The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, July 14, 1885, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY STAR. TUBLITHED KVEKY TUESDAY BY Chas.* O- Peavy. Douglas Co. Official Organ. a Entered at the post office at Douglasville, ■*® f?a, 4 as second class mail matter. JULY 14th, 1885. Bev. Sam Jones will begin a se riesof meetings in Home on the 10th of September. Mr. B. G.Garwood, of Marietta, has fallen heir to an estate of sev eral million dollars in England. The following notice is posted in a postoffice on the Georgia Pacific railroad: The males on the Ga*Pac orrivs Bevry day at 10:40 alm and 5:25 p m unless the R R runs of the track or a old engine gits out fix or the biler busts oi something else Luppens you no, Rcsp P M. < A Stubborn Case of Mcrof ala I have Leeu afflicted with Scrofula from m%inf\ucy, and in consequence have alwa) s been a frail and delicate creature, I might truthfully say that I was raised chiefly on mercury and potash. These remedies fur the time ueing would dry up ihe fearful ulcers, with which I suffered, but they would return with greater viol ence. 1 was the merest shadow as to form and person. My digestion was all deranged, and my existence was most wrethed. Everything that could be dune tor me was done, but no permativn! benefit was derived. At last a great tumor came on my neck below the left ear. It increased imsijse until my head was forced to the right shoulder and in this un gainly and uncomfortable position, I was compelled to carry my head. ! The doctors decided that it was there to stay as long as lite continued, ami lor many years it did remain. In 1 March, 1884, at the Suggestion of Uolouel John Traylor 1 was indur ed to try Swift's Specific. My sys tem responded to thq medicine promptly, and began to improve . <itum almost the first bottle. That tearful tumor has all disappeared, and every appearance of the disease has kit my* person except a small hard lump on the tight side of my neck, and that is disappearing rapidly. From a fragile. little girl I deve.upud into us healthy and robust young la ’y at* there is in the neigh ijcthwod. Swift's is x’:e*only remedy that has ever given me any penaaiteut relief, and I am in butter heo th and weiyb more than I ever did in n»y life before. My old friends scarcely recognize toe since this won derful change has l>een wrought in my appearance. My gratitude is un. bounded for what Ibis medicine has dose fur m«>. MISSTOMMIft EMBRY. IxiQrang**, On., May 14. 1885. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dsieas- C1 mailed free. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta Oa. AUTUMN LEAVES OR OF AN •l*l> MAN, BY BEV J B tQVII.I.IAN The R jv. Thoafts W. tlravwi was u m»H o f d.itt, undoubted piety and »» i Aiwuoe. Os wc > a num any uiiuratj or euuintunhy would have tell DaUy prjwl. He bad been once in the traveling iMiahlry, but. tur ceuee bad located auu Milled in our neighborhood Hs may have loan d on aceaunt of alb o'- uvu, but it was cnetomary in lao»e cany ti;ms i. a piewhtr tunrned he iucaud at once. He bad been a dyspeptic; waa vf«.en very gloom > ad d-pn»deut, Ive Hag Lw WWU pulse at d thinking he wms gatbß to : die i have btard my uiutatr quote what 1 bls wits a«d to nun on me oc.u tun: "M ( I Craven, I ww»‘id bsa msu . if .ton arsgoiu* .o die. jus* die, W you w g»*.ug to live I way toe.