The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 16, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 IHE WEEKLY STAR. - * - ■ FUBLXTHED EVERY 7CF.HDAY BY Chas. Q. Peavy- Douglas Co. Official Organ. Entered at the post office at Douglasville, Ga„ asseeond class mail matter. JUNE ieih/1885. Wabwington, June 13. —The president appointed Frank Gordon, of Georgia, son of General John B, Gordon, to be principal clerk of the surveys of the general land office. Mr. Gordon is a young lawyer, of Atlanta, and is a ton of ex-Senator Gordon. He succeeds Oscar Hin richs, removed. Whenever a Georgia Bond is put on the market, our Democratic fritnds cry out 'Great irthe Credit of Georgia.” They c'aiiu that Georgia pays ali of her obligations wbenevar they are dn > knowingtheir caim to be utterly false. Georgia has not only lepodiated keel obligation; > in the hand* of purchasers, but she denies the parties who have pa d value for her bonds the Oght to take the judgment of her own courts an the validity 01 those bonds. So in tue bond business the State ofG.wgia acts not onlv the role of the thief and r< bbe »but also of the oowa»d. The man who claims that Georgia meets all ter legal obligationsis simply a liar. ‘ The lying carpet-bagger who wrote the above must hove been in part nership with Hanry Clews, R. B. Bullock, st. al. who tried to steal Georgia, and (hove the whole 4UXe down in their pistol pockets. a White Negro. Macon, (ia„ June 13.—Out on Fourth street resides l oin Jones, a negro man who is fifty-five years old. Sometime ago curious white spots began to appear on his hands. His friends thought that he had contract ed some amknown ditease, and suggested to him to call on a physi cian. Tim Jones refused to do, say ing that the s|m4s him no pain. About a weok ago Jones’ arm be- i gan to turn white, and soon after, 1 Targe white spots appeared all over his body. His friends again suggest ed to him to call in a physician, but he indignantly refused, saying that freedom had coeae and the Lord intended to Utrn all the negroes white. Jones’ strange whiteness became known to the negroes in the city, and many of them at once accepted his explanation of it. They were highly elated, believing, as one old aunty expressed it. “Hat de Lord done’ termined to make white Jo’ke outen de niggers w Their view of the mat ter has bees strengthened by the appearance of more white spots on Jones ard his continued refusal to have a physician visit him. Mr. Of-car Redlfoh, who conversed with the while negro to-day sa\a that there is do doubt about lie man’s turning while, and that to him the thing is unaovountable. There is no appearsaoe of disease, and the negro. While the middle age is strong •nd beaUfay, Qthsra who ha.e seen tbe ®a® are anxious for some physi cian to examine the freak of nature presented by the case. In the mean- Ueas the tamainder of the Mat-on ne groes maintain their usual color. Fraas th* Room. I have token Swift’s Specific for Wood poison coni r&cted ala medical yellege at a dissection, while I was a medical student. Ism grateful to say that, it gave tue a speedy and thorough cure after my pan nts had •pent hundreds of dollats for treat ment. My arm was swollen to twice its usual sise, amt as nothing helped me I was despairing of ever being cured. But heating of the 8. S. 8.. I bought a bottle, little thinking I would derive any benefit from it. j began taking it regulai ly, and soon the swelling began l<» go <town ami the arm ceased to pain me. I con tinned its use, and after taking