The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 22, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THE WEEKL Y STAR PUBLISHED MVEFY TUESDAY, AD VERTISINGf'"*'-- □m Inch, one time, - ■ • • • • • fI 00 Inch, one mentb, * *•• • • JSO □ne Inch,three months, -•••»• jOO Special rates for longer terms. W Local Notices, 10 cents a line. Address THE STAR, noHßlMvtlle, Ga, luOCAL matters ■■- M... ■■ ■ ■■..■ - TOS IBSRI IFRB. Subscribers are urged to renew their subscriptions several weeks in advance of date of expiration, aid thereby secure th* unlatorrapted continuance of the pa per. Before you on some friend, and secure him for a subscriber, also; Renevr promptly, and make It a point to secure at least one new subscriber at the tiire. Two good schools in town —both white. Quarterly meeting at this place next Saturday and Sunday. Rock hauling is the order of the day. Only nine days more in which to get tickets at I. M. & M. B. Watson's. Sam Jones says: “There is nothing on earth worn * than selfishness, and hell isnothing but selfishness on fire.” Miss Fannie Cheves, of Villa Rica, is visiting Miss Jennie H tynie, near this place. I. M. A M. B. Watson earnestly ask you to call and give them a chance to prove that they sell cheap. Mr. J. R. Brantley and fismily, of Fairburn, are viteting relatives and Mends in Douglasville. The Middle Georgia Progress, Smk dersville’s new paper, has made its ap*> pemnee. It is a well printed eight* pege sheet. We hereby request all holders of th-ketn to be present on Friday 25th Inst, to share in the distribution of presents. I. M. 4 B. Watson. i have two more organs to sell at remarkably low prices. Call at once If you want one. C. O. Peavy. Mr. T. H. Brooks, of Atlanta, visited our town last week. He was the guest ■"of Mr. James Freeman, one of our moat prominent young mem J. P. Watson has on the way and will arrive In a few days the finest and best assorted line of ready made cloth* Ing that was ever brought to Douglas ville. ('all mid see them. Mr. T. H. Butler, one of our worthy citizens, has established a first class Barber Shop and tobacco and cigar stand, at the Red hsuse on the corner to the depot, and asks a liberal ■toare of your patronage." Cail to see SV ® 1 g»ye lib*‘ *"' ir patronage for Btol* deserving and needs it. Mias Minnie Mattox, a beautiful ami accomplished young 1 ady from Atlanta, is visiting the family of Mrs. Freeman, of this place. Miss Minnie came out to be at the Valentine Drawing and Mask Ball. He.have revised our subscription llstmnd made out new books ami have dropped some who are in arrears. This wr regret, but newspajier men have necessities like other men and it takes cash Io meet them, and the credit sys tem indulged in too long will ruin any body. We trust all will renew their subscriptions ’>t one’. White’s (’ream Vermifuge is good for the chaps certain, when the chaps nre troubled with worms. When their presence is Indicated in the stom ach hy the usual unmistakable symp toms, only give the l*oys and < girls a dose of White's ('ream Vermifuge and worms will follow ns surely ns night does the day. llememlier White ('ream Vermifuge will expel worms. W. H. Mallory, Douglasville’s popu lar Jeweler, ha* a large ami attractive assortment of Jewelry in stock and on the road, that he is ottering ut remark ably low* figure*. The stock recently bought, which i> now en route, sur passes anything ever brought to this market,in quantity,quality an I cheap IHW of prices. You s houhl give him a call now. ■- Let it* discard a beginning, ami be gin by a conchishq* of the whole mat ter, which I* that Ckrnsscna' Honey of Tar for coughs, cold*, ami diseases of the throat and lungs, is unequaled. Thera are numberless Imitation- of! title excel lent remedy, but only one t'ouMMen- Hw) of tor, a positive cure for cough*, colds and dlse»»»*» oi throat and lunge. Who steals my purse steals trash, ‘ but ha who deprives me of the use ot' Comwen*’ Honey of Tar, makes me poor In health. When I have a coughs cold disease of throat or lungs, 1 want Cousseas' Honey of Tar, because I have seen It tried for those