Newspaper Page Text
D. R. *f#£€MAN. Editor and Proprietor.
Laws 1-elating to Newspaper Subscrip
tions and Arrearages.
1. S 'meritcm who do not give a rents notice to
iir contrary, are considered risking to con
>r their subscription.
, a--- s oraer the (~-r.nLinuance tj
ih dr per. 'rids,, the publishers may conti tue
to s- ad in until all am urages are paid.
V ‘ neglect or refuse, to ta n e their
'i- ’bee ,<t the office to which they aredi
-11 ' “ *.' a■ e held respon ‘tue until they have
Leu or Its and ordered (hem discontin
//' suhseril rs move to other places without
notify mg publishers, and the papers are sent
to htc former direction, they are held responsi
*• 'die-C arm have decided that “infusing to
l-tn'i: per in ■'■up; from ike office, or removing
r ■d' c/ mem uncalled for, is prima facie
e-:Hence of intentional fraud."
*1 ng person who receives a. newspaper and
, * • use, if and whether he has ordered it or
imt, is h i 1 iii i up to he a subscriber.
i. Ij suhsc ■■' / a,, m mce, they are bound
V, f/tv notrr, to the public her, at the end of
1 <■ r tune, if they a.) not. wish to continue tah
my it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to
and on, and th mb ■■•noers will be respon
v, until an express notice, with payment of
, arrearages, is sent to the publisher.
Saturday, January 6, 18/7.
fruled llldary of the Cm
hit jit, w 1 'h 1, f 'df desert
-era! J)nihiltigs and- all the
■ 'cr.-mt Ech hided in them. —
I’d ' McCabe, author of
( wav ' History of the United
'I ■. End) dished with over 300
rug ravings of buildings any scene’s
e Great Exhibit ion.
There is a univeisal demand fora
'M-U which shall embody a complete and
tally written account of the great
i "ntennial ' .xhibition, sketching its
derful and varied features, and pro*
; out a dry list of the artie*
• bifed, hut a brilliant andgraph
• ’:’ ! i mof !ie most magnificent
ty oh!., results of human skill and
’ey ever gathered together. Such
■ v. t IHo National, Publishing (Jo.,
tppli>"! in this superb volume.—
n (he pen of the well’known
>v, daiiic.j I). McCabe, of PhiladeD
3 b ok is a complete and vivid de>
ion of la 3 great Exhibition. The
nr his written from his own person
knowledge, having gone through ev.->
; ul of the great World’s Fair note
: ia hand, recording the vast and
i information contained in this
he has reoieved the constant
. sympv.hetio assistance of the Cen
nn'a, a '.thorities, and has enjoyed pe
f r advantages in its preparation
i author takes us through the ExhU
ni ion grounds, and makes us familiar ■
with every object of interest in them. !
Wo are then taken into the Main build
ing and arc earn and successively through ;
every building, largo rod small, in the j
grvuuas. We are tuM the story of the |
ccnsti ueTon aud arrangement of each of
tn. so edifices, and no rare, beautiful !
and ndeiful coLucuonf*, which they
coniiJutiil re graphically described.
V‘ • work L invaluable to all classes
if ;• people. To those who have vis*.
1 tl e Exhibition it will be a j
• uveuir of their visit, an ! will enable
them to recall the magnificent seen s
they have witnessed. To those who
Id not make the journey, the hook is
.1 nee --sity, for it will cnab! .• them 10
tnj ; tb.e delights of a thorough uc
(inai <anco with the World's Fir in the
aietude if their homes.
There is not another book in print
hich gives ouc'fourth of the informa
m contained . Pthis work. It is com
pri-N is. c i large and handsome octa*
- vohi ne ..j .ii pages, and is superb-
I i'ius‘r ed. The j book is sold by
•übscriptbn only, and agents wanted in
v county. Published by the Na\
hing Co.,‘Philadelphia.
- - —-
* while there is life ; the
' 11. McLean’s Strength*
k Flood Purifier ; it will
,T et i'so bedy, strength and
■ > 'lO muscles and nerves,puri
•od. J)r. J. 11. McLean,
• out, St. Louis.
