Columbus sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 18??-183?, June 22, 1837, Image 1

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TOLLiHE VII.] PUBLISHED EVER? THURSDAY MORNIRQ WOT. CLINE AND B. V. IVERSON, OS BROAD STREET, TWO DOORS BELOW TIIE COLUMBUS HOTEL. TERMS— Subscription, trAe dollars per an num, payable in advance, or four dollars, (in ail cases exacted) where payment is not made before the cxgiration of the year. No subscription received for less than twelve months, without payment in advance, and no paper discontinued, except at the option ofj the Editors, until all arrearages are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously inserted at! oxe dollar per one hundred words, or less, for ‘ hc first insertion, and fifty cents for every subse quent continuance. Those sent without a specifica- i tion of the number of insertions, will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates, and with strict attention to the requisitions of j the law. All Sales regulated bylaw, must be made before 1 the Court House door, between the hours of 10 in the • morning and 4 in the evening—those of Land in ! the county where it is situate; those of Personal Property, where the letters testamentary, of admin- j h'ration or of guardianship were obtained—and are ! required to be previously advertised in some public j Gazette, as follows: Sheriffs* Sales under regular executions for tiiir- 1 ty days, under mortgage ti fas sixty days, before ! the day of sale. Sales of Land and Neorof.s, by Executors. Ad* i ministrators or Guardians, for sixty days before the day of sale. Balts of Personal Property (except Negroes) forty DAYS. Citations by Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary, upon ! appi Tc.iTtON for letters of administration, must ! be published for thirty days. Citations upon application for dismission, by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, monthly I for six months. I Orders of Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond or agreement) to make titlfs to land, must be published three month*. J, Exvcutor*, AdminuitraiMM^r 1 Guardintm, , of appUrarion to the Court of Ordinary foi leave , to sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four j MONTHS. Notices by Executors or Admimstors, to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate, for six weeks. ftiiEJUErs, Ci ernes or Court, &c., will be allowed I the usual deduction. fCT** Letters on the business, must be tost taid, to entitle them to attention. NORTON'S COLUMBUS AUCTION ROOM. ” j,. 1 TUESDAY USrf/ik > JSEm T . i I will sell at Auction, at the Columbus Auction Room, four doors from the polumbus Bank, a gjm- j eral assortment of ImV OOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKE RY, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. &c. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, Auct’r. Ueb. J-3. 20 CANDY. 14% Boxes of Stewart’s superior Cindy, assort* *m cd, for sale bv JOHN R. LLOYD & CO. March 10. 11 ts S ROARS. Havannah Sugars, consist* ing of the following brands : Sugars, warranted the best imported; Regalia; King; Trinidad; Trabulos ; Dos A cnegogL-By ***• ■-R**p**. M trrnnii ■ U- : several other bnlnus, . . v Just received and lor sale by JOHN R. M ‘o\ D & CO. March JO. _H ‘ ‘ BUTTI.EU WISKS. MADEIRA Wine; London I’ariirulardo. war ranted to have boon a voyage to the Last Indies: . * constsliiig of ibe following brands, j Key. Lion. Anchor. Harp and Golden Ragle, el a su perior quality; Wine, three dtttereut kinds .1 ah j Sherry 4 : Gold Sherry; Brown Sherry: Giarct toller rv; St. Juiien; St.Estcphe; Port W ine ; Burgundy j ,1, quarts ; Do. in pints ; While Hermitage; Muscat Wls.iec. behold co . | Milfoil-10. H tl l i conkectiosary and prcit stohe , One door above the Mclntosh Hull. WK would invite the attention of country mer chants to our large and excellent slock of that establishment, consisting of the following • „ l Cordials of all kinds, by the bottle, box or gallon,. Brand v-*Auis ; Syrup do ; Sweet Meats ; *' e ‘” lies; Jams; Pickles of all kinds, from small bottles to . half-gallon jars; Prunes; Raisins ; Figs; Sicily Or- , ances ; Sweet do; Lemons; \ eriuicclTa and Mac.a- , roni; Bologna Sausages, warranted ; Marietta do ; ; American Cheese; Swiss do; Pine Apple do; bn glish do; Dried Beef; Venison; Brazil Nuts; Al mouds, soft shell, hard shell, and shelled uso; Canton Preserved Ginjer. anew article just imported ; .-oda . Biicir.t: Lead'Fish, by the box ; with numerous arti- j e.tes too tedious to particularize. Lemon Syrup. Hasp- ! bsrrv, Strawberry &c. , : ’ ’ JOHN R. LLOV D, k CO. March 10. 11 J J o. VBS! O. YES!! O. YES!'.! FHN J \I and JERIt Y goes it as trqcly as usua. at the : Jt Shades, morning, noon and night. The subscribers offer as a Succed'inmn (as the sea son for this delicious and transporting beverage will shortly b ■ brought to a close) that well-known, eon- Kohn% gratifying, enlightening and enterprising draught, ; th PIG AND WHISTLE. It is balmy and heal- t in", and the greatest consolation to an afflicted stomach, \ whenever we enjov ourselves in the festivities of a pleasant evening over a social board, where nothing but , the feast of reason and the flow ot soul should bear t testirnonvof our conviviality. Wc arc sometimes, in deed, forced, under these circumstances, to indulge—l , will not say, a icctlc too much ! Then we hud our re- , lief ui the Pig and Whistle. To those who have visit- j cd Louisiana, particularly New Orleans and the West j Indies, where this Morning Bitters is so highly esteem- ; ed, the merit of it is only known. . | We have several other newly imported draws, wmen . is to bo found only at the Shades. Lambs Wool, Ap ple Toddv, and Gold Water, lias become too vulgar a di-ink latterly, and on this account wo have introduced the foregoing stimulus. They do n>*t by any moans in fringe the rules of thy Abolitionists or Temperance’ Societies, because it is well known that we art- mem bers of the latter ourselves, and as for the former, we could, would, nor should care nothing about them. John R. has just returned from Havanna via New Orleans, and has brought on with him a splendid assort- ment of Fine Liquor*. Wines, Segars, &c. which we | ctfer by wholesale, and retail to the public as cheap as any oilier establishment in Columbus. Our bottled j win.’ r wc wool 1 remark, if not superior, arc inferior to ; none in the Southern country, and using candid men, we • can recommend them. We trust on this account, the ; pood people of Columbus will want for nothing in our tine of business. Quick sales and light profit is the principle \vc 20 on. and rrv’.