eight bottles was thoroughly cured. Avoustvs Wind bi* M. D., Newark, N. J. Jan. 3, l&ss. A Murcleiaa's TeeUsaosy I have tried Swift’s Specific iu a very bad case ot blood poison, and take great pleasure in stating Ilia’- U was a pcrftcl sneers*. producing a complete cure. 1 have tried it also in many oilier eases with good result. X Uduk it the best blood purifier of the age. J. R.Yww. M. IL Millsap, Tex , March 8 V ISSS. Treatise on Blood and Skiu Di mums mailed free. Ths Swiss Sytcinc Ca, MrswerS, Atlanta. Ga. SHERIFF" S A LEiS’ FOR JULY. Win M irtCJ bMbrt th* court hottae <hx»r in Mf* w«s towutta*''’*** <•’*««»»-> ooauny. tfef lawful hour* of xaie s»a tlw fir.t tu<*»Jiy in M V**». O»* ftUtowint pro petty-to**** UU Na our. Its Bloch 38 aid JMn :.t»e mwn >M towwUMvilbs G*.< bvni< Ike 10l ou * tilth ,ioha nraniiej aownwhUw at nt (rcaiiax «» alrwt <ns »> »l<le on u.• .Itvrtw *ou»h ”it-» mJ aUHwolsis M . J. Hahjnit on r»H I' *->•»” w. MrtiUi »H». »» *' vrvty of h«*t) M.xweii.b, vlriw*«UhUd V **u»fv *a is w»w«i m>M» the )>..«£»*» evunsy 4b U«x» of Mi. A. Rta-ell A Vu. Mpkiaat J»rov» A MaawvM. Frui-wry Kaohl <hm bjr J. !*«***» ‘•»* Mhal la iMrt -w'osi Asia* !»*■ UENRY VA AHL'.SitetUt. HU’ms The finest tonic for the nervous people is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which in sures perfect digestion and assimilation, and the active performance of their lune, tions by the liver and bowels. As the system acquires tone through the influence of this benign medicine, the nerves grow stronger and more tranquil, headaches cease, aud that nameless anxiety which is a peculiarity of the dyspeptic, gives way 1 to cheerfulness. To establish health on * sure foundation, use the peerless mvigor ant. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. The Ga. Pacific Railway I.OCAL TIME TABLE. In effect May 3rd 18S5. XT..- . I ——... ■ Leave Atlanta (Whitehall Station) 8 00 a n. Concord 8 50 am Mabletou. 0 05 a in Austell 0 18 a. in Sait Springs .... 9 18 am Douglasville Attain Winston lo 0* am Vlliaßica : 10 27 am Temple 10 53 am Bremen 11 25 am at Tallapoosa . II 59 am Oxford 2 'ls p in Anniston 2 48 p tu Birminghatn 8 15 p in Eastward— bio. 2 Atlanta Express—Daily (rhe direct short line between .-outhwest.-rn cities aud Atlanta aud all Georgia, Nortu and South Carolina aud Virginia Points and Eastern Cities.) Leave Birmlnuham, A. G.S 700 p m A unis ton ....11 20 pm Oxford 11 45 pm Tallapoosa..., 3 10 p in Bremen 3 48 p m Temple 4 Z 3 p in Villa Rica 4 50 p m Winston ; .5 15 p in Douglasville 5 ;s7 p m springs 6 00 p m Austell 8 lo p >n Msbieton 8 25 p m Concord 6 ;>5 pm Arrive -it Atlanta .• 7 So p in Mann’s Boudoir Buffett Bleeping cars be tw<eu Atlanta and New Orleans, without change on Nos. s) and 51 Elegant sleeping ca'-s bet ween Atlanta and BitniiugUam on Nos. 52 and 53. No. 52. [Fast Express.] No. 53. I*. M. A. M. 11 08 Lve. Aila-ta Depot Arr. 7 10 Simpson Street 7 00 Howell, O , 6 55 Peytoi, Ga- . . 648 Cbattahoocbee, o 43 Concord, Ga. 6 30 M.ibletuu, Gu. 8 21 Austell,Ga 0 rt Midi Springs, Ga. 8 hi Douglasviik, 5 55 Winston, 5 40 Villa Rica, 5 25 Temph , a i»5 " Talbp*»>»aa, 4 15 Muscadin*, 4 Ed Wardsville, 3 B Herttn, 3 25 Ctiocculocco, 3 IKt DeAt :n uivide, 2 54 • Oxlord, 2 42 Vxann , 2 38 2 36 Anniston, 2 35 Rlversiae, I 05 Seddou, 12 58 Eiten, 12 4n Cook’s Springs, 12 29 Brutnpttm, 12 i»l Leeds, Il 48 Irondale, 11 15 13.5 am Arr Birmingham, Lve. d <Xi Read Down Read Up. I. Y. SAGF, L. S. BROWN, Geui Supt. O.F. A P.A. J. WRIGHT —DEAIS IN— DBOOS AND