•' • 7 For Scrofula, and all
~f ; scrofulous diseases, Ervsi
hd pelas, Rose, or St. Antho
i ny;s Fire, Eruptions and
Eruptive diseases of the
y skin, Ulcerations of the
I Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,
Lungs, Pimples, Pustules,
Foils, Blotches, Tumors,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald
Head, Ringworm, Ulcers,
, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in
■ tones. Side and Head, Female
ness, Sterility, Leucorrhoea, arising
a internal ulceration, and Uterine
.-use, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis
cs, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation,
neral Debility, and for Purifying the
•'his Sarsaparilla is a combination of
retable alteratives Stillingia, Man
.ke, Yellow Dock —with the lodides
Potassium and Iron, and is the most
ncacious medicine yet known for
> diseases it is intended to cure.
Its ingredients are soskiifujlycpip
bined, that the full alterative, ejfgct of
each is assured, and while it is. so.mlld
as to be harmless even to children, it is
still so eif'ectual as to purge out from the
system those impurities and corruptions
which develop into loathsome disease.
Tii' reputation it enjoys is derived
from its cures, and the confidence which
prominent physicians all over the coun
try repose ia it, prove their experience
ol its usefulness.
Certifie; t trusting its virtues have
accumulat u. and are constantly being
received, .rad as many of these eases are
pubhely known, they furnish convincing
evidence of the superiority of this Sar
saparilla <sver every other alterative
medicine. So generally is its superi
ority. to apy ot,her medicine known, that
v. c need do no more than to assure the
\ übiic that die Lest qualities it has ever
possessed are strictly maintained.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass,,
Practical and Analytical < hnni t*.
§itt AiU’mtisemcnfs.
THE imw
M Cl M M
r }- %
h rf Mi !
N )m4 fmi
!; M (s id'f) 1*
t a w
H hfi
•> ■ J
.w U 1 f JLh f-1 s.: J.
4. 0
f yT*> (im yyn ~n 1 utt\ T- u 5
\t the Cool.-.-r.nJfil rr.hlMHon, IS7C, ar-t has
al’.vaya cn l ricn ojTtho H'-hcst lionora
v lierever cxiulsJeJi
A PT7iP'~ > Tj7 ! t. TiWW,
r-- : : .u oiaccWl VjiTI(;li:NT ‘ : LoCK
Ji'i'i'Czi'- r-i.VCIiIXU. J UAiniili to tbo
V/AI'TTS 6t ISV&iiWCnY. The MCSHfv
SfiWtKC ffl A.Cii i ru.fvia*s Perfected eight
> cars since by U:o ai<l o.' tr.o best inveritsve
tr.Jonf and Merit an teal &■ ill. It cojjbimis
r.’l ti:o K*aeati.t!i Vsxiti (fa F'K r T
HUibti£iLOß in f-trerr :1 Eeautv,
c N l;;i ilvj;‘ S3 Worß'on Pcrls -s iis Or.pahh
( I DOIN cr.\r ‘ *\t' m d\i Jiljr, of i s Orti LM ■: 011 Xl*
Sew inrjlSi ac h i nc3. X t vri \\ J! £J N Tor
WithoutcosnsoOWE CPWTferßf 1 .u::C
fa the Elur; .'actur cf Usij MACIIIN.K J.'.o
V ory ItTn-l oroluIr: are ÜBED*
1 sse. IV’fiAK 13. '} VAIJ'J'd arc S
anil tl.a r..' h~ uigja hv.a been coxstiu cd.i>
(.ho i vi- to of prexfuoma a; - .
Hi'7 Err..-.:-:, 13'JR ABLE, and c.i'-rmi
HQlS3LdteiiT-l VCIIIXJ, adaptedfqu/.m y
'•■/ur r, 10i'_Cv.arK.) c.v Hue TE-iREA3>, COT
'i g .L- Li <■ v S'ii'lNvl from t.' i o (> Jlw-wtr CUi h and
1. E a r j'? 1 eR. Coftf 1 J: jrja. qis FEJ,T
in the IN'i'.tn- 1 JIC MEUriS of the
PPJPiA LI tliat
every HACII I Jv; ;n fully
Mzvrt&fcd for lire Years.
LlVij AGB3JT3 wanted in localities where
we are not reprttfenlecl.
Send for prices, and samples cf work done
on the lIOAIE, or call at any of our cilices.
Joiisoa, i 8o. ;
SO Union Square, ITew York.
E 64 ‘Washington Street, Bottcn, Hass.
111-i Second Are., ri.Lburgh, Pa.
141 State Street, Chicago, ill,
21 South Dili Street, St. Louir, Ida,
17 Hew Montgomery St., Can Francisco, Cal.
Sheriffs Sales for F§bruary.
