The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, July 21, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE WEEKLY STAR. —_ - PVBLTTIIED EVERY TUESDAY BY Chis. G. Peavv. .zzz.~-_.zz-... ' . ' .-.—. Douglas Co, Official Organ. Entered nt the post office at Dou-thtsville, C; nss< coiidclus 1 mail mutter. JULY 21tb. 1885. President Cleveland is in hot water The appointment ofex-Gov einor E. ,8 Noyes to aposition on i.r? • Pacific railroad com in is f t has ruited an awful muss in j.. ;< ji circles. Mr. Noyes was the republican manager of the Florida affair in 1876, atd the ceuntirg of that vote for President Hayes is mainly attributed to him. It looks much as though in this case the president was rewarding his foes and punishing his friends. SALT SPRINGS DOTS. A. N. Stone has buckeled Lis snspenders op a'MjOt four ijeheH. Twins. Girls. Hur ♦ >a»»torClevel*i.d eeveial bines. and Miss ( Cleveland too. The Bowdon Litha is on a big boom. The leases are erecting a fiue,pavilion over the spring, and Lave placed an engine to give hot baths when wanted. oar friend Judge Bowdei . locks at leat-t ten years younger and some young widow had better look out. John Jiraes is ready to distall ail the fruit in the countr » E d. lioiiTJ. «. I'ai l*s' Testimony. I cheerfully state that in my opinion Swift’s Specific is a most excellent tonic. In the month cf September, 1883, my health failed by reason of overwork while attending the state leg is’ nt u re. 1 was at length induced to try Swift’s Specific anti was greatly benefited. When I began using it, 1 could scarcely take a step, but after 1 had finished the seventh bottle I realized that Swift’s Specific had contributed in a large degiee io my gradual restoration to health and strength. 1 have also used S. S. S. in my family with satisfactory result e, giving it to one of my children this spring. The lilt e one ■» appeti’e, strength and genet al health wete oerfeuted from the use <>f S. S. S. JAMES G. PAKKS. Dawson, Ga., May 22, 1885. For sale by a I druggists. Treatise on Blood uhd Skin Di seases mailed free. TUE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., fl. Y, 157 W. 23d St. .Drawer 5, A tlant •, Ga. Chape! Hill Dot*. Th« threshermfcu have Deen around and oat all u>« grain, it did not lake them lung to thresh it on » nr there wait juot much grain made. The w«.catcrop wn« exceedingly poor in ibis part <rf ihecuunlry. The oat crop was equally «.■» pucn- W» have had several good rains lately and the cotton ie growing very rapidly and as well formed as I ever an*. co >si i«riug »!■ the disad-vamages. Corn never looked lim r I«don’t believe considering the lateness oi Ila planting. I( the proper rains are had the Umiers will not have corn next \ ear to buy. but wni have it to sell. Mrs. R ch irdann. wife of Balis Rk.hard so: , a iyiui at the p>» nt of death. She h a t<»u ick for rtime time of the .ever, gradu- - growr.ig W'»ise, but wbeu last heard troua was wu.uu belter. .1. *. son of Mr. Marion Yance. > wassud etjly i#ken sick a lev days ago* d is now rer/ aide. Airs. Wa’deii, an aged lady, was buried at Hollv ttnrmga.hurcb lasi WeduwiUy. Prof. Caiup up» n»d bis acUuul at Holly Spring* wuh tinny tolKHara. and ts as U»e iwuuvn. get through w.»r«, the school Will be iufieamd to i>a many again. ’.WWW ■♦.—' —— IN MEMORIAM. Died al his home near Wilsonville, on the 17di of June, E H. McWnoner, a mein •>er of the Method st cburci. and baa «a uiuiteterot the Gospel 'or thirty years. He 'eaves a who, thirteen cm drew, and thirty seven grand c nldren and a host oi friends to mourn ins io-*. He * M taken slot on Saturday, aud died uu *e tnesdsy following. While wa mourn his k*«, ** believe that the Angels wailed erou u hh bed-side to waft his tionl to me gfi ry land. We sal b/ bi» bed and saw him die without a gasp or a huwn upon hi* f*c ’• Hearn toss Invaded the ranks of our Agnculuiuu Gim> and taken from us one of our bright, st jew els. la bi* death