-t confess it was very much | wauled m this city. Call on JOHN R. LLOYD & CO. I March 10. U ts j CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. aG. W. WAY respectfully informs ; the public in general that he lias entered into the COACH BUS?! NESS at the old stand of J. M. John son. where lie will be pleased to serve all those who may favor him with a ‘•.all. Having made a selection ot Carriages from the best manufac tories at the North, he flatters himself to give ample satisfaction to all those wishing to purchase. Coaches with detached dickees, Do. with attached Dickees, Dickce scat Barouches. Three seat do. extension ton. Two seat do. do. do. Chariotees, three and two seats. One and two seat Buggies and Buggic Waggons, ; Sec. All kinds of light Carriages built to order. Rc- j pairing executed in the best manner. Columbus, Jan. 23.1837. 4 ly j WM. S. HARTSFIEIrD k CO. A RE now receiving from Now A ork and Boston, xL an extensive and haudsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Having located a branch of their business in Columbus, | are now opening a fresh seasonable and well selected ; assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready Made Clothing, &c. &c.” Their store is situated on Broad . street a “few doors north of L. J. Davis* corner. We. believe \vc risk nothing in saving that those who favor < a call personally or bv sending their orders’ w;'■ Kr iat*’d on th 1 ’ rro~t. favorable terms. Xi.iy 18 COLUMBUS SSWTIKEI. * ROBERT M'aUEEN, \ A early opposite the residence of the late Judge Shorter) W„ 8“P AD STREET. ‘ / n ‘ orm his town and country friends, that he has purchased of Thomas U.'Gold. his GROr'FRIP°£ g< S? S ’ fifing of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES &e., which he offers on moderate I ? a “ and ““"me quality and prices, ! Columbus, April IS, 1837. 18 if NEW m)K I!■ BASKIN, HAVING purchased the entire stock of Charles KOTendo, have associated themselves in the jOiti GOODS and GROCERY BUSINESS, un der the name and style of Rankin, McQx-aid & Wise, andbeg to sohmt the customers and former [friends of this establishment, to call and examine their assortment of GOODS, which they arc prepared to sell on the lowest possible terms. The highest price given for Hides. | May 4. jg if 1 NORTON'S I C w}, T , TA , n P OrfIEE BANK NOTICE. IV ILI, sell the entire or part of my stock of Books and receive Chattahoochee Bank money at par. JV B. The public is also informed that'l have no No'es to pay into the above Bank. This offer ig made in full confidence that the bills will eventually be redeemed at par E. SIGOURNEY NORTON April 27. 17 JAMES H. REYNOLDS, * WATCII MAKER AND JEWELLER, 2d door north of ICivlin's Confectionary, Br'd st. RESPECTFULLY informs lt* s town and country friends ‘ha l “ has just returned from ifj&t. ~ ‘ xSmV ” cw orli w *>h a Slla'a addition to his stock of Goods, _ Til. j and ladies and gentlemen wish- Wviy J z'gsszjr) mg Watches or Jewelry of superior quality, liave now’ an ] 1 opportunity of supplying them selves with articles that cannot be surpassed. Ridi finjgulii X*welry, Silver Wkro, plated and Fancy Goods. The following articles comprise a portion of his stock I an ‘l he w ll sell on as good terms as anv other establish ! ment in Georgia, Gold and silver Levers, Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and vertical Watches, of the finest finish—all of which he warrants first rate time keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby ? Emerald, Opai. enamelled and every description of Breast Pins and Finder Rings, 6 Gold guard and fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Lockets and Trinkets, of all kinds, in great variety, and most superb manufacture, Gold and silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Supnrior Razors, Bo'.vie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Ladies’ splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, Belt Plaeques, Revolving silver mounted Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, Cloth, Hair, Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English rifle belt Pistols, Sword Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found at Jewelry Stores. ‘ J J. H. R. as hcrrJoforc, will repair and regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (lhat were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jcwelrv. *” P Fostir* concern here, would respect fully inform h mtf ieftdfc ana the public, that he contemplate* ’6O continue the business in all M* j various branches ; that he has removed to this place, ; and will give his personal and individual attention to it. I He flatters himself that his long experience 111 the busi ! ness will enable him to give general satisfaction. He would assure all who may favor him with their . . 1 .... 1- .. ..I a wiitWl.Ul UU custom, that he will always keep on hand a general as sortment of the BLST articles in his line of business, and that whatever is recommended to be of superior quality will be found to be such. He has now on hand and will constantly keep, an extensive assortment of Watches, of every description, Jewelry, Plate and Plated Ware, a great variety, fine Cutlery, Music and Musical Instruments, a general as sortment of Military Goods, Lamps of every descrip tion. together with a great variety of Fancy Articles. Watch Repairing and Engraving done m the best manner. JACOB FOGLE. Columbus. March 30. 15 ts CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY “WARE HOUSE* ■ I'ROXT STREET, SEAKLV OPPOSITE THE BRIDGE. CCarZELRIAN & ANDERSON RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they have just received from New Y ork an elegant assortment of articles in their line of business. Among them will be found Centre. Card and Pier Tables, Ladies’ Work Tables, Candle Stands, Sofas. Chairs and Kockinc Chairs, Music Stools. Tabcrets,Ottomcns with Iramcd covers, j A quantity of the choicest Paper Hangings and Pat terns for Fire Boards, ! Gothic Window Shades, Satin Damask Fringe, ! Galloons and other Trimmings for Curtains, &o. In addl’ion to the above, they arn constantly manu facturing all kinds of Furniture. Matrasses, Bedding, Cushions. &c. ail which they warrant for superiority. l adies and “entlemen who may favor them with a i call, will find if to their advantage. Orders will be punctually attended to. All kinds of repairing, Re-stuffing of Sufis,Tapering ! Rooms, Stc. will be executed at the shortest notice. ! March 16. 11 Cm NEW 003>S. .JOHNSON-, NUCKOLLS & BROTHERS HAVF, just received a fresh supply of Seasonable Goods, which in addition to their former stock S makes their assortment very extensive. They respci t- I fully invite their old friends and customers, and the pub lic getterallv, to call and examine for themselves, being j confident that they will he able to supply their wants upon as favorable terms as any of their neighbors.