WILL be sold before (be Court House
door in the town of Calhoun. Gol’don
county, Ga., between the legal hours of
sale, on tpe first Tuesday in bruary next,
the following properly, to-wit :
Lot of land number Bd, in the 7th dis*
trlet and 8d section qf Gordon county.—
Sold the property of John A. Pulliam to
s i'isfy a fi. fa. issued from Gordon Supe*
vi or (’.: rrt in favor of William Dillard x
Son and now controlled by Foster & litv-
Itm. J. C. Fain and t>. G. Boaz, assignees.
Also, at the same time and place, will b
sold, 11w' west half side ot lot of land num
bs ;... ia the Btl district r.'si 8d see-' : aof
'mu couu y. Levied on as the property
of J. (. Pitlii tm, to sitisfy one Justice
Court fi. fa. issue 1 from the Justice’s
Court u l • ‘.rStl district, G. ?.L, of C or
don county, Ga., in favor of S. G. Roger
vs. J. A. Pulliam. Property pointed out
fyy defend,.'.' and le>y made and ietuvned
to me by Tv'. G. Taylor.
Also, at the same time end place, wol be
Sold,'?? acres, more cr less, of the north
side of lot <*' land number O', in the Bth
riot and °.d section of Gordon county.
So ! as the property cf J. A. Pulliam to
set'.•>/ fo r I.nsiice Court fi. fas. issue 1
fr.u ’ - fustice's Court of the 97‘Rh dis
tri ■> d,.of Gordon county, and levied
on aim returned to mo by W, G. Taylor, L.
0., one n favor of it. If. Irwin vs, J. A.
Pulliam, and die Oliver three in favor of
Boa/, & Barer t s. J. A Pulliam.
: r'ON.m SALE.
Lois of 1 ■ i:, I numbers SS, 93, 94, 123,
124. and 9.2, eicent that part, of 92 lying
oast of the 0 nasatiga river and sold to J.
M Harlan ; each containing 1 f,O acres,
more or less, except 92,being 30 acres more
or less, as sold off on tne east side of the
Coa.,.sauga river-—all in the 14th district ,
and 3d section of Gordon county. Sold as
the pronerty of Wm. H.Boni'er, to satisfy
one execution issued from Gordon Superior
Court in tavor of Dennis Johnson and trans
fe’ ied to James M. Harlan an l others vs,
Win. H. Bonner, for the purchase money of
sai l propcity.
I. E. B HIT LETT. Sheri?
Georgia, Gordon County.
Wm. Honk has applied fo - exemption of
personality and setting a part and a a Ration
of homestead and l will pass upon the same
at 10 o'clock M. cn t! c loth of tliis inst
at in j office in Calhoun this Jan. oth. 1377.
D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
Is published Daily, Tiu lVr,; kly and
By WAL-II & WRIGHT. Proprietor.
Fa 1 ! Tehyraphic Dispa tcites from All
Points, Latest and Mod Accu
volt Market Reports.
Interesting and Icliable Cm respondence
from all paits of Georgia. South Car
olina and. Washington City.
One V , r ....SO) (Mi
Six Uorths 5- 00
Till- WEEK I, V:
One Year A (t)
Six Months 2 54
One ..$2 CO
Six Uonsiia 1 (• >
X?i' •V 7 '* biq fc\y '■ A orelin
JL. -iOi. O i. UWs 'J lUOUViiV
ip ;£ ; A ;■] zf'v F • A r" ■?' X P
LtA l-P y v f; a : Ajs ’ A ■ " - * a
v >. ....; 'tF >*i 4 M \
be havi c ,v
fVk ..... i • ; ' ' i. ■
1 n g 4 , u - : ‘I o. at fhk
.!•* stand >• - '' ’.'a:
i DS'll.J. k F ARLAN.
S T EIN ft AY !
Steinway Pianos
Steinway’? sales, evidence of
their popularity. - - $1,205,403
Chickering A Sons $822,402
William Kuiabe & Cos 383,511
Haines Bros 287.051
William P. Emerson 232,790
Albert Weber..,. 221,444
The above figures are taken from the annual
Internal Revenue Tax K - urns.
