The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, May 05, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL PEXCILIXGS The bridge is finished, and we an glad of it. Grain era lies at McZZlreath <5 Bros, Raney is taking his rounds this week. Be a shamed, my friend Mre. Mollie Lindley, of Austell, ii visiting the family of Mr. A. G " JFeddington. We will try and publish a bettei paper next week. We have ordered s new heading and we want to make some other improvements also. Our “Gattling Gun” has got to be a tenor to our competitors. Lister how they squall. • S,N. DORSETT & CO. Miss Nora Howell, of Sweetwater, is the guest of Miss Fannie W edding ton. Give ns al9 foot bridge and we are pleased. It gave us relief whon the last plank was laid. Hurrah for the contractors, and the council. Our competitors will quote the •*‘Gattling Gun” but they can’t come in rifle range of oar prices. Com pare and see. S. N. DORSETT & CO. A very interesting meeting is in progiessat the Methodist church in this place. Our merchants close their doors one hour each day. Some of our merchants are the cleverest men nn Georgia. When the Gittling guns explode you will hear the report of blank car tridges, and the people will be found at J. P. Watson’s buying the bar gains that are always to be had over dris counters. Mrs. E. F. McLarty, Gt Polk coun ty, and her children are the guests of Mrs. A. G. Weddington, of this rplaee. When men talk about crushing competitors, J. P. Watson laughs. He courts competition. There is not a lawyer in Fairburn. At least one can’t tell that there is from reading the Campbell County News. Gentlemen, they are deserv ing men, give them your cards. Mr. D. P. Whiiemuight a carp on his trap in sweetwater, that weighed nine pounds. Ha has caught several heretofore, hut none so large as this otto. J. P. Watson went to the city Monday morning. Now, look out for new,fresh goods, an I living pr.- -oes. Mr. J. L. Perkins, wife and little Virgie, were in town last Sunday. Mr. Perkins and his interesting fam ily have an enviable reputation Id this community. Everybody in Douglas and ad joining connlies, are invited to at tend Dorsett A Co’s, sale next Sat urday. Read their advertisement. ITnclc Reese Watkins was in ♦town to-day. He ia looking quite feeble, hut is the same clever, geu .la! old gentleman of old. v James Height, of Paulding conn- is the largest land owner in the ■Suit. He owns 250.000 acres. — Ham Ison Banner. That’s nut so. The “Gattiing Gun” of S. N. Dor sett & Co. has done more than at was designed to. It has made some of ibe natives wake up before it was \fired. Our low prices will still more astonish them. 8. N. DORSETT A CO. The Hon. Mr. Fite, of CartersviUe collector f ;r this sub- lislriot took 1118.20 out of Douglasville to day, for revenue licenses. IPe call attention to the advertise ments of J. C. Wright and J. A. Pittman to be found elsewhere in this issue. These gentlemen are well and favorably known to our readers and all that is necessary, is simply to i -call attention to their advertisements. We are truly glad that our enrrm- and country frieuds are waging war against the merchants who do not help u» sustain tbeit county paper. Thai's right; a man that esn’tsoe the**g,um” in adverti sing will not do to trade with. He knows uotlnng obout business, and deserves no patronage. After you have hunted the towu for Lw!i«s* Hand Made Shoes. Qeu tlemeu’s Clothing, Spring Styles in Dress Goods, and fad to find what you want, then go to J. P. Watson’s and gel il al prices where every coh< makes the Gaining gun sound like s toy. Iu another