The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, May 19, 1885, Image 2

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-V-- I ~ THE WEEKLY STAR. PCBtlTHEB EVERY TUESDAY BY Ghas. O. Peavy. Douglas‘Co. Official Organ.. Entered at the post office at Douglasville, <}it 0 os second class mail matter. MAY 19th, 1885. Advice is seldom welcome if given unsolicited. It is not well to turn a deaf ear to the admonitions of your It lends, but the officious services oi' the professional advice giver are un bearable. No matter what your pro fession or business may be, you have all met the man who insists on telling you of your failings, financial mis takes, etc. He is as old as the globe and came in with the climate. He never tires of informing you how much better he could manage your business, and how much faster he could gather in the ducats, if he were only in your place. I honestly believe that part of the flood was gotten up as a farewell benefit performance in the interest of the first advice giver. Providence proved cruel to future mankind, and permitted him to stow himself away in the hold of the good ship Ark, and escape Captain Noah’s vigilant eye until they were many days at sea. We meet his descend ants everywhere. He has at especial pick at the hard-working scribe of the country press. He glories in telling the publisher that he must give more reading matter to the square inch and less advertising to the page, if lie wishes to hold his subscribers. He doesn’t seem to realize that advertisements mean Dread and butter, while a deliquent subscription list means—well, a new word will have to be coined to express at. He gently insinuates that the obituary of his friend Simpkins was not as glowing a tribute to the memo ry of the deceased as he expected. Nine oat of ten times he is a man who can’t tell the difference between a pay lo io cal announcing that cabbage plants are ripe and an editorial on Cleveland’s policy. He frequently tells the harrassed knight of the Faber that he should make a better local paper, and should also come out stronger in his political articles and yet be mild enough to retain his sub- scriibers of the oposite faith. We .ihave known a pronounced prohibi- ctionist, editor of a temperance or igan, lo make a wild break for a rsaloon after half an hour’s conversa tion with an advice fiend. He would -worry El Mahdi into the delirium tremens and convince him that he ■' knew nothing of war in fifteen min- sutes. A conceited man who talks of ^himself can be borne, but nitro 'glycerine is too good to associate with the roan who is continually meddling with theaffairs of other ^people. He turns out more suits for •di voirce than Gold Feet, Mother in iLaw, Hncongenialness and Com- jP any. £Tn Randolph court last week oJudge John T. Clark said, that a :game of billiards played where the one who is beaten pays for the game is gambling. He further said, that billiards being a game of chance,and .{therefore a gambling game.that per- ,-sona keeping tables at private dwel lings are liable to prosecution when »aninorsaje allowed to play. Another prominent revelation of the Judge’s was that grand jurors over the age - of 60 yeafs are not qualified rnem- rbers. In view of this fact several it rue hills Cow ud by the grand of la»t .-session, which had members over r®0 years of age, were aolle pressed i by the prosecuting counsel. Such .casesthough,wera.igain placed before the present sitting jury, and bills wero again found against such violators. known as S. S. S. T have watched i with much care the effect of this | medicine upon t,ho°e who have used j it, and bear willing testimony to fits i good results in a great majority of! instances. The firm engaged in its j manufacture are gentDmen and esp- ' talists, and are far above falsehood or deception as any' men in your com munity. You may confide iuiplicity in any of their statements touching its utility. You can get it at the drug stores in Louisville, Evansville or even in Owensboro, Ky. " I am sorry for your affliction, hut I believe this medicine will cure you if persisted in. I would not stop under one dozen or more large size bottles, which can be secured at reasonable cost. JOHN M. JOHNSON, 72 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. -AND— SO HAS MY BITT 4*4 DEALS IN— no — AND- DOUGLASVILLE, JA. Bought his Medicines from one of the best Wholesale Drug Houses in the state, and everything is guar- anteed to be Fresh, Pure and Gen uine, and he proposes to sell them cheaper than anybody. His Drugs were bought for Cash, and at the very lowest Cash Prices, and that enables him to sell as cheap as the cheapest. All laboring men who earn a living bv the sweat of their brow, and want good cheap goods and good weight and full measure and honest dealing, and want to trade with a man who will act on a square with all men, are invited to call and examine his goods and get his prices before you buy, and then, trade where you please. Highest market price paid for country pro duce. J C Wright. will still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their attention strictly to business. brings ns new and fresh goods, and we are now receiving the Largest, New est, Freshest