If- • * '*#.•' .jv--
j ; \ • •’ -pi • * ' *
RUBENSTEIN Bliving all my long and
difficult journeys all over
America, ard in a very
uclement, season, 1 used
your Pianos, and have
been able to use your Pi
an os exclusive! v in my two
hundred and fifteen con
, certs, and also in private,
with the most eminent sat
isfaction and effect. New
York, May 24fh, i j 73.
(The above is the ml tes
timonial ever given by
Rubcnstcin to ary Piano
LlZl* Pray tell \lr. Steinway
That his splendid upright
Piano shone to brilliant
advantage to die festival
performances at. the Wart
burg, where, last Tuesday
it served under my fingers
as “ Vice Orchestra,” ex
citing general admiration.
(Extract from Dr. Frank
Liszt to the celebrated
composer, Merzdorf,which
let tor. dated Sept. 27,1873
i- no in possession of
Messrs. Steinway & Sons.)
MARII KHEIJk After thoroughly testing
your Pianos, both in pri
vate and public, loan con
scientiously say that the
Steinway Pianos arc supe
rior to all American and
European in strurn e n t s
known to me- New York.
May 17th, 1872.)
Ddl MEIER. ‘-During n.y artisticca
reer ot more than forty
years, I had occasion to
use'the pianos of all the
.world renowned m- kers,
in public ni; 1 p, :v. ( ?, but
’ ns. v nc vor found an in-
Ktrum.-u: whic compares
wii h your piano. jN w
Yoi k. ... icn blsi, 1H,8.)
JAiitiL • Y our name u‘’serves
(0 be inscribed in golden
letter- iu history of plan
i a in America, io
i pi ovement of which yo
h:j ve so largely
Your piano ; may oe pre,
claimed as incomparable
What noble, distingmsheu
t< ne ! V hat poetical
ing quality ! [Paris, Anri
19, 1857.]
\nr “ During my long career
as Artist and ' cm poser, i
have et will, many fine
European and American
Piano Porter, but nor,”
that combine rainlet = l
poetry of t ehr Gcii/
Q.f ton; ii —in short every
(hipg that r nders ap : >
perfect, t. such a high
degree as your celebrated
Piano Fortes.” [New York
Juiy 5, 1872.]
ns there are some ‘‘old,” yes. vehy
old credentials out from different eelc 1 -'
bratfcd Artists, given by them—some
before Mess. Steinway & Suns ever
manufactured Pi m s, and others, be
fore they hud tried these celebrated in
S B. M ILLS, (celebrated Composer
J. N. P ATT ISON, **
JOSi. PH Wlj' Nl A IVSKI. Direc
tor or the Conservatory of Music at
Moscow, Russia
WILLIE B. P U(E, Pianis- to 11.
R. H. the Princess of Wales.
E. B. WAdIiBURN, Minister to
And numbers of others fno numerous
to mention. Send fur Catalogues and.
. e for yourself.
S‘ein way's Pianos hove token every
Prior mid Malal wherever their l in nos
hove hoc:: placed in competition with
others. Paris 18G7. London 1 Su2.
which places their Pianos at the UFA+
Hath itsek,
liar hint a,
lift hies Hr o&
And Other Pi anos.
I V, „a;eve. is wanted in the musical line
i we c u upply at lowest ;ate and at abort
no Doe.
b ; L I want' and in Georgia, Ala
. e urt. Li ...... Naic. and South Carolina
j •' :,J " l -*■ • ! - sce by
* * . uI.AIMLLFH.
1 ! /. oh ■i . fc Sou i'h err . 1 yen /.<•-.
' A h L.tlV Sir. 1 1 Ataita .(i a
Special * w domtLd
j Mm 22
Sewing- Macliitie
Fof All Rinds of Work
is f st winning favor in the household, as
shown by the rapidly increasing sales.
This New Family M teiiiue is capa
ble of a range and varier, 01 work such a >
was once thought impossible to perform by
machinem. We claim and can show dnu
it is the cheapest, most beautiful, delicately
arranged, niceiy adjusted, easily operated,
and smoothly running of all the family
sewing machines. It is remarkable, not
on-y fo. the range and variety of its sew
ing, but also for die variety and different
kinds of texture whicn it will sew w irii
equal facility and perfection, using silk
twist, linen, or cotton thread, fine or coarse,
making the inter-elastic lock si itch, alike
on.hq!h sides of the fabric sewn. Thus
beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn with
great strength and uniformity ot stitch ,
and, n a moment, this willing and never
wearying iust ument may lie adjusted for
fine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or
motuckingi of tarlatan, or ruffling, cr al
alibe any other work which delicate fingers
rnosteven knownto perform.