ills, with • unvarying success and know it* vir- | lues. LOOK OUTI Mr. J. P. Outqter, of Dalia*, General Agent for Leinlsey’s Nursery, Greens bon. N. C., will be in Douglasville the Bret of March ami will remain two week* to take your orders for all kinds of Fruit Tree*. Mr. Cooper was in out midst last year and lite people that have tried tree* that he represent* say that they arc valuable trees and yield abundant ly and exactly suits this cihusto Save your orders for J. P. Cooper. He ia a gentleman in every respect and will toll you the truth and give you such fcxd* at you bqy. I The neatest valentine received by The Star the 14th was a pretty poem, “Planting the Guns on Mennesaw,” handsomely illustrated and beautifully printed on the finest of paper. The valentine was sent with the compli ments of Mr. Joseph M. Brown, of the Western and Atlantic railroad. A more unique piece of advertising mat ter was never sent out by the general passenger agent of a railroad. When you hear of little remarks made to prejudice lorae one againt you don’t let them ruffle your feelings. If they are unjust they will not do mucn harm and If there is a seeming foundation for their correctness you have an opportunity to correct the false impressions. It is the nature of some people to tattle and create suspi cions but the public is generally quick to spot such characters and they do comparatively little harm. GEORGIA— Douglas County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE FEB. BTH, 1887. Notice is hereby given to all concern ed that Samuel A. McElreath, late of * said aounty, died intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said deceased, and that administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in April next, unless valid objection is made thereto. H. T. COOPER Ordinary. asaddeath It is with deep regret that we, this week,chronicle the saddeath of George W. McKelvy, who was accidentally killed while coupling cars at Irondale, six miles this side of Birmingham on the Georgia Pacific Railroad, last Mon day. He left home about the middle of January with several other young men of Douglasville, and went to Bir mingham to live. In a short time he secured employment on conductor Charlie Turner’s train, and had just started out on his trip when at Iron dale, Mr. Turner had orders to take some extra cars on his train, and while coupling them, George was caught between a projecting stick ot timber on one car, ard the end of. the car lieing coupled to. The rules of the 1 road prohibit employees from going 1 between the cars to couple and con ductor Turner seeing another employ ee on the opposite side of the train with 1 a stick to couple with, told Jeorge to 1 get out and let the other do the work, but for some unexplained reason the poor boy did not do so. As soon as he ( could side-track his train, conductor Turner took his engine and carried the sullerer back to Birmingliam, where medical attention was’ immediately < summoned. The physic,lan found on 1 examination that his left lung was mashed and brokeen all to pieces. He I began spitting blood, and bleeding from * the nose immediately after the occur reiuxs, but this soon ceased, and from 1 thariltne, 2,15 Monday evening, until 1 death relieved him at 7.80 Tuesday morning, he suffered untold agonies, ? but ©very attention and kindness that could be rendered by friends and the ' officers ami employees of the G. P. was • shown him. After his death, the au thorities of the r<»a<l had him hand somely dressed and placed in a tine coffin, and sent his remains to Doug lasville, his home, for interment. (leorge W. was the son of Lb. Mc- Kelvy,and brother-in-law to the editor of the STAR. He was twenty two years old, and for his excellence <»f l>oih mind and heart, hail made devoted friends of all who knew him. His friends and relatives ha<l ev< ry reason to hope for a bright ami useful career for him, but the unsearchable de< rec of an allwise Providence ruled it other-; wise and w can but lx>w in submis- j -ion. The stricken aud gru Vvsl fami ly have the profound sympathy of the entire community, and many arc