The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, May 12, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE WEEKLY STAR. PCBLITHED EVERY TUESDAY BY Chas. O- Peavy- Douglas Co._Offirial Orgaru Entered at the post office at Douzlasville, G»,i as second class mail matter. ” MAY 12 th, 1885. puestinirioN. We hav* heard through some of our friends, that certain individuals, Smart Alec’s as it were, have been circulating a report that the editor of this paper has s6ld out ins interest in the prohibition movement to the saloon men of Douglasville. To all such we have simply to say, that we have no apologies to make to any one for our actings and doings, un less such one is personally injured or misrepresented; in that case we would apolcgise to a tramp. But as to our selling ou*, this is infamously false. This is the truth of the mat ter: When we began our opposition to liquor, we were then, anti still are, uncompromisingly opposed to it. It there has been any change in our feelings on the subject, such change has been more strongly in favor cA prohibition. To hold an election in Douglas county, costs money; and all elections of this nature have to be paid for by the petitioners. We sent out petitions to different parts of the county, and proposed to give two dollars, and do ail the advertis ing free of charge, in oilier to get an elec'ion on the subject. Tne con sequence has been, not a man in the county has lent us a helping band. Mota name to a petition has been returned, not a cent of money to defray expenses haa been effered, nor has there been anything else done to forward the cause, except what we have done through the Star. We have not, and never had any war to make on the saloon men. The three in this place are gentlemen, and no one, as tar as we know, has anything else to say of them, it is the evil tffect of whiskey that we oppose. There is anetber point that has been urged to us as a reason lor not pushing the question now. As the law now stands, liqm r can only be voted out in less quantities than one gallon. There is a measure pending before the legislature which,if passed, will allow it voted out entirely, it has been suggested, and stron ; ly urged, by our most influent ial men, men of honor, and Christian hearts, that action in the matter be deferred until we see what the legislature will do. As to the saloon advertisements in our paper, we get pay for the space they occupy, and wc have as much light to Sell them space in our paper as you have sell (hem a bushel of corn or give them a dose of pills. Their advertisements are not going to hurt you, unless you al tack them. A Urateiul Mather. My little boy when only two years odl had what was said to be a st roke of paralysis, affecting his right limb, and lor many months be could not walk. Ills health became exceeding ly feeble. No one dreamed he would ever recover from his misfortune, and hope had left my own heart ol ever rearing him to manhood. Finally be commenced to use his limbs a little, but the ankle joint bad become im potent, and in attempting to wa k bis foot would turn to one side, and the ankle bone would touch the floor. With that anguish) wb ch only a mother can fed, I ftrst realized he was to be a cripple all his life. With the aid of a steel ankle brace he was enabled to get around the house. His health wna completely shattered, and with an aching heart and gravest apprehension. I watched the livid expression of countenance and splotches on Ids face that would come and go. What a vidoved mO'hei’s affection could do was done, but with little pcrmanci t bent fit Being assured by friends that Swift’s Sptcific would do Idin good, through tbcii kindness I secured several bottles. I com manced to give it to my chil 1 about the flrat of laA Ju y (1884). The first bottle acted like a charm upon Ina system. After taking tl e second bottle bis complexion cleared up and strength began to inertase. He threw away bis braces several montbs ago, and now walks better than he ever did with it. The ankle jJnt has regained its strength and the foot it* prop* r p vision, aud th* Urge lump on the ankle, caused by friction and unnatural uw, has disappear© 1. He is now in ids