Ours having long been the popular and
practical machines for manuf 1 during pur
poses, some dealers, using “ tlie tricks of
trade,” take advantage of this ia trying to
persuade purchasers that our L ainily Ma
chine is not equal, for family sewing to our
Manufacturing Machines for manufacturing
purposes. But urchasers—and thev are
apt to examine care ully before choosing—
have not been merely ersuaded, but con
vinced that our new fain- ’’machine embod
ies new and essential prine ’es—simplicity
cf construction; ease of operation; uni
formity of precise action at any speed ; ca
pacity forciiige and variety of work, fine
or coarse-Leaving all rivals benind it.
Sewing Machine Sales 0f 1874.
Tii3 table of sewing machine sales for
1874 show that our sales for that year
amounted to 211,097 machines, being a
large increase over the sales of die previ
ous year. The table shocks that our sales
j exceed those of any other company for the
I period named, by the number of 148,8( 2
machines, nearly
Thrse T tmes T hose of any ot he Com -
It may be further stated that die sales of
1874, as compared with the sale of .872,
show a relatively large increase beyond
the -ales oi other makers. For instance.
| in 1872 we sold 45.000 more machines than
any other coinpan whereas, in 1873, the
! sales were
AII I iu i J>, .1 iju: S:t. 33 W 1 <
i-- (>• •> ; At:jfliisios Sio.e fcliati Aty
Othe-* Coinpany,
OFFI Cf A f UK!’- ;■!, T.
i The following is a correct report of the
j ot sew mg ma‘-uiuei made by die lead
j ing companies dining the pas; four years.
| A iui exammatio.i of da; figures will
j Show that die “SINGE.A imve hirg-dy ia
[ creased eacii r virile on the coinnlrv a
j corresponding doorcase is rliown in th-- sales
report ed by all other companies. Th: si>
i.igiiiy sau.-T.r-;ury result to us. and ori’.v preof that “merit a! ways h, -
Se/ruig Machine Hales for 1874.
Machine, sold.
Nie Singer Manufacturing Cos -s 1 ,u7C>
w aocler & Wilson Matiufa.jturingCo >2,827
Haw Hewing Machine ( . .. (estima
(ed' 35,(300
Domestic Hawing Machiiu f o 22.700
Grov - -y il l's.; ;• Be win , Nl-Ich .i.c ( o.
(estimated; 0,000
r lorence Sewing If,ichitie Cos 5,5]f
Secor Sewing Mfumijm Cc ... 4 54 r
S.’hi of ib'7 2.
mat Lines sold.
The Slug w -.iauiifae taring eo . 232,4 19
Wheeler & ,v ilrion nianulactur-iiigco. 119,194
L.onnw'ic se : ’ing machine co 40,170
Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 33,1'd)
Howe machine co .no returns
Florence sewing machine co 8,9 q
Secor sewing machine co 4,1
Palm of 1872
Machines sold
The Singer manufacturing co 2i J,703
Wheeler <x Wilson manufacturing co.l 74,038
-owe machine co., (estimated) 145,000
Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 52,010
Domestic sewing machine co 49,554
Florence sewing machine co 15,798
Sales of 1871
Machines sold.
Tiie Singer manufacturing < ,1.-4,230
Vi heeler N V, iison man ills et nnir co. I i’3,52(>
Grover iN. *r sewing ur irne co, 5ii,538
llowe mach'.n'* co.(Jau. 1 t July 1.) i. 10
Florence sewing machine 15,9
Domestic sc win. mach o , 1
iHE • INGLR MAX, . aC Ufdu CO.,
.172 iir.:ug-lio)si : . until, Ga.
0. S. BEnTTY, Agt.
g .;V; •
n BAN!CiI ■u>Ur i CLB
, In .VHstvtn. Athens. .*•' gr:; Mr mil G<
biinliu . n 1 i'umc. E.-. ; tie i
in and C Kuuibin. S. G. : .j.-icksuuvilk
int'i 7 c. Florida.