column will Im fount the advertisement ol Mr. F. M. Tur nsr’a bar. Mr. Turner has but re •C 'nilv become a citizen of our burs but during tvs short lime here.he has by quiet draj-snor and gentk-tunnlj bearing, gained the confidence ani esteem of our entire |h uple. H’c have a few cb ver comjwtitnr who will quote “rock buUow” an. say they offer no baits, but wi» <lo».'i they pul their k ‘<u ds on the* merits? One of these fellows g. hit si long by our Galt Hu gun H’- know this for bo has ruj <d a uugb y yell- S- K DORSET | ... There is a very interesting protrac ted meeting being carried on this week at the Methodist church, con -0 ducted by Rev. Jfr. Owens, assisted by Rev. N. E, Mcßrayer, and that grand and g od old man, the Rev. J. B. C. Quillian. We earnestly hope that preat good may emanate from I 8 their efforts, and if Christian zeal and !• earnest preaching can accomplish is anything, we look for an abundant 1. harvest of their reaping. At J. P. IPatson’s you can dupli r cate eastern prices on Furniture. He a always has in stock Bureaus, Tables, e Round and Marble Top, Bedsteads of every quality,springs and mattres ses. No need to go to All anta,when e you can gel what you want at home u and at less figures than Atlanta can or will quote. , We regret to announce the almost r ’ sudden death of Mr. Jot Wingo, who ’ lived near Chapel Hill He was go ing to school at Chapel Hill, and' e having become very warm by play -1 ing, put his head under a spout of r water, to cool off - , and from cooling too suddenly, had something like 5 congestion and died right away r . He 3 was a noble young, and we siil . cerelysympathize with his bereaved relatives. Two of Douglasville’s sports began 1 betting the ot her day, on horse shoe 1 pitching, or pool playing, or some r thing of that kind, und when they ’ f got through one of them owed the i 1 other $7,200,000. He says liTs faint ly will have to live on ham and eggs , | and fresh fish and such coarse fare . as that for a whole week, so that he [ 1 can make money enough to pay the . bet. Salt Springs items received, but too late for publieati n. Will ap . pear next week. Glad to get them. Just Received. ’ —FROM— r Norn Tork and . Philadelphia, Two Large Invoices of 1 Mens, Youths, and Boys OLOtHING. Alud an immense ' 4 J<>b Lot” of . Ladies and Misses trimmed and ’ untrimmed Hals at rna’chles* pri i cea. 8. N. DORSETT & CO, NbTTdE! " AIJBORGI A— Douglas County, All pen»ot!B indab’.n 11« JBl <Uy, late of said county* deceased, are hereby notified ‘ to come forward and s-tde. sod nil persona , holding claims against said deceased, are notifivd t 6 prase nt them in terms of law. Thia May sth 1885: NINoY NALLY, W H NALLY, Adniiuisiraton, ~SHERIFF'SALES- FOR JUNE. Will he eohl before thaeourt door In the town of Douglasville. hvuglAs county, Ua.,between!he lawful hours ol sale on the , first ruesday In June 1865, the following pro- j perty. to-wit: One undivided half Interest in t"»t pflAnd k Nc. (UtSi) nlao lots of land N<i. MM npd B7J, ntl ■ ' three of said lots be. 114 in the Isth dutriet | . and 2nd section of orlsr.imlly Gherukean ,w t ttonglascounty, e*eir iwt eomaiidnr forty! I acre», nigre or less. Alab Wlof laud No. 223 ' . in the 2nd district und bib section of original -1 ly t'nrroll now Ibtugiss county Also one un divided half luturest.tu lots of l utd No. 55 and 56, In the rtr .tdt triet and sth section of originally <Vrroll now bouglas county. AH of aforesaid laud levied on as the pr->peris <>t the estate o' John b'. (J lover, deceased, by vir tue ofand tostUsfy a till lukueii by IL I’. ' (' >oj>er,Ordinary Douglas eonuiy against S. N. Iloraett, Uslmiaislratbr on tb» estate of John F. Glover, d.ceased, principal and Caleb P. Bowen and J. J. Whitley, T. H. Wliii let und J. W. Brown, administrators on the estate of K. iL Whitley, deceased, and 8. W. | * Biggers, Becurltiea, Tenant In possession , u idled. 