Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL news.
Now bring home the fat opossums ;
persimmons arc ripening.
little boys are now clubbing the
chestnut trees.
The Republicans met in Curtersville
Thursday and nominated Samuel Sheets
for Congress from the Seventh dis
Rev F. M. IJaygood of the Chris
tian Index, called to see us Wednesday.
}le preached Wednesday night in the
Baptist church to a fair congregation.
In this issue appears the announce
merit of Mr. Clement Arnold as a can
didate for Sheriff of Gordon county.—
Mr. Arnold is a clever arid worthy citi.
zen of our county, and would do his du
ty as an officer, if elected.
We sympathize deeply with our towns
man, Mr. W. T. Willingham in the
death of his oldest daugter, Ora. The
young lady had been complaining of
slight pains for several days but the
parents were not alarmed at her condi
tion until within a short time of her
Heath, and medical aid prove l at last
unavailing. Her death took place at
about two o’clock Thursday.
“Air there any letters ft#’ my wirn*
min folks ?”said a plain looking old gen
tleman at the post office the other day.
“ No,” said the post-master, “but here’s
a big fat envelope with some pictures
on the front for your daughter.” “Jis’
what I comedown fur,” said the old
gentleman ; smiling, “ Melindy’s going
to git married ; an’ this here’s one of
them handy “Domestic” paper paturns
to cut her weddin’ gownd by.”
Avery interesting protracted meet
ing closed at the Methodist church last
Wednesday tight. It lasted about two
weeks. During its continuation,the great
est interest was manifested by members
of the church and outsidi rs, and sever
al happy conversions witnessed. Mr., ihe young and active divine
strives hard to keep his church and the
community awake with religious feeling
and good results continually crown his
We arc in receipt of the premium
list of the Soldiers Monumental Fair,to
he held in Rome, Ga., irom October
the 23d to lbe 28ts. It embraces a
good vaii'. ty of premiums applicable to
the various branches el industry,andcoui
> tent persons have been selected to su
perintend the different departments ; in
fact the affair is to be well managed
though arranged so that the entire pro
ceedVhall go as a fund for the erection of
monument in Myrtle iih Cemetery to
the gallant dead. Ihe enterprise is
worthy and shou and receive tlie aid ol
the peoj le of C'lerokee Georgia.
Mn. w. W. Dunn, as will he seen
bv (he oar ! h j publishes in our adver
eolumi'n this week, hus opened a mer
chant tailoring establishment une dour
•west of II K. Hicks. He is in p.>---
n-asi nol tlie very latest styles, and is
prepared to aeeoiuudate ail wanting
■”.'oi k, and [imposts to tic the purse a.-
vvell as the figure by w< iking at prices
iu ace rdi.nce with the present haul
times. He will keep a good assortment
*if manufactured goods which he will of
fer at reus mable figures. Mr. D. has long
boon-a citiz nof Calhoun, is identified
w.itih us, and merit; the good will and
patronage ('four peopie. M hen want
ing anything in his line, don t forget
The Flection.
The election for Governor and Hep
i'C entative last W ednesdaV passed off
peaceably all over the county The fob
lowing shows the official vote :
For (Jo:- For Re.pre~
ernor. set iative.
o $ £
Precincts. S 2 £: j? ! g
H: o *3 3 §
Calhoun 418 0 248 164 0
Sugar Valley 11l 0 8 ,05 0
Eighth 71 0 50 20 2
Fii mount 98 17 88 51 17
Sonora 156 1 168 9 1
Seventh 86 0 82 8 0
Resaca lid 1 67 48 1
Springtown 79 0 22 59 0
Oostanaula 60 0 221 88 0
Coosawattee 58 7 39 19| 7
Twenty-fourth 70 0 65 16 0
Fifteenth 77 0 7 80 0
Total 1.848 26 856 012 28
By the above it will be seen that Col
quitt’s majority over Norcross in the
county was 1,317, the latter receiving
only 26 votes. The race for Represen
tative was between Dudley and Walker,
Democrats, the former receiving a ma
jority of 244.
Felton the Champion Egotist.
Editor Times : The egotism of some
men is astonishing. Ain’t Dr, Felton
the champion egotist of the age ? It is
bad enough for a man through the in
strumentality of friends to let his name
appear before ihc public as one worthy
of the people’s honor and confidence;
but for one —Dr. Felton, for instance —
to voluntarily, upon nis* own motion,
come forward and say, “ Here I am.
big Ike ; come and look at me. Ain’t I
a whale? ain’t ( some? ain’t I honest?
ain’t I the only man that can fill the of
fice ? ain’t Ia good, fresh egg? is a
species of egotism that Gils one with
disgust, and we never sec a man doing
it without losing all our respect for him.
