The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 23, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 IHE WEEKLY STAR. I’UBLITIIED EVERY TUESDAY BY Chas. O. Peavy Douglas Co. Official Orgait Entered nt the post office at Douglasville, (hi,, secondcb’ss mail matter. JUNE 23rd, 1885. At Villa Rica, Ernestine Gold Mining Company has tuspened There is a little negro boy in East man who bears the numerous name of Ernest Solicitor Wyldon Fortaine Lee Daniel Jackson Cook. Liquor is now retailed in DeKalb eodtify at only one place, Stone Mountain, and the licenses will ex j»ire there about September, and after their expiration no more can be issued. A Nashville dude was cow hided the other day for slandering a you ng lady. She bad no brother or other near relative to defend her character, and so she did the job very neatly herself, IFe see in the Athens Chrone.aic) notice of the deuit\ of Col. U in. Jones, who, with bis son, Dr. W. L. Jones, the eminent agricultural chemist, made the Southern Cultiva tor the most popular agricultural journal in the south. Col. Jones died in his 84th year, at Thomasville Gs., at the residence of his son, Dr. Ham Jones. It was our priviledge To be thrown with him daily, for 1 hrec ye*', s, and a nobler, or more genial gentleman of the old time jegirne, was neyer called to bis re ward. In his early manhood be was deprived of a collegiate educa tion, but bis mind bring ot a literary' turn, he read extensively, and was possessed of a most thorough infor mation on all topics of the day, liter ary and scientific. He acquired a i large fortu'te before the war, and at th*s surrender of our armies at the close of the war, he was perjaps the ■wealthiest rice planter m Liberty county. His bereaved tarnily have our sincere ay mpathy. Another C«B<'cr, About three.years ago there appear ed ou- twy right breast several bard lumps which gave «?"- almost in tolerable pain. They continued to grow, and finally developed into what the doctors calle i cancer of the breast In a short time I found my strength gone and my constitu' ion a total wreck. From a robust woman I was educed to a bodiless invalid. Sever al of the best physicians of Atlanta treated me for cancer, but without improving my condition in the least, and finally agreeing that they could do nothing more for mo. The can cer by this time was eating out my very life, and lor five months I was a helpless, bedii idencreature. About one year ago, at the suugesiion of a friend, 1 commeced the use of Swift's Specific. The fiist influence of the medicine was to increase the discharge but after a month or more I began to improve, and this wondeifui medicine has brongh*. back try health again. 1 now do all my own house-work, I am perfectly free from pal.i,and feel like a new person altogether. I can not feel too grateful for this won iei ful recovery, tor I am aati-fied if it had not been for Swift's Specific, I would have been in my grave today. I most cheerfully recommend it to all those who are suffering with this fearful disease. Mita. Jank Clemons. Atlanta, Ga.. April 16,1885. Treatise on Blood aud Skin Di eases mailed free, The Swift Specific Co., • Drawers. Atlanta, G. SHERIFF SALES FOR JULY. Will Uefi Khi before lh*i<MHirl hoiWh'dnor In town us IMw.