The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 09, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 . THE WEEKLY STAR. PUBLITHKD EVERY TUESDAY BY Chas. Q. Peavy. Douglas Co. OfficiaTbrgan. at the post, office at Douglasville, Cfft® class mail matter. JUNE 9th? 1885'. ;■ ... " - ■ ~.zs Hon. N.J. liammond. While in Washington duringthe Week past, it gate us pleasure to hear the terms of admiration with which men from all sections spoke of the gentleman whose name heads this article. As he is a representative rnafu belonging in part to the entire State, we commit no impropriety in giving the fact further publicity. One gentleman, long connected with the government and of unerring Judgment, was of opinion that Mr. Hammond had not been advanced in the House in proportion to bis real merits, but that this would be reme died in the n«xt organization. We have never been unmindful either of Mr. Hammond’s abilities «• usefulness as a Representative. He has already done signal service for the State and is capable of higher effort still. . Possessing some familiarity with the personnel of the House, we have no hesitation in according him the leading position, as a lawyer, in that body. In addition, he is capable of thorough work and always exhausts the subject in hand. Upon the floor he has shown himself a ready, pow erful and resourced debater. Having secured a most remarkable indorsement at home, Mr. Hammond owes a great deal to Georgia and is equipped to pay the < ebt, A man cannot alter the manners that nature han given him, or in a day throw off the quiet that comes of study and self communing. ’ Twonld derogate from this man should he drop these for the : studied and selfish airs of the mere politician. But there is a career in his front if he will only have the Aggressiveness to reach out lor it. If he will spurn the advice of small men, assume a leadership when great popular questions come up, and boldly challenge all echemers for mere personal advantage, the people Os Georgia will advance him beyond and above anything within the gift ot the House of Representatives. Rith a little broader views on eco ' Domic questions, be would put him self in sympathy with the best senti ment of the entire country. IFe do not desire to conceal the fact that we would be phased to see him do these thing®, and would consi der it a duty to help him.—Tel. & Me*, Vtetß. 8.8.18 »•!»* r»r Me. I have suffered a long time with cancer and skin eruption. The best physicians Jested their skill, but said they could do nothing more for me. J have taken leas than a half dozen bottles of Swift’s Specific, and to my surprise as -Well as to the wonder of ail my friends, my face has pealed off, the skin is smooth and clear, iry eye is almost well, and the cancer on my neck is drying up.. I have g lined five pounds in flesh during the last month. . and am now in letter health than I have been in eleven years. A terrible load had been lilted off of me. Dunreith, Henry Co., Ind. ? D. A. Hudelson. * * n > Free from Malaria. : ’Utholali of 1884 1 was taken •'With a ease of mnrtaj-ial fever which ptUßCrated me both body and mind. ' 1 wets drugged- after the old fashion with mercury and other mineral mix ture*, but with no good results. My .1..U.W1»n4 my gone. My legs anti feet would swell, and 1 had what .everybody thought was dropsy. These ay mtorns alarmed in< and ! was ready to grasp at any Tyint*dy-s ugjfA friend advised me to try Swiit’s Spwffic. I procured three bottles Md commenced ite use. The swelling soon subaided. I have the three bottles, which b»ve t ' 'fusde a perfect < nt> , and 1 leel like a De* muu todxy.There never was a " more uientorious medicine offered to suffering humanity. It has wrought Wonder* for me. Witus Jones. ’**• * Leesburg, Lev County. Ga., March 11,48*5. . * Treatise on Bio*.*! and Skin Di s«a»ea mailed free. ' Tin Swift Specific Co., Drswvi 3, Atlanta. Gsu SHERIFF SALES ~" - FOR JULY. Will bemid before Uiu court houac* ttacn in ’ U>w>i of IXtentiw <w>unty, * O*,,be?we«»« th«U»wftd hours «mj tlie « ’ re«*d*v Ml Jmy the iuKvvrtag ftrxw « .party. lv*U -Ko. om, la Btaefc SS and the tetra .nTlkMi«tntvlU«s t hu, Unu< lite 10l <xi which Rw»»U*y stud rroetta* uo Wialmte **twt oa w«*t »s *«<! on MaxwvH «Ueei*»u *■»«’> 11 and edUMala* W. j. < . 14*j4Uns «• »M«s tWfd J. K M’ nona oa nSShw*™*. idwind ‘x* s* th* kj or i JoeaG. M»x*«>ii. **y and u> A’Utarir I a n ftt i'riuu thi> .Mun u»r ?-ers < in tavtM <4 V» . A. Ru»«cil A IV J.