sixthyear; his health is as good aud be is t»* lively as any Ohlld of ids age. Hu has taken six bottles of S. S. 3. only, hut ’he change has been wonderful, and everyb aiy who had seen him before heeotninece i to lake the medicine are astonished at bis appearance now. For the first lime since bis Vines* I feel in my beau the hope of rearing him- With devout gratitude to Hix who gave him. I bless the day I ever heard ol tbh remedy. Il has saved to m© my child. Mas. C. W. Sntsno’Dßß. Rutland, Ga., Feb. 2,1885. Cfeufrrh la 11**4. For year* 1 have been the victim of esuarr's •»* n •** tr< j and fatal of ad disease*. After ex- i hausting all the remedies that cam to mv knowledge, I was attracted by the advertisement of S. S. S., and determined to give it a fair trial. To my infinite surprise and the astonish-, ment of many spmpathizing fiiends, I I have been thoroughly cured. As| to the virtue of Switt’s Specific, I I can find no words or language to express my praise thereof. It it had not been for S. S. S. I would not be able to write even this much. L. S. Wassum, Gettysburg, 0. Jan 14,1884. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed .free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. The Henry County Weekly says: “Not a single criminal was arraign ed/or trial', and yet Judge Steweat left an empty jail behind him. The theory of prohibition is thus demon strated to be a practical and pleas ing reality.” Prohibitionists continue to wage their war, and are meeting with victory after victory. Let the good fight continue,and cease notuhtil the whole country has become prohi bition. We see by a Texas paper that the new minister to Japan, will appoint Mr. Frei S. Mansfield, an old Marietta boy, now in Tex s, to the position of secretary of legation at a salary of $3,000 per annum. Jerry Siilors.a white man aged 40 years, is under arrest at Rome under suspicion ol having marri d his 17- year—old niece. There is also reason to believe that he is acceesory to the murder of Frank Wild, of Villa- Ries. L:gil Advertisements. GEORGI A—Douglas County. Whereas J. Henry Winn. Administrator on the estate of F. M. Freeman by his petition show’s to this court, the same being duly filed and entered of record thathc lias fully administered the said estate. This is there fore to cite all persons concerned, b tn kin dred and creditors to show cause, Ifmy thev cult, why said administrator sheuld not be cisclnuged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day iu Augustnext. This Mav Hth 1885. 11. T. OOOPEK, Ordinary. NOTICE! GEORGIA—Douglas County, A’l persons indebted to JUN tliy. la’e of said county, deceas-d» are hereby notifi-*d to eotne forward and settle, and sll person* holding claims against said deceased, are notified to present them in terms of law. This May sth 1885; NANcY NALLY, V H NALLY, Administrators, “SHERIFF. SALES FOR JUNE. Will be sold before the court honse door in the town of Ih.ii dasville. Doug as county, Ga., between the lawful hours of side on the flrri,Tuesday in June 1885, the foil wing pro perty. to-wlt; One undivided half Interest In lot of land Ne. (1/82) also lots of land No. 540 and W 5, all three of said lots In the 18th district and 2nd section of originally Cherokee now Douglas county, e >ch lot conlainluir forty acres, more or less. Also ot of land No. 223 In tbe2ud district ami Bth section of original ly Carroll now Douglas county. Also one nr dtvided hulf interest in Iot»i«or land No. 55 and s»‘, In the first di trict and slh section ot originally Carroll now Douglas conniy. All of aforesaid laud levied on as the preperta of the estateo* John F. Glover, deceased, by vir tue of and »u satisfy a fifa Issued by 11. I. Cooper, Ordinary Douglas county against S. N. Dorsett, administrator on the estate of John F. Glover, deceased, principal and Caleb I\ Bowen and J. J. Whitley, T. R. Whit ley and J. W. Brown, administrators on the estate of K. R. Whitley, deceased, and S. W. Biggers, Securities, Tenant in possession notified. A Iso at same time and pl ace, a part of laud lot No. 25 in the Ist district, and Sth seMion ol or.glnally Carroll m w Douglas county, known ns the Parker mill place, said land be ingin