMitionii of public linFOttence we will speak out candidly and will ride the fence on none ever advocating that aids of any question which we think will lend mist to elevate—morally, mentally and materially —the masses of the peopD, for tbc General prosperity iscentingeat upon the well being of the Individual. The paper will be largely incal in Its make up and circulation, but on question* in Atatt and National affairs w wilt not hesitate te express our views, SI.OO A Year Oas.h CHAS. O. PEAVY. H fiIWE //' ' I 6 *. ■ ■; HiVJt strf. TO ’ jgCw 13 I | C> ’As No EQ uAL MWHffiMjUtffill /30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK, ILL. MASS. GA FOR SALE BY v.-*^<4nr-w-m» Trßrr n W wmrMr-fwr - n |a = - r 4> r SCBOFDLA, S FTDIERS 3 IS 6MHBBUR WSw STOLLINGS, ! Qiß ulcebs SORES, B SYPHILIS i rrwry t~— "-"’Tn ni-L-un 1 -i—wj INALLSTARES, KEREUREAL & swiafflcl Jbeewatissy, ; ALL k’ ; bAii ’ " “ rgBIiPTWKS.J SSih -Jkws EUMO33, [CATABBa, I aSliflC EC2EIL ' gl Wa CEOENA. i SL4f HDsnj mourn 1 - - w V’.-wvfonnma M And all Imparities of tlie Blood. One bottle of Ji. B. B. will convlaec r»ny on® of its great superiority ovar all for the rapid a:ul powerful cure .»f #a Bloosl Poisons. It euros in Joss than <>:>.&. half the timo usually required b/ iuj other treatment. One tbon-aud case* <n>r»d in Atlanta. Send postal for home proot Try one bottle for your blood. Sv Id «qr all druffgiste. Quart Bottlos, ®l. Blood Balm Co„ Prop’ll, Whitehall tood, AJu-AMi'A ,&A. A TALE OF TWO CmCHEI ▲ WaM Kiowa Cltiwa of Dowa hfe I have oely a ftw vrt* ia to w?irt as* to ateto »W I have bwra owtSned to vty tad sos Ore meotlu witk wino* wne «*?-«: VerveM JOieewaxßr, cc bviatw*. I wee e-vjf ®p**ed to koobU abort oeoaolowa-.'y By IM *» •* entokee, and a tkU concutua I fta ue *t e. 3. S-, fe«r !>.•»♦’* »< vkxfc ea- MUk sw to Oto &«» w crvtofcee m»4 Mtond to tartncKX I toU **M *M wsff rrt’«tn< trit a»*t vrttoL M Lx >*sa over rwa rr-«i4»3 >. >. ff, soil rMSx/<K- juywsM ft eerrt r.-uu A P. »ATFS, /JOsKta, e*. fTNrt »M 4 FmGHTfUL BASAL iATAim. Pr«fy«S cf Fw tow yews I tore te-s-to tZik-sw'i wum t vory «si»rrfc 0/ tov «• tombie W* &» s»nx-e ist»n fe» *««■ 1 wwo *y n«ee eettol ptoeec srf L-mmm we«iM ®«cm ert at ati MJoCk ai4 »**». dto rttorge wwfiMi rt edtrRjKTK My Dtoed hcasca* *• ta>w* shot MW g«e«-ja tawicih w*s jyersy >*, «toa poor spr«Kto ac. 4 w*Tr» Jißßtoevns mvdSeLSM ’Fen, v-*i wH!ew% Tsbef, BKMi I be«Ha *** ar Jk B. >, art tkrrt ss-tttisa setod xhrex*. --■» 2m»« ta*» txto net a tytrrCrvß to* Krt I •a*i in every way <re.--,wM »• I aai m eld Cttts at xttwxx, a&l mfss to eb meet aay o*v Urto< *u J>»Ztor s»>»w, s,»< iwi ynrttonhrly te De. L M. G .»«. kt* es my •***. U-»s. ffeuwa. We wS aeaff <w» *>ytiHea«<»a H »■•»• anted to toatoi m*« te» Aifmr*. J— tovu»to«K rtiw< no, -ftirHs®* M MM ■Hhifiuea btartt-cwTr «< ***• •SMted M®* ■» < 9- & K *» tto*t rwtew iTin rw—q, jTqcp uas * tea tarftetok « 4U pOßfft «• lUio&Sbf MNMr** hl xSHFJx - b' \ A g I Hl j iBSs I BEST TONIS. 3 This mediM’nc, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely (lures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, WrakneM, Impure Blood, Malaria,Chills and Fevers, and Neuralgia. 11 is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tno Kidneys and Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. 