the regrets and tear* of friend- for the fate of |M»or, noble George. IDs remains reached this pace at , 4,30 p. m. Tuesday where a large and I sad crowd met him. He was numedi-1 ately carried to hi i .1 er’s aomc, (in tile house where he was born, t where a i heart-broken mother, father ami sis ters met him. It was the saddled • scene ever witi»ess<“<l. Hix remains' remained there until Ho dark A e<lne>- <lay when he aa- conveyed to the Methodist clmrvh in this place where | the funeral services were conducted by nix pttxtor.Rcv. George E. Bonner, ami ! al»out one o’clock he was carried to the graveyard where we saw our tu-orgc! laid in the mot her earth. "Dust tho w j art ami unto du*t shall thou return.” We knew Geofrgv ax well ax «»ne could know another, ami we are satis- , tied thst be ix to <ley in the arms mi . Jes us. Let us ad ..tke warning umib is uy lot the change let ii i- -»u> to • utrnt. THK IMHTORS VNITK And lornt an Aaaoclatlou tu Sweet Water Valley. The physicians of Ihillas, Powder Springs, Austell, Villa Rica, Dougias t vlile, and l«ost. Mountain district*, ; comprising the Sweet Water water ' she«l, met at Austell the 17th and form-1 ied a pennanent organization, and u ill i hereafter be known as "The Sweet Water Medical association.” The < b ject is a more thon ugh acquaintance and fraternal association combined, to promote and advance tbeir profession, etc. The following officers were elect ted: T. J. Foster, M D., Dallas, pres i lent; Rev. T. y. Doxier, M. D., Aus t -11, first vice president; T. R. Whitley, M. D., Douglasville, second vice presi ; dent; J. T. Gilmer, Villa Rica, third . vice pn*xjdent; W. C. Connally, M. D., j Dhllas, neonliiig • cretary; J. B. Med hs-k, M. D. t Austell, corres}M>nding ■eeretary; C. V. Garrett, M. D.. Salt Springs, treasurer. Next meeting first I Wednesday in April, at Ik»uglasville | Notice. The firm of Hudson snd Salman have by mutual consent this day de solved, G. G. Hudson having sold hi interest to J. L. Selman and J. D. Hudson. They will continue the bus iness under the firm name of J. L. Selman & Co. Hudson & Selman. Douglasville, Ga,, Jan. 29th, 1887. Blue Mark. We call especial attention this week to the “Blue Mark.” If it appears ups on your paper you may know that your subscription has expired and that your paper will be stopped unless the sobscription is renewed immediately. We have hundreds of names on our list and we take this as the best meth od of bringing the attention of subscri bers, in arrears, to the fact. Please RENEW WITHOUT DELAY, aS We do not *wiah to erase a single name from our subscription list. SCHOOL The County Board of Education at its last meetingxirdered that the long term should be five months, and divid ed as follows: Commencing the first of February and continuing till the 15th of April. The second to begin the first of July and ending the 15th ofSeptember.Those who are entitled to sixty days will be allowed these months in which to make the time. It was further ordered that teachers of the first grade shall receive 7cts per day. of the second grade 6; the third and fourth grades sct. J. B. C. Quillian, C. 8. C. If Yom Want a Good Article Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer for “Old rip,** ei 18 WEBEK.S. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any ad dress in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postman* ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, N. Y. Rheumatism anXeuralgia ur ed In x Days. The Indiana Chemical Co. have dis covered a compound which act* with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it to cure any and every case of acute Infiamatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give im mediate relief in chronic cases'and ef fect a xjieedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in tw*o cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription for this wonderful compound, which can be filled by your home druggist at small cost. We take this means of giving our discov ery to the public instead of putting it out ax a patent medicine, it being much less ex|M‘ii*ive: ll’e will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. Tin: Indiana Chemical Co., Crawfordsville, Ind. Citation. GEORGIA —Douglas County. To Al I. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 8. N. Dorsett, Administrator on the es tate <»f Thomas Bullard, applies to me for letters of dismission from said ad ministration and I will pass u}M*n hi* application o;i the first Monday in May next, at my office in said county. Given under my hand and official sig il ture. This Februmvlst, ISB7. H. T. ( OOPER Ordinary*. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment <rcnßL3D«l tciaiiM, Bsratck**. , C*air*ct*d Lamb age, Sprain*. Ma»cl*«, Xl>«nuia*ta*L Btraiu*, Biapti***, Barat. fititrhe*. l»*f Ail, tcalAa, Iliff Jeiata, Straw Stiug*, Backach*, W*t*m, Bit**, flail*, Bwuimj. Bruisaa. ficr**, fiaddl* Galla. Bp*<« PUaa, Carat Craato. THIS GOOD OLD ITAMD-BY acoompUeh** for everybody exactly what teelaiiMd fort*. One of the raaaona for th* great popularity ot th* Mort*** Unimeat la found tall* nnirerent applicability. Everybody need* *uch a medirinat Th* Lnanberman need* nip ana* of accident. The Ilenaewifb need*for p*MV*lfuaUy «•*. The Cannier need* it for bl* tea me and hl* m*. The Meebanle need* it alway* an Ml week heaah. The Miner need* It tn eeaecf e*n*«v*aey. Th* Pioneer need* U—cant get (Jong wl the* t tt. The Fanner need* tt In hl* bom*. hl* ataMa, and hl* stock yard. The Bteaaebaat man or the Boatman need* tttn liberal (apply afloat and aahore. The Hora*.laa<-I*r need* It-it 1* hi* hart friend and *af «rt reUanco. Th* Stock-grower need* It-it wtu ***• him thousand* es dollar* and a world of trouble. Th* Railroad man need* It and win need Ma* kaag a* hl* life I* around of accMenttaad danger*. Th* Back woodoman wood* ML Them la noth* tag Mk* It a* aa aatldot* tor the ****** to lit*, tank and comfort which th* ptaaam. Th* Merchant need* It about hi* rt***am**g hi* ampkym* krnWeat* win happen, and who* tare* mm* too Mtataag Liniment to wanted hmm, «.*•** Basal* to th* Hone*. Tto th* beta *C •*s*M*y. * K***aß**tl*tasb*FsMto«T« Msttotaodtam melace**efaem**a»mvo*pata and tarn of wage*. M**p a ®*ccto Alwayaia to* Bttahto to* ao* wb*a *rk»t*d. . Anawaka Dots, | Mr. Editor: What has become of Qur correspondents? We hope. Ed Bowers, Ripley, Edmond, Due East and others, will wake up from their winters’ sleep and cheer us again with the news from the different parts of the county. The farmers in this district are busy sowing oats and preparing for another crop. They alfseem to be running a race, with Judge Byington in the lead. Boys look out or he will beat us all. If we want to succeed, plant less cot ton, use less guano, sow more oatsand plant more corn, peas, potatoes, &c. There lives in this neighborhood a family of 5 persens, an orphan, 3 wid owers and a widow? Who ©an beat that? W. A Baggett, Sr., had a very large tumor removed from his thigh last week. Dr. Wesmorelaud, of Atlanta, performed the operation. Billie is do ing wjll at this writing. Uncle E. Pray has lost his girl again. A Miss Nancy Ayers, who was mar ried yesterday to Mr. Joe Myers, of Tallapoosa, formerly of Rockdale coun ty. Unele Pray has no children ofihis own, but has more sons-in-law than anybody. This is his sth son-in-law inside es 10 years. Anybody wanting a good home would do well to apply to Mr. Pray. The two old people are compelled to get some one to keep house for them. No better Christian hearted old people than Uncle and Aunt Pray. ' Tell Limerick the women down here are tired waiting for his letter in the Star that he promised to write soon. Little Bud. GEORGIA— Douglas County. 1 office fib. Bth, 1887. Notice is hereby given to all concern ed that George . Mobl>s, late of said county, died Intest itv, and n» person has upp ied for nd ain.straiion on the estate of said deceased and that admin istration wiH be vested in the ( !ei k of the Superior court, or some other fit and proiier per on, on the first Monday in April next, unless valid objection is made thereto. i, H. f. COOPER Or lin ry. -i. I: MADAME DEAN’S j tt I I G 5 18 • (yjmp 3b i * wßb o ■ A nIKFCfe Bnergetie had intelligent t ladies wanted to introduce **r popsuar Cortots tn every county. No expert «bm required Agents are making ®IOO > mantiMr. ifi®different*tyto* to select from. L*ra*M eommtoMona, head terms, and tuoohgnl- : able g**«ia. Itattefacttoiflguaninteed. Kxolurive I territory giro*. 