the southwest corner ot said lot and rent.doing 25acres more <»r less Also the west half of land lot No. 4t>, In the first dis trict and fifth section <>f originally Carroll now Done las county and containing one hun <>red sores, mo>*e or less. Al-o 10 J-* aor. sol land ltd Ao. 22 in the first district and fifth section of originally Carroll now Doughiaana known as the Lewis Winn place. Levied on as the pr< perty til D. W. Prle», <me of the defendant?,undersnd by virtueot a flfa issu ed front thucourl <dOrdinary of iMughuieoun ty tn favor of Douglas County vx D. W. Price, former Treasurer prt rnip.d and J. b. Duncan, T. H. Sslmnn and Young Vansam, s-i'tiri iio,iU April term. 1885. P.ope ty pointed out by I). W. Price. Also at the same iiin » ami piar© two town lots In Block *5. and also 1 n the southwest corner of said Block, in the town of Doughs?- vll!«, being two hundresl feci square, fronting 2tXi feet on Price street arid running back east, same width, 2Wfe« f. Levied on as the pre etty of P. s. Verueiy, und-r and by vir tue of two tax fihn.nne tor the yer.r t>st .mid yhe other for the yt iv', IbM, issued bv W. A. Siiye ’, T V. of D> ugt »s c'Unty. Property poiiHedoulhy W. a. -*xiyer, mm! levies made t‘v D. W. Johns, LC and turned over to me. Tenant in possession notified. Muy the sih A!<oat the same time and place, will bo sold lots one (l)and two -2 , in Block tw dve (12) in the low a of Duimla vibe, the same bi» >ng n ran of original land lot No. t7 In l»t Districtaud fifth section of originally Carrell m?w Douglas county, levied on ami to he sold as the prooorty of W. P. Mt.r»ckl>i d, to sntt ty a tifa I«su«hI Dorn tne Superior court of |b>ugias countj , : »t the Junnury h-r-n 188\ in f.vnr.nfiTawe, ttoyleion &Cc, aadacultist JohnG. Maxwell and v. W. -trieklaud, principals,and W. P, sttbkiand, Security. Property pointed out -y PlmnUtr* artornsys T» nan Itn po?>svssion not lied. This May sth ISM. HEN BY WARD,' Lock! Look I! It you want s good m<*al for iiit’e money, go t-i HENRY PUIIA.4B RESTAURANT, 101 Broad St. Atlatitti, Ga. SHY * FIEPEH BREECH »WI LOADING cun. nsMCSTGUR •v«r •fifered to »*»• Fsr ««le by all ffrwt-<U'S ©wn Dewleriu At WOoUeaie «aly by (*«* for t SCHOVIBtiKG, DAtf & DALES, SI & 86 Clumber, St.. Sew York. BEAR IN MIND. TIIaT N. B. & J. T. Duncan, TJEXSS oniD o’z , -a-i«rz> ntvjej ®. *r xros oQTTja.Tt.s. Have the freshest stock, the largest stock, the most neatly arranged sto-sk and the cheapest stock of goods ever exhibited, in Douglas county. We now have in stock and are daily receiving invoices of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, eic. Groceries. Drugs, Garden and Flower Seeds. Crockery, Glass and Tinware. A full stock of Hardware asd Carpenters toois Also Black Smith Tools of all kinds. Wc sell the old reliable JHLBURN WAGON, one and two horse, the best wagon to be found anywhere. Also have on hand a lot of the Frid dell & Lester Combination Plow Stock and Citton Planter combined, which is the best thing,out. We have cn hand over Two Hundred Thousand Shingles, that we will sell very low. Highest market price paid for all kind of country produce Call and examine goods, prices, etc. N R .& J. T. DUNCAN, WIiDGTOn GUNS® WE HAVE THE Largest and Best Equipped Armory In the World! AND CONSEQUENTLY THE BEST OF FACILITIES FOR MANUFACTURING AND TESTING FIREARMS. WE HAVE MADE OYER ONE MILUOH MILITARY RIFLES Which have boeu adopted and are fa use fa EVERY QUARTER OF THE GLOBE. REMINGTON SHOT GUNS ARE NOTED FOR THE GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED AT ALL RANGES. WE REFER TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USED THEM. OUR HUNTING ANI) TARGET RIFLES Have taken HIGHEST AWARDS at International Expositions, and PRINCIPAL PRIZES fa Leading Matches. « EMINGTON e/IW * ARE UNEQUALED FOR Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, ’ Penetration, Precision, Ease of Action, and Rapidity of Fire. E. REMINGTON & SONS, NEW YORK OFFICE, 281 & 283 BROADWAY. ARMORY, ILION, N. Y. iW Shkd for Illustrated Catalogue. LOOK ft I'T O iW - FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, gff in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,and more aud better Ice Colei Beer FROM F. M. Tfflm than at any place in th* county. There is no doubt in the minds of THo I?ooplo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, 'Wines aud Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all aav so, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at •BoXxxxcfctx’o Corner and be convinced. stevens Watch Made In Atlanta and Pronounced as good In tiae World, A Thousand Times BETTER THAN MANY SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR. J. P. STeVENS & CO Jewelers ATLANTA - - GECRGIA The I>etectlve.