The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, October 15, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 lEB WEEEt;rSTAR._. TPHLITUKD every tuesdaV by Chas. O- Peavy. Douglas Co. Official Organ, Er.b'-o 1 it t.ho ptU ofTi'.e at Douglasville la,, de second cb»M mail matter. OCTOBER 15’h 1885. —' —• —- : - ’ The outlook for ulie State Fair is the best livit has been in years, so the President and Secretary of the ytgricuhural Society, say. Theex- Jiibitien of Jersey stork, it is stated, will lye the finest ever seen in the otafe. Ike North Central and South Auieiican Exposition will open at New Ot hans on November the 10th Ilemv Ward Beecher has been ili fted to deliver an address on the of “Peace and Good Will” between states, sections and nations at (lie opening. The police of Athens do not aver age an arrest a fortnight, while rhs lime last \ ear the caboose was seldom empty. Thid shows that, in file of all assertion to the contrary biohil.iitioii is a great moral reform -o far :u the city of Athens is con <ern<d. 'lire stre?t corneis that were once the abiding places of hall-lrnukcn loafcis are now de-ert ’ <The most marked improve- ment is noted in the colored popala titfh. Prohibition is working wonders in Dallas and Paulding county. Men who, when whiskey was sold her*, half the time under its influence, are now total abstainers, and instead of spending their time in revelry, are industrious ci izens. Not only this, but tjic moral and religious sta'us of the town and vicinity is a hundred per cent, above what it was before prohibb tion went, into effect. This is all apparent to outside lookers on, but we ar m t prepared'to say how juirrh the hnpf inesfe of wives and children, fathers and mothers, has been uicreised. Pauldb g New Er.-. Prohibition at Whitesburg. I’s I wanted to bestow the gteat p.,t h! possible Ujx>n a com m inity or town 1 would give it phihibition. Wc can testify to the troth of ,uhat G-.v. Saint. John said . in his hctnre m Atlanta ibis year > wheu hs raid “Prohibition does prohibit: lor we h-’ve ha I it here thin year and indeed with it we hive hula queit town. No tight-* ing, no quart oiling, no driiukenwa, •to arre.v.n, (except probably one or two negroes) and scticely any need of a e:dab -*0 or a marshal except to •<e p th? streets worked, and so far smy k iow' -dge goes it has been the best bu iness year the,town has rid. Tn some hoiuehoh.s it i< like ini tiagvl of'morey bringing jieaoe and g!id;<es< Morally our town . is thoroughly reformed and we -ittri b'ite this reformation in a gnat de gr?t io prohibition, and in view of tins?-farts I have no doubt written lh“ sgiitiuient of the people « f our iown ia thtj first lines ot this note. I trit4 we tn iv always have pruhiM tton In o‘d C» roll mid want every other county anti town in the state u hive it. God Bless it where it is and scud it. uh”. it i< not. It was <h .i lo.isvbu? ion rd t lies' 1 f.ur.» that 'rd u, to s-iv that there was no more healthy or plv.'iut a place to live titan Whit sburg. A CAJRD. . ; v. Vjv.r'-f t'ro ti the er or vol ■ : ycaub, aartots > j.