99 ODTFIT FKKK. Ilins- ! tented Cbtalogne and particulars free. Write fc* toms at aaee. A*k tor our *9OO Cash Tromtam I4*h Our ' new book, entitled BUM BBFOBM FOR LADIi&B, with biography at Wmr«h (Illustrated). sent on receipt of hPtftoMton. XT WILL PAY EXPXRI BNCTEti Adm** to WRITS tor TERMS, Don't ttotoy it jßna wish to secure terrl- MT» BCBiBLI » 80, WO BMASTAT, BIT YOU. MARSH’S CYLI?F*F.R BED = FOOT LATHE! = )» Thi* is a at* lAtkt. andon* ®S.B»tlM.having £ a Cylliltr I*4. 2 which it much 8 more tlaplt and 3* iamltit than * the old style. It Zhasittachanlt 2 for Clttultf and w Bcnll - lavtag, a »nd for Brisket o'Moulding. b’sw. ■‘BBTtl. tad THS BEST Ureotei. Fries 930.00 and npwnrd*. Manufactured and«old by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., Bfl] i IjBSKSSI |~| |~| o b;=lwP»zsw szsysszx y iSggjjA iifi® Ji’ 0 BEST TONIC. ? | Thia medicine, combining Iron with pnr* | .egvtaMe tonirtj, onickly and comiJetely 'ur>* Dyspepatn, Indigestion, Weaker**. •~»».er* Bleed, Malarto,<'hll!*Rnd Frvrr*. > ’« »u uu'>!ljsM tuftied' for Di>e*«e* of th* f ida«y* «*d fJrrr. t i« itiv* ! 'i»b!e tor ti4c*-e« pc, >iH*r to tn* A?! wfao JegrisedentAr,. !t»e*. tie' ii>b|'j s ’lietectli. "-*ii*ehead*> be.or j-’ > e sxmi?’' u*d<>n—-Ji/,- 1 ,.m. > •! i> -ndvbet (uopnrito; tl>c blovd. atsieulatrt •» *ub*’ltc. »id* ttai? *stiuiH*tieh of food r* . , Hea'Oytrrs ano BHehing aud alien*,*- - i..e m i« l*» and rctvk 1 rermittmi Fevers. lassitude, Lack of gi Ae.. it ua« no equal. •g The genuine ba* above trade mark and . d ted Mn«« on wrapjier. Take up other .... -•« <* inaauAi. »u- aAL«irob\ an Masy a parson U Marring with a ftift table BKors&pdMNßßNAita tons! Am biUm pmaKifeTWrdec!? What is the Bhatt*i’^M il ® Linr hM eeaaad to do ltotarop«r Work. Xbe life channels are «Nbged. FohMions luida are throws back hito the bleod, whieh •huuld be thrown oat SMITH’b BILE BEAMS Will Murely stimulato the live, to do tM WMk well, and headaehe, wd lowmm BMVBt breath will lee away. Price, MwwSSMbetUe. AndruggisOt This would be a comparatively happy world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH'S BfLE BEANS as a family medicine, and acted upon that know- I ledge. One lialf the misery of the world comes from ailments which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among these are dvspepsia. biliousness, aick hcadiu-he and'Neuralgia. I BILE BEANS will cure all of these, besides all miasmatic diseases, Dose; One Bean. Music! Music! Miss Jennie Stokeley HAS OPENED HER MUSI!C OXaAflm FOR 1887. Sha Proposes to Teach on Her Merits and kindly refers the public to those of her class of 1886 for reference or to her success and ability as an instruc tor in Music. Her room will be at Mrs. S. N. Dor setts. W.H. MALLORY EIXAZ KS EH, DOUGLASVILLE, GA Watchmaking and Repairing in all its branches skillfully and artistically done. Satisfaction guaranteed in eve ry instance. I keep no shop-worn goods, but will procure for you on short notice at the Lowest Cash Prices anything you want in the jewelry line, from a nickle pin to a Thousand Dollar Diamond New an e- g ant de a ROCK CS I buy only from old and reliable man ufacturers, who have built up their reputation as I have mine, on the quality of the goods handled and work done. The whole programme of my business is ruled by one purpose,—lay alty to my customers. Good work and reliable goods at lowest prices. You will save money by calling on me be fore going elsewhere. Don’t buy from a tramp peddlor, but always from one who is known and established. W. H. MALLORY. Citati on ' (vEORGIA—I)ou« las County. To AJA. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. A. G. Wcudington, Jr., executor of T. J. Blanchard, applies to me for letters of dismission from'said executorship,and I will pass upon his application on the first Monday in April next, at my of fice in Douglasville, said county. * Giv en under my hand and official signa i ture. This Jan. 3rd, 1887. H. T. COOPER Ordinary. Citation («EORGI A —Douglas’County. . To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. A. G. Weddington, Jr., executor of Mary A. Blanchard, applies to me for letters of dismission from said executorship, and 1 will pass upon hisapplicatiod on the first Monday iu April next, at my office in Douglasville, said county. Given under my hand anil official sig nature. This Jan. 3rd, 1887. H. T.COOPER Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Douglas County. To all whom it may Concern: W. H. Johnson, administrator on the es tate of J. W. Johnston, applies to me for letters of dismission from said ad ininittration and I will pass upon his application on the first Monday in April next, at my office in said county. Given under niy hand and official sig nature. This December 18th 1886. H. T. (’OOPER. Ordinary, I). ('. (»EORGI A—Doug las (’<>unt Y. Whereas, certain petitioneis have made their applications to this court, asking an order to change the public road commencing at J. C. Hunts and running via Bereah church to T. J. Gables, and whereas commissioners appointed for that purpose,recommens that said road be changed as foliowc: Commencing near tlie residence of J. C. Hunt and touches malitia district in T. J. Gable’s field, anil runnind thence along »tdd district line so that said road will be entirely withfu the boundary of the 12715 t district G; M said county. Said changes to be nkuie and work to be done by the parties • through whose land the same will run when aforesaid alternation shall la* made, and the 1272nd district G. M. is not to t_e required to work said road or contribute in any way to the keeping up of said road. Now this is to cite and admonish all ‘ persons that on and after the I*t day of March IB>7, -aid ‘alternation will iw grunted if n<* wo«»| <-;,u-e i- -hown ft> the contra ry. Given under nix hand and offi«*ial -iaouiure ibis February l-i. 1.55.7. 11. T. < ihipek Ordinary. (iEORGI A—l lol'G CountY. Mrs. Charity C. Venlerv has in due , form applied to the undersigned for' permanent letters of administration on the estate of George H. Conn, late ,of said county, tfebeased, and unless graxi cause is shown to the contrary I i will appoint her or some other fit and proper person and will jiaxs ui»oii said ; application on first Monday in March i 1887. H. T. COOPER Ordinary D. ('. GEORGIA —Dorr; Ci a • nt y. ordinary’s offh e douolascounty. ; The return of the appraisers setting apart a years’support for Martha A. Feely, widow of John I. Feely, deceas ed, and her six minor children, has been filed m this offieg, and unless ob jections are made thereto on or la-fort' the first Monday in March next, the same will be allowed and recorded. January 21st, 1887. * H. T. COOPER Ordinary. i THE DOUGLASVILLE DRUG STORE .Keeps a Well Selected Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils, Tobacco and Cigars. Toilet Articles, FckUxtfll Ancl. KEPT IN A WELL-REGULATED DRUG STORE. We Will Sell Alcohol For Medical Use and Wine for Sacramental purposes. When in Need Os Anything In our line give us a Call. * Pespect fully J. L. SELMAN &CO- HEADQUARTERS ~ DUNCAN & "GAMP, (Successors to HIPPS & DUNCAN. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 77 WHITEHALL AND 88 S. BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. We keep on hand at all times, every tiling you need iu the line of Grocery Supplies, and will sell you what you need at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. When in the city, call tb’see us before buying elsewhere. No trouble to show you goods and give you prices. Satisfaction Ouarantee d. NfiOU SE. l ij 11 ,I.miIZ.TJ£Ij2DJuMHi Cor. Garnett and Peters St. JVtlo.zn.tOi, Ga. Good Fare, Clean Sheets and Polite Attention. Terms Reasonable, for day or weekly I oard. MRS. M. C. WEAVER, Proprietress. R. H. Johnston, 105 W. PETER. ST., - Ct-£L. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Mdicines, aints, Varnishes, Oils, Etc., Tobacco & Oig,£VK?s Klinners and Physicians from the country will And my stock complete, of the best quality anil lowest prices. When you come U> the city call on me for your goods. Country Merchants Supplied. f Very Respectfully, R. H. Johnston. ept-28-3m. ■ ‘U^KdM F A?fW!m e*jH-r<*tokjn t)i« | >|E£lmW ■L9 ■ Thousand f** >«tinU in ■ tho United'Kirii* **<i * Mt t 01 ! 1 ?- I BN ■ tri*, tho nnbliato** c* p w KA w American ooiitiaa* to ■ Eta® B for p»t«nt». eaVWl^jtadvJM^ta l , ropy- ■MtogtaJl nithta, el*., for to* vnltad *n<l to obuin potent* in C**»<i*. kwtota. Ir*** s *. G.rm.ay. .nU all etnev eo*«*r'*« TWK *tp"ri • »ce i. iioe<pial*d and tb*ir ticilttl** •*» pnsitr ? Drawing. »n<f (MeiAeatloa* pr*p«**dl •’•A filed in th* f’aten. <>»• »•* short noth ». r < s»* ’ B 7 '-•MOnabl*. No eb»r<* for (rami'.***** <■ *•”“*>• »r di.wiua- Aovie« hr ®*df rß 2’~ - , F*t*ui. obtained through Man« g.n*.to***iiced Util* SCIENTIFIC 4MWRICA h*. t*( Ikrin'.l circitl»li»n »od H th* »*"•* ipnueut i»i n*w(paper .of it* kind pnbli(b*d mij* world. I'be advan’a*** of »uch a noUe« Th I* ta/tfe and *ptandidlr itj**teat«l y wW*P* r 1* pnbfltoed VVlMflCLf'* glOOajjto, tad i* admittedte papbr dwteffto jci*”® 8 . mechanim, hiSWi»ta*, *ngi»taftag work*, and other <s*«artrinwila. fit industrial progwm. pub lished in any contain* the name* of t all patentee* Ajß’ife oFevary invention P»‘»«tad earn week. four moaUia for one d*Har. Sold by *8 n<wßtall«rs. U you nate>*ln invention to patent writ* t- I Munn A Co., publisher* es Boientifio American, KI Broadway. New York. Handbook about patent* ■taftad **oa I TIW quickest time on record! Neural gia « W® worst type, cured by one doso of glimi’S BILE BEANS in from one to four hours, as many who have tried ft can testify. It does 9eem strange that sensible people will suffer with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely b® found in this simple safe and inexpensive remedy. 25 cents For sale by all druggists and dealers in medi cine, or sen MRy where on receipt of price in stamps. HDD JLJIWItIS ■ '' AND BIABX FOB j I VUI TIM BEST ALMANAC, and a COMFUg* —BBT ter *v«7 day la Um yvor. T* to tart MMKB ««H taalat* f« tarticta*. *r atallrt *■ toart|9«f •***■•> *ta tea-flap Addie* -, WMMA DWUO AB® «®b BMLTMMNUk M®(* V. '•> A, WHISKY By Dr. B.M. WOOLLEY Drinking Atlanta, Ga. CURE. “VTO pain. No loss of time from business. -LN Cures the disease and destroys all taste for stimulants. Book of particulars sent to any address free. Office, 05 Whitehall street, up-stairs. _ ■ . . -' ' ■ . ■ „ ■ DR,W. MJDURHAM, Office 55 1-2 Peachtree, St. *ZK."tl£tXXt£V, Ga. The Treatment of Chronic Disea ses a Specialty. Sept. 28»3m. ROBERT COCHRAN; —WITH— PEEK & WILSON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 25 W. Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga i)-28-3m. The Old Reliable NATIONAL HOTEL, &j3L, Is head-quarters for Douglas and surrounding counties. Bo sure to stop there while in the city. Maj. J. D. SLOAN, Pro. 9-28-ts. fSIA RWOO D’S !CHAIR SEATS P 4Ojd ■p •< , J W.-.NTfiIOtVERY FAMILY ■ j To Broken Cane. 2 RE-'SJSn YOUR CHAIRS. ’ jj '.Mjbndv r.i* ;ip|d» TV jid A-, nr. dell. ‘ .jMK'UuF (1 in 11 Fnniitere &/*' !®S|a% ! I Haws j 3 in bnyiag n«v Chair#, ask tor those with j p Leather ffiateh Seat*, j 0 TSitey never wear out. i . / Automatic Sewing Machine Co. ’ 72 West 23d St., New York, N.Y- • W* invito Bpecfal to - 83 ,» tention to our NbW PaiRJtT AVTOMaTIO T»- > MOM Macantß. making precisely th* «*m* '"IW »«teh aa th* Wilcox « ’ |f <iibb*» Mid y«A if not 1 «=—i'A preferrtd to th* WUeoM * AGibb*Aeta®eti*T**- ’ U xJgF gion Machine, e*B b* i v returned any titn* with er In 30 day* and money retomled. But what le more remarkabl* still. *• l ever knr•* a woman willing to do her own family «i»z n » ehntt'r machine after having tried oar ew patent AbTCMATRt > Even Shn* Mannfaciurer* find t» n*st waited to - '.heir wore—its *’>a»tic seam* are mor* durable. I Trslr-xutemtoc Sowing Machin** ar* fart »up*r . • Kling ehsit'ls machine*, and tt i* no jw* to r i ear »L Truth is mighty and do** prevail, obutti* Ma. bine* have *eui their beat day*. Scud far cttealar. Uorrespondaae* *oUctt*L , 3