The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, August 27, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 .THE WEEKLY STAR. PVni.TTHEn rVEHY TrrPSDAY BY O. Peavv. Douglas Cq, Cffiflal Organ. Fnv rod nt th- poet ofTm-» at, Douglasville- Ga., w-nt-nr] ebissimu! master. ......... .. AUIruST 27th, 1885. « The c iwtPs of the Rome and Carrolto”' railroad a r e tri be h»»"rt pine. t it n A man in Athei s drank up seven barrels oSßhiskey in a year. * The rtfl’gnafion of A u sistnnt General Man* Bger J- F. 0 Brie > of the East Te inesp', “ Virginia and Georgia rai'r <ad> takes <ffxt < September l°t. One cent ptr mile for mi i i ary com pan 5 s a>.>d Masonic organ zttions will be tl.e ra’e upon the occasion o the laj ing of the corner Sim e of the new capitol. A f<>x dog belonging to B. W. Williams, ofGr«»envi!l , nearS ins ji , ranupatreea bout 30 frat after a for» Tightened the fux so < oersu d tL>e fox • ’ 1 p ° r * 0 i'-uij. <■ - t 13 , hasst'cce- d> d it: rep« it from the Finance Cornniiit-je of die General A - favorable to art s dntion to appropr. - ate $3 374 to repair the Confederate graves al Marieua The national cemetery at Mari etta baa been placed in fine conditio 1 • Ex-3-nator Powell C.aytou, of is Bidd to be out of politic, and trying to build up a reputstioa tor a w.teriig place He hiw probably found out that theie is no chance now for fiiru to make politic profitable. A rattlesnake wu- fa ilieo a ew deysago on Mr Biddenback s pltc . near Gu> ton, that had ae-entern raMies and a button. Tbe> are said o have ft Jattle tor every y< yr, if so that fellow was 17 years old. The corner slot e of the dtim c ipitol will be laid on the 2 dofS puimber with masonic ceremonie • Tie membtrsof Lodge within tLcj irii.d ■. t'rm of the Or-nd Lodges of Geer pa are emd ally inv cd to be i rexent and parts eipa-o. —V Mr. W. 0. ega ee to tbe Suieugi c dturul c'unvx-ntioij, nmtrke i to us theta xt day aTei hit return, that lie never Went iff from home that he did not Ktum wi'h a higher appreciation of CLrrull than before. B..ys kw 'we h .ve got Um best C/iiuty in Jne itah*. and there i* to doubt abuut ft. J*r<rc f'»■£&>•.• From a card receive I from out Villa Rica corespondent cn the 19th •list,, wc.lenrn that. Barw>«if ia *e got > badly hurt on the it.e wa k.ins tur.tle! cnvfci g i r . • A .ad and lite < Mid ■ .rtJS&T' Rr» tail lit tle hopes of hCT'mri'v.. are enter •la i unit. ..Ji'die.caused - j (Mi. Black. Com- h ' G s IVruot inmugAtmn th»tonghttuhave ••.uiAiadj long eg >. He prcpOsei to firfi out hmv uwny persons there a a an the pea feion mile who . re uot mtithd to bothen. ft bus; been uu.- pei ted for « iul-g time tAut the goxeriHuetil her. for years, been jayfug <>nt milliuns of dol'ars nutmal yon trattd ujrsfif. pf»nßiott voucliers. A cmuCe of years' s o while Gtn. Dudley weH a t the h< ad of' '-t.'it- pans oh l ur-cu, si<n» ‘kc's wire brovght Go light which were euttie'ent to have t®d a fieavchieg inveetigetiau. While ths /. were in c mlxol of the govern- hmo , however, there yras not nm h hope that aoythiug would be d -lie (n d sen ver whet iso actual condition «• iha peualoo MnU»W4*. Geh. B’um wasn't satisfied (o k-Mbecflioe tun along £ .n the s.