-l» d d;' o» uiaulwv >J, 1 a ill send , ;* th a a ill core y.n . I'ilv'E UF CK VK F. Tin.grva remedy w ...disc w vl o/ e mi*-< > a>- in bin h A.mtica. ■ I i > 'if- kJ l»v #■ i en/alu'ss t» me R«v. * >«H'o t‘. SUdiv: t'» New Y ark NOTICE. V If you ha. v a i old sodr ot* ciotlu®, * ; i. MMiibi :. d s .1, you mcd »» ■ tiiiow it aw «y. L. S. Nun th, art I vb t them *»n mi nr.d wke them hn.l, ms nvb as n w. He «*le,iio*. binds an i jnitclu’.*, If you nre * such work m.>’drop ;» poet? :» th' P .* r < lli?e * in’ss.-i ’,<» L. S, Siui Ji Pougttis vj t . th, pi lup -will come uUvr - ' I . S, MuiUr pi. \» i-.i c-uiet oft'Tillnmy ’ ■ ■ .» c uy. - nW Term —issk It H ..• tv-'i ’»y : :i»r »>•- ihsH Ui< r« b-nnd tn . tito-sy I anil levied'.»»the t>» .si •. „>e v .!(.»' '.nmeymr t>, yt. n»n»».T n.'wHto. » »<» low v ver cacHiHrir'' »Im Men ?>*-» ®r»e hutidr *1 *’ M-hopj* »■>'> nn»v«*. it j. i:,./. v,.- iuni.m4 «lrtl!*r» ; l >’• IQ 1..T Clint xpeHc."! ■»: i» Jt ;>ne ltn<<4 t*-l do|'. . ~i 0 . E >* >‘»U<iidtO»it tn« .■ '■ - j,- 1 IV «w» o»» n> «sl-.lvd »•* i-r.'fu-.. k ►»; i- «„iy thranc hun- X. ■ • p I- •!' I>l » w T I'. * THOUGHTS ON THE SITUATION. We are approaching a crisis in the histo ry ot our county. The test will soon be made. We shall soon know who are the friends o temperance, of morality an 1 Re'i'ion. The ilques are too vast the responsibilites too great for anything like a teaipor sing policy. As advocates of the righb as the friends of our race, we would not. be derilect in this hona of trial. We would not be unfeeling to the anguish of wives and mothers- We would not close our eyes to poverty and rage and the unvoiced sorrows of the widows and theorpbant. With heart and soul we enter I into tiie conflict- .’’Thrice armed is he who . bath his quarrel just.” Tnen on ye braves.” i the sua or AusterUts is iu the ascendant. We I expect to sneoee Iby fair mian*. Shall use no specious argument. It is the cause of God anil humanity. And when our work- is accomplished we shall havetie thanks of a graatful people, of wives and mothers the smileof approving heaven, and the plan dits of posterity,We are making histo’y, and coming will feel the influence of what we none. The signs are encouriug The moral Seud meats of the age is increa - ing. Legislators les» timid to approach the sublet am. 1 grapple with the mammoth eviL Evon men Addicted to intemperance are anxios <vr prohibition. They wish the temptation removed, they know how hard it is to resist. The b< rning thirst which has so often unsettled thsir purposes, and turn* ed topsy turvy every good promise and reso" lutlpn. Shall we fail to help them.—Shall wedisopoiut their hopes have we no heart that beats responsive to the pitying heavens Nerveless should be the Arm that doe, not t ry to snatch these brands from the burning. We must succeed—we m ust not fail. The Christian the Patriot, and the Philanthro pist may well stand appalled before the great evil o' the age. The unblushing crimes which were not partic ilaized in the burning Decalogn —the trooping diseases, and deaths in multiform ways that follow in its train. One vision of the Apocalypse puts it in a strange form, when he saw death on apalehorso md h’l fallowed with him-There is no time for studied arguments, for elab orate discussion, you have but to open your eyei ai d see, and facts are stubborn things. Wnat is it tbatfihsyourj ails & penitentiaries that crowds your courts with trials for mar i vexitioni iitiga’ion, increasing