-la*Ville. lMHw : ax ounty, between the law tu> Iwitt* O< nolo >»n t he lir,iTnvMlHy hi July iSS» Die loiiuwlng pro perty. Ur-W't: lrf»t N<». owMn Blneli 28 aril S', in Ute town of I><MU{>*» viliv, Um., brim; the tel ’<u which juhn Uctiniley now ui>>l trontiu< on M .bine ■Ureet iil wet,-Ide rt’ld Oil Maxwell Month mlil* and MUj<Mnlnu W. J. UlaMmtt on v»-«•“d’b »«l J- ‘ • W•***'“ OM i-eu’h <h!e. MvU-it ,<n o-> *l-v i>n>vr ly JoutiG M ;xwvt:, ».y witwtfanrf tn mUrTv sl! ft uuttc i hv»«n the ■superior court of mwotiy In Civo» of V. A. Ktt*«ell & Jmihc* A Max well. Properly poi'O.’il ««i by J. 8. Jhoiv> ****** vs ili'iemlnnts. U'eunut ia in .!«»»• 2, D-<>. «K.W WAltr, S'n riff. oiiy * PIEPEJt nREtcN LOADING CUM. I w by •!* «»r. IbMlMfc Al *tosl»*Mte •oly by (» »*. ISHQVtRtiNS, CALK I CUES, SI 1 IC St.. KfiW _ STOMACH BITTER 5 The finest tonic for tho nervous people is ITostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which in sures perfect digestion and assimilation, and the active performance of their junc tions by the liver and bowels. As the system acquires tone through the influence of this benign medicine, the nerves grow stronger and more tranquil, headaches cease, and that nameless anxiety which is a peculiarity of the dyspeptic, gives way j to cheerfulness. To establish health on a sure foundation, use the peerless invigor ant. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. The Ga. Pacific Railway LOCAL TIME TABLE. In effect May 3rd 1885. Leave Atlanta (Whitehall Station) 8 00 a n. Concord 8 58 a m Mableton 9 05 a in A uwleil 9 18 n. m Sait Springs 9 18 tun Douglasville 9 47 am Winston Io 07 am VliluKiea 10 27 am Temple 19 53 am Bremen 11 15 am at Tallapoosa . II 50 a tn Oxford 2 *25 p m Anniston 2 4t> p in Birmingham .... 0 15 p m Eastward—bo. 2 Atlanta Express—Daily (The direct short line between southwestern cities and Atlanta and all Georgia, Norta and South Carolina and Virginia I'oints and Eastern Cities.) Leave Birmingham, A. G.S 7 0)p rn Anniston .. 11 20 pin Oxford 11 15 pm Tallapoosa 8 10 p iu Bremen 8 48 p ni Temple .. 4 .3 p tn Villa Rica 4 50 p in Winston 5 15 p ni Douglasville. 5 37 p m Salt springs S Uli p w Austell U 10 p in Mribietou.... »> 25 p in Concord 8 35 pm Arrive at .Atlanta 7 30 pm Mann’s Boudoir Buffett sleeping eirs be twieii All a nil and New Orleans, without change on Nos. 50 ami 51 Elegant sleeping ca s between Atianla and Birmingham on Nos. 52 and 53. No. 52. [Fast Express.] No. 53. P. M. A. M. 1100 Lve. Atlanta Depot Arr. 7io Hlinpson Ntreei 7 00 Howell, G , <> 55 I eyton, Ga. <i Ki Chuttahooeliee, 0 43 Concord, Ga. 0 30 Mublvton, Ga, 6 2i Austell, Ga li 15 (salt HpnngifGa. <> 10 I loiiglasvillc, 5 55 Whistou, 5 lt> Villa Rica, 5 25 Tempi , 5 Oi Tall- p«osa, 4 15 Museadim, 4 HO Ed Wardsville, 8 18 II ell m, 3 25 Ctloccoloccn, :> 03 DuArmunviuc, 2 M Oxford, 2 42 Oxa n n , 2 88 2 30 Anniston, 2 35 Kivetslue, I 05 Sedrton, I*2 58 Eden, 12!• Cook's Springs, 12 20 Brompton, I*2 01 Leeds, Il 48 Irondnle, 11 15 4 3.5 a m Arr Birmingham, Lve. *1 00 Read Down Read Up. I. Y.BAOF, L. S. BRuWN, Genl.Supt. G. F. &P. A. J. WRIGHT —DEALS IN— — AND Family Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, - GA. Bought his Medic’no from one of the best Wholesale Drug Hou-ei» in th estate, mid evervfhing is gtrir i antecd to be Fresh, Pure and Geu*.* nine, and he proposes tn sell them ehea]»er than uuyboc.y. His Drugs were Imnght for Cash, and pt the very hiwost Cawh Prices, and that : enables him to sell as elitep as the ch* All laboring men wl o earn a J living by tba sweat of their brow, ■ ami want good cheap goods and g’H’d weight and full measure s-nd | honest dialing, and want to trade * u ilh a man who will act on a square wtlhall men, are invited loculi and examine his goods and get his prices Uifore you buy, ami then, ! itade where you please. Highest | market price paid fur country pro- * duee- J € Wright. ASBfR FREE! SELF-CURE B«SS A t..Tor 4 i.