The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, August 13, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE WEEKLY STAR. FVBDYTnED EVERY TUESDAY BY Chas. O- Peavy. Douglas Co. Official Organ. Entered st the post office nt Douglasville, Gs.r *• second clnss mail matter. " AUGUST 13th, 1885. 1 . —~~ Two-Uurds of the people of Georgia want hecnl option, hat it will he defeated, by politicians and whis key me There is one remarkable thing ia aMthifi whoieimte abase of Rev. Sam Jones, we have yet to hear of h»as sail&Rt being Considtered a Chin*tain Habersham h now numbered a mung theprohibiting counties. Ptcbibbion«r»R carried m that coun ty by a&MidfMHne majority a© Wenes <tay. * • 7t‘ F<— yw ... W 'W*- * —l —-T 1 The Cartetovilte Con rant says: Gen.<hwnt was the only President in VVeoty-Cve years, who honored Geor gla with a seat ia btecsbraet, and that honor was conferred on Hon. A. T. Akcmoa <M Cartersville. Jk Josiah Bradfield, one of the most prominent and widely known men of Atlanta, died in that city on Wednesday last. Ho was the proprie tor of that famous medicine, Brad flcM’s Female Regulator. With millions of kilo men tramping around the high-ways and by-ways ol our land ciiminalism cannot help hut increase. But it is only the poor crim inals that are arrested, the itch ones escape to Canada or somewhere else to enjoy their stealrsgs. England is suffering from a bet wave which extends over the whole United Kingdom. In London every one is more or less affected by Hie horrid weather, children are dying by the t’.nndreda and scores of men ate prostrated every day. The preval ence of hydrophobia has created a ' panic, and owing to the large num l>er of mad dogs in the streets, many citizens have armed themselves with revolvers.—Columbus Enquirer. Collector T. C. Crenshaw, of Cdvingtoh, has issued a circular to his deputies to this effect; ‘“That a physician who furnishes whiskey anti receives pay for it is liable. A physician lias no more right to sell whiskey than a druggist his, and if he does, miist pay the tax of $25. PhvtfioLua muv- however, use hi»- <nwmid not as a beverage. The law is very sti ict on these matters,” Our Capitol Commission no doubt thought they were acting in the most economic manner, when they gave the contract for our new Capi tol to a company, to be built of Limestone brought from Indiana. As » mere matter of dollars and cento to be spend now, they p rhap* were right. But thebuflding of the new capital appeals to the native pH Ic of eyery true Georgian. We have within the borders of our own dear stale as staMp and as varied resources m any Mate in this blessed union, aftd we think that, as Geor gians, we should > e to It that our new Capitol is built from the pro duetasf Georgii. We have the flneal marble ever qnerried wit bio n short distance of Atlanta, and the extra cost of this over ti e Indiana Limestone la so inconsiderable that it should not weigh one moment with our people to give our own ptodast the preference. We are ia faster of ballding the new capital of Georgia material to the copper tip of Hie highest lightning rod. To the Sunday-School Workers of t he 20th District Georgia State Sunday-School Association. D«a» Barrarnc We take this mrtbed of calling your atteuuoafotbs fact that Lbonc annual MSriSmoi d» XMMMltatat G«w«ta Siat* UutniaJ -H'haol Awctotam whlta had •t ViilaßtaMta. Wadataky and Thun - day. Angnw ru h and 2?tb, ISw. fokgtia far every one hundred ard hf y memtotitatSut day-aehecd*. Tirepewwdent. tauatary amtauwnuan o the az cudve con. • mittosaiatta enqmty atataafttoa shall be hnanbem ♦» this «aa> tiUUnn «a offic e.'’ Hm all minister, MipmtatoarisHto sad Sun day school workers are cordially i&riud to attend and take part with u« la this eoavst- Urn. y invitr* mH Uk«&mday-acho< 1 workero, aiiaiswa and IHMwtewf the «aoM ia this diet net w imh h»- dudes the ceunlior of Cam»H, iTwegte* Item! hot, Fwuidlug and ttolk. to interwi themedvea UWs dW|rfc* aaaocretiOT-. and mhi that dttegaiea are»lected aud the Sunday. school worker# attend IbiaOtaV* is lion 'or the h«etbsr anfar as pwact.- nal the rovand itenominatiowe of ahriMtaa* that we may from etch &lb«r obtain m w hlata and mattadbt toveoadtaitaK aaocarafah ly this great dejiartaMtni of work far the Master. The proeramitte wh ete h Wng wepared will emtaaea rrpi«e«talive men from tt e Varinas drotealaattonsrf chrieuans and »»1‘ ifaraltulm Mhfchte ikhte wsWMsA swwt,swHaes t iewist *** amms rwioemo *mmgmwa4Mßa** “*• t<s of work and reanegenren*. Some <tf teasaeatrnstogSiwottaad in the ra»e have womte d to ba pNMrt. «*d row* ar* extwc'vd to be then»•tuong whom is Mt. V-- B. Kepperd, hf Savain nah;? P., P»eldest Georgia Stoto Sunday-School Ass xjiation: Preparations are in active progress at ViH’-, Rica, Gp- toentertain the defecates and ail who will attend with the genial hrspitaiity for winch the good people of that town are noted- AU Lhe Sunday -cbool workers oi the district are cordial’y invited to attend and all will receive a kind welcome to the homes of the peoplr,and altogeth- r, this coi - vention promiiei to be one of the most pn - fitable and Interesting ever held in this par of Georgia. It is very important that we should kaow the narnts ofall the delegate?, Sunday-school workers, ministers and friend of the cause that propose trending the convfentior, so thntentertainmentmay he provided forthem at Villa Ries - So let every one that proposes .to attend send us their names on a postal card and let the Secretary of every county .assciation send us a complete list of all del egates that propose attending at their earliest envenienct. Lit every Sundai-chool worker, minister and friend of the cause in the district know that they areirordially in vited to attend. Yours truly in the work» T. W. Dimm. ck, President, Canoilton, Ga. W. K Frsxo KR. Secretar , Dallas, Ga. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The Housekeener’s Friend ASK FOR, AND TAKE NO OTHER. Sold by tbe Grocery Trade generally. IMBBBMjfHWirM.mtiifliß V -■■.■---•IM? THE i CHAMPION . <: I HO USS * . ' «w .-Hsu»F PUMP, | COf'l’EJl OH t,Tl»ci ».t rKU, g '/ Capacity, f7<-allow per ntrut'. 8 Th® Ka&laat w -*no«v Po-.»'orfui H K ■ pumi> b Cvor Produoztd. W ❖■.tiv’v/ t new I for etuw I £ft 4 B, max nr % BUBBKRi*i n. '* 7 «—w a?