— ! Amongst their stock is ! Superfine blue, black, and steel mix’d Cloths, Cassi ! mere, Sa'tinelts, Flannels, Blankets,.Carpeting, brown i and bleach’d Sheetings and Shirtings, Ticking; Piai-ls;, | Stripes and Checks; French and English Merino, Cir ; cassian. Botnbazettc and Bombazine, Furniture Plaids, Furniture Dimity, Marseilles Quilts, Linen and Cotton ! Diapers; American, French and British Furniture and ; Fancy Prints; Printed Cambricks. &c. itc. SILK GOODS. I Plain and fig’d Satin, some very splendid patterns; a I ercat variety of plain and hg’d Silks; plain and fig’d i Challey;gemlemenand Ladies’Silk Hosiery andGloves; ! Chincii. Merino and Thibet Shawls; Challcy, Cornova j a nd Tripolinc do; Silk andCot’onHandk’s; Linen Cam brick do; l.adies’ Cravats and Hank’s; Veils, Work'd j Muslin Capes and Collars. READY’ made clothing. Gcn’lcmcn and Ladies’ Cloaks; Gentlemen’s Over : Coats; a good assortment of Cloth Frock and Dress tlo; ’ Sattinett do; Cloth, Cassimcrc, Satlinett and Kentucky Jeans Pants; Cloth and Cassitnerc Vests; plain and fig’d Silk Velvet do; flg’d Thibet tuid .Marseilles do; j Gentlemen and Ladies’ Lambs Wool, Worsted and I Cotton ftosiery. HATS AND CAPS. A good assortment of Fur and Silk Mats. Fur Caps, j Seal do, Boys’ Cloth and Fancy do; Men and Boys’ ! Wool Hats. SHOES AND BOOTS. A general assort’t of Ltulles and Gentlemen’s Shoes and Boots; Coarse Shoes; Boys, Misses and children’s j do. Crockery and Glass Ware, Hardware and Cutlery, i Collins’ Cast Steel Axe.s,'(warranted genuine.) Casting?, Iron and ‘**‘■■l, See. Re. Dee, s. 02 ft ■■ ■ • SMB** ‘ir'Tf* -■’- . wJ'j/PBe Mk ‘ iSf * COLUMBUS, <*EORGIJt>~THUr*#*W MOKJYUJYG, JUJVE 22, 1837 . ,7 p-lsiuji ‘ ‘.j NEW DRUG STORE. JOHN K. BACON AND COMPANY*, (OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA,) IVholemle and Retail Dealers in Medicines, Paints, Otis, Glassware, It mdote Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Fancy Soaps, &.c. OFFER FOR SALE, A LARGE and well selected stock, embracing every article in their line. From the experienc? uiey have had in the Drug business, (which has been v<r . v fF c . a h) they feel assured tiiat every one who visits their Store, will he pleased with their prices, as w “ the genumeness of their medicines: They have the sole agency for the following popular and justly celebrated Patent Medicines. Garlegant’s Balsam of Health, for Dyspepsia, &c- Improved Vegetable Kohb. for Syphillis, Gono/rhea c-c. Jewitt s Remedies, which cure diseases solely y external application. Pile Ointment, an excellent pre P" cd h >’ E - Prentiss. Beckwith's Anti-dyspcptic Pills. Hunterian Specific for ffvphyl hs Gonorrhea, &e. Female Cordial of Heailh for Ueucorrhoea. &c. a certain cure in almost every in- SHEI pr , < ‘. parc,l , ,' , “ New-York by E. Prentiss. Vegetable Life Pills, also his Phoenix Hitlers both remedies which need only to he taken to prove their Clfipnrv in a tuimko. /-s TOin remedies which need only to he taken to prove their efficacy in a number of diseases. Green's inUrilf.i -'i’ ltUrC Z Fever and Auf ’ Oonqucior, a justly | Fcvt and rcm '' dy - Sou'l'wn Tonic, fer Ague and They are sole agents for tile sale of Landreth’s harden Seed, warranted fresh. They also keep for sale all the other Patent Mcdi c,n3 which they warrrant genuine or no sale. 1 he following arc some of them, viz. vr . Panaeea. Swaim’s Panacea. Potter’s egetable Catholicon. Indian Specific. Peter’s , “ ra ' :dre, , ; s P' 11 ") purchased by a friend from B “? dre *'> l " n,sclr . All of Carpenter’s preparations; Barkley’s, Morrison’s, &c. &c. They keep constantly on hand a general assortment ol Brooms, Brushes. Crucibles, Inks, &c. Physicians, Merchants, and others would do well to call ami examine for themselves. now t* Cotembtnn Geo. on Broad street, next door below the Drug Store formerly owned bt! I’ ,!' f V q iart & ‘Y ara - ‘’: l,crc rvery article in then lint, of business may be obtained. go 6 m I A GREAT BARGAIN. IN consequence of the ill health of one of the con corn, the subscribers wish to bring their business n! l Snk , n. or ' r ,helr cn,irc slack of CLOTHING MiNri 18 ’^ 1 ! kJ?w ERES ’ vestings, TUIM MINGS aid FANCY GOODS, at cost ami charges. Also, the BRICK STORE now occupied bv them. It is among the best stands in the city, and has a good run of custom. Persons wishing to purchase will please call immediately. 6 1 N. B. All persons indebted to the concern, either by note or account, will please call and settle immediately. Feb. I. fi G.H.&C. A. PEaBODy/ GOODS IN HAJIKTo* CHEAP FOR WARDEN & WILLIAMS, would inform the M-M citizens of Harris county and the surrounding of Drv y r hat t lhey M VO ju ? l rwc ' vld a frcsh ttasortment ’ - v a,ul I‘ave determined from the present pressure of the money market, to sell their goodvan such terms ns the people may wish. Call at their new store on the north side of the square in Hamilton if you wish to buy cheap for cash. April 29, 1837. 18 3m CARRIAGE shop. OT’KEE & PRICKITT, N Z th J'LßUmit ißnjrfirar-’ iftfr’ pains lo iiavc them made to suit tni* country, and to insure Batu>factiou to pure lasers, they will war pairing done ig very nehurtyle by good Norlhem work men. Alscq ngoorl of Carriage all of which Ifc-y will sell low for cosh or apprgMH . ~Jr notice. To all who ’ pay , and no money to pay with. Ts OOK ovVAe’tn stock, select the remnanis and ■ A inisaledjKk*, as prudence dictates, and have them turned cash, which I can do little thn quickest, and handjou the cash in time to meet your notes. v 1 * As now is the time for goods lo be sold at auction to advantage, it will be well to call immediately, as la-ye quantities are constantly coming in. Sales day or night, according to the wishes of my employers. ... , „ Auction room directly ops *itc the Lottery and Ex change Office, on Bread street. 6 NORTON, Auct. Mareh 16. 11 SODA WATER, MEAD, AND ZCS CREAM. WE would beg leave to inform the public that we have commenced making the above, and will continue to do so during the season. It can be had every day from 10 A. M. to 9P. M. Out Soda Ma chine is new and first rate, our Creams made by one of the best workmen in the Union, and our Mead, that delightful summer beverage, cannot be surpassed by any of the Northern Cities. We solicit a share of patronage from the Latlies andGentlemen of Columbus. 1 b STARR & RUSE. N. B. Just received 5 boxes prime Pine Apple Cheese. S- & ll - June I. 22 3t VALUABLK MEDICINES. THE Subscriber has on hand, for sale cheap for cash, PETEK’S VEGETABLE ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The above pills are highly beneficial in the preven tion and cure ot Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver-complaints, Sics Head-acho, Jaun dice, and numerous other complaints. DR. ELMORE’S AIKTI-DYSfEPTIC PILLS. . /kffkl k CERTIFICATES can be procured, proving the benefi cial effect the above Pills have had on all who have taken them. _ , , The above Pills may be obtained at the Columbus Auction Room. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, Agent for the Proprietors. June 1. 22 BEWARE ok COUNTERFEITS. WITHSTANDING Doct. Brandreth has spared no j*ains or expense to notify the public that no Druggist or person in any wise connected with Medicine shall under any circumstances sell his pills, vet it is a fact that almost all Druggists where the pills have been introduced, arc trying to sell tin: counterfeits, when they wrap all the boxes in the directions noon which is printed in large letters, No Drug Store has the genuine Medicine for Sale. What a presumption upon the good sense of the community, thus plainly to contradict themselves and condemn tneir medicine. I have Doct. Brandreth’s certificate of Agency for the exclusive sale of these pills in Gco-gia, Alabama and Florida, and every agent whom I appoint will have one of these cirtificates, signed and sealed by Brand retli ami countersigned by me, in our own hand writing. “ And he that cnlcrcth not in by the door into the” agency, but climcth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” Doct. Brandreth has adopted this method in order to secure the public against the numerous impositions practised upon them. The purchaser should be careful to enquire of the seller to see his certificate of agency, and notice partic ularly whether it is sittned by Brandreth and counter signed by me ; if he has not tins certificate, mark him as an imposter, and have no more fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. N. B. The sale ofthe genuine pills in Columbus, will be confined to my store alone, on the west side of Broad Street, a doors above the Columbus Hotel, and nearly opposite J. C. Mangham’s Tavern. The following persons have been appointed agents by me. and received their certificates of agency: ‘Samuel M. Thompson, of Aueusta, agentfor Rich mond county; James Thomas, Esq Sparta, Hancock county; i'itts & Finley. Palmyra, Newton county; Thomas B. Stubbs, Milledgcvillc. Baldwin county ; Wooten & Cooper, Whitcsvillc. Whitesville and vicin ity ; Johnson Feast of Heard county, agent for Heard, ■from), Coweta. Carroll, Fayette. Henry, YValton, Gwinnett DclCalb, Campbell and Clark counties. JOHN B. PEABODY. May 30,1837, J 2 *J_ 1 200 LBS. Tartaric Acid, 150 do. Sub Cor bon ate of Soda, 12 boxes Sperm Candles. I? eceived -n Consignment and for sale bv ’ P. MU2DZIELBKT. fi-oor! ft, *ppo*itc the Bank of Columbus. May 11. NOT THE GLORY OP C,EBAR,-~Bl'T THE WELFARE OF ROME. 1 “ -W } ! REMOVAL. HAMILTON, HURD & CO. HAVE removed to their new store, next door above Mr. Kivlin’s (Sans Sottci) where in addi tion to their former atock, they are now receiving al most daily fresh supplies from their manufactory in New x ork. AH who are in want of Frock Coats, dress and business do.. Surtouts Camblet Wrappers, Flushing Over Coats, ’ Blanket do., ribb’d and plain Cassimere Pants, Satinett do., Cloth d0.,10f all colors, Silk, Cotton and Merino nett Drawers and Shirts, Linen, Cotton and Gingham do. Bosoms, Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, silk, woollen and cottoa Hosiery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, or any thing in the READY MADE CLOTHING line, wltt dq well to call on us, as we still continue to Sell at the same thcap rate as heretofore. We have also a splendid assortment of Cloths, Cas simeres and Vestings of the most desirable and fash ionable colors, which wc are now prepared to manufac ture, in the most modern style. Jan. 5. 4 { v M’lntosh Rowg LOCATED IN THE MOST BUSINESS PART OF COLUMBUS. *■*•* wt LULiejUmjSa IWILL have to rent in a few weeks several Stores on the ground floor, and ten or twenty Room, on the second story,for Grocery,Dry Goods or Druggists. The above stand will surpass any in tho City. The Rooms on the second story will be rented to Lawyers or Doctors for Offices, or to Single Gentlemen for Sleeping Rooms. 1 he first applicants for the above Rooms will have i the preference. As many will be in want of Si ores in the above Row, a speedy call may insure success. For terms, or a view of the plan of the above Row please call at my ’ e. Sigourney Norton. June 10. 24 Spring and Sumntcr Clothing. vt a part as follows: 8 Cashmirette Frock and Dress Coats, Drap de Ete do do do Bombazine do do do Palmetto Cloth do do Grass and White Linen do do Round Jackets of all descriptions, Silk, Satin and Marseilles Vests, * Bombazine do Plain, Striped and Plaid L.inen Pants, Do Cashmarettc and Drap de Etc, Bombazine do do Ruffle and Plain Linen Shirts, Cotton with Linen Bosoms, Ruffle and Plain Linen Bosoms, Silk Shirts and Drawers. A general Assorment of Stocks, Collar*, Hosiery, Pumps, Boots, &c. Traveling Trunks, a superior article, Russian Money and Pistol Belts, Extra Fur and’Silk Hats. Also, a General Assortment of PIECE GOODS, of the latest style, which will be made up to order, m ih&tnost approved manner. June 15. 24 ts r — u P. 3MXSDEIS&B2CX inform his friends and the public gene fl rally that lie has just retained fVom Now Yorl* with a Choice and fashionable s enaction of WATCHESy JEjyEJLJU’ — —'Watches. Gold Independent seconds, md two setts of hands extra jewelled, and fi .ished in the Wst aianher, (anew article.) Gold and silver patent-Revs.fa, full jewelled and plain of Tobias, Beesly's and othefs best Matiu {keturerer Gold Duplex,.AncVor Hwpjpement. Ladies ffJ’fculfiwriMj Isy litti plalrfsilyerWatchcs. E ,VR-Rl'>iqjg*rf.a-,^ w .. 1 [’ ‘‘tJ'lain ffdkl wj|h t* left vasBClS, enamelled with and without swings, coral, gold stone with fillagree,cornelian,acquemartnc, agate, onyx,jas per, jet, and every other kind manufactured. FINGER RINGS. ■ Diamond, acqua marino, enamelled, emerald, ruby, garnet, gold stone, blood Atone, topaz, amcthist, agate, tortois, pearl, and jtit chased motu and {flam. breastpins. Diamond, diamond and pi ail, Pearl and saphtr, pearl and emerald, ruby, aequa-mafine, emerald, cameo, miniature, coral, agate, cornelian, topaz, jet ajid plaui B °Ladios neck clioins gold and silver, gold,watch hooks, gold and silver bookies, gold and silver thimbles silver combs, gentlemen’s gold and silver guards, gold and silver fob chains, seals and kevs ot every description, gold and silver pencil cases, gold and silver tooth picks, gold and silver spectacles, quizzing glasses, gold snaps, enamelled, fillagrec and p'ain shirt buttons. Beautiful gilt head bands and combs, also artificial flowers for head dresses and bonnets. Splendid Ost rich plumes of assorted colours. Music boxes playing from two to eight tunes. Coral necklaces and armlets, also ail assortment of coral beads. Miniature frames and cases; Castors; silver and plated Spoons; stiver butter Knives; silver sugar Tongs; pen and dirk Knives ; belt, pocket, duelling and rlllle Pistols ; per cusskin Caps, Accordions. Ladies and Gentlemen’s dressing cases; bead, silk and other Purses ; a full as sortment of perfumery, nnd every other article coming under the head of Jewelry and fancy Goods. N. B. All kinds of Jewelry and Silver Ware neatly repaired. Nov. 10. 