3 -nd your address tc the abovcoffi
e for a catalogue of the ceVebrate 7 Bazaar,
I Giovn Fitting Pattern. Tuny are the
the cuo.-q. ‘ *, and Due ino-t -iv L-a p.itterus
I in the market. }.ui!2-1 n
Champion Comic Paper
This sparkling and brightly illustrated
weekly, humorous and satirical paper has
entered upon the seventh year of its jollv
existence, and this being the Centennial
year of our national independence, the pub
lishers take pride in saying that it wLI not
be, as it never has yet been, a whit behind
the times in holding up the humorous or
satirical s le of everything American.—
The merry side of this great and gl rious
Centennial yeab wilt receive special atten*
tion in the bright columns of America’s fa
vorite humorous paper.
-• he publishers of Wild Oats point with
piide to the wholly unexampled success of
their paper, and pledging themselves that
it shall be in the future even better than in
the past, they a-k a continuari n of that
kind prtronage whijli has phi.ed it at the
head and front of American humorous pa*
We have made arrangements that will
*o present Wild Oats in a bright
er and better shape than heretofore, hav..
iiu>' recently taken possession of our n n
publication office, and hah fir.e copper-faced
type cast especially for us, togc. her with all
nio vast paraphernalia, reqtfired iu the pro
duction ol suen a paper as v. e give the pub
lie at tee low price of ten cents ta r copy.
IVe have .i ;o mad3 arrangement* with
seme new artists, and shall "at. the *anie
time retain such old favorites as Thomas
Vorth.Frank Bellow Hopkins Woolf, . ales,
'• rank Beard, Bis hoe, Opper,,
Rothengettcr, Ben Day, Kettells, Palmer
Cox. Maim, Kingsbury /Stull, White, Seer*
n , Baton, Sheidon, etc., wliilc the editorial
department will still remain in dm ham’s
ot its founder, tie vivacious Ban of
whom enough is known without mow bein" -
said. ‘ °
As an additional inducement m sub.scribe
we have at great expense prepare a comic
chromo the crowning effort of that graphic
momus, Hopkins. It i a work of art.
worthy of an elegant, frame, and is wmli
at. least one-h If the price asked for sub
scription. I: is a “horse piece/’ being a
burlesque of Mazeppa tied to tiic back of
the fiery, untamed steed. A copy will be
sent t o each i-übscribor during the yeat
Advertisers are beginning toifind ouf that
I* ion Oats reaches a greater number of live
a on than any other tilluut rated paper in
America, and therefore it is a. fir-Sciass
medium for advertising.
To those who know Wild Ov. s we rued
not. say that it has not, does riot, . ml will
not contain a worn or an illustration which
may not be taken into every family in lire
land. Fun we give in various sized doses,
but never vulgarity in any shape. Is is
thoroughly American in sentiment, wholly
original, slump and incisive, and sight to
thi poin. in dealing with men cud evi of
the day. One copy at any time will con
vince you of this.
Subscription P iec, Postpaid.
One year Si O')
Six months 2 (.*'<
Single number? p }
Address: COLLIN k odA:, ~
50 Beckman N, V,
V-v-A L.l -J
--:f* o 19 ;.;S ! ;3 i n. n n ri ;u /.•:
*sa '<& J a 72 £ R J
For 1877^
By a spec-.a! as iu. g( nu-iii with ih; pun
lishers wr ;.><* < nableci to oCv to ;>li now
, subseno rs and all old ones v, no r.n. w and
pay in r.■ v tie e the toliow 11, '• j id;'
i in Conner tie u vmtli the Tt.: r: or. the \c.\
; liberal tc''ina uu-iitiutiui, iriviug th.
two pill lieiti'l its Ge'pric't ; a the
j second column .
I ~
. aziru & Chro, it) jd -b
Sc;, c.i i.c '. mcrican j a a i
Gouey .... ;y - "-.'.ok A f nm. { > . j ; ,
Young Ft . Com A t'Lromo.-. , b he j ;
Bet', •. . in; - j 4 . ' .
Be iu time, and do n t nc; loot to stso'
your vead;matter for ihe coming year,
• h" the o}' ot tunity of see. luring the*,
xc Hen; pnbiicatious in connection aba
your home pa ; -er on such reasonable re* m.-.
• ‘ !n; , J the e arc desire a, as above, ••••>ll
at the Times office,
Desirable Property For Sale
r|MlE undersigned haying determined to
JL char ge his business on account of ill
health offers or sale at most reasonable
terms the following property, locate! : t
Franca ter Springs, in Gordon eiuntv. six
miles from Calhoun, the county site, in a
most desirable and healthy locality, tbi.kiy
populated: the property . ' . •:
Dillard mill "property, including 8 acres of
land and full water privileges as are now
enjoyed—the mill property consisting of a
good house with two sets of ; minor; in
gristmill: two rolton gins run b\ valor
power; good mutter, Ac. There is cn the;
.- .me properk .cod st ;.m sar% : dll. A
will be sold . -.'{her.
nolO’l m W. G. C. DILLALD.