4 Also nt ssnta time and place, a part of land s lot No. 2.5 In the Ist district and sth -e lion 1 of originally C*rr»>ll u. w I>ou;.las enmity, i known as the Parker mtll plac«, said laud be- J * I lug In the south enr» r <M said lot an-A : » coniiilulng 2 > acre* more ©r tews. Also, tue . west half ol'land lot No. la, In the first di>-| * trlct >»nd tilth section of ..rlgthatty (Jarro.l now l>m<liu-e >untyand<N»nta«i>i»Mono hun- I - dred acres, wore or less. Ai-o 3-t uar- *of ’ i land lot So 22inlbe first district and fifth , 3 saetloaof origiuallj* t arroll now Doogiasand | t known as the Winn place. Levied oe • I as the property ot P. W. Price, oue of the I , defendants, under an J by virtue 0; a Ufa issu- I ! ed mm thecourtofOrdinary ofDouitias .-oun | 1 | ty In fisvor of LhMagtaa County vs P. w. Price, j . > tormer Treasurer <<rl tclpal and J. B. Ounciu, ; i T. H. Selman and Young>, securL j 8 ' ties,at April term. |sA5. F.ope.-ty poiutoi ' J out by P. W. Price. Abo sv fl e same time sud plwe two town j lolsiu Bl.xtk t» and also in the southwest ! corner of said Block, in Uta town of iMatglac- . d vtl! , being two hundred feet .vjuare, fronting , ■JVC feet on Price street and running back I ea»\ s.aut'width, dH) fwt. levied on as the il property ot P. Veruety, under und by vlr . . tue of t'coiax fl 'as,ou* k»r the ya.r I*B3 and I ' rhe other for the year, t*M, lasted by W. A. 1 3 I tSayer, T, C. of Ihntgl >« county. |*roperty . pointed out bv W. a. H:,ye,, Rud niwde’ O by B. W. Johns, LC turned, .xer to tne. a ' Tenant In ts.-s.ej»>non notified. May the I Al-oat the same time and pfare, will t>e > so'd lot* one oiand two fii .ln Block twelve d ' <l2 in the town «>f the same tx „ ’ in ; 1 part of«.-Wasl land lot No, 17 In l«t > Pl«t< set and fifth s. ctlun ufot igtnaH} Carr ,-u *_ now l<-<>nalas county.. l.*vie«l nn and to ho . *uM(uttw|»n«'Wh- “f W. P.StftekU d. t-» I, ' salt IV • Oftttaeued t <•»» tne Superior court a of l»oug»a» eounio ,* l th’’J »“«“’/ twr w J \<* s ** * In f.vor of »Tau«, dnri-ton & Co, andaeatt;»t V JohutL Max welt and *, W. -tri-klntnl, prtnulpu’s,and W. P. »*i>l.k and, Ra urP-y. II Fr ~-ertr p tinted out *y PUutUd's attorn.ya ‘ IN-ttaul»» jpossosston uutifi-.-d. TM-s M*«v j'h ts-5, HFNItY W ARP, r* I ; _ . --■ - —7- — I *r-4 aU tKJOaCMWWatt relieved by Uktag lIKUSSTSUUUAN YECHABLE HUS »tsa taa.K»ys ; Enigme No. 3. I am composed of n'nc letters. ' My Ist you may find without the aid of ■ commen'.s, in the 4tn and sth books of the ! New Testament. 1 My 2nd in those books may be found too, ifyou will commence and read them both through. ; la the 133rd Psalm you will find my 3rd. Will occur twenty one times, My fourth may be found is country or town. My 5.k in village ycu will see. My fiA in eternity may be found. | My 7th ia the end will be. My Btp is part of tho gate you will find. I My 9th in entering you will see. My whois is the name of once an Ordina ry man. J- L. P. »ots Fruoi the, Country. Spring has come and the sap has begun to rise and the bads to swell and the leaves to put out arid the fl j vers to open and the air • is being filled with the spiciest perfume, and the birds can be seen jumping from branch ■to branch and singing in the sweetest man ner. iverything is brightened up. and the pic niciseason has come too. and the girls are