** •• _ JW*» WWfiWH a»« >w,rM F«M-r« ffcrrsMW fctte «..., „, «... n MMtrybrihnKMUH ap pvrfwt. *MU BBAI.BKS MIX TH»M. «S3%£ Gleason & Bailey M’fg Co. L’d CE'ECAFaYuS. s "y, IN iJLmJII ri I ■V 7> C IrW, ‘ MB i b w "¥ M Ip TuivTfliTS ti Tlk*<»d Wetin Mo and (lent One Wpoon Hakln* Powder Made. j Uxat <n%»tm<>nOiA to a <nart of FWr.’l I c ” ,^"x^^;Uxrss"JKr 1 ' ,a . faraleS is he free frm tam i and «M tarwMUnts nod to give p*r /eef *9t BA year grocer for a fres sasse fer trial MAP* OKU BY CMRM MAMBFAGTWRffIS CH., ! JU»o mannfcict «»r»rs «<qwakvrTable Saoco, J«l> ’ Xies, ITesorwa, S»nn>* F!.m>r in< JiKtnwbi, «l.\, etc. feJT. WVI!?*, MO. a book of !«| ”lBjg» rth A\ 3'j>„ t M .gj i/ook :orftu •dvertlwr to con- RDVEnnSIroft auM ’ .‘* ~r' l ll * ri * ><£>=!• *JLrxS£x3 onw<l or otberai'io. H4tmr«ttt«hsis.4 ticwwpitpvrsruKl. sWtiaUe* ofthe coeH<>fo.lvcitisnie. llv adwrt '>rw ha wauU to spend <ni« dollar, fluua in it tins in formation ne roqwirefc while forlihn who wt«l in veal o<»o thou»w<i dollars hi a.l wrtteiuK. aschoujuis ta licnCrd whU, h will teeet bIA, every roquirentcai. er «"»» &e mtaia so ftoaS e«m?v «rr*w<i<*r rwipawfewee. 14S» enlhfot>s l»nw been Sent, post-paid, to any address ftH-lacenu. Write to <at>. P ROWKLL A <O, SEWSTAPRIt ADVKftTISISU BURKAU. iiO>prucu>t.Priuiiw?iK>useSq.>, >cv Yvxa- a»Twm««niM ArymM. WaakMMk Bwtiw* »». Sft ■*£»» «*? *•»*&■«*. sscMmnav M& Mm! •*« wm.sdts-* TWywt. fs'l »r ft., ;ut » be k* tb***ab*mnc *> .-it rfrww Itm> ««hI <*-«r »M>w,> VMbf, iiwtr HU... »*■— s. t k iaa»«««. i »m fvtmhwi a «w»> rwntt ,* W- r »pew*.»<BH»**>*e *.. M. t«». »• *»l>nw«t W »M i»*A>N«w» «a«NMM M »«*• ««® Scale for »3; U-« t • ?t- 1M Fw WwaaHy, 4MBe» or »»or«, fcnw* naah* prrf.s.’ ■onA t< v clreutaa OttCAQO «C4UJ£ <XK CWAOU, 1U» X ' OO 4M T‘ S’ FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,a nd more and better Ice Cold Beer FROM f. M. TOMB than at any place in the county. There is no doubt in the minds o hut I :,at T-u - r - - .. ' liiK-t W! dies, all say so, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at selmanto Ooxrxxei* and be convinced, II S lUs mH s p<WbNj: r ' | IJ y BESTTGHIC. ? Tteis medlcind, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly nnd completely I’wrcs Dyunepoia, lixUgi-.lion, Weakni-Ha, I >uT-arc Bfmxl, slakiriu,(’JitHs and I'evtaei i-.n< Nvnralpin. , It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Khlney* anti Liver. It Is invaluable for Disenses peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not injure the teeth, cause headache,or produce constipation— other Iron malichu-n do. Itcurlchesand purities the blood, stimulates the appetite, r.tds the assimilation of food, re- j lives Heartburn and Belching, and strength en’ tl i- muscles and nerves. t or Intermittent Fevers. I<asritude, Lack of J'.ii *rgy*, Ac., it has no equal. .ur- The genuine bus above trado mark and crosn d red lin*K o» wrapper. Take no other. il».u , ie<(,x cuxxitit <o_ raltsnouk. bp. W'TONIC FAC ’8 SECARWia & fctw’i ha HKALTft and VIGOR, of YOUTH! Kali these ah«a4e« requiring aeertahtand ♦melon TOwlC, e>per.|«llv Pysu» pki*,Wa*taf AppeUta.ltwliaea tles, Lack »f Rtreurlli. etc.. Its use h vrtth tramedlate art* aondertttl results. Bones, mitsrles and nerves receive i-ujv three. £utiv«ne tbv inlud and snpptieu Brain t’nwer. curs. It gives a Hear sad healt! * .