-vne old ruts He had t.ssou to think that the guvirnnient wts 3 rt' iugmr mnj® monej than itougbt to, ai d be i <•"< Search fur the c un-e, A* the Wnshing.'onagei cy 24 * unnma save been <ll covered which do not tetoug ou the ro»* At the crihago ageicr MO namea o person not entitlul to p.*timns have leen ti'uad. At the Beltiiuutw, Poiladetpiiia, ami Boston agencies huadreMOt fi«udulent uatnea have already been striek->n from the roils. 'I He investigation is still going on. When it is eompletid it is not improbably that ibe nwnlt will besurUing. * * It now e<*?*s» th-btw Lr peneioos than Ujditf to yaa th gbefore Um w ,r. J'l«. d.vnmd fm iegis'aHon thuwUi imu- a»e tbq casrgeu contih luu-t aud*!iu>M it* . peratlv*. Mort in pab'tc. life, imtwl vs nt'-etitig tnis iieiu«ud« wirfeih ot ig'natmf itet -■ ee.iHy with putisiou lawyers yTeid tu is, be* they are afraid of whnt is «ermx«i ti.*■ vote. ■ i'l’e c*'«untrv car, hrt-dty HWfc, of d /oajß *n f'dridn ack will earn the Irs - .i ug orotund»of tho pe >p'e ,f h t > in relieving the rolk of fraudaient pe,.«»on era. S»vanuab Newe. JJ, S. M, ’ ’V A Medline that has Dm.e More tn Rriteve auflA-rlng HmnauUy than Ad it i« se’tlnm I hat a new? paper to eiUtori.’tliy Police the tot«iis < uu! an<l oue patent istv-*ici »hat (l»hxl the market, but Swiftoj oyphiliHr Sp»wlH has prnv?n Mirha boon to the hitman fctnilyjbat w son ’.tlirg ; L praise nne feeUihat heissinip’v t’vii.g hitchity tufeHow mao. This gteat preparation is a Gevrgh pn thic*, purely vegetable, tm<l has talcit 3*liirJ io tin: ucr.’J <>f mnlieine 1 - nition «u|d not r fbm the press and®ie eVen phys'eians. It hasWfiec'cd - cf o^B t blood poison, mid there is not a bam ’ let in th' l land but where yon sec living illustrations <if its pffieioney There to-day walks the streets el Athens well-known ge> t.’omen win. owe their very lives io S. S. 8!., ar,d t hey will kll you so if V 1 u ;isk them. I’, has become n household nn I in every family you Me a .tintt.’e ■>*e..uj^i.l,lfe.z U positively cures all manner of Idood i poison, but rheumatism thd hundreds ’ jof other diseases ineidcDt. Jluyetp. ’ Nine-tenths .of, oui population more or less i fllicted with impure blood, and they have now discovered i in 8. 8. 8. a panacea for tb ir ill's, j Hence its field of usefulness is un- • bounded. Would hallbe propiietors had millions, that theii grai d and e.loriuus work might be csU'Tuled to ' the four corners of the eatld Now, nwiny persons have been ruined for * file, and rendered miserable, by try ing to eradic itn one poison wi h an other. li. is simply ar: < xclytngy of evils. But iot k> wiiii the t-rea'. 