To aspire to office or .visit to be useful
and serviceable to the public is a desir
able thing, and we commend a man’s
patriotism for so doing, but when the
people oo’ue forward and select their
own choice, we do think it the hc'ght
of an egotistic ptesumpfion for any one
else t* thrust him elf forward and say :
“ 1 am the man y iu want.’’
Mtt. William Curtis, Sen., shows us
the purest specimen of sorghum syrup
we have sden this season, beiug clear
and bright. Thetc has been an im
quantity of cane raised in this
county this year, which has caused
much rivalry among planters in the
manufacture of syrup, until a wonderful
perfection has been attained.
Fee Schedule of the Rome Rail
A New Hair Tonic Worth
Having—lt is the Best.
Wood’s Improved Hair Restorative
is unlike any other, and has no equal.
The Improved has new vegetable tonic
properties ; restores grey hair
to a glossy, natural color :
restores hair to prematurely bald heads;
removes dandruff, humors, scalp crup~
tions ; remover irritation, itching and
dryness. No articles produces such
wonderful effects. Try it, call for
W’ood’s Improved Hair Restorative, and
don't he put off with any other article.
Sold by all druggist in this place and
dealers everywhere. Trade supp’ied at
manufacturers’ prices by C. A Cook
& Cos., Chicago, Scld Agents for the
Unite 1 States and Canadas, and J. F.
Henry. Curaan & Cos., New York.
amt gusiucs#
Anriiua is just r eeetving a
assorted lot of clothing,boots, hats,
nts, notions, and dry goods generally,
and is desirous that the public shall
know that he is selling for cash at prices
tbit absolutely defy competition. If
you want bargains call at his store and
you will not be disappointed. Oct26.
Crockery ware, Queen’s warefaclo
ry yarns, etc., cheap at
J. II Arthur’s.
13/ ROains in hats, shoes, ready made
clothing, etc. at J. H. Arthur’s*
Hot weather is very exhausting up
on the energies, ad its influence ren
ders the system peculiary hab'e to dis*.
ease During the close and sultry days
of July and August, Diarroea, Dyscnto"
ry, Cholera Morbuq Cramps, Colic,and
pains in the Stomach are common and
fatal diseases. It is not enough to trust
to a curative when attacked, for it is
assential to take proper measures for
their prevention. An unfailing pre
vention of all summer complaint! exists
in Dr. Radcliff’s Seven Seals or Golden
Wonder ; and this standard vegetable
preparation is no 1 ;ss efficacious as a
cure. '1 housands have used it for all
diseases incident to the summer solstices
and always with the happiest results.-
Complete cures are effected in the wore
sej 2-1 mo.
SYMPATHY is that quality of the hu
man heart that gives a kindly bias to
men’s actions. Without it this world
would be poor indeed, and human nature
would he destitute of one of its most
beautiful attributes. Remove svmpa.
thy ftniu the human breast, and chore
is a vacuum er -God only to ho exceeded
in size by that produced by the removal
of a “Light Running Domestic” from
(he midst of a family where it has been
for. ycu’-s “Get a Domestic.”
Wo defy competition, and from this
date we sell goods for cash only wth*
out (lescrimination. A large, well ias
sorted and superior stock of goods al
ways on hand. Bring your greenbacks
mi give us a call
Foster & Harlan.
July 18,1870.
A good assortment will be kept at
the Cheap Cash Store of 13. M. & 0- C
Harlan. Parents and teachers will
please give them a call.
A new line of staple goods in store
at J. H Arthur’s. Call at once and get
Sheetings, shirtings, prints and no
tions at the lowest prices at
J. 11. Arthur’s.
A FINE stock of saddlery, horse col
lars bridles, etc , just received at J. *l.
An Historical Fact.