57 “ COLUMBUS CLOTHING STORE. e. H. t O. A. PEABODT, MERCHANT TAILORS, ARE NOW JUS! RECEIVING THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which arc the following articles : a splendid Stockol CLOTHS; blue,black,Dahlia, London brown, invisible, and bottle greens, Oxford and steel mixed CASSIMEIIES, Plain, blue, black, and drab, fawn colored, checked and n’inld and a splendid stock of TEXAS CORD, anew article fur Pants. Also. RA I TEENS for Over Coats, and every variety of Tailor's Trimmings. The above goods will be manufactured to order on the shortest notice. Having an experienced and fashion abb’ Cutter, and first rate workmen, we fee! confident that we can give entire satisfaction to those who may favor us with a call. AT,SO, —Just receiving a splendid lot of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Consisting in part of the following articles : DRESS COATS of every color and style of goods; t KULI\ b of every description and price ; and more than a thou sand pail af PANTS, embracing very variety o style aid - trice. Also alarge stock of VESTS, from 75c t fla. Also, Cloth, Petersham, Lion skin, and Satiinctt Over Coats; Camblct Wrappers, plain and trimmed with Fur, some very splendid. Fine Cloth Cloaks. Sattinett and Cloth round Jack ets, some splendid ruffle Shirts, plain Linen do., Cotton do., with linen collars and bosoms, fine ruffled bosom*;, plain do., silk, cotton, and woollen under-shirt*,do. do. do. do. drawers, all qualities and varieties of Suspen ders; silk, cotton and woollen Socks, do. do. do. Gloves; a fine lot of Stocks, of all descriptions, do. do. pocket Handkerchiefs; black satin bosoms, &c. &c. HATS AND CAPS. Fine Satin, Beaver and Fur HATS, some very splendid Fur CAPS, from S3 to $25, and all qualities of Cloth do. CUTLERY. Extra fine Pen Knives, Dirk do., Bowie do, and a fine lot of Pistols of all sizes and qualities. Also, a good stock of JEWELRY. BOOTS AND SHOES. Extra fine Calf Boots, do. water proof, do. Gentle men’s fine Morocco and Prunella Pumps ; a large lot of iron framed Leather TRUNKS; Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. UMBRELLAS. Superfine Silk. do. Gingham, (black and green,) common cottons do.&c. some silk with colored breadths, anew style. Columbus, Oct. 0. 54 ts GABRIEL 2KAYERSOHN, FROM PARIS, dentist and jeweller, RESPECTFULLY offers his services to the citi zens of Columbus. He manufactures and re pairs all sorts of Jewelry, and sets teeth viih wire of his own make which he warrants to be of pure gold or silver. He has served in one of the best houses in Pari':, in both of* the above branches. He maybe found in the last office of the Columbus Hotel, ! doer above the Sentinel Printing Office. Jun- 15. 2i WARD HOUSE m - & T Commission Business. HE undersigned takes leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he continues the Ware House and Commission Business at the old stand of \onge & Cobb, in Front street. He has a spacious close Store and Cellar for the storage of Goods, and enlarged his Cotton Sheds considerably, so as to keep in perfect order whatever Cotton may be stored with him. He is prepared to make advances on cotton and other goods in store. He feels very grateful tor the very liberal patronage bestowed upon die late firm of “i ongc & Cobb, and flatters himself with a con tinuance of the same. He has in store for sale, on ac commodating terms, a very superior lot of Joys Dun dee Bagging, Leftwitch best Chewing Tobacco,Flour, and several other articles. WM. P. YONGE. __ Oct. 20. 55 ts 2VJ3W FIRM. OT. J>. ROBISON, H. r. WILLIAMS. AND PHILIP W. HOLCOMB. HAVING associated themselves in the DRY GOOD AND GROCERY BUSINESS under the name and style of Romsojr, Williams & Cos. have purchased an entire now stock of ST A Pl,].’ DRY GOODS AND GROCF.RIES, and are now recoivmg a large quantity of FRESH SPRING GOODS, would respectfully solicit their friends and acquaintances to give them a call, as they are prepared toscll the following articles at wholesale or retail -10 pines Holland Gin, 10 do superior Champaign Brandy, Bdo 4th proof Cognac do 3 do American do 100 bbls. New England Rum, 150 do Rvo Gin, 30 do Madeira Wine, 20 do Malmsey do 10 do Rose Cordial, 10 do Mint do *. do Cinnamon do 50 baekets Champaign Wine, key brand. Also, a full supply of Coffee, Sugar, Pepper, Spice, Coperas, Allum, Indigo, White Lead, Madder, &c. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above articles will do well to call and examine the quality and prices for themselves. ROBISON, WILLIAMS & CO. March 30. 13 ,f NOURSE AND BROOKS, HAVE ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AT APALACHICO LA, FOB THE TRANSACTION OF A QBWaRAL AGENCY jgj jjga T COMMISSION BUSINESS. HEY beg leave to acquaint their friends and the public generally, that they will continue the busi ness of the late firm of Noukse, Tavlob & Bhooks, at their old stand, and thankful for the liberal liaironage extended to that firm, would respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same, assuring their Fiends that the business of the new firm will be conducted wilh the same promptitude and security which characterized their former connexion. HIRAM NOUItSE, . , ~ HIRAM W. BROOKS. Apalachicola, July I. 43 ts C. W. .BiipKJ Jft.'puintc in general, to cSTTon thorn. They have on hand, a general assortment of GROCERIES,. Low for Cash, or approved Paper. Among their Stock, arc the following articles, viz.: Java, Rio and Mocha Coffee, St. Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans Sugars, Loaf and Lump do. * Brandy, Holland and Country Gin, Jamaica and Northern Rjißi. Western and Northern WMBy, Madeira Sicil /, Madoc, aiflmalaga VV rncs, Mint and Rose Cordials, Lemon Syrup. —Soap, Sperm and Tallow Candle*, Window Glass, Putty, White Lead, Linseed. Lamp and Train Oil, Nails, Sweedcs Iron, Cast, German, Blister and Sheet SeeJ Bagging, Rope, Salt, &c. Dec. 29. 64 OUYABD 6c JORDAN, FORMERLY GEORGE W. DILLINGHAM, INVITE their customers and the ancient friends of this establishment, to call and examine their ASSORTMENT of GOODS, which by late im portation has been made inferior to none in tms city, Consisting of DRY GOODS and GROCKRIES, IRON* HARDWARE and CCTI.KRY, CROCKERY and GLASS, SADDJLERt, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Cl *o THING, MEDICINES, BOOKS, M l l.l. IRONS, &.r SCP The highest price given for CO X I ON and HIDES. „ , r February 10th. * 1 - COLUMHUS COTTON FACTORY. THE owners of tho Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment ol l ARNS which may be had at all times at the most reduced prices. ... Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. ... ii A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory, for which the most liberal prices will be given by the week or month. Apply to STEWART & FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES & Cos. Columbus, Feb. 8. G ts 3. T. S. COLLINS U CO. Tin, Copper, and Slieel Iron MANUFACTURERS, CORNF-It OF FRONT AND CRAWFORD STREETS. Just below thp Poplar Tree. WHERE will be sold, wholesale and retail, all ar ticles in the above branches--Houses covered with either Copper or Tin. Valleys and hanging Gutters, Leaders, Heads, &c. made and put on m the best workman-like order. COOKING SI OV ES, of tin or iron, of any sire lo suit purchasers, and inferi or to none that are in use. Engine and Steamboat work done with neatness and despatch. N B All articles of their workmanship warranted good, or no charge. Country merchants will find it lo Sicir advantage to call and examine their stock, as they will sell on as liberal terms as any persons in the State. Sept. 15. G 1 ts COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERY WARE-HOUSE, At the Sign of the Golden Saddle, a few doors be low D. Hungcrford & Go’s, and nearly opposite Urquhart & M are. VV. WADE AND CO. v’' —Have now on hand, a complete as sort im-m of articles appertaining to w Mft\mii\ißul their line of business: JhAPPIeH —AMONG WHICH ARE — / lllf Spanish, Q,uiUed, Overlaid, and Shaf -siJ| ted Saddles, Plain, Boys, Race, Attakapas, and /S Planters do. Large and Extra Large do. Ladies Saddles, of every quality and style IIUIDLES, OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty cents; Saddle Bags; Carpet Rags; Valices; Stirrup Leathers; Sircingles and Girths. HARNESS —Coach. Gig, and Dearborn, from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip. tion. „ , . . The above articles are of their own manufacture made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on I hand, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND xMARTINGALES. Coach, Gig, Tandem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; Stirrups, Bits, Spurs, Buckles, Hamer* Col lars, Cut Tacks, Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes, and Currv Combs, Trace and Halter Chains. AllsO—A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; Plated, Brass and Japan’d do. ALSO —A good assortment of Skirting, Harnes 4 and Bridle Leather; Black, bhio, red, yellow, green and cochineal Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Beai Skins. S.B. Traders who may buy to sell again, will b* furnished on as good terms as can be bought eiher ii New York or Newark. Country merchants are re ipectfully invited to call and examine our goods an* prices and satisfv themselves. fCP REPAIRING done on the rcaadnabl* terms. April CD, tS36. 51 ’I Dotedical school or flora. K. THOMAS, grateful for tho confidence and very liberal patronage hitherto extended to him respectfully begs leave to wsnre f,i s fnends and the puolic, that he wd devote his most assiduous attention 10 f c . dunes of lus profession, and will attend to all cal s that lie in his power, within twenty miles of Columbus. He may at all times bo (bund, if not ne "nn’ THn'K*!! 9 nHlce “"Oglethorpe street. Uli 1 HOMAS has just received, ami is now open tng a large and full assortment o(simple and compound wer"""’ A part of which are as follows: ANTI-DYSPEPTIC BITTERS .Jg. 6. or HOT DROPS. ARROMATIC BIT- E THENING SYRUP. STI MULATING .LINEMENT. VPiGETABI F IT Pownri?<? M x^Prv- ITION or MAPHOREt: IJ,T/H'DERS. WINE BITTERS. COUGH SYRUI . DYSENTERY CORDIAL. Also a lar.ees,,p,,ly,„r the i’est MF.DICINAI. BARKS Ic()OT.S and Hb.Rßb, collected bv tho SHAKERS ntraS? r , cpar ,';l !lnd compotinded (according to the DURHAM or DUTCH ami INDIAN systems) for the cure of all LINGERING and CHRONIC diseases. p r r^a Oß m? COMPOUND ANTI-BILIOUS ‘ v “. ,ch , or prepared so as to act upon the trtomach. Bowels, Lt fer Kidneys and Skin. They may lie used as an Kinetic or a Cathartic, or they may be given so as to act as an Emetic, Cathartic, Sudori fic and Diuretic, ami in a few hours the operation is over ami the patient restored to health, i have re oeyed many persons who were violently attacked with Hiltons P ever with one dose of these pills; thev will remove the obstructions from the Liver and Biliary “acts, and carry off all the offensive Morbific Matter. 1 hey are decidedly the best cathartic medicine that I have ever used. They will be found. I will not say. a remedy for all diseases, but they will be. found to alleviate tlie most inveterate, to cure the most doubtful and dan gerous, to injure none. They may bo safelv used in all cases anti under all circumstances, when an Emetic -.atnartic. Sudorific, or Diuretic, becomes necessary. Also. I- lora'sl Tonic Pills, which will be found an in falhb'e remedy for Ague anti Fever. hefugkfor syphjmtka. I Ins Compound will be found, to be a safe, speedy and certain remedy for all sorts and stages of Syphilitic or \ cnercal diseases. It will not fail in any case when directions aro followed. All of the above medicines are neatly put up with Labels, and all necessary direc tions for using them, and will be sold low by the whole sale or retail. N. B. All persons afflicted with linscrine or chrome diseases who desiro the benefit to be derived trom the best vegetable medicines, and cannot, eonve nientlv apply in person, will please send the symptoms ot their disease in writing by mail or otherwise, inclo stng So, current money, and they will receive by the same conveyance, medicines to suit their case. r -~i'’ All letters directed to Dr. Thomaß, must, to receive attention, be past paid. May 18. 20 eowly. V ALT7ABLE ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. THE following described lots of Land will be sold at private sale, On application to the subscribers or to \Y m. B. Jones at Irwinton, Alabama. Persons wishing a good and permanent cotton Plantation would do well to examine them, as they are acknowledged to be the very best lands for cotton growing in the whole Creek purchase. Section 26 14 26 E half NEqr 9 12 27 Section 27 14 26 N W quarter 10 12 27 Section 28 14 26 W halfS W'm Section half Sff qr 12 12 26 ‘Section 19 14 28 E half 8 12 29 W half 35 12 29 W half 11 12 28 W half 19 14 SO N W quarter 22 IS 26 E half 35 14 28 VV halfS W qr, 10 13'2S W half 8 14 27 ,E half 9 13 25 N W quarter JUdOßifcluartqr . 7 1127 S half r “* 8 1127 NE 1 11 11 27 * *fls^BßWp|Qh V w tr*2i. 12 IT, EhalfSEqjwllHßßWMtJufrtEqr 26 12 26 SWli E 4 SE i 3TBBr& E i N E J 32 12 26 E half NEqr 312 27 NWJNIVJ 32 12 26 Section 2 12 27 SE 1 & E $ S E J 31 12 26 N half 1 IS 27 E halfS E qr 30 12 26 W halfS Wqr&E W halfS Wqr 12 12 26 halfS E qr 1 12 27 Section 1112 26 S E quarter 8 12 27 Section 20 12 26 J. R. JONES, E. CARY. THO*. HONEY. Oct. 20. 