The weekly star. (Douglasville, Ga.) 18??-18??, March 01, 1887, Image 2

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r EEKL¥ STAR Belgium is strengthening her forti fications. This is like protecting an (.era- sl' ell with a cobweb. OO There are two married and settled men in the freshmen class of the » Universary. Their families are in Athens with them. The Alabama Legislature after having discussed the Blair bill considerable lengli, passed resolutions asking Congress to pass it. A Pleasant Plctlon. The Louisville Post says: “How styles changed since I was a girl,” said an old lady, the other evening, as she looked away down into the back of a fashionably dressed girl. ‘When I was y..ung,’ she continued, ‘we used to wear our dresses up to the neck and gloves w! tb only one button. Now they w^gr tl:o gloves up to the neck and only one button to the dress. I don’t see how a woman can retain her modesty or be innately refined if she goes in the pres- The Daily Craphicj Is the Favorite Home Journal o Refined American Families Everywhere, and the only Daily Illustrated News paper Published in the World. In capital punishment, New York talks or submitting electricty for th<* rope. They claim that a broader hu manity should give the victims a painless death. The latest attack on the surplus is a proposition to establish a home for the widows and daughters of volun teer Union soldiers in the war between the States. Like the Chinese, the surplus must go. Heman, a Chicago Socialist thinks the militia a menace to labor. The militia are a menace only to the ! abor that engages in the manufacture of dynamite bombs. • The Agricultural Society, at its late session in Americus, finally de cided to locate the State fair in Ma con permanently. The people of Pennsylvania will soon have an opport unity of voting on the prohibition question. A bill has passed both branches on the leg islature submitting the question to the people. The people of Rome don’t know whether to put their money in boom ing real estate or the Louisiana State Lottery. $15,000 was drawn there in the latter institution. Both Alabama and Tei nessee are preparing to submit the question of constitutional amendments prohibit ing the manufacture or sale of intoxi cating liquors within their limits to a vote to the people. It is said that a citizen of Georgia is living with his eighth wife. The women in his neighborhood must have been born with heavenly tempers, or perhaps his first wife trained him to fear none of the ills of earth. ’"'It is-confidentl y stated that Presi dent Clevelamt~iras instructed Sec retary Manning to resume the issue of one and two dollar notes. Con gressman Weaver claims the credit of having iuaugrated this movement, V An exchange undertakes to show |ow cars may be heated in time of accidents. Red-hot stoves and kero sene lamps generally succeed in heat ieg tnem at such a time. What is needed is something that will heat them before accidents and cool them after accidents. at(|enc3 of men bare nearly to the waist. Such costumes may be all very well for the ballot and prize ring fighters, but it is demoralizing for young wo-, men. My time is nearly up, but I re ally would like to come back into this world in sixty or seventy years from now, just to see how women will dress. If they keep reducing the extent of their clothes at, the same rate 1 they have in the last century, they won’t have much of anything on by that time.” lie print this as a fair specimen of talk that all are famiiiar with. It is accepted as matter of course that the *■ present generation” is far more venal than that which produced our dear old grandmas; that the girls are going to the demnition dow-wows as fast as It Circulates in Every State and Territory of the Union. ItfMay be Found on News-Stands M in Every Large City. The Vast body of itsSubscri- bers are People of Wealth and Culture. No Other Daily Published in New York City has so Large a Mail Circulation their shapely limbs can carry them, gbaphic, pictorial and literary, for the , . . 