The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, October 29, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 IHE WEEKLY STAR. PUBMTHSD EVERY TUESDAY B?i Chas. Q- Peavy. Doughs Co. Official Organ. post nlc* nt Douglasville oj,, usseeondelassmail matter. OCTOBER 29 h 1885. Mr. Walter M. Ryals, of Carters ville has talcon chaigeof'he Annis ton Hot Blast as editor and manger. The first Methodist bhnreh-, of At lanta, has purcha'-ad a $5,000 organ. Xthas three thousand pipes. The builders say it is one of the finest or gans ever brought south. Bon.lngerso l is now the president of the Secular Union, hitherto known as the Seoular League, com posed of all the infidel of Canad and the United States. At the last ‘misting of the Union at Cleveland, ‘Ohio, one thousand dollars was fus ed towards spreading infidel litera ture and hiring missionaries, In gersoll made one of his characteristic blasphemous speeches, and voiced the sentiment of tho Un i n by s-aying that they demanded the i epeal oft he Sabbath, die. We predict a signal retribution of Heaven upon »he •blasphemous tirade ot this black ■enonthed slanderer of holy things. His brillant intellect is sadly perver .ted and misdirected. “‘“Bipples” in writing up his Car 'roll trip has the following to say of • Jack Giles’ famous cott<n patch: Twent the njxt morning to Mr. A. J, Giles’ fine farm on Sorghum creek. Mr' Giles has 60 acres in 'sorghum, which will mike 4,000 lons. He has the finest cotton I I ever saw. It is a cluster vir’ety ’'nd has as many as thirty bolls ki bunch - and will average 155 bolls to the - etalk. Mr. G. and other judges say that this cotton will make . five bales to the acre, weighing 500 ‘lbs each* Mr. G. has been offered •ten d >’his per bushel f r the seed. l lt will pay any farmer to ride 20 miles to see this cotion and Mr. G’s ■U’arm.— r Johnny, the five ytar-old boy of Kane, of Villa Rica, died of jmyjmphobia about ten days ago. SHU di <1 about two mouths nf er he pUF'is bitts n. Parlies who winwmed the f’Oene say it was a >«<l one, The little boy suHen-<| vmy mud* Pjvr3 vr 4d tvs bnfore his death. He t was ba ly bit co the f face, and tie gakbvs were nearly well J when h« d ed. Why don’t the people kill al! th* worthless errs in ! theoownfry, ainl thereby savd the m|ves of m ny precious eliihkeu. HHhe dog ’h it bit lhii chi dha I every Hfiymptom of hydrop obia, and was gg| strange dog pacing through the town. The dog was kith d, but he bit one of the men who iweisied In killing him.—Banner. hcrofnln ofthc Lnnga Relieved. I «m now 49 years old »nl have suffered tor the last fifteen yeais with * lung ticubic. Several members of lie family on my tnothet’e side of Up ha I dud with consumption, and the doctors were r.ll agri id in thiir opinion that I had co. sumpli* n a so. I bud ail the <li-t rtf-sing sytnp t Kus of that- Urrible di ease. I h ive spent thousands of dollars to arrest, i lie march of thisdiwasv: I have em ployed ail of the usual method*, not only in my own c>w, but in the tie it 4Uent of other members of try Ismi’v, lul ts(nporn* , y re luf w>»s a.I that I ob'aino I. 1n ns unfit f-*r any manual ia'or for several years. By «h*'ce 1 cMtnuinto possession of n pamphlet on “i»loo i and B*uu Dlseaic*,” from thecfficc »f Svift Specific Co., A«h • ii.Gi. A friend »♦ coin nett led the xtse of Swif.’s Spectfi •. cl*i idng that he biniaelf had been greatly heaefitted by ita a»v iu aouie hvtg tru>blvs. I reso ve Ito Uy it. A bout lout years ago I cotuiuenoed to take S. S. S. According to directions. I f und it an invigorating tonic, end have used nbout B'tv hut-lea. The resn is art most rvi» irkuiilv. My ct ugh has loft iov. uiy strength has rtturned, and I weigh tixv> pounds more than 4 ever did in mr life. It been three yearstduoe i st ipp’d tut ascot 4 ,e metiivine, but 1 have had no re turn o' the dis'tae, and tliero ate n » pairs or w- ak»>eae felt ia rr v I ngs, 1 do the hardest kind of noohanicul wotk, an I feet well 1 e'er let ai ms I was a boy. These. 