Every agent who has been steadily
selling the improved 820 Homestead
Sewing Machine for three years owns his
dwelling house has a good account in
bank, is clear oi debt, and has money at
interest —the national consequence of
securing a good agency for superioi
goods at the lowest prices. A good
first-class Sewing Machine, most useful
—reliable at ail times, easy to understand
and control, the same size and does the
same work as any Machines that se'i at
Four Times the price. There is no
Machine at any price better or will do
finer work, and certainly none so low in
price by many dollars. The Home
stead is widely known and used in
thousands of families in the Eastern and
Middle States, and d-ilv becoming pop
ular in the West. It will save its cost
several times over in one season doing
the work of the family, or will earn four
or five doilais a day for any man or wo
man who sew for a living. It is the stong
est Machine made, is ready at all times
to do its work, makes the strongest and
finest stitch yet invented, and is fully
acknowledged as the Standard Family
Sewing Machine. Price complete for
domestic use, 820, delivered at your
door, no matter how remote you may re
side. Business permanent and honora
ble with more certain and rapid sales,
and larger profits an any other. Ex
traordinary liberal offers made to local
( ,r tr.ivelin agents where we have none
established, or, if there is no agent near
vou send your order direct to the facto
ry. Address J. 11. Kendall & Cos., 630
Broadway N. Y. maylT-ly.
Ar: unusually large and well select*.d
stock o' Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions 1
Hats, Boots, Shees, &c., Ac , can now
be found at the Cheap Cash Store of
B. M. & C. C. Harlan, and they are
sellirg them as low as they cun be
bought in the State. Try them and
you will te satisfied with their prices.
The Century of tndepndence em
braces a collection from official sources
of the most important documents and
statlctics connected with the political
history of America : also a chronogical
record of the principal events from its
discovery to the present time with bio
graphical and historical skcches, etc.
Printed in German and Englished.
Nearly GOO pages. Price 82.0 ).
Never before has so much practical
information of this nature been publish
ed in any one volume.
While there are many treatise pur
porting to give valuable statistics of
America in convenient foim, it will be
found upon examination that they
contain a voluminous amount of mat*
ter which is of no utility to- any citi
A comparison of the various produc
(ions w'll convince nnv intelligent
son that the “Century of Independence”
embraces the important documents to be
ound in them all while it omits that
which is superfluous and adds instead a
vast collecti in of invaluable facts. No
other arrangement gives one-fourth the
information in the same spaee and the
arrangement is what makes it inval
uable as a reference book, it having
been complied under the immediate
supervision of officials at Washing
r J he lawyer, banker, merchant and
farmer will each conclude that it must
have been prepared especially wi'h ref
fcrence to his convenience.
It is designated for this work to take
the place in politics that Webster’s Dic
tionary does in language, and Applet n s
Gazetteer in general literature. The
binding, paper anf. illustrations have
been made to compare with the general
haracter of the work.
Though a person can boa good citi
zen with* ut a thorough education, no
good citizen can enjoy the right of fran
chise intelligently without possessing the
information contained in this book.
While persons refuse to purchase or
dinary or expensive work-, all classes
will gladly avail themselves of the op.
port unity for obtaining a work so indis
pensable at so low a price.
Sold only by subscription.
Send for speed J circular and terms to
. S. L. Marrow,
may3 6m. Indianapolis, Ind.
J. 11. Arthur sells goods at prices
in accordance with the hard times. Try
£8 ’
Wlier Advertising Contracts can be made.
GEORGIA Cordon (Vim y.
mo all whom it may concern — H M.
1 Burkhalte** having in proper form ap
plied to me for permanent letters of
administration debonis non on the estate
of G H. Knight with the will annexed,
late of said county —
This is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of G. it
Knight to be and appear at my oflice
with n the time allowed by law and
show cause if any they can, why preui.-
anent letters of administration debonis
time with the will annexed should not
he granted to 11. M. Burkhalter on G.
11. Knight’s estate. This September
29 1876.
D. W. NEEL, Ord’y
BrafiMs Portable French Burr Mills,
Bolts, Smutters, Sc c.
PAMPHLETS furnished end estimates made. 1
910 Washington Ay©., ST. LOUIS,
PTPlease mention In what paper you read this.
yyE are costantly adding new material
ATi'l increasing our facilities for t) ,a cxoeu
tion of Job Printing of all kinds. We ait
now prepared to print, iu neat style on sn:> v
We guarantee satisfaction. Don’t send
your orders away to have them filled, w hen
you have an establishment at home that will
execute work neatly, and ut
Give your patronage tc the Times Jc mens
. 3mnomucmcnts.
Announcements of candidates published
from date of insertion to election day , for five
dollars, in advance.