9 ding six days. It is the largest flrst- and that year by year the surplus virt- 8 ue of the country suffers reduction. There is hardly a Post-office in the United States where at least a few copies are not received each week by subscribers. it- embraces the Best Features of The Dai- for the Mr. J. S. Clarkson, of Iowa, mem ber of the Republican National Com mittee, thinks that Blaine will not consent to become a candidate in 1888, for the reason that he has ho desire to lead bis partv except in a successful fight. Well, there d.oestft-^eem to be any reason why a man should make a sacrifice of him self more than once. ' Gov. Richard Ogleshy, of Illinois, leads aikodd sort of life. He said the other day: “About the only business I have now besides being Gov ernor is attending the iunerals of distinguished men.” There are poll ticians who would like to be in Gov. Oglesby’s shoes, provided they could attend the funeral of distinguished men in their way for politi cal preformespt. Of course all this is but a popular fic tion; we accept it because it is iustilled into us from childhood and we don’t often bring the logic of circumstances and history to bear upon it because no one likes to raise an issue with the old folks who are so honest in their love for the bygone days and in their con tempt for these that;, are succeeding them. We drift along with our amusements and styles and habits and manage to have a pretty good time af ter all, and it is greatly to be feared that the downward turn of things has lost its terrifying power. We have beeome callous; so the old folks that preceded them used to say of /their young; and so on Indefinitely. The world is probably a little better than it was ever; it grows better every year. We must admit this or that civ ilization is a failure and the Caucasian played out. The dear old Louisville has learned so fast that she ha s forgotten. Ourportrait galleries are tell-tales and show upourgrand-moth- ers in their true light. There are white arms and plump shoulders charmingly exposed and very likely the “V” shap ed bodies were hewn out behind, also, only nobody’s back shows ip a portrait and the fact can’t be established. Then there are Godey’s old lady’s books and the ancient novels that betray the old folks again. The fact is indisputable; the young people were just as bad sixty, eighty *and a hundred years ago, as they are now. They not only had their low necked and no-sleeve dresses but they flirted and got their families in trouble sometimes, and duels were fought and men died for sneer or £ smile, as the case might have been But some old ladies, who honestly be lieve they speak the truth, who were . raised out of town or have forgotten a great deal will always remain to be ar witness against the present. Their mission is to check, just as they were checked; to instill modesty into youth ful minds, to guide just as they were guided. As they loved and revered their preceptors so do we love and re vere them. And when-ws get old we will probably hear the grown up girls of this age inveighing against the scandalous fashions that have come in since the old days of modesty and de cent covering whieh they will remem ber So well. But this feature of life is not pec id liarly feminine. By no means! , How we berate the young men for vice and precocity. | Alas and alas! Our graneb fathers smoked incessantly, chewea inveterately-and used to drink -iach other under the table. Bah! Let us not look too elosely into this matter. Better to droop the lid over the left optic and moan for the good old days when, young men knew how to respect their seniors and always took their ad vice? class Illustrated Weeklj? is,is sold for half the price of Its rivals, contains the latest news and market j-eports, and is acquiring a phenomenal circulation. THERE IS NO BETTER Medium for Advertising. From time to time we issue special Edi- ti ons illustrating the in d us tries and b usiness opportu.nlties of eities', - towns and . localities throughout the country; A t.present we are prepaiihg a California Edition of 100,000 cop ies.- .. = „ fHI , .. '"Agents wanted to canvass f^r subscriptions in every part of the world, to whom a large < ommis.iiun will be paid. ; .Send ior sa-mpTc ^ppy. | For rafies and dther information address THE AMERICAN GRAPHIC CO. 39 & 41 Park Place, N. Y. PRICES. Pints, - Per Doz., $10.00. 