-,me A M-aweil. B<dal«d tMtt J - >■>»»*•-.f sA. • Te»*ni iWftrmrt-rt. a-<* Jua« ?. *’• HKN’WY WARV.dbrm HOST!M| aiffißS The finest tonic for the nervous people is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, whieh in sures perfect digestion and assimilation, and the active performance of their lune lions by (he liver and bowels. As the system acquires tone through the influence of this benign medicine, the nerves grow stronger and more tranquil, headaehM cease, aad that nameless anxiety which la a peculiarity of the dyspeptic, gives way to cheerfulness. To establish health on a sure foundation, «ae the peerless invigor ant. For sale by all Druggists and Daalara generally. The Ga. Pacific Railway I.OCAL TIME TABLE. In effect May 3rd 1885. t.TMßsrx---r. 'WT/jraaßß— Leave Atlanta (Whitehall Station) 8 00 a n. f Concord 158 am Mabietou 9 05 a aa Austell 9 18 a. m bait Springs 9 18 am Douglasville. 9 47 am Winston 10 07 am VlllaHica 10 21 am Temple 10 58 am Bremen 11 25 am at Tallapoosa II 59 ata Oxford 2 *ls p m Anniston 2 45 p a Birmingham 0 15 p m Eastward— No. 2 Atlanta Express—Dally (The direct short line between Southwestern cities and Atlanta aud ali Georgia. North and South Carolina and Virginia Points and Eastern Cities.) * Leave Birmingham, A. G.S.. 7 (Dp-m Anniston.... 11 20 pm Oxford 11 45 pm Tallapoosa 3 1V pm Bremen 8 48 p aa Tempie 4 28 pm Villa Kica 4 50 p m » Winston 5 15 p m Douglasville 5 87 p m Halt Springs 6 90 p at Austell 6 10 p m Mableton « 25 p M Concord... 8 «5 pm Arrive »t Atlanta 7 80 pm Mann's Boudoir Buffett sleeping cum be tween Atlanta and New Orleans, withoal change on Nos. 59 and 51- Elegant sleeping cars between Atlanta and Birmingham on Nos. 52 and 53. No. 52. [Fast Express.] No. 63. M. ■. II 00 Lve. Atlant* Depot Arr. 71» Blmpaon Street >ij Howell, G«, • M Peyton, Ga. ® K Chattahoochee, 5 43 Concord, lift. • M Mableton, Oa. • » Auste!’, Gft 8 >8 Halt Oa. 0 10 Douglasville, 5 58 WlusJon, * 40 VlllaHica, 5 25 Tempi*, & I Taih’paoAe, 416 Muscadine, 4 •» Ixl Wards ville, • 43 Heflin, 8 25 Chuecou’cco, 3 83 DeArmuuvlllc, 2 54 Oxford, 3 41 Oxann:*, 2 38 U 38 Anniston, 3 K Riverside, I •• Bcddon, 12 M Eden, 12 48 Cook's Springs, lt» Brompton, 12 hi Leeds, 11 48 Imirdale, • - H !• • 435 a iji Air Birmingham, Lve. *1 08 Reml Down ’ __ Read Up. I. Y. SAGE, L. S. BROWN, Geul.Hupt. G.F. A P.A. J. WRIGHT —DEALS IN— DRUGS AND Family Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, « 3A. Bought his Medicines from one of the b«?st Wholesale Drwg House? iu the state, and everything is guar** aiitoed to be Fresh, Gen uine, and he proposes to sell them cheajK’r than anybody. His Drugs were bought for Caeli, and at the verv lowest Cash Prices, and that eualfles him to sell as cheap as the chtaidhst. ah hboring nun who cflrp $ s living by the sweat of their brow, and want good cheap goods and good weight and full measure aiuj honest d tiling, and want to trade with a man who will act on a square with ill men, are invite d to call and examine his goods and get his prices before you buy, and then, trade where you please. Highest market price paid for country pro duce. J c Wright. FlteE! fljFtaBLE SELF-CORE. ,11 w < -d.-vd - t. * c Jitrww>> 4mM .fc -.hi. XMMWUK S*<el v»-«p<’/>r«i.Drcaih«so»aSlin, | A3dr»«. OR WASO A CO.. , LET THEM FIGHT -AND— Fire the Gatling Cun, . 3BXJT S.A.McElreath& Bro. will still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their attention strictly to business. 7 Every Train. we art determined to sell them cheaper than the cheapest. WK KKM IT. Dome and see, and if We don’t convince you, we don’t ask you to trade S. A. McElreath» Bro. MONEY SAVED lB Money Made. If you want to save money buy your goods from us. We have just re ceived an Immense Stock of Spring and Summer Goode. Our stock of Mens’ and Boys Straw Hats are complete. Also, a large stock of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Shoes. In fact anything in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, cheaper than any house in town. If you want a bargain, call early, we are determined to sell as low as any one else can. When you want anything in the Hardware Line call on us, we can and will save you money. We are agents for the JOSH BERRY GRAIN ;ee hy have been tried and proved to be the best thing of the kind in existence for sav wheat, oats and other grains. if you want a No. L wagon call on us and get 4 ILBURN . They qaa king the lead in America. We buv and sell shingles, also country produce of all kinds. . N. 8.