ex penditures and the burden of heavy' taxes Wnatis it th v blights the hopss of the young and crushes the he »iti of the prrents. What is it that paralyzes the Industries of t e country, and clogs ths wheels of progress, and which like a gri rding despotism is death to all the Institu ions for wbifih Wash ington fough L , and Leemen died. The great factor & parentage is found in the mauutacture wholesale and retail of ar dent spirits. There is the box ot pando—the fruitful worao of death. In oar head, of hearts, we would save sueJ men if wecouldi but the pitying Angel has Its; uncounted thousands to their doom. How many have grj<n rich and left their victims in want and wrathedness, T ieir are illgotteu and sraute with the curse of beuven, In the language of scripture their Go d & Sti ver la cinker-id--S allied With blood ami | wet with the te rj of the innocent, Yoil may cell mean enthmast nor, but yotTY will not in thepsry of J b’gtnenh "And mourn at the >fc»t whtn tuy flesh and thjß|| body are consumed and wy. h*»w have I hated vistruotio i and my heart re proof.” In thia airugle we exp*nt to bava thesyni pathy and help of worn v » The' are thesnff. erers. Their criea come itoatingdiwn upon the cideofyatir>• Willyoi bdp us save yourhiubmdi, your eons and dzughtera. Wnat m >ther would garland an 1 lend her child to the altar and sen hes sacrifud to a poor Inehriatz. Bitter f*r here buried hnr in infancy, and bv your tears the lit.legmve b viea’li the weeping willow. Ever since the birth of Christ, the ministry of worn in has baen one of love. She h a ba en a helper in ail the of the Chura h> As * miaaioi ary has braved the dangers effira aland- Shared in the perils and triumphs <>f c>nfl cdn< natimt* In one o: the bitties of* oir firat Revolution .a w>- mm took her own clothes, and run them d>wn the cannons mouth that bellowed death tar f ejd >m« We now tbein pir ati )Q vs your belt« roar si'psthy aid your prayers- We will think of you while the c. mflict rte**' The morn »rv i.f vonr wron gs wdl inapir ui while w« r > trving t<> save your his 11 .dsat’d vonr culdr'n. Ff-dp us Jif the <>d am f.-orn o k county, f»r i s repute i tion h a <y thing hut tuviunle anroad. Let aistop the freer, the sieniti a it look aid e ?rl »»f the }j,» when Dmgl-s is men- Hoped 1 And now in conc'nsin", b* Eng iuv convictions upon the teaching! of the Bible and the experience <d the goo I of all sg?'». I,d > not heli-.e that there is a chris • (ian iiiai thia side of heaven who will vote > for the, iudiscriiu.uat * said of intoxicating , I quo-- Lve ordit' sink nr swim, survive or per . i.h. I civs my h-art hand and vote for pro hi ntioo- J R. r Q utitan. w 7*. v/sarr.; v i Favorite Carnage Co., CINCINNATI, OHIO, vranr.aszis> xafttactt sans or r:xn BUGGIES, SURREYS, PHAETONS, CARRIAGES. Best in the world at the price. A«k your dealer for them. If tiel handled in your ‘ place, write us <Urw|. Will send CaU j logue and Lithographs. anm ® i ■ F i 1 •« Lr( A « ' xwGagrs sUiits Hi 111 ‘“''-THE ’ y JKiTTONIC. ? This raedicfnelwmblnlng Iron with pure vegetable tonics uyicklv and completely (’wres Dynpepirift, 1 ndtKejrion, Weakness, Impure Blood, Malaria;(Tullis and Fevers, Neuralgia. 