stirring around in general preparing to have & big time. Mr. Camp’s picnic will beat J. W. Browns mill and he is going to invite Prof. Clark’s school of Chapel Hill, Prof. Neals, of Provi- j dence and Prof. Lovejuys, of DouglasriUe i j and he is going to have a fiddler to make ! ’ music for him top ay tucker. He says that * ' he is going to have a sweet heart that day I himself without a d >*bt. I want t > sea all -Lfhc young ladies out that day all dressed up in their brand- iew calic) dresses and picnic hats, standing ip red slippers, tkd with blue strings, etc. I see in your paper that Miss Cleveland Toes not receive company on Friday and Saturday. I wish to know if Friday and Saturday are ironing and washing days. The people have organized a Sabbath school at Chapel ifiii and have an interest ing school. Mr. James Phillips, of Campbell county, i« dead, be died about the 19tb, with the fever. Constant. An Open Letter to C'onsin Ed. Dbar O'>tu>iN —This leaves me not eiaeuj ly well, hope post are enjoying the samaj blessing. You see for the last month (otfl Sundays) minus the second Suudsy, I haJH been le; sting. 0 >e month ago ’o day, behind a splendid d.nncrat Mrs. i“s. ' third Snudty ac Mr-: H’s anot her dinne ; a vur ia ue cliiCSf-u p.<.> madeuiß|||||| and eggs. I'd gel you he, s. can be r< ad / f.r me when 1 tramp youromy. pa Sunday st Bs. Yonishputd Ljife J can there jnsraß ’■•’•txt up a I'i-ip l'.<S-BI , ladive ail know ‘ Uncle J ’ anil they knowW I V hat be loves to eat. 1 Again J was brousi tg armn.l in “Slow \ Ojk'-territory heard A. B. Vkugh, Jr preach at Uuapel Hill. Mr. V. should be a j L’ I), lie pr-a.Aies like one; is a sound, clear I hea led, strong Ce'euder of gospel truth, well worthy the name he bears. 1 shook bauds with School Boy, by the Way he is a preacher too, and a good one. 1 also noticed in Ibe audience Deacons Hur and the “attle ax” also our honorable lax receiver. By the way Mr C. ia one of the rnoet accommodating tax rectivere I ever knew, if you are too busy to mset his ep pointwieiiUi he w 11 go to y >ar houae ami charge you nothing fur hl» valuable lime, but he lovea a good dinner. By the way I am u'gressiuf, after B‘rvice», I accepted a hearty invitation from Mr and Mrs Ben Arnold to tbeir kospttab.e ard pleasant home where behind another salen li I din j iter I did j istice.' fa atl this ctmievd fdvu.d | “the red gravy" and <!o ft von forget it. 1 speak a good word every w rsre I go for i the Star and hers till driveru. Doyju? 1 Etcnee ba I writing, L >ve to all the faun ! ilji sod remember me to Unde It pley, aad be sure whuu pacing thia w*y to atop, fur we keep a lunea Labis for our kin. Ever your Cousin, Joe. Bowers. , KIVEB UILL DOTI. Tire farmers have been very unsuccess'ul ( notwithstanding they have worked excetd- 1 iugly hatd Tfiey Lave been coming out iu dent now for a long lime, not mating enough to pay expenses. All thia can be acconu’.ed fur. As soon as the credit system is anuouuted they OFgin buying, especially a woman. They never gel enough, when | thi y yet into a store, she’s perfectly •td S e wants this and she wants that, au ft i if there be a possibility, ehe’s going to have exactly wbat she wauts. and by the time ; they make two or three such purcbasea it ! counts uu, aud when the money for the ' goods becomes due the husband goee to pay . 1 np and issurprisoJ at hie accouak it u just i as arge agai i as h« expee »1, aad he comes ( to fi >d out that he has not gut euong 1 m ms- j er ie pny and he is Freed to give bis iron ; clad nou, payable when be soßs his drat ! ■ bale of cotton. Puis should be avoided the ! I farmers ahuu d raise their owe meat, corn, i I wheat and every thing else that can be ma le I lou the farm. Wheuetcr they do this they ! willsurel.’ prosper- A cat tain young man remarked the other d»y that a c.r.aiu young la ry wks stry u.,!y j She overheard the compliment which be pw-eed u, eu her, and be quickly apologia-d ‘ b* s .ying that il is no disg'aw to be ugly. ! • She replied that if it »-s a disgr-ee you are 1 i left. He! a**d •. S Jot Wing *, on® of our best yoang men J died last Thursday evening, ot p e iiaotu. ! I Hi* death Casl quite a giuutu ortr thia com<. • inuuity. May U>J com tort ths bereaved i £ami‘y. The wife of Mr. Will R wlaad baa brer. Ut’i’cring imwrtKt life and death ter not less I IAU two ami v.ry I:.tie I beu> uaeu pl* e ye;, Mrs. M ild Mason, wife of Mr, Milo Ma •on. of Uunpbeil county, her at the point of diytfh, X. vlp QoKms. 4b J. C. WRIGHT —DEALS IN— DR I: O S AND family Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, - GA. Bought his Medicines from one of the best Wholesale Drug House? in the state, and everything is guar anteed to be Fresh, Pure and Gen uine, and he proposes to sell them cheaper than anybody. His Drugs were bought foT"Cash, and at the ver£_£° weß k Gash Prices, and that enables him to sell as cheap as the cheapest. All laboring men who earn a living by the sweat of their brow, and want good cheap goods and good weight and full measure and honest dealing, and want to trade \\ i(h a man who will act bn a square with all men, are invited to call and examine his goods and get his prices before you buy, and then, trade where you {’lease. Highest market price paid for country pro duce. J C Wright. LOOE il II T ill I ...ii Bl for the I you find him, g> in, and find Out that von ean get • egSWEET MASH CORN,and • aod better |k Ice Beer f . I. w»® Bkiftr.t any place in she county. Wl here is no doubt in the minds of Thto 3F*oop>lo Turner ha* the best and ihx’jft Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all say bo, aud if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at riolmau’* Corner And be convinced. TXT3H stevens Watch. IVlade In Atlanta nd Pronounced s good —AS ANY — In th.o World, A Thousand Times BETTER Til AX MANY SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR. -f. ?. STV NS & C 0 Jewelers ATLANTA - - GEORGIA HOsin.TE||s ' In orW to enrich the blood. *od Uin* Impart fre-h vigor loan enieebici -y«tem, KtnuriM* fligging- dixestjoti with Use > halo mvijj.»nmt, li.*stetv-r’# Stomach | BftXert, which, by energy tala the • * operMioa* of Che Moameb. promotes, nay, - tuem** dsgesth n *iml *erimil*tk*u. j *al oonM-qiwut nutrition. A gain to appe- I t.t*-. rig -r *nd C<-sh. is inv&riablv fowv.l to follow a course of tin* deaarvedly pop r ularicuie, whieh i*. moreover a reliable i prevejjiveot malarial trrere. ' i'vt aakt by an I>r*Rchrt® aad Dealers gtaendiy. THEBOAI | I » 1 'il ■ ISsIMI i I Um. M 1 k i o I Bi e I w 1 w ■ v MtJv vUhJMI ; Hew <& Where te Suy i RIGHT. With our Krupp Guns and Sharp-shooters leaded to the mtiEzJe with 1 backbone breakers and Jaw-bone “pulverizers” we propose U) give a few » lact.B and figures. Prices that will startle the natives aud paralyze compe— ’ tition. J ust out ot the smoke of Saturday’s battle in which we had to caU I in auxiliary aid, in order to accommodate the immense threng that crowded * • our store, with WINTERS on the second floor and WINN commanding j the right wing of our little army, we to win a victory of which 1 we feel justly proud, cutting right and left, we slaughtered everything aad j e ent our customers home rejoicing to know