&. J. T. DUNCAN. looe: ft II -T II I ® I FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET MAS# CORN,and more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM F. K. TBMP than at any place in the county. There is no doubt in the minds of •X*lxe» People * but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all say so, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at «elman’« Corn*? and be convinced, vsinv >w*ovsr»«BnjTt, SK a i»»T- *»J ataMWvx. aS n * M SB* WIWC raS E S •e«T» t&SiM TT A X? WTQ” 1 Ai.’.ifSi «««r “Aittwa w/ssMStaa: —. _ Wf MX »• l * SaM Cure " * ESETaHUj fcwUse* V>» Mtr *ees*TF *vz fcur gj t 4 k-s>i aM 3HMI !**»< wmmlt fcw M» o«sS A.J-TX3 tawtfc, an* d*, » fc- latßftTrvnv sv«<* -ms*, fUa «!*«*• V«' *•* •0l~Ts»*od Joe orot 0 « ••■■■» y#*r« br **o tn s&2iv to. i>. ; —«S» mUMM*****'* FACKAOZ. I | S£KO AsoftEss ** HARRIS REMKSr CO, r» c CkrnMa BOSS Sariik lOti Kt, BU I«A SFc. lalannTßwat.W-1 NomnCl t > warn • &Tfc« *• Ul«l» ISetectfye.* eiesema ter»>; V«r F»mUr, «*•»«* •£ >lori *» tewy Seal* perfect.. Srad rar otrtHlm, * CSiKSAAQ tiQ&UIOtX CSKMNbUte GEURGIA—Dousdas County* To *ll wUm It may cnnse’-n—-E. Polk gn«r di»n ft'eThoma? C*r*e% *pi>Hes to me so- SatUs» of «iwu>*M«ck !h.>m «»«’ RoardtanaMp Had {winr**srsw»: >. «.4-'•♦•’M! r yn lhe V >rw< iv in Mr next,»Fray < tn Dowlm*dlr. «a4d oocihlv. Uiveis umiJi'r , n»* band «ud «ffi la! signature this June 2nd j l«s4. ti, T JI.,V. C. ’ RURAL RECORD fte Leading Agrisntaal Paper of the SentM Oaly SI.OO per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. ÜBKRAD CLUB OFFERS. Roral Rxcobd with a Clock, delivered, pKWSS CF*Send 8 ceute in Stampe for Sample Copy and Fremium Liat, och», Ypw<« * oe., fObilttfl IMcr to Editof chi® paptf, *■» . ffiTTflA/lrt gff AT.W a ton Wtaua scam, •<& a to«. ua -fwa ••<*. Mean* »o* |aicl*«le< MommmM. - »eferrtre.** IT IIIIIIT 0 W. 11. CONNALLY r . - ' .. THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIA S .ALOON Has again asetimed the propri itorehip of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the TURNED STAND East side of Court Hoose Square, where he will keep at all times the best ® BRANDIES, WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SOi)A, CIGARS, TOBA< £?n’r Nd’rV SneciaUita. mt. ELLGNT POOL TABLES SWEET MASH and BLQ n Ik 4DECOiU>. Spring Has Opened. SO HAS MY SFfflK IBMHW WOS. xnHS. M. C. RICE’S Be Just and Fear Not ; ; r ; But come at once and see my new, neat and Fancy Steck ©f Millinery Goods. My stock is complete. My prices are low. My terms ar« Cash. A -. Don’t delay but come at once and see the INE3T DISPLAY of Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets,Velvetines, Plumes, Tips, Flower*,,- Notions, Hosiery, Etc., that has ever been exhibited in Douglasville. ~ t . Dbsss Making a Specialty. All work done in that line guaranteed to fit, and the work to be of first class; MRS. M. 0. PRICE. < ~ —it—,.i i._? Wlaoelor dk WitsonNewlTc, BL* WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Reont Improvements X« tlae Bost MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it and be convinced. It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread* ' has no Noisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING and* NOISY SHUETLE MACHINES. AGEJV L'S Send for Price Lists and Tertns Wheeler & Wilson Mf’ . Co; YOU WILL EIND AT THE— f III! 11. STU!. A 1 ways a full line of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods Tobacco and Cigars, Paints, Oil”, Varnishes, etc., etc. ( We also keep a large stock of Patent (-dicines and louis*, which are much needed at this season to tone up and invigorate the system. Just received invoice of C. L. C. the heat Liver Medicine of the age. a Parties needing goods in our line will find it to their interest to call ° Prescriptions carefully compounded stall hours. HUDSON & EDGE. James A. Pittman, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing; Boots, Shoes, Hats. Ready Made Clothing |4.50 to 120,00 a suit Hard ware, Wooden ware, Tinware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, DrugvEtc., Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Salt, Meat. Lard, Meal Flour, Tobago, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worsted, Cashmere, Mull, Muslins, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpanes, and Cottonades, Jeans, Ofnaburgs, etc. _. Cape May, Picnic, Sailors, Ladies and Misses Hate, Trimmings, Ar tificials, Bobonet, Washblonde, Laces, Hamburg*, Bi boas, Umbrellas, I am daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, whioh I » ra . obtaining at prices in sympathy with times.