*' tuia was tue laijtw** of u uvrume, out still floret a gscaf d fF.r? r* •4 le npereaae •». atm m.» gietner li» le i.ig dick and «eiug w*h, lie was a tu.a.e ra.<’i*r. Hismcmuous ware epheed wim »e<y—always .tug new. He brought ou. utvaaury, things both uaw and oil foe w m<| letiua ws he be was on er.utna,j, imnmive audehfy mg, Hlaco gelations did nut yaw a. and »«ci«Uv wtsu hi.a tv t* tuw to a e«•«. He i lUuialely nt»uv*<l in*m ifa'mbsm u» Movrw io Wahoo county, if I remember sight. A yvwiug lady wi o wasauuu.b r >U iw isehold, uiatrieu a wealthy k-h --eman named Fels«r. Bbe has survived her huvA»nd <ur a number of years ai d is tbeim 'ne i . aw of Henry 1> MclUnui' our pro's H oh»e«rnwr. i’mvrdenoo often •earns like* tangled w«b. out iu atier h> our reviews of tna pan, we me as«>n- Mted at the gnat nuuita of tt.nd «in»aMn*atN*. Mt» f*K«r tiau a auHtu-r Her father Was a man vi ti u cofMtmiu Hww, but lnu*mp<rj>ie Ihe uutha- died, .caving a crowd of wrp* au doldhran- My mutlwr icuk two nulv uy> :‘.<>Uaod and rent tb«sw to iwoocri. Hue u.‘ 8M), ia a ter ymi*. mad* u.ofe,y by tb<- tboUMUid, and wew <;m.ea pm tu.ueot »u. c. The odMit «m a hnUrnni prweuer ami a rt m*. and wuu d u,-d*y occupy a dtariu <4laß*d poeiimn, had be always aCAst ri s ut. AU other Cxntoa * iw. pcoxjtal was to Fd eounty, near Cave Sprirgr Here, near thf litt'etown of churches end schoo’s and of society, i c ppent the lest years of his life. His sun slowly declined, no cloud swept across the field of vision*. Patiently he waited till his change should come. He had made every preparatior , and wes wait ing for the stmmons to depart. Here be buried the old companion of his earlv love, and was left in widow el loneliness and sorrow. I had the pleasure of seeing him again, rft.erlong yea.s of separation, at my brothei’s at the asylum: It was not only the fellowship of kindred aiind r but it seemed like a kinsman 1 had seen fora long time. His features had beea photo graphed upon ruy youthful memory. He had been cotempomry with n.y father and mother. They were both in their graver. He bad survived them, a link connecting ine.with those who had gone. His son induced him to go with him to his home in Alabaou. He seemid loth to leave the old love, to linger about the old homestead aud the graves of the loved, his* son faithfully proomtd him to bring b; ck bis remains and bury them bv the sidexit the wife and mother. He left the c ire and management of everything with my broth er, Rev, B. B Q He was to attend to his | bmial and preach lis I'm era! sermon and have the rntrbte placid ano it his grave. He read to him what he had written as an inscription to be placed upon I tie slab. lie was deeply mov<d by tbe, loving tribute to his memory. He did. not long survive. H s work was fi fished and he was ready. With lamp trimmed and brightly burning be passed through the oark valley Bold Jordan’s stormy rratu shimmered with a hgnt that never fell on sea or laud IJis son, faithful to his promho brought back bis precious charge. H d was buritd by the side of the wite of hi? youth. Like Abraham and b>s beloved Sarah in their epulchral cave, they wi 1 sleep softly on till the rest r ecrion morning. HOSTETTER r ■ » WM? 5 Hostetter’s StomflWTiffrrrs, ? aTjpeciflo for indigestion, stands alone. When the re sources of the phtirmaeopmia have ’been exhausted, without, at least, doing more than mitigating the complaint, a course of this stomachic effects *i perfect 11 'cure. In all cases of dya t* “ aOi« Pvir is more or lesa disordered, «.