we reoonia • thu baud of the JJivin* creator.and leal taaiour cluoand the ehurvb have lost one of their brightest light*. The bereaved family has uurfidned an ir reparable 10-s It >m the fad he was lbe hope of th* wdc, the pride of the e ildieu and the] »y ot u»eg’audchildren. Rmolred hl, WeaiaClub tender to the brail tiiricken family oar mes’ sincere sym pMtby in their red tereavtißMrt. Rreulved 2nd That to the de th ol brother McWboru r vhnaiiatiiiy ba. test a gt>d rep reeontative and tLcciu Jugood and euer grtfc worker. Renal red 3 d That we commend the ex ample of Brother MoWhortar as aa earueet pml Bacrific'.ng m m of God. Raoolredim, ofthkp’e*im»- hie and lh*-e ne du KU sb* furntousd tne family of Brother Me W honor and also be tj tvod uu the tumuie* of this dub, and a u>jy hafuxuMi’O dLt hxahiur publication J. T Statups N W.VaSup, J Toutifal •*. J K Sm»ll wtxd . P Smith. (Mmadtfae LITTLE GIANT SYDRAVXiZC COTTON PRESS. AWARDED Grand Gold Medal BEING First Premium on Cotton Presses, AT THE ITEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION. Wo have been making those presses for several years, and for ease of working, perfect ion of machinery and satisfaction to the iwer, they are without a rival, We make them with boxes from R to 12 feet deep With the deep box but little tramping is needed. We make a hale of from 500 to 650 lbs. weight. Our presses work by hand or steam power, as may be desired. Prices vary according to size and kind of Trees desired. Our LITTLE GIANT HYDRAULIC PRESS is THE BEST Cotton Press made. Write for a Circular, Manufactured by J. w. CARDWELL & CO., agents wanted. Richmond, Va, ■ ii&ii ■ - . ©TOMACia FITTERS Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, as a specific for indigestion, stands alone. When the re sources of the pharmacopoeia have been exhausted, without, nt least, doing more than mitigating the complaint, a course of this wholesome stomachic effects a perfect and permanent cure. In all cases of dys pepsia the liver is more or less disordered, and upon this important gland the Bitters act with regular distinctness, regulating and invigorating every secretive and as similating organ on "which bodily and mental health depend. For sale by all Druggists und Dealers generally. J.C. WRIGHT —DEALS IN— I HUTS —AN D Itajly. Groceries, DOUGLASVILLE, - GA. Bought Ilin Medicines from one oi the best Wholesale Drug Houses* in the slate, and everything is guar anteed to be Fresh, Pure and Gen uine, and he proposes to sell them cheu{ierthan anybody. His Drugs v ere bought, for Cash, and at the very lowest Cash Pi ices, ant! that enables him to sell as cheap as the cheapest. All laboring men who earn a living by the a\\eat of their br f »w, and want gotid cheap g(J>ds and good weight and full measure and honest d< aliug. and want to trade with a man who will act on a square with all men, are invited to call and examine his go< ds and git his prices beture you buy, and then, tiade where you please. Highest market price paid for country pro duce. J C Wright. CtlAtef h/'m HCUSS -.x* ir Waiiir >? $ | COFPRIt OR BTEX?. r.IXEO, re | Capacity, 17 calfaas per minute. K 1 The Easlaat W >rklr.snr.d I Most Po-' srtut Doublo-AcHng Y\ I PUMP a g Ever Produced. - '0 Flit el tar cnu-.'; s • w < XiBSD. IK«»>'or KI HHKH Pli L. rw«<» •• «MvNme< .'«•<- M Fwre /or «wh.‘ ••., ■■ !■»»>, a,.. »ur«' •«•»«■»«L it >«• >. A POWERFUL FIRE biNCnZ. 1 ALL lII.U.Fk.»ILI.TI!ft. f <'or <sir HuvltfiM, re - tatriry prw« •( lAwwe Fua;pa jumi v-lfar sm-rularcicka. Gleason & Bailey KTg Co. L‘d Mis Bra »Atxe. x. r. LOOK ft | ] T IF HJ i. FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, go in, and you will find out tliat you can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,and more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM F. I. TOW than at any place in the county. I here is no doubt in the minds o Tlio Z’eoplo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They ail say t-o, and if you have any doubts of it, cail to see him at Sa»eIX3CL£M,X»’SI COIIiOI' and be convinced. ®1! (V A S linwi HW y BEST TONE. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pun» I vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure* D.vm><*Pmlim Intliffretion, Weakni'H*. i mpure Hh»o<l, Altilaria,Chills and Fevers, | I and Nenralaia. . » I II is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the ; Kidneys nnd Diver. It is invaluable for Diseases peenhar to I Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. ! 11 does not injure the teeth, cause headache,or pr idiice constipation— other Iron medieiuts <lo. It < ■■niches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re jieres H'.srthnru and Belching, and strength er. < t’.e muscles and nerves. l ot Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of Ei'.ew. <tc., it has no equal. .■?#- Tlie genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. room X < ItEMIt'Al. CO- KAi.TIXOKE.MU BtoNI'C Sf.bte'slrste JtvrlKpurlPv »v<> nnr’-h lhe BLOGO. ropn!»te tbe LIVKH inn KIDF' ¥S, and Rkstohe -hik KIALTH nnd VIQOK cf TOVTIII In nil dips? uise>.»e* requiring » certain ami etl'.cien TO VIC, esneciuilv J»yst*ej>»ia.WMHt of Appetite.l»'itge.'i tlmi. Lack « f fetn-iuMi. etc., it* use Is marked with imuiediate and wonderutl results. Bones, muscles mid nerves rewrite >.<•« force. Enliven? the mind and supplies Bfisln l’<>wrr. S ® O eulfriiig irom nil mmplaint. sLi’4.M>r3 pvculiMr »o Umirsex will tlr.d t;t ■DK. HARTER'S 13.CN TONIC a safe and speedy cure. It gives a elear ami healthy complexion. Tr.a strotyr. .t I 'tnoony to the value <>t Dtt. tl.MiTßlK’s InoN TONIC! is tl»t frequent attempts at eonntcrf.'Hlng hat e only added i,>tlicjM»pitiar Uy es the o’ lirlnai. It y>>u evriwsilydeaire > • »»’*' do not iitie'.t—yet tue pkivixai. ano ' »**♦ <'Ai»d rout addu-M toTbr- I.'r. Hartur Med Co. V 9l.Lottie, Mo., Ur our 1 DREAM BOCK.“ 6 * Cut to! str«u.:'e und usaKi ini -r xut.nn. iron. J* Ud. HAR'TR’a Iron Tonic is for ©als by AU bimrasTs ano Dealch.s Everywhkhs. QUV a PEPgR BREECH LOADIKC 1116 MO ST 8 JH ever offered t® tl* e i»ubl>3. re For «ale by all Arat-clause Chra Dealer*. At Wholesale only by (a.nd for Catalogue) SCHOVERUNS, DALY & 6ALEB, 84 & 86 Chambers St. New York. yK-k/Junr aat n.-csal* Wrskoe.,-. t.wrWj. BypUj*>e anti *sresr>»l *<h'rtte»s. Srievtifle tr-ntment; »iic art! »ur» , renwCi*-*. pcAirmitie. Trewted. Ca’d er writs for list of ; quwrivn«fe> bcanswrrM by those drsirißg trw#nwnt by maX atVr-oe. nVSriac Awm skauM -rad Owtr aWre.i.% *aad i«kra <»ss»rtk>»x»ll !.-tr It I. act. Pr. C. I-. l.atteßCß, pr—’» rcw‘. Fhydetxa m I'tante t<«tn>l HeC.KS . ts. tr. toi'.-f tl. .«t »t„ fit. i : accessor to Dr. Hatts' E»ufeiUb-.-4 so tear*. •nd xll finiavs CfaiFLAiXTS are relieved by taking WRIGHTS I?? DI AH VEGETABLE PILLS rutlr cuik; 1*: Gr-ir-. Msj s3x Ail &zgsßfe. a»e HSOZ A l.endinaLondaaPhv -0»8W ovJSiStrl aieian Jxabiiebc* aa I Otace in M,.wY«rK. l IS "M “* Fr*m Am. Journal <d M*tL H M 'Dr. Ab. Meam-te. whe > I I i£3r *r-d cwr»d ensee than any ot J»»r I : pc> sac ism. Hr-sueomo t,»s simpix bow awWwssJuae: *• hare bae.-d e<caees es over 4J w«re*i«»dieg etrrwd t>j him. He gnarsihieeeaeur*. Largehct*'* awl I’rreM*#sent tree. Hire i’.O. and I Bo. 98 Jetin St.. K«w York. 'lfac *• Uttle Ikrteotive.” * 'vC iiaSaai ter Stks-ee t> 2s. .ox Fir Fimtlj, «»m.e or Store. re, *» r»‘e.i! pctt.vx Send r em-utxe. k A LtX. CtttCSOtX DA. ! W Ts|e ills' Lr.'D < fiv ' « " .._» for »»t s., •- 1»2.-1 Ki t i r,r » sntirw or Mt west, i j m,-rr .. ■ <-rtert. Srud ctrcutai' | Mi w »aS^ 1 y -* LJASt-uU ti-Ai-k. tai-. Cej-iud. iU- J 111 I W. IL CONNALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIA SALOON Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the TURN ERST AND East side of Court House Square, where he will keep at all times the best and finest brands of WINES BRANDIES, WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SODA, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc.\ Calltoseeme. ELE GNT POOL TA BLES SV\ EET Al ASH an I BLO CK ADE CORN. Spec *tEMR■? Ift 11 ft• tHI r, r??ff 4kF DEBILin< *■ ■Aw*** • weaknessani Iff Kg « 3 cay. <nd numerous ob »E1 ■ R g scuro diseases, T.T fl W wTx’ ® a 1 sliitltal physicians, issue ■£l w mi I: F f rotn yuutbral indiscre t»as»Eisnv»a«JW g ’ions,too free indclgeo-i „ Wt/ and over brain work. • ’EF not tCKipsrize r.hile lua W . enemies lurk in yarn .. ys tom. Avoid being imposed ca by pnetcatious claims of b R3J'"S,I Owl® other rea dies for thess troubles. Ret. our free circa FvK tar and trial packs;o ur.i JPEMOKR2EA tbousan'.i. anl does not iu- JHaOfiTrKJf'V tertbre with attention to bmi- Sibil U I fclnU 6 1 seas or cau-o or iacott. vcnicnce. .Founded on scl. KfFr-TAa.AR near B e“ti6o medical principles. BEfc Tested ro- ovor o c r<)wln .. so f . Vt) . aad rqiutgh , years ay use in thou- tloa. Din et application to the sends cf coses. KCt c .‘ d VT° ”‘ a ? » 1 uv"”’; » ciflninflueaeefeU v/ittotft ■ <Dlay. The natural func« Hk 1 -Tr.... F 3 W aaimntin? elements « ©I I RIAL# g life which bare beta PACltxUci. ? “ afcl wastod are given back, I The patient becomes iZi&'AuK't’" ln<l guiwi SEND ADDRESS sir ™s t!l ra?W. HARRIS REMEDY CO.,,M’Pg Chemist*. 806J4 North 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. OkE IfcMTH’S TRUTMtNT, $3 r 2 MUXTK3,SS; 3 MONTHS. 17 RURAL RECORD The Leading Agricultural Paper of the South. Only 81.00 per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. DI BE RAD CLUB OFFERS. Rural Record with a Clock, delivered, 81.50, fflfirals P<> \\USEWING MACHINE#/' tt O’ |3F*Sen<i 6 cents ia Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium List. OCHS, YONCE & CO., Chatti'uooga, Te»n- Refer to Editor this paper. Highest Honor | FROM THE J WorltVs nnnni'nnp^.^«^. 0 LUUUHIIUH COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Students can bejtfn axy weefc-day during the year. Novacation. Tima to eompkte the Full Diploma Bußueaa • Cwurse about WwweEs. Average total coat, hieluding Tui t£on, Het of fto tks, and Board l*» a family, F9O. Aelegrapny, Phonography and Typo Writing literary Course free. Ladies received. Over 6000 Successful Graduates, Over 500 «upiH ku year from 15 i f U , s.- T ?. ars ® r age. from 22 nUtte*. Instra* Uon ia practically and indhiduuily imparted hv io teachers. Special course for Teacher* aud Busi neasMen. University Diploma presented to ita graduates. Thia beauHful city is uowd for iu healthfuiueaji and society, and is on leadiuc railrnata. , , , . The Text-Book which received the highest award at the World’s Kxposition for its E\ten4ve, Practical, and Com prehensive svatem of Business Education, is used only at tnia College. It l» the f'eilege with tta« highest rndnrw meat, and guarantees success in business to its de -erving gradu ates. For circulars and full particular’ address its President. < WILBUK H. SMITH. Lexington, Ky. . CHICAGO SCALE CO. «T®S W.U103 SCAIA. »AO. S TOK, >sfl. 4’fon SSO. Beam Box Included. COTTOW BEAM & FRAME, *45. JL The ■'Little Defective/’ H <«• to i 5 lb- *•* SW> OTIIKR sizes. ItedaetKl HUH K LIST KKXX. FOBGSS, TOOLS. Set. REST FOkHK IWAOK FOR LIOHT WORM. IK tafyl 1 40 lb. A nxllnnd KitorToole.SM nSfi) ' . Fanaer, Om* ■ek iw**’J 4*l,x »U 4 Job,. 13® LJ Blowers. n\ J- Vl< e< * Other Article xi Un'kST FUll -S. ’•t uUISALE 4 lUTAU. SHERIFF sales Will he sold before the < ourt- house floor, in thetobuof Douglasville, G«., «n th® ti r st Tuesday iu August, iSfi.l. between the h'gal hour* of«Ht<»,the f u lowing property, to wit: Lol. of laud N 0,713 and twenty acres off of i south west side of h>t of land No. 712. AH of aforesai d laud bein ; in the ISth district and -nd section <»f originally Cherokee now IX.u '- L.s county. Levied on and tn les sold ax the p-<»per<-y «»f H. I*. Howell, under and by vir tue of ihieesuhpooen f fi. fa . issued from '. he Sttnerior c .art of Uouglas e >unt. agninet said 11. 