We are authorized to announce the name
of R. C. MiZELL as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Gordon counly. first
.Monday in January, 1877
The friends of T. J NORTON announce
his name as a candidate for re-election to
the v. Alice of Ta> Collector of Gordon coun
We are authorized to announce the name
of \v. 11. C, LLOYD as a candidate for re*
election to the office of Tax Receiver of
Gordon county.
Mr. Editor : Having been urged by ma
ny of the best citizens of Gordon county to
allow the use of my name as a can Jiate
for Tax Receiver of Gordon county, I have
consented io become a candidate for that
office and pledge if elect'd a faithful dis
charge of the duties devolzent upon mo
WILLIAM J. WATTS is before the peo
ple of Gordon county as a candidate for
the office of Tax Receiver. Elecction, Jan
-1877. __
The friends of Col. E. J. KIKER respect
fully announce his name as a candidate for
Ordinary in the approaching election,-
J. H. McCOOLE mnounces his name as a
candidate before the people for the office oi
Ordinary in the earning elec ion. He is re
cognized bj all who know bin to be a man of
sound judgment., business capacity and up
rightness of life. If elected, he will fill
the office with honor to himself, and to the
general satisfaction to the people.
We are authorized to announce the name
of D. W. NEEL as a candidate for re-elec
tion to the office of Ordinary of Gordon
ounty at the coming election.
Mr. Editor: Please announce my name
as a candidate for Treasurer of Gordon
counly. J W, MARSHALL.
We are authorized to announce the name
of T. M. ELLIS as • candidate for the of
lice of County Treasurer at the coining
We are authorized to announce the name
of J. 11. ARTHUR as a Candida.c for re
election to the office of Treasurer of Gor
don coun*y.
We are authorized to announce the name
of Dr. W. J. REEVES as a candidate for
Treasurer or Gordon county.
We are authorized to announce tl e name
of B. F. HUDGI NS as a candidate for the
office oi Sheiilf of Gordon county.
We are authorized to announce the name
of CLEMENT ARNOLD as a candidate for
Sheriff:' of Gordon coun y.
"Tor clerk superior court.
We are authorized to announce the name
of J. R. CAN Til ZLL as a candidate for
Clerk of the Su erior Court of Gordon
county at the coming elect.on.
ge*tr gV(U’evtiscmcnts.
of you; own,.
Now is the Time to Secure It!
The best and cheapest lands in market are
:n Easiern Nebka ka, on the line of the
Union Pacific Eai.road. The most favor
able terms, very lowest rates of fare and
freight to all settlers. The best markets.
1 ree passes to land buyers, Maps, descrip
tive pamphle s, new edhion of “The Pio
neer” senr free everywhere. Address 0.
DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. 11.,
Omaha, Neb.
STAMMERING cured by Bates’ appliance:.
For description, &c., address sUhpson &
(Jo., Box 5076, N. V.
Proved by successful use throughout tne
country for over
the be t pu-gative and ami-bilious med cine.
Cure Constipation, Billiousness, Liver Conn
plaint, Malarial Fever , Rheumatism, and
ail kindred disorders.
l)r. Strong’s Pectoral stomach Pills
cure Coughs, Colds, Fever, Female Com
plaints, Sick ileadache, Dyspepsia, and all
derangements of the Stomach. Proprietors,
C. L. Mull & Cos., New Y'ork.
d* r T Trv a
ms?)D 10 $1 4 pies FREE. P. 0. VICK
ERY, .Augusta, Maine.
) V MAK 12 SSOO a month selling our
leUcr copying book. Any person unit has
a letter to write will buy it. No press or
water used. Send stamp for ciicular. Ex
cursion Cos., 17, Tribune Building,Chicago,
Wesleyan Female College,
MACON, c;.\.
The thirty-ninth annual session begins
Sept. 20th, 1876. The oldest Female Col
leg-' in the world. Location healthy. Cur.
riculum extended. A full corps of experi
enced teachers in every department. Ad
vantages— educational, social and religious,
unsurpassed For catalogues containing
full particulars, address Rev. NY. C. BASS,
D. D., President.
A complet list, numbering 8, 129, with
a GazetU r corrected to date, if all towns
and cities in which Newspapers are publish
ed ; hi t irical and stat stistical sketches of
the Great Newspaper Establishments ; illus
trated with numerous engravings of the
principal newspaper buildings. Book of
300 Pages, just issued. M illed. post paid,
to any address for 35c. Apply (inclosing
price) to Si peri ntf.xdent of tue Newspa
per Pavilion, Centennial Grouius, Philag
delphia, or American News Company, N. V
Every advertiser needs it.