A3£ ■
Grooil and Ruggy Horses
olid irnw vehicle: ..
Horses and mules f< • -aie.
Stock feet and cared for.
Charges will be reasonable
Will p,y the cash for cm in he car and
odd i* in rhe bundle JVVI-:/
U 4 A TV IAA LIhv.v K3I)
Foss-, ,-sses a much greater pow. r i: ng
... ■ ■ It invir pudi
n f . ?. is certain and -needy in. its action
h is fast superseding every other remedy.
Sixty capsules cure in six or , ye.—
No other medicine can do this.
Owing to its great success, n my substi
tutes have been advertised, such as Bastes,
Mixtures, Ikl.s, Balsam, etc., all of which
have beep abandoned,
Duadas, Dick .j- Co.’s Soft Copsvlea contain
Oil of S mdalrvood , sold at all the Drug tores.
Ask for Circular, or send to So y 87 IFoos*
cr s’. ■ -V. Keic York, for one. [jy26-6m
mWv3' g nmmiß
1 *’... : vsiud by Monn & Cos., Publishers
i d the .'-scientific American, S7 Park Bow,
N w York.
F ' It) cents far specimen of the
best illustrated weekly papci publi lied.
All patents (>licited by Munn
pjiy £: -p-r* 4’ Cos. are noticed in the Scien
tific American without oh.-;i. .
Hand Book free. No charge for auvh
| opinion regai ding the patentability of in
1 venLons, Send aug2’6m.
** Old Tfcelinlde 99
Howe Sewing 1 Machine l
Points of
Tu range of wo; k this Tmuliio nvnrot ’e - qr. lle . Wll wo: k cqnaily wet] on title
,or thin goods, tom gauze to heavL-st beaver coatiags, cr c\ n f a.tlur, v Uncut chatigi
of needle, tension or tn- ad. V'e wi*l vv irrant :inato do tins 1 t> t fine tna!; iseq*. ..
ho . ny. and our heavy work ejects that of any other machine in the word.
The machine m -kes the cclclns.ted lock si itch t/lie stitch invented by Mr. Ilowe.) is
on both sides. Tic vCT.sicns are positivr both up'|>' i' and lower thread. The shuttle
tension is u on the thread as it leav'*3. tnlnutle, ami not upon tli-.* bo! un, ns is most
machines, : mi t..js tension i. ! invariable, whetlu-r t ic lni**bn be full or r'atiy cr.ijSy.
is obtained by ;nn.i>’g a screw in i fie shuttle, and can be changed in a moment, uaho u
fakiug out the work, breaking the thiesid o lncai’.irg tumui fi holes.
VVliat we edaim, in still * t aue in, t T -• r.; {Mr. is an :r.-r machine, and if pul in your
family will do any and all of your work perfectly, will last a lifetime, is a wdliiu and
ready servant, and i° not subject to UdTB.
I’. , sons who have tried all machines are unanimous in dceiai iu Ur. to be U: • ea* i I
leal tied of any in the market In 1 1 1 • u ujority < f cases our cu.Oo . U-arn m the
ins.ruction book without further
na/Sf-l- you are thinking of buvir • and are pvfdtidic/'d in favor el any prrtb i/ar
machine, at least ex, mine the thnvo In fi ie you pusclmso.
* f't A l r ‘ •p v ITWinT i 'A^Th'rs-v
J-iV* Hjlt 5kJ >■ xa. a: 2. L-t Iu t xhli X vis V .g. .1 k .
n? 11 e 11 o a v o t : T <- fc win £*; A£o c liine CF 0.,
CoitND Buoal) and Alabama Stulkts,
Ml&m, SE9
s!. €. GARRISON, AgpiU,
itug‘2o Iy. c. I RTKR VILLI', ~!.
The LHtEWfis Never Known Before.-wg
send the Cli'.cinnatl Weekly S!r, a fine oi ;ht
rage,forty-eight column paper, independent in poli
ties, and brim full of good reading matter, for I*ll.oo
year. It ia ihe lanjest paper in the United
States for the money. Each subscriber will receive a
copy of the beautiful fnyravino— li TJfiK I'OOR,
THE I'OOS MAN’S I itIEXE>.” Size, 24x31
inches ; a picture that would grace any drawing room in
the land. We also send to each subscriber a copy of
the Star Illustrated Almanac. 23 Cts. extra
must be sent for packing and mailing premiums.