1’ Howel!,..neol retdfl. fas. being in favor Os 'oiaui'ous Biair anil two tn favor of Joseph <_i. Whtfe. Property nointed out by ti.e plai titFsinft b». Aleo nt same time and place will ho sold the «“Utii huh’ of land lot N<>. 17 in Hie 2..<i I dtstriet and >th section <»t originally Carroll) now IKMula- couuij. an 1 couttiiHng one hundred acre-, tn •re <»r irss. levied on s»* I lie property of l>. B. Newe’.’, under and by i virtue of.a «übp >e ia fl. '--ue.l from i> >ug- ) las .-superior court In favor of J. Hembree ) egttin-t r». I*. Newel Properly poir.ted out ; by putti.tin in ti. f . t*ENR v WARP, Sheriff. G EO BGlA—Douglas County. Wherefta J, Heury V.'fLn. Administrator on i ihcestafeofF. M. Freeman by h‘s petition ; shows to this court, the same heini? duly ; tiled ami entered of record that be has iul.y | adiidaislered the said estate. Ta> is ther*- fore to cite alt persi. us concerned, b.-tn kin- I dred and ert-inors :o show c*use, it -'uy thev < can, wl:v said tv.nnirsistrarnr sht.ulti not be . tseiiaried his adioliiistrauotn end r-c ivc’elt«rs of disnLssion on tlse first Mot dav in Au*usl next. Thia Alnv *‘ih F*is. H T. < OtIPEH, Ordinary. | GEvict* 11 ‘ "'tislws Cetin’v I- all wi ->m it may con 'em—F. Polk gnat- j <1 D f,.r Thoma Car tes, •; p.ics •>» ne so • | lettess of uhu h< ion from s-H ■ au.>rd’..«nshtp | and I will otpsnptu tn»appHc-.f» » on C>e ilrsi Monday in September, u. xf, tmy offi e | l»t Ixiuglasviiie, retd fMHIUIS- iitVel. U sdi T t mv Laud nud v'dl tai signature this June 3.ut > i»j , H .1. Coujier. ‘Bdi. 1. C. | James A. Pittman, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats. Ready Made Clothing $4.50 to $20,00 a suit. Hard* ware, Woodenware, Tinware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, Drugs, Etc.,. Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Salt, Meat, Lard, Meal, Flour, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes,Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worsted, Cashmers, Mull, Muslins,. Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Checks, Counterpanes, Cottonades, Jeans, Osnaburgs, Millville Atmospheric Fruit Jars hi* Quarts and Halves, etc. Ladies and Misses Hats, Trimnrings, Artificials, Bobonet, Washbloud Laces, Hamburgs, Ribons, Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans, etc. lam daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I am buying and selling at prices in sympathy with “panic” times. J. A. PITTMAN. Wheeler & Witson ITew ITo. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recnt improvements X® theßeat .MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it and be convinced. It tuns the Lightest, is the Easiest to Tread has no XToisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like' the HEAVY RUNNING and NOISY SHUETLE .ACHINES, AG IS irjJtTED, iid f't,r Price Lists and Terms tn Wheeler & Wilson Ms ’ • Co. -A-tlckiatM. Oa. YOU WILL FIND AT THE uni i; mu Always a full i ne of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods, Perfumeries, Tcbncjo and Cigars, Paints. Oils. Varnishes, etc., etc. H'e also krep a large stock of Patent < divines and Tonis*, which ais much needed at this season to tone up and invigorate the system. Ju«t received invoice of C. L. 0. the beat Liver Medicine of the age. Parties needing goods in our line will find it to their interest to call o» us. Prescriptions carefully compounded stall hours. jgF| HUDSON & EDGE. LET THEM FIGHT J —AND— Fire the atling Cun, * S. A. McElreath & Bro. will still pursue the even tenor of their way, giving their attention strictly to I usiness. | Every Train brings ns new and fresh goods, and we are now receiving the Larges’, Now resiit st and Neatest stock of goods ever brought to Lbis market, and | we arg determined to sell them cheatier than the cheapest. I WE KM IT. Come und see, an I if we don’t convince yen, we don’t ask you to triidt ’ wi’-u us- • k. jU 8. A. KcElreath - .