55 , t* TO THE CITIZENS OE THE STATE OE GEORGIA. THE LANGUAGE OF TRUTH IS SIMPLE. THS BRANDRETH PILLS. ON the 18th of May, 1835, these now truly cele brated Fills were first made known in the United States, although In Europe they had been previously before the public nearly a century. The American public naturally viewed them with suspicion, hut, as on trial they were found what they professed, it was soon displaced by the greatest confidence. They have se cured this character, too, under very adverse circum- stances; having to contend with the base slanders pro mulgated by those interested in keeping mankind in a state of error as regards the functions of their bodies. Dr. Brandreth would here impress on his friends, and the public generally, that however different may be the action of the Pills at different times, such different ac tion arises, not from any alteration in the pills, but from •he state of the body. They should always be perse vered in until the action is uniform ; for they arc an effi cient assistant of nature, having the same kind of action on the human body that storms and hurricanes have upon the air, or that the tides have upon the ocean, they purify. What so judicious as the copying of nature ? We sij i when she wishes to become purified that she puts her self in commotion, which has the purifying effect. And o we, to induce purity in our bodies, bring about u B atural commotion by artificial means; and experience has taught those who have adopted this course, and who for this purpose have used these pills, that they were in the right, because the result has been sound health—or, in othei words, every organ has become re stored to a state of purity consistent with its functions; and although there are many whose bodies arc in such a state or debility and suffering that all which c an rea sonably be expected is temporary relief, yet, neverthe less, many persons who have commenced with them under the most trying circumstances ofbodily affliction, when every other means and medicine had proved alto gether unavailing, have been restored to health and happiness from their use—and the consequent© Is. they are now recommended bv thousands of persons whom they have cured of Consumption, Influenza, Colds, In digestion, Dyspepsia, Head-ache, Pains, and asensc of Fulness inth*’ back part of the Head, usually the sytrip* tomps of Apoplexy, Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Bili ous, Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow and common Fevers of all kinds ; Asthma, Gout, Rheumatism, Nervous Dis eases, Liver Complaint, Pleurisy, Inward Weakness, Depression of the Spirits, Ruptures. Inflammations, Sore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Dropsy, .Small Pox, Measles, Croup, Coughs, Whooping Cough, Qninsey, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Gravel, Worms, Dysentery. Deaf ness, Ringing Noises in the Head, King’s Evil. Scro fula, Erysipelas or St. Anthony’s Fire, Salt Rheum, White Swellings, Ulcer:', some of thirty years stand ing, Cancers, Tumours, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles, Costiveness, all Eruptions of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, Female Complaints of every kind especially Obstructions Relaxations. &c. Below are published sonic cures in various diseases which the Brandreth Pills have effected. It will be observed that the testimonials are of recent date, and the persons referred to highly respectable. The thou sands who use and tecomrnena these pills, is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial effects. These references are given the public in hope that some portion may see their own case, and be induced to make use of the medicine, and there is no doubt but that 2 good result will be experienced. These testimonials prove that some have used them to advantage ;but re memberer. Brandreth has received, in less than twelve month*, 8,900 such testimonials. In fact, all who wish to use them have only occasion to inquire of every fourth man they meet, as it has been ascertained that every fourth man in the city of New ork, has Taken this life-restoring remedy. ADVERTISEMENT. ASTHMA CURED BY BRANDRETIPS PILLS. The following extraordinary case of Asthma, which is authenticated by seventeen respectable and well mown inhabitants of Greenwich, Conn., deserve by all versons a careful perusal. The rm t prejudiced must >wn that evidence is on the side of these pills, which by he cures they are daily malting, show there is no neces ity for any other medicine. •v “—j -—• “ This is to certify that Thomas S. Brown, of Green •vich,(Conn.) was taken with a cold, numb feeling, on he 13th of June last. He began to cough and raiv.t nhlegm, and in the course of 24 hours about two quart: ■ff thick white. jelly was expectorated. phy*:- r'nn • in • ‘! Greenwich, and procouitcca serihin r JT S hnnii< * spasmodick Asthma, and after pre scribing for some time to no effect, the three consulted °w,m!d’ ‘'nally declared they could do him no good ! and m V s rrsuit ,n consumption and death would ensue, and that in a very short time The was excessive m all parts of his body, and the'dilfieuPv He was"^l Wa d S<,Ch ** ‘° almos ’ <;,uso s>rangidatio!o He was reduced to a mere skeleton, and finely rare nearly Z t™"’ SE early two months, he saw an advertisement of I7r Snt n by r h aDt V j eg W l>|P; Pills - onrl immediately snt uj leapt J. Warring, of Greenwich f or „ h ov - n fl found relief the course of a few davs ’ which c” r r r: e' m to P er f vere, and now, having taken them for about four months, according to the dirretionsk entirely recovered-and. so fnr'as we can Tudge w r e C T Se ' iUe a“ ‘*'*** “ above pffiftifch invaluable “ ed “ ° Ur famili ’ s * and bare found them James R. Mess, James Mere. ! )am, t ' S r , K "". Hannah Hid, cock, at , Re - vllo| ds, James Moad. Abel Palmer, Thomas Bertram ?t V 'n S a mcr ’ Isaac, John R Palmer, p. v. T. Henry Bewsley, Stephen Warm” Samuel Jessup, Augustus Lvci, John Limprv, * I Greemvick, 23d Pel,. 1836. Certificate of Joseph Gouldcn, who has to vn il,„ above Pills forty vears 1 hereby certify that I have known Brandreth’s Ve getab.c L nivcrsal Pills for upwards of forty yea,-. “1 my family connexions, m the county of Dorset England, since 1756, many of whom the'v cured of old standing complaints. 4 „ , JOSEPH GOULDEN. Briugeport, 18th Feb. 1836. FEVER AND AGUE.