JQSfSpecial inducements to agents. To any person
desiringtoget up aclub, we will send a saniplecopy
of the picture and a canvassers outfit, on receipt of
25 cts. Specimen copy of the paper free. Senti ::r
osse hefare subscrllr-l tnr for any ciher.
TilE STAR, StlO Walnut St.. Cincinnati, 0,
'V Haili'can A, iJc’c,
! A' AND AFTER M ’ Ist, thocvenU ;;
V; t i .-tin ivxccpt M-tUii-cbiy evenim: tids
! r*';',u v. f a.' ('utccuunueu. ;.c tr ia? will
i‘i lii MAS 1 . *.i U W l
; Ler. .vs Borne dnib at 7:00 a. ;
I Llotu a; to Borne !'2 m.
. ATITr,I) AV A C:'! ) M M 01) A TIG X.
| !.. arcs Roma (BaturJay only) at f>:L" p. m
! Return' to Rome::: !'Mip. m.
! The evening train at Homo will make
! c-lo?e connaction with 8. R. k D. B. B. train
| North and isouth, au l at Kingston with IV.
! k A. B. (X train South and Fast.
<h M. PENNINGTON, CciTi Fuj't.
JXO. K. STI; UVFLL, Ticket Agent.
j ;b-\ M'.b'MlvfilNM Mb / :.'tbdi'l. I
j ’ 0
g..7,\ mmA'-
■ •
TOLLED bol.-re me on the 'd and y o' ? Jan -
v.r i-y. B 77. a? ; tray by ,iui : Jo;-
|ot the i. ;d .1 strict, G . /.., of -f l conn
i t.) ot Boidyn, Georgia, one cow four ov
j five> old, marked srnooG crop off left
ear. swallow folk in till lught tar, fl *sh
marks, white under ti t beliy, an 1 a praised
to be worth 3) 00 by X. B. Hu 1 yhnan l .}.
B. Land, freeholders, and that, i: i- worth
twenty-five cents per and -y for keeping said
coiv. The owner is hereby notified to up
pear before me, p ove pro trtv, pav CO-:
and expenses and take sai l cow away, e! *
she will be sold on the premises of John
: Jones, the taker-up of said cow, on Wednes
j day, (he ITtii just., in t nns of the law by
j • v er/i, in such cases made and provi
: dtd. /.is January ; . 1877
D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
T V!liter's Me 33. 11.
wT w. iTcnn,'"’
Two Doors Etist of B. M. & C. €. Harlan*
HAYING gone into the abute business, 1
would be pleased te have my former
friends and customers give me a call.
I have just received a large stock of
whi >h I ofier low Be* o * /.
Lam in receipt of the latest N. Y
| ion's. I’avdcubit- car. in cutting for ladles
jto make. Bra id big, hcmi uiig, tucking, t.ud
I cording done for ladies,
Cabuola , G,i.
Special attention pnil to collections. Of*
iice up-stairs ia the Young buiulirig.
p [\ f/V
to e : 3 a 1 /to -1* Lza E:. u s*
Dm ♦~>% PeiPcß t :■?,
jPut: Be, Oil',
Perfunt e r f cs,&c.-
RO3lK 5 GA.
coiiip]u iii tv; i,' dop-5 i irm-U, any ! 1,.
■ •: *.ct;..u ■ i ,• y c u.>:cu;t i
*1 :* LTK.X-J3La23"2‘ , CS
U *l3 RI'I. Y VEGUTAM.ii)
Liver and Dyspeptic Tonic.
A certain cure for
>SVc/.; // • -ache,
Colic, Ccamps,
CPU and lever,
Palpitation oj die Hart,
And all and iso a ra ft vising, fvemi a di* ordered
7 x FA 4 7 7? 7 s \IFD 1 \T
1.7 and j% jLyijjTl i,
A a-srer* failing remedy fir
Cat.-. Bra-ices,
Burns, Sprains,
Old Sores,
CicPs, tv., etc.
L i ,
A t-riiil will convince ani one of it? hjal
ina- properties. Ask for if at your drug
sYcre. 7 lovlS-ly.