‘ ! U dVA tbD importnnt gland the Bitters wbFWtKfvfegulat' distinctness, regulating and invigorating every secretive and as similating organ on which bodily and mental health depend. For sale l>y ali Druggists and Dealers generally. J.C. WRIGHT —DEALS IN— DRUGS —AN D Family Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, - GA. Bought his Mt'dieiiifs from one of the best V holesuie Drug lloti-es in tl e state, nntl even thing is guar anteed to be Pure ami Getv uine, and he pre poses to «ell them ehfiiik r Ih;u. i»nvbo<A'. His Drugs vere bought for „W» t ami at the very lowest (.’msh Piictd, and that j euffiies him to sell as cheap c.s the j civ a pust. jdl laboring men w| o earn a I living by thv svieat of their l*r*'w, anti want gotul uheap goods ami 1 go<>d weight and full mettsure honest dialing, and want to trade ftiib u man why will net mi a square wilhtdl men, nr- ievit*d to mil and uxftnHnu hi- go»d-» ami get his prices liefure ymt buy, anti then, tutde when*you pbuse. IPguest maiket price paid f*r <<>tiutrv pro duce. J C Wright. /3F FREE! ! SELF-CURE. I**’?*./ 1 . prjwriif'on c* one e s u« »«u noted wegs'sxiui and S.*ut OR. WARD & CO., Lmimim, Mo. ■ r !■■ .mm* * ■ *,— l; _ -- - -nuMimmii—m - . ; r *.) .fc ?*■*< .< ’w) r■ •' ..... «■ , *.« « : sim ‘Y’T'*' * • vS « | > •) d** wet# * trw- **-4rv-ux. tv, 1,, F'*—» t jiq r%#** WAPM >*”A. M o,*«*•'’ S*. * * |j* •• ■•* Mfr* »<m> * » Wiiiii*W<| »4 1.00 afc 111 T FOR THE i ALLIGATOR and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET Al ASH CORN,and more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM F. ». TffiHß than at any place in the county. '1 here is no doubt in the mi-nds o TTjlo F*eoplo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all say so, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at welman’ia Corner and be convinced. Is# s I jlTfwi This medicine, combining Iron with pun, vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cares Dyspep-la, Weakness, Impure Blood, .Hu luriu,dulls and un'.l N<mnilsri«». fi, is an unftiiling remedy for Diseases of the Kidnevs mid Diver. it is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure tbe teeth, cause headaehe’.or produce constipation— otlw Iron metiichifit do. Henriches and purifies the blood, stimulates ’ the appetite, aids tlta assimilation of forxi. re** lii-Vv? ll irtbiirn and B* Idling, and strcmjth (*!**•• r>e muscles and tuyves. For liitetmittent Fcwbrs. lassitude, Laek of J’oergy, fte., it has no eqnal. r .j- The genuitie has above trade mark and* < ,-. sM*d red lines on wrapper. Take no other. » .. *■ *,. *r ,UVX< H£IIICAL (O-HAUrXXOaLJIE, , — ' w - - ✓ <*-*•-* - - - - . - • y • w a . . i. ~e— X*' A ■■_ . 'mA' tensor iaroiMic W'StEKtSWJ '<*&.. Dr. Data 1 : Ira te Ttwli; pnrtfr and «biic!i the BLOOD, rogn fate tbc LSVKR aiwi iGCNffVS, ami ILBSTOnts tuk lIKAX.-7K rodVlUu* cfTGUTH! lna'.l 'l ose «,lsiitu>eft reiinlrir.jt h . eriutliuv.l efllcieu ro.MC, npiicialir bvaiipsi.i.XVa.u et Appel lte.l«i<iStt;.’S- os MieueUi, «.U..iG use is nmrked withilinmeitfaie and woni’viiitl results. 