1 know, •rv wou4* Lt a < «*e **» make, but I«m h HMwt Wtoc. 1 ' V 14*» I vwa my . I Mit » i • ui, ii‘i a Specific* It h - \ y u »«•*’ b «u*it me any per ,. <n I mt s.y u>a* Swifts * L> this in <v*es ■ c * s » ‘>ut ssosr . a U hecdum* ruts A icb j 14 t *> • r cnsua tn the t , . ~4 ri >< hit’uaui yW< U l«d *O •««r t'rs e »e k o’4 •a*umony h» tan merits •? I ,•* VJ ' • '■ ■ * a ' * k»O v »"t n vi y -d Waa'jiO’uery. » ; »4 can nter ■» 6 ths b a w’aao* l*i da . y . wtry, Ai Jana XSiJ. The Alleged Suppressed Vote.- The most bitter of the bloody shirt orators appear to realize that it is worse than useless for them to advocate the (reconstruction” of. the Southern States, and by force placing them back under carjret bag and tcal’awag rule- They know that they could carry very few. if any. Northern States on euch an issue as that, but they think that it is a rather specious thing to allege that the Repub icau voters (negroes) of the South are denied the right to vote, and to advocate the reduction of the number of Congressmen allewed this section. There is no room to doubt that this proposition is cinqpaign clap trap, pure and simple Senator Sherman pretends to believe that 1,150 tOO negro Totes in the S »uth were sup pressed becau-ea corn parison show- d that ths numbar of votes cast in the past presidential election wa> that many short of the wbels number of persons cnti ledto vote as indicat ed by the t en-us return' . He assumes, and he is a man who isjeheesy and unprinc pled enough to anaume anything that he thinks wiii forward his scheme-, that all who failed to vote in the South in the last election were not only R-publicanai but colored men who were bulid. zed or kept zwsy from the po Is by terrorism. The truth is, that probably as many white* a s colored people failed to vote, and that the Democrats lost as many votes by apathy as the Repub leans did, for noUnprr jtd:'ed man who knows anything about the matter will atsert that there was not as free a vote and as fair a count ia the Southern aa in the Northern States. Sherman an I his brother ranters faihd to compare the census of the Northern States with the number of votes cast. Such a comparisoi i from a Sherman standpoint, shows that more Northern than Southern people were build- zze i er kept from voting according to the dicates of their consciences. Should th • congressional delegations be cut down the N »rth would lose more than the South, and the heaviest loss* s wsuld occur in the safely Repaolican States. The Republican orators seem to address themselves to the credulous and ignorant voters of the N rribern Sfa'es. Certainly no unprejudiced and intelligent man can be in fluenced by such stuff as they deal cu-. We shall probably hear very little of the proposi tion fr r a re-inction of the ni ml er of Con gressmen to corrt-spond with the • suppiesstd vote” after the November elections until an other, campaign opens. NOTICE. If you haKo an old suit of clothe?, that is stained and greased, you nted not throw it away. L. 8. Smith, wi l clean them lor you and n ake them look as well as new. He cleans, binds and patches. If you nee I such work done drop a postal in the Post office addressed to L. 8, Smith Douglas ville, Ga. and be will coine after them. L. 8. Smith’ C3K3S Favorite Carriage do., CINCINNATI, OHIO, WBOtBSALK MARCTACTt’SKM OV JUMS BUGGIEB, SURREYS, PHAETONS, CARRIAGES. Best in the world nt tho price. Ask yenr dealer for them. If not handled ia yew I dace, write us direct. Vfill send Cata ogue and Llthogiapas. r I v/a’ i Fa • ' a,. ■ jwbb .wßm 5 *MI -EcttnMc nn.v .'