11 is an unfaillnff remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and I.lver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdocs not injure the teeth, cause headache,or produce constipation— other Iron medirinet do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the upnetite, aids the assimilation of food, re ieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength 'll tke muscles and nerves. for Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of ••:<;rgv Ac., it has no equal The genuine has above trade mark and ■ red lines on wrapper. Take no other. nuo vx[CHSMK 11. CO-BALTI3OKE. MU. X.OO’K A I T V- ” Bsi ’ I I! 1 FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, gojrt* and you will find out tbat you can get purer SWEET M ASH more and better Ice Cold Beer 'from r. m. ram than at any place in the county. 1 here is no doubt in the mindh o Tlxo Fcoplo but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept, for sale. 3 hey all say to, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at Oornor and be convinced, '■ i h a -I i- 1 \ ‘ FArtiilECnWS WlmU* k i.SK*, 3VMMA TtwlU prrUV and «>nr’.-!> the t'LO r 'i), W'dnty fttj LIVER nhd fti i k. ♦.mtokl: tux ItttAXJTH and VlOOXef YOVTK! lumtltwc discs r.•■•uini'K n und I’tHclcn ’lfiNtC, CSpcclsllv 1A Kprpsi... VtaiH oi At-pvlile.lwlin »- tion. Lack of Streiurlti. etc., 1:- t «*<• )• narked with kuonv«U,i«- a*»<woi>«**riui re«aii,. rui-cies and Herv<..» re< .-t' its force. Loir. s»if Uiu .Mid jvppllrs i'.rulu l'»w,r. R A F’’L" r ? autTerliif lr«n> nil ■rorvTii'lnL Un f \ I*.# i ET- p.H-xlUr to tliclrwrx WUltlxlln JDX. JtAr.TKKU ■.BON TCNIC ,n ssf, cure. It gives n •!/»»• wed b -allby cem,«leilou. The stroiiri-Kt teMimony in the vuhie of Dr. HXKTKX'A Jkoy TOXIC )« that frequent atUnipH al conntfrfelimgbxvr only added to thi'pojtular- l s .» OI the original. Ifyou vn iicaily desire hraHi' Uo net •Xperiuie’.l— >Trl the DHIOIMAL ANU .iiEA't ya«r atlrtrcw Dr. Harter Mod. Co. k. M«.. for our "BaUM BOCK”S Full of useful las jrmutiuu, Ca. Martsh's irom Tonic 13 «-or Salk er AU OfIUGOiSTS AND DS.AUEH.-S tyERYWHkAE. EXTRA LICHT DRAFT Two Mule Sulky Plow /Zr 1 \ - - ■ BKEAKDEEP AND DOUBLE YOUR CRCPt Thelittle. cheap, Dpht-running Fr-rxosarrSctr XY Plow, which anybody can manage withoutin , EtructioD, fl<*» nil the work of the expensive md ctiiabrous machtece. acd rrVincos plowing to an IMIMW -.-t. CaßAdklm art wrw.g or gotten ontof I order. Canbedriveuby anybody.almy.agirt.ora cripple. Buttons 8, 10 or 12 ici-h cut fvr two males. Bottoms 14 or 16 inch ent sot thteo males. Asdt your merchant to order one cu trial it be<l‘>es not have it in stock. WnteforDe. acriptiva Circular »ud Trices. m MEKLE t K)., MTrs cf Plows & Culthntoi XsOVISVUXK, KY. j SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHIM6 HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. The largest B<mA Manufacturing F <*},ij«hrs>ent in the S-ettth. A aasortaaent the bqteer cthv* <m ! m:scellt<se<iu*bcedisconccaAtly >-•» hand. T ! eelc.-fcfe. > books. -.d Su»d.iy-a-:h*.d syejf-book* and Htxariea* ’ ' ' ’’ ( IvrUtictsa Atlaocate. General organ ■.