-' p«*rriptiaa SC *nd f«ucrw«m» WerialtMa ta th* V St. Br» •’ -d 'b-' cwre erf w«w*»tHs * amt IMnmw. Sent * * *CO UnwhM, Mtu 1. Y. 3AGF, Geiil.Stipt. LET THEM FIGHT —AND— Fire the Gatling Cun, OBTyrr S.A.McElreath& Bro. will still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their attention strictly to business. Every ‘Train brings ns new and fresh goods, and we are now receiving the Largest, New est., Freshest and Neatest stock of goods ever brought to this market, and we are determined to sell them cheaper than the cheapest. W HU IT. Come and see, and if we convince yen, we don’t ask you to trade with us. 8. A. McElreith. * Bro. moneTHwed IS Money I'-hie. If you want to save money buy your goods from us. We have just re ceived an 1 umense Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock of Mens’ and BoyS Straw Hats are complete. Also, a large stock of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Shoes. In fact anything in the Dry Go ids and Grocery line, cheaper than any house in town. If you want a bargain, call early, we are determined to sell as low as any one else can. When you want anything in the Hardware Line call on us, we can and will save yon money. We are agents for the JOSH BERRY GRAIN CRADLE, ;<e hy have been tried and p' oved to be the best thing of the kind in existence for sav ing wheat, oats and other grains. If you want a No. I. wagon call on us and geti ILBURN . They i .ia king the lead in America. V\ « buy and sell shingles, also countr}’ produce of nil kinds. N. 8.&. J.T. DUNCAN. • '.*M ; '-*** v ' I,RI I| FM- t yiaiPlLS?rf*- t fi M r r LOOS 111 FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, g’> in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,and more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM F, M. TOMB than nt any place in the county. 1 here is no doubt in the mindsof Trio 37*00- pie but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They al! sav so, and if you have, any doubts of it, call to see him at eß*iE» Corner and be convinced. TTRfil? vrpvovsDriKLrrt HARRIS’ —._ _ __ vkSJ »TCI b-vn airt. D n , n ea hr <-:tdus» «f TbfiiiixlC’ara a »» trooVte-. «»~t au- Im »e<l tol»l »r 4 < L’miTORSEi .ADif irSSa-a* eUsn-lwtt. i . _—— T»*«aT'«kl»thii 1 A-x-i 4J upj A.-m I.M la- linrU!LA~I( rcfcfeoM. «a »-■>- JEB-Toated tororrt 5 y>ar» la tboo- imhu u.krtoppiuotrw.» tfa» o » CMaaA. *•«* « Su »p* * 4e»*y. Th» Bo:-jr*l t«s» KI s X W PACKAL.. t i I r-i.scl •!■<■ fine l«*. I —.... lAt aw ra-K&l Iwcotert MASAIS R2MEOY CO.,■TrOswUtk SOC’ i Xorti 10th St., St. Mo. (h£ Ifeimrs $312 j 3 »aim $1 The “Urtle I>etcctfve.** >iQ Saak, ft* *3 ; u-ia. to 25 IK Fits- »ntnO>. tinier nr Miner. *«nM« perfres. Send Re ct.reulaa MESS!*** cauxAGO acxue co. obcmo. tu. GEORG lA— DoutUm Cen’T T »’l WO -»W it e.nnern—E. P flk ftTV -4i n f«»rTh-im** «*sir>.»-n-p les t-i tn* fo' lette; s ot at-n G’!-»b thmt «ii t and l win f*sMw* tt on hiaanpli-Mll a rni »he fl irt Hominy tn v my offii* l*i I’»ns!»'-x It* , s;»i ‘ R--- »l • . tiivnn ; oi.v tiaaii a‘»d ulSl i$T ■ itm- this* June 2nti j thfe. H f. V»»wper, Unß - I>. C. I 4 15 4 99 8 13 3 2.5 3 03 2 42 2 33 •2 35 i m aux-j raawaar."'