-•mpiexlox. TMc strongest testimony t« the value of DR. 1 fIARTKH's IROX Towtc Is ffiat frequent attempts at notmtcrfeitlnr have only added to thupopnlar i Ry ol Uioorlvlnal. If yon earnestly desire heaJW do not experluient—get the ORiatMAi. amd B*i*v ffite SK!Z*S“-&fißr4Sftß»> '<>uliot «tr*nx» nod asefal iutumatlan, free. jF Dn. HAmYR'a Iron Tonic k for axut bv Ml OoUGGIUTR ANO DS.AL.Lfta E'Zlli YWHOR*. BUY * PIEPER BKECCM t LOADIRQ c u *• ’ •vw offisred »® tk« puhib. ” Fw aadte by all <ta» PssUw. At WTs«lea«>e SMBly toy (Wkd fee Catadosw) SCHflYfm iW, OALY & B*llß,o | M& 88 Chambers St, Mew York. ; Shnstai A««ttaw. letrohfe tmarat! : fenr ‘ itt **: > rr »> l«t ~ py**, 1 ' <«** tears MMUiMattothdr sSsaataip. HixwAatrm,* 1 Mins* Be. c. *«. t^B»RCF, Fee.V aaS FhyriHaa ta Cfc «n» | C«rtral«ta.asarr. <A. F*. IxnafeuK ! . fecivreortsDr.lto’LafeMary. BsuhOdK* <3 ten. 'HEMS ie.l all Bn rtes CWretAßt rg are reltcvcdby taking | WRIGHT SI HOI AM VtCSTABIE PILIS tatsly »‘.f.utlr; Kt Frt:. All aMnKMfl>9 A T cadtßrL-.r.doaFhy ■ill W? nB WW’»D'.s*i mere cases (tout any<*Scrlivinrphysician. Hww»c©w» hasnmoqr been as4oniahui«; •* ’tare beard of casm of orr>S Heenamutaasa cur*." lAisebvtrte and Thauaesent frw. Give P.O. and JU. M Jk bn St. .You Yosk- FREE! SELF-CURE. ***«■* .-* fß*** 4 ** prreenptlon nf one of th* »uet noted and scaecessrul *pvci*Js*te in Use V 8 too* retired taMhjK-nrecd Virreu. . V •*< kr .nAMd. ITeetoWMUd Oeoas*. .Seat j U»J«a.v—»a;rd. uv«svp.-/»nre. Dti»<x'.»Wc*t i tui,u . ~ Address DR WARP 4 CO.. Lssidm, Mo. ; ITM Mill! W. 11. CONNALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE MANOLIA SALOON. ■ * Has again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the STAND o »A t vH o^oq^Jbelfebe w,n keG P ftt ali l«a«» the beat and finest brands of WIXRS WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SODA,£IGARS, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc * L Cautoaeeme. ELE GNT POOL TA BLES SWEET 11ASH an i BLJ CKADE CORV i» ao ii ?I*! B kw !Izf •* ■ il! "w. HARRIS’II/iH&S B«W'WiWI» Nek Arntd t,«t H Imposed a. «a by at tßaditalCsre °”” r ncmic* a. f iu M ——» troabtei. n«t our fro* dn« eWM Its nd nM >*rka<i> ar.4 4PERMTORRHEA JUJn JJ thouiaadi, arid does ast ta* iUDHTryrT tortbreuimalteintea Wbwi- lIUrU I treUli . n«3» or essisc pafa or tacoa. ■ renfenoe. Fiundoi on set. fee overs years by nee In thou- Uon. aonda of cases. ® r <* l s "“» mkes !w spe- ewoue ui oneea. <IJo JUuinos felt withoat . ■ JJW drlay. The natural tooo Tfvae /A K-.t-Jss.Yt • ».-.2X* L /51 PACKAGE, S SIE wasted ere glvio bask. LaiJftThe pstioat booooes ............. iresSSß''-*>ssrful and galas SEND ADDRESS stroorA myidiy. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M’fg Clmmltta 80SJKNorth 10th St., St. lohls, Mo. 0«£ UOMTH'S IHEtTUEHT, $3 ■ 2 RURAL RECORD The Leading Agricaltml Paper of the South, Only 81.00 per year. Premium to Every Subscriber. LIBERAL CLUB OFFERS. Rural Rkokb with a. Clock, delivered, flf J B*’ □* -a a su-p.«» s„ pl . ♦ •owe, voaoe a 00., > * Tea*, ttgfcr to Edita this paper. J W9f*tfP9 j fithft. C . reu < F.nnCATION^-^’- TT ™° hUUUmiUn COMMERCIAL college Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Omwss «*•«( te vests. Avera<« to'rt oost, inolsdlsf Tat •ma. IM ST »M»s. »wd Board Is a family.**). T.lapapty, PhonacMivhy sad Typo 'Writing sjwslslUrs. Uterery Onurs* free. Ladles rse*ir«4. U>»r OCMK) BMeeesahkl CnrfvatM. n*«r MO pupils last ysar from I* le U ’«*.'