and Neatest stock of goods ever brought to this market, and we are determined to sell them cheaper than the cheapest. Come and see, and if we don’t convince you, we don’t ask you to trade with US. S. A. n — IS »' V If you want to save money buy your goods from us. We have just re ceived an Immense Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock of Mens’ and Boys Straw Hats are complete. Also, a large stock ofLndiesand Gentlemen’s Shoes. In fact, anything in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, cheaper than any house in town. If you want a bargain, call early 7 , we are determined to sell as low as any one else can. When you want anything in the call on ns, we can and will save you money. We are agents for the JOSH BERRY GRAIN CRADLE; they 7 have been tried and proved to be the best thing of the kind in existence for sav ing wheat, oats and other grains. If you want a No. 1. wagon call on us and get a MILBURN. They are taking the lead in "Ameiioa. We buy and sell shingles, also country produce of all kinds. N.B.&.J.T. DUNCAN. GEORGIA—Douglas County. Whereas J. Henry Winn, Administrator on the estate ofF, M. Freeman by his petition shows to this court, the same being dub 7 filed and entered ol record that he has fully administered the said estate. This is there fore to cite all persons concerned, b tn kin dred and creditors to show cause, if any the v can, why said administrator should not be c-ischarged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day iu August next. This May 6th .1885. JFI. T.COOPEK, Ordinary. NOTICE! GEORGIA—Douglas County 7 , All persons indebted to J B N illy, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to come forward ami settle,and all persons holding claims against said deceased, are notified to present them in terms of law. This May 5th 1885: NANcY NALLY, W H NALLY, Administrators, SHERIFF SALES FOR JUNE. Will be Hold before the court house door in the town of Douglasvilie. Dougins county, than at any place in ihe county. Ga., between the lawful hours of sale on the i , / first Tuesday ill June 1885, the following pro- J here IS 110 doubt 111 tile mind? RURAL RECORD The Leading Agricultural Paper of the South.. Only $1.00 per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBEKAL CXiTJB OFFERS. Rorai. Record with a Clock, delivered, 31.60, J FOR THE gio- CC ud and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that Vou can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,and more and better Ice Cold FROM Beer There is a gentleman living not a .{great way from Athens who has a . strawberry patch three feet and a half iin circumference, and last year he ..sold from| this same patch $13,89 worth of berries. He expects to, » idouble fhi.samount the present year, •as the patch was only planted two years ago. Old AKCSeeklng Keller. Hartford, Ky, March 24.1885. 5Dr. John M. Johnson : Dear Old Friend—Puffs similar to ithe enclosed (Rev Jessie H. Camp bell’s “Two More Important Cases”) • occur almost weekly in our paper i . relation to Swift’s Specific. I pre sume upon our old friendship,to in quire of you in relation to it—its .■curative qualities, price and manner of procuring it. Having lived eighty- three years thr. ugh the most impor tant part of the world’s history, the prospect of dying from cancer on the jace is not very consoling. Let me hear from yc ur earliest convenience. Very truly your old friend, HARRISON D. TAYLOR. Atlanta, Ga., March 26,1885. Harrison D. Taylor Esq, Haitforo- Ky.: My Dear Friend—Your very high ly esteemed favor of the 24th inst. reached me on the 25th. You want information in regard to the celebrat-, T ,«d medicine manufactured here, 1188§, perty. to-wit: One undivided half interest in lot of bind Nr. (982) also lots of land No. 540 and !.75, all three of said lots in the 18th district and 2nd section of originally Cherokee now Douglas county, e eh lot containing forty acres, more or less. Also ,ot of land No. 223 in the 2nd district and bth section of original ly Carroll now Douglas county. Also one un divided half interest,in lots ol land No. 55 and 56, in the firstdi trictand 5th section oi originally Carroll now Douglas copn,y. All of aforesaid land levied on as the properts of the estateo 1 ' John F. Glover, deceased, by vir tue of and tosatisfy a Ufa issued bv H. T. Cooper, Ordinary Douglas county against S. N. Dorsett, administrator on the estate of John F. Glover, deceased, principal and CalebP. Bowen and J. J. Whitley, T. K. Whit ley and J. W. Brown, administrators on the estate of F. It. Whitley , deceased, and s. W. Diggers, Securities, Tenant iu possession Tided. Also at same time and place, a part of land lot No. 25 in the 1st district and 5th section of originally Carroll rn w Douglas county, known as the Parker mill place, said land be- ingin the southwest corner ol said lot and containing 25 acres more or less. Also the west halfof land lot No. 49, in the first dis trict and fifth section of originally Carroll now Douglas county and conlainingone hun dred acres, more or less. Also ill 3-4 acres of land lot No. 22in the first district and fifth section of originally Carroll now Douglasana known as the Lewis Winn place. Levied on as