( th- Methodm Episcopal Ch«ech. [ S.»rtth. i »eutv pa^v-each week. A pure paper so, | th* o' J tod y 'iit'j Only a years SuHtlay-achool Prrto.tical*. Eight peri*‘-i>a)s fcr Smsitay-achool teachers and ‘ tcVdsrs; ditTr-rcist grade* and prices; Maned wecHy, i Qisjtf> • i Cat-hv se botA* and ap&*en* ot Christian , AtSracotc and Studay-vca free | to any address «, F-:i tvxw- fatprihed on aS ißd® -if B and Jrd . Prmtiog. Address J, Southwn Methodist Publishing tlc. e. XASUVU.LF. TENN. ' ~ - j' il 1. diiwm ■ vn ww ' -' ~~ 1 THE HUM Iliß. : IV. 11. CONNALLY; IHE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE ( ANOL A ALOON *«ts again assumed the proprietorship of the OLD RELIABLE and opened out at the • : .. TURNER S T | Call to tee we. ELEGNT POOL TABLES SR EET M ASH TpT * # “iTf a iJs • I E®JROS?*- J ’TCPVOVS DEBILITY ** trrSS&’Cy •rpuiie veahadss aaj 1* sjs » S cay. Ind aumerous nb : S V from youihrul iadiscra w’v «iona, too free iadalxeaoa _ xi-'-/' nnd over brain work. D< WXX u«t teui,'wite while aeh \X?---z>XXX-X, .Wa enemies iuik in youi .33 NSautfhShi’SATO t em . Zvo | d bejns i^. r<>S e<’ fi.J’ 1 r . on by pretentioaa claims J >. JiaUiCiL vUI 9 other remodie* fr>r the«) I I troubles. Get oar free clreu ’ X’- 1 * Jar and trial, package amt t tPERSATORRUEA A Take artmedy rbathuscund -i-e thoucanls, and does not it- * terfere with attention to bu)<. Mai/ U 1 a ■ nes« or cau-e pain or ineou —. vcnicncc. Founded on sei- Of-Tented forever 6 rotHlo rtw’.ieal ;-rineiplc\ . Growln* iu favor and r,'>it» yon-rs by uee in thou- tion. Direct application to the eaeide Ot caoes seat of Ci*>a«e makes Its spo- ___ tide tn?u«>cc (eV without P '_ 11 HL delay. The natural ftino- X 1 3® My fa Pi « s tions of ‘.he human organ- 3 sA' fi f® i-m are restored. The 1 * wnsat Bu I' animating elements o' Jt FB „ _ _ c, art life which bate been ■ PACKriCI. ff 5 K< wa.tcd are giv. n bark, ■ , A .yeJTMTha patient Lecom. > ! t-JSSTSMchcorlu 1 and gains [ SEHD ADOHEbS strength rupidly* HAUU3 REMEDY CO„H'f , g Chemists. 306J4K<Wth 10th f t., St. Louis, Mo. Oxs >&#TH S TatiTHFMT, $3 t 2 HONTMS,SS; 3 MONTHS, S? TUTT'S ' PILLS 1 %% IN OSE. Modieftl Triumph of the Agex SYMPTOMS OF A ! TQKU’O OVER. Borvula ecwtlvr, i’ttln itt h a dull ] warr, Puiu nudes rbc »Tn:?alder- | blade, F«tltnenw after entinir, with a dl»- | lucllpation tu exertion of body, or mind, I Irritability of temper, l.ow spivit*, with- ti feelius of having uoglcctcd xwerFu-kr, oarin»s3, Diz.xSnwsffi, Fluttering at tbfe Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache I over the right eye, Restloßoaesa, with fitful dr envoi, Highly colored Uribe, and CONSTIPATION. TDTT’ft PILIaS aro especially adapted to such case#, one dose effects- such a change of feeling ns to astonish the autferer. They Increase live Appetite.nud cauHe Use body to Take on th. ay-tem is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on th« Digestive Organs, Itegutar Stools are produced. Price aibc, dllKnrray 5t..1V.1(. tOtts hair dye Gkat Haib or Whiskers changed to a Glomt Black by a single application of tbuDYK. It imparts ft natural color, acH instantaneously. Sold by Dixigglsts, or »«nt by express on r.cetptof QI. Office, 44 Murray St., New York- Highest Honor 1 »MOM rw Jf, J Worlds Ejcpasition FunnATiiiN^^^”^ 0 LiliUUlll lull COMMERCIAL COLLEGE I Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. i Student* oan begin asy duHng the year. Ko vocation. Time lo t*« Full Diploma Buhue«o <'->ur«r about H> —n. Average total ooot, ij' iudina Tui tion. Sot of Book*, and Board in a fatally. SOO. Telegraphy. Phcnography an* Type Writing Literary Coura. frn« Ladies rarriied. Oter SqCO StMxssßsfal Graduates. Over M» r . P n. last yw frjHaWSu.