*<'«.« On# S| *,qh I <sH. ni t*. u 4vr M»4e. V >.4.q— W’ul tc • <j<>nrt nf r.nnr.l I C- ’>»• ♦- to rmtr* aM w»wntnended by | henUhrul. . TsrstMt3te&Bßfti«Awrta <uid ali 4>vt>W.>M ♦ .n-r. *i- .« 9U dc>»give p«r jw: Ist F j p\fsr & m kr kW. M.Ut« fIKLY W CEIR3 ffiiiifffiiOS 81, Abo -T..wk. .-t-ii.i, fhurw. JA- Lv-s, l‘r»-srrv -«. M .rie yigvce- tag Fxtrs-.-;< etc., rte. t» X\ MO. ®*Lr 7 LOADING C \ , ''L *<»'**■ - « evar efltavwA se t—* <»».. w For ««le By all *rwt-«l*as G®aa At Ft aaly Wy :«s v , MLY a CtiE-5, il u ; ’ Ctaaten SU Sew Y: i. I j This medWpe, eonbtnlßg lien with pure yyretaW* tanlov, ®wi«Mly and •MBpltjuJ/ and Nesralffhc. It la au unfcdllur rtmedy for Dteaaaea ofttta JLiiHcys and Jayey. U u Invaln&klc for Dlaeasea peenltar to Women, and all. who lead aedanwy llret It doe« not injure the teeth, eaues produce constipation— other Iron <i*. It enrichee and pnriSea the blood, stonulatae th a appetite, aids the areindlation of food, ce ll tree Heartburn and Belching, and strength • o« the muscles and aenree. for Intermittent Fevers, Laadtada, Lack of Kne.xr, Ao., it has ne equal The genuine has above trade mark and c r *sed rod lines on wrapper. Take no other. » PXOWVCTiKXICAI. M. BU.riBOBK.BIb O~QK on FOR THE ALLIGATOR and when you find him, go in, and you will find out that you can get purer SWEET MASH CORN,and more and better Ice Cid Beer FROM r. M. TBW than at any place in the county} There is no doubt in the mind o Til e> iPeoplc but that Turner has the best and finest Whiskies, Wines and Bran dies, that are kept for sale. They all <*ay so, and if you have any doubts of it, call to see him at'B Corner and be convinced, ' 1 TS ’ o3n TiaM oti ®T©S«IC f’-' 1 ytwm T»r’*r arid snrlrh the BLOO'I, reF<i’*l« tae LIVCft I K!D\’ilY3, Inrnni tms Il**LTSr »ad VIGQH«f VOVXr I t» »■! .1ie...,. r«MWir!t-.» * ••rt*in »(i<l TUB >C, D-mhi *pp».Us.laVl««». tu«. I.»A »f 8..-*rt!.h. »tc..n» R’« h WtlM I<«K«>!!*1» r*»'(i:»- s ‘.J't b»i". ». r»c«1t« r." t Yor««. X»lir».«» 1K« mI»J >.cd •upi;li,« Itrwln r--»r. 1 A r* !W r* ♦s>"»ri>-< fr»» fell MmplalpK L Al/I £. •-> r-e-Jl tr So their ox will I>»- ii >. t t r. h n ic * »■» 4 I; «><•■ x «l.»r x«4 h»elthy S** htfeoxot '* the taleK 9t Dw. fIAAVt.« t Ijto# Tonic th*t (•«<tu««t »>. > R»t«rY>UlKr-*• . nr,!y»4. »d lo ih«po»Kj>r Ity eriti«<wlrt«»l. Ify-w e«--.«Uy U.Oro h»»i‘s jjQBOt OntvlMALAJtb Et«f fedd’**.- t-Tbo frr. W u-tor X—d.Oc. X | it. u.i* X-.. tx- «or ■ r-tit-XM BOCK.” 2 x?rtllof ,v»r.r> »«d w-r»t H-E>«Uo«. lIOO.Z S». hartsh s (Hon ToNio it for Salk by AU ■ Ouxu -TS .v.;b Daauju I VKKVWMBMU EXTRA LICHT DRAFT Twa Hah Sulky Plew Th& Ml BaiuuK »Esr AMD DOUBLS YOXTR CROP/ Th« mt’.'T. heap. Ugh Munatng Ztx.u»B«M»ru KT Ptow, which »cybcdy ms Btaatg* witiiatsl ta- j strootfoe. does sU Uta work «C ths sxpsßMvssna cumbrous sod rorfnceo plowing to a» aiutwstoent. Cuiootbssst wrong or gottsn (tat of tutuso. JBoUoms 14 99 M tosh cut for fhrso Binlev. Ask yenr msrslM* to order mm «■ trtajifhsuoos eat bars It ta stool. WritoforD*. mb! pU vs Circular nsdPrioto. m mse; & co., rrn «i Hm & cbimm i,ovjsvu.iat, kt. SOUTHERM IfcTHODIST