Family Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, - GA. Bought hi-i Medicines from one of the best Wholesale Drug in the state, and everything is guar anteed to be Fi«-sh, Pure aud Gen* uine, and he proposes to sell them eheu|MT than anybody. His Drugs were bought tor Gash, aud at the very lowest (.iuih Pricvs, and that einbJvs him to &ell as cheap as the c.hvaptM. All lab(uing men who e&ru a living by the sweat of ibeir brow, :iihl want good cheap goods and gixid weight and full measure and honest dealing, end want to trade v ith a man who will act on a square with all men, are icvited lo cull ! ai.d examine his goods and get his I prices belore you buy, and then, i hade where you please. Highest ‘ market price paid for country pr>- : ducc. J C Wright. FREE! - SELF-CURE. BBS A fxvarne prvsestFttwi of «>«« «»? th* •M —»a OMiaoccMWoi amctaUMß la tar-'U.. s. <3«»«rrr' 4 ’ -T t ;- . nrvof ,Vr mm infkA.. .onjv**. tMUMiMauKaaai't. Add»«M DR. WARD 4 CO . M*. LET THEM FIGHT —AND— I Tire the Gatling Cun, STTT S. A. McElrsath Bro. will still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their attention strictly to business. Every Train brings ns new and fresh goods, and. we are now receiving the Largest, New est, Freshest and Neatest stock of goods ever brought to this market, and we are determined to sell them cheaper than the cheapest. WE KM IT, Come and see, and if we don’t convince yen, we don’t ask you to trade with us. • S. A. McElreath | Bro. MONEY SAVED j —IS a j i Money kaae. a u If you want to save money buy your goods from us. We have just re ceivcd an Immense Stock of Spring and Sommer Goods. i Our stock of Mens’ and Boys Straw Hats are complete. Also, a large 1 stock of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Shoes. Ln fact anything in the Dry 1 Go ids and Grocery line, cheaper than any house in town. If you want i a bargain, call early, we are determined to sell as low as any one else can. J When you want anything in the 1 Hardware Line I 1 i call on us, we oan and will save you money. We are agents for the JOSH BERRY GRAIN ;ee liy lave t been tried and p-oved to be the best thing of the kind in existence forsav i iug wheat, oats and other grains. Ifyou want a No, 1- wagon cull on us and get i ILBURN . They ua king the lead in America. \V« buy and sell shingles, also country produce of all kinds. J N. 8.&. J. T. DUNCAN. 5 i ’~ - 1 ■■■> miaaMwwmw—ci—gwbs— j a iww w LOOS 111 f FOR THE i ALLIGATOR • and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that jou can get jmrerSWEET MASH CORN,and ! more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM f, I. TOBSEP than at any place in the county. 1 here is no doubt in the mindsof Tlxo Fooplo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all sav so, and if you have any doubts of it. call lo see him at i | •olmaxx'si Corner and be convinced. f - imT ■ jFT- ! raoF ‘- i I t a Cf . WY'UrIWTUM w-iwt, €>• > » ftadiMu. Cm . <tL £25 (t uMr. L-. & FOR hr t®4 fcsfl ■pv'.t-}* «-4 OIIMATOBfiEEA 3HjSSsiSrS£ aj.-‘ U . IMP67EX3Y. SSI-—-’!S . . ■ M trt- P yewrs by nsa in VKnit- . of— A.-K tfetey. T*« «w«rai i a w FACXAOt. f S w «. ?«» wx, i SEND AOOBc’S ! HASiiiS R’IMF.-JY CC.. S’ SYcxlm. SOS’S S&rtk mb SU, ®U !.««:< Ma. i .<.ss, s vmsa, il “ Utile iMeteetive.** - ’ T S 3: 5.' F®r Fwmllj. Office »»• «tere. GEORGIA— Draigias C©un» v Ta all vfrtw U may ewwwra— K. PnSk rmw pltas to RH for s of' Wmiscwoe If »nd I anil <ml-» first to Septi»in3>er, at my ofiSee lr< -»■.