8. S. 8. \V Idlei leandag the I 100 iof every particle of poison, it is as Imr.i.- Icps as the rippling waters of a tn<-uh tain brook. The only result of hs use is a comp ete and t ; .onnigh re.r toralion to Leulth. Banner.. Tfcatis® on B 00l a id Skin Di seases niai'ed free. **, ; * The SyiFT Fpgcirjc Joi, Drawer 3, Atlanta G?.. ■ - J '— s — ; v-H — - ■ « BEWARE pF IMITATIONS. ZStabPasteX The Housekee’ier’s Friend j ask fob, V “] ANDTAKENOOtHER. Sold by tiia . Im | KOVUS IPUffiP, I B copper oh r-TLi'r r.rcp.r, P i Bearer*, J7 f '« nob. pemSirntT h I gTlio Easioci’A i | Hftlcdt Psr\srtut J. i 4 Hocu u b J -Ac‘M<s /pf' "iA f 'j|. ; PUM? ‘irx ; :H_- » SKvor a jh*!/' L j 11 '"- r • ’ ; Sliß 10. l££O < tr ■ ■ Itt;SKli It PICK. n-.’« »»<M client (tivl Vt /prratysjf it tn ;/,y «,»• {anit &*</ A POWSBFUL I FIRE ENGINE.! ALL PEALEHS SEIX TH! M. B fed tor our Budget, cwitfilnine vrtctsH i pfUwiePiaftpe aid othor uh?!ul article*, g Gleason & Bailey M’fg Co. 1 Ud I . BRXECA FAI.LS, N7 ¥. g k £Mi| inl JO - TT ’ V d' ; . •-• <4 “gs'oiwri />?«4 fiiW'T: '*{ f >lll j W 1 I „cH<-aq 4-Vwr.® i i On j'-.o " ’. ■* *! ***»«’'r<• j--. Jtjd i Vamokiteiowtaloma > .'HOM Pitr Ws-atwi W>< ** tUN WffftfMM <* —— ■—tw .wwo r*. ■< u Jaime*, rv&'t 1 4 5 J' % Ai , *.. W y • ■■»’ * «,.>•• V.J - si Isß-w*L__. >'. : - HW | rBWr * >* *** n " This medfa’fie, combining Iran with pure vegetable tonics, quickly .and completely Cures Dyspepnin, Indlgestloiw VVenicncsiM, Impure Blood, Malaria,CltHlalaud Fevers, uni Neuralgia. j ' - It is an unfailing remedy for-SfscaSes of the Kidneys and Liver., It is invaluable |mMK peculiar to Women, and all lives. if does not injure produce eonst:patiO^^^^^MW»iHb>/>'-« do. Ucd riches and thitwgjj* ’, st i niulat cs the appetite, aids of food, .e --licves Heartburn streugth- ■ enstke tnnseics and n»:W&® Few, Intermittent Lack of t Energy, &e., it has The genuine mark and crossed red line-. Ae no other. Mw1e,.,,1,)., UKOW N MIX ''Tf FORTHE ALLIGATOR ;M<l ,v.|iep ynu find him, g > in, and ..yeju will find out that vow can get purer S W E®T Al mciie ahd better Ice Cold Beer KROM K 1, WW than at any place in (be enuiry. * '1 here Lno doubt ht flic mindsx; ’X"lxe> hut that- Turner hn? l»e.M and •fidcsi Whiskies Witt'S and P, UIJ- M ; es, that are. kept for sale. 'J’h X ’ad say t-o, and if yon have aK\ duub'-s <d it,L»H to see hihi at ! «&nd be cnnvjnced, V - ■ ■- ■ • f Xri .l &’’iWf £ i&Srf f IPii FX" ’ >■ *a'Ad vidoii 5/ teun.Li.c'ic «, hfrt< eti>, e i>„in. ;&*!» a))U ,| 5,„ iili V " OltA.’ hi JX-Maic. Bonea. ferr.-c'227>«}•<* <mty tabM i( > ' y.' W=,tUe.oriMtßtii. Jf y«n ran H s»'h-de«IV ■ 'k p 8 iS So?.-? nr AU OWAM-.ftg EwaRYWHSKK. J w ~ _ BJ??'£CH * LOAD I fiC c y N * Wasim evex t<» *>»«■■ pwM’i,. SCHOWRUKS, WIY & GALES. && 86 Ctaißm St. Sew Tort. ,pm IM fLU WgW‘ >:« - ; Is ' ■ ■ •»«■ * d&vJlrsV, r X- * '■ A 1 * v " v _ IjffßF FREE! ’ mi ffiii W. 11. CONNALLY, B THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE 5 MANOLIA SALOON. J|| Has again assured the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE at the" TURNER STAND I East side of Court House Square, where he will keen at all time» tbn b« c t «.