*» -» *(• Sc» -for •*; a&jt*. IFwwLiiy, Oftlre •** - r? seal* S-urt •»* eXK».tS* CUiCaVQ, IM» RURAL RECORD The Leading Agriccitanl Paper of the Sooth. Only *I.OO per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBERAL CI.UR OFFERS. Rural Rbco»» with a Clock, delivered, 81.50, -I- w> \\WWING MACHINE#/' ag g Wv* W/ 5 5 15 oT*Send * cents in Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium List. OCHS, YONCE A, CO., Chattcnoogra, Tean. Refer to Editor this paper. «ZiCHICAGO SCALE Cft TT" J s TUS WASOJt SCALI, *4O. S TOS, «Mh Ton R«*am Box laciudcd, SOOOTHKK subs. IMMe4PX<CB mst fbu. Ma, FORGES, TOOLS, &c. WEST FWB«K BABB FOR LICHT WORK, Mt IpsZH 14« It>. Anvil end Kit of Toole. SIC yfce 1 I Farmer* .an* Mme *sd axan», d 0,., odd P«i LaJ Blowers. * nvila. vices a Other Article! at unntsr fricbs, whousau a bmaiu TTbe *• latttle IJetectfv©.** ba *IO Scale for S 3 ; 4-or. to 25Jbs. wf t War Family, Otffre or Store. « tvery scaie penert. Send for elrcuiaa CHICAGO SCALE CO, CHICAGO, lU. IT lllllli: Will! W. 11. CONALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MAGNOLIA SALOON Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened oat at the TTTRXTSJRi STAND »tS*»UNG P lUI ° f me. ELEGANT TOOL TABLES SWEET MASH and BLOCKADE CORN, Specialties. Spring Has OpenecL SO HAS MY »BK WUffIKW «ss. MRS. M. C. PRICE’S Be Just and Fear Not But come at once and see my new, neat and Fancy Stock of Millinery Goods. My stock is complete. My prices are low. My terms are Cash. Don’t delay but come at once aud see the FXXTE3T DISPL AY of Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets,Velvetines, Plumes, Tips, Flewera, Notions, Hosiery, Etc., that has ever been exhibited in Douglasville, Dress Making a Specialty. AU work done in that line guaranteed to fit, and the work to be of first class; MRS. M. 0. PRICE, ■ j Wheeler cfc Witsoa New Ho. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recnt Improvements Xm tboElost MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it aud be convinced. It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Treadt has no Noisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING and NOISY SHUETLE hAC HINES. i .. ■ -t/ ../vy- ACtEJVTS UMJrTED. Send for Price JLists and Terms to Wheeler & Wilson Ms ’ . Co. jak.ticbx&'tA? Cm.. YOUWILL FIN D AT THE IIRI'f STftllU OKIHi M Wlik, A’wajs a full line of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods, Perfumeries, Tobacjo and Cigars, Paints, Oils Varnishes, etc., etc. He also keep a large stock of Patent Medicines and Tonics, which are much needed at this season to tone up and invigorate the system. Just received invoice of C. L. C. the heat Liver Medicine of the age. Parties needing goods in our line will find it to their interest to call on us. Prescriptions carefully compounded stall hoars. , Hudson <& Edge. Spring! Spring! We are recelvHff dsi’v onr neff and stylish Spring Goods. We have the largest, pretti est and beet selected etocic of . ra sm e » its? ' ev*' broa’ht tn D-mdasville. W© nv>sn what w© sav abnnt this. Come and see. Our Hn« o» Good* is complete. We can fit bovs and men in any kind of straw hat from 25 cenls tn St 50. In young me i’s hats we have tne nobbiest selection that »v» be made in the largest hat market in America. Ladke and Misses Spring Hite in endless variety. Oir line of Spring and Summer »ho»> for ladies. Gentlemen and ohiH dren are full and was selected with a view to ple»<e one in both style and prioa*. In short w-‘keen every tbio?{ tba f c*n be found in any first-class general store. We must respectfully invite our iriends to call and examine our stock. 8. A. McElreath » Co. II