11 does not injure the teeth, cause produce constipation— other Iron medieines do. It enriches and purifies the blobd, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens tke muscles.and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c„ it has no equal, ' . —-* 4?3“ The genuine has above trade mark and cressed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. „,w a, KROWX CHKIUCAL CO., BALTIMORE, £KV TEECILTTSJ3S F IRON ] wrTkaewwsa fe Bota's tea M __ Tt will yvr'fy and enrich the ELQOD. regulate tie LiVt’Rand KIDHBYS. and kaSFoni ths KMALTH MT.d. nSOKef YOXTIfKi In all tSjMW diseases requiring a certain and effiaieTV TVcIC, e.tpeduilr I'yepcpc'a.Wantcf Appetite.ladlfiM llen. Lack of Bti’t-ngUi. et«.. Its «s« Is marked with Inunsiilate and wonderm! resttlla. seaea, wnr.c.les and nerves receive i;«w f*rse. Kullvaoc the mind and supplies Bfaln Bower. 8 A iFh9S!?f% eufteriuk hosn ail earoplafalb H-.Fft, L#S EJ.J3 poe'Hiar to tbelrssx will.£ nd ia. t&. kAUTIkS XAOM TONIC a .ate and Msady enre. It gives a elvsr and healthy eowplexina. xlie sironrest testimony to the value of h.Y, JiAKTr.K’e Irom Tonic js ibat freqaent attesapte at aouatarfeltlng hx> e only added to the popnutf. Ity »r the original. If you earntnuly desire hnalih do not experiment—set the OlilsiN Al. AND “OSff A’Se’-vi yunr sddree* to Th* D/. Harter MedXJo.’fe, •(.« LJ. LauU, .y»., for u«r''Li'-KAX SOC'K.” tfl oil of si-M ire aod ia.iuraiaUa*. tree.*- tiX. WARTSR'fi I HOU TOHiO W SO« GALH STf MA HICU aTS AMO DCALCtV. E'WRYWHSfSS. BUCKEYE BUGGY Co| COLTr&rZBTTS, • Leading Manufacturers of BUGGIES, PHOTONS, SURRffiB c£3O., c&o. ESrfpmottts Swirly ar by Car Exmo< ter sig| Faria ©f tboU. IS. ftmiy First-Class Work .‘•THE BEST 13THE CHEAPEST.” Bend for Catalegtre ebawtsg Thtedgr toff toetfrom. rMtoryead Salosroetxs ffe,*» Msi • MT7, IM, end 171 Metta High Colombo*, Ota*. Serfdepewima with tha Trtdg Health is Wealth! it’jFtßVLjr 1 M " 1 •Mdiii t ■S’ji M Al $Jr I® ■■ - to-- Dr L C. West’s Nervr amd Tracy tntXT, n guaranteed npecifio for Hystorin, Draw uecw, (lonvulsiono, Fit*. Nervous NeoHUgte Headache, Nervous Proet ratton caused by the uta of alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful noea, M *ntal Ifo pression. Softening or the Brain resulting in ine imn ity and leading to misery, decay and qcntfo, •’ematuro Old Aga, Barrenness, Loss of powof either sex. Involuntary Lisses ana Bpanaafo orrhot-a caused by over-exertion of tho bruin, wifft- I abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contain* : ono month's treatment. flXXla box, or sax bore* JorSSXiO. sent by mail prepaidon receipt of prux* WE ttUABANTEE SIX BOXES J'o eure any case. With each order roeeivod by** * or six boxes, accompanied with (SDQ, wo will eend tha purchaser our written guarantee to » fond the money if the trvattneut does not ft cure. Guarantees issued orlyby JOHN O. WEST & 00., 862 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, Bole Prop’s Wert’s Liver i’iids. s*toqX3rPW*3r«- *ybvovs niBUTTL fcj 3 < etf ' ** 4 aistrmt •»• T? 5 rpTQ* Wf i CAjeythfnl icduwta g W®ua, toe tedv'9'M, V' 7 luad »V9f w»r|t, £)* VA-s. twpcrizf whUt » mA ®» by psMfftatiowt ciAMM •< *> Curd ** trcsbkff. £-«t onr fr«e F;R Jar *d4 trtxl packi».f« GESITORBBEI Aal Cta• te- - Y«D<ery». F--u4*d •* taHU- for O yr,a-a t>y usd la Liton- tfoa. DirectVi :L* tertrvA* rtf Ci! teiva&e vukra It* >►> aands of ceao*. I <iß «, ifnw . fcw «uui-s ■— s«i*r- ft* wwu-ii ft.*. y ui. f J a ffita ■E'.“«S “ PACKAC-. I •• B rt --' A 11 **• ___ r p. .bi imcmms r .,._ , no 3 y .tod HARRIS SJEaSGOY CO,, KTf CherJlti. J ttM>F£K*rLii ivto bt., St. Loafo, No. Oa* SssTh’S T rm Tuart. > I Hu- n»; 3 $1 TTTsp “UrtTc Defect Ire.** '^•4''.—---< for 8n : L;-er. t> 2Mhs. a * For I mhUj. or Fwaib - avm rc-ue bond f«r clrev'SS l-iib. AmO OUu. (JukUSh, Lfitf