„ i k. j » w -._. . BRANDIES, VI HIBKIES.EEERF. SPARKLING SODA, CIGARS TOBACCoTX Fte’ m M| CaUtoseeme. ELEGNT POOL TABLES S« ELT MASH Spu 'M - -Mi 1 E’SS.O3?'- *. j-„ »Auioe®aui in «3s 3 j ca > - Eisai'.rem <>b 4 X'R'P TS* I ’ I _ __ sad. orei l>ia.tttw>rte. 0‘ V*r» cArAv » Gv »*» umf .rfie « -.cb * S&lical Cux'-a ou>^ 7 renciJici'' fi»r these ; m«- T> troubles. Get «w ft-.e circa I* *>!> lir an! trial au4 f ITmMPiTArrDWy B 10arn inw»nt s ALdlHlVyllUilia --Nr* tw--<U..c ß t dttWre. T.ite n renf.rly ftcth-sCure4 E^.ln —> tbauraals aui A,es ***■ u,. I IS P'W terse; e with a'tevtfria to tn:s '• V a tstoi b nets or ca. s e yavv tx iacc*.- TcnVaos. sci .v. «cf. esp'Tefited ftwover'6 $? df » . .. Groirfaj 4r . favor »a,| r ■ uts? yoars By UW In taou- tioa. Directaprlf.rrtlws to tho wnds of caret &;al 01 fll'eaw tr,a!-e« Sts s’:e- XX «stS«!aS'H>nwrd»Bftth® a » delaj. Thonatmi<(.■» i ® t lons of 'h-l aaiiul crzn.s. V< H' tttt V * 1 % ‘Ma nre *ests«X. Th# » TSIJSJ ff « ® snimallnc ckceat. o ® J.™* f S F’ life wbv-ft har» been g 3 v.-ar|ed ur> given baclt. — # f Tl.o patstat Jmcceim EiSfc’eW cheerful *b4 gaiQß Sf.ND ADORE OS eupKijr. HASKJS CO., Kt-g Che tlsh. Hferth lOth St., Lt. Lonls, Me. te£ taITH'E TaaTMf HT, $3 •■ 2 M>«ni^s; 3 MORTHB.I7 RURAL RECORD Ths Leading Agricultural Paper &f the Sooth. Only SI.UO per vear. Premium to Every Subscriber. I.TBERAI. CLUB OFI’KRS. Rural Record with a Clock, delivered, Sl.fiO, a 5 /<>RO\ ;s o.~: - Jfj o j? rfpr ~" i\|SEWING MWHTtef// Wk ★ § 5 1 > KS?“Send 6 cents i.i Stamps for Sample Copy and Premium JJst. ’ t OCHS, YONCE A. CO., Chattouuojg*, Tobia- R« for to Editor this paper. ‘ - Highest Honor 1 VKOM TH< /f' J World'B Exposition I yv* • *«>*> bUUUIUUMI COA MERCIAL COLLEGE Kentucky University Lexington, My. Sr adenta can begin B/.y wei k-day dwraig tbe.yonr. Nowiunwa Time hi cwh,>cß. tlw lull Diytem* BuJ.iw.. Ceur«’liiwWW. Average toiM eoet, iuvtvilng Tui Uno. Set .rs awl Hwuml Ju a liunliy, SCO. Telegraphy, Phonography au.ll Type Writing Uterary Canvae tree. Xadio, «w«»vej. psw 6000 Saocaaalul Graduatee. tirer fro rupii. last year froiA It to <5 yert.i of *,'e. twi.i Vi Hale.. Vn.Craetlon ii praoteiallt *f <t iwl»i MijnlJr hupurtwiatriajcaeher.. .-itipolal emiirje t'r Bgrtsr. and Busi ne«..»,•«. University Diploma rt*'-mIM taUi gradnau». Till. ro>.e<H>rf .:ity is wj»U tur iW ki-altUluU>cw aad aooiaty, au* ia<-n l-aVur raHcoal.. the Text-Book wni-h reeaired fte biglr-M «•»«<! Worlds JCxppsilion for iw Krren»i'e. jpraerieal. and <T>m- BrMdm of Edunatfan. t» u»e<t only at thia College. UI. the <utlrg« seith ih» Wgt>. -.1 i-n<tnrM- meat. «>4 guar«ete«s in Ini-iawas ft»it. gradi*-- » CWIAftH S(UXE CO. I I * TMS W*<*»N scaia, wa « TON.»