that they had gotten value re ceived for their money, and was amply paid far the -iine spent in inspect- 1 mg our stock. Our lieutenant will be in again next Friday evening oa the ' fast train and then again next Saturday you may listen for the rattle of oor 1 infantry. In the meantime remember that we will endeavor to' wait on yon during the week with the same courtesy and potiteaew and with prices on changed. ’ Navy Blue Suits $ g.Q® Genuine AssaLets Flannel Subts, 12.00 Grey Worsted in Mens ’ AH Wool Cassimere, * g.OO Worsted Four Button Cutaway, Imported French Worsted Satin Lined Sack, 25,04 Youths’ IForstcd Suits, Youth's Cassimere Suite - 4,59 IQ*O4 Children’s Nobby Suits, 9to 11 years old, ♦ >*s4 Men’s Perc.vle Sack Coats, jpi Black Alpacea Coats Lustre, Men's Heavy Moies Skin Pants in Stripes, ijn Afen's Heavy al! wool Jeans pant*, j Wc have ov -r 200 sui;s in stock equally a« cheap, which we cr.nnot des cribe. 100 odd suits from 25 cents up. Also odds and endsin coms and vests at your own price. The largest stock of Straw Hnts and the lowed prices. Ladies and Misses Hats 20 pec cenX teebw any horse intown. 10 Rib Umbrellas, j.Qig Alpaca, - . 300 Z inilla Parasols, 20 inch . Sirin - . . w l.Clfl OU R SPECI 4LTIES.—-Fine Shoes and Slippers. Hatsanfl Genite Furnishing Goods. Window Shades Shading. Tho Beat Dollor shirt 'in’ she Markef. Don’t fail to attend our big sale next Saturday. If low prices iiany In ducement, we will 4, gct there Eli”. Only give us a share of year p*troha|p and we will show you the diUereuce between dealing with dead merchants and !i*t> business men. g. N. DORSETT & CO. y " ' " ' ' J-SULAJ> James A. Pittman,-.! DOUGLASVILLE, < GEORGIA. Dry Goods, ITotions, Boots, Shoes, Ready Made Clothing $4.50 lo f 20,00 a suit. Hal'd* ware, Wooden wa re, Tin ware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, Drugs, E'.* w Sugar, Coflee, Syrup, Salt, Meat, Laid, Meal, Flour, Tobaxro, Cigirettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worste 1, Cashmers, Mull, Mnslina, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpaoesj, uiad Cottonades, Jeans, 0.-naburgs, etc. Cape May, Picnic, Sailors, Ladies and Misses Hats, Trimmings, Ar tificials, Bobonet, Washblonde, Laces, Hamburgs, Ribbons, Parasols, Fans, etc. I am daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I imb obtaining at prices in sympathy with '‘paHic” times. Respectfully, i J. A. PITTMAN. , BEAK IN 'll>D. T.,.T N. B. & J. T. Duncan, ol»d wanr sidbi *iqttai*ii* ILve the freshest stock, the largest stock, the most neatly arranged *tShflt and the clN’apest stock of goods ever exhi«ited in Donglae cbanty. Wc now uave in stock and are daily receiving in voices of Dry G<m*4«, Notions, B>. t«», Shoes, Hat*, e f c. Groceries. Drugs, Gardea and Flower Seeds. Crockery, GLse and Tinware. Z full stock of Hardware and Carpenters too Also Black Smith To« It of all kinds. : « Wc sell the oi.l reliable Jf I LBURN WAGON, one and two bore*, fbe best wagon to be found anywherv. Also have co hand a lot of the fMi dcll A Lester Coin in nation Plow Stork and C >ttoa Planter •owtdßMk, which is the best out. We have cn hand over Two Hundred Tboaeand Shingles, that w* wrtl sell very low. - - -4 11 igbest market price paid for all kind of country produce Call a»4 examine goods, prices, etc. N R A J. T. DUNCAff, LANDSETHS’PBHffIE®' ‘ MERCK OSEMO For the MARKET CEJCnQ Pof trio PRIVATE FAMILY feSXFlItt by onour qw" - | rw ll»»ito«c lU«a«r*t*4 Caial»««c aad Raral !-a«rta<ar WBBW I'Afi tM- I ' MERCHANTS, SEND VS YOm Bt'SINKHS CAROW XW <F«AM* TlffT ~ - ' DAVID LANDRHH&SONMEEDGROwsss.PNIIAfIHnM 3