- IS >«r. ot I a»e, from « -tatoa. lattruotion la prsrHaallr and tndiridaalty imparted bt !♦ loadw*. St-vial couraa for Tear hart and Hurt ne«a Men. University D'plom* ~rwtu«* to iw graduates Tbit bountiful city it note* for it. Uealibfulaew Ml* nucleir, bag la an leaditej rnftroata. . . ' Th- Text-Book »Mch reoeired the hlgb-el award at ths , World* Kxposition for lu Kto-artee, Practical, and Com pnebennire tr.wo <rf—* F.dueatsw. is u*®d only at tn w College. Il b the eheep—t Cotl-Br with the hl«|h— t es*aqa meatTani gnarar.te— an-r-t fa bortaeaa lo lu <Se*rvia« srada atet F« dreul-r. no t full pr-rtb-nlar. adjrw iu Pr—idenr I WILBUR R. SMITH. Lexington, Ky. ; ’W J 5£‘ST -r Wr Sitter 5 The invfgnrating and tranquitiring op critiun of Hosteturs's Stomach Bitters i£ j pwst powerfully developed in coses of in- - digestion. The first effect of tine agreeable tonie W cumfurtuiß and vucouraghw. A mild glow jiervade* the system, and the ! Bervoos re®tlessne*s which ehameitrize.n the disease fe abated This iniprovenieoi is no transient- it is not succeeded by the retwrn of the old symptoms which auper added fotee. as Is always the caae when , unnivdrcated stimulants are given for the eemidaint. For sole Uy ail Drugguto aud J Dealers generally. Wheeler c& Witsoa Wew XT©, 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND . . Right Recnt Improvement* Tn tlao JbfteMC MACHINE IN THE MARKET h!s no aU<l C ° nVinCCd ' ltiunsthe Lightest, is'the Ewiert te Tree* XToisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like flip TIFAW vkttkj** *. NOISY BHIIETLE MACHINES. f,l -AV Y. RUNNING ,»». -d LS AenU for Price Lists « Wheeler & Wilson "***' On*. YOU WILL FIND -AT THE- ' A'wmb a full line of Fresh, and Purr Drugs, Toilet good*. Ferf*M«Tie« Tobacco and Cigar*, Paint*, Oil*, VarniMbe*, rtv. ll'e also kup a Ui P e block t f patent rtlicineg and Tonies, whwfe »r*- mnch needed Rttbis senson to tone upend invigorate the system. Jiut received invoice of C. L. C. the heat Liver Medicine of the' at*. Parties needing goods in our lin« will find it to their interest to sail •»> us. ' • • • . Prescrij lions carefully compounded »I All hours/ H VDSONA EDGE. S. A. mcElreath. & bro. ARE STILL THE LEADERS IN LOW PIiICES *’* : * 1 hey have now a splendid line of Colored and White Lawns, whisht ihey onerto sell at a reduced figure from the fact they want to make room lor Fall Good*. Mr. S. A. who is given .up to be the best buyer in tie whole coiinJry. has just returned f rom market; ‘Tis purchased the largest and most handsome lot of Ixidies and Misses Show we have ever seen in Douglasville, Ladies Hose in all styles and grades. Handkerchiefs from two cents a piece up to Oiie dolldr and twenty-fivs eenf«. They have afew of thos Prince Albert suits left, which they offer at avery low figure. Tney alsow have a Parge lot of the Thomas Hairmw. e ven’thing kept in a general store con be bought at ROCK BOTTOM prices. ’ S. A.McElreith- Ire. r » ♦»" |lhe Cabbage for the South,l I HENDERSON’S EARLY SUMMER. I SWIU be found deßcribe-1!» Mr Maanal of “ Evxmytwtsw row Twb Gaaomr.*' [Peter Henderson '