«. Ton SMMi. Ilrnm Box rcr<*ltt«fv>< l rera^sr*itfttfw-te JL, mass, Tools, &e. | I I V*r»rr»«»»r far yd arnbay 4W»S«dei jah. W A-'jfss.rfuacssiii.'i&x assr f AiH f i ' WF' ‘ i X ’ •' i Bitter 5 t Salt ILafs we. 4 To a crtra&al aeglect of preventive niMI- ij 1 cation roAj’ be ascribed a of the T iuteenrs whleft affect hrnnansty. His i a *eß-aw»rtaieed Act, that a course of * s X4.(su"t, r » Stomach Kilters will put even ■: a mUuraHy feeble system in saeh a state Ot I dels ue;- last it will be competent to resist S* the itrosr prevtimt c*<us«» of disease, »ueh , .»a Rm* matta, iaMugaee. M - ‘' ' wutei', eSceftiiVe --beat, damp, |t | ? j s‘ aiM * ' ~ - •«< n<s . - -G‘ •' . - '■ * s; ■ James A. Pittman, ' DOUGLASVILLE, - GEORGIA 1 Dry Goods, Wotions, Clothing- Boots Shoes, Hata. Readw Made ClothingMSO t(f»,00 a suit Hard ware, Womlenware, Tinware Crockery, Cutlery,Groceries, Drugs, Etc., hugar, < offee. Syrup, Salt, Mf-al, Lard, Meal, Flour, Toba co, Cigars Lacies and Misses Hats, Trimiring*, Artificials, Bobonet, Waahblond Laces, lam daily receiving invoices of new and desirable goods, which I aine buying and selling at prices in sympathy with “panic” times , , _ J. A. PITTMAN. ’ - I' _ J i l wi..i L LT ii jprifi abMiMaß^iailßßMßl 'W’lieeler ’W'itscxi nMrQ]- ift w ITH STR A LGirr N EED Highi R®ont Xa tt» o Best ■H AV jio TJ "ifflTiidi iMMBff , w "•'-ir —iwi'ii'JKi 1 .. ~te». ax. j j* x Try it 01 dbe wnvioced. It i'u ua ih e Lightest, » the Eaaiewt ito 1 3NT©Wy' Shutxl- , 5 * N<lrY '-iTi v’nnJr.i lW f,EiVT ri n?Ung It'AATTIID, Price lAsr» M ud To mi to Wheeler & Wilson Mf’. ‘Ct. M O«J| Yor w nrnvi! AT THE ms vniir A wn)s a full Ine of Fresh nn<l Pure Dregs, Toilet Good*, Perftuneries »'I (.hue jo and Cigars, Fainto.Oih. Vanna hew, n . < « l We alto keep a large stoek of fttrent ediciues and Tool 39, which «H much needed Httb’is season up and invigorate the ayatera. ’ J n-t received Invoice of (X L. (L the bejt Liver ofl&e age. Parlies needioggoods jn oua will find it to tnlw Wercst to callus U,t ' . EEWJ* ♦ J.2F“ Prcscrif lions careftd’y aboipoundcd stall honrs. ,_ ffFjt • ■ < edge. b •■’ .;- ! -d ■ r--' - c .. »>.,•*’•• * ~~— —————— , ..■., * a r . m •'■■«- rw S. A. McZlreatli’l; Biq. .-BMateVat. i f 0 ~ jbA'E wI»tV!«6MM#QSI !■ ARE STirzL.TIAEJ,EADERS IN ftr ; '- «* fefW «F, ' , IGW TTTTQ IjU V t I Ivt;> Ai-Jt» '> '•& Ac iMfo <9t W&9 elf i it y have now a qdendid line of Colbred 'White I/SWbs, whteh* heyohtw to sed at u rc*liD-i-d figbre Ihfm filet d'hey' F 'whrff to make •oom forF-.iH Gowk. M/. S, N. giyeu, W>.to Be the >e-*r buyer in the whjjle wu®«iy. has i Me •< • r*rof I /tidies- auii re have ever seen in Dmigteijv’d!- Hose ifi aft s ? apd ■h - IsmlkvrcLi'ds from i a a p ? ec a dollar aod-'-'.went^-hva lii.-v i ive jf. v of Prince-A'ihcr* wits left, they oger at very ’n-v fiyirr-. T’sjry aG-wr-Eave a ST life Hanow. ' ■ ' ■■_ :•• >■" a si t? : .'CIC-BOTTOM r• . •• u •■ j • .* • S. AMcElmthJi ■ II