HOUSE, nashvillb. tbnm. TM Urgow B «ir M«no£*cturing KMaWtahmoot ta the South. A fell a*»«wto>«ot of ths bstier elsM M MtscettaooMwb’AsctmOtantlytotauHL Tbeefogical b.x>U, lad Su«day-o-'ta<Cl »->ac t»oh» sad htaarws a *oo***‘ t y- Onto* tan Atlwwonto. Ctte-il of th* M ethodiat Kpiseoyni Charsk, Soeth. I w4Mty page, each week. A pnr« pfepse fat th* old and ywung. Only » year. fight pe-rftaUaia far Suoday-whoel teachers sad sc hater >. differeac gradA* sad price*; issued weekly, monthly, and quarterly. Catatague ** hooka as d toerissent of Christies Advocate and Suoday-ac ttool Feriodicai* sent free to any addre— a® (jtutsam famished o* MI kibds of Boek sad Joe Focun- Address Southwn Methodist Publishing Hcv'c, X.UKVILI E.TENN. B US ML W. H. CONNALLY THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETOR OF THE NANOLA ALOON Wq S tgain assumed tb« proprietorship of the OLD RBLIABLE Bid opened oitat the TTTRH E R S T AND e East side of Court House Square, where be will keep at all times the best and finest brands of WIXBI BRANDIES, WHISKIES, BEERS. SPARKLING SODA, CIGARS TOB ACCOS FteX WINIS. Call to .ee mo. ELEGNT POOL TABLES EET m’aSH .ndl BLOCKADE COR N S P „ fi ! wnra&p wwvowDtßn.rn; .rgfenlc rrmkaw* Ml i» ws ■ 9 *•*’ *”* a« BMni ** to rT O.jCIaJLW,M S? K s fro* yw;hHl i*Ai**re WWW# M. M ,te*to*l«4ala»a«*. . _ . v£«3 sad <r«r brain wort. 0. WwWwrtf tan. Amid Mac fapowd _ ~ , _ aa by alahu 9 & AMW&I CHIB •'• h - r r-aWIM hr U«M * ”■ " taeabta. tetartawn Jiwß hr and trial aa4 . a JPERIiTORSEBI BS,’WS. , X« . v* feuawfea vMfe«fefe» Tatoar>.’»ly tkathaaaarag JL3STT) tiianKuid., a.l doaa a*» ie- IMFOTEXCY. .SSi’SirsrwiJ: 1 ~„ , -. raokaco. Faandad ea aol> W-TsMedfwow.ra years by VM to the-a- ttan. BlmtaypihaUoai. ita nfefefefe aafetaf diaaaaa wakca 1U ay*. oarja ex ca.nmr. c!tolaa»au«a fc’.t wlthaat delay. The ns -iral ftu»- ata A Mb Ilana of »Uti b’-JUfenaraaes M' kSS Stiir *« •t* netond. TM J wwa., S S si aabnatl.K riwwata at to TRIAL ff o 2?i Uta which han baaa W PACKAGE. 8 ? % Wi-tad ar. «l«n b~*. T4* baeaaa* BeSfeWga.haMtnl and Mita SEHO ADDRESS *»«.<* HARRIS RSMKDY CO., MTg Cktnlit*. goes Kwtk 10th St., BL Ltak, Me. ba MMTH*P TKL'TKEST, s3l 2 RiDITK J,ss; 3 »9KTU 11 TQ-frs"" FTIZs 85 YKARS IN USE, The GTMtoct Mcditri TrivaA es tta Afef SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVERx I^jLVf tLSMtitc. Dowellceetlve, Palais »k« itaa L with a dull eeßiatUles la thv teatah garv. Paia water tfaw &te«ald«r» triad*, FwUneee after •*<>»*. with adi«- iaeftaaties tfey»xurtL»»ef kw<tr wr fel v**ga«Ble*t aTt*M datfi JFwoaAa«M, X>lK»lßfl*s, PlettwriAr at th* Keart. D«ts before th* »>••* Sleadaeh* ever th* right *y*. B*aU***»e**, with Bifol alreaaee, Highly o*lor»d rrflto, aad v CONSTIPATION. Ttrrr n PIIXS are essptotally adapted io ruch ca»e», ono do»e effects Busk a ah an go of feolir.gna to utxmish th« suffewte. They Increase th* Appetite,und mbm toe bogy to T*Ua.« «a Fieah. thut the *y«tom it amistegsi, TOTTS BIBOYE Gkay Matb or WHJUtBBB eha»g*d to • GLOttT BitaOK by a eiagl* apwlicatiea as thl« Dvx It Import* a aatond color, avto tartantanaoaaly. Sold by Pwaggieta, o» eeot by expne** oa rao*lpi*f 01. Oirsoe. 44 Murray st.. New Yerk- >****\ Hl S h ®®? r^ son<>r * ! WwW* Eocpo»iHon Kentueky University, Lexington,- Ky. Stwleata eaa bogin any wc«h-4ay durtag Ute veer. 1 Xeveeaaten Timo *«Y«u BMwwa Oo*rw Abeel IB week r ATorßge MUJ oost, T»4- Set •< Becks. Kowrd la s IMnlly, IWK THsfiTAfh/, Qrariutoea. O»w >9 —flu U«t year !