GEORGIA Gordon County.
Abraham Greeson has applied for
exemtion of personalty and setting apart
and valua'iuu of' homestead. I A’ill pa*3
upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m on
the 14th day of Oct next at my office in
Caihoun. This Sept. 23, iB7G.
D. W. NEEL. Ord'y.
Watch-Maker & Jeweler,
CAL HO l r X, CA.
All styles of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr£
neatl," repaired and warranted.
“01<1 IteliiilUo •'
If ©we Sewing* Machine !
Points of Superiority.
Ease of operation and management.
iri range 6f work this macliie cannot be eq'utfllcJ. Will work equally w !1 oil thick
or thin foo<is, from gauze to heaviest beaver coatings, or even leather, without is equal
of nee’the, tension or thread. We Will warrant them to do this ! Oar tine woik change
to . ny. and ferir heavy work excels that of any other machine ,irt the wor.d.
The mac’hirfe mitte# the celebrated lock stiffeli (flic stitch invented by Mr. ITowc )al
on both sides. Tie tensions are positive for both upper and lower th read. The shut il
tension is u on fife’ thread as it leaves the shuttle, and not upon the bobbin, as in most
machines, nd t is tension is invariable, whethef fife bobbin be full or nearly empty. It
is obtained by turning a screw in the shuttle, arid cari be changed in a moment, without
taking out the work, breaking tlie thread or threading through holes.
What wc claim, in sribsfarice i;5, that this is an honest machine, and if put in your
family will do any and all of your work perfectly, will last a lifetime, is a willing and
ready servant, and is not subject ter FITS,
Persons who have tried all rir'a’cliincs are unanimous in declaring this to be the easiest
learned of any in the market In the n ajority of cases our customer? learn from the
instruction book without further aid.
If you are thinking of buying, anil are prejudiced in favor of any particular
machine, at least examine the “Tlqwc” before you purchase.
The llowe Sewing Machine Cos.,
Corne . Broad and Alabama Streets,
IL C. GARRISON, Supervising Agent,
aug‘26 lv. CARTERSYILLE, GA.
: FEARS! '
It roquiroa no XnstsnetioJM to ran it, It can net (jet out of order.
It Trill do every class sad kiaf. of v.cels*
It vrill oovr frem Elsm rape; l to Earners Leather.
It is as far ir. advance cf cUi-:r SeTTing adsclsiacs in tho jaagnitudo of
its superior 'mproveasats, as a Steam C &3? cscclls in. achievements
tho old fashisnod Stags Usach,
J?s?i©ss mad© to scai4 Os© Times,
Either for Cash or Credit.
/^Bi4temaitart^^bsu^ * > AGENTS WANTED.
miiKU ).i( n:\it\r i
Equal to .be best imported Portland Cement
Send for C ircular. Try tins before
buying elsewhere.
Refers by permission to Mr. A. J. West
President of Cherokee Company, Polk
county, Georgia, who lias built a splendid
dam across Cedar Creek, using this cemenl,
and pronouncing it the best he ever used.
Also refer co Messrs. Smitl , Son & Bro., J.
E. Veal, F. I. Stone. J. J. Cohen and Major
Tom Berry, Rome, Georgia, Major H. Bry
an, of Savannah, T. C. Douglas, Sunerin
tendent of Masonry, East River Bridge.
New York, Gen. Wm. Mcßae, Superintind
ent W. & A. Railroad, Capt. J. Post ell, C.
E. Address
G. 11. WARING, Kingston, Ga
ooii si y
Daily Commonwealth.
(i Sundays Excepted)
By the Coimnouwealth Publishing Cos,
An 1 is edited by Colonkt, Caii.iy W.
Styles, late of the Albany “News, with
effeient assist-nts.
The Oomnionwealtli gives the current
news of the city, State and elsewhere, mar
ket reports, and vigorou editorials on mu
nicipal, political, and general subjects.
The coming canvass, State aud National
will be closely watched and properly pre
sented, while the meetanical and agricul
tural interests of the State will not be neg
lected. It has a large and rapidly increas
ing circulation.
One month, 75 cents. Two months. 51.25
Four months, $2.00. One year, tjG.OO.
Printing, Binding and Killing o
every kind, done in the best style aud a
lowest prices.
CommoßWtalUi Publishing Cos.,
Atlanta, Georgia.
sewing Machine
For All Kinds of Work*.
is ? fast Winning favor in the household, as
shown by the rapidly increasing sales.