4<o;»«a, niuov.ies and nerve* receive new force. £t>iivetw the lu.nd and aupplb l Brain I‘uwer. ■ jg i ft j?> sn'lerlt.r iroiu ell jomnlalnU *n r*. m I peculiar to their sea will find la X>K KAKTKR S TRCW TONIC a wife mid speedy cure. It gives a t .'ear and healthy complexion. The strongest I(Stis>«n> to the value ot i)n. HaUTHK'm li?x T'.vic .-. that f’i«;o. nt attempts al CvUntorfeilliiK hai *■ .uh ttil.led to the popnlar tty Os the O’lu'ln.d. Jtyon ea:< desire heaitf* •jo 80l “X(H>: il»l‘:.»—eet the OliWllttl ANU BEK'* < 3md»«;r mldrew- til The J>. Harter Med Co,*. K ft-LuMs, M»..f» Mr 'TiKEAM KOCS.” 9 *»Fuli<i' uu.i imwttu itu. naattaa, l-ae.,F HaktiiO teon Towe is Fort Sale by a*J «tnunnts-n, Awr. EvtRYWsuOM. A PIKPER BREECH MOSTGBN ever offered t ♦ the. paid*'.. For sale hv ail f.rst-c! i»it Gvn Dealers. At Wholrrsl ,■ only by’ (wad tor Catalogue) eCHOVERHNS, D.UY & GALEB. S 4 & E£ Chambers St. New fork. c«wm »lr»«wt» Weswewiv 6iwrrter, Syptintir »»d Awrartaf «!M«c ffejenuftc Itvatraenti eats and tars nsncaieS. IXfi'-nnJtie* Tweed. Ca’l or write for lid et S’uvslit iwto be art .1 «wM bv t’. • ■“» desirtni tiwunMat by nail. rfFes-wi.MiYsrtss lews ÜBp»W“alio«rid*«!cd llwtr kHr»r.,a %»!■<• t?an» vrtnrtb A.xlntartr rinstMh It lMaot»lirvM.jF Gdm»Pr. C. L. l.sß’.r'tF. B---'t and tn Guscg* tsthndTtcl. Attars. Lariat «U. at.Lr-oU.Be. sacecaaetd l>r. T-U- -JA *-.Uu!L«4 Sd Loors. HEADS ! ’jnd al! E:l>;3S Ogm«j»:uts .w reiiwwl Sy taking . WRICHTSIKOIVtMTffiTABIE PILLS ; Z'i or- ZZt. FWTffW XSvl A Lrtrdir-.-cL-'rdnnPhy wlWEliHi'Jl a-1.-inn Eal- klWbewtui hr X 15 WfM Oillee in Xs wYor*. •€ ” ssi® Wh/lfr**# Am. JonmaioitMed. JaM -J <J. “iir, Ab. M«»t >, who fS 15 -3 li^hnmiiws'rso— htMy stEpOpW JI 3L W PkJl’iAi* witKl d-Kibt trrefedl FS Fib s • smotrier^'MT.jr tMLs*' t, 'i*h. *i’* has nitap’.e Iwb .MS.v- a . tars bsard es .’3MA wtOVArtft luat. Hrruwsstessactstv. Lsutsre twhwa And reeaow neat ftwe. fcue P.O. *nd F t «*?*»*»* U) ' . bt. *.i» A. ...i r, P:«i.?l>.ix>Ss.,Wew Toriu Itee lia-tsM-tlv* .’’ » il-K-a •’l’tSex?' tat •»: *S roa. Kr » ; F-*v F-riuaiay. outre a>e K»w-r*u ■-V*' pt- t ?»< CM’-aA'* V«.*La*o*w . wL.A. WK,. ijAAteeu. .L... I ’l*Ue •* I.ltajht LJ. ts vla ; r.'* ! »4t»Sr-»- . Ski: ia'*S»?»a»«rA. , \yr •»•.<• . UOtre vr M'crtta t ftwlsL-rndP* i . Set.d, ImT edvA-.'X’- j Ybii A.Sto».».«<4, Mu ‘i - ■’’ - - ■' - ? IT 111111 l l(M W. ECONNALudia THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIA SALOON Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the TURNER STAND . * - ' "r '* ’■ ? M >•. ♦4» East side of Court Hou?e Square, where he will keep at all times the best and finest brands of WINW • BRANDIES, WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SODA, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc. Call to see me. ELE GET POOL TA BLES SV\ EET M ASH an I BLO CKIDE CORN, Spec Ml WI. 'MM— MMH .»m «■« .'MM——— *■ • eSHS®* 1 ? crKKnie d j cay- 4ni numerous nb VS ■ IWSt iWM? W E J bcurn diseues, taßing S-4 ’> « f-v' S 4 aliillfiil p’lvsicians. tesui' W P » from you'.bhil indiscro mnaiauw vww W* g J tioas, ton ftee indulsem'n -x-k -» -.■« V/Sr and over brain work. D> VSr. r-Ar-i\\ V* uoi temporize while uch ■enemies lurk inyuurays torn. Avoid being imposed a ... a oa by pactentiouk claims of ' 1 liwilC?.* CmO other rwnodies for thesa troubles. Cet our free circs it UK Hr and trial packnjo and . ’Uftr.'nTT''? 