—Mr. G. MILLER of whh FTver ,n ,nd" P A ‘ mb ° r | aS ’ WM - drc dfl,lly afflicted with I*ever and Ague; the attack generally came on hiffl?d7-m ? ,bo, ! t 12 o’clock ; the disease had de- II.CI A ins ", ch a manner that his recovery waa doubtful. A. gcntleDian-whohari-rested the jfoodnrSs'jf Brandreth’s Pill., his own family, persuaded him so “ try the medicine. After the first box the fever wns P cr i ctl y curcd * “ nd by continuing taking the medicine heahh^vas'restored! ** V^t BENJ. WEEKS, of Westchester was violently ailhcted with Dyspepsia. He could not take any food without ‘he most unpleasant sensations in his Vhet head and bowels. His chest was so sore that th!i slightest pressure gave him pain; his life was most miserabie % Numerous were the medicines u--. and and the skill o. the first physicians tried in vain. As i last resource he took Brandretl,’., Universal sanding months they effected a perfect cure. ° . inflammatory RHEUMATISM PTT US’ AND COSTIVENESS CUREdImt AnS corner of Spring and Elizabeth streets, New York for eKoee/'efT enffered excruciating torments from the abot e complaint. Advice and medicine were had from pbysmians, but nothing gave him any perma nent relief, and he expected to drag out a miserable ex mtence o the end of his days. When, however, lirandreth s Pills were mentioned to him, and the cures they were known to have performed, new hope lighted up within him. and he having persevered in their use for upwards ot six months, is now entirely recovered, and in the enjoyment of health. The greatest part of the rA *■ J givoicßi pun oi mo fiitecn years he was obliged to go on crutches, nmi for two years previous m yntnmri ‘ 1 •^••'~***** fi *** ! Ab i'i"vc ratten them in consequence, and have derived equal benefit from them, Dr. Brand rcth has upwards of eight hinJrnd such references as the above, all gained in consequence of the good done by liis medicine. COSTIVENESS, ER OPTIONS, ‘OF THE SKIN, AND PILES CURED.—Captain Erastus Fish, of New London, Conn., has beeij| laboring un der the above complaints upwarffs of six years, and las been so dad a§ to reduce him to skin and Bone. ’the Tiip?o?.ij-. has just returned, being dfebgednp leaveevery thing lo his mate, sometimes for days together.’ Having seen numerous persons wfio have received? bene-fit from Brandreth’s Pijls, hj| comrtituccd with them six mittrtfts back. For some time previous he only wcigheckttti lbs., and now, 10th March, his weight is anoso much altered in- other respects for the b’etter that his friends hardly him. Altough perfectly cured, he occasionally takes the pills, and is determined on no con sideration to be without them for the future. He strong ly recommends them to all, and especially to sea-faring men. and all those who go on long voyages, ns the best medicine they can use. His general dose was two to twelve pills at a time, he having aiwavs remembered that* t was the purging which was to cure. ERASTUS FISH. COSTIVENESS CURED.—Newburgh, N. V. 4th Nov. 1835—Dr. Brandrtlh, Sir: I was induced some, time since, by the persuasion of a friend, to try a box of yoUr pills. From the immediate reuef and hap py result I have received from the same„l cannot but recommend them to my friends, and particularly to al invalids who may be afflicted with costiveness, not to despair until they have given your vegetable medicine a trial. Hoping you may be the means of malting us porr creatures -happy, and add to your popularity and wealth, I remain your friend, J. W. SWIFT. You may refer, or make what use you please of ihia letter. J. W. S. ASTI&IA CURED.—Mr. John Bnsist. of No. G 9, Chapel street. New York, was afflicted with a dreadful Asthma for nine voars, during which time he was unable to lie clown in bed, and frequently was gasp ing for breath, expecting every coming hour would be his last. He applied to several of the first physicians n New York, none of whom gave him the least relief. At last. Brandreth’s Universal were strongly recom mended, and in the course, of a short time’lie found great benefit, and by continuing the pills he is now quite well, and te attend to his business;;indeed he is perfectly restored to health, DYSPEPSIA CURED.—Newburh, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1836 —Dr. Brandreth, Sir: The many flattering notices you have received from rwpectable individuals of the success of your Vegetable Universal Pills, ren der itunnecessary for me individually to eulogize, or those who are ignorant of the specific to censure. Having had occular demonstration as well as bodily, I cannot refrain from expressing and publicly acknowledging the signal result and final cure of that dreadful disease known as Dyspepsia; hoping such persons, as may be afflicted with the above disease, this notice may influ ence to make the experiment. You are at liberty to refer them to me voluntarily on my part. I rrmain veur friend, JOHN A. STEVENS. RHEUMATISM. —A gentleman who had lost the use of his limbs with inflammatory rheumatism, and was so miserably afflicted that he could not turn in bed ■ without assistance —the pains were violent in all parts <t* his body,but especially in his breast,back, arms and feet, This person took no other medicine than Brandreth’s pills. For two weeks he took 12 pills per day. and ‘'fieri as many as 20, and in three weeks he was able to get out; and now, having persevered with them so as ti> produce copious evacuations every day, is at this time perfectly cured.—lt is not two months since he wav first taken ill. Now, Dr. Brandreth would ask. word this have been the case with your bled man? with tho man to whom mercury had been administered I No I ho would have been in bed months, and his convalescence would have been tedious. The above gentleman is highly respectable, and can be referred to. i DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING C L'RED Danbury, Conn.. March 8, 1836—Dr. Brandreth. Sir : Will you be good enough to send us some more of your Vegetable Universal Pills. There are many person ■ here taking them for every complaint, and ail find relief. 1 l can say they are the best medicine I ever took, and l have tried almost every tiling, but found no relief until I took your pills. My difficulty of breathing is greatly relieved, and I am getting well. Many are taking them here for the same complaint, and find them very ood. Yours respectfully, ELIZA MORRIS. PILES CURED.—Messrs.C , oghershal!& Walters of New Bedford, have forwarded me the following facts of that most painful and unpleasant disease, the Piles. The original letter can be seen at 187 Hudson street: “ Mr. McFarlane, of New Bedford, has been laboring under that most dreadful disease, tbe Piles.— He has had them upwards of two years—has tried vari ous things from different doctors to no * fleet; Brardreth’s Vegetable Universal Pills were had recourse to. and a complete cure is effected—he is now quite well.” These valuable and excellent Pills, about which ‘here can be no mistake, are for sale at the Store of’ JOHN B. PEABODY, Broad street,Columbus,neaHy oppo site J. C. Mangham’s Hotel at 50 cts. p°r Box. N.B. Pctsonc from any part cf the State wishing a quantity of them to sell ar.ain,wil! be supplied, n f a ‘ibera! discount, by John B. PitabodV, who is Dr. Brandreth’s agent he State of Georgia. Oct. M fin BASt'OMB TOBACCO* n FEW bcxec just received, manufactured *v “Lef.wieh.P Abo. Konev dew, and cheaper qualities, f^r; ale bv GUYARD * r { JDFDA- • !?. * 3 [No. 93