*: 1 ta RURAL RECORD Tbe Leading Agricultural Paper of the Boath. Only 81.00 per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBERAL CLUB OFFERS. Rural Recokb with a Clock, delivered, 11.50, g < i \\| S EWING “<■3 W < = 5 ! a cc tSP-Send 8 cent* tn Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium List. OCHS, YONCE A CO., Chattrnoog*. Tmaa. Hafer to Editor this paper. CHICAGO SCALE cd S TON WAOON SCALE, *lO. * TON, ESO. 4Ton »00. Hram Box Included, COTTON BEAM A FRAME, S4S. The •‘f.iitTe Oetecttve” L o«. to TBlb. »3 «oo OTHER SIZES. LrdMwt URICK LIST HUK FORGES, TOOLS, &c. LTwl BEST HWM M«»K FOR UOtlT WORK, Bit Wl4ya I do lb. Anvil and Kit ofTaol*. SIC Cyf? t I F»rmm» ■*’« liar iw-l (tola* o<ld Jota. Y® J J Blower*. ' nvil<s. vicea « Other Article* •S'tr T- XT LOWEST MUCKS, HKOLKAILK A KETAU. The •• l.fttle »rir<-tive.« •!OScale for ST; u-os. to 25 Hm For Tnmllj, onire or Store. L Awry Scale perfect. Send for circular WsV emCAQO bCALB Oh. CIUCAIiO, ILL. | _ it nim oil! W. 11. CONNALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIASALOON > Has again assumed the propri.torsiup of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the , TURN ERST AND side of Court H<w«e Sonar?, where he will keep at all times the best an ! finest brands of WINES*. sparkling soda.cigars, toraccos. Etc., Etc. Call to see mk E LEGXTPOOL TA B LES SWEET MASH an I BLO CKADECORN. Specialties.. Spring Has Opened. SO HAS MY » IHAMH mRS. M C RICE’S Be Just and Fear Not But come at once and see my new. neat and Fancy Stock of Millinery Goods. My stock is complete. My prices are low. My terms ar* Oasiu Don’t delay but come at once and see the lITEHT DISFLA’Z of Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets,Velvetines, Plumes, Tips, Flowers, Notions, Hosiery, Etc., that has ever been exhibited in Douglasville, Press Making a Specialty. All work done in that line guaranteed to fit, and the work to be of first class; MRS. M. C PRICE, .'[■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l I. mill I l_ JMWMWgMgg Wheeler cfe Witscxi New XTc. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recnt Improvements Xs tlae X3es»t MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it and be convinced. It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread has no Noisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING anti NOISY SHUETLE MACHINES. A.GEJV TS W'jiJl'TElf. »end for Price Lists and Terms to Wheeler & Wilson Ms ’ . Co. -A. tfa.nt a,, Ctai* YOU WILL FIND AT THE HR I 11 HIIIIE. A'wa\s a full Vne of Fresh nnd Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods Tobacco and Cigars Prints, Oils. Varnishes, etc., etc. IPe also keep a large stock of Patent edicincs and Tonics, which are much needed at this season to tone up and invigorate the system. Jost received invoice of C. L. C. the heat, Liver Me ‘irine of tm> aue. Parlies needing goods in our linn will find it to their interest to call on us. Prescriptions carefully compounded stall hours. w HUDSON A EDGE. .. James A. Pittman, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. Dry Coeds, Notions, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hat*. Ready Made Clothing $1,50 to $20,00 a suit. Hard ware, Wooden ware, Tinware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, Drugs, Etc., Sugar, Coffro,Syrup, Salt, Meat, Lard, Meal, Flour, lobaaco, Cigars, Cigatettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worsted, Cashmers, Mull, Mtislina, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpanes, and Coftonades. Jeans, Oshaburgs, etc. . Caj»e May, Picnic, Sailors, Ladies and Misses Hats, Ennimiugs, Ar tificials. Bobonet, Washbloude, Laces, Hamburgs, Ri bons, Umbrellas, Parasols, F ans, etc. , , T lam daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which 1, am obtaining at prices in sympathy with “panic” times. Respectfully, J. A. PITT MAN.