< wa’ <• ven ■ ■«<’-*;- '-.arnatore U- - if, I. CjO4»eri‘J:U;. D. t’. RURAL RECORD The Leading Igricaltanl Paper •( the 8h&- OWy ILOG par yaor. Premium to Xvtry Sabacriber. ÜBBBAX CLUB OYrBSUS. Rosal Racoa* with a Clock, delivered, SLfIQ. cf 1 39 2? ffipraM I 5 11 ter*Sead • eeatt to Stomp* for Seraple Copy aad Fretniam UeL OCHS, YONCE A 00., Rtter to Editor this paper* «CTas3oAGoJ“scAia“ba T1 * I t ros NAU, ere. > roa, QfitoM2U4Ton SGO. Bram Box ■nciadad, tSbP*- KOOTHRRMXU. trtwri rain ÜBT rm jjc. FOBGES, TOOLS, &c. Xrf-JHI SKST FUiUiE lUMC FOB UHRT WORK, Sit I&cn I AOlb. AMvil*M«K4torT«oto.RlC iSELI I I Farwn mm owe, <Ma< «M >ta. Blowers. »evils. Vice* a Other Artlc!« AT wwm PKKTS, WHOUSuULK A ULM4. fcTl>e •* Uttle IFetective.** MIO Scale tor S 3: U-cs. to 25 lbs. Far Family, Office »r Star*, kwrj Seale paloCT. Scad for dreuLm UUCAOU SCALIS CO.. lU. IT Hffl Kill! W. IL CONN ALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIA SALOON Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the TURNER STAND ’ East side of Court House Square, where he will keep at all times the best and finest brands of WINKS. . ' BRANDIES, W HISKIES. BEERS. SPARKLING SODA. CIGARa, TOBACCOS. Etc.. Etc. | :! Cail to see me. E I.EGNT POOL TAB IFS SWEET M ASH aal BLO CK ADE CORN. Specialties, 1 . i Spring 1 Has Opened. SO HAS MY MM MIUMW GOOBS. mRS. M. C . RICE’S Be Just and Fear Not But come at once and see my new, neat and Fancy Stock of Millinery Goods. My stock is complete. My prices are low. My terms are Oasiu Don’t delay but come at once and see the lITE3T DXSFLAT of Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets, Velvetines, Plumes, Tips, Flowers, Notions, Hosiery, Etc., that has ever been exhibited in Douglasville, Dress 51 a king a Specialty. All work done in that line guaranteed to fit, and the work to be of first class; MRS. M. C. PRICE, Wheeler est Witsen New ITo. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recxxt Improvements Xsi tlx© IBtost MACHINE IN THE MARKET Fry it and be convinced. It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread has uo Noisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING and NOISY SHU ETLE MACHINES. L'S WMJVTED. Send for Price foists and, Terms la Wheeler & Wilson Mf’ • Co. JR. tl£lXXt£*< Oa« YOE WILL FIND AT THE II I! 11. NTOISE. Always a full line of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods, Perfumeries, Tobacco and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc. We also keep a large stock of paient edicines and Tonins, which are much Seeded at this season to tone up and invigorate th® system. Just received invoice of C. L. C. the heit Liver Medicine of the age. Parlies needing goods in our lino will find it to their interest to call on UR. * KST 0 Prescriptions carefully compounded stall hours. XgJ HUDSON# EDGE. James A. Pittman, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hat*. Readv Made Clothing to $20,00 a suit. HartL ware, Woodenware, Tinware, Crockerv, Cutlery, Groceries, Drugs, Etc., Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Salt, Meat. Lard, Meal, Flour, Tobaoco, Cigars, Crgaiettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings* \V orsted, Cashmers, Mull, Muslins, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpanes, aud Cottouades, Jeans, Osnaburgs, etc. Caj»e May, Picnic, Sailors, Ladies and Misses Hate, Trimmings, Ar tifimals. Bobonet, Washblonde, Laces, Hambnrgs, Ri buns, Umbrellas, Parasols, F aus, etc. ; .. * t lam dailv receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I am obtaining al prices in sympathy with “panic” times. J. A. PI PPM A N,