>•"■ '* ***,l’“* •* •ea. Om» W aaa«M TnMraeWa h >r»Haa»T aad ladiridatar tapMWd kTje anakar*. epwlal waiw far Taa«b»r« a«d Bari aaaa ata.. Wniveredty Dlpioma wraKaMd (■ ha tou bM*«ral <d * i« artai far lu beahkfalaeM and aadaly, aad teas tawHntraHraada. . _ ... Tk* Text-Back •’blah raerirsd t-M klakari> •*»'* •* **• Wortdfa BavcedUon fa U. kiamrir*. ayrieai rs ••WeeM MhiUoi la need only et thi* XiSL'XKS'S:.-.-ISS-SST kiffiSs i I I I vJlir is comforting and encoaraging. A mild glow pervades the fit stem, and Um nervotn reellessws» which characterizes the dtseace ia abated This improvement is no intwienL It is not succeeded by th* » return es tb« old symptoms which super sdried force, as Is always the ease when nnmedfeated stimulants are given for the c.omplaiut. For sale by »il Druggists and Sealers _ Wheeler c& Witsen New No. 8. WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE AND Right Rwcnt Improvements MACHINE IN THE MARKET Try it and be convinced. It runs the Lightest, is the Easiest to Treail has no Noisy Shuttle, and not dangerous to the health like the HEAVY RUNNING aa* NOISY SHUETLE MACHINES, IFLffefTlßO. zxisd for Price JLitla«n4 Terwn to Wheeler &’ Wilson Mf\ Go. * — —... ■< tiMv»t». Crim. YOU WILL FIND AT THE ”k< IE & e $$ b« Ei ’ !Ha a | w iB i fp o Hj Ihi R &0 lH I Ohn N’j f fllilj tl M W 11) il ® •A’lwaica ftdl l»nv nf Fresbhand ps'rf.w Tobacco and Cigars, Paints, Oils- ch. TPvlho keep * larjj* stock cf ’jpi'dMiC rdictnss and Tonis*. YFyricht are much nerdert at this season to ton* up and invigorate thv sy Jirit rei’ci veil invoice of C. L. (X t!is heat Liver Medicine ofJ> Parties needing good* in our line will find it to their intereH PHS ' ns. Prescriptions carefully compounded it all boors. • h udsonS S. A. mcElreatfi l)ra ARE STILL THE LEADERS IN I.OW PRICES They have-now a splendid line of Colored and White La vise, whieh, hey ofler Io sell at a reduced figure from the fact they want to make room for Fall Goods Mr. S. A. McElreath, who is given up to be the best buyer in the whole country, has just returned from market. He purchased the largest and moat handsome lot of Ladies and Misses Shoes we have ever seen in Douglasville, Ladies Hose in all styles and grade*.. Handkerchiefs from two cents a piece up to one dollar and twenty-Mve cents. > They have a few of thos Prince Albert suits left, which they f filer at avery low figure. Tney a’sow have a large lot of the Thom»s Harrow, e vervthing kept iu a general store con be Lought at ROCK BOTTOM priccSe », S. A. McElreath • Bro. N B, ” J. T. Duncan DOUGLASVILLE GA, Head Quarters FOR RELIABLE GOC DB, AT ROCK BOTTOM FRICIEB. We have ho g'-odsi to throw or give away, bat we do propofis to giro value received lor every dolhror cents worth that we sell. Lome and see u-and we will prave our statement. We have just received a full stock ofi Dry Gooda, Boots, Shoes, Hals* Notions,Grocerries. Tobaco, Cigars Drugs and. Hardware We make a specialty of this line, Carpenters tools Black smith tools and in tact anything iu the hardware lioe We have a large lotof the Dir* can Georg’S Pacific Axe call andget one, they are given up,to l>e the best axe ever brought to this market. I We still sei I the old reliable Milburn Wagon, one & two Horee. Try on e : of our Hollow Iron axle wagons they are* taking the lead la Asseiriea, We pay ihs highest market price for cotton,shingles <i all cona.ry pro. duo*. We have with us Mr A. H» NeaJLof whom you all knew ie ba honest, upright and polite ia aM his transactibnß, he most cordiiiy invitee all his friends to call and se- him whsu iatosvu. Cd! and see us before having elsewere and we will sell you. j X B. & J. T. DUNCAX