1 Quarts. - *• “ 16.00. “STAfr” Tutolar Fire Eitinpislier. Glass Tube, 13x2& in. Holds 1 quart. j^r°In this device we combine the BEST QUALITIES of our famous Grenades with the NEW feature of having an ar ticle that can be used by Sprink ling. It is designed especially for use in Passenger Coaches and Dwellings. It is elegant in ornamentation. It is cheap and reliable. No rust; no corros ion possible. . PialH, $12.00 Per doz. Omanst'd, {5.00 per doz. The South needs cheap money. No farmer can prosper who pays 40 and 50 per cent, for time supplies for five or six months in the year. This will bankrupt any business in the world. Our planters should learn to live at home, aud raise their own supplies and slock and cattle. In this connec tion it gives us great pleasure to be aWe to state that money is abundant and cheaper in Augusta than at any time since the war. It may be stated -as a fact that one of the largest banks in the city lends money at the rate of 7 per cent interest.—Augusta Chron icle. A few month s ago John Autcliffe of Jacks in, Michigan, wanted a wife, but was to bashful to do bis own courting. He confided bis trouble to Randolth June, a neighbor, and the latter offered to conduct. the prelimi nary negotiations for $800. He did so, and was successful that abouta m nth ago Au cliffe Was married to a womon he never saw till introduced |tp her by June. Hardly the honey- . moon over for his $800. Autcliffe [denied tha claim and June brought The case came up for trial, |lulcliffe had in the meantime to a realization of the blessing Lad secured for him and paid 'tb in full, with costs. Too Attractive By Far. In aschool section in Northumber land county, where a young lady is engaged as a teacher, theie has been quite a dispute as to whether it would be prhdent to re-engage her or not. It was claimed that she had too many admires of the ' opposite sex, and that the section had thus been de prived of her time that should been spent in the discharge of her duties as a teacher. Accordicgly, at school meeting, the trustees had an agree ment drawn up to the effect that she should not keep company during the coming year with any man duiing school hours, as her undivided time should be devoted to the school. Up on her refusing re sign this agreement it was decided to leave it to a vote of the meeting as to whether she should be compelled to sign it to A show of hands was Emm wortnae, resulted in a tie, when the chairman being a.young man, gave the casting v.,te in her iuvor.—Toronto Globe. LaGrange Reporter: Mrs. Lydia Hogg, who lives in Southwest Troup, is one of otir successful farmers, On yesterday, she sold her first install ment of cotton of the crop of 1880, recieving, 9 1-16 therefor. In reply to merchants who-desired to sell her corn, she said that she raised her own grain. Mrs. Hogg now has the gi eat, er part of last year’s edtton on hand. By energy i net prudence she has been able to hold on to it until the rise in price enables her to sell j to advantage. Price, “TTgY^pj,?, Just -what is needed in every village,, lumber yard, ware house, etc. Fully equip ped with Hose, Ax, Crow Bar, Lantern, etc. It is cheap, and re liable. Wt. 450 lbs. I PRICE. ^S290.60EAGH. Th® “Stas” EXTlNGUiSHER Holds 5 gallOrisYiRnd will force a stream throug-h <3 fet t cf liose 45 feet with our pumpj which is the best ever made. Needs no attention until used. Will not freeze, explode or get ou t of order. N o' rust or corros ion. Can be used by anyone, $30.00 Each. CHEMICAL. Pour years of practical use HTO demonstrated these to be the only reliable and thoroughly effi cient Hand Fire appliances made. We use the eamejhemioal liquid in all, aud guarantee fully. Liberal discounts to agents. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ti»HARDEN HAHD BRENADECO. 61 &53D$grborn St., Chicago, III. Mme. DEMOREST’S RELIABLE PATTERNS Are the only ones that will give a perfect fitting garment. MME. DEMOREST’S System of Dress Cutting. Chart and Book of full directions, enabling anyone to . Cut and Fit perfectly. Price, $3,00. Bent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. MME. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR Is a large Magazine of 80 pages of Fashion Notes and, Styles, illustrated with about_l,000 Cuts. . Sent, poat-p^ld, for £5 cents. THE Demorest Sewing Machine, THIS STYLE ONLY 50 It: Nearly 50,000 sold and giving perfect satisfaction. Don’t pay other companies $40.00 profit on a machine not so good as the DEMOREST, bat buy direct of the man ufacturers. Sent C. 0. D. • Write for Circulars. DEMOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., 17 Hast 14th Street, New York City tad all BILIOUS GOMPUIXTS are relieved by taking W8ISHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS S"t»lT Veritable: So Crisis.:. Fries 35c. AU Sluggish .■mm READ 11 READ! . US Hi! II •mark. ECZEMA ERADICATED. Gentlemen—It is due you to say that I think I am entirely well of ecze.#^t after •having taken Swift’s Specific. I have been troubled with it very little in my face since, last spring. At the beginning of cold weather last fall it made a slight ippcarancc, but went awirrand has never returned. S; S. S. no doubt broke it up; at least it put my system m good condition and I got well. It also benefited my wife greatly in case of sick headache, and made a perfect coye of a breaking out oh my little three year old daughter last summer. Watkins ville, Ga., Feb. 13,188ft. Key. J AMISS Y. M. I.10RHIS. Treatise on Blooa and Skin Diseases mailed free. This Swept Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 46 THE i LEFT {COPYRIGHTEDISTJJP^ bMmmm MM 99 igg IUustratea by the 13of a T. T. Haydock Buggy, nirtnm hut ’THIS LEADING BUGGY OF AMERICA. Has Haydock s Safety King ™.orSIor the T. T. HAYDOCK HXTOGY. with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth Wheel .. Life is insecure riding over any other. (This picture will he furnished en a large card, printed in elegant style, to any one who will agree to frame it.) [ENCLOSE STAMP.) tbb t. t. HAYDOCK CARRIAGE CO., Cor. Plum and Twelfth Sts., CINCINNATI, O. NO INVESTMENT SO PROFITABLE. Send for Catalogue and Wholesale Price List. AGENTS WANTED WHERE W* *AVE NONE! | p— nr O Tft© ONLY Imported PI EL frCmT%kBREECH-LOADINQ CUN, BIG CHANGE AND OPPORTUNITY. I. M. & M. B. WATSON, The Leaders Of Low Prices. FREE DISTRIBUTION. $350, ABSOLUTELY GIVEN AWAY IN VALUAOLE PRESENTS. ( We will froth this day. and up to Febuai-y 25th, 1887, give to .each purchaser of Worth of goods FOR ASH, a ticket entitling the holder to participate in this Distri bution. We do this in order to induce every person in and surrounding, Douglasville Ho see our goods, get onr prices, and be convinced that we carry the lar^eht and best selected Ktock of Dry Coods and General Merchandise ever kept by any merchant in Douglas county. We promise to each and every one who will favor us with their patronage Just and equitable treatment In all business transactions, and our prjees will be as low as the lowest at all times. Belo w we give a partial-list of presents we propose to give away : Look at th Presnts for YOu. One Bed Room Set Furniture. , $ 48 00 “ Cook Stove. lh •• “ Double Shot Gun 16 80 “ Boy Shot Gun . 6 08 ‘ WSet Knives, and Forks 2 68 “ .- Set Glassware, .i ^ i “ Korasko Silk Dress Pattern .... 18’ 80 “ Worsted DressPattern * 4‘58 I One Cloek ./. 5 5 II Looking Glass .J.. ” 2 50 “ Silver Watch. ’ 15 „ “ Pair Solid Cold Plate Cuff Buttons,. 3 vt “ Solid Gold Plate Collar Button 1 ,, “ ‘ “ Gent’s Ring . 5 81 “ o ’ u u Ear Rings ... 3 76 “ “ • “ Lady’s Ring 3 Ti “ Suit Men’s Clothing. '.... 15 88 “ Overcoat 18*08 “ Saddle.. 18 68 “ Razor g go , “ Fine Hat. , 3 gf “ Pair Misses Shoes. , . ., ^ . 3 “ Lady’s Trunk.... - “, Gent’s Trunk. : “ Boys* Svjt',Clothing 749 “ Gents’' Gbld Shsrt Pin 2 68 “ Gents’Goid Studs. .- : 168 “ Ladies’Jersey Jacket i. .'.. . 4 68 Many other valuable Presents, but too numerous to name in: dstail. The above Brgj.enta Will be distributed oh the evening of Pqhtliftry 25th. 'l88^|Hby persons selected b^fapldwa'«f tickets. The list of Presents to be sealed In an e^yelopv wyh Douglas coi^fpgSigWjjlaOsd on It—not to ba opened until the evening of Febr-uary'25th,1387, when a fair distributed will take plaee. Yours Very Respectfully, I: M. & M., B. WATSON, Leaders of Low Prices,* Douglasville, Sa. P. S.