11 leoru important IhcU befort 52EK®AlVi(KiklA trontment ckewher- . rabonr-ini-dy thathaseund X? thousand - ., au4 does not in- l 3 L2Df»TrtJf*V terfera wl.h attention to bust- Dor U I £fi«U u a ness or cau«o pain or Incon. venlence. Founded on sci. UOTToetod for over 5 medical principles. Growing- In favor and repots* years Dy n»e in tnou- tiem. Dircctapp’kaliontoth« wvif<« of seat of disease makesits spe» Bonds ot cases. I iniuence Mr withJS ■ ■■ delay. The natural fno ’TUviaA fem tionsofthe human orpaa 14’ T, g, is® ion are rc-torea. Tbs ■J •».«, a at M knlmatfne elements « jf g M life which have been PACKAQak. g * K‘ waited am given back, . . F^eT^aaiThe patient becomes che ’‘ rful •■ nl saiaa SEND ADDREjS atrength rapidly. HARRIS REMEDY .CO., M’fg Chemhti. &od}i North 10th St,, St.. Leals, Mo. Ohs Mohth'S Trutmw, f3»2 *kwrHs£6:3 mouths. I? RURAL RECORD The Leading Agricultural Paper of the South. Only 51.00 per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBERAJL CL.UB OFFERS. Rural Kbcord with a Clock, delivered, $1.50, ’ cm SP, !Z lilKWwh few “ s is o'* fUF’Sentl 6 cents !n Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium List. OCHS, YONCE A CO., Chattzuooga, Tenu. Refer to Editor this paper. x*~> Highest Honor 7 IJorld’j Exposition f • Fou bljuun.uuri COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Stndanta can begin s'-.? week-day during she year. No vacation Time to oumplete Um* Full Wipidnit Rumiwm C<mr»« *>ont 10 weeks. Average total cost, inclnding Tn! Set nt Bonfc.t, nn4 Ttnurd in a fiwnilr. S9O. Telegraphy* Phonography and Type Writing •P w jjJj?£ , ’ -w *t! I J®F!SK Course free* Ladies iceehrd. Over 6000 SupOCTsfol Graduate*. Over iwio pupil* hurt from 15 v> 45 y*.’nn M ayj. tni» 21 xt?ur«. ImrtrtMllfta I* praaticalW «»<! indiUdnatty iaurttfte'l i»v Wteacher«. j*»i<r(al row*e for To ners and »*«!• weMwi. ’Vntvemity Diploma nrewnud to iw *r»4tiair«. This N ehv l» n«rted Lr iu teallMatatu and sscietjr, baml it on ivaditi* rwHrwadm . TUr Text-Book which rrreivM the hirhrrt ftwart at th* World** ExpOmtion for it* Kxtoadve, PractjcaUand Com prehrndve krtiemnf Bu.<lnr«s Education, i® UfMed only at thia College. U b the theapett < t»Ue*o with the M’rhes.f emtorte meNt, and jruaraau** »««***• i* businets to its deserving gnula ates. Fur airctifof* and foil nartkuhr* artdrett itt PrexHent. WILBUR B. SMITH, Lexington. Ky< CHICAGO SCALE CO TK* ’ STIIHi WIOOS SCAUt. »49. * TUX. »SO. > Tou . COTTON BEAM <fc FRAME, S4S. Thn ••Lirtfa £lri«sctiv«/'W ok. to 15 lh. W HAS 01H kR liIXSS. IMsn-tf FRH F LIST I UK*. 1 FORGES, TOOLS, &?. f<rjftl BEST kVMOK MAUK Fttll LWHT WORK. *!( j KrZn I 4U lb. Anvil mid Kit nfTools.SlC I 1 FarKKTM mw Uar n«n>?y Msg odd Job,. T® l-J Blews. ■ nvi!->. Virt'j t Other Artirle. | *-lUr *• Ai LOHkSi I attKS, WUuiAIiAL.I. AIUTAU. ~ SHEI.II F SALES Will l»e Mold before tbe Cour*, house «l,K>r» in the to». uaf O uxlssvillr, G«., on tiv* i Tuesday iu Antfu«', l.S'ii. between the I- j hours of«al«, the following properfv,>h wit; I, aof land X 0.714 uh I twen’ v acre* oil of 1 Boethwest side uflot of )«rHI No. 7li All of sforetaikt land bein : i«i the Ibtft'disiriet and tnd sre’lon’y Chewnkee now lrtsc»uaty. !,• vi.