• sf a«s, fesai M atMM. Isstraedsn is praciicallr sad ladirMastty taspartod by I* ssaefesr*. «|*»la'. soars* far Teaehrr, sad IsN ■«m M«*. Vnlvvretty Diploma »t<s*m*4 m tea eradeuss. TM, bmtifal sit* U retsd for Its bssMMasM aadsseissy, and toss foadfaf ratlwad,. , Salts* l *- Mto Mm stoaipast Csdtogs vMi ttv M»k*s» salases •Mai, sad gsacacWM ssmsm la baalasM w Us dessrstsa snAu- MM. »« stotaarj *•« foil wiisslare addry toe FidMdaas, Vm.BVK M. SMITH, Ky. SAAXtS Cd -T*m C®®, WmasM fa*x 990 mmTtfeis, 4c. *■ 4T MXXBT FIUC*A WMMJMIii • Bar4lla Kosmrtlfc biffißS 8«M Defence. To I criminal neglee* pnivotave afeCL cation may be itfaiM * majonly tbs iulr»ent« which isffect humaaity. 11 to a wil-uecertainwi feet, that • courae of ilodteUer ’s Stortutoh Bitter* Will pat even a naturAlly feeble system in such a slate of defence that it will be competeßt to resist : the most prevalent causes of dtoewe, lacb •a the malign iaHuenee of m;asia», tm i wholesome water, excessive fatal, <lamp, > edd, eodtieu changes of temperas®re, he. Jtor Mlc by mH Druggtato inti Daaieri generally James A. Pittman, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hata. Ready Made Clothing $4.50 to $20,00 a suit, Hard* ware, Woodenware, Tinware, Crockery, Cutlery, Groceries, DruaL Etc Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Salt, Meat, Lard, Meal, Flour, Tobacco. 8 Qsara Cigaiettes, Snuff, Prints, Buntings, Worsted, Cashmers, Mull ’hludin/ Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Cheeks, Countenianes anti ( ottouades, Jeans, Osnaburgs, Millville Atmospheric Fruit Jans in Quarts and Halves, etc. ” Ladies and Misses Hats, Trimrrings, Artificials, Bobonet, AVashblond Laces, Hamburgs, Rilxms, Umbrellas, Farasuls, Fans, etc. lam daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I am buyiugaud selling at prices in sympathy with “panic” times. Xa.pittma k. Wheeler c& Witson New XTo. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Recnt Improvements latb©l3cßt MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it and be convinc -d. It r uns the Lightest, is the E isiert to 'Tread has no XToisy Shuttle, noi7?)K JiEU ' Y m lA’ Beuft/or I*rice Lints and Terms ia Wheeler & Wilson Mf’ „ Go. Atlanta . YOU WIL 11XI i AT THE im i; sim. Always a full l.ns of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Toilet Goods, Perfanertec, Tcbacjo and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc. We also keep a large stock of Patent edicines and Tonias, irhieh art much needed nt this season to tone up and invigorate th* system. Jn»t received invoice of C. L. C. the best Liver Medicine of th* age. Parties needing goods in our line will find it to their interest to call sa us. Prescriptions carefully compounded st all hours, HUDSON & EDGE. —— —■ ar -^ —l.:—■■•::',. S. A. McElreath. o. • ARE STILL THE LEADERS IN LOW PHIOES o f C olored and White Lawns, wbicH rc from the fact tliey want to make McElreath, who is given up to lie the has just returned Tom market. lie nd-Mime lot of Ladies and Misses Shoes Ladies Hose in all styles awl grades, kce up to one dollar and twenty-five Allurt suits left, which they offer at a large lot of the Thomas Hanow. can be bought at ROCK BOTTOM . A. McElreath * Bro.