This New T'amily Machine is capa
ble of a range and variety of woi k such a
was once thought impossible to perform by
machinery. We claim and can show that
it is the cheapest, most beautiful, delicately
arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated,
and smoothly running of all the farfri? '
sewing machines. ii foiu'urknbte. not
only for the range and variety of its sew
ing, but ols'c for the variety and different'
kinds of texture, whim it Will se\V witu
equsl facility and perfection, using silk „
twist, linen, or cotton thread, fine or coarse,
making the inter elastic lock stitch, alike
on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus
beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn with
great strength and uniformity of stitch ,
and, in a moment, this willing and never
wearyirfg instrument rrtay be adjusted f i
lino Work ort gariza 6Y gossamer tissrie, < i
motitekirigi Of tarlatan, or ruffling, or al
most any other work which delicate fingers
have been known to perform.
Ours having long been the popular and
practical machines for manuficturiug pur
poses, some dealers, using *• the t ricks of
trade,” take advantage of this in trying to
persuade purchasers that our Family Ma
chine is not equal, for family sewing to our
Manufacturing Machines for manufacturing
purposes. But purchasers—and they are
apt to examine carefully before choosing—
have not been merely persuaded, but con
vinced that our new family machine embod
ie’s new and essential principles—simplicity
ot construction.; ease of operation; uni
formity of precise action at arty speed ; ca
pacity forr 1:1 ge and variety of Woik,’ fine
or coarse -leaving all rivals' behind it
Sewing Machine Sales 0f1874.
r.ic table of sewing machine sales for
1874 show that our sales for that year
amounted to 211,097 machines, being a
large increase over the sales of the previ
ous year. The table shows that, our sales
exceed those of any other company for the
period named, by the nrimber of 148 8c 2 1
machines, nearly
Three Times Those of anyothe Com
It may bo further stated that (he sales of
18id, as compared with the sale of i872,
show a relatively large increase beyond
the sales of other makers. For instance,
in 1872 we sold 4.1.000 more maclihios than
any other compan) whereas, in the
sales were
And in 1874 our si’ies were
145,802 Machines Mure Tlniti
Any Other Company.
The following is a correct report of the
sales of sewing machines made by the lead
ing companies during tlie past four years.
A careful examination of the figures will
show that the “SINGER” have largely in
creased each year, while on the contrary, a
corresponding decrease is shown in the sales
reported by all other companies. This is a
high’y satisfactory r suit to us, and is only
anot ler proof that ‘-merit always has its re
Sewing Machine Sales fur 1874.
Machines sold.
The Singer Manufacturing Cj 211,676
Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Cos. J'Jf'JJ
Hove Sewing Machine Cc., (estima
ted) 85,040
Domestic Sewing Machine C o 22,700
Grover & Baker Sewing Mach ir.e Cos.
(estimated; ... 0,00.4
Florence Sewing Machine Cos 5,515
Sccor Sewing Machine Go ...... ...... 4.541
Sales oj 1872.
mat liines sold,
The Singer manufacturing co
Wheeler & Wilson manufacturingco. 119.100
Domestic sewing machine co 40,114
Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 36,179
Howe machine co no returns.
Florence sewing machine co 8,960
Secor sewing machine co 4 } j j u
Sales of 18721
Machines sold
The Singer manufacturing co 219,758
Wheeler & Wilson manufacturing co. 174,088
Rowe machine co., (estimated) 145,000
Grover <S; Baker sewing machine co. 52.910
Domestic sewing machine co 49,554
Florence sewing machine co 15,793
Sales of 1871
Machines sold.
The Singer manufacturing < * .181,260
Wheeler & Wilson manufact ring cq.128,520
Grover & Baker sewing roo tone co, 50,538'
Howe machine co.(Jau. 1 t July 1.) 34,010
Florence sewing machine o- 15,948-
Domestic sewinp machine •; j, }
172 Broughton Si., Savannah, Ga.
C. S. BE \TT7, Agt.
'‘ • j
In Atlanta, Athene, Augusta, Macon, t_K
lumbus, and Thomasv.ide k Ga. Charle
ston and C jlumbia, S. C. Jacksonville*,
and Tallahassee, Florida.
Send your address to the abeveofh
ces for a catalogue of the celebrated Bazaar
Glove Fitting Pattern. They are the best;
thevheapest, and *he moat stylish patterns
in the market. ianl2-J’.