-l on asidtofM sold m the p-operty of 11. I*. H-iw -il, undfer sod by vh tur or thteeFUhphoen i H. :h< Ustt M from the . Suporf'w oouri <»f I) uiglxs f-Hint'. lufainFt “aid H. I*. Howell, tieoi “sidii. f.o* bviua }n f ivor ' of bunmhuj tll.tir und Hr<> h» fivor of .los -pli !G. Wuite. I’roperiy poiuunl out by tnc > plAi tiiFsinn fn. M Alsu at. same tlu»" sh 1 rdnee will be sob I the south hslf of Inttil lot N•. 17 in Lite 2,id , district anti Ach section <»l ortiinally t’nrroll now Ji >iigiA“ eouim, snd eoiitftfnii £ one hundred acres, m-we or ,esr. Levied on a* i the property nffK B. Newel', under nn«i by . Virtue of a Mibpfte >»!», fa. issued from !>'»««- I bis superior coßrt hi L.vnrof »v. J. Hembree I anidnst D. ?. Newell. Property pointed out 1 by piaiu wlllti fi. fe. WENRV WART, Sheriff. I - -- G EORG! A—Etottiflas County Where*! l J. Henry Winn. Adm'nist.ritnr oh ! the e-taue o‘F M. Fre man by his petition snows to this c-nirl, the »an»e behwc duly i H'e 1 4tii entered ot rt-c.wd Uiatt'i bs»» fully n tmimsiered the said estate. Tn> is there* fore to cite aM pjrsons concerned, h tn kin i dredand eredivw* to show c,us« , if *ay they can, whj said administrator >h-uld nut be ( c iM-tiarzr-d front Ins «dmtnistr»uim , mid r,eo*e letters of dismi<ml,»n ou the rdaiy iu ,vu a u?t uext. This Max’ Mb liijS. |{. T. I iniPEK, Ordinary. , 4>EuKli 1 V— 1 ><iU-thiM C* un* v To ad w-t it may ennserii—E. Polk ge.«r- tltxu L»r iTkhrm* Cat ■« a; p.ies t« nt* Io - ieliei* ui «iEt» fiotu sail s ».»d l will b:s A'-piicati n on »he : t*m Moudsiy ill .-iepteiaber, next, at my office l io O’ H;l«;oii'r. *s»id vviutl'. Given u.der! "toy -.'.tnalure this June 2nd 11. 1 MXMtpar,«>rdi. I . . borGL.m'ii.i. e, 1 )ry Goods, XT .2fl| i' ' >. H.-.l Ru:i*lv M:nh* ( lo'.|B ’ *' ..... \ Syruji, Sal-, Ah*ar, Lirtl.-W / -^*, - Ji 5 J jl . ■ j ' : i ■ ; /J- • . J , < --i,r :; ■■ . ’ii 9 * Qinris an*l Halvt s, et<?. '' ' " ' ''' H!: ' 1 • • y B L;i-'1 Lmiltui’g-, J’Jmik, I’i h a ■ ’’T . ..-jt* I am daily receiving invoices <>f n t Is. whicl/Wffl buying and selling at prices in timea. a. PITTMAJf. ■"■""■■■ ■ . ■■■■! in . ._jgiaiULLl J. ~ilßpe^B H ißMMy • Wheeler <S& W’itsoa, ITew ST©. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recnt Improvements i I Istbol3eist ■MACIIINEIN THE Try it and .be convinced. It i uns the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread I ha.-> no * ’ XToisy Shuttle, I and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING and NOISY SIIFETLE .ACLIINES, -!<»£.>*/A’ Mud t or Price Lists and Terms tn Wheeler & Wilson MP . Co. JA ta«t«htA' Ca. Dii: Illi 11,1 A tva\s fi fnll i ne of Fresh and Pure I rchtu /o nnd Cigars. Paints. Oils. Varnisheß^H^^^S’ * ||l|f Re ulso keep a laige stock of patent < much needed nt this season to tone up and Ju-t received invoice of C. L. C. the heat Liver Medicine of ttiage. I i Parlies needing goods in our lino will find it to their interest teaU on us. Prescriptions carefully compounded 31 all hours. &FJ h < HUDSON <fc EjGE* ILL 1 —■>*«» let them fight M —AND- Fire the atling 1 CuL, S.A.McElrea,th&Jjlp. u v.iA still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their S to Lusiness. Every TrainMiM J i : q- r.eiv ar. ’ g<,*>■!-. an I* c 'ire now receiving i ! ''* i \<O I- iv<- brought to filial Kr? *'? * -’2* ' •■ ■ • ■* j {■ ■. - ’ W ftIEAS. LT. •nd s< . at du., t touriac**yeu, we d. n ’ t y Oa ■ "b.L Us. f '.Vfi <S. A. McEl^fh! 3f