—J 11st received a full Stock of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats* • Caps,f Cidthing i»nd Groceries. Everything new and Prices very low; Nice Brocaded Worsted at 51-2 ohs. per yard. Prints 3 3-4 cts. per yaid. < $k for'rickets* MADE ENTIRELY BY MACHINERY. Superior In closeness of fitting and Mah to any American ntaike^ The PIEPER CHOKING PROCESS is the only one by which perfect success is assuxem The Guns are made Side Snap and Top Snap, back action and bar locks from $30. to WI*» There is nothing equal to them in the market for the money* For sale by ail first-class dealers, and at wholesale only by )'“ a *V'T SCHOVERUNC, DALY & GALES, «_ Catalogues gratis, 84 A 66 Chambers St. NEW YOWU « BUSINESS!” we mean Dusineee, I>7 offering the above first-rate PIANO BOX CUTTEIHalso another style) With patent shifting shafts for either side, or centre draft, lor $15*00 without, and $16.50 with, full lazy back. Order now. Don’t wait till snow flies, when we shall be so rushed that we cannot fill our orders. Enough said. LOOMIS M’F’G CO, la PORTE, ind. CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. New Store, lew Goods New Prices. AT M’L ARTY’S, New Brick Store on Broad st. KT ear tlie Ost O jj have the finest stock of Goods ever brought to this town and will Bell than anybody. It will surprise all who buy them that they get so many little money. I keep all classes of e e them cheaper goods for such Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Clothing I CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MY I.AIUiE STOCK OF MILLINE GOODS D. C. LO E a- Wholesale Bet&il Dealer In oticiis. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. 70 WHitoliallSt., a.t Kisers’ Stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D r Wit GRAND OPENING. FRESH STOCK, See some of iny Unprecedentedly ow Prices. The best Brands of 4x4 Sheeting at. ,5J cents The Best Brands of Calico irom 4 to.5 cts. Bleaching from *.. ..,4 cts. up. Sea Island Domestic—Good Brand -... .B ; l—2 ets, Ladies Shoes—all kinds from. 50 ctg, up Mens’ Clothing, in Suits, from. ... .$3,50 up when ou come to Atlanta don’t fail to call on me. ID. o. LOEB. ALSO AT 68 DECA TUR STREET, A WAGON YARD BACK OF STORE. PHILLIPS & CREW, DEALERS I3ST SL ORGANS Olieapest in. tlxo S 0 U T H . - Before buying a Piano or Organ be-sure, you CaHjon PHIT..T .IPS cfe CREW, Leading Dealers in th cuth, Atlanta, Georgia. Send for latest Catalogues, Knabe. Steinway, Hallett &'Davis, Kimball, Ficli- er i Pease, Pianos. ORGNS FOR CHURCH 6R PRLOE »%I>on’t buy North, East or West, but make your purchase, from responsible dealers the South, avoiding long line of freights;risks, and bogus instalments. The ab*ve name firm warrants every Piano snd Organ for ftvo years, naajfrejghts^inclnae stoel and I mlasle time, ' gi vc satisfaction or no pay. Sel Ifor cash or on reason WEBSTER WAGON COIYIPA0Y 1$ dosing out its business And 1 HAS ON HAND a fine stock of OVER 4000! Of their Celebrated Truss AxltWagons of all styles and sizes, which will be said — AT A — FARM WAGONS I ; • GREAT REDUCHCa. which has been selected with great care and caution, and contains all of the latest styles . MISS EMMA FREEMAN wlll'wa’t oh the Ladles in this department and will show you the most artistic line of Millinery <Jo;o&s fiver seen In Douglasville. I propose to give iny customers g^odsjsheaper than they can be purchased in the Gity of Atlanta. Call and see me, I meanSLiat I say. You will save money by trading with me. Gome to the store where you caW>uy goods at your Own price. Remember I have moved to the hollow near the Posi^^Ke A. W. McLarty, MOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRIOB, A Wagon made from West Virginia Oak, Hickory, and Poplar, the beA quality pro- xx. curable, and superior in every particular to inferior grades now on the market. Embrace the opportunity and sav* money. All Wagons are warranted tor one . Our farewell offer. Write for prices and terms. «n&year. WAGON CO*. MOUNDSVILLE. Marshall Co.. W. Va. .