the preperty ol D. W. Price, one of the defendants, under and by virtue oi a Ufa issu ed Iron; the court ofOrdinary of Douglascoun tv in favor of Douglas County vs D. W. Price, former Treasurer pri icipul and J. B. Duncan, T H Selmanand Young Vansam, securi ties, at Aoril term. 1885. Property pointed out by D. W. Price. Also at,the same time and piane two town lots in Block 45. and also in the southwest corner of said Block, in the town of Douglas- ville, being two hundred feel Square, fronting 200 feet, on Price street and running back easi, same width, 200 feet. Levied on as the property ofP. w. Verueiy, under and by vir tue of two tax fifas, one for the ye n- lc83 and the other for the year, 1884, issued by W. A. «ay r er, T, C. of Douglas county. Property pointed out bv W.A. Sayer, and levies made by D. \V. Johns, LC and turned over to me. Tenant in possession notified. May the 5th 1885. ALo at the same time and place, will be sold lots one (1) and two CJ, in Block twelve (]2) in tile town of DougLasvilie, the same br im 7 a part of original land lot No. )7 in 1st Distriotand fifth section of originally Carrell now Douglas county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of W. P. Strickland, to satisfy a Ufa issued from the Superior court of Douglas county, at the January term 1885, in favor of Crane, Boylston &Co, and against John G. Maxwell and \*. W. Strickland, rincipals, and W. P. sti ickland, Security ds of 4 3?iibi.o PoopSo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They and if you have any all say bo, doubts of it, call to see him at ssl©X33a.^Alat , ’® Corner and be convinced. ISP^Send 6 cents in Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium List. OCHS, YOWCE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Refer to Editor this paper. Be Just and Fear Not But come at once and see my new, neat and Fancy Stock of Millinery Goods. My stock is complete. My prices are low. My terms are Cash. Don’t delay but come at once and see the FINEST DXSFX.A'S’ of Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets,Yelvetines, Plumes, Tips, Flowers,, Notions, Hosiery, Etc., that has ever been exhibited in Douglasville, Dress Making a Specialty. All work done in that line guaranteed to fit, and the work to be of first class; MRS, M. TLPRICE, & Witsen Hew He. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND j Xs» 3E3©i9«'* Try it and be convinced, has no MARKET It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING and NOISY SHTTETLE t AC HINES, A.trEJV. TS W'JlJV'TMD. bend for Price JLists and Terms lo Wheeler & Wilson Mf’ ..Co. Atlanta, Ca. — AT THE- A’wajs a full line of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods, Perfumeries, Tobacjo and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc. TPe also keep a large stock of Patent Medicines and Tonics, which are much needed at this season to.tone up and invigorate the system. Just received invoice of C. L. C. the beat Liver Medicine of the ago. Parties needing goods in our lino will find it to their interest to call on- us. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, HUDSON A; EDGE. *5 DOUGLASVILLE, — GEORGIA. BGALE 00, a TON WAGON SCALE, $40. S TON, $50. 4 r IT©ra ®<SO, Beam Box Included, COTTON BEAM & f RAMlE, $4$. The “Little Detective,” U. oz. to 25 lb. $3 S0G OTHER SIXES. Seduced PRICE LIST FREE, FORGES, TOOLS, &c. BEST FORGE MADE FOR LIGHT WORK, $!C 4© lt>. Aniliand Kit of Tool®, Farmers save time and money doing odd jobs. Blowera. ' nviis. Vices & Other Article? AT LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. ‘ otions, Clothing -- TBae 46 UfttEe Detec&ive* 9 * ©1© Scale for ; Vpoz. to 25 lbs. SCos* Fasnily, Office or Store, ihvery Scale perfect. Send for circular* CHICAGO SCALE CO*, CHICAGO, ILL, Boots, Shoes, Hat.,. Ready Made Clothing$4.50 to $20,00 a suit. Hard,- ware, Wooden ware, Tinware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, Drugs, Etc., Sugar, Coffee) Syrup, Salt, Meat, Lard, Meal, Flour, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worsted, Cashmere, Mull, Muslins, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpanes, and Cottonades, Jeans, Osnaburgs, etc. Cape May, Picnic, Sailors, Ladies and Misses Hats, Trimmings, Ar tificials, Bobonet, Washbioude, Laces, Hamburgs, Ri bons, Umbrellas, ^ j am daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I atm; obtaining at prices in sympathy with “panic” times. Respectfully, 3 1 J, A. PITTMAN. TUB ' 1 P 1 ’ r 1’r Klsifie In and Pronounced as good -AS ANY— tgxq xn me w A Thousand Times BETTER THAN MANY SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR. J. F. STeVENS & 00 ATLANTA - GEORGIA TTi© “ BietccilY©.” , suo Scale for 99; 14-02. to 25 lbs. X For Funnily, Ollice oz- Store, a! KvcrvScale perfect. Send for circular. S? CHICAGO SCALE C-O., CmCAGO. LU. i THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and openeu out at the East side of Court House Square, where he will keep at all times the best and finest brands of WINES, BRANDIES WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SODA, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc. _ Call to see me. ELEGANT POOL TABLES S WEET MASH and BLOCKADE CORN, Specialties.